Variability of organizational forms of preschool education. New forms of preschool education

Places in kindergartens for kids - always relevant and at the same time difficult topic. What about those parents whose child does not attend kindergarten for a full day? In this case, "variable forms" come to the rescue. preschool education. Olga Butorina, head of the education department of the Administration of the Tyumen municipal district, in our short interview talked about what it is and how such forms are useful for parents.

- Olga Nikolaevna, variable forms of preschool education - what is it?

Today, institutions are working and actively opening different types groups of short-term stays of children, the flexible mode of which (from 2 to 5 times a week, from 3 to 5 hours a day, depending on the needs of parents) and the content of the work attract parents. The species diversity of the groups allows them to choose exactly those educational routes for their children that suit and like them best. To date, about four thousand children of the district are covered by variable forms.

Variable forms of preschool education provide for a different mode of stay for children both with the norm of development and with disabilities and special educational needs. Such forms are created with the aim of increasing the coverage of children with preschool education and creating equal starting opportunities for all children when they enter school.

- What types of variable forms of preschool education exist?

TMR educational organizations have organized: an integrated short stay, a short stay group, an adaptation group and a consultative and methodological point.

Such variable forms of preschool education are implemented in all educational organizations of the district that implement programs of preschool education.

Short Stay Groups (GKP) - for children from 3 to 7 years old who attend kindergarten every day for 3 hours. At the request of the parents, the child can attend the group in the first (from 8.00 to 11.00), or in the afternoon (from 15.00 to 18.00). Educators of short stay groups develop the child in playing, speech, design, visual, musical activities, and also form an ecological culture, introduce them to a healthy lifestyle, form elementary mathematical representations, enrich the sensory experience and communication skills of communication.

Integrated short stay (ICS) - for children aged 3 to 7 years who attend kindergarten on a flexible schedule without catering. At the request of the parents, they can attend kindergarten in the same way as in the GKP - in the morning or in the afternoon. The activities of pupils are organized in accordance with their age, individual characteristics, the content of the main social educational program institutions. Organization educational process regulated by cyclogram educational activities. Carry out educational and educational work in groups of IKP educators and specialists of the kindergarten.

The adaptation group of short stay for children (from one to two hours) is intended for children aged 1 to 3 years who do not attend an educational organization. Thus, the kids are prepared for admission to kindergarten. Children come to the adaptation group in the first half of the day with their parents, who, together with educators and specialists, take part in gaming, musical and visual activities, they get acquainted with regime moments within the daily routine for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills. That is, children are beginning to get used to what will be waiting for them in kindergarten in full-time mode.

And the last form is a consultative and methodological point (CMP), intended for children aged 1 to 7 years old, brought up in a family: it is created to ensure the unity and continuity of family and public education, to provide psychological pedagogical assistance parents, supporting the comprehensive development of the personality of children who do not attend kindergarten. Working with parents raising children preschool age at home, in the advisory center is carried out in various forms: group, subgroup and individual - it can be a visit to the family or the provision of services in a kindergarten (group, music and sports halls, speech center), children and their parents are invited to participate in competitions, holidays . At the same time, methodological materials are sent by mail to parents personally.

Are these forms suitable for a child? Is he missing some part of the educational process that children who are in full-time kindergarten are covered with?

No way. This is a great option to start kindergarten when the family is waiting for the main place in the preschool institution. Plus, this is a kind of adaptation process of the child in a new place and with new people.

Shortened time spent in kindergarten and learning in the form of a game make it possible to provide the most comfortable environment for the child, give him the opportunity to get the first positive experience in new social conditions, which solves many problems of a communicative nature.

The only difference from the regimen of the main groups is the lack of sleep and nutrition, since the child is involved in educational activities from three to five hours a day.

- What about parents? Can they get expert advice with this form of training?

For parents, in this case, there are also only one pluses. They have the opportunity to communicate daily with educators on issues of concern. Group consultations are also held for them, which allow solving the issues of adaptation, development and upbringing of the child most effectively.

- Do specialists work with children?

Of course, experts! Teachers of variable forms of preschool education are qualified professionals in their field. In groups, there is always a teacher who conducts the main educational activities. If necessary, music teachers and physical education instructors are involved in the work.

- How much will this form of educational process for a preschooler cost for a parent?

Not at all. Attendance at any form of pre-school education is completely free for the parent.

- How to arrange a child in a short stay group?

Parents should apply to the head of the educational institution in their territory. In the Tyumen region, various forms of preschool education are implemented in every educational organization.

1. Variability of the educational system of preschool education

1.1 Variability of the educational system as a subject of scientific research

The variability of education is one of the fundamental principles and direction of development of the modern education system in Russia.

Variability is the quality of an educational system that characterizes its ability to create and provide students with options for educational programs or certain types of educational services to choose from in accordance with their changing educational needs and opportunities. Indicators of the degree of variability of the pedagogical system, according to N.V. Nemova and T.P. Afanasyeva, are: the presence in it of several program options that are equally attractive and accessible to schoolchildren (redundancy of equally attractive options); the opportunity for students to choose one of the options for obtaining education (the availability of an attractive option); flexibility of the system (creation of conditions for changing educational needs students).

The variability of education is aimed at ensuring the highest possible degree of individualization of education.

Thus, a variable educational process is an interconnected activity of participants in the educational process to achieve the goals of education, carried out in the context of choosing content (within the framework of state standards), means and methods of activity and communication, the value-semantic attitude of the individual to the goals, content and process of education.

If pedagogical model considered as a form of pedagogical scientific research, as a generalized mental image, which replaces and reflects the structure and functions of a specific pedagogical object in the form of a schematic set of concepts and relationships, and the environment is a set of socio-economic, cultural and natural conditions in which a person lives and carries out his activities, then the concepts of “variable”, “educational” act as definitions expressing the specifics in the structure and content of education.

The objects of quality are the educational environment and educational outcome.

