Puzzles about metals. Chemico-biological brain-ring "Journey to the land of knowledge

Chemical-biological brain-ring

"Journey to the Land of Knowledge"

Target: find out the level and depth of knowledge gained in the course of studying chemistry, biology: knowledge of terms, processes; continue the aesthetic education of students, continue the formation of skills to analyze information, quickly find an answer; increase motivation and interest in the study of the subject.

Preparation for the event:

Divide the class into teams, give a name, prepare questions for the opposing team. The same activity can be held between classes.

Event progress:

1. Warm-up - guess funny riddles questions.

2. Guess the anagrams.

3. Both jokingly and seriously - a poetry competition.

4. Competition of captains and selects an assistant

5. Guess the rebus: "Chemical elements"

6. Race for the leader time one minute

1. Warm-up - guess funny riddles questions

1. Which chemical element does not have a permanent "registration" in the periodic system chemical elements? (Hydrogen)

2. What chemical element is always happy? (Radon)

3. What gas claims that it is not it? (Neon)

4. Which names include trees? (Nick spruce , oak ny)

5. What precious metal is made up of algae? (Pla Tina )

6. Part of what chemical element do adults and children like to play at their leisure? (Zo lotto )

7. The names of two chemical elements include the drink of sea pirates. What are these elements? (B rum , X rum )

8. From what metal must one third be cut off in order to obtain a known bone of a skeleton or a person? (Se edge )

9. What fluid in the body is approximately 5 liters. (Blood)

10. Which neurons transmit information to the brain. ( sensitive)

11. A chemical element that is part of the bones. (Calcium)

12. The part of the brain responsible for the coordination of movement. (Cerebellum)

13. The protective mechanism of the body. (Immunity)

14. Lack of this vitamin causes scurvy. (WITH)

15. Where are the alveoli. (Lungs)

16. The animal on which Pavlov studied conditioned reflexes. (Dog)

2. Guess the anagrams:

The letters are on the table in front of you.

Arrange them so that they become words.

The first word is one figure,

Just in it, mind you - four corners.

Manage to collect the second word -

Red-brown liquid you need to call.

(Rhombus - bromine)

I am a combustible product,

I live in swamps.

But there is one letter

In a short title.

Her jump is fast -

And everything changed:

I have become an element.

So the miracle happened!


Twelve couples - don't forget!

All people in the world.

In another meaning - a narrow edge, -

This is how children are taught in school.

But if CE is added to me,

In an instant I will turn into metal.

Moreover, to add

That I'll be in the first group.


3. "Both jokingly and seriously" - a poetry competition.

It is necessary to arrange the right part of the poem in accordance with the left: the speed of the task is evaluated logic and humor three points

Left side

Right part

Angry boar



Sat on a branch

languished in a cage

Sewing my pants

Biology taught

Catch your tail

Sharpened fangs

gave beeps

Covered for dinner

Usami wiggled

Flying under the clouds

Jumping in the yard

Bubbling on the fire

4. Competition of captains.

(He chooses an assistant to help)

Depict this or that animal and its character.

Funny cow

Penguin Penguin

Happy crocodile

・Frightened Chicken

The names of twelve chemical elements are encrypted in puzzles. Decipher them.

1. Nickel 2. Iodine 3. Nitrogen 4. Boron 5. Manganese 6. Silicon 7. Arsenic 8. Carbon 9. Zirconium 10. Argon 11. Copper 12. Krypton

6. Race for the leader (time one minute)

1. The organ that perceives the taste of food. (Language)

2. What kind of teeth do not have rodents. (Klykov)

3. How to determine the number of electrons at the last level. (group number)

4. The number of chromosomes in the egg. (46)

5. Wild striped horse. (Zebra)

6. What the period shows. ( Number of energy levels)

7. The outer cover of the human body. (Leather)

8. Sounds not perceived by the human ear. (Ultrasound)

9. What properties do metals exhibit. (Restorative)

10. The gland that produces adrenaline. (Adrenals)

11. The largest mammal. (Blue whale)

12. What letter indicates the amount of substance. (n)

13. Lack of this vitamin leads to rickets. (D)

14. The most highly organized primate. (Human)

15. Who studied reflexes. (Pavlov)

16. Simple substances. (Consist of one kind of atom)

17. Marsupial bear. (Koala)

18. The totality of human bones. (Skeleton)

19. What gas do living organisms breathe. (Oxygen)

20. What properties do non-metals exhibit. (Oxidative)

21. Animal science. (Zoology)

22. Liquid metal . (Mercury)

23. Substance covering the tooth. (Dentine Enamel)

24. An animal that eats animals. ( Predator)

25. Gas exhaled during breathing. (Carbon dioxide)

26. Reflexes that are inherited. (congenital)

27. An animal in its appearance resembling a surgical instrument. (Lancelet)

28. Neurons through which information goes to the working body. (Motor)

29. What is the external difference between a lion and a lioness. (mane)

30. What is in the center of the atom. (Core)

31. We perceive ________ with cones (Color)

32. How many chambers are in the heart of a mammal. (Four)

33. Where is the stirrup. (Middle ear)

34. What does a bear eat in winter. (He doesn't eat, he sleeps)

35. Chemical element number one. (Hydrogen)

36. Gas exchange takes place _______ (In lungs and tissues)

38. How many teeth a person has. (32)

39. The strongest oxidizing agent, non-metal. (Fluorine)

40. Cheese from sheep's milk. (Brynza)

41. What can change its curvature. (Crystal)

42. How mushrooms reproduce. (Spores, mycelium)

43. The most active metal. ()

44. What salt is added to food. (Cookery)

45. What are gametes. (sex cells)

46. ​​A variety of atoms of a chemical element. (Isotopes)

47. Iron, regulating the amount of iodine. (thyroid)

48. Through which blood flows. ( by vessels)

49. Hormone of fear. (Adrenalin)

50. The process of transferring pollen from one plant to another is called. (by pollination)

51. A person has them. (46)

Evaluation table:

brain ring

1 team

2 team

3 team

4 team

1. Warm-up - guess funny riddles questions.

2. Guess the anagrams.

3. Both jokingly and seriously - a poetry competition.

4. Competition of captains and selects an assistant

5. Guess the rebus: "Chemical elements"

6. Race for the leader time one minute




Rebuses are drawings, images or symbols that need to be solved, deciphered. The puzzles are encrypted individual words, sayings, proverbs, excerpts from works, etc. To solve the rebus, it is necessary to determine the meanings of the given figures or symbols and write them down one by one without spaces and punctuation marks. After that, the resulting series of letters is divided by meaning into separate words that make up the phrase. When compiling puzzles, they use certain methods of encrypting the text or individual words. For example, the figure shows a house, and to the left of it is a comma. This means that one initial letter is discarded from the word DOM, and the rest is written OM.

