RSGU is the Russian State University for the Humanities. Department of Sociocultural Research

RSUH teachers sent a statement to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation with a request to investigate the facts of corruption in the university

In connection with the misuse of 156.2 million rubles revealed by the Accounts Chamber by the leadership of the Russian State Humanitarian University, the teaching staff of the university, which had previously sent a letter to V. Putin with a request to stop corruption in the university, sent a statement to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation with a request to investigate facts of corruption. gives the text of the appeal in full.

To the General Prosecutor's Office Russian Federation Chaika Yu.Ya.
To the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Bastrykin A.I.

From the teaching staff of the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH)

Dear Yuri Yakovlevich and Alexander Ivanovich,

The information that the Accounts Chamber discovered violations in connection with the misuse of 156.2 million rubles, as well as the abuse of authority in terms of disposing of property assigned to the university, only confirmed what the majority of the RSUH employees know about. Corruption flourishes at the university, which in many ways has become the reason that the university, which has almost 100 years of history, was included in the list of ineffective higher institutions Russia.

In response to the statements of the Accounts Chamber about the misuse of 156.2 million rubles, the leadership of the Russian State Humanitarian University claims that the money was used to increase the salaries of the teaching staff. But is this so, and to whom did this money go?

Many residents of the country could hear V. Putin's speech at a meeting with rectors of higher educational institutions in February 2012 on the need to increase the salary of the teaching staff of universities from September to a level not lower than the average for the region's economy. The state has allocated an additional 2.65 billion rubles to increase the funds for teachers' salaries. In many universities, the salary situation has changed, but at the Russian State Humanitarian University for ordinary teachers, it remains the same deplorable. The Minister of Education and Science D. Livanov pointed this out to the rector of the RSUH E. Pivovar at a meeting in November this year. It seems that the minister did not share the generosity of the university leadership, which established a bonus for ordinary teachers, depending on the position, from 2,000 to 3,700 rubles per month for October-December.

In total, there are 1900 teachers at the university, half of whom have their main place of work in another organization. The usual monthly salary of an ordinary teacher without deducting taxes is about 18 thousand rubles, a candidate of sciences for the position of an associate professor is about 29, a doctor of science for a position of a professor is 35. This is in all cases less than the average salary in Moscow of 45.6 thousand rubles.

From the information on the RSUH website and the speeches of the rector E. Pivovar, the teachers learned that the average salary in a university is 48.6 thousand rubles. But most teachers have never received such a tangible amount for their hard work. Where did it come from? The answer is quite simple: you just need to remember the popular wisdom about chicken - someone ate two, the other not one, in the end it turns out that everyone enjoyed one chicken. The situation is about the same in the university, only not every second person eats here, but at best every twentieth.

In 2011, the university spent 1,639.4 million rubles on wages and other payments. Even if we consider that 1000 people work full-time at the university and another 1000 part-time at half and a quarter of the rate, then each should have 1 million 93 thousand rubles a year or 91 thousand rubles a month. Consequently, if the monthly income of the bulk is less than 30 thousand, then the remaining two-thirds is received by someone else. Who could it be?

Probably, the one who holds a leading position in the university, although it is more correct to say the position, because few at the top are limited to one. The top three leaders in terms of the number of leading positions are as follows. 1st place - Nadezhda Ivanovna Arkhipova - Director of the Institute of Economics, Management and Law; Dean of the Faculty of Management; Head of the Department of Organizational Development; Head of the Department of State and municipal government... 2nd place - Alexander Petrovich Logunov - Dean of the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law; Head of the Department of Modern Russian History; Head of the Department of Culture, Peace and Democracy. 3rd place - Pavel Petrovich Shkarenkov - Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology; head of the department of history the ancient world; Director of the Educational and Scientific Center for Global Studies and Comparative Studies. The presence of two leadership positions is the norm for a university. It is the leading ones, since certain deans and heads of departments are still listed as professors in the departments of their friends. Almost everywhere there is a combination of the positions of the dean of the faculty and the head of one of the departments of the faculty. For all these positions, managers receive money. If we add to this number the positions in the leadership of dissertation councils and other structures, then the total number of positions will be appalling. The most amazing thing is that these people are not in the least ashamed of such a number of positions, but on the contrary they boast about it, speaking about their universal demand.