The components of the educational environment are the educational process, the professional activities of teachers, the interaction of the lyceum with the external environment.

By variability, we mean not only the used variant programs that are different in content (general educational, in-depth, advanced levels), but also programs that differ in methods, forms, and technologies of teaching. Consequently, the variability of education is focused on the personality of the student, takes into account his needs, opportunities, requests.

One of the main tasks of the formation and implementation of a model of a variable educational environment is the creation of an effective system for managing the quality of education.

The quality of education, like any process in the socio-economic system, should not be formed spontaneously, as it is a controlled process.

However, education quality management cannot be carried out only on an administrative basis. It requires the participation of all subjects of the educational process.

Education quality management includes the following components:

Quality control;



Planning, design;

Quality research.

To manage the quality of education, it is necessary:

1. Means of management and quality measurement.

2. Control system, including specialized units.

3. Management motives.

4. Control mechanisms.

5. Purposes and conditions for using the results of quality management.

The purpose of quality management is to increase the competitiveness of an educational institution, increase its authority in society, strengthen its status, and stabilize the future.

The education quality management system presupposes the presence of specialized units that carry out analytical work to ensure the quality of education. These divisions are responsible for:

Receipt and processing of information;

Determination of the strategy for the development of the educational process;

Studying the experience of other educational institutions;


Implementation of interaction with scientific and methodological institutions, universities;

Holding conferences, round tables, seminars, etc. on issues of education quality management;

Organization of advanced training on quality management education through the system modular courses, internships, conducting scientific and practical seminars, workshops, master classes;

Development and implementation of a system for monitoring the quality of education.

Certain functions underlie the quality management of education. These functions include:

Forecasting and planning the quality of lyceum education, anticipating trends in its change;

Organization of the education quality management system through the distribution of functions, their consolidation and implementation;

Implementation of quality control of education in terms of its potential;

Quality regulation, ensuring its compliance with the requirements;

Tracking the results of education, analysis and study of the reasons for the formation of a particular quality of education;

Creation of conditions for providing motivation to improve the quality of education.

The listed functions integrate specific functions in the education quality management system, characterizing not only the specifics of the management object, but also the real conditions for its functioning: staffing, logistics, labor intensity, time costs, etc.

One of the conditions and effective means of improving the efficiency of quality management of the educational process is the improvement of the information service, the creation of an information and analytical center of an educational institution that provides students, parents and teachers with all the necessary and sufficient information on various media.

Social, economic and ideological changes taking place outside the education system cannot leave the system of education and upbringing of the younger generation unchanged.

Over the past decades, the international community has adopted a number of documents that proclaim the priority of children's rights in society and substantiate the directions of this policy. Among them is the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959). Its main thesis is "humanity is obliged to give the child the best that it has." The Declaration called on parents, non-governmental organizations, local authorities, governments, the public of countries to strive to provide children with such conditions that allow them to develop healthy people free from any form of violence, with dignity.

In the 30 years since the adoption of the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child, many ideas have changed. There was a need to adopt a new document, which not only declared the rights of children, but, on the basis of legal norms, proposed measures to protect these rights. The "Convention on the Rights of the Child" (1989) not only develops, but also specifies the provisions of the Declaration. States that accede to the Convention must be held legally accountable to the international community for their actions in relation to children.

The main idea of ​​the Convention is the obligatory provision of the interests and rights of children, the creation of the necessary measures for the survival, development, protection and active participation of the younger generation in society. The most important legal principle approved in the Convention is the recognition of the child as a full-fledged and full-fledged person, as an independent subject of society in the whole complex of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.

Based on UNESCO materials obtained during the survey in many regions of the world, it was concluded that all countries were involved in the process of thinking about their education systems. They came to the conclusion that education should be in tune with modern conditions.

The dignity of the course of policy in the field of education is determined by the orientation towards universal values, towards the principles of individual freedom. These fundamental principles underlying the rights of the individual should be implemented already in childhood and adolescence, when the worldview and character qualities of a citizen are laid.

The rights proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are realized for the child through the education system, humanization and democratization of ideas, content, forms, methods and technologies.

World and domestic experience in the development of educational systems indicates that only the dialectical unity of individual freedom and equality of rights to education can be a guarantee in this process.

Last years in Russia are characterized by the emergence of new types of educational institutions for children, a variety of pedagogical services that are offered to children and their parents. Along with the state, there are non-state kindergartens. Most of the children's institutions solve the problems of the general development of children, but there are already institutions that aim at the early development of the special abilities of preschoolers (aesthetic centers, preschool groups and kindergartens at lyceums, gymnasiums, etc.); integration of education of healthy children and children with some problems of physical development; creation of preschool groups working in conditions of bilingualism, and others. This state of affairs in preschool education is directly related both to the growing demands of parents who want to raise general level development of children, to reveal certain abilities in them, to prepare them for studying in a particular school, and with changes in school education itself. There is every reason to believe that in the future the trend towards diversity of preschool and school institutions will increase.

In 1995, by a government decree Russian Federation The "Model regulation on a preschool educational institution" was approved. It enshrined the right that a preschool educational institution is independent in choosing a program from a set of variable programs recommended government bodies management of education, making changes to them, as well as in the development of their own (author's) programs in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard.

In connection with the change in the regulatory framework, it became necessary to prepare a variety of programs that, along with the Model, could be offered to practice. The process of preparing and publishing variable programs was gaining momentum.

It should be emphasized that many programs have been developed by serious scientists or large research teams who have tested experimental programs in practice for many years. teams preschool institutions in collaboration with qualified methodologists, author's programs were also created.