"Chemistry at leisure", G.I. Strempler

Six elements 1. Tin, 2. Astatine. 3. Vanadium. 4. Bismuth. 5. Sodium. 6. Titanium. Metals and non-metals 1. Nickel. 2. Iodine. 3. Nitrogen. 4. Bor. 5. Manganese. 6. Silicon. 7. Arsenic. 8. Carbon. 9. Zirconium. 10. Argon. 11. Copper. 12. Krypton. "Reading Mendeleev" "Everything - from grains of sand to planets - Consists of the same elements." Future…

Many ancient folk riddles have certain chemical phenomena, processes or substances as clues. Don't believe? Decipher the following riddles, which are folk riddles, solve them - and you will see that the riddles are directly related to chemistry. Thermochemistry in everyday life Disaccharide Carbonate Answers "Chemistry at leisure", G.I. Strempler

Solve the following puzzles and you will find out that ... *** *** Answers "Chemistry at your leisure", G.I. Strempler

The rebus encodes the statement of an outstanding scientist about the meaning of the periodic law and periodic system chemical elements of D. I. Mendeleev in the field of physics. Decipher the rebus and name the author of these lines. Answers "Chemistry at leisure", G.I. Strempler

— the sphere of social and state activities in society. - radar installation. - a segment lying at the intersection of faces geometric body. - a machine with program control that performs complex operations related to movement in space. - the rotating part of the electric motor, turbine. - a linear measuring tool in the form of a flexible tape made of metal or fabric. - pet food in...

aircraft filled with gas lighter than air. is an island in the Malay Archipelago. - industry. - a board game in which cards with numbers or pictures are closed with special chips. - a large predatory animal of the class of mammals. - an animal from the order of rodents. - residents of the country, area, city. - finely twisted yarn or product. - a hydraulic structure on a river or ...

Two lines from S. Shchipachev's poem "Reading Mendeleev" are encrypted here. Solve the puzzle; try to find the full text of the poem and read it. Consider also, is the poet scientifically correct in the passage quoted here? The future of the great discovery This rebus encoded the statement of D. I. Mendeleev about the fate of his great discovery - the periodic law and the periodic system ...

In these small puzzles, the names of twelve chemical elements are encrypted. Decipher them and determine which of these elements form simple substances in the form of metals, and which - in the form of non-metals. Are there any among these elements that form allotropic modifications? Which of these substances are in the gaseous state under normal conditions? Which of these elements was...

MOU "Ushakovskaya secondary school"

Chemistry teacher: Yu.N. Zubova

year 2012

village Ushakovo

1. Labyrinths

Find the path that will lead you to the finish line. Start the passage of the maze from the upper left cell. If the judgment entered in this cell is correct, then continue along the arrow marked "yes". If this judgment is wrong, then you should continue along the arrow marked "no". To fully assimilate the information given in the maze, choose different cells of the maze as initial ones.


2. Puzzles

It is customary to call a rebus an image of a word or a whole sentence using a combination of letters, numbers, drawings, signs, etc. Hence, rebus - a puzzle that requires quick wits, imagination and work of thought to solve.

In order to solve and compose puzzles, you need to know some of the rules and techniques that are used in their compilation.

1. The names of all objects depicted in the rebus are read only in the nominative case.

2. The depicted object may have not one, but two or more names, for example: “eye” and “eye”.

3. If in the name of an object it is necessary to discard one or two letters at the beginning or at the end of the word, it is used

figure, then this means that you need to discard the first letter from its name, if it is at the top right of the picture, then the last one. If there are two commas, then two letters are discarded accordingly, and so on.

4. If any two objects or two letters are drawn one into the other, then their names are read with the addition of "in".

5. If any letter consists of another letter, then they read with the addition of "from".

6. If there is another letter or object behind any letter or object, then you need to read with the addition of “for”.

7. If one figure or letter is drawn under another, then you need to read with the addition of "on", "above" or "under".

8. If for any letter another is written, “leaned” against it, then they read with the addition of “by”.

9. If one letter lies near the other, “leaned” against it, then they read with the addition of “y”.

10. If the object is drawn upside down, then its name must be read from the end.

11. If an object is drawn, and a letter is written next to it, and then a letter is crossed out, then this means that this letter must be discarded from the resulting word. If there is another one above the crossed out letter, then this means that it is necessary to replace the crossed out one with it.

12. If the numbers 4, 2, 3, 1 are next to the picture, then this means that the fourth letter of the name of the picture is read at the beginning, then the second, etc.

13. In rebuses, individual syllables “do”, “re”, “mi”, “fa” are often depicted with the corresponding notes.

14. The meaning of drawings or symbols is written down one after another without gaps and punctuation marks. The resulting series of letters is divided by meaning into separate words that make up the phrase,

In these rebuses, the names of chemical elements (1, 2, 5), simple and complex substances (4), as well as natural and chemical phenomena (3).

Try to encrypt the names of other chemical elements and phenomena in the form of puzzles. This type of task can be offered to students at home, and then used in the classroom.

No. 1: a) iron, b) nitrogen, c) arsenic, d) copper, e) sodium, f) tin.


In this rebus, the statement of D.I. Mendeleev about the future fate of his great discovery - the periodic law and the periodic system of chemical elements, which immortalized the name of an outstanding Russian scientist. Solve the puzzle and think about what scientific discoveries and the facts support this idea. How many chemical elements have been discovered since 1869? How many elements are "required" to complete the 7th period?

Answer:“The future does not threaten the periodic law with destruction, but only superstructures and development are promised.” № 7. WHO IS THE AUTHOR? -

Answer:“System D.I. Mendeleev is a guiding thread in the development of the theory of the electronic structure of the atom ”(Niels Bohr).


Two lines from S. Shchipachev's poem "Reading Mendeleev" are encrypted here. Solve this puzzle; try to find the full text of the poem and read it. Consider also: Is the poet scientifically correct in the passage quoted here? Try to compose poems that would reflect the laws of chemistry or its main provisions and theories.

Answer:“Everything - from small grains of sand to planets - consists of the same elements ...”

Answer: 1. Tin. 2. Astatine. 3. Vanadium. 4. Bismuth. 5. Sodium. 6. Titanium.

