Sample writing characteristic on the middle student state. Sample Writing Student Characteristics


Pupil (graduate) "" class MOU "High School No."

Full name

Ivanov Ivan, ( date of Birth ) G., living at: (home address ), studied at school number with1 Class. Proven to be like (diligent, disciplined, hardworking, attentive student ). During the study showed (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory ) Knowledge of software ( name ) subjects. Has the ability to study (name, humanitarian, accurate ) items. Learns ( in full measure of his forces, not to fully measure his strength, needs constant control, does not show interest to study, learns a bad , with more efforts he could only learn on "good" and "excellent") . Has arbitrary (visual, auditory, mechanical, mixed ) Memory, ( beautiful, good, fast, slowly) works (remembers the training material) . Detects ( logical, figurative, concrete, creative) thinking. Horizon (wide narrow ) speech ( developed, poorly developed ). On the lessons always (attentive, active, indifferent, performs homework, helps comrades ). It has general development. Reads a lot. Interested in getting new knowledge from different regions Science and culture.

It is related to the execution of public orders (conscientiously, carefully, casually ). Was elected ( point public position ). Actively participated (in the public life of the school, class, in work student self-government, in cultivated events, in sports life) . Was a member (school, urban, regional) Olympiad / Competition / Tournament, awarded (diploma, certificate certificate, medal ). Rules of behavior (always consciously performs, does not always perform, performs at the request of the teacher, ignores, has a violation of the discipline, inclined to illegal behavior) .

The state of health is good, the young man loves physical education and sports. Does (kind of sport ). Neat, contains its things in perfect order.

Character ( modest, cheerful, disciplined, dedicated, reasonable, disciplined, independent, succumb to others , impulsive , sociable, friendly, responsive, nonsense, cheerful. Constantly revived, very active). Enjoy ( respect among teachers). It has (many friends, supports friendly relationships with many, has a wide range of friends and acquaintances. Always willingly comes into contact with people. Enjoy the authority with friends and classmates).

Leads a healthy lifestyle. Harmful habits have no. (Curious, apathetic, emotionally vividly reacts to life phenomena) . In judgment ( independent, not independent, is subject to someone else's influence ). (Exhibits, does not show care towards familiar and unfamiliar people, indifferent to others, tries to anyone to assist and support ). Always ( with attention, indifferent ) Listens to fair criticism,persistent in correcting their own flaws. Truthful in relation to their parents, teachers, comrades. All his actions and words indicate respect for other people. .

Brought up in (full family where all the conditions for study and recreation are created, incomplete family, with one mother ). Parents pay appropriate attention to the education of the Son (do not pay attention, neglect the upbringing, badly affect).


MOU "High School No."

Classroom teacher

Characteristics on students (sample)

N ..... m .... g ...
2000 born
Students 9 grade GBOU "Medvezhanskaya Oosh"

M. He studied at this school from grade 1. For all the time of study, she showed himself a capable and prospective student. Knowledge M. at a sufficient level. It applies to study with interest and sense of responsibility, actively participates in the course of the lesson. Loves Russian, biology. It has a tendency to humanitarian disciplines. The girl is organized, neat. Oral I. written speech, memory, imagination is well developed. Knows how to think logically. The pace of mastering new knowledge is sufficient. There are no pronounced abilities, developed comprehensively.
Main traits character: activity, confidence, responsiveness, goodwill, ability to empathize, accuracy, sociability.
M. participates in all out of cool events, socially useful affairs. It does not remain indifferent to everything that happens in class and school.
In the class to M. refer to sympathy and respect. The progress and failures of the team transferred their personal. With teachers and senior polite and tactical.
Parents were interested in learning her daughter and responsibly belonged to her family upbringing.
Classroom teacher


D ... and ... o ...
2000 born

A. He studied at this school from grade 1. During the study, she showed himself as not a diligent but capable, sociable student. He studied not to fully measure his strength. Memory is well developed. Attention is resistant. The lessons were preparing not systematically. Did not show interest in learning, although he had a tendency to subjects natural Sciences. Speech is developed, expressive, thoughts expresses clearly. Conducts logically to think, analyze, make the right conclusions.
Such traits are prevailing: optimistic, justice, incontinence, a tendency to independence. Participated in the public life of the class. The instructions were not always conscientious.
Larger attention to the upbringing of A. paid a great-grandmother. She regularly attended school and was interested in his performance.
Classroom teacher
Director of GBOU "Medvezhanskaya Oosh"


With ... and ... and ...
2000 born
Student 9 Class GBOU "Medvezhanskaya Oosh"

A. He studied at this school from grade 1. During the training, it showed itself as a diligent, disciplined, capable, active, sociable student. He studied in full measure of his strength. Memory is well developed. Attention is resistant. The lessons were preparing systematically. Had a tendency to subjects exact Sciences. Speech is developed, expressive, thoughts expresses clearly. Conducts logically to think, analyze, make the right conclusions.
Such traits are predominant: justice, tactfulness, responsiveness. Always had his point of view. The classroom enjoyed authority among students. Participated in public life class and school. The orders were always conscientious.
Parents were interested in learning the Son and responsibly belonged to his family upbringing.
Classroom teacher
Director of GBOU "Medvezhanskaya Oosh"


FULL NAME, _______ G.R.,

Mother - FULL NAME, place of work, position. Brought up in a complete family. Brothers and sisters do not have.

