29 I am Grenadier Division SS Ron. Traitors

Country Germany Germany Subordination SS Enters B. SS troops A type Infantry Division Includes three infantry (Waffen-Grenadier) shelf Number About 8 thousand people, 14 battalions (September 1943)
from 4 to 5 thousand people (July 1944) Nickname Russian liberation People's Army. Motto My honor is called loyalty (it. Meine Ehre Heißt Treue) Participation in Commanders Famous commanders Bronislav Kaminsky
Russian collaborationism
The Second World War
Basic concepts
Armed formations
National Education

The division was formed on the basis of the Ron's assault brigade (it. Waffen-Sturmbigade Der SS Rona) appeared in July 1944 by renaming "People's Brigade of the Kaminsky" (it. Volksheer-Brigade Kaminski), which in turn in March 1944 was created from "Russian Liberation People's Army" Locodsky self-government. Parts of the division successfully participated in the suppression of the Warsaw uprising, Slovak uprising, as well as in the fight against partisans and Polish parts.

History of appearance

Participation in hostilities against partisans

Participation in the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising 1944

Division of the Kaminsky adopted active participation In the suppression of the uprising in the areas of "Hunt" and "Vistula". On August 4, the consolidated regiment of Ron was thrown on the assault of the Poles's supporting point in the building of the tobacco monopoly "Raduta Kalishovsky", which was defended by about 300 people. In this battle Ron suffered the first losses - 22 killed.

7, August 8 and 9, fierce battles continued, in which both sides carried big losses. And only on August 10, a fracture came in the battles. The rebels defended "Reduz Kalishe and Wawelsky" began a retreat.

The actions of the Kaminsky brigade caused the outrage of the Wehrmacht and veterans of the First World War. The commander of the 9th Army of Tank Troops Nikolas von Foreman, in the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of which was Warsaw, sent a protest against Ron's brigade Obergroupenfürer Erich von Deb Bakh-Zalevsky, who tried to solve the issue of working order. However, the subordinates of the Kaminsky refused to carry out orders to anyone, except the Kaminsky. Kaminsky stated that his subordinates were eligible for a ladder, as they lost all their property in Russia.

Head of the General Staff ground Forces Colonel-General Geynce Guderian (who previously supported the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the Locos Autonomy) in his memoirs wrote:

... the background demabach ... I told me about the desires of my subordinates, the prevent that he is unable. From his messages, the hair became endless, so I was forced to report on the same evening about all Hitler and demand the removal of both brigades (approx. Kaminsky and DirlepleGer) from the East Front.

The brigade of the brigade was reported to the top. According to the testimony of the head of the operational management of the OKV Alfred Yodli, data in the Nuremberg process, he made the reporting of Hitler, who personally gave an order to dissolve the brigade. Kaminsky was withdrawn from the location of the brigade.

A few days later, on August 28, the Kaminsky was shot by the members of the SS pruderkandt ghetto in the Lieceanstadt (Lodz) under the command of Hans Botman. In the Nuremberg process, his murder confirmed Erich von Dem Bakh-Zalevsky, according to him, His "measures were made in the execution under the laws of the military time of the Kaminsky Combridge and his associates, because they authorized further promotion of robbery and requisitions." The subordinate kaminsky was reported that Polish partisans were killed. According to some reports, the murder was preceded by a formal military field court.

After the death of Kaminsky

The German - Brigadefürer SS became the new commander of the 29th Grenadier division, Major Major General Cristof Dim, and Colonel Ron, Obersturmbannführer SS Georgy Belas remained the deputy.

Family members who traveled in the brigade will be separated from military personnel and transported to Mecklenburg and Pomerania, where they were settled on the rights of civil refugees. The part of Ron Fighters (about 3,000 people) was transferred to Neukhammer (Silesia), where the 2nd Infantry Regiment of the 1st Division of the Armed Forces was fully formed from them, and a separate intelligence division of the 1st division of Sun Conron was almost completely created from the fireplace. A little later, about 1000 Ron fighters will be included in the 2nd division of the Sun Conron. Separate groups of fighters decided to continue the struggle on the territory of Belarus and possibly Bryansk. One of these groups of 25-30 people who decided to break through to Bryanzchina, headed by a member of the NTS G. E. Khomutov.

The rest of the personnel, under the command of the Mr. Henry Jursa, was sent to Slovakia, where he soon took part in the suppression of the Slovak National uprising in early October 1944. But after the inspection, on October 11, the compound was recognized as unable and subject to disband. The 72nd Grenadier Regiment of the SS troops (Russian No. 1) and the 73rd Grenadier regiment of the SS troops (Russian No. 2) were transferred to the dirlylevger assault brigade, thus making it almost its foundation. And the 29 SS division number on March 9, 1945 received an Italian assault team.

On December 30-31, 1946, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR sentenced to death penalty Officers of Ron Mosina, Vasyukova, Frolova and Zakhartzov, the rest - to various terms of conclusion.


Among the collaborationist formations created in the territory of the USSR occupied by the Nazis, special place It is occupied by the Kaminsky Brigade, also known as the Russian Liberation People's Army (Ron) and the 29th Waffen-Grenadier Division of the SS troops.

B.V. Kaminsky

Unlike the most famous domestic reader of the Russian Liberation Army, Lieutenant General A.A. Vlasov, armed units organized in the southern areas of Bryanzachina in October 1941, were not a propaganda event of the occupiers, but by real combat strength, sometimes appreciating Soviet patriots - partisans and underground workers - sufficiently sensitive blows. This allowed the German military authorities to hand over the commander of the Brigade - B.V. Kaminsky is a significant authority, which, in particular, in providing the last broad autonomy, which occupied the territory of six districts of the Oryol and two Kursk regions, with a population of up to 1.7 million people (the so-called Locos Administrative District).

Despite the fact that Ron's units were not able to withstand the onset of the upcoming Red Army (in the spring-summer of 1943), the German command evacuated the brigade and part of the Civilians of the district into the territory of Belarus, where the "fireplaces" had to confirm their status of one of the most efficient anti-Partisan The formations of collaborators.

The successful activity of the subordinate to the Kaminsky compound was the key to the fact that the brigade was included in the SS troops and became the first Russian division of the Black Order.

In the course of work on this book, the authors took into account two points. First, about the brigade of the Kaminsky already a lot is written. Secondly, little of what was written may apply for the completeness, scientific objectivity and the availability of conscientious analysis of available sources available today. It is necessary to state that the best research on the problem is focused mainly on the civil-political aspects of the activities of B.V. Kaminsky.

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that in the West have been published a number of special works dedicated to the Kaminsky team, but almost all of them in the factual plan look at Skupo and archaic: researchers are little attracted by Soviet and Russian sources (not to mention literature), noncritically approach some well-established Myths.

The authors of some foreign studies demonstrate depressing incompetence. So, in the book F. McLenis, dedicated to the compound of O. Dirlev, notes that the Ron's assault brigade consisted ... from "Ukrainian renegades" And the British historian K. Hiton "pleased" the public with an unimaginable cocktail from errors, confusion and nonsense. He writes that « the formation of the Kaminsky was the 29th Panzer-Grenadier Division of the SS (Russian No. 2) under the command of the Zeidling group. We keep yourself with the hope that any prepared domestic reader perfectly understands that the 29th Division (Russian No. 1) was Waffen-Grenadersk. Under Zeidling, it is obviously meant the overshurmbannfuerr of the SS (and not a group-funer) Hans Zigling - the commander of the 30th Waffen-Grenadier division of the SS troops (Russian No. 2).

Finally, many Western authors master the Bronislav of the Kaminsky that "Bratislava", then "Icezlav". However, what is the mirror on the mirror, if publicists are located in Russia, stubbornly continue to write the name of the Ron commander as "Kaminsky" (and headed by the last in 1942-1943. Autonomy is called "Elbowskaya") ...

Before us was the task as objectively to present the story of the formation and combat activities of Ron - ranging from the creation of the divisions of the "People's Militia" of the Locotian parish, and ending with the participation of a consolidated regiment of the 29th division of the CC troops in the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. The result of the study was the fact that in fact For the first time in the historiography, the book proposed by the reader is cumulatively and in detail specific combat operations of the "Fireplace" against Soviet and Polish patriots, the activities of the staff and agents of the NKVD - NKGB, aimed at the elimination of the brigade commanders and the decomposition of the personnel of the compound, as well as response countermeasures and counterintelligence Ron. Not bypass the question of the crime of the "fireplace" against the civilian population. Finally, various versions of the death of the Kaminsky are analyzed.

It should be noted that in our recently published book "Russian SSS in battle. Soldiers or punishers? " (Unfortunately, as it often happens, the publishers considered it necessary to give "their own" - alas, incorrect - the name of the name) a separate chapter was devoted to the Kaminsky Brigade. However, the purpose of this publication was, first of all, to consider the genesis of the relationship of the top of the third Reich and SS to the "Slavic issue", summarizing all the facts of the Slavs (and not only Russians known to us today in organs, divisions and parts of the Gimmler department.

Therefore, this book is not an "expanded presentation" of the corresponding chapter. The material is fundamentally recycled, fixed some inaccuracies, a new array of sources is connected.

The authors consider their duty to sincerely thank for help in working on a candidate book. historical sciences S.G. . Drobizko, historians K.K. Semenova, I.V. Gribkov, M.V. Kozhemyakina, as well as S.N. Nearby, A.Yu. Belkova and A.V. Shestakova.

Chapter first. Occupation of Bryanzachina and the formation of the "People's Militia" of the Locotian parish (October 1941 - January 1942)

The settlement of the elbow - the administrative center of the Brasovsky district of the Oryol (now Bryansk) region - was occupied by parts of the 17th tank division of Lieutenant General Gansa Yurgen Von Arima October 4, 1941. The division was on the edge of the rapidly coming from the south in the direction of Bryansk 47th Motorized Army The corps that part of the 2nd Tanning group of the Wehrmacht (from October 6 - the 2nd Tank Army), and participated in the environment and defeated the Soviet 3rd and 13th armies of the Bryansk Front in the boiler near the boiler. By the beginning of October, in the rear of the 47th corps were, including those defeated in defensive battles on the line Aleshkino-Saltanovakasalanovka - Altovo - Tarasovka part 280-y, 137th, 148th, 7th, 148th, 7 , 148th, 282th, 269th rifle and 42nd cavalry divisions 3rd soviet army General Ya.m. Cruiser. It was possible to escape from the environment. Only a read divisions and individual fighters of the 3rd and 13th armies. The redarmeys remaining in the boiler for the most part were forced to surrender by October 20.

In the territory of the Brasovsky district of the compound and part of the Red Army, defensive battles were actually not led. Resistance to invaders did not also have local residents who, due to specific historical traditions, never differed in loyalty in relation to Soviet power. At first, in the area actually failed an attempt to organize a partisan movement and underground. First Secretary of the Oryol Regional Committee of the WCP (b) al. Matveyev in a memorandum of the central headquarters of the partisan movement P.K. Ponomarenko stated: "Compared to neighboring areas, the Brasovsky district gave a relatively smaller percentage of partisans and relatively large traitors from among the party-Soviet asset. The evacuated family of the party and Soviet asset was escaped under the whistle and the unequivocal threats of anti-Soviet, and part of the staff of the institutions stubbornly avoided under various pretexts of evacuation ".

Village Elbow of the Brass district. With post-war card

The party and Soviet workers who did not have time to evacuate, or issued the German military authorities, or even killed. It is such a fate of E.F. Sedakova, who on the eve of the war performed the duties of the Chief of the Brasovsky Department of Militia. When the German parts entered the elbow, Sedakov tried to go into the forest and take part in the organization of the Brasovsky partisan detachment "for their homeland." After the death of Sedakov at the head of the detachment, V.A. Caprals, later shot by security officers for killing their commissioner and numerous facts of desertion, drunkenness and looting, which took place in the detachment.