No. 10. Metals and non-metals

Answer: 1. Nickel. 2. Iodine. 3. Nitrogen. 4. Bor. 5. Manganese. 6. Silicon. 7. Arsenic. 8. Carbon. 9. Zirconium. 10. Argon. 11. Copper. 12. Krypton.

3. Crosswords

1) Crosswords on the names of chemical elements.

No. 1. Fill in the empty cells with the Russian names of the following chemical elements: Ag, Br, Fe, H, I, O, Sn.

No. 2. The key word is a profession related to chemistry: 1) C1, 2) Zn, 3) Br, 4) K, 5) Ni. (Chemist.)

2) Crossword on repetition of initial chemical concepts(№ 3).

The key word is one of the ways to separate the mixture. (Evaporation.)

1. Physical property of substances. (Color.)

2. As chemical element. (Arsenic.)

3. An object that in the hands of children may be a "dangerous toy." (Matches.)

4. An item that is attached to a tripod. (Paw.)

5. Glassware for chemical reactions. (Test tube.)

6. Chemical element Zn. (Zinc.)

7. Physical property of substances. (Hardness.)

8. 2Fe(OH) 3 = Fe 2 O 3 + 3H 2 O - reaction type. (Decomposition.)

9. Chemical element In. (Indium.)

10. The subject that is used in filtering.


11. Chemical element? + Sulfur = sulfide of this chemical element. (Iron.)

3) Crossword on the properties of oxygen (No. 4).

The key word is the name of the most common chemical element in the earth's crust. (Oxygen.)

    Substances that are obtained by burning various substances in oxygen. (Oxides.)

4) Crosswords on the properties of hydrogen and acids.

No. 5. The key word is the name of the star closest to the Earth, on which the chemical element hydrogen predominates. (Sun.)

1. Complex Substances, which react with hydrogen to produce metals. (Oxides.)

2. A substance that is formed when hydrogen is burned in oxygen. (Water.)

3. Acids, consisting of hydrogen atoms and another chemical element. (Oxygen-free.)

4. An acid that easily decomposes into carbon monoxide (IV) and water. (Coal.)

5. Metal that interacts directly with hydrogen. (Calcium.)

6. Acid, by the level of production of which one can judge the power of the country's chemical industry. (Sulfuric.)

No. 6. The key word is the name of a substance that changes its color depending on the reaction of the medium (acidic or alkaline). (Indicator.)

1. Substances in solutions of which blue litmus changes color to red. (Acids.)

2. Salts of carbonic acid. (Carbonates.)

3. The lightest gas. (Hydrogen.)

4. Surname of the scientist who discovered hydrogen. (Cavendish.)

5. Complex substances consisting of two elements, one of which is oxygen. (Oxides.)

6. An English scientist, at whose suggestion the atomic masses of chemical elements were expressed in hydrogen units. (Dalton.)

7. Acid, which is part of the "royal vodka". (Nitrogen.)

8. A substance that is formed during the combustion of hydrogen in oxygen. (Water.)

9. The name of the compound of a chemical element with hydrogen, which is abundant in the springs of the Matsesta resort. (Hydrogen sulfide.)

5) Crossword on the properties of water and solutions (No. 7).

The keyword is the name of the chemical element first obtained as a result of nuclear fusion. (Technetium.)

    A process that produces water that exhibits all of its characteristic properties. (Cleaning.)

2. The external condition on which the dissolution of gases in water depends. (Pressure.)

3. Field of human activity requiring a large number pure water. (Technique.)

4. Substance that disinfects water, leaving no aftertaste. (Ozone.)

5. Method of preparation solids to dissolution, significantly speeding up this process. (Crushing.)

6. Water purification method. (Distillation.)

7. Devices used in the purification of water from impurities insoluble in water. (Filters.)

8. Metal, the density of which is less than the density of water. (Sodium.)

6) Crossword on the periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev and the structure of matter.

№ 8. Key words - type of atoms with the same nuclear charge. (Chemical element.)

1. Chemical element with serial number 17 in the table of the periodic system. (Chlorine.)

2. A process accompanied by the release of electrons. (Otshs- laziness.)

3. A chemical element named after the great Russian scientist. (Mendelevium.)

4. Chemical element, electronic structure which 2)8)8)1). (Potassium.)

5. Water-soluble bases. (Alkalis.)

6. A chemical element whose atoms have the ZlekFron formula Is 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 4 . (Sera.) . ","..

7. Property of atoms, which D.I. Mendeleev took as the main thing in the systematization of chemical elements. (Weight.)

8. The property of the atoms of a chemical element, which is of greatest importance for fluorine. (Electronegativity.)

9. Charged particles. (Ions.)

10. Elementary particles, according to the number of which atoms of the same chemical element may differ. (Neutrons.)

11. What was the name of the chemical element with the atomic number 32 before its discovery? (Exasilicon.)

12. The property of atoms of a chemical element to form two or more simple substances. (Allotropy.)

13. Elementary particles, the movement of which determines many physical properties metals. (Electrons.)

14. Type of crystal lattice in diamond. (Atomic.)

15. A chemical element whose name comes from the name of the planet. (Neptunium.)

16. chemical bond between ions. (Ionic.)

17. Atoms that differ in atomic mass, but having the same atomic charge. (Isotopes.)

9. Keyword - the name of the chemical elements of the 7th group of the main subgroup.(Halogens.)

1. A chemical element whose properties were predicted by D.I. Mendeleev. (Germanium.)

2. chemically indivisible particle. (Atom.)

3. One of aggregate states substance widely distributed in nature. (Ice.)

4. Chemical element from platinum metals. (Osmium.)

5. A chemical element whose electronic formula is Is 2. (Helium.)

6. Chemical element with serial number 63. (Europe.)

7. A type of covalent bond. (Non-polar.)

8. Chemical element of the 5th group of the main subgroup. (Arsenic.)

7) Crossword on the repetition of halogens (No. 10.)

The key word is the name of the chemical element in honor of the famous Soviet physicist. (Kurchatov.)

