Author's program for preschool teachers. Planning and organization of additional education in dow

Work programs teachers - the materials of this section. contain copyrighted and modified programs based on theoretical studies And practical experience. These publications will serve as a good help for novice educators and preschool specialists, for teachers who improve their professional level.

In this section you can find the following materials:

  • Patriotic and spiritual and moral education programs
  • Programs for familiarization with the environment and ecology
  • Programs for life safety and formation safe behavior
  • Healthy lifestyle programs
  • Programs of the artistic and aesthetic cycle
  • Programs for the intellectual development of preschoolers
  • Family programs
  • Programs additional education
  • Programs for specialists of preschool educational institutions

Work programs

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Circle work. Circle programs, work programs for additional education of children

Showing publications 1-10 of 5550 .
All sections | Programs. Educational, working, variable, additional education

Additional educational program on ecology "Grain". Part 7 - content section (continued) Program"Grain" includes a set of blocks, the sequence of which reflects the logic of the content of the proposed knowledge, allows you to gradually move from simpler knowledge to more complex ones (expansion and complication of knowledge. All blocks are interconnected and provide for ...

Additional general educational general developmental program of social and pedagogical orientation "Luboznayki" Contents 1. Target section additional general educational general developmental program…………………………………………………. 3 1.1. Explanatory note…………………………………………………. 3 1.1.1. Purpose and tasks of implementation additional general educational general development program……………………………………………………. 4...

Programs. Educational, working, variable, additional education - The work program of the circle on life safety "ABC of security" in the second junior group

Publication "The work program of the circle on life safety" ABC of security "in the second ..." Explanatory note All aspects of a person's life are directly related to his safety. The problem of life safety is rightly referred to as global issues humanity. The main goal is to prepare the child for a safe life in the environment. environment - natural, technogenic ...

MAAM Pictures Library

The program of additional education "Entertaining weaving" (beading) Fantasies of flight and creation of hands, With delight I hold in my hands ... Fortunately, the beauty of aging does not know, Love for the beautiful lives for centuries. Zinaida Mitrofanovna Toropchina (From L. Bozhko's book "Beads. Lessons in Mastery") Explanatory note Beading is known from a deep...

Additional educational program on ecology "Grain". Part 6 - content section II. Content section 2.1. Educational activities in accordance with the directions of the child's development According to the "Concept of environmental education", its content at all levels includes cognitive, value, normative and activity components. Each of...

Additional educational program on ecology "Grain". Part 5. Planned results 1.2. Planned results of the development of the Program  Explains environmental dependencies; establishes causal relationships between the state environment, the life of living organisms and human activities. Makes basic inferences and inferences.

Programs. Educational, working, variable, additional education - Working program of the circle work "ABC of security"

Additional educational program on ecology "Grain". Part 4-characteristics of pupils 1.1.3. Significant characteristics of the developmental features of pupils of the senior preschool age The social situation of development. At the stage of preschool age, the social situation of development is characterized by the fact that the child discovers the world human relations. Home...

The program of the circle for senior preschool age "Plasticine fairy tale". Explanatory note The program of the circle for senior preschool age "Plasticine fairy tale". Explanatory note. 1. The focus of the program. The focus of the additional educational program is artistic and aesthetic, work to improve aesthetic education, development of creative ...

Educational program of additional education in artistic and aesthetic development "Nimble Hands". Ch 2 Part 1 2.5. Material and technical equipment Projector TV Computer Laptop Material for working with children: Paper (colored, corrugated, wrapping, wallpaper. Cardboard Napkins Natural material (cones, acorns, shells, leaves, branches, straw. Felt pens, markers, ...

Educational programs DOW is considered to be a management document that fixes certain norms, goals, content, technologies and methods, forms and means that are used in each specific preschool institution when organizing educational educational process. Methodist scientists are developing approximate basic educational programs, which preschool institutions take as a basis for developing their own program, taking into account the regional component and local conditions.