The situation that pretended in the Brasovsky district on the eve and at the time of the occupation, vividly characterize the words M.G. Vasyukova, spoken by him on post-war interrogation (before the war Vasyukov worked as chairman of the planned department of the Brazovsky district executive committee, during the occupation he was the head of the planning and economic department of the Loco local government): "At the beginning ... Wars, by the decision of the Bureau of the Republic of Kazakhstan (b), I was appointed a member of the Commission on the call to the Red Army, simultaneously to the Evacuation Commission of the District in the Deep Rear of the Countries. In July 1941, the order of the Republic of Kazakhstan WCP (b) was published on the inclusion of the district, members of the party, including me on the inclusion in the partisan detachment. All members of the party went into the forest. I, at the direction of the RK VKP (b) until the last moment he was engaged in evacuation of livestock, grain and other values. On October 3, I sent the last echelon. The Germans have already come close to the village. Elbow. On October 4, they occupied the city, and I broke through the 3d numbers to the forest on the conventional partisan base. There I found led by the second secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan WCP (b) a reasonable 8 people. We gathered about 20 people. To get into the main headquarters of the partisan detachment by the whole group failed, and therefore sent intelligence. It was approximately October 18. Intelligence connected with the main headquarters and there it was ordered to convey to us immediately come out of the environment and connect to the main headquarters. Heading with the Second Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan WCP (b) reasonable we arrived in the forest, where the main partisan was our headquarters. Staff did not turn out in place. Since we did not have any weapon, no food ... Razumov gave an order ... to disperse who can. On October 22, part of the comrades broke up. I lived two more days, and then I was forced to return to the elbow, at the place of residence of my family. I was arrested, but then let go ".

Description: The loop of the ordinary composition, embroidered with silk threads, the base is black cloth on a lined coarse basis.

Condition: Excellent collection, not sewn.

Historical reference: 29th Grenadier Division of the SS "Ron" (1st Russian).

Commanders: Waffen-Brigadeführer SS and Major Major Major MSK Bronislav Kaminsky July 31 - August 19, 1944, hereinafter brigadefuer SS and Major General Major Cosstam Cristof Diem.

After the occupation of the Bryansk region, the Locos Autonomous District was formed on its territory. In the district, Russian self-government and part of the local self-defense were created. Over time, at the head of the district, the engineer B. Kaminsky was repressed by the Soviet authority, and local self-defense turned into the Russian liberation folk army. With the release of the Red Army to the borders of the Ron County, reformed into the brigade, began the retreat in Belorussia. Together with the ranks of the brigade from their native places and families of employees. In Belarus, the Brigade joined the subordination of the highest Fuhrer of the SS and the Police "Rusland-Mitte" of the Mr. Lieutenant Museum of the SS troops and the police of Kurt von Gottberg. The group of Gottberg Group included various parts of the Shuzmannshaft and SS troops. Parts of the brigade were located near the lepel, they were instructed by the protection of the surrounding area, in addition, they were attracted to all major anti-Partisan shares. In the summer of 1944, parts of the brigade were translated into Poland. By this time, the brigade was organized in four regiments.

July 31, 1944 Brigadier General Kaminsky met with the PS Reichsfürer. For anti-Partisan operations in Belarus, Himmler awarded the Kaminsky iron cross of the 1st degree. During the meeting, an agreement was reached on the translation of the brigade in the SS troops. The Kaminsky Brigade was transformed into the SS stormsbrigade "Rona", and he himself received the rank of Waffen-Brigadefyrera of the SS and Major General Major Mail. On August 1, 1944, the main operational management of the SS by his order was reformed by the stormsbrigade in the 29th Grenadier Division of the SS (Russian No. 1). The brigade shelves were reorganized into three license planes of the SS and various support services.

In the meantime, in Warsaw, the parts of the Army Craiova raised the uprising. Hitler appointed an "specialist" on the partisans background demab-Zelevski to the suppression of the uprising. From the first day of the uprising, the Germans demanded from the Kaminsky to provide parts of its division to suppress the uprising. From the composition of Rona, the Kaminsky selected 1,700 volunteers, of which a two-bedroom regiment of Major Frolov was created. This shelf were dodged four T-34 tanks from the Division Tank Connection, one artillery unit Su-76 and two 122-mm guns.

On August 4, 1944, Frolov Regiment arrived in Warsaw. On the eve among all German troops, the appeal of Hitler was common: "In the case of the uprising of each Warsivein, it should be killed, without excluding women and children, and Warsaw destroy." On August 05, the SS part went on the storming of the barricades of the rebels in the districts and hunting. This offensive was to be released surrounded on the Saxon Square as a group of General Steel. After the liberation of the will of the will and the hunt in them began a massacre and in one day about 10,000 Warshavian (in both regions) were killed. A few days later, the Kaminsky arrived in Warsaw.

In a telephone conversation with the Kaminsky and Dirlevoranger. Zelevsky demanded the termination of terror. On August 19, the Kaminsky and Dirlelevger were summoned to the Lodz to the SS officers conference. Upon arrival, the Kaminsky was arrested by serving the Gestapo and shot. The death of the Kaminsky was furnished as an attack of Polish partisans, the Body of General, his driver and the physician were placed in the car and later found by the Germans. Despite the death of the Kaminsky, the consolidated regiment of Ron remained in Warsaw on August 27, 1944, during street fighting lost more than 500 people. After the withdrawal from Warsaw, the regiment was sent to a noyhemmer polygon, where the rest of the division was previously arrived. Being at the landfill, the division was disbanded, and its composition was transferred to the Russian Liberation Army.

Main combat compounds: Grenadier regions of the SS No. 75, 76, 77 troops.

In the second half of July 1944, Ron's Brigade crossed the border of the Governor's General, following the direction towards the Upper Silesian city Ratibor. On the territory of Reich, almost not receiving food, subordinates B.V. Kaminsky on the path of movement was digging potatoes, engaged in illegal confiscation of products and material property from local residents. Such actions led to conflicts, because food and things were withdrawn from Reichsdoych. For this, the Germans shot several soldiers and officers of Ron, including the commander of the 3rd regiment of Major N.I. Little.

At the very end of July, not far from the city of Opelle, where at that moment were part of the brigade, B.V. Kaminsky was called in Berlin. He finally got the news from the Obergroupenfuer of the SS Kurt von Gottberg, who achieved an audience for him from the Chief of Security Councils.

It must be said that in July 1944, the combination of the Kaminsky was included in the SS troops and became known as the SS Rona assault brigade (SS-Sturmbigade Rona). Himmler, who became after July 20, 1944 (after an unsuccessful attempt on Hitler), the commander-in-chief of the reserve army was endowed with the authority to create new military formations. Ron was a combat-ready compound, and on its basis it was planned to deploy the SS division. This is what explains why the Russian collaborators brigade was led to the Upper Silesia, and did not leave the Governor-General, where the Wehrmacht struggled to restrain the onslaught of the Red Army.

On July 31, 1944, a meeting was held B.V. Kaminsky with Heinrich Himmler. The head of the "Black Order" thanked the Kaminsky for the successful actions of the brigade and personally awarded it with an iron cross of the 1st degree.

On August 1, 1944, the main operational department of the SS issued an order to deploy Ron to the 29th Waffen-Grenadier Division of the SS / Russian No. 1 / (29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division Der SS / RUSSISCHE NR. 1 /). The formation of the 72nd (based on the 1st Rifle Regiment), the 73rd (based on the 2nd and 3rd Rifle regiments) and the 74th (based on the 4th and 5th rifle regiments) of Waffen- Grenadier regiments, the 29th shelf of supply, fusillery, engineering and spare battalions, anti-tank division, communications battalion, anti-aircraft artillery, sanitary and veterinary mouth. The artillery regiment of the brigade was reorganized in the 29th Waffen-Artillery Regiment (according to the real states - Division). The part of the Guards battalion was distributed over the shelves and parts of the new division. The connection was in service with about 20 guns, 30 mortars, more than 100 machine guns.

Of particular interest is the number of armored vehicles in the division. For example, at the beginning of 1944, the armored division has numbered 12 tanks (kV, eight T-34, three BT-7), six armored vehicles. However, it is known that the armored vehicles on the tradition was not only in it, but also in the riflers, and in a considerable amount. So, to suppress the Warsaw uprising, self-propelled artillery installation Su-76 was allocated. Known photography of BA-10 armored car, which also acted in Warsaw. By November 1944, there were two square meters and twelve T-34 in the semicradian division.

During the personal conversation, the Himmler promised the Kaminsky to bring his connection to rework to the training camp in Neukhammer, and refugees (about 10,500 people), as soon as the conditions were created, to evacuate in Hungary. However, here, as the historian S. Drobinico notes, there have been new problems. The Russian-German Evacuation Committee operating in Budapest was not informed about the transfer of refugees, and the Hungarian government, whose consent also did not ask, did not feel any joy about the possible arrival of the "fireplace". Between Berlin and Budapest, a lively exchange of radiograms and, finally, the Higher Führer SS and the police in Hungary Obergroupenführer SS Otto Winchelman achieved the consent of the Hungarian authorities at the request of Himmler to accept refugees. But the latter created new and new difficulties, demanding that part of the Ron's Brigade with Armae remains to protect families. Many "fireplaces" also calculated that in a new place they will be given the right to create the same self-governing area as in the elbow, lepele and dyatlovo. It goes without saying, the Hungarian side could not agree with such requirements infringement of its sovereignty.

Extract from the order for the assignment of the Kaminsky title of Waffen-Brigadefuer and Major General Troops of the SS

Nevertheless, certain arrangements were achieved. However, as soon as the echelons with refugees were touched on the road, in Slovakia, through the territory of which the transfer was to be carried out, the national uprising was broken, and the evacuation was stopped. The Family Family, who did not have the opportunity to accommodate somewhere, were forced to live in the wagons, which was particularly annoyed by representatives of the imperial management of railways, which strongly demanded faster to return the robolous composition for military transportation. Food reserves from refugees also ended soon, after which the robberies of the German population began. The Gaulyater of the Upper Silesia Fritz Bracht threatened to go under the court of SS officers who accompanied the echelons if they would not remove the "fireplace" with the territory he subordinate.

All these unpleasant incidents occurred against the background of the revolt in Warsaw in August 1944. As you know, the commander of the Army Kraiova (AK) Tadeusch Komorowski (Kick "Bur") gave his parts in the capital (about 40 thousand people) an order about the beginning of an open armed struggle against the German garrison of the city. For this step, he went, guided by the thought that the Poles would free Warsaw before the arrival of the Red Army and conquer independence for themselves. And the Soviet troops, the purpose of the summer attack of which, as Komorowski believed, is the capture of the Polish capital, will complete the defeat of the Germans.

One of the Warsaw streets per minute

In our opinion, the Warsaw uprising was originally doomed to failure. The fate of the post-war Poland has already been solved at the conference in Tehran at the end of 1943, and Stalin was not intended to provide full-fledged military assistance to the forces that still had to suppress (the Soviet leadership limited to the supply of weapons and food).

In addition, the allies for some reason did not take into account the perseverance and the resistance of the Wehrmacht and the SS troops. They were not yet demoralized and did not think to surrender. The position of the Germans was, of course, heavy, but not critical. Only the 2nd Soviet tank army lost on the approaches to the Polish capital of 500 tanks and SAU. In early August, Wehrmacht stopped the offensive of the Red Army, concentrated the northeast of Prague (Warsaw's suburb) The significant forces of tanks and motorcycles and created a solid front of the defense, to break through which, without careful preparation, was impossible.

The uprising in Warsaw did not surprise for german authorities. The Security Police Agent and SD in July conveyed about the prepared armed speech. Gestapo has established an accurate date and time when fighting should have started. Governor Warsaw Governor Ca L. Fisher, Commander of the city Lieutenant General Luftwaffe R. Stagel and Head of the SS and Police Obberfurr SS P.O. Gabel already on the night of July 31 on August 1, countertitions took counter. At 13.00, anxiety was announced in German institutions, at 14.00-15.00 there were shootouts in the districts of Wolia and Zolibozh (they are located on the West Bank of Vistula, wherees of the Old Town, Hunting, Moks, Chernyaks, Ocea and Central). At 17.00 in the "Storm" signal, the Army Kraiova moved to active actions.

Between Germanic parts, there was no close interaction and permanent connection than the rebels took advantage. By the end of the day they managed to master the area of \u200b\u200bthe Old Town, but the Poles suffered large losses (according to German data, in the first two days of battles were killed from 2 to 2.5 thousand AK fighters). Large victims among the rebels (as well as the civilian population, which was in the epicenter of the opposition) are explained by the fact that the members of the AK were poorly armed. They had predominantly small and automatic weapons (about 1,100 machine tools and 60 manual machine guns; 300 automata, 1400 rifles and 25 thousand grenades), but this was barely enough to arm 10% of the uprising participants. Subsequently, the rebels received assistance from the allies and the Red Army. They were delivered 3247 units of small arms, 169 mortars, 55 thousand mines and grenades, 5 million 700 thousand cartridges, 35 thousand tons of food. This help allowed the Poles to hold out longer than they themselves were calculated, but the tragic final was inevitable.

