Speech at the pedagogical council on the topic: "models and technologies of psychological and pedagogical support for students with disabilities in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards." Psychologist - pedagogical support for children with disabilities Models and technologies of psychological and pedagogical support

Maria Artemova
Psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities in the context of inclusive education

One of the priority goals of Russia's social policy is the modernization education in the direction of increasing accessibility and quality for all categories of citizens. As a result of the impact of many adverse factors over the past decades, the number of children with various forms of disabilities has increased dramatically. mental and somatic development, with severe disorders autism spectrum. In addition, as part of the global process, a new trend is observed - parents do not want to send their children to closed residential institutions and bring them up in the family, arranging them in general education schools and kindergartens. Currently, in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the law "About education In Russian federation" (2012) enshrined the right to receive equal treatment with all education persons with handicapped health (category of persons with disabilities in physical and/or psychological development) .

Activation of social policy in the direction of democratization and humanization of society, development of the national system formations cause search for ways to improve the organization, content and methods of teaching and educating children with disabilities. Changing approaches to the education and upbringing of children with disabilities is aimed at the formation and development of a socially active personality with the skills of socially adaptive behavior in relation to a mobile economy. One of the ways to accomplish this task is educational inclusion which is considered, first of all, as a means of social rehabilitation of the child and his family. New - inclusive- approach to getting education people with disabilities (HIA) is to ensure “equal access to education for all students, taking into account variety of special educational needs and individual abilities. In the national educational initiative"Our new school" It is emphasized that "special attention should be focused on creating conditions for full inclusion in educational space and successful socialization of children with disabilities”.

The most important condition for the effectiveness of inclusive education is the psychological and pedagogical support of students with disabilities.

Psychological and pedagogical support, in accordance with the approach of M.R. Bityanova (1998, is defined as a holistic systemically organized activity, in the process of which social and psychological and pedagogical conditions for successful learning and psychological development of the child in the school environment.

The main subject requiring is child with disabilities, who, according to the results of a survey on psychological- Medical and Pedagogical Commission (PMPC, needs the organization of special educational conditions and development of an adapted educational program. Subjects inclusive practices are also the rest of the children included in the same educational space, parents and teachers of the institution.

Main goals psychological and pedagogical support in relation to students with disabilities, they consist in systematic monitoring psychological- the pedagogical status of a student with disabilities in the dynamics of his mental development ; in creating social psychological and pedagogical conditions for effective adaptation and mental development of students and ensuring success in learning; in providing systematic assistance to children with disabilities in the course of education; in the organization of life child in society, taking into account mental and physical abilities of the student.

Effective psychological and pedagogical support implemented through the following directions activities: diagnostic; preventive; correctional-developing; advisory; educational; supporting; educational.

Basic Principles psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational space are:

Priority of interests accompanied;

Continuity escorts;

Purposefulness escorts;

Systematic escorts;

Flexibility escorts;

Integrated approach to escort;

Continuity escort to different levels education;

The principle of network interaction;

Activities of specialists escorts consists in preventing learning difficulties and adapting children to school and in specific assistance, including correctional, in overcoming learning difficulties.

An effective form of joint activity of an interdisciplinary team on the issues of determining the individual educational route within the TOE is Psychologist- medical and pedagogical council (PMPC). Council educational institutions - a permanent, united by common goals, coordinated team of specialists implementing a particular strategy accompanying a child and developing tactics accompanying an included child. Inclusion strategy child are determined by PMPK specialists, and the development of tactical tasks escorts, specifying the sequence of connecting a particular specialist or conditions in a particular OS, selection of specific correctional programs, tactics, technologies escorts, adequate to the features child is the task of the PMPK.

Process psychological and pedagogical support is cyclical and provides for the sequential implementation of four stages: diagnostic, search-variable, practical-effective and analytical (according to L. N. Kharavina). So, the first stage - diagnostic - involves the identification and in-depth assessment of children in need of organizing special educational conditions.

At the second stage, the targets of the integrated psychological and pedagogical support within the framework of the developed program of individual escorts. After a detailed definition of all educational needs of the child with HIA, individual components are developed and detailed accompanying a child council experts. Each specialist offers options for his own route escorts, which should provide further to kid compensation for existing features, and « mate» with the activities of other specialists of the council, realizing the integrity escorts. Such developments of each specialist at first can only be of a variable nature and need flexible adjustment already at the stage of interdisciplinary discussion.

At the third stage, real actions of all subjects are performed inclusive educational environment for the implementation of the program of individual psychological and pedagogical support of the child. At this stage, it is important to constantly monitor the dynamics of the student's individual progress. It is also important to maintain the necessary child of special educational conditions, which determine the effective implementation of the adapted educational program.

At the next stage psychological and pedagogical support there is an analysis of the effectiveness of the activities of individual specialists of the council and an assessment of the effectiveness accompanying the child in general. Such an assessment can be determined indirectly through the indicators of mastering child adapted educational material, traditional indicators of socialization child. At the same time, each specialist must provide data on the effectiveness of their own professional activities. Based on the analysis of the results escorts correction of all components of the program is carried out escorts, including the activities of specialists.

So way, process psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities in an inclusive environment is a complex multi-level dynamic process based on close motivated interaction of specialists, teachers and families child. Raising and educating children with disabilities in inclusive educational space is one of the main and integral conditions their successful socialization, ensuring their full participation in the life of society, effective self-realization in various types professional and social activities.