Based on the educational program, the teacher develops work program, serving as a model pedagogical activity in a specific direction of education and training of preschoolers and including integrated planning of the educational process. The structure and content of the work program is developed taking into account the requirements and standards approved at the federal level.

In the work program, the teacher prescribes goals and objectives, sections and their content, a list of classes by topic, indicates the conditions for the implementation of the program and expected results, as well as other necessary information, allowing to present the level of development of educational material by preschoolers and its practical use. The work program is a regulatory document and is approved by the head of the preschool institution.

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1 Seminar - workshop "Organization of additional education in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard" Purpose: To systematize the knowledge of educators about the organization of additional education in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. To improve the skills of teachers in the organization of circle and studio work of preschool educational institution. Tasks: 1. To study the theory and practice of organizing additional education in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard 2. Circles as a form of additional education in preschool educational institutions 3. Develop a variable part of the main general education program preschool education taking into account circle and studio work. Equipment: Interactive whiteboard I. 1. Theoretical part: 1.1. "Organization of additional education in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard" At present, not only basic education, but also additional education plays an important role in the development of the child. Additional education in preschool institutions makes it possible to identify and develop Creative skills children. In continuing education classes

2 deepening, expansion and practical application of the acquired knowledge in the main educational activities. The additional education of children makes it possible for each child to satisfy their individual cognitive, aesthetic, creative needs. When organizing the activities of additional education for children, the kindergarten takes into account: the interests of children and the voluntariness of their choice of a circle, sections, studios; age characteristics of children, their experience of participating in such activities; the need to solve educational and educational tasks in unity with the main program kindergarten; understanding the game as the leading type of activity and building the content of additional education for children precisely on its basis; the need to create a comfortable environment in which to develop creative person; load limits for a child. Additional education of children in kindergarten is one of the areas of creative, physical, social, personal and intellectual development of pupils in addition to the main general educational program of preschool education implemented in preschool institutions. The most in demand additional education of children in the artistic and aesthetic direction: teaching children various techniques of visual activity, modeling from plasticine,

3 non-traditional ways of drawing, as well as on the physical development of preschoolers. Additional education is carried out in extracurricular activities and is carried out throughout the academic year by teachers and specialists. Children study once a week in the afternoon. The results of the activities of children are expressed in the design of collective exhibitions, in the publication of albums, the design of wall newspapers, in the holding of reporting concerts of the Circle as a form of additional education in preschool educational institutions; A circle is an informal, free association of children into a group for activities based on their common interest, based on additional material to the tasks of the Program of education and training in kindergarten under the guidance of an adult (teacher). The purpose of additional education is the introduction of new variable forms preschool education in order to improve the quality of the educational process and meet the needs of society. Circles in kindergarten perform several functions: - educational each pupil of the educational institution has the opportunity to satisfy (or develop) his cognitive needs, to receive additional development of skills in the type of activity of interest to him; - socially adaptive classes in circles allow pupils to gain socially significant experience of activity and interaction, experience a “success situation”, learn to assert themselves; - correctional-developing upbringing-educational process, implemented in the classroom, allows you to develop the intellectual, creative, physical abilities of each child;

4 - the educational content and methodology of work in circles has a significant impact on the development of socially significant personality traits, the formation of communication skills, the education of social responsibility, collectivism, and patriotism. Circles as a form of additional education in a preschool educational institution can be opened for various purposes: 1. Deepening and expanding basic knowledge, advancing the development of the child or compensating classes (for children with developmental delays). 2. Acquaintance with areas of knowledge that go beyond the scope of the state Program (work with gifted children). 3. Acquaintance with the areas of knowledge and skills, including the development of self-knowledge, self-regulation, self-development, the formation of interpersonal communication skills. The activity of any circle is regulated by legal documents: - the Charter of the preschool educational institution; - The educational program of the preschool educational institution; - Regulations on the circle; - The program of the circle (goal and objectives, the expected end result); - The work plan of the circle for the year; - List of children; - Schedule of activities; - Materials for quality control (performance) of the work of the circle (diagnostic cards). The algorithm of the teacher's activity in creating a circle (sections, studios): 1. Studying the legal framework. 2. Identification of the needs of educational institutions, parents, children in additional educational services Oh.