One of the German barricades in Warsaw

A rebellion that broke up in Warsaw immediately reacted the operational department of the German General Staff, who prepared an analytical report on the situation in the city. Head of the General Staff, Colonel-General G . Guderian, he turned to Hitler with a proposal to announce Warsaw part of the operational zone of the 16th Army of the Wehrmacht and introduce troops into it, but Führer, after a recent attempt on him, organized by the highest army officers, rejected the proposal of Guderian and laid the task of suppressing the uprising on the SS. At the same time, the Wehrmacht had to coordinate all his actions with the SS and assist the people of Himmler with all the help, which they need.

Reichsführer SS entrusted the command to the operation to destroy the Obergrupenfürer of the SS Erich von Dem Bahu, a specialist in combating bands. SS's chief gave him detailed instructions. Referring to the order of Hitler, where it was said that "Each Warcavianin should be killed, not excluding women and children, and Warsaw - destroy" , Himmler demanded to act mercilessly: "You can call me barbar. Yes, I agree, but I have no choice " . Although, as then argued the background demabach, he resisted by the instructions of the head of the Black Order, part of the SS and the police, acting in Warsaw, were well aware of them.

E. von Dem Bakh-Zelevski

Actually, repentant testimonies of the background demabach have long been caused by historians of doubt for their sincerity. His post-war references about the disproportionate use of force for the MOPs, and the "fireplace", including, should be recognized by hypocritical, especially since the background demabach himself made so many bloody cases during the war that they do not go to any comparison with Warsaw events. So, it is possible to recall the barbaric reprisons, arranged the background dem Buma in November 1941, under Mogilev, when he was passing by the highest Fuhurr SS and the police of Central Russia to the actions of his headquarters and divisions of the 322th battalion of the police on the extermination of Jewish women and children.

On August 2, 1944, the background Dem Bach went to Warsaw. Meanwhile, the Commander of the 9th Army General of Tank Forces Nikolaus von Forman asked to support the Wehrmacht. By August 6, almost half of the troops entered Warsaw (7496 people) allocated to suppress the uprising. The composition of the grouping of forces and means "background demabach" was gradually determined (her number ultimately reached 16 thousand 696 people):

Police regiment SS "Poznan";

Special Regiment of MOP "Dirlevoverger";

III Division of the 5th Artillery Regiment of the Tank Division of the SS "Viking";

Consolidated regiment of the 29th Waffen-Grenadier Division of the SS;

I and II battalions of the 1st Eastern Muslim Shelf of SS;

II (Azerbaijani) battalion of a special purpose "Highlander";

Cossack police battalion of the SS;

Corval-security hundred SD;

III Cossack Cavalry Battalion of the 57th Security Shelf;

5th Kuban Regiment of the Cossack Mill;

572th, 580th, 631st Cossack battalions;

Three Ukrainian companies in the composition of the SD;

Battalion of the 608th Security Regiment of the Wehrmacht;

Reserve battalion of the tank parachute division "Herman Gering";

Flameless battalion "Crown";

Saper Rota number 500;

Mortar company number 1000;

Battery of reactive mortars (Nebelwerfer) No. 201;


218th and 302th tank companies;

Training battery of self-propelled-artillery installations;

The fact that Ron's military personnel is attracted to the suppression of the Warsaw uprising, the Kaminsky found out, being in Berlin. He, as historian K. Semenov writes, received a gemmler telegram of the following content: "Waiting for your help in this matter" .

Upon arrival in the combination, the Kaminsky collected a meeting, in which the head of the department of division I.P. Shavykin, Head of Intelligence B.A. Kostenko, Adjutant Komdiva R.K. Belous, head of the military investigative department GS Prosis, Commanders of 1-Ro, 2nd and 5th regiments I.D. Frolov, Golyakov and Romanov, commander of a separate Guards Burygin battalion. Kaminsky reported that the connection was renamed into the division of the German troops of the SS and she was given number 29; He was assigned the title of Major General and ordered to send a part of the division to Warsaw. Each regiment commander must allocate 400 people ("According to the battalion of reliable people"). It was necessary to form a consolidated regiment under the command of Waffen-Obersturmbannfürera SS I.D. Frolova (Head of the Waffen-Hauptsturmführer of the SS NS Numennikyn) and prepare for the transition to the former Polish capital.

The consolidated regiment was formed both from family and non-native military personnel, and consisted of four rifle battalions, four T-34 tanks, SU-76 and two 122-mm leads. The number of the regiment, according to German documents, was 1,700 people, according to the testimony of officers of the Division officers I.D. Frolova and P.R. Majorova - from 1500 to 1600 people.

Early in the morning of August 3, the personnel plunged into cars and moved to the appointed district. The regimental auto-colon, according to the diary of the fighter Ron Ivan Vashnah, moved at the maximum speed along the route: Ratibor's suburb - Czestochowa - Tomashow - Radomsko - Warsaw, and on August 4, the "fireplace" entered into battle. According to the testimony of Frolov, the column moved slower - on August 5, Russian SSSs only passed Czestochowa (which is consistent with German documents). On August 8, the regiment arrived in the settlement of cancers, which was four kilometers southwest Warsaw. The next day, the Kaminsky arrived in part with the order from the German command about the occurrence.

The Frolov Regiment was included in the MOP group of the MOP and Lieutenant General of the SS troops and the KAMPFGRUPE "REINEFARTH") - it was him the background demabi instructed to suppress the uprising. The battle group "Rain Fart" was divided into several operational formations who carried out Warsaw's stripping - these were the fighting groups "Rivers", "Ror", "Dirlevalmanger", "Schmidt", a group of Cutting "Sarnov" and others. Each group was determined by the site who divided into sectors. The assault units isolated to stripping sectors were obliged to not only destroy the rebels, but also to seize the leaders of the militants, for which, with each group there were special teams of SD. These formations, consisting of the security police and SD Warsaw, Radoma, Lodz, Lublin and Poznan, were part of the Cormand Cormands of the Hauptsurmfürera Sonderkommando "Spilker-Warschau"). The spyer worked closely with the headquarters of the Rainfart's fighting group and the bid of the background demabach in Krakow.

On August 9, the subordinates of the Frolov and Nighturnum became part of the Major General Gunter Rohr (ROHR Cardgurrure). Parts of the latter operated on the site "South", the "D" sector. In addition to the "fireplace" in the group "ROR" (total number of 6161 people) were the 627th engineering battalion, the spernaya company No. 500, the 80th zenith regiment, III Division of the Artillery Regiment of the 5th Tank Division of the SS "Viking", the Security Divisions Police Colonel V. Rodevalda and the team of the SD "Birkner" (TEILKMMANDO "BIRKNER"). The connection was tasked with the rebel of the quarters in the will, hunting, ocea and moc.

The "fireplace" was fighting against the rebels, secured in the area of \u200b\u200bhunting. The firepoints of the Poles were suppressed by artillery. Participants of those fights recalled how Frolov personally led the fire from 122-mm warm-wing houses, from where the fighters of AK were resisted.

Fights for residential neighborhoods differed in great cruelty, both sides did not take prisoners. Already on the first day, when the offensive from Rankov, the "fireplaces" had to take defense, because the losses from the fire of the rebels were sensitive (50 people killed and wounded). But, having mastered, Ron's soldiers began to close the Poles, taking the street behind the street.

Mr. Raspinführer SS H. Reinefart and Waffen-Brigadefürer B.V. Kaminsky. Warsaw, August 1944

In historical literature, the view is found that the subordinates of the Kaminsky were not ready for the conduct of fighting in the city, so they carried the high losses and, in essence, did not fought, but were engaged in the murder of civilians, robbery, etc. This statement, in our opinion, is not entirely objective. A certain experience of conducting hostilities in the settlements of urban type at the "Kamim residents" was (you can recall the battles in Sevsk, lepele and cups). In Warsaw, the "fireplace" certainly arose difficulties, but they should not exaggerate them. The losses of the frool regiment were less than the German and other collaboration units (the hardest damage suffered the assault units O. Dirlevianger).

Street fighting in Warsaw

Fights in the city for any military unit are a test and often lead to great victims. Together with the "fireplace", according to Frolov's testimony, two German companies fought, each of which up to August 13 lost approximately 30% of the personnel. Frolov gave orders about the occurrence only after firing support was provided. That is why there were some friction between him and the Kaminsky, associated with the fact that the regimental divisions are extremely slowly cleaned by the assigned area from the Poles, whereas orders come from the German command to do it faster.

On August 11, the "fireplace" tried to master the factory in the suburb of Warsaw. After some time, one of the battalions commanders arrived at the regiment headquarters and reported to Frolov, which is impossible to take a factory for infantry. Frolov reported on this Kaminsky, to which he answered: "If it is impossible for you, then for me it is possible, I myself will lead the onset". August 12, after a two-hour battle, the factory was taken. The regiment lost about 70 people. For this battle, the Kaminsky and Shavikin were represented by the German command to the awards they received on August 18. At the headquarters of Komdiva, as Frolov argued, the German General arrived, presented to the Kaminsky "Some unknown order" (Perhaps the SESS sign "For the fight against partisans"), and SHELYKUN - Iron Cross of the 1st Class. After the war, Frolov showed that she took advantage of the award certificate of Shavykin, erased the name, first name, patronymic of the murdered, and imprinted his initials on a typewriter with German font. And the cross of the 1st grade, he allegedly removed from the killed German communications officer at his headquarters. In our opinion, Frolov in this case introduced a conclusion, trying to hide the fact that Warsaw operations aggravating his fault.

On August 16, Ron's soldiers continued to fight on the streets. Clearing several quarters, the assault groups stopped. Three German tanks that supported the fire of the SSS were burned. In this battle, the "fireplace" lost another 40 people killed and wounded. In the subsequent regiment lost daily from 5 to 20 people.

"one. The Germans are not quite satisfied with our successes that we are slowly moving, while other groups have advanced more.

2. I am raised about the appointment of the regiment on a separate independent area, to which the command gave consent.

3. The troubles that arose with the Germans, the Germans attach serious importance, but these are nothing. "

By August 19, the hunting area was more than half purified from the rebels, but the "fireplace" in 10 days could not fulfill the task to end - to go out on its plot to the Vistula River. By adopting the proposal of the Kaminsky, the German command decided to change the regiment. Frolov received an order to navigate to the area located 25-30 km north-west Warsaw, and sighing the forests where Polish partisans were intensified.

Rone servicemen in Warsaw

The withdrawal of the regiment from Warsaw historians sometimes explain the fact that the discipline seriously fell among the "fireplace", they killed several Germans and robbed the population. Some facts of this kind really took place. But it should be remembered that the marauders' marauder's actions gave themselves. Kaminsky allowed the robbery personally commander of the 9th Army von Foreman (in a conversation with Reinefart he said: "I needed something to suggest that these people fought well" ).

The "fireplace" captured the things of the civilian population, but not in such quantities like other parts of the SS and the Wehrmacht. Only for the first ten days of the uprising, the Germans were taken out about 7,000 railway cars with various property. The absolute leaders in this matter were the sieves of the dirlelevger. British researcher Colin Hiton states: "The Dirlelevger divisions were even worse than the Kaminsky group; The soldiers of this regiment of the SS delivered problems and out of control " . Historian A. Pishenkov notes: "The Dirlevoranger was firmly convinced that he was subordinate to the PS Himmler personally, and therefore often ignored the command orders in the field. In the presence of the demab-Zelevski background, he once threatened his headquarters headquarters, SS Standandfürer Goltsu, which will kill him if he continues to interfere with his affairs ... And the dirlylevger clearly did not throw words to the wind - after this building headquarters background dem Baha several times Subjected to machine-gun shelling from the position of the protection " .