In order to protect the child from incompetent pedagogical influence in the context of the variability of education, the Ministry of Education of Russia in 1995 prepared a methodological letter "Recommendations for the examination of educational programs for preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation", which indicated that complex and partial programs should be based on the principle of personal- oriented interaction of adults with children and should provide:

protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, their physical development;

the emotional well-being of each child;

the intellectual development of the child;

creating conditions for the development of the personality of the child, his creativity;

Involvement of children in universal values;

interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

The recommendations state that the programs should provide for the organization of children's life in the classroom, in non-regulated activities and in the free time provided for the child in kindergarten during the day. At the same time, an optimal combination of individual and joint activities of children in its various types (game, design, visual, musical, theatrical and other activities) should be laid down.

At present, all kinds of programs and manuals for the upbringing and education of children in a preschool institution have been published and distributed through various pedagogical seminars. A number of programs are the result of many years of work of scientific and scientific-pedagogical teams. All these programs show different approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process in kindergarten. It is the teaching staff that will have to choose the program according to which this preschool institution will work.

Today, in the world educational practice, preschool childhood is considered as one of the main educational reserves. A frivolous attitude to preschool age turns for children, at best, irretrievably lost opportunities, and at worst, a deformation of the logic of everything that follows. life path- ontogeny. The changes that have taken place in the field of preschool education over the past 15 years have become extensive and largely irreversible. However, we can safely state that all these changes have not yet led to the structuring of the system. preschool education and to its reasonable reorganization into a new system of preschool education.

We still do not have a detailed substantiation of the idea itself, or rather, the goal of preschool education. We need to define and legislate the goal of pre-school, and possibly the separate goal of pre-school education. As is known from pedagogy, education is a holistic pedagogical process carried out in the interests of the individual, society, and the state. In autumn we discussed the draft educational code. It read: "Pre-school education is carried out to help parents." As you can see, we are not talking about state educational guidelines. If we move to such a position and develop preschool education, guided by the interests of parents, then the system of preschool education will inevitably turn into a service sector.

The general availability of high-quality preschool education and its obligation for older preschoolers are determined, of course, primarily by the financial side of the issue. But the obligation of preschool education is not military service, but the obligation of systematic educational work of teachers and parents with children 5-7 years old in various organizational forms. At the same time, it is important to maintain the orientation towards the variability of preschool education, which began in the 1990s, both in terms of content and forms of its organization. To introduce a unified program of preschool education now would mean an attempt to turn back the clock and not only destroy what has already been done in Russia over 15 years, but also go against global trends with preschool education.

To streamline and improve preschool education, it is advisable to create, through the consolidated efforts of leading scientific centers a framework document that fixes the scientific foundations of preschool education, its specifics, main directions, a general model of the educational process, conditions, as well as approximate circle cultural and educational content. In other words, we need a standard for preschool education. This document should also include age standards, possible and desirable achievements in the main areas of development at the nodal points of the age range.

It is necessary to fix the age standards for the transition from early to preschool age (this is three years) and for the transition from preschool to school age - about seven years. This will help educators determine whether the child's achievements meet the standards, can serve as a sign of the child's readiness for school education by degrees: ready, in the stage of readiness, conditionally ready, not ready.

The expansion of the organizational forms of preschool education should entail a radical revision of the existing SanPiNs, which are archaic and do not correspond to the principle of variability of preschool education. In addition, it is necessary to systematically approach the variability of organizational forms of preschool education. Perhaps it makes sense to distinguish as an organizational unit not a preschool educational institution, but a preschool educational group not only in the bosom of a kindergarten, but also on the basis of various cultural, educational, leisure centers, and voluntary parental communities.

The idea of ​​introducing pre-school education, which should be approached very carefully, requires special scientific legislative support. Its goal is to provide equal starting opportunities for children when entering school, but pre-school education is not about preparing a suitable applicant for elementary school. Still, it is more correct to talk about continuity in terms of the overall development of the child, his psychological and physical readiness for schooling. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that such a powerful structure as a school is likely to absorb preschoolers, turning them into four-year-old little schoolchildren. This threatens with negative social consequences, deformation of the full development of schoolchildren.

Therefore, pre-school education should be focused on expanding the possibility for families to choose individual educational trajectories. We have to work out mechanisms to combine education with different types educational institutions, a set of documents, scientific and methodological developments, requirements for the organization of the daily routine, training sessions. And it is very important at the same time to pay attention to the issue of special training, to introduce the position of a teacher of pre-school education, since people with higher education, sometimes with advanced degrees.

Therefore, the problem of building a system to increase its resilience is so relevant in the Perm Territory, namely in the city of Kungur. The purpose of the study: To investigate and analyze the state of alternative forms of education in preschool education in the city of Kungur. Characteristics of the research base. The study was conducted in the city of Kungur with a population of about 70 thousand people. Preschool in the city - ...

Opportunities, interests in organized forms of joint and independent activities of the educator and children. An exemplary regional program allows teaching staff to optimally combine the basic content of education specified in it and the priority (preschool component) areas (correctional, health-improving, developmental) in the work of preschool educational institutions ...

Modern society makes new demands on the education system of the younger generation and, in particular, on its first stage - on the system of preschool education. Another urgent task is the introduction of variable organizational forms of preschool education.

The purpose of creating variable forms of preschool education is to realize the right of every child to quality and accessible education and provides for a different mode of stay for children in preschool, both with the norm of development and with disabilities and special educational needs.

Family preschool group

Obtaining public and free preschool education is a constitutional right of citizens of the Russian Federation. In accordance with Articles 17 and 64 of the Law on Education in the Russian Federation, a combination of various forms of education and forms of education is allowed, including in the form of family education. One of the possible ways to address the issue of guaranteeing the rights of citizens to receive the availability of educational services for preschool education and create equal starting opportunities when children enter school can be the development of variable forms of organizing work with preschoolers by creating family preschool groups.

In 2015 in MKDOU Bagansky kindergarten No. 2 "Sun" a structural unit appeared: a family preschool group. Its appearance was the result of a lot of preliminary work carried out at two levels:

Department of education and administration of the Bagan region;

DOW itself.