In addition to the desire to take as many grain positions as possible, nepotism is no less common at the RSUH. The record holder with a large margin here is the director-dean-head of the department-head of the department Arkhipova N.I. Her daughter, Krapchatova Irina Nikolaevna, is the head of the department of criminal law and procedure and the head of the forensic laboratory at the institute headed by her mother. And her husband, Krapchatov Alexander Ivanovich, is in charge of the laboratory of active teaching methods ( business games) at the mother-in-law institute. The functions of this subdivision are to service office equipment and purchase cartridges, which for all other institutes and faculties is carried out by specialized subdivisions of the university.

The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation on January 17, 2013 announced that the university exceeded the authority to dispose of the property assigned to the university. What is actually behind this "dry" wording?

Each student must have at least 13 square meters. meters of buildings, at RGGU less than 10 sq. meters. And this despite the fact that this indicator took into account all the premises available at the university. But most of the rooms are not intended for students at all. Students and teachers of the university are well aware of the conditions in which they have to study: small, stuffy, shabby rooms and basements. There is only one building in the university, and even then it is not completely given over to study - the 2nd. True, there are only 2 elevators in it and two-thirds of university students have classes, so you have to either go up to 8-9 floors on foot, or wait in line for an elevator for 20 minutes. The rest almost entirely consist of offices, offices of third-party firms, rooms and dormitories for strangers walking down the hallways in a towel after a shower. At the same time, management of all levels works in large, luxuriously decorated offices with spacious reception areas with several secretaries. The rector's apartments, for example, are decorated in a classical style like in the best palaces in the world and reach several hundred meters. At the same time, teachers, together with graduate students and graduate students, mixed with laboratory assistants and methodologists, huddle in small rooms-departments and corridors. This is at a cursory glance of the RSUH. It's a shame, but a university with unique roots and history is not very much of itself today.

We ask law enforcement agencies to respond to the situation in the RSUH that threatens the entire system Russian education... We ask that employees noticed on the facts of corruption should be suspended from work, and criminal cases should be opened on the facts of corruption, which must be brought to an end. We note that even the documented crimes during the corrupt recruitment of students to the university or the financial and economic activities of the institute have not been investigated, and the perpetrators have not yet been punished. Education is the only thing that can pull Russia out of the abyss. The future of every person in our country depends on whether Russia will have a chance to preserve and increase its educational potential.

Staff and teachers of the RSUH

Information about the university

Russian state Humanities University(RGGU) - Moscow university, organized on the basis of the Moscow Historical Archives Institute at the junction of two eras: Soviet and new Russian. This is a fairly young university with almost century-old teaching traditions: the Institute of Archival Studies, which became its historical predecessor, was founded back in 1930. For decades MIAI has been preparing highly qualified historians and archivists, many of whom have become the pride of Russian science.

University - the first innovative project liberal education in Russia: new teaching methods are used here, new approaches to scientific work widely implemented in educational process information Technology.

The University is a huge educational and scientific complex, which includes many faculties, departments and scientific centers... The research-type university - RGGU - is constantly improving its scientific and educational-methodological base, involving not only teachers and graduate students, but also students in scientific work.

Students are trained in 22 specialties in 12 areas of training, which include: historical and archival studies, oriental studies, international relations, religious studies, cultural studies, history, social anthropology, political science, public relations, records management, museology, art history, management, journalism, world economy, philology, philosophy, intellectual systems, psychology.

More than 10,000 students study at the Russian State University for the Humanities. Another 20,000 students are educated in the branches. The teaching staff includes over 600 faculty members working at the university, as well as approximately 200 part-time employees. Qualitative characteristics of the staff of teachers: over 70 academicians, as well as corresponding members of academies, both domestic and foreign; over 200 doctors of sciences and professors, more than 500 candidates of sciences and associate professors. The university covers all levels of education: from pre-university and secondary vocational, to postgraduate and doctoral studies.

The rector of the university is E.I. Pivovar - famous scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, doctor historical sciences, a specialist of the highest class in the field of historiography, theory of history, national history XX century.