1. A metal whose compounds with chlorine are part of bleach. (Calcium.)

2. The phenomenon observed when crystalline iodine is heated. (Sublimation.).

3. The most active non-metal. (Fluorine.)

4. Surname of the famous physicist, student E. Rutherford, discovered the neutron in 1932 year. (Chadwig.)

5. Material resistant to acid, alkali and oxide; casters. (Ftoroplast.)

6. The least active halogen. (Astat.)

7. Halogen, the compound of which has a calming effect on the nervous system. (Bromine.)

8. A substance widely distributed in nature that decomposes under the action of fluorine. (Water.)

9. The metal that is part of table salt. (Sodium.)

10. A metal that reacts violently with iodine under the influence of water. (Aluminum.)

4. Mystery stories

Mystery stories are tasks and, if you like, fiction. Certain questions, problems, situations or tasks are woven into the plot of the story, which the hero must complete or solve, and with him the student. When solving a riddle story, you should carefully read the text, as it usually contains hints that make it easier to complete the task.

The house built by M.

The house in which Uncle Odor lives was built according to the project of the greatest architect of all times and peoples, M., who lived in the 19th century. Actually, this is not a house, but a large seven-story palace in which friends, colleagues and just acquaintances live.

It cannot be said that all residents have a kind, even and docile character. Someone is friends with someone, and another seeks to avoid this friendship; some you can't spill with water, and others you'll never see together. Nevertheless, everyone gets along well in this wonderful house.

On the ground floor there is a large hall and only three living rooms. Sir Liy lives in one of them, and Uncle Odor occupies the other two.

A total of eight apartments on the second and third floors, so they, together with the first, are called small floors. There are many more rooms on the upper, larger floors. On the fourth and fifth - eighteen each, on the sixth - thirty-two.

The seventh floor has not yet been completed, but according to the project, thirty-two apartments are also planned there.

So joyful and interesting housewarmings are expected ahead. After all, each tenant of this house is a bright individuality. True, the members of the two surnames are surprisingly similar at first glance, there are even twins, but you should take a closer look and you will see how different they are.

It is necessary to say about the features of this house. Firstly, the transitions from one floor to another are arranged in the form of a spiral. To get to the upper floors, you need to go up the stairs, and then along the long corridor of the next floor. From each such corridor, separate doors lead to the rooms of the residents.

The arrangement of apartments on floors in the house is deeply thought out, and they (apartments) are distributed taking into account family ties between residents. Relatives in a straight line and side lines can visit each other, bypassing the corridors on the floors, because the rooms along the entire height of the house are strictly one above the other, and there are transitional ladders between them.

Only two big families live together. Taking into account family traditions, an exception was made for them and separate wings were allocated for these families, one on the sixth, the other on the seventh floor.

Here it is necessary to pay attention once again to the foresight of the architect. Indeed, at the first stage of planning the palace, only sixty-three applications were received for a place of residence in it. However, the architect M. took into account possible demographic changes and laid an additional thirty apartments in the project, counting on the future. And he was not mistaken: now one hundred and ten tenants are registered in this house.


Who is the author of the project of an extraordinary house and what kind of house is it? What do you know about the seven floors of the house and the occupants on each floor? Which two surnames are mentioned in the story and what are their family traditions? How many apartments are to be populated on the seventh floor? For which residents did the architect M. provide empty or spare apartments in his project? Who are relatives in the straight and lateral lines?

Answer: The house referred to in the story is D.I. Mendeleev. It consists of seven periods (floors), each of which has a strictly defined number of elements (residents).

For all elements, the position in the system is uniquely determined, with the exception of hydrogen. In connection with the structure of the atom and properties similar to those alkali metals and halogens, hydrogen is simultaneously placed in the 1st and 7th groups of the periodic system.

The first three periods are called small, and the next - large. The 7th period is called still incomplete. If we continue it by analogy with the pattern of filling the elements of the 6th period, then the 7th period will end with a noble gas with the serial number 118.

Two families of chemical elements - lanthanides and actinides in the usual version of the image of the periodic system are taken out of the table (into separate wings). The structure of the outer electronic levels of these elements is similar, so they have similar properties.

In the history of chemistry, there have been many "discoveries" of imaginary elements that were actually mixtures of several very similar lanthanides in properties. So there were chemical elements with names - PRASEODYM (light green twin) and NEODYM (new twin).

Since the discovery of the periodic law, only 63 chemical elements have been known to science. However, D.I. Mendeleev brilliantly predicted the existence of many more undiscovered elements, leaving empty cells (vacant apartments) in the table for them. The scientist's predictions were brilliantly confirmed.

Relatives in the direct and lateral lines are chemical elements within a certain group).

Detective game.

There is a metal fireproof safe in the room. A note hangs on his pen: "Solve the problem and the safe will open."

Task. Get three hydroxides so that the first one is acidic, the second is basic, and the third is amphoteric. Everything you need is in this safe. Reagents stand in a row on the top shelf. It is known that:

1. Salt is in a bag, and zinc is in a jar.

2. The mass of the liquid is 500 g.

3. The mass of the substance in the crystalline state is 200 g, it is next to the flask.

4. To the right of zinc - non-metal, even more to the right - copper sulfate.

5. The mass of the substance in the flask is 300 g, and in the jar it is 2 times less than in the bag.

6. To the right of the solution is metal.

7. Among the reagents are sulfur, potassium hydroxide and water.

8. To the left of the solution is the substance in the bottle, and the second to the right is the powder.

9. The mass of one of the substances is 400 g.

10. The oxide is not in the form of granules.

Define, what are the substances stored in and in what order are they placed on the shelf?

Answer. Based on the condition of the assignment, it can be determined that there were five substances and that there was zinc in the middle of the row on the shelf.

Draw a table and complete it.

Place a little sulfur in a spoon for burning substances, set fire to a spirit lamp and add burning sulfur to a flask with a small amount of water at the bottom. As a result of the hydration of sulfur oxide (4) in the flask formed sulfurous acid(acid hydroxide). The base (copper hydroxide) can be obtained by an exchange reaction between a copper sulfate solution prepared from copper sulfate and an alkali solution.

Amphoteric hydroxide (zinc hydroxide) is obtained in two stages. Having prepared a solution of copper sulfate, part of it is spent to obtain copper hydroxide, and zinc granules are added to the second part. Thus, a solution of zinc sulfate and metallic copper in the precipitate were obtained. Now carefully pour the salt solution into a clean test tube and add a few drops of alkali solution. Separate the precipitation of zinc hydroxide by filtration.

Minerals of the Black Magician.

In one of the halls of the exhibition of the Black Magician, the exposition began with samples of rather nondescript limestones. Further there were separate blocks and polished slabs of snow-white, black, red, gray and multi-colored marble.