At the 1st level, the legal framework was formed:

The Regulation “On the creation of a regional experimental site to work out the model of a “family kindergarten”, in order to ensure the comprehensive development of children who do not attend municipal preschool educational institutions, the development of new forms of preschool education, support for motherhood and childhood, reducing the queue for preschool educational institutions,

A commission was created and the social and living conditions of the family were examined;

Two family preschool groups have been created on the basis of preschool educational institutions;

The list of children in family preschool groups (FSGs) has been approved.

At the 2nd level, a package of documents was developed that regulates the activities of the institution and the SDG:

Change in the staffing table with the introduction of two additional rates of the educator;

Developed Job description SDG educator, employment contracts, an agreement between the preschool educational institution and the SDG, the personal files of the pupils of the group were drawn up, documentation on compliance with the rules of SanPiN.

The main goal of the groups is to look after, care for and improve children in a family environment without the implementation of the BEP. The pupils of two family preschool groups were 9 children, currently there is one SDH - 3 children. The kindergarten has defined a model of interaction between SDG educators and the institution: the nurse oversees compliance with the requirements of SanPiN, conducts training on catering. The deputy head supervises the methodological literacy of educators on the implementation of regime moments, on the method of hardening children; organizes the interaction of educators with teachers - specialists of preschool educational institutions. I, as a leader, coordinate all activities, draw up labor relations, instruct educators on safety precautions, ensure interaction with the Central District Hospital of the village of Bagan on medical care for pupils, and exercise control. This allows not only to systematically gain new experience in the work of the kindergarten, but also to immediately find a solution when working issues arise. Given the impossibility of SDG teachers to meet within the walls of the kindergarten without children, in order to implement the whole process, a convenient time was found for meetings with the administration and it was decided to hold them at the home of the family group, either by phone and through email. And the members of the administration of the preschool educational institution developed and handed over to the educators memos, schedules, rules, taking into account the “home way” of the group. Children are brought up according to the daily routine approved by the order of the head of the preschool educational institution. It reflects both the time of the group's functioning and the conduct of all routine moments: morning exercises, dressing / undressing children, meals, walking, tempering procedures.

Family preschool groups, as a new structural subdivision of our institution, have been operating for three years. Of course, there are still many questions that arise. But, as we see it, there are even more advantages: mothers - educators received not only a new job without leaving the family and raising children, but also a huge flow of new knowledge, which seriously helps to properly raise and educate their children. The children's life of these preschool children was organized in such a way that it became rich and interesting, truly useful for them. We constantly invite them to various holidays and entertainment.

By attending a family preschool group, the child gains experience of broad emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers in the most significant areas of life for his development.

By attending a family preschool group, the child gains experience in broad emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers in the most significant areas of life for his development.

Of course, the introduction of such a model cannot be massive, but there is confidence that the future lies with it. In addition, it is of interest to a certain part of large, young families and parents whose children, for one reason or another, cannot attend kindergarten.

The opening of family preschool groups makes it possible to make services more diverse and accessible to the population, as well as to increase the number of children receiving a quality education.

Thus, the variability of education is one of the fundamental principles and direction of development of the modern education system in Russia. A variable educational process is an interconnected activity of all participants in the educational process to achieve the goals of education, carried out in the conditions of choosing the content (within the framework of state standards), means and methods of activity and communication, the value-semantic attitude of the individual to the goals, content and process of education.

Department of Education

Department of Child Protection


The methodological recommendations present the normative and organizational support of variable forms of preschool education in educational institutions Vladimir region and other subjects of the Russian Federation. A list of the most common variant forms of preschool education is proposed (short-stay groups, family kindergartens (groups), advisory centers, child play support centers, family and child support model, Early Assistance Service, Lekoteka), as well as exemplary documents regulating their creation and operation.

The manual is intended for heads of local governments (education departments), heads and directors of educational institutions implementing the main general educational program of preschool education, families with children of preschool age, as well as for citizens (organizations) wishing to organize non-state (private) kindergartens.

1. Introduction.

2.Organization of the creation of variable forms of preschool education and their varieties (models).

3. Data bank of state (municipal) and non-state organizations and other structures in the Vladimir region that provide services to families with children of preschool age.

4. List of documents adopted in the municipalities of the Vladimir region on the introduction of variable forms of preschool education.

5. Normative - legal framework for the organization of variable forms of preschool education, including non-state children's organizations and family kindergartens.

6. Materials from the experience of the municipalities of the Vladimir region and other subjects of the Russian Federation on the introduction of variable forms of preschool education


In the Vladimir region, the problem of providing public high-quality preschool education is relevant. Despite the rather high indicators of the provision of preschool children with preschool educational services (coverage of children: region - 74.4%; RF - 59.1%; Central Federal District - 65.8%; meeting the needs of the population in the services of preschool education region - 87, 7%, RF-81%), in the region there is a queue for the placement of children in a preschool educational institution (more than 6 thousand people).

The problem of shortage of places in preschool educational institutions is the most urgent for urban settlements. In rural areas, there are 85 children per 100 places in rural kindergartens, and 105 children per 100 places in urban areas. In a number of cities (O. Murom, the city of Gus-Khrustalny, the city of Raduzhny), the problem of the general availability of preschool educational services has already been resolved. The queue has been eliminated in 6 municipal districts of rural areas (Gorokhovetsky, Kolchuginsky, Melenkovsky, Selivanovsky, Muromsky, Yuryev-Polsky districts).

The main mechanism for solving the problem is the municipal program documents for the development of a network of preschool educational institutions. As a result of their implementation in 2011. in educational institutions for preschool children, an additional 2.6 thousand places were created. The program approach to the organization of preschool education in the region made it possible to provide 63.6 thousand children with preschool education (2011 - 59.7 thousand people, an increase of 7%).