List of used literature

1. National educational initiative"Our new school" (Approved by the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev on February 04, 2010, Pr-271)[Electronic resource]. URL: old.mon.gov.ru (date appeals: 01.11.2014) .

2. Semago, M. M. Models psychological and pedagogical support children with disabilities in conditions of inclusive education: Lecture / M. M. Semago. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.edu-pmpk.ru (date appeals: 01.11.2014.)

3. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "About education In Russian federation"//Messenger education. - 2013. - No. 5-6. - S. 3-192.

Psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in general education school

At the present stage of development of the education system, the tasks of creating conditions for the formation of the personality of each child in accordance with the characteristics of his mental and physical development, capabilities and abilities are put forward to the fore.

Since the 90s of the XX century, the idea of ​​integrated education of children with disabilities (HIA) has been promoted in our country. Methodological foundations pedagogical integration are defined in the works of V. V. Kraevsky, A. V. Petrovsky, N. F. Talyzina, G. D. Glazer, V. S. Lednev, L. I. Novikova, V. A. Karakovsky, S. M Gapeenkova, G. F. Fedorets and others. These include the philosophical concept of the leading role of activity in the development of the child; position on a systematic and holistic approach to pedagogical phenomena; psychological theories on the relationship between the processes of education and development. At the methodological level, scientists have revealed the essence of an integrative approach to the phenomena of pedagogical reality, integrative processes, which are defined as one of the sides of the development process, show the possibility of implementing the principle of integration to the main components of the pedagogical process, which ensures its integrity and consistency. Researchers in their works emphasize that integrative processes are processes of qualitative transformation individual elements or the entire system. The essence of the integration process is qualitative transformations within each element included in the system. In our study, of interest is the process of integration implemented in the education of children with disabilities (HIA) in a mass school in order to create optimal conditions for this category of children.

Psychologists emphasize that integration should ensure the “psychological readiness” of children for joint learning. This requires a rethinking of society's attitude towards children with disabilities, the recognition of their equal rights to education, the development of specific programs to accompany children with disabilities for the optimal realization of their age-related opportunities (N. L. Belopolskaya, E. E. Dmitrieva, M. V. Zhigoreva , I. A. Korobeinikov, T. N. Knyazeva, I. Yu. Levchenko, I. I. Mamaychuk, E. A. Medvedeva, K. Reiswepkwan, E. A. Strebeleva, V. V. Tkacheva, U. V Ul'enkova, N. D. Shmatko, N. V. Shutova, etc.).

Thus, the inclusion of children with disabilities in the environment of normally developing students requires significant changes in the organization of the learning process, the need to provide comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support for this category of students throughout the entire period of their education in a general education school.

An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature allows us to state that the concept of "accompaniment" in research is defined in many ways:

firstly, as a special form of teacher's activity, aimed at interaction in helping the person accompanied in the process of his personal growth, the choice of ways of behavior, decision-making (N. S. Pryazhnikov, S. N. Chistyakova);

secondly, as a holistic process of studying, forming, developing and correcting the professional growth of a teacher's personality (E. F. Zeer);

thirdly, as the interaction of the escort and the escorted, aimed at resolving the life problems of the escorted (N. L. Konovalova);

fourthly, as a system of professional activity that ensures the creation of conditions for the successful adaptation of a person to the conditions of his life (G. Bardier, M. R. Bityanova, I. Romazan, T. Cherednikova);

fifthly, as a systemic integrative "technology" of socio-psychological assistance to the individual (N. Osukhova);

sixth, as an activity that ensures the creation of conditions for the subject of development to make the optimal decision in various situations life choice(E. I. Kazakova, A. P. Tryapitsyna);

seventh, a complex method based on the unity of interaction between the accompanying and the accompanied, aimed at resolving the life problems of the development of the accompanied (L. M. Shipitsyna).

An analysis of the literature showed that psychological and pedagogical support can be considered in several aspects: as a professional activity of a teacher who is able to provide assistance and support in the individual education of a child; as a process containing a set of purposeful, consistent pedagogical actions that help the student make a moral independent choice when the child solves educational problems; as the interaction of the escort and the escorted; as a technology that includes a number of successive stages in the activities of a teacher, psychologist and other specialists in ensuring educational achievements by students; as a system that characterizes the relationship and interdependence of the elements: target, content, procedural and effective.

Thus, psychological and pedagogical support is aimed at providing two coordinated processes:

1) support for the development of the child and support for the process of his education, upbringing, correction of existing deviations (includes corrective work aimed at correcting or weakening existing violations, and developmental work aimed at unlocking the potential of the child, achieving his optimal level of development);

2) complex technology, a special way of supporting the child, helping him in solving the problems of development, education, upbringing, socialization.

In the context of our study, we will consider the psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities as a complex technology of psychological and pedagogical support and assistance to the child and parents in solving the problems of development, education, upbringing, socialization by specialists of various profiles acting in a coordinated manner.

Psychological and pedagogical support of educational activities is always personified and directed to a specific student, even if the teacher works with a group. The subjects of psychological and pedagogical support of the student's individual educational activity are: medical workers and other specialists; classroom teacher; psychologist; social teacher; parents and relatives of the student. The object of psychological and pedagogical support is the student himself, who has his own experience of learning, interaction with adults, other students, his own special character of personal and individual development. The characteristics of a particular child affect the content and forms of psychological and pedagogical support of his individual educational activities.

The purpose of the psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities studying in a general education institution is to ensure the optimal development of the child, successful integration into society.