The scientific library of the university is the richest collection of unique funds: over 1 million books, from the latest scientific research to archived data. An excellent library base for learning is organically complemented by the widespread use of the latest information technologies: computer and multicomplex classes work with innovative equipment, media library.

The visiting card of the RSUH is the Museum Center, which embodied the idea of ​​a museum as an educational institution.

The international activity of the university is quite active: about 1000 students and employees take part in international exchange programs every year; higher education institution is active in international programs and projects in the field of humanitarian education; holds international conferences and other events with the participation of representatives of foreign countries. The university fully meets the modern requirements put forward for educational standards, and follows the path of integration into the international educational space.

Among Russian universities in terms of quality higher education and the level of science, RGGU occupies a high position in the ranking (third place among the humanitarian higher educational institutions of Russia). The University is recognized as a leading Russian scientific center in the field of social sciences and humanities. A wide network of branches of the university covers the whole country, working on the principles of distance learning.

According to students' reviews, a comfortable environment has been created in the university dormitories, which ensures a high quality of student life and provides excellent opportunities for self-study. An interesting student life is provided by a wide range of cultural events, circles, sections and electives, among which each student can choose the direction that will help him to reveal himself as creative personality... The best students receive personal scholarships, which provide an excellent incentive for study, research and social life.

The Russian State University for the Humanities includes ten educational and scientific institutes:

  • economics, management and law;
  • historical and archival;
  • psychology;
  • linguistics;
  • mass media;
  • philology and history;
  • information sciences and security technologies;
  • new educational technologies;
  • oriental cultures and antiquity;
  • Russian anthropological school.

Each applicant has the opportunity to master exactly that direction of the humanities, which will correspond to the sphere of his interests as much as possible.

All educational levels operate at the university: bachelor's, master's and specialties are open. The RSUH diploma provides ample employment opportunities for its graduates, since the specialists trained at the university are highly qualified and have an excellent quality of practical training.

The Humanitarian College of the Russian State University for the Humanities represents the pre-university level of training, integrated into the general system of obtaining higher education. College students get the opportunity to continue their further education directly within the walls of the university in related programs of higher professional education.

A wide range of forms of education used at the RSUH allows us to cover various categories of students:

  • full-time education (for students who can fully devote themselves to study);
  • correspondence course (for working students);
  • part-time education (for employed categories of students);
  • external studies;
  • distance learning (for students living in other cities of the Russian Federation);
  • evening form of study (for working students);
  • additional professional education.

High quality educational services allow students to get all the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills, regardless of the chosen form of study. The Russian State University for the Humanities has created unique conditions for the training of highly qualified specialists in various fields of the humanities who have a comprehensive education and are in demand on the Russian labor market.

From the Vygotsky Institute of Psychology, which is part of the Russian State Humanitarian University, 13 teachers left at once. The mass dismissal was reported earlier, but the exact number of teachers who left the Institute became known only now.

Doctor medical sciences, former lecturer at the Vygotsky Institute of Psychology, which is part of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Andrey Zhilyaev in an interview NSN told why he decided to leave the university, as well as about the conflict between the Institute and the leadership of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

- Please tell us why you decided to leave?

- I was not squeezed openly, but I would have left anyway, because I had been planning a transition to another job for a long time, it just happened that the time coincided. But I was ready to stay at the institute part-time, not to break studying proccess and finish reading the courses in the foreseeable future, and bring students who write their diploma and term papers to the defense. In addition, no one else reads the subjects that I read at the institute. In this regard, I wrote a statement about my readiness to remain part-time. It was affixed with the rector's visa "I object". I made no more attempts to stay at the RSUH in any capacity. I'll make a reservation right away, I have no personal grudge against the leadership. I'm just wondering how they will solve this problem.

- Why did so many teachers leave the Institute at once?