Special place assigned to the shell rock. The monolith, pressed over millions of years from the smallest and larger shells, served as the basis for the interior of the hall. In its niches, on ledges, partitions and stands, hundreds of minerals and shells of mollusks of the most various kinds and sizes. Mother-of-pearl, pearls, skeletons of coral polyps also consist mainly of this compound.

Even chalk, a soft sedimentary rock made up of the skeletons of microorganisms, has the same composition.

The Black Magician took a piece of chalk from the stand and capital letters wrote on a slab of black marble a chemical compound (name it).

Answer: The exposition of the collection was represented by minerals and samples of inorganic and animal origin, consisting mainly of calcium carbonate, the formula of which was written by the Black Magician with chalk on a slab of black marble).

5. A kaleidoscope of mysteries


Charades These are riddles, the answers to which are solved in parts. For example, two words MOUSE and YAK, connecting with each other, form the whole word ARSENIC

The answer to the next charade consists of the two syllables COP and BIT, encrypted in the first half of the riddle. In general, both words, when combined together, form the word SORBIT - a six-atomic alcohol, a sugar substitute for patients with diabetes mellitus.

My first syllable is swept with a broom.

The informant considers the second syllable.

In general, I will say, dear friends,

For many patients, instead of sugar, I am.

The first syllable is a well-known preposition.

The second syllable is harder to find:

Part of it will be a number,

Add an I to it.

To know the whole

You need to name the metal.

Answer: sodium. ,

I am a gas, a simple substance,

My two-digit number.

And my first syllable is a deity,

The river is the second syllable.

Answer: radon.

My first syllable means ruin.

My second syllable is tiny.

I am born only in green plants.

Answer - who am I.

Answer: starch.

2) ANAGRAMS- these are riddles, the answers to which are from the same letters. The words GLASS and FLASK, for example, can be an anagram. Having guessed one word in the riddle, you need to rearrange the letters so that you get a new one.

Born in a bright flame,

I am dull and grey.

If the letters are rearranged,

I will become a flexible stem.

Answer: ash - vine.

I am a combustible product,

I live in swamps.

But there is one letter

In a short title.

Her jump is fast -

And everything changed:

I have become an element.

So the miracle happened!

Answer: peat - fluorine.

3) METAGRAMS- these are riddles in which different words are encrypted, consisting of the same number of letters. Having guessed one of the words of the metagram, you need to replace one or more letters in it so that you get a new word according to the meaning of the riddle. For example, the words TIN and WORD can form a metagram.

In the first riddle, the word URAL is conceived; replacing L with H in it, we get the word URAN, in accordance with the meaning of the second part of the metagram.

Ships bypass me;

The pilot knows by heart.

If L is replaced by D,

I'll be metal.

Answer: stranded - copper.

With KA - active metal,

With GE - I am a very light gas.

For you to figure us out

Look at the system again.

Answer: potassium - helium.

4) LOGOGRYPHS- these are riddles that are solved by removing or adding letters or syllables to the encrypted word so that a new word is obtained. For example, the words LOTO and GOLD can form a logotype.

In free form, he kills everyone.

If “linked”, then they add it to food.

But if in a word we cross out L,

We will sing a song together with everyone.

Answer: in this riddle the word CHLORINE is conceived; by crossing out the letter L in it, we get the word XOR, corresponding to the meaning of the second part of the logogriff.

Think carefully

To guess the word

I'm like a lifeline -

Try to name.

If F is attached to me -

I will turn into a non-metal.

Answer: tor - fluorine.

I am metal, you know me.

The power is great in me.

If you add B to me,

I will hide the sky in a snowy haze.

Answer: uranium - storm.

Use of non-traditional
teaching methods in chemistry lessons

In our ecologically difficult age, the study of chemistry at school has two aspects: the study of the subject itself and the influence of chemical production on the entire complex of living nature. But how to teach children to be not only listeners and contemplators, how to help them understand the beauty of the world around them, to see a miracle in a drop of water, to look at the world through the eyes of a zealous owner of the Earth?
I see this path in the awakening of children's creativity. The creative atmosphere has a positive effect on the educational activity itself, the interests of students, reveals their individuality, suggests new approaches to learning, and increases the prestige of knowledge in the subject. Therefore, it is necessary to teach children to look at the studied object through the eyes of the creator. Children's imagination can be awakened by setting a specific goal for the student, by introducing him to one of the forms of work.
My today's eighth graders from the first chemistry lessons plunge into the atmosphere of creativity, because the teacher has accumulated material and worked out the forms creative works. The co-creation of the teacher and students begins already at the first lesson - "Compliance with safety precautions in the chemistry lesson." The traditional approach, when the teacher explains and the students listen and answer the questions posed, is not always effective here. Pedagogical experience suggests that the best mutual understanding can be achieved when students are given tasks from another area known to them.

    For example, students are asked to solve a puzzle. Showing the puzzle to the children (Fig. 1), I explain that it was invented by a girl from our school when she was their age.

The students begin to examine it with interest, solve it, and now ... some are already running to me to whisper their answers in my ear. A few moments later, in chorus: "Keep your desk clean."
Question to the class. What does the encrypted phrase have to do with the topic of the lesson "Compliance with safety precautions in a chemistry lesson"?

    Next, we introduce the guys to the "Safety Instructions" located in the office and signed by the director of the gymnasium. After the conversation, a book-board opens with a set of letters that need to be read (Fig. 2):

To read this “maze”, there is a rule: starting from the upper left cell and moving horizontally (left or right) or vertically (up or down), go through all the cells so that the letters make a safety rule. Each cell can be used once.
“Chemical reagents cannot be tasted” - children find such an answer.

    Then the students receive the following task-maze at home, which they, writing down, immediately begin to solve (Fig. 3):

Answer.“Keep a test tube with a heated liquid with a hole away from yourself and from your comrades.”

    On the same day, children receive creative homework: draw a safety rule on a piece of paper or in a notebook.

I will give one of the examples that one of the students brought to the next lesson (Fig. 4). He coded the rule on the chessboard. You can read it if you know how to play chess. So, with the rook's move, starting from a8 to b8, go around the entire board (final point e3) in such a way as to decipher the safety rule. You should get the phrase: “In a chemistry lesson, you can do extraneous experiments only by asking the teacher.”