Tasks of psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities studying in a public school:

prevention of child development problems;

assistance (assistance) to the child in solving urgent problems of development, education, socialization: educational difficulties, problems with choosing an educational and professional route, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents;

psychological support of educational programs;

development of psychological and pedagogical competence (psychological culture) of students, parents, teachers.

The escort service is an association of specialists of various profiles who carry out the escort process. The team brings together teachers, defectologists, psychologists, social educators, representatives of the parental asset.

The group team organizes work with teachers and parents in order to involve them in the implementation of a single developmental program, study expectations regarding the further advancement of children and harmonize intra-family interpersonal relationships.

An individual program of psychological and pedagogical support can solve the following problems:

1) assistance in resolving learning difficulties;

2) vocational training and orientation;

3) in relationships with others (teachers, peers, parents);

4) correction of violations of mental processes and emotional-volitional sphere, in this work special place occupies the correction of thinking and emotional state student.

The organizational structure of the service for accompanying a child with disabilities in a general education institution is the Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Council (PMPC). PMPK is a structural subdivision of an educational institution that regulates the support process and ensures the complexity of the support process. The support process is a set of actions consistently implemented by support specialists that allow the support subject to decide on the decision and be responsible for the implementation of the decision.

Maintenance method is a method of practical implementation of the maintenance process based on complete information about the nature of the problem and ways to solve it.

To ensure comprehensive support for children with disabilities in the context of a general education institution, it is advisable to introduce the rates of pedagogical workers (speech therapist, teacher-psychologist) into the staffing table.

The duties of a teacher-speech therapist support system include: a comprehensive study of the speech of students, conducting individual-group and frontal exercises with students who have deviations in speech development, providing methodological assistance to teachers in overcoming difficulties in mastering the native language by students. For speech therapy classes, the curriculum provides for hours in accordance with the Basic Curricula of special (correctional) educational institutions of the corresponding type.

The teacher-psychologist reveals the features of their intellectual development, personal and behavioral reactions, conducts group and individual classes aimed at normalizing the emotional-volitional sphere, the formation of productive ways of mental activity, as well as the prevention of possible deviations in interpersonal relationships; provides methodological assistance to teachers; develops the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers and parents.

To improve the quality of corrective work, the following conditions must be met:

    formation of UUD at all stages of the educational process;

    teaching children (in the process of forming ideas) to identify the characteristic, essential features of objects, developing the ability to compare, contrast;

    motivation for speech activity, control over the speech activity of children;

    establishing the relationship between the perceived object, its verbal designation and practical action;

    the use of a slower pace of learning, repeated return to the studied material;

    maximum use of the child's safe analyzers;

    the division of activity into separate components, elements, operations, which allows them to be comprehended in an internal relation to each other;

    the use of exercises aimed at developing attention, memory, perception.

Organization of group and individual classes that complement the correctional and developmental work and are aimed at overcoming the specific difficulties and shortcomings characteristic of students with disabilities.

The content of the study of the child by a psychologist includes the following:

    Collection of information about the child from teachers, parents. Every year, in the first week of September, a psychologist and a speech therapist study the medical records of first-graders in order to identify the risk group for school maladaptation. Since October 1, the process of adaptation of first-graders has been monitored, methods are used: Questionnaire by N.G. Luskanova “School motivation and learning activity”, Ginzburg’s method “Studying the motives of learning”. Questionnaire No. 1 is also used to study the socio-psychological adaptation to school of a student with disabilities, and questionnaire No. 2 to study psychological climate in the team and the effectiveness of the educational process. It is important to get the facts of the complaints that are being made. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the manifestations themselves, and not the qualifications of their parents, teachers or the children themselves.

    Studying the history of child development. The psychologist uses questionnaires and conversations with parents to identify circumstances that could affect the development of the child (intrauterine lesions, birth injuries, serious illnesses in the first months and years of life). Heredity (mental illness or some constitutional traits), family, environment in which the child lives (socially disadvantaged, early deprivation) matter. It is necessary to know the nature of the upbringing of the child (excessive guardianship, lack of attention to him, etc.).

    The study of the child's work (notebooks, drawings, crafts, etc.).

    An examination of the child at the end of the adaptation period is carried out if the child does not cope with the program material, where the psychologist uses the following techniques: written works, motor tests, classification, 4-odd, sequential pictures, Toulouse-Pieron test, short-term speech memory, short-term visual memory. He talks in order to clarify the stock of ideas about the world around him, the level of speech development. To be filled inthe protocol of the primary examination of the PMPK and the diary of dynamic observation.

    Analysis of survey materials. The psychologist analyzes the information received about the child and the data of his own examination, his reserve capabilities are identified. In complex differential diagnostic cases, repeated examinations are carried out.

    Drawing up individual cards of psychological, medical and pedagogical support.

In each specific case, the leading directions in working with the child are determined. For some children, the elimination of gaps in the knowledge of educational material comes to the fore; for others - the formation of arbitrary activity, the development of the skill of self-control; for others, special classes are needed to develop motor skills, etc.

Teachers working with children with disabilities conduct a systematic in-depth study of students in order to identify their individual educational characteristics and determine areas of developmental work, record the dynamics of students' development, keep records of their mastery of general education programs, and, together with a teacher-psychologist, maintain student accompaniment cards.