- Now an attempt is being made there to reduce the Institute of Psychology to the level of a university-wide department, that is, to practically liquidate it. This is very strange, because the Institute brought in a stable income and had good international connections. That is, the administration has no objective reasons for liquidation. We asked to provide us with figures for conducting an internal financial audit, but received an ultimatum denial. In addition, the administration did not approve the academic council of the institute. It existed for 15 years, for the last 10 years - in an almost unchanged composition of the leading professors, but suddenly, as they say, without a declaration of war, it is not approved. And the Academic Council is the governing body of the institute. The work of the dissertation council, which operates on the basis of the institute, also began to slow down - its work was suspended almost without explanation. The persons from the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science, who are in theory responsible for this council, learned about this with surprise. In addition, at the institute to the beginning school year there were no approved labor contracts, and there was no timetable with load hours.

Last year for a similar situation, which arose solely due to the physical absence on the part of the administration of those people who could sign the documents, Kravtsova and I ( Director of the Vygotsky Institute of Psychology - NSN) received by comment. This year, everything was repeated in an even more neglected version. In fact, it turns out that all work at the Institute - educational, research, administrative - meets some strange obstacles from the administration. Unreasonably, the workload was cut - there was a completely ridiculous idea to combine the same, in their opinion, cycles in different departments. But under the same names completely different courses are contained, and different materials are prepared for them. Clinical psychology for social workers and for clinics they are essentially different subjects, teachers talk about different things. And in the eyes of the administration, this was an unreasonable doubling of the load. Moreover, we do not have uncertified workplaces, all the time there are problems with classrooms. And if you unite the departments? There will be people in the same lecture room who perceive information in completely different ways - this is the same as combining Physics and Mathematics and Physics and Technology. It seems that the names are similar, but the essence is different in many respects.

- Did all these difficulties arise at the beginning of the school year, or have they been accumulating for a long time?

- For a long time. The teachers held out as long as they could, because we were all a good and reliable team led by a very serious specialist - Elena Kravtsova. She assembled this Institute practically from scratch, and suddenly began to be subjected to some strange pressure from the leadership of the Russian State Humanitarian University. For example, this year in psychology is the year of Vygotsky, and she is his granddaughter. And she was not even invited to the organizing committee of the conference, which was planned by the Russian State Humanitarian University without the participation of the Institute, although for the previous 13 or 14 years in a row it was we who organized such events. I asked the rector a question about this, but did not receive a clear answer.

- Not so long ago it became known that the teachers of the Institute are not paid vacation pay. This is true?

- Yes, these difficulties have arisen for the second year already, although there are no prerequisites. We have many students, so-called paysites, and the entire budget of the Institute is well-planned. But we were not paid vacation pay - for the second year in a row. Last year, three days before the vacation, we were informed that there would be no vacation pay - can you imagine how many people had their plans ruined? In addition, vacation pay is stipulated by law.

- Did any of the teaching staff stay at the Institute at all? For what reasons do you think?

- I am not in favor of somehow representing those who remained as collaborators. Everyone should make the decision for himself. Having already left the Institute, I can say that this situation seems humiliating to me personally. Well, all the teachers who left are the heads of the directions, but remained to work - not fully realized undercoat. These are people who considered it possible for themselves to receive preferences against the background of the current situation. I am afraid, however, that their aspirations will not come true, because the rector has another team that suits him better. That is, the rector's team will take the place of the resigned top management of the Institute. In fact, we are dealing with a raider takeover - an attempt to take control of a successful institution. I don't know who is responsible for this, but the diagram looks very familiar.


05 Novoslobodskaya 09 Mendeleevskaya 05 Belarusian

02 Belarusian

Russian State Humanitarian University(RGGU) is one of the leading humanitarian universities in Russia in the field of humanitarian and social areas, higher education institution v Moscow.

History [ | ]

Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH) was organized in March 1991 year on the base .

Another component that joined the RSUH was Shanyavsky Moscow City People's University- one of the most progressive pre-revolutionary higher educational institutions, open to people of all classes and genders (existed from 1919 years). From to 1932 year Shanyavsky University was reorganized into " YM Sverdlov Communist University". From to 1939 year the same university was renamed the Higher Communist Agricultural University, from 1991 year bore the name Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Thus, as the main new university occupied the historical building of Shanyavsky University on Miusskaya Square, becoming the successor of the Higher Party School. The building of the Historical and Archival Institute on Nikolskaya Street also became an equal part of the territorial structure of the university.