5 3. Analysis of the effectiveness of work on the assimilation by children of the state program of preschool education. 4. Development (selection) of the circle program. 5. Development of a circle plan for academic year. 6. Approval of the program, work plan of the circle of the head of the preschool educational institution. 7. Implementation of the work plan of the circle in practice. 8. Analysis of the performance of the circle. 9. Protection of the results of work in front of the parent and pedagogical community. (corners circle work, exhibitions, participation in competitions, shows, etc.) It is important to consider that the organization of circles involves the voluntary (without psychological coercion) inclusion of children in activities, therefore, in addition to the selection of interesting content, there are a number of specific conditions: organization of the workspace; the opportunity for children to engage in their own strengths and interests. the playful nature of the presentation of any material; Club leaders organize their activities through the following forms: With children: - Front lessons(group) - Excursions - Thematic walks - Entertainment, leisure

6 - Participation in competitions of various levels With teachers: - Consultations, master classes, seminars for preschool teachers With parents: - Consultations, master classes, speeches at parent meetings, information on the site. Circles can be of different directions: 1) Physical development 2) Social - personal development 3) Cognitive and speech development 4) Artistic and aesthetic development The subjects of circles can be varied. When organizing the activities of circles, teachers should take into account: - the interests of children and the voluntariness of their choice of a circle; - age characteristics of children, their experience of participating in such activities; - the need to solve educational and educational problems in unity with the main program of the kindergarten; - understanding the game as a leading activity and building the content of additional education for children on its basis; - the need to create a comfortable environment in which a creative person will develop;

7 - the norms of the load on the child. Scheme for the development of the circle work program 1. Title page 2. Explanatory note (relevance, goals and objectives) 3. Expected results (intended result) 4. Educational and thematic planning 5. Diagnostic maps, diagnostic methods 6. References 2. Practical part : 2.1. Drafting sample questions to identify the needs of parents, children in additional educational services. Development (selection) of the program of the circle (studio, section). Expected result of the workshop: 1) Increased effectiveness of teaching activities. 2) Improving the quality of educational services provided. 3) Creation and attraction of innovative pedagogical technologies. 4) Creation of accessible preschool educational space.

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4.1. Brief presentation Programs The main general educational program educational program of preschool education of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten

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Elena Timchenko
Planning and organization of additional education in a preschool educational institution

In our kingdom-state

All wizards live

Everyone draws, everyone dances,

Everyone plays and sings.

Just cross the threshold

It's like you're in heaven

A hundred roads will be opened to you

You choose any.

Kindergarten - first step common system education whose main goal is the all-round development of the child.

important for the development of preschoolers organization of a system of additional education in a preschool educational institution which is able to ensure the transition from the interests of children to the development of their abilities. The development of the creative activity of each child seems to be the main task of modern additional education in preschool educational institutions and the quality of education in general.

Additional education

is an “independent, intrinsically valuable, personality-oriented type of education capable of meeting the individual and creative needs of the individual, to active participation in solving the socio-cultural problems of the region” (Builova L. N., Klenova N. V. How organize additional education for children in a preschool educational institution)

Target additional education- introduction of new variable forms of preschool education to improve quality educational process and meet the needs of society.

Quality additional educational process in the DOW will be determined by the following criteria:

the level of saving the health of pupils and teachers;

subjective satisfaction of all participants educational process, its effectiveness and conditions;

correspondence educational process state standards, its conditions organization and management;

manufacturability and continuity, focused on features age development pupils and at the level of advancement educational program(modules, projects, forms of work with information);

compliance with the content education consolidated delivery order educational services.