Children are happy to solve chemical crossword puzzles, puzzles, riddles that they have come up with themselves. In chemistry lessons and in extracurricular activities, I use the following elements with a chemical content: burime, chemical songs, fables related to ecology, performances. As a result, the child is all the time at the lesson in an atmosphere of creative play, saturated with scientific concepts, and imperceptibly learns them.
It would seem that chemistry as a subject of study is far from literary creativity, but in what an amazing way purely chemical concepts are refracted in the minds of children when they are faced with the task of presenting them in artistic images or in the role of literary heroes. Chemical elements at the same time become good or greedy, noble or insidious, acquire human characters. Their relationships with each other and actions affirm the best qualities of a person, i.e., contribute to the humanization of learning.
For example, a type of decomposition reaction is studied, and suddenly this reaction “comes to life”: malachite turns into a merchant – the revived fairy tale “How the merchant Malachite decomposed” is considered.
Great opportunities for development creativity children are given the study of one of the main and most difficult topics - the periodic law and the periodic system of D.I. Mendeleev. Visualization, figurative presentation of a difficult topic in an entertaining way make it easier for children to understand and master the tasks set by the teacher. Difficulties in the perception of complex theoretical material, its abstraction, the inability to look inside, to understand the periodic system and the structure of the atom create problems for many and dislike for the subject.
The shift in emphasis in the study of the topic from “you need to remember, memorize” to the plane “think up, create, you can do it” changes the approach to the problem. Predicted academic failure translates into a creative decision. The result is the joy of learning and satisfaction with what has been achieved.
Our creative team created an illustrated educational fairy tale in chemistry "The Incredible Journey of Hydrogen on the Table of D.I. Mendeleev", which we consider a kind of pedagogical find. This approach will help teachers of chemistry in teaching the subject, and the children - without coercion to learn the difficult theoretical section of the program.
In the fairy tale Hydrogen - Ashka - in search of a friend meets with such chemical elements as helium, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, gets acquainted with the properties of other chemical elements and their compounds. The plot of the tale is fantastic, but at its core contains quite scientific facts. In a fairy tale, chemical elements and the substances formed by them “come to life” in an entertaining way. The chemical elements act as fairytale heroes, they have both specific properties and human traits. Light humorous style of narration, figurative drawings well reflect the properties of chemical elements.
I would like to note that this educational fairy tale was recognized by children, teachers, parents, and the public. The first part of it was awarded the Silver Medal of VDNKh of the USSR. As part of other creative works, the first and second parts were presented by me in a report at the Soviet-American Conference of Teachers of Natural Sciences in Moscow. The third part of the educational fairy tale (21 frames) has been created, the artist's work on the third part of the "Incredible Journey of Hydrogen on the Table of D.I. Mendeleev" will be completed in the near future.
Of great interest is the "speaking" periodic system of chemical elements, which was created by students of gymnasium No. 91 in Ufa. The peculiarity of the new system is that for each element scientific material for use in various fields. Symbols for the specific properties of elements in the composition of simple and complex substances have been invented and used. The table catches the eye of a child. Looking at it, the guys suddenly discover that this table does not need to be memorized, but on the contrary, you should turn to it for a hint.
At lessons and various competitions, we use the intellectual game developed in our gymnasium according to the periodic system “Guess the element”. Students guess the intended chemical element using questions about the properties and its location in nature and the answers "yes" or "no". During the game, children learn a lot of new things and strive for further comprehension of the unknown.
At one of the lessons, the girl brought a rebus (Fig. 5), in which she encoded the meaning of chemistry among other sciences. It's easy to figure it out. But how touching and beautiful is its content: “Chemistry is the science of the world!”
A creative student sits at a school desk and learns the basics of chemistry, not yet knowing what profession he will choose in life: a doctor or a lawyer, a teacher or an economist, a pilot or an artist ... But we can say with confidence that in any field he will be a caring person with an active life position, a creative person.

Rice. 5. Rebus "The Meaning of Chemistry"

Once I read wonderful poems and thought that they were addressed to us, teachers who love to teach and moralize in the classroom, no matter what subject we teach. These are the verses:

So we, without "nails", try to interest, not force. Almost half of the chemistry course is studied using non-traditional methods, involving game forms, which significantly increases interest in the subject. Some of the presented materials were published in the journals "Teacher of Bashkortostan", "Teacher's newspaper", reported at Russian conferences in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Ufa

Municipal budgetary educational institution School d. Kebyachevo municipal district Aurgazinsky district

Methodical development

Usage gaming technologies on lessons chemistry

CHEMISTRY grade 8-9

Compiled by: Gabitov F.R. teacher of chemistry and biology MBOU secondary school

d. Kebyachevo

village Kebyachevo 2011

The manual is intended for 8th grade students. The allowance includes game forms works (mazes, puzzles, crossword puzzles, charades) by topic inorganic chemistry: "Metals", "Non-metals", "Periodic Law", "Solutions".The main task is to increase interest in the lesson, giving it emotional coloring and developmentmemory at the request of the game situation.



Game selection requirements……………………………………..............……..3

labyrinths …………………………………………………………….….…4

puzzles ……………………………………………………………..……........6


Mystery stories ……………………………………………………..…....25

Kaleidoscope of mysteries(charades, anagrams, metagrams, logogryphs)….29


Game selection requirements

1. Games must meet certain educational goals, carry a meaningful load in accordance with the program requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities, diversify teaching methods and organization, contribute to increasing their activity and independence.
2. Games should correspond to the material being studied and be built taking into account preparedness and psychological characteristics students.
3. Games require the creation of the necessary didactic material and determine the method of its application.
A didactic game will make it possible to more vividly realize all the leading functions of learning: educational, upbringing and developing.
Practice shows that in didactic games in chemistry with great interest weak performers participate, who are fascinated by the very process of the game, the spirit of competition, the desire for their team to win, which contributes to better assimilation and deepening of knowledge on the topic covered.
To improve knowledge on certain issues, topics can be used in the chemistry lessons of the game, which are called "Chemical Maze", "Task Stories", "Tic-Tac-Toe".

Homework can take the following forms:
mutual interrogation;
heuristic conversation;
creative homework:
compiling puzzles;
chemical stories.

Any element of the lesson diversifies the practical research activities. To enhance the effect of perception during role-playing games, you can use chemical experiments. But in any case, it is necessary to follow the safety rules when working with chemicals, master the methodology for conducting demonstration experiments.
Suggested games and game situations different not only in form, but also in character. They will enable, along with traditional forms learning to significantly increase the motivational sphere educational process, which will undoubtedly affect the qualitative and quantitative indicators cognitive activity students in chemistry lessons.


Find the path that will lead you to the finish line. Start the passage of the maze from the upper left cell. If the judgment entered in this cell is correct, then continue along the arrow marked "yes". If this judgment is wrong, then you should continue along the arrow marked "no". To fully assimilate the information given in the maze, choose different cells of the maze as initial ones.