Throughout training has established itself as a student with medium abilities. Disciplined, in lessons active. Easily absorbs new Material, establishes causal relationships and relationships, but does not always quickly find ways to solve, knows how to analyze, compare, summarize, make independent conclusions. Knowledge in the lessons gets consciously and systematically. Of particular interest is shown to the study of the objects of the humanitarian cycle. According to the results of 2015-2016 school year Translated into 11 class with average estimates.

Natalia does not like to be the center of attention. The public life of the class participates due to their capabilities, is a member of the editorial board. It has creative thinking.

The instructions of the class teacher performs in good faith.

It is distinguished by benevolence, hard work, high performance, curiosity, desire for self-development and self-improvement. Heat, neat.

Free time Rolling on a skateboard, reads books, draws.

Cool leader: xxx


on the learning ___ class mob ___________

FULL NAME, _______ G.R.,

residing at: ____________

Orphan, guardian is the native grandmother, native brothers and sisters has no.

Guardian - Xxxxx, pensioner. Xxxxxxx always shows interest in the school success of the grandson, regularly visits parental meetings and immediately responds to a challenge to school, part of the classroom.

Plato has proven itself as a student with weak abilities. Special difficulties at Plato cause Russian english, algebra and start analysis, geometry. It is very conscientious to classes at school, the lessons never misses the lessons, seeks to fulfill all the requirements and recommendations of teachers. Participation in labor orders does not require control by adults. According to the results of 2015-2016, the school year has been translated into 11 class with average estimates. Adults always react to adequately, in conflict cases with teachers and students are not selected.

Relationship with classmates even. Plato prefers to communicate with adults, motivating this by the fact that he is not interested in the topics discussed by peers. Therefore, in relations with peers tries to defend their opinion.

Plato reluctantly takes an active part in the public life of the class, but often manifests the initiative in the discussion of the scenario and in the preparation of details. I am experiencing for the success of classmates and class.

For adults, Plato refers respectful, instructions perform in good faith.

The student is neat, careful. The appearance is an example for its peers.

Registration does not consist.

Cool leader: xxx


on the learning ___ class mob ___________

FULL NAME, _______ G.R.,

residing at: ____________

FI enroll in MOBU ___________ with the date G in ___ class. Previously studied in Mobu _____________.

Father - FULL NAME, place of work, position.

Denis grew up in a full family with two children (Sister 2013).

Physical I. psychological development Loading behind the peers. The main share of Denis's friends younger than two years. Training skills medium, humanitarian orientation. Mathematical abilities Does not possess. According to the results of 2015-2016, the school year has been translated into 11 class with average estimates. In conflict situations not noticed. The comments react adequately.

In public life and schools of active participation does not accept. Organizational abilities do not possess. The team plays the role of "slave." In communication, Denis is calm, society, a little passive, lazy. A sense of responsibility is developed, it is trying to fulfill its part of the work on time. Independent. Creatible to show empathy. By the nature of the house.

Free time plays in the yard football, watching TV, looks after the younger sister.

Registration does not consist.

Cool leader: xxx


on the learning ___ class mob ___________

FULL NAME, _______ G.R.,

residing at: ____________

Fi enrolled in Mobu ___________ with the date G in ___ class. Previously studied in Mobu _____________.

The family in which Alina is raised, incomplete. Father with mother divorced.

Mother - FULL NAME, place of work, position. In the family two children. Father in raising children does not participate. Household conditions in which the girl lives satisfactory.

It has medium mental abilities. To study relates mediocre. Alina is often distracted in the lessons, dismisses the discipline. The comments of teachers do not respond properly or responds to rudeness. Very often misses the lessons without valid reasons.

Does not manifest initiatives in social activities. Often refused to participate in public affairs, always tries to evade any work.

He has a solid, volitional character, the desire for leadership dominates, the desire to show itself not from the best side. It has increased emotional excitability, slope to stormy emotional manifestations. Always cutting, unbecable both in communicating with peers and older. Returns any criticism.

In the class, the credibility does not use with peers sociable, easily makes new acquaintances. Alina's mother cannot affect the daughter. Pedagogical action measures have only a temporary result.

It consists in accounting CDN, PD. Free time walks with friends in the microdistrict. Engaged in the boxing section. He has a desire for unlawful actions.

Cool leader: xxx


on the learning ___ class mob ___________

FULL NAME, _______ G.R.,

residing at: ____________

FI enroll in MOBU ___________ with the date G in ___ class. Previously studied in Mobu _____________.

Leonid lives in a not full family.Mother - FULL NAME, place of work, position.

Father died in March 2016. Leonid has a sister FULL NAME, 2006g.r. (Temporarily lives in the village. XXXX). Relations in the family to the death of the father were tense, despotic - from the side of the Father. Recently, the family relationship is adjusted, Leonid has become more open and optimistic.