Looking a little forward, we note that after the repression of the uprising (October 2, 1944), the Germans tried to analyze the events that occurred and give them an appropriate assessment. At the same time, they did not forget to mention how they acted in Warsaw subordinate to the Kaminsky. So, in the report of the head of the SS and the police in the Warsaw district of the brigadefuer of the SS Powl Gabel about the uprising in Warsaw, it was noted: "On the use of the Kaminsky's troops, I learned through two telephone conversations with Tornvald. Commander 2nd Rota Shupo Stock (security police. - Note. Avt.), Which were placed in the garrison in the southwestern part of the city, said that it was constantly fired by her troops, most likely Russians. He already has the facts of attack, and he cannot contact them. The second call was from the Pole, which in the area addressed the German police for help. The behavior of Russian was so inhuman that civilians treated for urgent help. Rodelald explained to him that we are surrounded by a uprising, and the police located next to the next is too weak and is poorly armed in order to come. Then I found out through the staugs from his staff officer, that Kaminsky's gangs specifically avoid serious battles, are not moving forward, but only robbies, drink and rape. Right right, most likely gave them a gimmler " .

German soldiers in the break between battles

From the report of P. Gabel, it can be seen that the Germans tried all the blame for the increasingness and violence over the Polish population to entrust on the Kaminsky and his fighters. Gabel was modestly silent about how the assault units of the Dirlevianger and the SS police regiment "Poznan", who were not yet on August 5 (when the Frolov regiment was not yet in Warsaw) shot on the territory and near Vilsk's hospital a total of about 2,000 people, "Hospital hulls were completely burned with uncomplicated patients inside". The same fate suffered the hospital of the Saint Lazarus, where more than 300 people burned alive.

Of course, the subordinate Kaminsky did not miss the opportunity to rob, drink and perform other unworthy actions. However, the Germans themselves did the same. As for the slow promotion of the "fireplace", it was caused by the serious conditions of combat operations. In the same position there were other German and collaboration units. They, as well as the soldiers of the Frolov Regiment, met stubborn resistance and did not always fulfill the tasks on time. It is enough to refer to the telegram of the commander of the 9th Army Forman Background of August 9, 1944, where he writes that the German troops carry very large losses, the situation is hard to suppress the uprising, it is necessary "Strong, combat division equipped with heavy weapons". That is, in the period from 1 to 9 August, part of the Wehrmacht has not achieved serious success in the city.

In the interrogation protocol, Frolov meets such words: "Yes, the suppression of the uprising in Warsaw was carried out by cruel methods. Tanks, artillery and aviation were applied against the rebels. The rebels had only rifles from weapons and in some cases machine guns and automata. In most cases, in the basements of houses where the rebels were hidden, was hid peaceful civilian populationwhich is lifting due to the destruction of these buildings by aviation and artillery with straight tip. The same methods of struggle were applied and divisions of the consolidated shelf of the Kaminsky Brigade, which I commanded. In addition, the fighters of the consolidated regiment were allowed to completely undramed the civilian civilian population. Such an instruction was given to the Kaminsky. In addition, the subdivisions of the consolidated regiment participated in the violent evacuation of the civilian population from Warsaw. At the same time, citizens were allowed to take with them the minimum of the essentials, the property remained in the apartments was subjected to looting ".

SS combat group is put forward to a new position in Warsaw

Regarding the crimes, the driver of Frolov answered the following: "In the executions of the civilian civilian population, the subdivision of the Summined Regiment of the Brigade of the Kaminsky participation did not take. Facts of mass execution of civilians in Warsaw are not known to me at all, with the exception of those cases when the civilian civilian population is in a massive course in the shelling of houses, in which rebels, artillery and bombardment of them with air aircraft " .

As far as Frolov was honest, remembering these events, find out difficult. The definite share of truth in his testimony is undoubtedly there, although it seems to be doubtful, so that it does not know what measures, except for artillery and aviation strikes, were used by German troops against the rebels and civilians. It is observed that after the Warsaw operation, the Council of Officers of the Division condemned Frolov for the actions of his fighters in the city. However, according to the commander of the consolidated regiment, condemned it "Not for brutal sadistic actions to suppress the uprising, and for the failure to comply with the order of the German command on the filter of the forest at 25-30 km north-west of Warsaw" .

At the same time, the readings of the Frolov indicate that the consolidated regiment was used in terms of Poles the same methods as the fields of the Wehrmacht, SS and the police. And, the report of Gabel, where the culprits of the disgrace in Warsaw show only the "fireplace", is, to put it mildly, "subjective". Nevertheless, the state authorities of Reich were not going to delve into the nuances of this case, and therefore were quite satisfied with the fact that military personnel were accused of atrocities against the civilian population, by the time the already disbanded.

In the subsequent consolidated regiment of the Kaminsky - Frolova was again put as an unmanaged gang, thoring negotiations, and the inhuman actions of Russian SSSs allegedly pushed the passive Polish civilian population in the direction of the rebels, because of which fierce battles went to the beginning of September, until favorable Conditions to negotiate with Komorowski. Such a point of view appears in the final report of the Governor of the Warsaw District of Ludwig Fisher, Gubernator General Reichsminist Gansa Frank (December 1944):

"Temporarily, the position of the population of Warsaw as a whole has changed from 10 to 20 August, when the Cossacks of the Kaminsky found themselves against Polish women and children in Warsaw. Referring to this, the AC launched a campaign activity, saying that this would be so refer to all Polish women and children. Then many have contacted AK or some other way they support AK.

After the troops under the command of the Kaminsky were brought from the city due to the fact that they did not behave in accordance with the prescriptions of the discipline for German soldiers, the broad masses of the population turned back to AK, and from that moment they took a passive position in relation to to the uprising " .

Cossacks of the Kaminsky, behavior that does not meet the requirements of "discipline for German soldiers" - the wording of this kind was unlikely to be given to the end of the impartial assessment of the actions of the "fireplace", as well as the true attitude of the Polish population to the Germans. This thought is confirmed by the words of the officer of the division A.C. Perhurov, spoken by him by the investigator Counterintelligence MGB of the Group of Soviet Occupation Troops in Germany to the senior lieutenant Vlasov: "When making a disgraceful fact of massacre with the population of Warsaw, who became the property of the whole world community, the Germans, obviously, wanted to wash their hands and dump the guilt for the manifested cruelty to the civilian civilian population on the" volunteer "parts, including on the Caminsky Command Regiment."

Ron fighter. Warsaw, August 1944

On August 19, Frolov's regiment received an order to get out of Warsaw. The shelf battalions were displayed gradually, as German units occupied their positions, so the "fireplace" continued to conduct fighting until August 28 inclusive. From the diary of the Russian SS, I. Vashneki know that by August 18, the loss of the regiment was about 500 people killed and wounded. According to the testimony of P.R. Majorova, more reliable, in our opinion, losses amounted to more than 200 people. But these were not the latest victims in Warsaw, since on August 22, a consolidated company of the 16th battalion was almost completely died. The death of the company, if you believe the words of your bill, occurred due to the impipline of personnel.

Having taught one of the houses, the soldiers scattered on the floors in search of jewels, food and vodka. Polish militants, hiding in the basements and on the upper floors, suddenly opened fire from the automata and threw the Russian sieves grenades and bottles with an incendiary mixture. It is not known how to responded to this unpleasant episode command of the battalion and shelf. In the testimony of former "fireplaces", references to this case are not found.

While the regiment's divisions left Warsaw, about August 22, an officer from the stack of the bay don Bach arrived at the headquarters. From him, the Kaminsky received an order to arrive in Krakow, and the regiment was supposed to navigate the District of the August Forest, where the significant forces of Polish partisans were concentrated by that time - about 14,000 people. Before leaving, as Frolov recalled, the Kaminsky drawn the route of the regiment and the place where the part should focus on him. There, as Frolov argued, the Kaminsky had to come, and only after his arrival was to begin fighting the partisans. But after about three days, August 25, when some regiment divisions were still in Warsaw, an unknown general arrived at the headquarters (according to another version, officer), who said that the Kaminsky and Shavikin were killed by partisans in the Krakow region. By informing this sad news, the general said Frolov: "We will command you to command yourself and proceed to the fulfillment of the fighting challenge on the filled forest". Frolov answered the following:

"one. The fate of the Kaminsky is unknown to me, he ordered me to wait for him.

2. Available weapon in the regiment failed and completely unsuitable for fighting. With such a weapon, you can not fight.

3. Personal composition is very tired and worried about families.

This general replied that it would take 5 days to clean the forest. I answered again that I was ordered to wait for him. Weapons can not be unsuitable and fighting with such a weapon, please send the regiment to the location of the brigade. After that, the Commission on the inspection of the weapon came to the regiment, which also found that the weapon is unnecessary for fighting. However, after the commission of the commission, the general suggested twice (though not in an order tone) to carry out the task. What I answered that offensive operations With such a weapon, you can not, but if you insist, replace weapons » .

From further testimony, Frolova follows that he received an order to play with a regiment and follow the railway station for loading to the echelons. Loading had to wait for b days, after which part of the loss at the deployment point of the brigade, to the city of Ratibor. But, relying on other documents, we can say that everything looked somewhat different. By August 28, the regiment was derived from Warsaw (the German commission, examined the state of weapons and personnel, has already completed its work, recognizing the requirements of Frolov reasonable). On the same day, at 8 am, the part was built. Frolov spoke with a short speech, calling the person to honor the memory of the dead soldiers and commanders. After that, he brought the task. Then the regiment, despite all the flaws found by the Commission, was still thrown to fighting partisans - to the village of Locquise (20 km from Warsaw), where he focused. Frolov was inactive, actively did not led what Polish partisans took advantage. On the night of September 2 to September 3, 1944, the detachment of Lieutenant "Dolina" attacked Truskave, where he found the two tank shelf battalion. During the battles, the regiment lost allegedly about 100 people killed and about 100 wounded. AK fighters captured 1 tool 75-mm, 2 machine guns, 23 manual machine guns, 16 automata, 2 mortars of 82 mm caliber, 48 rifles, 10 thousand cartridges, 11 horses, 4 cartridges with food and outfit, as well as field radio station.

It seems that it is unsuccessful fighting of the "fireplace" in Truskva, they finally convinced the German command to remove and send the regiment to Ratibor. By the end of the first decade of September 1944, the subordinate Frolov arrived in the town of Shamrau, 10 km from Ratibor. Here, they most likely learned about the recent attack of partisan detachments on the brigade, as a result of which 150 soldiers died. Further, as already noted, the officer council took place, at which the action of the Frolov regiment during the Warsaw uprising was distinguished. According to the indications of the officer of Division A.S. Perhurov, the officer council was assembled at the direction of the German command. Led the Waffen-Obersturmbannführer R.K. Belous, who has already been appointed by the post of commander of the compound (Naples Naffen-Churmbannfüher Romanov became said). First of all, the work of Frolov was observed. According to A.S. Perhurov, Frolov told how "Together with his subordinates, he broke into the quarters of Polish citizens with the aim of robbery and shot himself personally by Polish citizens who were trying to hide. On the size of the robbery of the Polish population in Warsaw, it was possible to judge the fact that each fighter of the consolidated shelf after returning from the Warsaw operation could be found up to 15-20 gold watches " .

Division officers, as shown by A.S. Perhibit, condemned the brutal, sadistic action of Frolov in relation to the civilian population. Frolov tried to justify. In their post-war testimony, he rejected A.S. Perhurov, presenting his version of his version of how hearing his case on the officer council: "Arriving in the brigade, I was removed from the command of the regiment on charges that I could not cope with the assigned task, thereby lowered the authority of the brigade, in view of which the Germans wanted to disarm the brigade and send it to the camps. This accusation was presented to me at the meeting of officers. At this meeting, Belaly stated that "in view of this, I gave the promise to the Germans to correct the mistakes." All this was created by BLAB artificially, as it became known to me, in order to create an unhealthy environment around me, because after the murder of the Kaminsky, many officers of the brigade led to the appointment of a brigade commander " .

Despite serious proceedings, the case of Frolov was not given a move. Having stayed 15 days behind the staff, he was then appointed to the post of assistant chief of the department of the division (A.C. Perhukov argued that the position of commander of the 1st regiment).

Below we will try partly to clarify the question of the causes of the death of the commander of the 29th division. The highest distribution in the literature received a version according to which the Kaminsky was shot at the orders of the background dem Bach because of the facts of non-obstinate, looting and falling discipline in the subdivisions of the consolidated shelf. The Kaminsky was killed on the road in his car along with his companions (Napless Waffen-Obersturmbannfür I.P. Shavykin, doctor F.N. Zaboya, translator . Sadovsky and personal driver).