The largest number of educational institutions providing services in the field of preschool education are municipal preschool educational institutions. The share of municipal preschool educational institutions is 90% and has 546 units. 62.8 thousand people are brought up in institutions. (98.7% of the number of preschool children attending educational institutions).

Number of non-state preschool educational institutions in comparison with 2010 decreased from 4 units. up to 3, of which 2 NEIs are in the Aleksandrovsky district and 1 in the Suzdal district. In 2011 non-state kindergarten st. Vekovka of the Gus-Khrustalny district was transferred to municipal ownership.

Educational institutions implementing the program of preschool education in the academic year.

Educational institutions

Municipal preschools/children





Schools with pre-school groups / in the village, there are groups / children in them

OU for preschool children. and ml. school age / children

Total educational institutions/

Number of institutions/

(80 gr.) /1142

In most municipalities of the region there are other state and municipal institutions that provide services to families with children of preschool age (institutions of culture, education, social protection, etc.).

Considering that in the region more than 30 thousand children of preschool age are brought up at home, the services of advisory centers created on the basis of 165 preschool educational institutions are provided to help families. In addition, “Schools for Young Parents”, “Family Clubs”, etc. are organized in preschool educational institutions. Every fifth institution is a supporting kindergarten for organizing work with families raising children of preschool age at home.

Services for the care, supervision and development of children are provided by individual entrepreneurs and other structures. Experience in this direction is available in the city of Vladimir, Kovrov, Sobinsky, Vyaznikovsky districts, etc. (Table 2).

For the most complete solution of the problem of accessibility of preschool education, local governments are recommended to provide all possible support to organizations and individuals who have expressed a desire to organize family educational groups or other variable forms of preschool education, including those not related to the provision of educational services.

In order to provide assistance to municipalities in expanding the possibilities of providing the population with services for the care and supervision of preschool children and the use of modern models of preschool education, instructional and methodological letters were sent to the municipalities of the region, as well as the experience of the Perm Territory in the formation of a municipal order for preschool education services and Belgorod region on the development of public-private partnership in the field of preschool education.

At the same time, in the municipalities of the region, the non-state sector of services in the field of preschool education is not developing effectively enough. The main reason is the lack of adopted documents regulating the activities of various forms of preschool education, as well as the lack of necessary space (buildings) for the creation of non-state (private) kindergartens that meet sanitary requirements and the norms provided for by SanPin

In this regard, it became necessary to expand the variant forms of preschool education, which, along with traditional preschool institutions, are able to assist the family in raising a preschool child.

2. Organization of the creation of variable forms of preschool education and their varieties (models)

Variable forms of preschool education, as a rule, are created on the basis of educational institutions in order to increase the coverage of children with preschool education services and provide for a different mode of stay for children, both with a developmental standard and with disabilities and special educational needs.

TOvariable forms of preschool education for children with 2 months before 7 years include:

§ short stay group;

§ child support center;

§ advisory point;

§ early intervention service;

§ Lekoteka;

§ family kindergarten (group);

§ "governance", etc.

1. Short stay group (GKP) - a variable form of organizing preschool education in part-time mode (up to 5 hours). The GKP is created for children of early and preschool age in order to ensure their comprehensive development and formation of the foundations of school education for them, providing advisory and methodological support to their parents in organizing the upbringing and education of the child, his social adaptation and the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities.

Short stay groups can be accommodated on the basis of preschool educational organizations, general education schools, organizations of additional education and other adapted premises. Premises in which short-stay groups are accommodated must comply with the requirements of SanPiN

INAt present, the most common and demanded GKPs are:

§ "Adaptation group" - for children from 2 months to 3 years old, which aims to ensure the early socialization of children and their adaptation to entering a preschool educational institution;

§ "Development group" - for children from 3 to 7 years old, pursuing the goal of the comprehensive development of children, their socialization in a team of peers and adults;

§ group "Future first grader" - for children 5-6 years old, the purpose of which is to prepare children of senior preschool age for schooling;

§ "A group for children whose native language is not Russian" - for children from 3 to 7 years old, aimed at adapting a non-Russian child in a new Russian-speaking environment for him, at mastering the skills of Russian speech, forming his readiness for schooling;

§ "Evening group" - for children from 2 to 7 years old, the purpose of which is to assist parents in raising and educating children, organizing childcare and child care;

§ "Group for children with developmental disabilities" - for children from 2 to 7 years old, aimed at providing systematic psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children with health problems, their upbringing and education, consultative and methodological support for parents.

2. Child Play Support Center (CIPR) is an organizational form of providing preschool education, psychological and pedagogical assistance to children aged 2 months to 3 years in the mode of short-term stay of children in municipal preschool educational institutions on the basis of modern methods organization of gaming activities.

The main tasks of the CIPR are:

- assistance in the socialization of children of early preschool age on the basis of the organization of gaming activities;

- development of individual programs of game support and organization of psychological and pedagogical support of the child;

- familiarization of parents (legal representatives) with the methods of using various types of game teaching aids, organizing developing games and playing interaction with children on their basis;

· -consulting parents (legal representatives) on choosing the best methods and means for the development of children with disabilities, as well as on creating a developing environment in the context of family education.

3. Advisory points are created for parents (legal representatives) and children aged 1 to 7 years who do not attend preschool. The main goal of their activities is to ensure the unity and continuity of family and social education, the provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents (legal representatives) in support of the comprehensive development of the child's personality.

Main goals:

    providing comprehensive assistance to parents (legal representatives) and children who do not attend educational institutions in ensuring equal starting opportunities when entering school; providing advisory and methodological assistance to families on various issues of upbringing, education and development of a child of preschool age; prevention of various deviations in
    physical, mental and social development of preschool children who do not attend educational institutions.

4. Family escort service for a young child in a preschool educational institution

The main goal of organizing the support model is to create optimal conditions for mental and social development a child of an early age, stimulation of his potential in the process of a specially organized interaction of the child with his parents and the outside world.