During his studies, Leonid showed itself as a student with average abilities, misses occupations without a good reason. Physical I. mental development corresponds to age. Works in humanitarian lessons, the motivation to other subjects does not exhibit. There are no friends among classmates. At school held separately. In the walls of the school in conflict situations was not seen. The comments of adults reacted not always adequately.

Leonid positions itself as a special person who has its opinion about everything, is characterized by the criticality of thinking. Presents itself to the subculture "Decor". According to the nature of Leonid, good, but quick-tempered, unbalanced. In society is an observer. In his spare time spends on computer games, it basks the music group, writes poems to the songs, engaged in vocals.

It consists in accounting in PDN with _____ for antisocial behavior, as well as in psychiatric hospitals for trying suicide.

Cool leader xxx


on the learning ___ class mob ___________

FULL NAME, _______ G.R.,

residing at: ____________

FI enroll in MOBU ___________ with the date G in ___ class. Previously studied in Mobu _____________.

Artem for five years has brought up in the XXX kindergarten, at this time is under the guardianship -Full name, place of work, position.

During the training, Artem showed himself as a student with mediocre knowledge. Study skills are not formed in sufficient extent to continue learning. It works only in the lessons of the basics of law, history and social studies, motivation to other subjects is reduced. According to the results of 2015-2016, the school year is left for re-learning. Maybe to miss classes without a valid reason. Not always adequately to adult comments, there were cases of conflict with teachers. In public life and schools of active participation does not accept.

Artem in character is invested, emotionally unreasonable in decisions categorical. Persisted with peers, moved. Easily makes new acquaintances among peers. In difficult situations, impulsiveness is possible, aggressiveness that are protected. In communication with adults closed, does not go to contact.

Convicted XXXXX Conditionally Article 162 part 2.

It consists in accounting in PDN, UI OP-1.

Cool leader: xxx


on the learning ___ class mob ___________

FULL NAME, _______ G.R.,

residing at: ____________

Fi enrolled in Mobu ___________ with the date G in ___ class. Previously studied in Mobu _____________.

Mother - FULL NAME, place of work, position. Christina is brought up in a large incomplete family. In addition to Christina in a family of 3 minors (Ilya - 2004g.r., Ivasnes - 2008, Albert- 2013g.).

Throughout training has established itself as a student with medium abilities. Disciplined, in lessons active. Easily absorbs the new material, establishes causal relationships and relationships, but it does not always quickly find a solution to the solution, knows how to analyze, compare, summarize, make independent conclusions. Maybe to miss classes without a valid reason. According to the results of 2015-2016, the school year has been translated into grade 11.

Physical and mental development corresponds to age.

Christina does not take an active part in the public life of the class. Relations with classmates are smooth, in society is being held apart.

Christina adults is respectful, adequately reacts for comments.

It has a calm, balanced character. Slope to deception. Heat, neat. It has creative deposits. Interested in art, loves to draw and make the various crafts.

It consists in accounting in KDN for systematic passages. During the training of violations of the Charter of the school and comments on the part of the teachers did not receive.

Cool leader: xxx


on the learning ___ class mob ___________

FULL NAME, _______ G.R.,

residing at: ____________

Fi enrolled in Mobu ___________ with the date G in ___ class. Previously studied in Mobu _____________.

Mother - Full name, place of work, position. Family not complete, 2 children (brother 2010).

Anna has a son (Georgiy 2015g.r.) Lives with the father of a child in a civil marriage. With the role of mother and wife, she successfully copes, the depressive states were not observed. The house is clean and cozy, the child is well maintained.

Throughout training has established itself as a student with abilities above average. Disciplined, in lessons active. Easily absorbs new material. Well developed logical thinking and speech. Knowledge in the lessons gets consciously and systematically. According to the results of 2015-2016, the school year has been translated into 11th grade mainly evaluating "good".

Anna is trying to take an active part in the public life of the class, Anna is trying to take an active part in public life and educational and educational events conducted in the classroom and at school.

Anna always follows the rules of "good tone" in relationship with peers and adults. The instructions of the class teacher performs in good faith, the comments react adequately.

Anna in communicating friendly and responsive, with classmates supports friendships. It has a calm, balanced character. Heat, neat. Aware of the role of a healthy lifestyle. Prefers a healthy lifestyle, spends in his free time with her son. Anna has no desire for unlawful actions, it is distinguished by stable balanced behavior and the ability to compromise when solving problems and in conflict situations.

Registration does not consist. During the training of violations of the Charter of the school and comments on the part of the teachers did not receive.

Cool leader: xxx


on the learning ___ class mob ___________

FULL NAME, _______ G.R.,

residing at: ____________

Fi enrolled in Mobu ___________ with the date G in ___ class. Previously studied in Mobu _____________.

Mother - Full name, place of work, position. The family is not complete, large, low-income. Alia Senior Child in the family, by her in her family, Lena 1998g.r., Danil 2000g.r., Egor 2002g., Anna 2013G.R. Alia has a daughter (Alice 2014g.r.). With the role of the mother copes successfully, the depressive states were not observed. The house is clean and cozy, the child is well maintained. The family lives in 1 room partially well-maintained apartment. Relationships in the family are sustainable, favorable. Mother adhere to the democratic style of education based on trust, responsibility and mutual understanding.