In the mid-2010s, it turned out that a "hole" of 238 million rubles had formed in the university's budget, in connection with which the number of teaching staff began to decline. September 16, 2016 from the Institute of Psychology 12 employees massively resigned because of the plans of the new rector of the university Evgeniya Ivakhnenko optimize staff and increase the workload of teachers. At the university, the practice of introducing annual contracts with teachers has spread, and the workload on the teacher's pay has reached 900 hours per year (and 600 hours extracurricular work) .

Since September 2017, the post of acting rector who replaced E.N. Ivakhnenko, occupies A. B. Bezborodov, who took a course to improve the position of the university in the ranking of higher educational institutions in Russia. The ubiquitous practice of one-year contracts with teachers was abolished, and the workload on the teaching staff was reduced. By the order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in September 2018, he was appointed Rector of the Russian State Humanitarian University.

In 2018 according to the rating RAEX RGGU entered the top 10 universities in the field of "Humanities and Social Areas". One of the criteria was the cooperation of universities with the world's leading educational organizations, in this area RGGU has demonstrated a confident leading position.

Education [ | ]

RGGU conducts training of students in 39 professional educational programs bachelor's degree and 28 areas of magistracy, including: records management and archival science, international relationships , oriental studies and African studies , cultural studies , religious studies , history , sociology , political science , art history , museology , management , tourism, advertising and public relations, economy , philosophy , philology , psychology, intelligent systems in the humanitarian sphere, journalism and many others.

More than 15 thousand students study at the RSUH. The teaching staff of the university has more than 600 full-time teachers and about 200 part-time employees, specialists from RAS institutions, Moscow universities and others scientific institutions both domestic and invited specialists from abroad. More than 70 people work at RGGU academicians and Corresponding Members Russian and foreign academies, more than 200 professors and doctors, over 500 candidates of sciences.

In addition, there are 3 university-wide faculties (sociological, philosophical, art history), 7 university-wide departments, 8 university-wide educational and scientific and scientific centers, 17 international educational and scientific centers.

The Institute also operates at the Russian State University for the Humanities additional education, College of the Humanities, an educational art museum co-founded with State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin , scientific Library, a center for acquisition of libraries of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation with foreign literature, a center for the preservation of documents of libraries of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Historical and Archival Institute

Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities (IAI RSUH) is a structural unit within the Russian State Humanitarian University, the legal successor of the Moscow Historical and Archival Institute ( MGIAI) based in 1930 year... Director - Dr. East sciences, professor A. B. Bezborodov... The institute includes: the Faculty of Archives; Faculty of Documentation and Technotronic Archives; Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities, including the Mesoamerican Educational and Scientific Center. Yu. V. Knorozova; Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies, graduate School records management and archival science.

Institute of Economics, Management and Law

Main article:

Institute of Information Science and Security Technologies

Consists of faculty information systems and security (FISB).

Institute of Philology and History

The institute includes: Faculty of History and Philology; Department of Translation Studies and Translation Practice; Department of Literature, Theater and Cinema.

Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity

The institute includes: Center for Comparative Study of Eastern and Western Cultures; Center for Comparative Studies; Center for Antiquity; Center for Eastern and Hellenistic Archeology; Center for Ancient Eastern Studies; Memorial office-library of the academician B. N. Toporova; as well as 5 departments.

Institute of New Educational Technologies

The institute includes: Educational and scientific center for the development of information and educational projects; Educational and Scientific Center for Advanced Media Technologies; Center for network broadcasting, service and information support for a complex of multimedia classes; educational and scientific laboratory of developing technologies; system integration laboratory educational space; laboratory for problems of informatics, mechatronics and sensing; laboratory of technical teaching aids.

Russian anthropological school

Educational and Scientific Institute "Russian Anthropological School" was founded in 2003 year on the basis of the seminar "Cognitive problems of anthropology". RASH - the stage of implementation of the academician's plan Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov create an educational and scientific structure that integrates different humanitarian sciences and related disciplines of logical-mathematical and biological knowledge.