In his memoirs g . Guderian writes that the background demabach reported to him about the inconsistencies, creative by the fighters of the Kaminsky and Dirlelevger. Guderian told Hitler about everything and demanded the removal of the parts of the SS from the city. Hitler refused to satisfy these requirements, but after the representative of Himmler - Mr. Hermann SS, confirmed the words of Guderian, the Führer ordered the conclusion of the SS forces from Warsaw. Next, Guderian notices: "The background demabach took care that the Kaminsky was shot" .

According to the historian Heinz Hene, Hitler allegedly provided the background Den Bahu the opportunity to remove the Kaminsky as "Unwanted witness and chief marauder" .

Since the words of the background demabach, it turns out that he gave the order about the execution of the Kaminsky on his own initiative, because in the depths of the soul, as he confessed after the war, he opposed the inhuman order of the Reichsfürera - to kill women and children: "I prevented the orders of the Himmler and even shot the head of that brigade and its employees, because they performed these orders" .

However, in his testimony, data by the British military, the background demabach called a completely different cause of the shooting: "And a position in Warsaw that occupies me in general, and the penalty of the Kaminsky go beyond the usual solutions. I ask you to interrogate a witness of the genus (Camera 389) on the occasion of indignation on this occasion of Himmler.

According to the rules of the SS, each death sentence issued against a member of the SS should have been personally approved by Himmler. I informed him about the accomplished fact immediately after the promotion.

The Kaminsky was killed because she assigned the looted property of German institutions, but because according to the order of the Himmler continued to rob himself and allowed to rob to others. As a witness, I can call the direct supervisor of the Kaminsky, Major-General Rora, after which I made a death sentence. The loot found in the Kaminsky was confirmed by the RORO Major General report.

The Military Court can make a sentence in an accelerated manner, if the criminal was caught with political, as well as for such crimes as a refusal to fulfill the order, robbery and murder. The assignment of waste property is considered by the Military Court. Apply the procedure of the military court was impossible, as the Kaminsky robbed with the permission of the gimmler.

Thus, the basis for the application of the procedure of the Military Court could only be a refusal to fulfill orders in the face of the enemy " .

The background Deb Bach, therefore, ordered the shooting of the Kaminsky because he did not fulfill his orders. But what was the orders, he did not specify. In this regard, it is not entirely clear, for which the Kaminsky was sentenced to exclusive in combat conditions of punishment and why Himmler was not informed about it (later the commander of the group of forces and means of the commander of the Commander of Force and Tools.

How much allows you to judge the documents, the Kaminsky, on the contrary, in every way tried to fulfill all the orders of the German command.

There is a version that between the Kaminsky and the background demabach were very strained relationships. According to some evidence, the Russian SS team commander was outraged by the ugly supply of their parts and showed his discontent personally background demabah.

What day was the execution of the Kaminsky, and where did it happen? According to some historians, the Kaminsky and accompanying people, a team of Culmhof (Hellmno) under the leadership of Hauptsturmfürera SS Gans Botman was shot. Excreted about on August 28, 1944 in the forest under Litzmanstadt (Lodz), not far from the Jewish ghetto. According to another version, the sentence of the Kaminsky sentenced the Military Field Soviet of the SS, and the shooting took place on August 19 (this version disappears, since no COP case did not disassemble the CAS).

There is a curious opinion that the Kaminsky allegedly left Warsaw and began to wade into the Carpathians to meet with the representatives of the UPA. Not far from Tarnanova, his service car was stopped by Krakow SD staff. Their head, brigadefuer SS Walter Bircampf, ordered to draw an attack with the goal of robbery, the victim of which was supposedly the Kaminsky, shot after the detention. But this version looks faceless and trust does not cause (why did the Ukrainian nationalists needed a half-one-half-half-hal, which are subordinated to Russian and Belarusians?).

Another version was expressed by a member of NTS Roman Redlich, served for some time in Ron. According to him, the Kaminsky before the start of the Warsaw uprising was called by the Germans, and he disappeared without a trace, and then rumors went about his execution. As far as it is known, the members of the NTS themselves were going to eliminate the Kaminsky, since he refused to voluntarily enter into submission to the command of Roa and its activities, according to Entaesovtsev, compromised the "Russian Liberation Movement". However, for a number of reasons, the operation to eliminate the Kaminsky could not be implemented.

Recently, the point of view is often found, according to which the death of the Kaminsky contributed to the sympathetic Lieutenant-General A.A. Vlasov high-ranking SSS (Gottlob Berger and Günton D "Alken), since the commander of the 29th division allegedly claimed the role of the leader of Russian collaborationism.

By the fall of 1944, the role of the commander of the combined Russian armed groups was actually chosen by Vlasov. September 16, 1944, after a personal meeting with the former soviet general In his headquarters in Rowstanburg, Himmler gave Vlasov promise soon to start organizing the Armed Forces of Roa (and indeed after some time the armed forces of the Committee for the Liberation of Peoples of Russia - Sun Conron were created). Up to this point, Vlasov was just a "wedding general" in the service of the German propaganda car.

Soldiers Ron. August 1944.

In contrast to Vlasov, the Kaminsky since October 1941 really showed himself in hostilities against partisans (although German propaganda silent about this experience, as well as the existence of Ron and Locos Autonomy). In principle, given the ambitious nature of the commander of the 29th division, it is impossible to completely eliminate its claims to the leading place in the "Russian Liberation Movement". However, if the Kaminsky seriously hoped on this role, he would undoubtedly begin to take some specific steps for this. While none of his former subordinates after the war did not remember anything.

Hardly the Kaminsky feared and the opportunity to be subordinate to Vlasov. It is known that a number of commanders of Russian collaborationist formations (for example, the commander of the so-called "Russian National Army" General B.A. Holmston-mean) refused to meet the Sun Conron. The fact that the part of Ron was ultimately transferred to the Vlasov army is explained only by the fact of the death of the Kaminsky. At the same time, the Vlasov himself and his surroundings were not at all delighted with such a "gift".

According to another version, the events developed differently. August 19, 1944, when the battles in Warsaw reached their apogee, the Kaminsky left on his car to the headquarters of the Dem Baha in order to arrive at the meeting. At the entrance to Litzmanstadt, the Polish partisans attacked the car, as a result of which the Kaminsky, as well as his satellites were killed. On the same day, the car was discovered and delivered in the bid of the background demabach. For identification, the car was presented to the officer of the division.

In the readings of the Frolov, the death version of the Kaminsky looked like this: "On August 19, the regiment was replaced and focused on the southwestern outskirts of the suburbs. On August 20, the Kaminsky handed me that he and the headquarters of the call on the call ride. I pointed me where I should follow with a regiment and in which points to focus the regiment on the approaches to the forest, then wait for his arrival. On August 21, the Kaminsky and the head of the team of the brigades left at the rate, and I made a regiment in the specified point where I expected the Kaminsky. After 2 or 3 days (I don't remember exactly) the German general told me that the Kaminsky and Shavikin were killed by the partisans in the Krakow region, and transferred me to start fulfilling the task " .

The version is also expressed that the attack on the service machine of the Kaminsky was organized by non-Polish partisans, and Soviet saboteurs who arrived from the territory of Slovakia. This version was divided by the former head of the counterintelligence of the division F.A. Kappaev. Moreover, the circumstances and methods of murder - an attack from the ambush, shooting cars in German in German, - resemble such operations already conducted by Soviet saboteurs: the murder of Metropolitan Sergius (Resurrection) in April 1944, Ataman S.V. Pavlova in June 1944 and others. An indirect confirmation of this version can be found in the memoirs of Chekist Vasily Zadukhin, during the war of the military headquarters of the united partisan detachments (brigades) in Bryansk region during the war. Zassukhin describes in detail how his subordinate Dragunov and Grigorov committed an unsuccessful attempt on the life of the Kaminsky in the summer of 1943 in the elbow, trying to eliminate Ober-Burgomist with the help of an electrominist invested in the book. Zasukhin notes "The case helped the Kaminsky, he is alive and unharmed. But not long to live on soviet land traitor. In 1944 he was destroyed " .

It should be noted that in June 1944, Chekists were approved by the "Plan of organizational and operational measures to strengthen the hostilities of the partisans of Ukraine and to assist fraternal compatures in the organization of the partisan movement in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Poland for the period of July - September 1944 " According to this document, the territory of Poland "In addition to previously transferred to the Polish headquarters of two partisan brigades, one compound and one squad, a total of up to 2000 partisans" It was envisaged to send 4 partisan detachments from the northern part of the Lviv region to the southern regions (cross, joush) and 7 detachments from the Volyn region - to Krakow Voivodeship in the tractor area. In addition, from among the best partisan-saboteurs, the compound N.M. Podquitova was formed a detachment of 150-200 people who was sent for action on railways Sedelz - Warsaw and Zaremba - Warsaw. Until August 15, he prescribed the axis to transfer on airplanes and 4 organizational-sabotage detachments, a number of 12-15 people each.

Thus, Soviet saboteurs in Poland in the period of interest to us acted. Unfortunately, until we are unknown, whether they had some attitude towards the death of the Kaminsky. However, in any case, it is clear from the presented material that the death of the Kaminsky was advantageous primarily by the Soviet side and the surround of A.A. Vlasova, who, as you know, tolerate could not have worn the murdered General of the SS.

It is impossible to write off with accounts and the fact that the background demabach could indeed give the order about the execution of the Kaminsky, guided by the oral order of Hitler (which still requires its confirmation) or personal considerations. In the latter case, the appeal of the background demabach to the brutal and robbing behavior of the "fireplace" should, in our opinion, are taken into account in the latter order, since the German units did the same in even larger sizes. It should not be forgotten that post-war testimony of the background Dem Bach, which at any cost would like to avoid execution, carry out the imprint of the conjunctural subjectivism, which caused not only the form, but also in fact, the meaningful side of his testimony, which still causing many issues.

Of course, the death of the Kaminsky became a severe loss for refugees and military personnel of the 29th division, who lost their commander. Caring for his wife and child of the Kaminsky took over the National Socialist Population Service.

After the death of the Kaminsky, the SS did not refuse, contrary to the widespread opinion, from the idea of \u200b\u200bforming the 29th Waffen-Grenadier Division of the SS, but already with a new, German, command. But after the death of the commander and head of the department, the division lost its deterrent and began to decay rapidly.

Neverthever August 30, the SS brigaderer and Major Major General Christoph Dim, who commanded the connection until September 27, after which the 3000 "fireplace" were transferred to Neukhammer (Silesia), where the 600th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht was created. Russian). According to some information, the rest of the personnel under the leadership of the new acting commander of the division - the MOP Group and the Lieutenant General of the Police of Henry Jursa - was used when suppressing the Slovak National uprising in early October 1944

After October 11, the inspection headed by the Obergrouppenführer SS Gottloby Berger, which recognized the connection to unique and subject to disbanding.

All this time, the division was kept by the authority of individual commanders. Belous himself, "the convinced supporter of General Vlasov," refused to lead the Division and demanded the transition to the Armed Forces of the Committee for the Liberation of Peoples of Russia. This decision was supported by Major B.A. Kostenko. Such uncertainty, tightened for 2 months, only contributed to the decomposition. However, despite the fall in discipline, the high authority of the commanders remained among the soldiers, weapons and equipment were maintained in excellent condition.

In November 1944, the 29th SS Division was transferred to the polygon in Munsingen, where the 1st division of the Armed Forces of Conmer was formed. Part of the soldiers joined the refugees. Separate groups of fighters decided to continue the struggle on the territory of Belarus and, possibly, Bryansk region. As part of the Armed Forces, the Kaminzha was not combined in one part. As part of the 1st Division, they amounted to the 2nd Infantry Regiment (3000-3500 people). Small groups of the "fireplace" were included in other parts of the division. Almost entirely of the former military personnel of the 29th SS division, a separate intelligence division of the 1st division of the Sun Conron, which was headed by Major Sun Conron (Waffen-Shturmbannfürer) B.A. Kostenko. The former commander of the Armored Division of the 29th division of the SS CAPTAN Sun Conron (Waffen-Svurbannfürer) Yu G. Samsonov became the deputy commander of the Division Tank Battalion of the Division.

A little later, about 1000 "fireplaces" were included in the 2nd division of the Sun Conron. In addition, individual officers and soldiers served almost in all parts of the Sun Conv. However, only units were on leadership posts. Lieutenant Colonel Sun Conron R.Klala became the head of the officer reserve headquarters of the Sun Conron. Former head of artillery 29th Waffen-Grenaderian division SS Colonel Sun Conron A.S. Perhibitov took the positions of Deputy Head of the 13th (Artillery) department of the headquarters of the Sun Conron and the Inspector on Artillery Armament.