Throughout training has established itself as a student with abilities above average. Easily absorbs new material. Well developed logical thinking and speech. It has a tendency to mathematics and languages. Knowledge in the lessons gets consciously and systematically. According to the results of 2015-2016, the school year was transferred to the 11th grade mainly "well" and "excellent".

Alia is actively involved in public life and school life. It is distinguished by initiative and responsibility in the execution of orders, hard work. For Aliya, high organized, accuracy, neatness, careful attitude towards their things and other strangers. It refers to criticism quite calmly, listening to all comments, but expresses its opinion in disagreement in a calm form. She has a motivation for success, refers to failures with understanding, analyzing the reasons, making plans for new actions ..

IN interpersonal relationship For Aliya, sociability, politeness and tacty are characteristic. In communication immediately, sincerely applies to others, but restrained in emotional manifestations. In relations with peers manifests respect and tolerance. Non-conflict, arising problems in communication solves on the basis of a compromise. With respect, refers to teachers ..

During the training of violations of the Charter of the school and comments on the part of the teachers did not receive.

Cool leader: xxx


on the learning ___ class mob ___________

FULL NAME, _______ G.R.,

residing at: ____________

Fi enrolled in Mobu ___________ with the date G in ___ class. Previously studied in Mobu _____________.

The family in which Elizabeth is raised is incomplete. Father with mother divorced.

Mother - FULL NAME, place of work, position. In the family two children (Nigina 2000g.r.). Household conditions in which the girl lives, satisfactory, but cramped. Elizabeth has a daughter of 2014. In the upbringing of the daughter, the child's father does not participate.

It has medium mental abilities. Engaged satisfactorily. Attention scattered. Weakly developed logical thinking and speech. Does not analyze. The lessons can allow disorders of the discipline. It is not always adequate for comments. According to the results of 2015-2016, the school year has been translated into grade 11.

It has good sociable abilities: easily comes into contact with peers, easily adapts to any atmosphere. Often strives for all means stand out, pay attention. Elizabeth is very active in public life and school life, performed the initiator of various events. It has good acting deposits.

It has increased emotional excitability, slope to stormy emotional manifestations. It almost always does it implainly, not carefully controls itself. In difficult situations, impulsiveness is possible, aggressiveness that are protected. Active in communicating with peers, but the relationship is superficial, prone to conflicts. Self-assessment is adequate, trying to comply with the rules and norms.

Free time spends with her daughter, walks with friends in the microdistrict.

Cool leader: xxx


on the learning ___ class mob ___________

FULL NAME, _______ G.R.,

residing at: ____________

Fi enrolled in Mobu ___________ with the date G in ___ class. Previously studied in Mobu _____________.

The family in which Nastya is raised is incomplete. Father with mother divorced.

Mother - FULL NAME, place of work, position. In the family two children. Household conditions in which the girl lives satisfactory, but constrained living in to a small room in the apartment together with relatives.

It has low mental abilities. Large amount of information (according to your age) can not master it. Engaged satisfactorily. Attention scattered. Weakly developed logical thinking and speech. Does not analyze. In school, manifests itself with negative side. The lessons behave ugly, disturbing the discipline. Moreover, in the results of 2015-2016, the school year was translated into grade 11.

Often deceives teachers and parents. It has good sociable abilities: easily comes into contact with peers, easily adapts to any atmosphere. Often strives for all means stand out, pay attention. Anastasia dominates the desire to show itself not from the best side.

Always manifests the initiative in public life and school. Rarely brings the case to the end without assistance and control.

Policy of the behavior: late for lessons, misses classes without a good reason, Grubits, is able to stipulate classmates. It has increased emotional excitability, slope to stormy emotional manifestations. It almost always does it implainly, not carefully controls itself.

Pedagogical impact measures from school and family have only a temporary result.

It consists in accounting CDN, PD. Free time walks with friends in the microdistrict.

Cool leader: xxx


on the learning ___ class mob ___________

FULL NAME, _______ G.R.,

residing at: ____________

Fi enrolled in Mobu ___________ with the date G in ___ class. Previously studied in Mobu _____________.

Mother - Full name, place of work, position. Mother raises her daughter alone.

Throughout training has established itself as a student with medium abilities. Disciplined, in lessons active. Easily absorbs the new material, establishes causal relationships and relationships, but it does not always quickly find a solution to the solution, knows how to analyze, compare, summarize, make independent conclusions. Knowledge in the lessons gets consciously and systematically. It has strong knowledge in all subjects, studying on "good" and "excellent." Of particular interest shows the study of physics, mathematics. According to the results of 2015-2016, the school year has been translated into grade 11.

Physical and mental development corresponds to age.

Catherine takes an active part in the public life of the class, shows interest in all events of an educational and educational character conducted in the classroom and in school. He participated in the Miss-Autumn's popular competition, ranked second.

Ekaterina applies to adults respectively, the instructions of the class teacher performs conscientiously, adequately reacts for comments.