Additional education can be directed on:

creation of conditions for the development of the child's personality;

development of motivation of the child's personality to knowledge and creativity;

ensuring the emotional well-being of the child;

strengthening mental and physical health children;

interaction of teachers additional education with family.

Additional educational services can be divided into paid and free. In kindergarten, children, both attending and not attending it, can receive them. The peculiarity is that additional educational services are integrated with the main educational program to expand the content of the base component education and reduce the workload on the child.

To paid educational services include those services that are not included in the basic plan of preschool educational institution, services that are not funded by the city or federal budget. Such services are provided only upon request, at the request of the parents.

Value additional education is that it enhances the variable component of the total education, contributes to the practical application of knowledge and skills acquired in preschool educational institution, stimulates the cognitive motivation of students. And most importantly, in conditions additional education children can develop their creativity, adaptation skills to modern society and get the opportunity to fully free time organization

Forms additional education in the preschool educational institution:

Organization of additional educational services in kindergarten is carried out in the form of circles, sections, studios, clubs.

Job planned by thematic sections of the main general education program.

So way, consolidate and expand the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the framework of compulsory classes.

TO additional include educational various focus:

artistic and aesthetic cycle,



intellectual development,

communicative speech,


physical culture and health,

various corrective orientation, etc.

In some cases, as additional partial preschool programs can be used education.

One of the forms additional education in our institution there are circles in the preschool educational institution that can be opened with various goals:

Deepening and expanding basic knowledge, advancing the development of the child or compensating classes (for children with developmental delay).

2. Acquaintance with areas of knowledge that go beyond the scope of the state Program (work with gifted children).

3. Acquaintance with the areas of knowledge and skills, including the development of self-knowledge, self-regulation, self-development, the formation of interpersonal communication skills.

Circles in kindergarten perform several functions:

educational Every student has the opportunity to satisfy (or develop) their cognitive needs additional skill development, skills in the type of activity that interests him;

socially adaptive - classes in circles allow pupils to gain socially significant experience of activity and interaction, to experience "success situation", learn to assert themselves;

correctional-developing - educational- educational process, implemented in the classroom, allows you to develop the intellectual, creative, physical abilities of each child;

educational - the content and methodology of work in circles has a significant impact on the development of socially significant personality traits, the formation of communication skills, the education of social responsibility, collectivism, patriotism.

The activities of any circle are regulated by legal and regulatory documents:

the Charter of the DOW;

The educational program of the preschool educational institution;

Regulations on the circle;

Circle program (goal and objectives, expected end result);

plan circle work for a year;

the list of children;

Children's attendance sheet

Applications from legal representatives

Schedule of activities;

Quality control materials (performance) mug work (diagnostic cards).

Algorithm for the activity of the teacher to create a circle (sections, studios):

1. Study of the regulatory framework.

2. Identification of the needs of parents, children in additional educational services.

3. Analysis of the effectiveness of work on the assimilation by children of the state program of preschool education.

4. Development (selection) circle programs.

5. Development plan mug for the school year.

6. Approval of the program, plan the work of the circle of the head of the preschool educational institution.

7. Implementation plan circle work in practice.

8. Analysis of the performance of the circle.

9. Protection of the results of work in front of the parent and pedagogical community. (corners of circle work, exhibitions, participation in competitions, shows, etc.)

Scheme for developing a circle work program

Title page.

Explanatory note (relevance, goals and objectives).

Expected results (intended result).

Educational and thematic planning

Diagnostic cards, diagnostic methods.