It is customary to call a rebus an image of a word or a whole sentence using a combination of letters, numbers, drawings, signs, etc. Therefore, the rebus is a puzzle that requires quick wits, imagination and work of thought to solve.

In order to solve and compose puzzles, you need to know some of the rules and techniques that are used in compiling them.

1. The names of all objects depicted in the rebus are read only in the nominative case.

2. The depicted object may have not one, but two or more names, for example: “eye” and “eye”.

3. If in the name of an object it is necessary to discard one or two letters at the beginning or at the end of the word, it is used< условный знак - запятая. Если запятая слева вверху от

figure, then this means that you need to discard the first letter from its name, if it is at the top right of the picture, then the last one. If there are two commas, then two letters are discarded accordingly, and so on.

4. If any two objects or two letters are drawn one into the other, then their names are read with the addition of "in".

5. If any letter consists of another letter, then they read with the addition of "from".

6. If there is another letter or object behind any letter or object, then you need to read with the addition of “for”.

7. If one figure or letter is drawn under another, then you need to read with the addition of "on", "above" or "under".

8. If for any letter another is written, “leaned” against it, then they read with the addition of “by”.

9. If one letter lies near the other, “leaned” against it, then they read with the addition of “y”.

10. If the object is drawn upside down, then its name must be read from the end.

11. If an object is drawn, and a letter is written next to it, and then a letter is crossed out, then this means that this letter must be discarded from the resulting word. If there is another one above the crossed out letter, then this means that it is necessary to replace the crossed out one with it.

12. If the numbers 4, 2, 3, 1 are next to the picture, then this means that the fourth letter of the name of the picture is read at the beginning, then the second, etc.

13. In rebuses, individual syllables “do”, “re”, “mi”, “fa” are often depicted with the corresponding notes.

14. The meaning of drawings or symbols is written down one after another without gaps and punctuation marks. The resulting series of letters is divided by meaning into separate words that make up the phrase.


In these rebuses, the names of chemical elements (1, 2, 5), simple and complex substances (4), as well as natural and chemical phenomena (3) are encrypted.

Try to encrypt the names of other chemical elements and phenomena in the form of puzzles. This type of task can be offered to students at home, and then used in the classroom.

1: a) iron, b) nitrogen, c) arsenic, d) copper, e) sodium, f) tin


In this rebus, the statement of D.I. Mendeleev about the future fate of his great discovery - the periodic law and the periodic system of chemical elements, which immortalized the name of an outstanding Russian scientist. Solve the rebus and think about what scientific discoveries and facts support this idea. How many chemical elements have been discovered since 1869? How many elements are "required" to complete the 7th period?

Answer: “The future does not threaten the periodic law with destruction, but only superstructures and development are promised.”

Decipher the rebus and name the author of the statement about the meaning of the periodic law.

Answer: “System D.I. Mendeleev is a guiding thread in the development of the theory of the electronic structure of the atom "(Niels Bohr).


Two lines from S. Shchipachev's poem "Reading Mendeleev" are encrypted here. Solve this puzzle; try to find the full text of the poem and read it. Consider also: Is the poet scientifically correct in the passage quoted here? Try to compose poems that would reflect the laws of chemistry or its main provisions and theories.

Answer: “Everything - from small grains of sand to planets - consists of the same elements ...”

Answer: 1. Tin. 2. Astatine. 3. Vanadium. 4. Bismuth. 5. Sodium. 6. Titanium.

10. Metals and non-metals

Answer: 1. Nickel. 2. Iodine. 3. Nitrogen. 4. Bor. 5. Manganese. 6. Silicon. 7. Arsenic. 8. Carbon. 9. Zirconium. 10. Argon. 11. Copper. 12. Krypton.


1) Crosswords on the names of chemical elements.

1. Fill in the empty cells with the Russian names of the following chemical elements:Ag, Br, Fe, H,I, ABOUT,sn.

2. The keyword is a profession related to chemistry: 1) C1, 2)Zn, 3) Br, 4) K, 5)Ni. (Chemist.)

2) Crossword on repetition of initial chemical concepts (№ 3).

The key word is one of the ways to separate the mixture.(Evaporation.)

1. Physical property of substances.(Color.)

2. Chemical elementAs. (Arsenic.)

3. An object that in the hands of children may be a "dangerous toy."(Matches.)

4. An item that is attached to a tripod.(Paw.)

5. Glassware for chemical reactions.(Test tube.)

6. Chemical elementZn. (Zinc.)

7. Physical property of substances.(Hardness.)

8. 2 Fe( Oh) 3 = Fe 2 O 3 + 3 H 2 O- type of reaction.(Decomposition.)

9. Chemical elementIn. (Indium.)

10. An object used in filtering.


11. Chemical element? + Sulfur = sulfide of this chemical element.(Iron.)

3) Crossword on the properties of oxygen (No. 4).

The key word is the name of the most common chemical element in the earth's crust.(Oxygen.)

    Substances that are obtained by burning various substances in oxygen.(Oxides .)

4) Crosswords on the properties of hydrogen and acids.

5. The key word is the name of the star closest to the Earth, on which the chemical element hydrogen predominates.(Sun.)

1. Complex substances, the interaction of which with hydrogen produces metals.(Oxides.)

2. A substance that is formed when hydrogen is burned in oxygen.(Water.)

3. Acids, consisting of hydrogen atoms and another chemical element.(Oxygen-free.)

4. An acid that readily decomposes into carbon monoxide (IV) and water.(Coal.)

5. Metal that interacts directly with hydrogen.(Calcium.)

6. Acid, by the level of production of which one can judge the power of the country's chemical industry.(Sulfuric.)

6. The key word is the name of a substance that changes its color depending on the reaction of the medium (acidic or alkaline).(Indicator.)

1. Substances in solutions of which blue litmus changes color to red.(Acids.)

2. Salts of carbonic acid.(Carbonates.)

3. The lightest gas.(Hydrogen.)

4. Surname of the scientist who discovered hydrogen.(Cavendish.)

5. Complex substances consisting of two elements, one of which is oxygen.(Oxides.)

6. An English scientist, at whose suggestion the atomic masses of chemical elements were expressed in hydrogen units.(Dalton.)

7. Acid, which is part of the "royal vodka".(Nitrogen.)

8. A substance that is formed during the combustion of hydrogen in oxygen.(Water.)

9. The name of the compound of a chemical element with hydrogen, which is abundant in the springs of the Matsesta resort.(Hydrogen sulfide.)