In communicating with peers, friendly and responsive, with classmates supports friendships, does not enter conflicts. It has a calm, cheerful character, manifests activity in creative activity. Heat, neat.

Free time is engaged in fitness, seriously fond of modern dances. Draws in goes to the editorial board of the class.

Registration does not consist. During the training of violations of the Charter of the school and comments on the part of the teachers did not receive.

Cool leader: xxx

With the task of drawing up the psychological and pedagogical characteristics to the students of their class, each classroom teacher. And every time you think about something re-I do not want, it is better to have a ready-made template based on which it is easy to prepare the necessary document.

The psychological and pedagogical characteristic of the student is written with the maximum consideration of the individual aspects of the development of each child, describing it in detail psychological peculiarities. This is explained by the fact that it plays a very important role in the educational process, a significantly simplifying interaction of the pedagogical composition of the school with a student. Allows the teacher to receive an initial idea of \u200b\u200ba student, to choose the most profitable strategy of interaction with him.

In addition, such characteristics may be required when transferring to another school or college, they are asked for guardianship authorities, police and PDNs, a military enlistment office.

Rules for the psychological and pedagogical examination

There are fairly clear rules for compiling the characteristic to the student. One of the fundamental requirements for the psychological and pedagogical characteristics - objectivity. Equally, it is not less important to carefully analyze the factors affecting the development of the child in the complex, with the obligatory consideration of the characteristics of the student. To handle the child should be maximally delicately, minimizing any coercion or pressure on it. Only in this case, the psychological and pedagogical characteristic of a student or a student can be as objective and useful as possible.

Characteristic to the student writes a class teacher, signs the director of the school. When writing the psychological characteristics of the child, the help of a school psychologist, test results and diagnostics may be required.

How to write a description of the student

Consider how typical psychological and pedagogical characteristic should look like a student of an average educational school. The content of the characteristic may be repelled by who requires it. The minimum volume of characteristics - 800-900 characters, the maximum volume is not limited, and, as we said above, the characteristic may contain reports on working with a schoolboy, test results.

  1. At the beginning indicate the name, first name and patronymic of the student, the class in which he passes training, the characteristic of his health group.
  2. If desired, you can also specify the most vivid external features. You can get this data by organizing a conversation as a student yourself and with his parents.
  3. It is equally important to indicate the composition of the student's family, the features of social status, the quality of interaction.
  4. After that, you can move to the study of the personal characteristics of the child covering its attitude to study (hard work, perfection, academic performance), to others communicative competences, the ability to communicate with peers and with adults). The data can be obtained both with the help of observation and conversation with the child and with the help of projective techniques (pattern tests, etc.).
  5. The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student should contain information about its stress resistance, the level of development of thinking and speech, emotionality, attention, punctuality.
  6. It is necessary to indicate how high the social status of the child, whether it establishes social contacts.
  7. At the end of the compilation, the characteristic must be summarized about the development of a student and compliance with its level of age features. Recommendations related to upbringing, learning and further interaction with the child are given.

The characteristic that will be transferred to the third-party organization is written on the school form, the date and signature of the person who prepared it, the signature of the School Director.

Sample characteristic to the student

Ready characteristics on the student you can see on our website - select the sample characteristics at the bottom. Development will help the class teacher quickly and qualitatively draw up a characteristic of the student. You can make a complete characteristic according to the plan on this page.

Pedagogical characteristic sample on elementary school student

Sample Characteristics of the student primary classes From the teacher, necessary when passing the psychological and pedagogical commission of any level. The characteristic is written in two copies, signs the teacher and the director, the school is required.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics Familia name.

Full Name:

Date of Birth:

Address of residence: ......................tefon ....

School Class No.

The school is okay from the year (left for a re-course in class);

g. Stooked at school number

Psychological characteristics of cognitive processes

The total motor is characterized by a sufficient arbitrary control of movements, small motorika Good / weakly developed.

The perception function is not well developed, the child (not) is experiencing minor difficulties in action in a visual sample / according to verbal instructions. Perception is better / worse than thinking.

ATTENTION (NOT) Sustainable and (no) depletion, reduced / within the age norm, arbitrariness, concentration and switching.

Summary memory, short-term and long-term, (not) are sufficiently developed. Arbitrary short-term memory (not) high. Medium / high / low level of mechanical memory, logical memory levels below / above. When memorizing quickly tired / remembers (not) large / average text volumes.

Visively effective and visual-shaped thinking is better / worse than verbally logical / correspond to the norm of this age.

(not) disorders of oral speech Development, phondeMectic hearing. Articulation ("lubricated" / pronunciation of sounds in syllables and words intense / frequent agramarms / inconsistency).

The level of formation of concepts and orientation in the surrounding world (not) is sufficient / corresponds to age.

In general, the child is characteristic (increased fatigue / unstable attention / predominance of braking processes over excitation processes).

Pedagogical characteristic learning activities.

The child is studying in a mass class / is on individual learning ... year.