It remains to add that from the side of "Vlasov" former subordinates of the Kaminsky met to themselves extremely negative attitude. The leadership of the Sun Conron demonstratively did not want to recognize the titles and rewards received by Russian SESS. All this forced the commander of the 1st division of the Sun Conron C.K. Bunyachenko to release an order (dated December 5, 1944), who said:

"Recently, there are cases where individual soldiers and officers who arrived on the formation of the division are thrown illegal, offensive reproaches to the soldiers and officers of the former Division of the Kaminsky in the fact that they are supposedly robbers, bandits, etc. All these reproaches are based on the fact that in the former. Divisions of the Kaminsky were separate cases of robberies, looting and other disgraces that may occur in any part ...

Individual cases cannot characterize the behavior of the whole part as a whole. The 1st Russian SS Division in his past fought against the Stalinist regime in Russia and its composition in the present is ready to continue this struggle. These are Russian warriors, on the labor and blood of which, like all Russian people, should be built by our native mother - Russia.


1. In root, stop insulting at the address of soldiers and officers of the former 1st Russian SS Division.

2. Explain the entire personnel that the arriving replenishment in the first Russian division from different fronts should merge together in a friendly, soldered ideologically and organizationally for the struggle under Russian banners for saving Russia and all nations, its inhabiting " .

The further fate of the "fireplace" is beyond the scope of our research, since it is associated with the history of the Armed Forces of Conmer. It should be noted that the majority of the former Russian SSSs divided the fate of their new colleagues and were issued in the USSR. Repatriations managed to avoid a few of them, in particular, the head of intelligence B.A. Kostenko and Head of Counterintelligence F.A. Kappaev, as well as most of their subordinates. This is not surprising, because Western - first of all, the American - special services with a big hunt used the services of the former Nazi and collaborationist fighters of the Invisible Front.


Maclean F.L.The Cruel Hunters. SS-SonderKomando Dirlewanger. Hitler "S Most Notorious Anti-Partisan Unit. ATGLEN, RA., 2009. R. 187.

Burovikhin owned a German language, because before the October coup was a barrack of German colonists from the Volga region, the Family of Schultsev. At the beginning of the war, Burovikhin was injured and hit the camp for prisoners of war in Bryansk. Taking advantage of the knowledge of German, Burovikhin issued himself for Otto Schulz, the son of his former owner of the colonist. It helped him leave the camp and start intelligent activities in favor of Parisan Saburov. Before Droshin was sent to the elbow, he managed to perform several tasks. For example, he visited Trubchevsk under the guise of a wooden dish driver, where the numerical composition of the German-police garrison revealed. The next task of the Burovikhina was to penetrate the bodies of the Locos administration. He agreed with the Burgomist of Trubchevsk Pavlov, using the patronage of which, managed to enter the confidence in the commandant of Sevsk, and through it - to get acquainted with the excobotian. Cm.: Saburov A.Behind the front line. (Partisan records). Book is the first: partisan edge. M., 1953. P. 131, 222.

Ibid. P. 223-224. It is not necessary to say that all this is an obvious exaggeration.

Danube F.Genocide - in the rank public Policy Germany // Book of memory ... p. 138.

Kolpaydi A.I.Liquidators KGB. M., 2009. P. 384. After the formation of the 29th division of the SS forces (1st Russian), Hauptsturmführer SS G. Lelight was appointed as an officer for communication with the Reichsführer of the SS (see Appendix No. 4).

Yermolov I.G. History of the Locodsky District ... pp. 53.

Steenberg S.Decree. op. P. 93.

Bogatyr Z.A.Decree. op. P. 61.

Saburov A.N.Decree. op. P. 224-225.

On September 1, 1946, from the personnel of the commander of the consolidated regiment of Ron I.D. Frolova // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... p. 660.

July 25, 1945, camp number 284. From the Interrogation Protocol of the Communications Regiment of the Ron Brigade P.R. Majorova // Warsaw uprising of 1944 ... pp. 600.

Klietmann G.K.Die Waffen-SS. Eine Dokcence. Osnabruck, 1965. S. 265.

Semenov K.The fate of the European // "Volunteer". 2005. No. 1 (5). P. 10.

Combat schedule of the 29th Waffen-Grenadier Division of the SS // "Echo of War". 2007. No. 1. P. 32; Fungi and. Martial use of the 29th SS Division // "Echo of War". 2008. # 2.S. 13.

RGASPI. F. 69, OP. 1, d. 710, l. 162.

Alexandrov K.M. The army of General Vlasov. M., 2006. P. 98.

Drobizko S.I. Locar Autonomous District ... P. 206.

Ibid. P. 206-207.

Harmataya V.P.Tragedy and heroism of Warsaw rebels // Military-historical magazine. M., 2009. No. 1. P. 37.

Semirega M.I.Anti-fascist folk uprisings. M., 1965. P. 70.

Nazarevich R.Warsaw uprising. 1944 year. M., 1989. P. 91.

April 28, 1945, Moscow. Own testimony of the commandant Warsaw Lieutenant General Luftwaffe R. Staugel "Rebellion in Warsaw" // Warsaw uprising of 1944 ... P. 590.

Harmataya V.L.Decree. op. P. 38.

See: August 5, 1944. Commander of the Center for the Center for the Center for the Commander of the 9th Army of the Wehrmacht on the transfer of reinforcements in Warsaw // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... P. 70.

Bakh-Zelaevski Erich von Dem (nee von Zhelevsky, in the late 1930s - changed the surname on the background demab-Zelevsky, and in November 1941 - on the background demabi; 1899-1972). A participant in the First World War, after the end of which is left to serve in the rejeser. At the end of 1924, for the conduct of Nazi propaganda dismissed from the army. In February 1930, he joined the NSDAP, in 1931 - in the CA and in the SS. In 1932 he was elected a deputy of Reichstag from Breslau. In 1938, he became the highest Führer of the SS and the police in the south-east (Breslau). From 1941 to June 1944, the highest Führer of the SS and the police in Central Russia. From October 1942 to June 1943, the Commissioner of the Reichsführera SS to combat the gangster formations in the East. For the suppression of the Warsaw uprising in September 1944, he was awarded the Knight's Cross. From November 1944, the commander of the 14th, in February 1945 - the 10th Army Corps of the SS. In February-April 1945 he commanded the "Oder" by the Corps. After the end of the war, he was arrested, he witnessed in the Nuremberg process. Until 1950 was in conclusion. In 1958 again arrested. In 1962, sentenced to life imprisonment. He died in a prison hospital. Cm.: Zalessky K.A.Security troops of Nazism ... pp. 29-30.

Semenov KK SS troops. Soldiers like everyone else. M., 2004. P. 175.

Padfield P.Reichsführer SS. Smolensk, 2002. P. 469.

Tragedy of the Jews of Belarus in the years of German occupation (1941-1944). Collection of materials and documents. Minsk, 1995. P. 79.

Davies N. Rising 44. The Battle for Warsaw. London-Oxford, 2004. R. 252, 666; Maclean F.L.OR. CIT. R. 187; Pishenkov A.A."Fittings" SS. Sonderkandomda "Dirlelevger". M., 2009. P. 169; Romantko O.V.Muslim legions in World War II. M., 2004. P. 219; Krikunov P.Cossacks. Between Hitler and Stalin. M., 2005. P. 445-446; Drobizko S.I. Under the banners of the enemy ... pp. 531-532, 543, 584; Zalessky K.Luftwaffe. The Air Force Third Reich. M., 2005. P. 132; Hanns von krankhals. Der Warschauer Aufstand. Frankfurt / Main, 1964. S. 381-383.

Semenov KK SS troops ... pp. 175.

July 25, 1945, camp number 284. From the Interrogation Protocol of the Communications Regiment of the Ron Brigade P.R. Majorova // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 600-602; June 10, 1946, camp number 256. From the interrogation protocol of the commander of the consolidated regiment of the Ron's Brigade I.D. Frolova // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... p. 630; See also: September 1, 1946. From his own testimony of the commander of the consolidated regiment of the brigade of Ron I.D. Frolova // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 662. In the testimony I.D. Frolova and officer Brigade Ron A.A. Perhurov Events are somewhat different. They argue that the meeting of Kaminsky held on August 7 in the area of \u200b\u200bPetkaau. Here was the composition of the consolidated shelf. Perhaps we are talking about another meeting with the participation of the Kaminsky. In our opinion, Frolov's regiment was formed before the march began, on the territory of the Upper Silesia.

Gribkov I.The owner of the Bryansk forests ... pp. 43; Klietttann G.K ..Die Waffen-SS. Eine Dokcence. Osnabruck, 1965. S. 265; July 16, 1946 from the interrogation protocol of the commander of the consolidated shelf of Ron's brigade I.D. Frolov // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 646; July 25, 1945, camp number 284. From the Interrogation Protocol of the Communications Regiment of the Ron Brigade P.R. Majorova // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... P. 602. Researcher Norman Devis calls another figure - 2000 people. Cm.: Davies N. OR. CIT. R. 252.

After September 2, 1944, from the diary of the soldier of the Brigade Ron I.I. Messenki // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 1074. Note that the Diary of Hangle, despite the interesting factual material, is subjective and far from reflecting how "the fireplace" in Warsaw acted. See also: August 5, 1944. Commander of the Center for the Center for Army Center "Commander of the 9th Wehrmacht Army on the transfer of reinforcements in Warsaw // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... P. 70; June 10, 1946, camp number 256. From the interrogation protocol of the commander of the consolidated regiment of the Ron's Brigade I.D. Frolova // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 632.

Reinefart Heinrich (Heinz) (1903-1979), MOPRENTURTER MOP and Lieutenant-General MOP and Police Troops. After the end of World War I, an active participant in volunteer buildings. In 1924 he entered the Reichsver. From 1927 he worked in the judiciary. In 1931-1932 The prosecutor in Ferste and Kotbus, then until 1939, notary. In 1932 he joined NSDAP and SS. In 1939 he entered the Wehrmacht by Feldfelm. For differences in battles in France in June 1940, he was awarded the Knight's Cross. In 1942, withdrawing from Wehrmacht and was appointed general inspector of the Protectorate Administration Bohemia and Moravia. Since June 1943, the head of the Department in the General Police Department of the Procedure. From December 1943 to December 1944 The highest Führer of the SS and the Police of the County of Varta. For participation in the suppression of the Warsaw uprising, oak leaves were awarded to the Knight's Cross. From December 1944, the commander of the XVIII Army Corps of the SS. In January - March 1945, the commandant of the Kustein fortress. Since March, the commander of the XIV Army Corps of the SS. After the war, it was arrested, until 1948 was in conclusion. After that, Westerland's burgomist was on Silte, a landscape deputy from the Union of devoid of homeland and right. Cm.: Zalessky K.A.Security troops of Nazism ... P. 191-192.

Warsaw uprising of 1944 ... P. 40-42. About how the surgery is being passed in Warsaw, Reinefart was constantly reported before the background dem Buma and the commander of the 9th Army Formant. It is also necessary to say that the priderkand of the spitker is formally not included in the grouping of forces and means "background demabach".

Hanns von krankhals.OR. CIT. S. 381.

July 8, 1946 from the interrogation protocol of the officer Ron A.A. Perhurov // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 642.

July 16, 1946 from the interrogation protocol of the commander of the consolidated shelf of Ron's brigade I.D. Frolova // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 662 - 64.

July 16, 1946 from the interrogation protocol of the commander of the consolidated shelf of Ron's brigade I.D. Frolova // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 666.

July 16, 1946 from the interrogation protocol of the commander of the consolidated shelf of Ron's brigade I.D. Frolova // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 664.