Parents are one of the links in the support system. The parent performs in this system the role of a carrier and translator of certain microcultural values ​​- religious, ethical, etc., but at the same time, his influence is rather not formative, but regulatory. The parent interferes to a lesser extent in the child's choice of specific goals and objectives of school life, he seeks to cut off, close those development paths that are undesirable, harmful and even dangerous for the child, both from a physical and legal point of view, and from the point of view of family , cultural, religious, national traditions. This requires building a certain system of work with students' parents, which will help parents understand their educational successes and failures and, possibly, reconsider the system of interaction with their child.

Thus, support specialists monitor the effectiveness of teaching children with disabilities according to the program (recommended by the PMPK), current and milestone results of adaptation, the dynamics of development and personal growth of students, the formation of educational skills, the development of general educational programs, and indicators of their functional state of health. The results of observations are recorded in the student's support card.

All of the above makes it possible to build a certain model of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities, which is characterized by the following principles:

1) consistency - implemented in the process of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance in different directions: to children, teachers, parents (it turns out in real situation education of the child, reveals the existing difficulties, the potential opportunities of the student, his strengths, defining workarounds in training and taking into account all the components, the system of psychological and pedagogical support is determined and modeled);

2) complexity - manifested in the fact that the teacher, psychologist, parents is the child comprehensive care, covering all areas of his activity (cognitive, emotional-volitional, motor; social ties and relationships are optimized), helping to track the success of training and establish interpersonal relationships;

3) integrativity - provides for the integration of various methods (psychotherapeutic and psychological-pedagogical), techniques, approaches, didactic and psychotherapeutic techniques (covers not only the educational environment, but also the microsocial one);

4) the priority of the child's special needs - identifying the causes of the child's educational difficulties, knowing and taking into account his special needs for using them as workarounds (they need special conditions for organizing the educational process);

5) continuity - reflects the need for early diagnosis of his capabilities and abilities, the implementation of psychological and pedagogical support throughout the entire period of study, i.e. at all levels of education.

Figure 1 shows a model of psychological and pedagogical support in the context of integrated learning.

Picture 1

Organizational model of complex psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in a secondary school.

The model reflects the structural-organizational and content-procedural features of this process. Let's try to comment on its individual components. The model of psychological and pedagogical support can be represented as follows:

1) Motivational stage - providing external favorable conditions for the implementation of the support process and motivation for future activities. With regard to any category of children with disabilities (speech disorders, mental retardation, behavioral disorders, etc.), emotional contact between adults and a child is significant, primarily between teachers and parents. Remedial work depends on the nature of the existing relationships in the triad teacher-child-parent. Only with the creation of a supportive environment and coordinated actions of all participants in the educational process is it possible to implement an effective correction process in a short time. The motivational stage largely depends on the personal qualities and professionalism of the teacher-defectologist, psychologist, how convincingly they can present the strategy of psychological and pedagogical support. An interested explanation of the goals and conditions of the forthcoming work creates a positive attitude towards joint work. At this stage, it is emphasized that the participants in the educational process mutually determine the success of the child.

2) The indicative stage is the definition of the meaning and content of the work to be done, the development of a common approach, the definition of roles and professional positions in relation to the child, the distribution of functional responsibilities between the support participants. At this stage, the structural elements of support are concretized (identifying the causes of difficulties, school maladaptation of the child; substantiation of the content of correctional and developmental work and forms of its implementation; choice of ways to organize this process, taking into account the resources of the child himself and the capabilities of adults involved in the implementation of support; the opinion of parents about child's problems and expected outcomes). The correctional-developing process will be carried out in a real situation of teaching a child and in the process of special classes (trainings (an environment artificially created by a psychologist) and correctional classes). The concept of psychological and pedagogical support is developed, the requirements for the microsocial environment in the family are concretized.

3) Content-operational stage - correctional programs are developed on a diagnostic basis in relation to a particular child for the implementation of specific tasks. Work is carried out with children, a psychologist, a teacher-defectologist, teachers, parents in order to interact. If necessary, psychological and pedagogical training is carried out for those who find it difficult to work.

4) Evaluation stage - includes the final pedagogical and psychological diagnostics, analysis of the results by all specialists of the team, reflection. The degree of satisfaction of parents, their wishes for the future are taken into account. Summing up the results can serve as a basis for further work.

In general, the technology of psychological and pedagogical support can be represented by the following substantive areas of work:

Statement of the problem on the basis of increasing the awareness of interested parties about the subject of support, the tasks and goals of support;

Collegiate discussion of the support problem (all teachers involved in this student or problem, parents, specialists participate in this process);

Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children is specified, the specific actions of each specialist are determined;

Reflexivity of teachers' activities, accumulation and transmission pedagogical experience, which is achieved by tracking the dynamics of the maintenance process, the problems that have arisen, organizing feedback, fixing ideas and suggestions, analyzing the results of previous work.

Summarizing the above allows us to identify the main areas of psychological and pedagogical support in the context of integrated learning:

Pedagogical and psychological diagnostics of deviations in psychophysical development and identification of needs for corrective assistance;

Individual, group, frontal correctional and developmental work;

Creation of a special correctional and developmental environment adequate to the needs of students;

Development (compilation) of individual and group correctional programs focused on a particular child in order to solve the corresponding correctional tasks;

Psychotherapeutic and pedagogical assistance to parents in harmonizing intra-family relations and optimizing their condition;

Scientific rationale correction technologies used in the process of education and upbringing.

Determining the timing of the start of integrated education is decided individually in relation to each child and at the request of his parents (legal representatives). It depends on the severity of developmental disabilities.