In our institution, there are 5 circles in the artistic and aesthetic direction and 1 circle in cognitive development children:

1. Naughty hands - 1 junior group

2. Naughty heel - preparatory group

3. Tili-tili dough - preparatory group

4. Klyaksochka - middle group

5. Workshop of actors - middle group

6. Young ecologist - preparatory group

Diversity educational needs children and their parents leads to the need to ensure the variability of the content of preschool education, including development of additional programs. Including programs of circle work.

kindergarten teacher independently develops a program of its activities taking into account the needs of children, the needs of the family, the educational institution, the peculiarities of national and cultural traditions, as well as in accordance with their professional interests and creative abilities.
Program development algorithm:
- analysis educational situation and educational needs;
- determination of value-target guidelines for educational activities;
— study of normative documents;
– development of a software and methodological package;
— formation of the structure of the program;
– planning and control of the educational process;
— development of criteria for mastering the program.

Analysis of the educational situation and educational needs
This is an important and necessary stage in the development of the program. It is necessary to conduct a survey of parents in the form of conversations or questionnaires. Include questions in the questionnaire that will help determine the demand for services, the time of their implementation, etc.

Definition of value-target guidelines
When formulating the goal, it should be remembered that this is the main generalized expected result of the educational process, which must be strived for. The goal should be associated with the name of the program and reflect the main direction of educational activities for it.

Study of legal documents
Before proceeding with the development of an additional education program, it is necessary to study the legislative acts, regulatory documents regulating the issues of preschool education, pedagogical and methodological literature.

Development of a software and methodological package
In this section, pay attention to the following point: to determine the features of the software and methodological complex, that is, to indicate on the basis of which program it was developed, used without changes or with changes, combined program, author's, etc.
Next, it is necessary to justify the choice of the program and methodological package:
a) compliance with the purpose and objectives of the program;
b) compliance with the requirements for psychological and pedagogical conditions for ensuring the educational process.
It is advisable to present the program-methodical set in the form of a table:
1. The direction of the child's development.
2. Age group.
3. Type of program (complex, partial).
4. Used teaching aids.
5. Teaching and visual materials.

Program structure:
1. Title page.
2. Explanatory note.
3. Educational and thematic plan.
4. The content of the course being studied.
5. Methodological support programs.
6. List of references.

Title page includes:
- the name of the educational institution;
- where, when and by whom the program of additional education for preschoolers was approved;
— the name of the additional education program;
- the age of the children for whom the program is designed;
- duration of the program;
— Full name, position of the author (authors) of the program;
- city name or locality;
— year of development of the additional education program.

The explanatory note reveals:
— orientation of the program of additional education;
- novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency;
- the purpose and objectives of the program;
— the age of the children involved in the implementation of this program;
- the timing of the program implementation (duration of the educational process, stages);
- forms and mode of directly educational activity;
- methods, techniques, means of education, training and development of children;
— expected results and ways to check them;
- forms of summing up the results of the implementation of the program of additional education (exhibitions, festivals, competitions, concerts, competitions, etc.).

The educational and thematic plan includes:
— list of sections, topics;
- the number of hours for each topic, broken down by types of classes.

Methodological support program includes didactic material for the program (for example, a catalog of games, methodological developments games, conversations, handouts, models, layouts, etc.). All didactic materials must be available to the teacher. It is advisable to prescribe the material and technical equipment of the classes (music center, computer, attributes, etc.)

Bibliography with indication of all output data (author, book title, place of publication, name of publisher, year of publication, number of pages). The list of literature is compiled either for the entire program, or separately for sections. If necessary, lists of literature for parents are provided.

Planning can be presented in different versions:
Option 1: Thematic block - Topic - Lesson, type of activity - Number of lessons - Terms.
Option 2: Thematic block - Topic - Program content (tasks) - Occupation, type of activity - Number of classes - Terms.

Development of criteria for mastering the program by children
The procedure for evaluating the results of mastering the program is psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, which should provide information about the level of formation of the child's qualities and contain a general conclusion about the level of his development in this program. Forms of assessment - monitoring, criteria-based testing, characteristic maps, etc.

result teaching children according to the program is a certain level personal qualities preschooler, as well as the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities. The control of knowledge, skills and abilities of pupils performs teaching, testing, educational and corrective functions. In the structure of the program, verification tools should be in a logical connection with the content of the educational material.

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