Literary reading. The pace of reading ... words per minute (the norm at the end of the first / second half of the year ... words). Reading (not) is quite conscious, but little expressive / not expressive / expressive), without compliance with the maintenance pause and intonation of the end of the sentence. Allows many errors (the nature of errors), (but not) repeats them when rereading text. Detailed / short / creative retelling of text is difficult, misses the details, descriptions, the story is not enough / rather emotional. Poems by heart reads with errors, (not) is quite expressive. Answers to the questions gives full / deployed / monosyllars, admits (minor) errors, establishing causal relationships. Vocabulary is limited / corresponds to age.

In Russian, the rules (not) knows badly and (not) understands / does not always understand how to apply them. Grafoto motor skills (not) are sufficiently developed, the handwriting is different (negligence / often very small / very large / uneven, (no) folding). The following errors are manifested in the letter: (letters and replace letters (often similar to writing or denoted similar sounds), extra elements of letters, as well as their inactivity, adgrammatyisms), which indicates a violation of the letter processes.

In mathematics, difficulties cause formation (graphic skills, account skills, problem solving). Mathematical speech (not) is formed slowly / in full. The greatest difficulties cause (the formation of computing skills that are located at a low / middle level (without support for clarity considers within 10), the mechanical memorization of multiplication / addition tables is more successful). The specific meaning of the actions of multiplication and division / addition and subtraction is recognized only when using visibility. When solving tasks, difficulties arise, (explanation of the selection of the action, recording explanation, the name of the name).

Home tasks (not) performs in (no) full, but under the control of parents / independently.

The tempo of work at the lesson (no) is sufficient / low / medium / high when independent / collective / performing simple (single-type) tasks, exercises that require switching of attention (not) cause a decrease in the tempo. The child in the lessons is low / active, creative tasks of interest (not) cause.

Educational motivation is absent / low. Self-adjusting is developed weakly / within the age norm / high, skills independent work They are formed in (not) sufficient volume / form with difficulty.

Relationship with teacher / calm / smooth / friendly; Requirements and assignments perform formally / eagerly / sometimes with reluctance / with desire. On the comments and praise more often reacts restrained / (not) adequately.

Children's clothing (not) is neat, written accessories and educational items in good / (no) satisfactory condition.

The child (little) is sociable, with other children (not) is friendly, in collective games (not) participates / often happens the leader. Outside school friends no / eat, hobbies (...), in school engaged in circles (...), comes out of school (...).

Teacher ______________ / Surname I.O. /

Director ____________ / Surname I.O. /

Characteristic on a difficult student

The characteristic on a difficult student requires a special approach from the component of its teacher. Not only psychological knowledge, but also the ability to analyze the situation from different parties, the disclosure of the main causes of its low performance or hard-primacy. A great impact on this is a social environment:

  • the influence of the family (the presence of dependency parents, condoms, incomplete and large families, violence and conflicts in the family);
  • low material well-being in the family;
  • the presence of severely ill close relatives who are directly in contact with the child;
  • heavy vital circumstances

Example Characteristics on a difficult student

Characteristics of learning __ class

The year of birth,

residing at: _________________________

Ivanov Ivan is studying in the MBOU ________________ from __ class. It consists on intraschool accounting from grade 2 for disorders of discipline. He was registered with the commission on juvenile affairs and the protection of their rights under the administration ________ district in 2016-2017 for causing harm to the health student _____________.

The composition of Ivanov Ivan's family: Mother - __________________ and father ____________________. Currently, parents live separately. Ivan lives with a mother on a rented apartment.

Mother ____________________ works ________________ in _______________. Father does not participate in the upbringing, financially does not help the family, abuses with alcohol.

Mother ____________________ answers calls to the class teacher, always comes to school at the invitation of the class teacher, teachers, deputy director, but not always visits parental meetings. Mother excessively walks in Ivan, seeks to satisfy all his needs and protect against worries and efforts, does not sufficiently control the training work and the behavior of Ivan.

Ivan is externally understood, well dressed, has all the necessary school supplies and textbooks granted to him to use the school.

Intellectual possibilities of Ivan Low. Attitude towards study is negative. Translated conditionally in grade 6 with academic debt mathematics. According to the results of 1 and 2 quarters of the 2015-2016 school year, there was unsatisfactory marks of 6-9 subjects. Home tasks rarely perform. The comments of teachers often reacts inadequately. Many lessons refuse to get a tutorial, a notebook, a diary, execute training tasks.

Conflict, hot-tempered, unbalanced. He has overestimated self-esteem. Over the past two years of study, numerous disorders of the discipline in the lessons and non-current time, rough attitude to classmates. There was a statement in obscene form in the lesson of mathematics, obscene break to classmates.

Evades participation in social events. Public orders perform under pressure. Public property refers disrespectful.

It takes interest in physical culture classes, engaged in weightlifting in the physical well-wellness center. + ______. E.