To implement the integrated education of children with disabilities, individual curricula are developed based on the basic curriculum of a special (correctional) educational institution of the appropriate type and separate work programs for each subject curriculum based on sample programs recommended for the education of the child, and based on federal state educational standards.

For conducting correctional and developmental classes, the curriculum provides for hours at the expense of part of the curriculum formed by the participants in the educational process, or through the implementation of programs additional education intellectual and cognitive orientation.

If the development time general education program do not coincide with the norm, then for children with disabilities they start a separate class journal, where they record the passage of program material.

Special educational needs differ in children of different categories, since they are set by the specifics of mental development disorders and determine the special logic of building the educational process, are reflected in the structure and content of education.

When drawing up a program of psychological and pedagogical support, the needs of the child, the requests of parents and teachers identified during the diagnostic examination are taken into account. It is clarified how parents and teachers will be able to consolidate the acquired skills in the process of special classes. Conducted remedial classes are supplemented by diagnostic, control sections. Can spend 4-8 remedial classes and one diagnostic, control. Based on its results, it will be possible to actively consult teachers and parents on the effectiveness of the work being done (the causes and ways to resolve the difficulties that arise are determined).

A necessary condition for the organization of successful education and upbringing of children with disabilities in educational institutions is the creation of an adaptive environment that allows for their full integration and personal self-realization. In an educational institution, appropriate material and technical conditions must be created to ensure the unhindered access of children with physical and mental disabilities to the buildings and premises of the educational institution.

Effective integrated learning is possible only with special training and retraining of teachers in general education institutions. The purpose of such training is to master the main methods of educating and educating children with disabilities for teachers of mass schools. Teachers-defectologists should be specially trained to provide corrective assistance in an integrated learning environment.

Along with this, it is possible to single out needs that are special in nature, inherent in all children with disabilities:

Start special education of the child immediately after the identification of a primary developmental disorder;

Introduce special sections into the content of the child's education that are not present in the education programs of normally developing peers;

Use special methods, techniques and teaching aids (including specialized computer technologies) that ensure the implementation of "workarounds" of learning;

Personalize learning in more than required for a normally developing child;

Provide a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment;

Maximize the educational space beyond the boundaries of the educational institution.

Accompanying a child in an educational institution is mainly carried out by pedagogical means, through a teacher and traditional school forms of educational and educational interaction. It is necessary to observe the general principles and rules when working with children with disabilities:

1. Individual approach to each student.

2. Prevention of the onset of fatigue, using a variety of means for this (alternating mental and practical activities, presenting material in small doses, using interesting and colorful didactic material and visual aids).

3. Use of methods that activate cognitive activity students (game situations; didactic games, which are associated with the search for specific and generic features of objects; game trainings that contribute to the development of the ability to communicate with others; psycho-gymnastics and relaxation, allowing you to relieve muscle spasms and clamps, especially in the face and hands), developing their oral and written speech and developing the necessary learning skills.

4. Manifestation of pedagogical tact. Constant encouragement for the slightest success, timely and tactical assistance to each child, development of faith in him in own forces and opportunities.

Thus, the wide scope of application of psychological and pedagogical support allows us to consider it as an integral part of the education system. Expanding ideas about the goals of education, which include not only the goals of development, upbringing, training, but also the provision of physical, mental, psychological, moral and social health of all children determines the intensive development of the theory and practice of psychological and pedagogical support.


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Models and technologies of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in the context of inclusive education

Psychological and pedagogical support in educational institutions is a relatively young direction in education, but it is already an integral part of the educational process. Psychological and pedagogical support today acts as a complex technology, a special culture of support and assistance to the child in solving the problems of development, education, upbringing, socialization. Modernization concept Russian education for the period up to 2010 identified priority goals and objectives, the solution of which required the construction of an adequate system of psychological and pedagogical support. The State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020 is one of the priorities in the field general education determined the provision of educational success for each child, regardless of the state of his health, the social status of the family. At this stage, special attention is paid to the formation of tools to support special groups of children in the education system (gifted children, children with disabilities, children in difficult life situations, children of migrants). The federal target program for the development of education for 2011-15, within the framework of the event "Dissemination throughout the Russian Federation of modern models of successful socialization of children" in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, determines the need to disseminate models for the development of a system of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social support for students.

At present, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards for General Education, the organizational section of the main educational program of all educational institutions must contain a description of the system of psychological and pedagogical conditions and resources. The requirements of the Standard for the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of primary and basic general education are:

    ensuring the continuity of the content and forms of organization of the educational process in relation to preschool and elementary school general education, taking into account the specifics of the age-related psychophysical development of students; formation and development of psychological and pedagogical competence of participants in the educational process; ensuring the variability of directions and forms, as well as the diversification of the levels of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational process.

In accordance with the approach (1998), defined as a holistic system organized activity, during which socio-psychological and pedagogical conditions are created for successful learning and psychological development of the child in the school environment.

At the same time, it should be noted that the very concept "escort" should be considered not only in relation to the activities of an educational psychologist or teacher, but also other specialists - speech therapists, speech pathologists, social workers, teachers in the structure of educational organizations. Thus, this concept can be translated in the broadest sense to the educational environment as a whole.

In accordance with this, in the process of implementing psychological and pedagogical support, specific forms, content, and technologies for the activities of specialists should be determined: complex diagnostics, developmental and corrective activities, counseling and education of teachers, parents, other participants in the educational process, expert activities to determine and correct the program individual support a child with disabilities as a component of an adapted educational program. Each of these areas of activity of specialists and teachers is included in a single process of support, acquiring its own specifics, specific content.