On September 19, 1946, the Interrogation Protocol of the Police General of the Police of H. Reinefarta // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... P. 678. The fact that some "fireplaces" opened fire on the Germans, Frolov reported Waffen-Wrasturmführer of Baburov. Shooting, according to Baburova, began when a shootout was saved with rebels. Frolov ordered babouro to make these cases become more! What promoted Frolov to give such an order, to say difficult. His post-war testimony, especially personnel, cause many questions. Frolov is trying to present himself by organizer of some sabotage inside the consolidated shelf. In addition to the unlawful order to shoot in the Germans, he advised the officers to say to fighters so that they brought their weapons to disqual. Frolov also leads an episode when a shake occurred between the "fireplace" and the Germans, as a result of which there were mutual victims, and the Kaminsky had to deal with the colonel of the Wehrmacht. But the case was hushed up, since the next day, the comdive allegedly said that "these are all trifles." In his own hand testimony, Frolov is trying to show himself too passive commander, who step cannot stand without the order of the Kaminsky, which leads to a permanent break. Not rejecting to the end such an opportunity, still in all trust the words of the Frolova should not. Especially in his testimony, he did not say how he shot from the Gaubitis at home. And such a case, if he really was, shows Frolov from a completely different side. Finally, going to sabotage, Frolov could not help but know how it could turn into the Kaminsky and for him. As for the shooting in the Germans, there may be several versions here. Shoot in the Germans may have become those fighters who did not want to participate in the suppression of the uprising, but were included in the consolidated shelf. The "fireplace" could open the shooting and because the Germans from neighboring assault units allowed them forward, and they themselves went beyond them when the firepoints of militants were suppressed. Other options are possible. The Kaminsky, if you believe Frolov, there was a conflict with a German security officer, the subordinates of which were sitting in the same house. The Kaminsky ordered the officer to raise the police officers and go into battle together with the "fireplace". The officer refused, stating that he would not be bought to enter his people into battle without an order of the senior chief. The Kaminsky reported to this ROROR, but no answer followed.

July 16, 1946 from the Interrogation Protocol of the Commander of the Consolidated Shelf of the Ron Entor Brigade. Frolova // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 648.

December 1944. The final report of the governor of the Warsaw District L. Fisher General-Governor General Reichsminist Dr. Frank // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... P. 1136.

After September 2, 1944, from the diary of the soldier of the brigade Ron I.I. Messenki // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 1080, 1082-1084; July 25, 1945, camp number 284. From the Interrogation Protocol of the Communications Regiment of the Ron Brigade P.R. Majorova // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... P. 602.

June 10, 1946, camp number 256. From the interrogation protocol of the commander of the consolidated regiment of the Ron's Brigade I.D. Frolova // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 632; On September 1, 1946, from the personnel of the Commander of the Summary Shelf of the Ron Il Brigade. Frolova // Warsaw uprising of 1944 ... from 668. See also: After September 2, 1944, from the diary of a soldier of the brigade Ron I.I. Messenki // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 1088.

After September 2, 1944, from the diary of the soldier of the brigade Ron I.I. Messenki // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 1086, 1090; June 10, 1946, camp number 256. From the interrogation protocol of the Commander of the Consolidated Shelf of the Ron End Brigade. Frolova // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 632.

July 8, 1946 from the interrogation protocol of the officer Rona A.S. Perhurov // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... pp. 642; July 25, 1945, camp number 284. From the interrogation protocol of the Officer of the Summined Regiment of Ron P.R. Majorova // Warsaw uprising of 1944 ... p. 602; After September 2, 1944, from the diary of the soldier of the brigade Ron I.I. Messenki // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... P. 1080. In the testimony of N.M. Vasyukova can also be found a reference to the robbers arranged by the "fireplace" in Warsaw. Moreover, Vasyukova said that the subordinates of the Frolov brought with them a few passenger cars and cargo cars, bicycles and tharanas. See: August 8, 1946, Moscow. From the interrogation protocol of the employees of Ron N. Vasyukov, the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 ... pp. 656.

Zalessky K. . BUT.

Littlejohn D.Foreign Legions of the Third Reich. Vol. 4. San Jose. 1994. R. 311; Glaub G. . The mysterious death of the Kaminsky brigadephuer // "Echo of War". 2007. No. 1. P. 31.

Drobizko S.I. Second world War 1939-1945: Russian liberation army. M., 2000. P. 31; Ulyanov V., Shishkin and . Traitors. Appearance M., 2008. P. 310.

Sokolov B.V.Occupation ... p. 184.

Zalessky K.A.Commanders of the National Formations of the SS. P. 46.

Redlich R.N. In the Kaminsky Brigade // materials on the history of the Russian liberation movement ... pp. 434.

Historian A.V. Okorokov with reference to an interview with V.D. Poremsky writes: "When it became to receive the development of" Vlasovsky Movement ", and the Kaminsky refused to enter into submission of the ROA, the Council of NTS decided to eliminate it ... The execution of the action was entrusted to the NTS members who served in Ron, but for a number of reasons for the liquidation of the Kaminsky do not succeeded". See: Fascism and Russian Emigration (1920-1945). M., 2002. P. 481.

It is known that the Kaminsky twice refused to recognize Vlasov by the head of the "liberation movement" and sign the Smolensk Declaration. As I. Gribkov writes: "Kaminsky believed that the Vlasov is a careerist, a hypocriser and a traitor who betrayed Once Stalin, can betray and then" (the owner of the Bryansk forests ... pp. 41).

Glaub G. . Decree. op. P. 31.

On September 1, 1946, from the personnel of the commander of the consolidated regiment of Ron I.D. Frolova // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... 668.

Gribkov I. . The owner of the Bryansk forests ... p. 45.

Zasukhin V.A.Decree. op. P. 118, 126.

State security bodies of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. T. V. KN. 1. Forward to West (January 1 - June 30, 1944). M. 2007. P. 576-581.

For example, on the process in Nuremberg, the background Deb Bakh stated that in January 1941, during a meeting in Wovelsburg, the SS, SS told him that 30 million Slavs should be eliminated for the implementation of the Black Order plans in the east. Documented, whether the gimmler said something similar until it was possible.

Dim Christoph (1892-1960). Member of the First World War. In 1918, he joined the Volunteer Corps. Since 1929, the adjutant command of the assault detachment (SA) in Würtenberg. Since 1931, the head of the South-West group. In 1932, translated into the SS. From November 1933, Deputy Reichstag. In March 1939, he was appointed Polzayi President Gothenhafen. From January 1944, the head of the SS and the police in Zhitomir, and from February 25, 1944 - in the Lemberg district. August 20, 1944 was transferred to the 29th division of the SS troops. From August 30 to September 27, 1944 - the division commander, after which he performed the responsibilities of the Higher Fuhrera SS and the Police in Belgium - Northern France (until January 18, 1945). In October 1944, he also became the head of the SS and Police in Istria. Cm.: Zalessky K.A.Security troops of Nazism ... pp. 107.

Jurs Heinrich (1897-?). Member of the First World War. From March 1935 to December 1936, the commander of the 14th Abshnit of General SS (Bremen), from November 1938 to January 1943 - the 32nd Abshnit of General SS (Augsburg). From October 1940 to January 1941, the head of the 2nd Department of the Main Directorate of the SS (acquisition issues). From May 1943 to April 1945, he headed the management team in (acquisition) of the Main Department of the SS. From September 27 to October 11, he performed the responsibilities of the commander of the 29th division of the SS troops. January 18, 1945 was awarded the title of Lieutenant General of the SS troops. Cm.: Zalessky K.A.Security troops of Nazism ... pp. 262.

Glauble Decree. op. P. 31.

See: July 25, 1945, camp number 284. From the interrogation protocol of the Officer of the Communications Regiment of Ron P.R. Majorova // Warsaw Uprising 1944 ... P. 602.

Gribkov I. . Combat application ... p.14.

Drobizko S.I. Locar Autonomous District ... P. 211-212.

Place this topic in the sections about the second world failed.
I did not want to pack sections.

Russian SS Ron Division. Lokotskaya "Republic"

Well known about Latvian, Estonian and Ukrainian sS Division. About Belarusian - only historians. But few people heard about the Russian SS division. But she was and left her cruel trail in the history of the Great Patriotic.
The history of the 29th SS division began in Bryansk, when in October 1941, the German 2nd Tank Army troops entered the city elbow.
Elbow - A small town in the Oryol (now Bryansk) region, the former estate of Prince Mikhail Romanova. Rightly promoted German troops acutely demanded order and security in a busy territory. There were also those who wish to do it.
The elbow was sufficiently expelled by the organs NKVD In the 30s. The absolute majority of them were, to put it mildly, not delighted with the Stalinist management methods. It is on their initiative and with hot support for the command of the 2nd Tank Army and an autonomous Locosky district was created. He was headed by a physician teacher at the local technical school Konstantin Pavlovich Voskobernik.

K.P. Zakoboinika

He was appointed Ober-Burgomistrome of the elbow and launched a boiler for the formation of power structures, not forgetting about the armed forces. The troops were assigned the name Russian Liberation People's Army, i.e. Rona. There was its own intelligence, newspaper and even theater.
Command 2, making sure that local government It is able to protect the rear districts on their own, transformed the Locosky district first to county, and then to the district and included 8 regions of the Kursk and Oryol regions with a population of 581,000. So the town with a ridiculous name became the fascist capital of Bryanzchina.
The core launched the main state institutions, the dining rooms were working out newspapers, taxes were managed. On January 8, 1942, Konstantin Voskoboinik dies in battle with partisans. He was changed by Bronislav Kaminsky. He managed to create a very efficient control structure in the elbow.

The militarized militia, the number of which at first was about 200 people, began to actively fight the partisans. Kaminsky Split active activities And soon cleared the large territory from them. It was called "the owner of the Bryansky Forest." By the spring of the 42nd, the number of militia increased to 1,700 people.
In Moscow, unconditionally understood the danger of distributing this positive experience to the most of the occupied territory. In the elbow area, intelligence and sabotage groups were abandoned. Before them was tasked with the physical elimination of the Kaminsky, but without much success. Moreover, the fireplace has quickly debugged their intelligence and counterintelligence, practicing cast is already their agents to partisans.
Under the tough hand of the Kaminsky life gradually settled. It should be noted that the Locar Autonomous District was not only an experiment of the military, rather than the leaders of the Third Reich. Even Adolf Hitler knew about his existence, not to mention the Ministry of Rosenberg and the Main Department of the SS. The police of the republic was transformed into an assault brigade Rona. No need to be confused with the army of Vlasov, which was called ROA. If the Germans are not very trusted by the Vlasovs, then there was a completely different attitude towards the fireplaces.
What rights enjoyed Kaminsky, Says such an episode. In the summer of 1943, 2 German soldiers were robbed in the hover of the mill, they killed her owner and were caught by the Lococcian policemen. The court of the Lococcian Republic sentenced them to death. The sentence was performed on the square in front of the huge crowd, despite the objections of the Supreme German Command.
Enchanted by success and using the support of the German command, Kaminsky It sought to expand its activities as much as possible. In a small town it became closely. Kaminsky announced mobilization. Captive officers of the Red Army were involved as commanders.
Storm brigade Rona I became a significant military force and was transferred to the submission of the SS. By the end of the forty-second year, there were fourteen rifle battalions, an anti-aircraft battery, a armored vehicle, a curfew and a fighter company. Total number up to 10,000 people. All these forces were used to combat partisans, which began from the very beginning of the existence of a new government and continued before the evacuation of the parts of Ron from the elbow.
Received its development and party of the Kaminsky. Her program was practically written off from the German Nazis program. In fact, national-socialist orders were established in the Locos Republic. So, for example, marriages between non-Jews and Jews were forbidden. For Jews, various kinds of restrictions operated, additional defeats and forced work.
Only marriages consecrated by the church were recognized in the elbow, divorces were prohibited. Abortions were banned, the struggle for the preservation of the family and encouraged the birth rate. Personal property on the ground was restored, stimulated private trade in cities. Free trade and the section of land between local peasants caused some flourishing in the districts of the district who were not attacked by partisans.
In Locos and neighboring areas there were quite a lot of exile, which were forbidden to live in major cities Soviet UnionSo initially the Kaminsky had enough supporters. However, most gradually disappointed in it, and in Hitler. Yes, and on the fronts the situation began to change. In early March, the forty-third year, Soviet troops approached the outskirts of the district, and the 3rd and 5th regions of Ron participated in the fighting against the Red Army, which lazed large losses. Many, without taking the battle, deserted, about 700 people went to partisans. But, in general, the actions of the fireplace were successful.
All the spring and summer of 1943 Ron spent, fighting with partisans. In fact, this brigade was responsible for the rear. german armies On the line Eagle Kursk. The largest and successful operation was the "Gypsy Baron", during which more than 1,500 partisans were killed, and the same captive. In addition, more than 200 partisan bases were destroyed. Participation in these battles assault brigade attracted the attention of the Reichsführera SS Henry Himmler. The brigade began not only to obey, but also to structurally enter the SS troops. The Kaminsky was awarded the medal, and he was awarded the title of Brigadefürera SS, which corresponded to the Major General.