Maintenance tasks are:

    determination of the level of development of a young child in accordance with the main normative indicators of this age; the earliest possible detection and psychological and pedagogical qualification of deviations in the development of the child; monitoring the development of the child in the process of targeted psychological and pedagogical assistance; advising parents on the upbringing of young children, etc.

5. Lekoteka is created to provide psychological and pedagogical support for children from 2 months to 7 years old with developmental disabilities for socialization, the formation of prerequisites learning activities, support for the development of the child's personality and the provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents.

Main goals:

The main tasks of the "tutor service"

    To provide assistance to families raising children of preschool age at home (on a reimbursable basis). Implement new approaches in interaction: kindergarten-child-family, develop new forms of preschool education. Organize diagnostic, advisory and medical assistance to parents of children who do not attend preschool institutions. Ensuring the fullest coverage of children with preschool education.

3. Data bank of state (municipal) and non-state organizations and other structures providing services to families with children of preschool age in 2012

State and municipal organizations and other structures providing services to families with preschool children

Non-governmental organizations providing services in the field of preschool education


Preschool educational institution No. 8 - Short stay group: inclusion of unorganized disabled children in functioning groups / 2 people.

Preschool educational institution No. 70,101 - Short stay group: Care and supervision (evening) / 22 people.

Preschool educational institution No. 77 - Short stay group: Adaptation group for children of early preschool age / 15 people.

Short stay group: Care and supervision (evening)

Preschool № 000 - Family group / 3 pers.

School No. 34, 37, 47 - Pre-school group 3/ 82

Palace of children's (youthful) creativity in Vladimir - School early development"Sun" / 48 people

"Children's health-improving Education Centre Vladimir" - advisory center / 30 people








st. Gorky, 69; tel., A; tel.-47-74

Rainbow, 1 quarter, 58

BABY, -; tel.

MOSAIC, CHILDREN'S CENTER, st. Gorky, 56A, office. 804, tel.

office 612; tel. (ext. 114); tel.

MY Nanny, st. Northern, 4-61;





Goose - Crystal

parole child Center"Istok" (circles for preschoolers artistic gymnastics, creative activity)

DDC "Dektyarevets", "Rodnichok", rehabilitation center for disabled children

IP "Wizard", st. Mokhovaya, pers.), IP "Neposeda", pers.)

Children's health-improving and educational center - providing correctional assistance to preschoolers, in UDO - 2 groups for preschool children "Philippok";

There are 18 adaptation groups and 2 game support centers on the basis of the preschool educational institution.


UDO "Lad" (organized circle work for preschool children); Youth "Crystal" (hobby classes for children);

DOW - 2 GKP for children under 3 years old



Social and rehabilitation center "Rosinka", UDOD "Center additional education for children”, “Palace of sports for children and youth” (80 people). In preschool educational institution No. 23, Vyazniki, there is a Game Support Center (27 people)

I. P. Smirnova Center "Orange" (pre-school preparation and psychological assistance)


On the basis of UDO CDT "Rosinka" there is 1 group of socio-psychological support for children 5-6 years old (9 people) and 1 group of short-term stay for young children (10 people), on the basis of GUSO Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors "Family » get help 10 people.

In the preschool educational institution No. 4, Gorokhovets, there is a GKP (10 people)

Goose - Crystal

OGUSO "Gus-Khrustalny social and rehabilitation center for minors";

Center for socio-psychological assistance to families and children (at the district administration).


Institution of social protection "Center social assistance family and children” (organized with unorganized children game hours of physical and visual orientation); UDO TsVR (classes with children of preschool age in the early study of foreign languages, art activities)


On the basis of UDO CDT there are 2 groups to prepare children 5-6 years old for school (24 people)


MOU DOD "Musical Children's School of Arts" - a preparatory class for teaching preschool children to play the button accordion - 12 children;

* MOU DOD "House of Children's Creativity":

1. Group of early aesthetic development (singing, dancing, art) - 12 children;

2. Group of early development (intellectual direction) - 35 children.

On the basis of the OGU "Comprehensive Center for Social Services to the Population" of the Kovrovsky District, assistance is provided to preschool children from families at risk: social and pedagogical patronage, prevention of child homelessness and neglect.

* UIA "FOC Sports Palace":

3. Hockey section - 10 children.


On the basis of UDO CVR there are 2 groups for unorganized preschoolers (24 people) to prepare for school

On the basis of preschool educational institution No. 11 in Kolchugino, the GKP operates.

In the preschool educational institution No. 15 in Kolchugino, the Rastishka Play Support Center (15 people) operates for children under 3 years old.


On the basis of UDO CVR in Melenki, there are 2 circles of intellectual and theatrical areas for preschool children (24 people)


On the basis of the social rehabilitation center, Murom, assistance is provided to children of preschool age with disabilities

On the basis of preschool groups of the MBOU "Kovarditskaya secondary school", a model of accompanying a family and a young child is being implemented.

On the basis of 7 educational institutions, GKPs operate, which are attended by 49 children,

Advisory center for preschool children (branch of MBOU Boris-Gleb secondary school);

A group for future first graders (MBDOU No. 4 in the village of Chaadaevo).


On the basis of UDO, Pokrov, there are 5 groups to prepare children 5-6 years old for school (54 people)


On the basis of the Selivanovsky social rehabilitation center for minors. assistance is provided to preschool children. age, including children with disabilities (39/7 people), Healthy Family Center at the Civil Registry Office


NOU "Istok" - center of educational services ( game lessons with preschool children)

CIPR on the basis of MDOU No. 1 in Sobinka.

On the basis of preschool educational institution No. 5, Lakinsk and preschool educational institution No. 4, Stavrovo village, 2 KPD groups (28 people) work.

Children's leisure center "Pochemuchka" (children from 8 months to 5 years) (IP)


On the basis of the Sudogodsky social and rehabilitation center for minors. assistance is provided to preschool children. age limit health (2 re-inv.)