Based on the foregoing, the entire set of psychological and pedagogical technologies used by specialists of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council, as well as the development of an adapted educational program, is determined. At the same time, we should not forget about another component of support - the socialization of the included child. This process is an integral part of the individual educational program. In general, it can also be attributed to psychological and pedagogical support. Moreover, the socialization of the included child cannot be considered in isolation from the socialization of all other children of the class, group. In fact, this is a polysubjective process (po) and, therefore, is focused on at least two subjects of support: a child with disabilities and other children surrounding him in the educational space.

Subjects of psychological and pedagogical support

It should be noted that within the framework of psychological and pedagogical support, it is necessary to talk about several main subjects of inclusive practice.

Naturally, the main subject is a child with disabilities, who, according to the results of a survey at the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, needs to organize special educational conditions and develop an adapted educational program in all its components.

The next most important subject (rather, subjects) of inclusive educational space are the rest of the children included in the same educational space, which, after the appearance of a child with disabilities in need of organizing special conditions for education, acquires the property of "inclusive". These children will also need certain psychological and pedagogical support, although of a slightly different plan. It is important to understand that the children of our included child surrounding us are not a homogeneous “collective subject” in relation to him. Some of them, with varying degrees of negativity, relate to a child with disabilities, others are neutral - it’s as if he does not exist for them. Still others may experience positive feelings and positive attitudes. In this heterogeneous interpersonal situation, it is extremely important to provide both an assessment of interpersonal relations in the children's team and to develop a number of psychological and pedagogical measures that allow minimizing negative relations and using positive relations to create not just a tolerant educational environment, but the effective inclusion of positive relations created in the structure of a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support.

The subjects of the inclusive educational space are also the parents of the included child and other children of the class. It is quite obvious that in this case, parents cannot be considered as a homogeneous subject of support for each category of parents, separate technologies for assessment and support by specialists of the school council, primarily by the PMPK psychologist, should be developed.

Also, the collective subject of inclusive practice, in need of psychological and pedagogical support, are the direct participants in inclusive education - the teaching staff of a general education institution. Teachers should be considered as special support subjects, since they themselves are directly involved in inclusive education as specialists, but at the same time, due to the specifics of their professional training, they need help and support from school council specialists who have special knowledge and skills in relation to various categories of children with disabilities.

The main stages of psychological and pedagogical support

The process of psychological and pedagogical support is cyclical and provides for the sequential implementation of four stages: diagnostic, search and variation, practical and effective and analytical (according to). Our practice shows that, in general, it is possible to use a similar approach to determining the stages of psychological and pedagogical support, with the condition b O more differentiation.

So the first step is diagnostic - involves a primary analysis of all the components that form the basis of psychological and pedagogical support. These components should include:

assessment of the available resources of the educational institution to launch inclusive processes, including a forecast of the number of children with disabilities that the educational institution is generally able to "pull" (preparatory sub-stage);

assessment of the composition of children in all parallels, first of all, those who entered school at the beginning of the school year by the presence of children among them who need to organize special educational conditions and individualize the educational route,

development of an individual educational program, its components (detection sub-stage);

in-depth assessment of identified children with special educational needs- that is, those children who (by decision of the school council, confirmed by the recommendations of the PMPK, in a situation where the child was examined there) need to develop an individual educational program and special educational conditions.

This should also include a collegial consultation discussion of children who have undergone an in-depth examination by all specialists of the school consultation. Thus, the diagnostic stage of psychological and pedagogical support can be described by a number of important sub-stages.

At the second stage the target guidelines for comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support are being determined within the framework of the individual support program being developed. After a detailed definition of all the educational needs of a child with disabilities, taking into account the “strategic” recommendations of the PMPK on the organization of psychological and pedagogical support, the individual components of the child’s support are first discussed, and then developed and detailed by the specialists of the school council. Each specialist, within the limits of their own professional competence and taking into account the examination of the child conducted by him, offers options for his own escort route, which in the future should, on the one hand, provide the child with compensation and “development” of the existing features within the professional activities of one or another escort specialist, and on the other hand, not only to “match” with the activities of other specialists of the council, realizing the integrity of support, but also to be included to a certain extent directly in the educational activities of the teacher in the situation of teaching the child on an equal basis with other children in the class. The latter can be achieved both through the recommendations of a specialist to a teacher (or several teachers) on the organization of training, regime moments, extracurricular activities, etc., and the direct inclusion of specialized components in the adaptation of educational material, the inclusion of one’s own activity in the “fabric” of the lesson as teaching assistant, conducting joint lessons, etc.

Such developments of each specialist can hardly have a rigid, unchanging “design”, they need flexible adjustment already at the stage of interdisciplinary discussion and depend on many factors, including the workload of a specialist, the number of children in need of his help, work schedule, activity schedule. Therefore, at first they can only have a variable character.

The result of this stage is a holistic individually oriented educational program in all its components, and the psychological and pedagogical support itself becomes interdisciplinary, taking into account the commonality of analytical approaches of various specialists, the sequence of connecting school council specialists to the support.