In the spring of 1944 in NKVD The so-called "literary business" was instituted, in which documents on the planning of the attempt on the Kaminsky were launched. He oversaw this case Captain of the state security of Frolov, who then had a pseudonym "Comrade Altai". Originally wanted to put in the house where the head autonomous District, bomb. Explosives had to carry a recruited head of the inconsiser Rona.
To fulfill the task of destroying the Kaminsky brigade, several operational groups were transferred to the brigade actions area. There were also prepared saboteurs and experienced Agenturist Operatives. If it is impossible to carry out the terrorist attack directly against the Kaminsky, it was planned to recruit persons from his immediate environment and increasing them or to the murder of Brigadefürera, or to the transfer of him alive in the hands of the partisans.
But plans are plans, but sometimes the most banal things can change everything. Agent "Sofya",
which was sent to the sabotage group "Falcon" task did not fulfill and instead married and departed with a child in the location of the group. Despite the failed task, "Sophia" did not punish. Subsequently, after checking and retraining, it was again transferred for the front line.
In addition to Chekists against the Kaminsky, partisans acted, they have Rona There were their scores.
In the summer of 1943, the situation of the district became threatening and Kaminsky In coordination with the Hitler's command, he ordered to evacuate Ron and the civilian population to the city Lepel Vitebsk region. Immersing tanks, artillery and other technique, part of the Ron, along with the Civilian administration of the district and members of their families, a total of up to 30,000 people left Belarus.
A special district was already educated, and Kaminsky He was appointed by the OberBurbomist. In his hands, all power on this territory was concentrated. The hardness of the executive binding with elements of democracy like rural gatherings. The orders set in the leprenel were similar to the local.
Positive For Germans, the experience of creating Russian quasi-state was moved to Belarus. Practically, the Ron Brigade was considered as an exemplary model of control of occupied territories. The main task set before the settlers was the fight against partisans.
The Kaminsky conducted a number of major operations on cleaning its zone from partisans. With the changed atmosphere on the fronts, the stratified Lepel region became a strategically important rear zone of the Center for Army Center. And at the same time, the onset of the Red Army and the efforts of the central headquarters of the partisan movement caused the activation of the actions of patriots in the German rear. These operations caused even greater hatred of invaders.
In such a situation, the transfer of such problems in the hands of the Kaminsky all arranged. The Germans practically did not interfere in what was happening in the district. They were quite satisfied that a largely large territory practically did not give them trouble. Under the command of the brigadefuer, police formations from local residents were transferred. It must be said that they were quite numerous. The local peasantry, as in the entire Soviet Union, was displeased with collectivization, and in the Germans, many residents saw liberators from the Bolsheviks.
However, the relationship between immigrants and the local population was not easy. Moreover, most of the arrivals were cut into the houses of local residents, to put it mildly, without their consent. The difference in the language and customs has affected, and just a factor of strangers who arrived around from where and visited their orders. Local residents called them either or calls or populists.
In fact, the fireplaces behaved in Belarus, as invaders, and failed to include local to their republic. The partisans of the Lepel zone also did not sit, folded hands. And besides pure combat operations, one of the most effective ways The fight against punishers was propaganda. True, everything was not so simple with the fireplace, although the efforts were made serious. The scale of the resources used was impressive, up to the aircraft that delivered potential emission from their relatives. In Moscow, this activity was attached great importance And in this work there were very major successes.
Here is one of these stories. In their agents, a group of fireplaces came to the partisans, they wanted to go to their side. The main thing in this group was a bone. But they wanted to some guarantees that they simply do not shoot as traitors of the Motherland. Agreed about the meeting on the crossing.
The partisans put the condition that the mines brought with them their commander, living or dead. They were the head of the Police of the Lepelsky district, the right hand of the Kaminsky, Pakhomov. The preservation of the condition was carried out and arrived at the agreed place with Pakhomov, in shape, with arms, on several fallands. Summaries were loaded by mines and shells. They were taken with them and 2 cannons.
Partisans and the fireplace, without having to destroy each other in direct battle, considerable efforts sent to propaganda. Everything went into the move: both newspapers and flyers and caricatures. But the larger impact on the minds was still the advance of the Red Army. Many began to think about their further fate, looking for their salvation in the transition to partisans.
The transitions of the fireplace on the side of the partisans were, but earlier this phenomenon was not massacre. On the one hand, a significant part of them were enemies. Soviet power By conviction, on the other hand, everyone understood that their struggle on the side of Hitler would hardly be forgiven. Yes, and the propaganda of Kaminsky also worked.
The war is not done in white gloves, and cruelty showed not only punishers, but also partisans, giving food for the propaganda of Brigadefürera. Discipline in Ron Combrig tried to maintain iron, without stopping in front of any measures. By this time, his brigade became a fairly organized and an experienced division of the SS.

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The successes of the Kaminsky, in the fight against the partisans did not remain unnoticed. Winter-spring 1944 brigade Rona Permanent fights led in the rear of the center of the center of the Center. Kaminsky For participation in these battles was awarded the Iron Cross I class, and Henry Himmler paid attention to the assault brigade.
In the summer of forty-fourth year, the Kaminsky was summoned in the Reichsführer bid, located in Eastern Prussia. Reichsfürer personally thanked him for the actions of the ROH, and the brigade itself Rona The order of Himmler was converted to the 29th Grenadier Division of the SS.
In Lepele, all the ideas of the Kaminsky about the creation of "Russia without Jews and Bolsheviks" gradually came up. He never managed to find support from the local population. Neither repression, no propaganda. The dense anti-Semitism of the Kaminsky in Lepele, who before the war was a Jewish town, and did not look wildly. Local Jewish Population, and this is a few thousand people, it was completely destroyed by the Germans and local policemen before arrival Rona. Therefore, in the eyes of a significant part of the local residents, the anti-Semitic propaganda of the Kaminsky looked like wild dances on the graves in no guilty countrymen.
However, in the context of the enhancement of partisan struggle and punitive measures, the foundations of ideology began to go to the background. Mutual hatred flared up, where the watershed was already named Hitler, and not named Stalin.
The Red Army, which began to be released Belarus, did not leave doubts ultimately the whole war. Therefore, seeking to accelerate the inevitable fall of the Germans, the partisans have activated their actions.
The fascist command on its part on the eve of the summer campaign of 1944 was sought to protect their reasons. Therefore, in the winter of the 44th, all the powers of punishers were thrown against the partisans. To support their actions, infantry parts were allocated, aviation and armored vehicles were actively used.
To a large extent, this zone was cleared of partisans, all this was accompanied by huge victims among civilians. In an effort not only to knock down the partisans with their bases, but also to deprive them of returning, the punitives mercilessly burned the villages so that no one could help the partisans in any kind, no without her.
The first successes and operatives worked against Rona. The reaction to the military successes of the Soviet Union was different. Someone else angry, someone was looking for the path of salvation. According to archival documents, interdistrict residency NKVD Belarus had agents, both among ordinary fighters and among some of the leaders.
However, despite the good positions in collecting information, the decision of the main issue - the physical destruction of the Kaminsky - still remained unrealized. It should be noted that the counterintelligence regime in the occupied territories increased sharply. M.
nogochane security bodies of occupiers, together with collabionic formations, launched a large-scale hunt for scouts and partisans. It was strengthened both agenic work and widespread clouds.
This was caused by both the strengthening of the Soviet reconnaissance and sabotage groups, and simply increasing the concentration of various traitors and provocateurs who gathered in Belarus from the entire previously occupied territory. But for many of them, the fear of the upcoming retribution was becoming more important. Some of them, even conscious of their crimes, they still moved to partisans.
In the summer of 1944, the Lepelsky special district became a front-line. Due to the lack of echelons, there was no planned evacuation in Czechoslovakia. Family members fighters Rona Found in Germany, where they became ordinary oriental workers without any privileges.
August 2 In Warsaw, Poles raised the uprising, and the Germans called on the fireplace to suppress it.

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Ronsev's actions were accompanied by mass robbery and murders. Moreover, to a large extent those residents of Warsaw, who did not participate in the uprising. Part of them were at all the Germans. Polish historians argue that the soldiers of the 29th SS division during the battle killed more than 15,000 people.
For the demand of the Germans to calm their soldiers, the Kaminsky, wounded in these battles, replied that he was lost during the fight against the Bolsheviks all their surrounding property, and there is nothing wrong if they want to correct their material state at the expense of the Poles who are hostile to the Germans.

The death of Kaminsky

Still still creating the dedication, the fighters of the Kaminsky continued to fight in Warsaw. Since Rona He left the Soviet territory and remained almost without livelihood, the Combrig was powerless to tame his fighters. In other matters, then few who could know that the 29th CC division would soon disband. Live the Kaminsky left for several weeks.
The 4th direction of the Belarusian NKVD finally managed to find a way to deal with the commander Rona. According to official German data, in the midst of the fighting in Warsaw Kaminsky called the commander. From this trip he did not return. On the forest road on his car attacked the gangsters for the purpose of robbery. All those who were accompanying and the brigadefuer himself were killed. Allegedly gangsters took all values \u200b\u200band documents, and then set fire to the car.
All this happened at the end of September or early October 1944. The officers of Ron German showed the burnt car of Brigadefürera, tilted into the cuvette and exhausted bullets.
But all this was a staging arranged under the leadership of the Chef Krakow SD Bircampfa. In fact, the Bronislav Kaminsky killed the Germans themselves. But what really happened in Poland then?
Feldmarshal Guderian wrote in his materials that Kaminsky was destroyed by the decision of the SS court. But for what? Almost for all researchers to this day it remained a mystery.
On this occasion was 2 versions. The first: for the special cruelty to the residents of Warsaw. The sentence of the SS brigadefurr for special cruelty in fascist Germany!! This is complete nonsense. Another version came down to the fact that the Kaminsky was removed to clear the way of Vlasov. But at the end of the war, the Germans are unlikely to sacrifice such an important figure as the Ron commander. After all, he began to fight on the side of the fascists when the general Vlasov Successfully fought in the Red Army.
When Vlasov. Sat in a German concentration camp and when I started creating a school of propagandists, all this time Kaminsky With his fighters participated in real battles, and not without success. In addition, in German laws, he was a German, because he had a chummy mother. If we compare Vlasov and the Kaminsky in the view of the Germans, then Bronislav was clearly preferable. But why Vlasov. stayed to live, and Kaminsky Shot? The impact of this mystery lay under the vulture "Top Secret" in the archive of the special services.
So, after an unsuccessful attempt to kill or kidnap the Kaminsky NKVD managed to destroy the Germans with the hands. It is still hidden by another secret of the special services. It turns out that in 1937 the NKVD bodies forced the Kaminsky to become their informant. He then received the pseudonym "Ultramarin". He was recruited by an employee of the Oryol Department of the NKVD. The task of "ultramarine" was the rates on the same as it was exiles. Turns out that Rona Commanded the NKVD agent!
The form was preserved approved by the People's Commissar of Belarus Tsavna, which says no, nor little, about the attempt of a new recruitment of the Kaminsky. The recruiter agent was to speak his sister, specially blocked through the front line. It should have been supplied with photocopies of subscriptions of the Kaminsky and his actually hand written reports.
However, this whole story is hardly a new one talks about the personality of Bronislav. Then the time was that the refusal to cooperate with the authorities meant state treason, and such subscriptions were forced to give almost everyone who fell into the hands of the NKVD. During the years of repression, the 30th Agency, the NKVD rose thousands of times. Although the absolute majority of these people practically did not use, the hook was in many.
As it turned out, he was on the Kaminsky. Why was it waiting for so long before they let him down - there was a mystery. It can be assumed that the documents of the Orlovsky recruitment of the "Ultramarine" recruitment were simply lost in military turmoil and were found a lot later.
Since the brigadefuer from cooperation refused, authentic documents about his recruitment in the 37th came to the Germans. Having found that General SS is a Russian agent, they did not have anything left, how quietly remove it. It was the undoubted success of the NKVD, although somewhat late.
The Kaminsky Brigade was practically disbanded, and the personnel was transferred to the general of General Vlasov. So it ended hardly the most bold experiment of the fascists in Russia.

Ron B.Kamnsky is a gang of punishers, traitors and Hitler's accomplices. And not fighters with Bolshevism.

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