Complex center of social services for the population of the Suzdal region;

Municipal institution "Sports and recreation complex" of the Suzdal region

With. Pavlovsky;

MOU DOD "Children's School of Arts" p. Sadovy, p. Novo-Aleksandrovo;

MOU DOD "Center for extracurricular activities in the city of Suzdal and the Suzdal region."

GKP in preschool educational institution with. Klementyevo" (3 hours without payment, 12 people under 3 years old)

Yuriev - Polish

On the basis of UDO TsVR works 6 gr. to prepare children for the Svirelka school (82 people)

On the basis of MDOU No. 6 in Yuryev-Polsky, a Game Support Center was created (12 people, working hours 3 hours)


Modernization of the system of preschool education, the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of this level of education as a priority determines the provision of its quality and accessibility. In this regard, the article identifies and reveals new trends in the development of the regional system of preschool education Belgorod region based on the principles of variability, openness, cultural conformity. The authors identify its key problems, primarily related to meeting the need for preschool institutions in the region, the quality of the educational services they provide. The main directions of the possible solution of the identified problems are also proposed, one of which is the development of alternative forms of preschool education, both state and non-state. The article briefly describes the experience of the Belgorod region in solving the problem of the development of variable forms of preschool education, and also proposes a model for organizing interaction between educational authorities, educational organizations, the Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology of the NRU BelSU, the Department of Preschool and primary education BelIRO to provide scientific and methodological support for the development of variable forms of preschool education in the region.

preschool education

regional system of preschool education

variable forms of preschool education



educational services

1. Vinogradova N.A., Miklyaeva N.V. Quality management of preschool education in preschool educational institutions: a manual. – M.: Iris-press, 2007. – 192 p.

2. The concept of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation until 2025: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 9, 2007 No. 1351. URL (Accessed 17.02.2014)

3. Potashnik M.M., Solozhnin A.V. Management of education at the municipal level: a manual. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2013. - 480 p.

4. Solomennikova O.A. Professional competence of the educator of a preschool educational institution // Pedagogical education and science. - 2007. - No. 3. - P. 4–5.

5. Timofeeva L.L., Berezhnova O.V. Variable models of organization of preschool education. – M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2012. – 176 p.

Changing the paradigm of education, reassessing it conceptual foundations, rethinking the goals, objectives, content of preschool education are reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, where the goal of providing the state with equal opportunities for each child in obtaining high-quality preschool education is brought to the fore. Meeting the needs of families in the services of preschool education through the development of all forms of preschool educational organizations (public, private), increasing the availability and quality of their services, stimulating the development of flexible forms of providing services for the care and upbringing of children, depending on their age, is included in the Concept of the Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025.

The quality of preschool education is determined, on the one hand, by providing an opportunity to choose for an individual "educational route" based on a variety of content, forms and methods of working with children; ensuring social protection of the child from incompetent pedagogical influences; ensuring that every child reaches the minimum required level of preparation for successful education in primary school.

On the other hand, the quality of preschool education should be considered as a generalized measure of effectiveness activities of the preschool educational institution which manifests itself in guaranteeing them such a level of educational services provided that meets the expectations and demands of their consumers and meets state standards.

Compliance with the quality of preschool education is determined by the following indicators:

  • the ability to meet the needs of the family and the child in the services of a preschool educational institution;
  • the choice of educational programs focused on preserving the inherent value of preschool childhood;
  • the readiness of the kindergarten to preserve the health of the child, to ensure the necessary correction of developmental deficiencies;
  • growth of professional skills teaching staff DOW.

However, it must be admitted that at present there is no single approach to the parameters, criteria, indicators by which it would be possible to determine the quality of preschool education, its results.

Today, the problem of meeting the needs of the family and the child in preschool services is quite acute for the Belgorod Region, i.e. availability of quality preschool education.

As of March 1, 2014, there are 652 preschool organizations in the Belgorod region:

  • 519 municipal preschool educational organizations;
  • 115 educational organizations with groups for preschool children in their structure;
  • 8 organizations for children of preschool and primary school age;
  • 9 non-state (private) kindergartens;
  • 1 private school with preschool group.

Also, 226 groups of short-term stay function in municipal educational organizations.

The number of children covered by pre-school education, supervision and care services is 67,762 children, of which 65,412 children receive full-time services, 2,350 - short-term. Coverage of children from the total number of the child population of the region aged 1 to 7 years is 68%. In 2013, the coverage of children for this period of the total number of children in the region aged 1 to 7 years was 65.9%. Thus, the coverage of children increased by 2.1%.

The solution to the problem of ensuring the availability and quality of preschool education in the region is carried out in two main areas:

  • the construction of new and the return of previously given buildings of kindergartens, the conversion of various institutions for them, the opening of preschool groups in schools;
  • development of variable, including non-state forms of preschool education.

The non-state sector of preschool education in the Belgorod region is represented by 9 non-state (private) kindergartens, 1 private school with a preschool group that has a license for educational activities, 45 individual entrepreneurs and organizations (in 2013 there were 37) providing services for the development, supervision and care of children of preschool age on a full-time basis. As of 01.03.2014, the number of children covered by the non-state sector of preschool education is 1375 children, which is 148 children more than in 2013 (as of 01.05.2013, the number of children covered by the non-state sector of preschool education was 1227 children ).

It should be noted that there is a demand for alternative forms, which are structural units of municipal educational institutions. For example, short stay groups, play support centers, counseling centers for psychological and pedagogical support of a child, etc.