At the third stage real actions are taken by all subjects of the inclusive educational environment to implement the program of individual psychological and pedagogical support for the child, other subjects of inclusive practice. At this stage, it is important to constantly monitor the dynamics of the student's individual progress. Similarly, it is important to maintain the special educational conditions necessary (prescribed in the recommendations of the PMPK and detailed in the collegiate opinion of the school council) for the child, which determine the effective implementation of the adapted educational program. Such a “tracking” assessment of the stability of the necessary conditions is important not only for assessing the implementation of the educational program itself, but also for assessing the conditions created within the framework of psychological and pedagogical support by each of its specialists.

At the next stage of psychological and pedagogical support, an analysis of the effectiveness of the activities of individual specialists of the council and an assessment of the effectiveness of accompanying the child as a whole in all its aspects takes place. It is quite obvious that such an assessment of the effectiveness of maintenance, which does not have currently clearly defined criteria, can be determined only indirectly through the attestation indicators of the child's mastery of the adapted educational material, educational outcomes(subject, metasubject, personal), traditional indicators of the child's socialization. Such an assessment of effectiveness should be considered as another no less significant technology of psychological and pedagogical support. At the same time, each specialist of the school council must provide to the meeting of the council, which is appointed upon completion of the next stage of the implementation of the individual support program, data on the effectiveness of their own professional activities, “embedded” in the context of accompanying the child as planned results. At this consultation, which has a planned nature, all specialists should analyze the results of support, the factors that had both a negative and a positive effect on measures to support a child with disabilities. Based on the results obtained and the further forecast of the dynamics of education and socialization of the student, all components of the support program are corrected, and the further activities of all support specialists are corrected.

Topic 2. Technologies of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in the context of inclusive education

Technology (from the Greek techno - art, craftsmanship, loqos - science) is understood as a set and sequence of methods and processes for converting raw materials, which make it possible to obtain products with specified parameters. Pedagogical technology (and psychological and pedagogical support can be fully attributed to pedagogical technologies) - strict scientific design and accurate reproduction of pedagogical actions that guarantee success; systematic and consistent implementation in practice of a pre-designed educational process. The manufacturability of such a process makes it possible to predict and achieve the planned results with great certainty; provide favorable conditions for the development of the personality of not only a child with disabilities, a disabled child, but also other children around him; reduce the impact of adverse circumstances on the personality of the child; analyze and systematize on a scientific basis the existing practical experience and its use; choose the most effective and optimally use the available resources to solve emerging educational and socio-pedagogical problems. The description of pedagogical technologies is devoted to the works of L. V. Baiborodova, A. I. Uman and other domestic scientists, as well as foreign authors (L. Anderson, B. Bloom, T. Gilbert, R. Meydzher, K. Silber, R. Thomas and etc.). The definition of pedagogical technology by G. M. Kodzhaspirova can be taken as a working one, characterizing it as a system of methods, techniques and steps, the sequence of which ensures the solution of the problems of education, training and development of the student's personality, and the activity itself is presented procedurally, as a certain system of actions; that is, it is the development and procedural implementation of the components of the pedagogical process in the form of a system of actions that provides a guaranteed result (G. M. Kodzhaspirova, 2001)

The technologies of psychological and pedagogical support are based on the coordinated interdisciplinary interaction of the subjects of the educational process, which provides favorable conditions for their personal and professional development.

We list the main technologies of psychological and pedagogical support. These should primarily include:

Building a sequence and depth of presentation of program material adequate to the child's capabilities in the context of adapting the educational program for various categories of children with disabilities for each individual competence or subject;

The technology of conducting interdisciplinary consultations of specialists, which in turn contributes to setting priorities and determining the strategy of medical and psychological and pedagogical support both at specific moments and on long periods, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of a particular maintenance strategy;

Technology for assessing the characteristics and level of development of the child, with the identification of the causes and mechanisms of his problems, for the tasks of creating adequate habilitation and support for the child and his family;

Technology for assessing intra-group relationships, to solve the problems of supporting all subjects of an inclusive educational space, the formation of emotional acceptance and group cohesion;

Technologies of developing work with children with special educational needs, if necessary, with other subjects of an inclusive educational space;

    Support technologies for participants in the educational process (teachers, parents), psychological work with parent and teacher expectations.

Each of the technologies presented here is characterized by specific content, stages, professional orientation, methodological and instrumental means used, indicators and criteria for evaluating performance, planned results at each stage. An important aspect of each technology is its interdisciplinary nature, the relationship of the activities of each specialist with other support specialists, as well as a certain involvement directly in pedagogical activities.


Psychological and pedagogical support- complex technology, a special culture of support and assistance to the child in solving the problems of development, education, upbringing, socialization.

Psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities in the context of inclusive education is considered as an interdisciplinary activity of specialists educational organization aimed at the development and optimal inclusion of a child with special educational needs in educational activities and interaction with other students. In general, psychological and pedagogical support is a complex of various diagnostic, correctional and developmental preventive, organizational and educational technologies.

Collection output:


Ezhovkina Elena Vasilievna

Assistant of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Special Methods of the Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyeva», G. Saransk


Ezhovkina Elena

Assistant of the department of correctional pedagogy and special techniques

ofMordovian Teachers Training Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev, Saransk

The article was prepared with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the framework of the State task of the FSBEI HPE “Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyeva" for 2013. Project "Models and technologies of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children in the education system"


The article presents the technology of pedagogical support for the adaptation of children with disabilities in a humanitarian-oriented education center.


The article presents the technology of pedagogical support of adaptation of children with the limited possibilities of health in the conditions of the humanities-oriented education center.