Department of Sociocultural Research

Created in 2013, the head of the department is Galina Ivanovna Zvereva. The department includes the Department of History and Theory of Culture, an educational and scientific center for sociocultural projects and a school of non-formal humanitarian education "Cultural Dimension". Preparation of bachelors in the areas of "Culture of Russia", "Culture of Europe", "Culture of Mass Communications", as well as masters in the programs "Culture of Media" and "Cultural Studies of the XX century." Among the teachers of OSKI are O. V. Gavrishina, K. Yu. Erusalimsky, I. V. Kondakov, O. V. Moroz, E. I. Nesterova, A. A. Oleinikov, E. E. Savitsky, I. G. Yakovenko. OSKI holds annually in mid-April the conference “ Modern methods study of culture ".

University-wide faculties

University departments

  • Department of Post-Soviet Abroad Countries
  • Department of History of Science
  • Department foreign languages
  • Department of Applied Foreign Languages ​​"International Specializations"
  • Department of Physical Education
  • Civil Defense Group
University-wide educational, scientific and scientific centers
  • Center for the Study of Religions
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Social Anthropology
  • Center “Society of Historians of Russian Philosophy named after V. V. Zenkovsky "
  • Center for the Study of the Culture of the Peoples of Siberia
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Visual Anthropology and Egohistory
  • Scientific and educational center for cognitive programs and technologies
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Typology and Semiotics of Folklore
  • Educational and Scientific Institute of Russian History
International educational and research centers Branches

Rectors [ | ]

Graduates [ | ]

RGGU is a partner of the program "Russian Intellectual Resources", therefore, every year the university graduates a large number of graduates who then go to work in leading Russian and foreign companies, as well as in public administration... Among the graduates of the Russian State University for the Humanities, one can single out such famous personalities as: Tina Kandelaki , Maksim Galkin , Andrei Malakhov , Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC) , Dmitry Borisov, Lyudmila Alyabyeva, Petr Osipov, Yuri Lander, Alexander Malkin, David Belozerov and others.

Criticism [ | ]

Dissertation Council for economic theory at RGGU is repeatedly mentioned in investigations “ Dissernet"About" plagiarism in scientific work ":" Our beloved expert council- on economic theory. Here are some of his experts. Scientific secretary of this ES, director of the Institute of Economics and Law of the Russian State Humanitarian University Nadezhda Ivanovna Arkhipova - member of the dissertation council No. 212.198.01. Only on our server there are 54 fake dissertations defended in this dissertation council. Nadezhda Ivanovna herself took part in the “multicolored” defense of the applicant Yu. V. Musarsky and associate professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University L. I. Badrenkova. " According to Dissernet's estimates, 50 fake defenses took place in this dissertation council.

In 2014, the RSUH hosted round table on the problems of plagiarism in science. According to the report Sergey Parkhomenko, in the dissertation council D 212.198.01 on economic sciences at the Russian State University for the Humanities there was a “factory of dissertations of professor Fyodor Sterlikov”, which produced dissertations containing plagiarism. Among the plagiarists, the report also mentioned the head of the Department of Marketing and Advertising of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Professor D. A. Shevchenko... An anti-plagiarism commission was created at the university, considering the dissertations of former and current employees of the Russian State Humanitarian University, which was liquidated under the rector, Evgeny Ivakhnenko.

In May 2015, the teachers of the RSUH wrote an open letter to the rector E.I. The letter also criticizes the lack of moral condemnation and the necessary administrative reaction on theses defended at the Russian State Humanitarian University, containing massive plagiarism. In total, the letter was signed by 105 people, including 74 researchers from the Russian State Humanitarian University and 3 Academician of RAS... The meeting of teachers with the rector on May 27 ended with the rector's refusal to answer the teachers' questions and his early departure from the meeting.

Nikolay Belov, who worked with former rector Yuri Afanasyev from 1988 to his last day, including many years as an assistant to the rector, sharply criticizes the current leadership of the university. According to him, the university has turned into a loose conglomerate of structures, the library exists for some unknown reason, and the first-class publishing house has been destroyed. Teachers' salaries are delayed, which was not even "in the dashing nineties." According to the new Charter, the elections turned into "an outright farce": the Academic Council, which elects the rector, actually forms the current and. O. rector. Belov also notes that the Charter of the university could only be changed by the RSUH Conference, which did not exist. Since the Charter was nevertheless changed, this fact falls under Article 292 of the Criminal Code ("Official forgery").

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