A great incentive for the development of public-private partnerships and the withdrawal of private business in the field of preschool education “out of the shadows” was the adoption of resolutions of the regional government: dated April 11, 2011 No. 128-pp “On supporting the development of alternative forms of providing preschool education”, dated May 23, 2011 of the year No. 194-pp "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Belgorod Region No. 128-pp dated April 11, 2011", which allowed not only to create equal conditions for the participation of non-governmental organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the provision of preschool education services, but also to provide funding for part the costs of parents to receive services from non-state providers in the amount of the average cost per child established in a particular municipality for a municipal preschool educational institution. To date, a subsidy for pre-school education in a private kindergarten, which has educational license, averages 5220 rubles per month, a subsidy for receiving services for the care and care of a child without educational activities from an individual entrepreneur, an organization averages 2475 rubles.

In addition, within the framework of the long-term target program "Development and state support of small and medium-sized businesses in the Belgorod region for 2011-2013", 14 entrepreneurs providing services for preschool children received grants to create their own business in the amount of 300 thousand rubles for free and irrevocable basis.

Despite the measures taken, in the context of rising birth rates, it has not yet been possible to completely overcome the shortage of places. Monitoring of the provision of residents of the region with preschool education services showed that the number of children not provided with a place in a preschool educational institution in 2013 is 6932 people. Of these, 70% are children aged 1 to 3 years. The coverage of children aged 5 to 7 with preschool education is 95%. The queue in 2012 was 8205 people. Of these, 64.4% are children aged 1 to 3 years.

It should be noted that the current system of variable preschool education does not yet fully satisfy such social needs as:

  • preservation of mental and physical health child;
  • receiving quality education children from dysfunctional families, low-income segments of the population;
  • reducing the age limit for accepting a child in a preschool educational institution;
  • expansion of the age limit for the transition of the child to school (6.6-8 years);
  • providing a flexible work schedule for preschool organizations.

In order to overcome these problems and implement a systematic approach, organizational and scientific and methodological support for the development of variable, including non-state, forms of preschool education, relevant measures have been introduced into targeted regional and municipal programs - an exemplary regulatory legal framework has been developed and guidelines. In many municipalities, advisory points have been set up for private entrepreneurs, legal entities who wish to provide services for the supervision and care of children of preschool age. Such work can be organized on the basis of a network system for the dissemination of regulatory, methodological information via the Internet, in a remote form through the website or portal of the municipal methodological service.

Since 2010, a regional experiment has been organized on the basis of the Belgorod Institute for the Development of Education, and since 2013 - a regional innovation platform, whose activities are carried out in several areas: ensuring the quality of preschool education in an autonomous preschool educational institution; structural and content foundations of the activities of the Center for Early Childhood Development (from 1 to 3 years old) in a preschool educational institution; approbation of the system-dynamic model of the activity of the Center for Counseling Expectant Mothers; approbation of the model of organization of tutoring services in the system of preschool education; managing the activities of the Center for Preschool Education in the context of the implementation of variable forms of preschool education; ensuring the quality of preschool education in a private preschool educational institution.

In the process of implementing the experiment, various forms of preschool education, optimal for the conditions of the Belgorod region, were developed, tested and implemented at the level of an educational institution and at the municipal level; the regulatory and legal framework necessary for the creation and functioning of variable forms of preschool education at the level of an educational institution and a municipality has been brought into line with Russian and regional legislation; a monitoring program has been developed to study the effectiveness of the activities of autonomous, private preschool educational institutions, development centers, including issues of studying public opinion; individual-oriented pedagogical, psychological, medical, legal assistance to children and their parents is carried out using information technologies. Websites have been created in all educational institutions participating in the experiment.

Note that in modern conditions the science intensity of pedagogical work in preschool education has increased significantly. Pedagogical teams of private preschool institutions carry out independent design of the main educational program, create their own models for organizing the educational process and the life of children, author programs. All this caused the need to improve the skills of leaders of private preschool organizations. The course program "Management of a private preschool organization" was developed and implemented by the Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Research University "BelSU". The program includes six modules: "Anatomical and physiological and psychological features children from 1 to 5 years old; "State policy in the field of preschool education"; "Organization and content of the educational process in a private preschool organization"; "Image of a preschool organization"; "Management of the personnel of the preschool organization". The practical module involves the study and analysis of the experience of non-state preschool institutions.

For lectures and practical exercises teachers of the department, specialists of the Department of Education of the Belgorod Region, the Office Federal Service in the field of consumer protection and human well-being in the Belgorod region.

For educators of private preschool institutions, courses were organized on the basis of the Belgorod Institute for the Development of Education. Teachers of private kindergartens and organizations providing services for the supervision and care of preschool children got acquainted with the modern regulatory and legal framework for the activities of pedagogical workers. Together with the psychologist, the teachers discussed the anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics of preschool children. Particular attention was paid to the psychological characteristics of children from 1 to 4 years old, because children of this age mostly attend private gardens.

Another feature of non-state educational institutions is different-age groups. In the form of master classes and practical trainings, educators improved their competence in organizing children's activities in groups of different ages; carrying out regime moments; use modern technologies(health-saving, design, artistic and aesthetic development and others).

During the training, leaders of non-governmental preschool organizations and teachers had the opportunity to receive individual consultations, discuss the problems and prospects for the development of a private preschool organization at a round table. All students noted the usefulness of the training, positively assessed its organization and content.

Thus, the essence of new trends in the development of regional preschool education is based on the principles of its variability, openness, cultural conformity, which ultimately contributes to the achievement of the goals of equal opportunities for each child in obtaining a quality preschool education. The organization of interaction between educational authorities, educational organizations, the Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology of the NRU BelSU, the Department of Preschool and Primary Education of BelIRO provides scientific and methodological support for the development of variable forms of preschool education in the region.


Isaev I.F., Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, National Research University State University", Belgorod;

Voloshina L.N., Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology, Belgorod State University, Belgorod.

The work was received by the editors on March 26, 2014.

Bibliographic link

Serykh L.V., Shinkareva L.V. DEVELOPMENT OF VARIATIVE FORMS OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION: REGIONAL ASPECT // Basic Research. - 2014. - No. 5-5. - S. 1099-1102;
URL: (date of access: 03/24/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"
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