With Ivanov Ivan, preventive conversations were repeatedly conducted by the class teacher, members of the prevention and school administration. Preventive work with the mother of the student was conducted, which was repeatedly invited to conversations with the class teacher, the school administration on the issue of the low performance of the Son, but it did not follow the better. During 2014-2015, 2015-2016 academic year was considered at the meetings of a small pedal council, pedagogical Council, Council prevention for the abominability, disorders of discipline. Individual conversations were repeated many times and Ivan about complaints about the coarse appeal of Ivan with classmates. Mothers were recommended to strengthen the supervision and behavior of Ivan. Comments of the class teacher, teachers, Deputy Director of Mom listens, but believes that teachers are not paying enough attention to training and education Ivan. Rough handling of classmates and other school students Mother ____________ explains that children themselves provoke Ivan. Due to the fact that the behavior of Ivan in the lessons reduces the effectiveness of teachers, members of the class parents committee requested the school administration about the adoption of Ivanov Ivan the impact measures.

During 2014-2015, 2015-2016 academic year, the deputy director of the BP was held conversations with Ivan about the inadmissibility of coarse treatment with school students, prohibiting the Drak.

In vagrancy, theft, drinking alcohol and surfactant in school was not seen.

characteristic on a family student from a disadvantaged family

student ____ class MBOU _Sosh ...

The year of birth

The student is studying in this school with _______ class, from ______ years.

Brought up in an incomplete large family. In addition to the student in the family there is ___________. Mother works in days. Children can remain granted by themselves. Parental meetings Mother of the student does not attend, often by valid reason (Working shift). The school comes to the challenge of the class teacher and subject teachers. With the behavior of the child does not cope.

The student graduated from the first half of 2015-2016 at the academic year. For the first quarter had an unsatisfactory assessment on algebra. During study, the student shows weak abilities in many disciplines school program Due to the fact that he has no desire to learn. The student does not prepare homework, it works in the lessons only with a repeated reminder of the teacher. May be loaded to teachers. School supplies Not wearing, explaining this forgetfulness. The diary for assessments does not submit to estimates.

The class was smooth, friendly relationships. Participated in class events, competitions.

Attended the hockey section in Foke, participated in the district, regional competitions. At the moment, the section does not attend.

The student is physically healthy. Smokes

He began to miss training sessions from ___________ year. From January 2017, only 4 lessons visited.

At the moment, it does not attend lessons, but all school time is in the school building. Greate teachers, technical staff using obscene expressions. He disrupts the lessons passing into the second shift (runs into classes, knocking on the door), cautious in corridors and dining room. Does not react to any comments. The child has a sense of permissiveness.

With a student repeatedly held conversations Class leader, Deputy Director for educational work, deputy director academic work, social teacher.

But the student of his misconduct remains indifferent, nothing confesses, does not realize his mistakes.

Director MBOU _________________

Classroom teacher _________________

Positive characteristic to the student

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics

on the student ... Maou class ... ..

…… the year of birth,

living at: ... ..

The student was born ... ..

General physical development - above average, strong physique, health condition satisfactory - I Main health group, has small vision problems, wearing glasses.

Lives in a family that consists of three people (mom ..., dad .., student ...). Apartment with all the amenities, a student has its own room. The duties of schoolgirl in the house includes washing dishes, cleaning, garbage removal and other household matters. Parents upbringing girls are actively engaged in their success, they themselves are directly involved in school matters.

In ...... learns from the first class. Big class (... man). It can select several groups: leaders who are preferred, elected, no rejected. The student can be attributed to the group preferred, which showed a sociometric study. In the class team, the student uses a certain authority, it is determined by its performance (it is learned to "well" and "excellent") and the ability to defend their point of view. Relations with classmates are friendly. The same easily communicates with both boys and girls. The class is friendly with .... . Satisfied position in the team is pleased. The stay at the school values, the most appreciated communication, which showed the test for the definition of school motivation, actively participates in all school matters. Relationship with trust teachers. The student willingly go to contact with teachers, trying to observe the subordination and generally accepted school rules.

The student from the first grade is studying without triples, is also a participant and winner of many school and distance olympiads on various disciplines, recently participated in such competitions as " The Golden Fleece"," British Bulldog "," Native Word "," Perspective ". It has praise sheets, many thanks and awards in their portfolio. The level of knowledge in all objects is approximately the same, shows a great interest in biology, with the same success develops the main educational program. Student emotional, read, has a rich vocabulary, it can correctly express his thought both orally and in writing.

He studies with interest if questions arise, is always looking for answers, consult with the elders, is additionally engaged in lessons. The praise and censures from the teachers applies adequately, it realizes that study is the need for life. According to the survey, has a "good" middle level of school motivation, even slightly higher (close to high).

It can be concentrated, stability of attention is long-term, rationally distributes time. The level of arbitrary attention is high, which showed tachistoscopic testing.

The training material perceives meaningfully and quickly, which is one of her strong Parties. Remeasigns quickly, arbitrary memory prevails over arbitrary (this showed the results of the study of arbitrary and involuntary memory). Memory is long-term. Owns receptions of analysis and synthesis, successfully draws conclusions and generalizations, easily finds main thought And knows how to separate the priority from the secondary. Quickly looking for ways to solve when the problem occurs. Medium-developing imagination, likes concretps, accuracy and certainty. Owns the ability to learn: it works independently with a book, makes plans, abstracts, comes with the material.

Labor respects, understands its significance and value. The student is interested in the public benefit of their work. She conscientiously performs all individual tasks and public operation. Sometimes it is the initiator of any case, actively goes towards assistance and organization school events. Thanks to their home responsibilities, owns labor skills on summit. Any job makes carefully.