Keywords: technologies; technologies of pedagogical support of adaptation; humanitarian-oriented center of education; children with disabilities.

keywords: technologies; technologies of pedagogical support adaptation; humanities-oriented education center; children with disabilities.

Getting children with disabilities (HIA) education is one of the main and indispensable conditions for successful socialization, ensuring their full participation in society, effective self-realization in various types of professional and social activities. In this regard, ensuring the realization of the rights of children with disabilities is considered as one of the most important tasks. public policy not only in the field of education, but also in the field of demographic and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation.

A necessary condition for the organization of successful education and upbringing of children with disabilities in educational institutions is the creation of an adaptive environment that allows for their full integration and personal self-realization, as well as the availability of an adequate system of psychological and pedagogical support, including, in addition to systematic monitoring of the development of a child with disabilities , the development of individual training and correction programs, as well as work with the environment in which the child integrates. Modern concept correctional and developmental education involves the development of technologies for psychological and pedagogical support of children in a special educational institution and the evaluation of its effectiveness at different stages of work with a child. Therefore, today the question arises of how, in the conditions of a particular region, one can talk about creating a system of pedagogical support for the adaptation of children with disabilities in the conditions of a humanitarian-oriented education center.

In our study, it is of interest to consider technologies within the framework of pedagogical support for adaptation, the essence of which we have defined, and, consequently, aspects of the interpretation of this term within its system. Let us dwell on the definition of the concept of technology.

The term "technology" is now widely used in all spheres of human life. An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature allows us to state that there is no unambiguous interpretation of the term. The word "technology" itself is translated from Greek as the science of achieving art or skill. So, in the explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language by V. Dahl, technology is understood as “a set of techniques used in any business, skill, art”. In a broad sense, technology is defined as “... a phased implementation of a particular method, principle using certain forms of work (V.P. Bespalko) . In the philosophical and cultural sense, under technology a specific reality is understood , which is a sphere of purposeful efforts determined by socio-cultural factors (V.M. Rozin) . In the pedagogical aspect, pedagogical technology is considered "... strictly scientific forecasting (designing) and accurate reproduction of pedagogical actions that ensure the achievement of planned results" (V.A. Slastenin).

Thus, in our study, the technology of pedagogical support for adaptation is a set of educational process forms, methods, methods, techniques, means that contribute not only to the solution of educational, educational, developmental tasks, but also to the successful adaptation and integration of children with disabilities into the surrounding social environment.

The practical implementation of the technology of pedagogical support for the adaptation of children with disabilities involves the optimally built interaction of specialists from an educational institution, which is the Center for an Extended Day on the basis of the Mordovian Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyeva . Such interaction includes: complexity in identifying and solving the problems of the child, providing him with qualified assistance from specialists in various fields (teacher-defectologist, teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist, social pedagogue); taking into account the characteristics and level of development of the child; priority of adaptation and socialization tasks; drawing up complex individual correctional and developmental programs; participation of parents, their active and partnership interaction with support specialists.

The technology of pedagogical support for the adaptation of a child with disabilities requires knowledge of the stages and patterns of age periods of development from each specialist; understanding the psychological and pedagogical tasks of each specific age; the specifics of the mental development of children with disabilities; knowledge of the features of the development of interaction in the children's team in different age periods. Consequently, the consolidation of the efforts of different specialists will allow, at each of the stages we have identified, presented graphically in the figure, to provide comprehensive pedagogical support for the adaptation of a child with disabilities.

Figure 1. Stages of implementation of the technology of pedagogical support for the adaptation of children with disabilities

The first stage in the implementation of the technology of pedagogical support for the adaptation of children with disabilities is the diagnostic stage. On it, escort specialists collect necessary information about the child, about the situation of family education. Narrow specialists diagnose the cognitive sphere of the child, his personal, emotional and volitional characteristics, examine the speech sphere of the child, determine the state of the child's health, and reveal the social status. That is, it is the primary diagnosis of the somatic, mental, social health of the child. This uses a wide range of different methods: testing, questioning parents and teachers, observation, conversation, product analysis different types work and activities of the child. The result of this stage is to determine the characteristics of the development of children, the specifics of their educational needs.

The next stage is a projective one, where support specialists discuss with all interested parties possible options problem solving, discuss the positive and negative aspects of different solutions, build efficiency forecasts, help choose different methods. The support strategy is jointly determined: a comprehensive plan of the correctional and developmental process is drawn up in the form of an individual educational route. After the choice of a method for solving the problem has taken place, it is important to allocate responsibilities for its implementation, determine the sequence of actions, clarify the deadlines for execution and the possibility of adjusting plans.

Ensuring the achievement of the desired result occurs at the correctional-developing stage. It is the implementation of an individual educational route and the implementation of a comprehensive correctional and developmental program of individual pedagogical support for the adaptation of the child. The ultimate goal of the program is to help the child in solving the problems of his development, adaptation to life in society through the independent use of acquired vital knowledge and skills.

The final stage is the reflective one. This is the period of understanding the results of the activities of support specialists in solving a particular problem. At this stage, an analysis of the implementation of the tasks set, the implementation of the recommendations by all participants of the support is carried out.

Thus, the technology of pedagogical support for the adaptation of children with disabilities includes the following stages: diagnostic, projective, correctional and developmental, reflexive, the implementation of which contributes to the successful inclusion of a child with disabilities in the environment of healthy peers.


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5. Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Shiyanov E.N. Pedagogy: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. - M.: Academy, 2005. - 512 p.

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