The student is interested in literature (likes to read works of art), music, sports, visits many school electives, such as speech culture and second foreign language. Engaged in swimming.

The student behaves calmly, restrained. Complies with your day on your own. Performs adult demands, even if there is no strong desire.

Students show such features such as sensitivity, kindness, collectivism, conscientiousness, as well as perseverance, independence. Mood is more likely good, sometimes neutral, even.

Student has great potential and a huge amount positive traitswhich is not fully implemented yet. The ability to instantly log in to the case and adequately understand standing task Much make up assimilation educational material. In some questions in the lesson, I relied on it, and my trust was justified. She was always active, proud and interested. In the future, I consider it necessary to develop its potential by extracurricular activities. Also through various methods to develop it leadership skillsbecause She has great potential to become a class leader.


student 7 in class MBOU SOSH №2

Nefedova Danil Ruslanovich

2003 birth.

Danil is studying in this school with grade 5.

The state of health and development of the student:

The child is physically and mentally developed, completely healthy.

There are no signs of increased nervousness; Outbreaks of anger, aggressiveness in relation to peers, in relation to teachers is not observed, there is also no tendency to destructive actions.

In terms of pathological deposits, Danil does not smoke, alcohol does not use alcohol, but in September 2016, in an attempt to consume toxico-drugs, specifically - gasoline.

In dispensary taking a teenager does not consist.

Data on parents, family:

Mom - Nefedova Alina Vladimirovna, has an unfinished higher educationWorks the seller in the store.

Danila has a younger brother , Nefedov Yegor Ruslanovich, 09.09.2016 year of birth, which lives in Rzhev with her grandmother (in connection with the study in the gymnasium).

The family refers to the category of social and stable, secured. Parents of a child in divorce. Children are raised by the mother. Native Father does not provide material support, children do not support communication with him.

Family type:

Mom morally stable, owns culture of education, the emotional atmosphere of the family is positive;

The family refers to the category of prosperous, pedagogically competent (parental is posted by cultural education); The child is under constant control of the mother, constant awareness of interest, about the behavior of the child at school and out of school).

The family is non-conflict, the family reigns a prosperous emotional atmosphere.

The nature of the relationship with parents with a child:

The family has an attitude of mutual respect, joint experience of joy, grief, care from the mother, interest to the success and failures of the child, willingness to help solve any situations. Between Mom and Danil - trusting relationships.

Organization of the regime of labor and recreation:

The child helps around the house. The day mode is observing. The child's mom regularly helps and controls execution homework.

During leisure, the child spends time along with his mother, during the holidays rides a grandmother to the city of Rzhev.

Training features:

The student has time for "3" and "4", is not fully in force.

Attitude towards teaching: neutral.

Exercise motives: cognitive interest in certain subjects (Russian and literature, physical education), seeks to earn adult approval, in particular from mom and grandmothers.

Position in the class team, attitude to the team:

Student position in the team: accepted.

The class is closest with Seven Artur. There is a nature of mutual influence.

Relationship with other classmates: smooth. Danil is subject to the influence of its environment. By nature: Extravert (constantly sent for communication, it is easy to contact, curious, opened, full of attention to others).

Attitude towards public opinion: actively positive (seeks to correct the flaws, take into account the comments).

5. Relationship to social activities and socially useful work:

Public orders always performs readily, in good faith.

It always takes an active part in class work, always stands with reports on cool clock.

In the 6th grade participated in the competition of readers " Literary readings"(School level). But he lacks confidence - hesitates to speak in front of the big public.

Danil shows interest in the following activities: physical, organizational, sports.

At the beginning of the school year attended a boxing circle.

The parks and libraries are actively visiting along with the class during the holidays.

Public instructions are responsible. Interested in sports. Actively participates in the public life of the school and class.

7. Features of the sphere of the freedom of the student:

"Street" communication over the week stands out 8-9 hours. The house should be up to 8-9 pm.

Outside the class had friendly connections with Alexey (a neighbor of the house, studying in 8 grams of MBOU SOSH No. 2). At the moment, he stopped close communication with him at the request of Mom Daniel, since AlexeyOkazova for Danil a negative impact.

Preferred street communication site (courtyard);

8. Self-assessment of the person:

Self-assessment level: adequate (correctly assesses its positive and negative qualities, personal capabilities and achievements).

9. Features of behavior:

Daniel is very responsive, helps the eldest and others.

Negative actions (misconduct) learned was the following character: at the beginning of the school year, I was late for lessons, after a conversation with my mother, corrected.

10. What kind of education measures were used by whom when their results are:regularly conducted and continue to be carried out as the need for a conversation with the child's mother (for example, being late for lessons, poor performance). Results: The child reacts adequately to all comments and seeks to correct his shortcomings.

11. The proposed measures necessary to correct a minor:

Constant cooperation with the parents of the child in terms of the organization of studies and child education. Monitoring the attendance of the school, progress, accomplishing homework.

School Director (Signature, Ph.D., Print) ______________________

CL. Head (signature, Full name) ____________________

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