5) Crossword on the properties of water and solutions (No. 7).

The keyword is the name of the chemical element first obtained as a result of nuclear fusion.(Technetium.)

    A process that produces water that exhibits all of its characteristic properties.(Cleaning.)

2. The external condition on which the dissolution of gases in water depends.(Pressure.)

3. An area of ​​human activity that requires a large amount of clean water.(Technique.)

4. Substance that disinfects water, leaving no aftertaste.(Ozone.)

5. A method for preparing solids for dissolution, which noticeably accelerates this process.(Crushing.)

6. Water purification method.(Distillation.)

7. Devices used in the purification of water from impurities insoluble in water.(Filters.)

8. Metal, the density of which is less than the density of water.(Sodium.)

6) Crossword on the periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev and the structure of matter.

8. Keywords - type of atoms with the same nuclear charge.(Chemical element.)

1. Chemical element with serial number 17 in the table of the periodic system.(Chlorine.)

2. A process accompanied by the release of electrons. (Oxidation.)

3. A chemical element named after the great Russian scientist.(Mendelevium.)

4. A chemical element whose electronic structure is 2)8)8)1).(Potassium.)

5. Water-soluble bases.(Alkalis.)

6. A chemical element whose atoms have the ZlekFron formulaIs 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3 s 2 3 p 4 . (Sulfur.)

7. Property of atoms, which D.I. Mendeleev took as the main thing in the systematization of chemical elements.(Weight.)

8. Property of atoms of a chemical element, having highest value at fluorine.(Electronegativity.)

9. Charged particles.(Ions.)

10. Elementary particles, according to the number of which atoms of the same chemical element can differ.(Neutrons.)

11. What was the name of the chemical element with the atomic number 32 before its discovery?(Exasilicon.)

12. The property of atoms of a chemical element to form two or more simple substances.(Allotropy.)

13. Elementary particles, the movement of which determines many of the physical properties of metals.(Electrons.)

14. Type of crystal lattice in diamond.(Atomic.)

15. A chemical element whose name comes from the name of the planet.(Neptunium.)

16. Chemical bond between ions.(Ionic.)

17. Atoms that differ in atomic mass but have the same atomic charge.(Isotopes.)

9. Keyword - the name of the chemical elements of the 7th group of the main subgroup. (Halogens.)

1. A chemical element whose properties were predicted by D.I. Mendeleev.(Germanium.)

2. chemically indivisible particle.(Atom.)

3. One of the states of aggregation of a substance widely distributed in nature.(Ice.)

4. Chemical element from platinum metals.(Osmium.)

5. Chemical element, the electronic formula of whichIs 2 . (Helium.)

6. Chemical element with serial number63. (Europium.)

7. A type of covalent bond.(Non-polar.)

8. Chemical element of the 5th group of the main subgroup.(Arsenic.)

7) Crossword on the repetition of halogens (No. 10.)

The key word is the name of the chemical element in honor of the famous Soviet physicist.(Kurchatov.)

1. A metal whose compounds with chlorine are part of bleach.(Calcium.)

2. The phenomenon observed when crystalline iodine is heated.(Sublimation.) .

3. The most active non-metal.(Fluorine.)

4. Surname famous physicist, studentE. Rutherford, discovered the neutron in1932 year.(Chadwig.)

5. Material resistant to acid, alkali and oxide; casters.(Ftoroplast.)

6. The least active halogen.(Astat.)

7. Halogen, the compound of which has a calming effect on the nervous system.(Bromine.)

8. A substance widely distributed in nature that decomposes under the action of fluorine.(Water.)

9. The metal that is part of table salt.(Sodium.)

10. A metal that reacts violently with iodine under the influence of water.(Aluminum.)

Mystery stories

Mystery stories are tasks and, if you like, fiction. Certain questions, problems, situations or tasks are woven into the plot of the story, which the hero must complete or solve, and with him the student. When solving a riddle story, you should carefully read the text, as it usually contains hints that make it easier to complete the task.

The house built by M.

The house in which Uncle Odor lives was built according to the design of the greatest architect of all times and peoples M., who lived inXIXcentury. Actually, this is not a house, but a large seven-story palace in which friends, colleagues and just acquaintances live.

It cannot be said that all residents have a kind, even and docile character. Someone is friends with someone, and another seeks to avoid this friendship; some you can't spill with water, and others you'll never see together. Nevertheless, everyone gets along well in this wonderful house.

On the ground floor there is a large hall and only three living rooms. Sir Liy lives in one of them, and Uncle Odor occupies the other two.

A total of eight apartments on the second and third floors, so they, together with the first, are called small floors. There are many more rooms on the upper, larger floors. On the fourth and fifth - eighteen each, on the sixth - thirty-two.

The seventh floor has not yet been completed, but according to the project, thirty-two apartments are also planned there.

So joyful and interesting housewarmings are expected ahead. After all, each tenant of this house is a bright individuality. True, the members of the two surnames are surprisingly similar at first glance, there are even twins, but you should take a closer look and you will see how different they are.

It is necessary to say about the features of this house. Firstly, the transitions from one floor to another are arranged in the form of a spiral. To get to the upper floors, you need to go up the stairs, and then along the long corridor of the next floor. From each such corridor, separate doors lead to the rooms of the residents.

The arrangement of apartments on floors in the house is deeply thought out, and they (apartments) are distributed taking into account family ties between residents. Relatives in a straight line and side lines can visit each other, bypassing the corridors on the floors, because the rooms along the entire height of the house are strictly one above the other, and there are transitional ladders between them.

Only two big families live together. Taking into account family traditions, an exception was made for them and separate wings were allocated for these families, one on the sixth, the other on the seventh floor.

Here it is necessary to pay attention once again to the foresight of the architect. Indeed, at the first stage of planning the palace, only sixty-three applications were received for a place of residence in it. However, the architect M. took into account possible demographic changes and laid an additional thirty apartments in the project, counting on the future. And he was not mistaken: now one hundred and ten tenants are registered in this house.


Who is the author of the project of an extraordinary house and what kind of house is it? What do you know about the seven floors of the house and the occupants on each floor? Which two surnames are mentioned in the story and what are their family traditions? How many apartments are to be populated on the seventh floor? For which residents did the architect M. provide empty or spare apartments in his project? Who are relatives in the straight and lateral lines?

Answer: The house referred to in the story is D.I. Mendeleev. It consists of seven periods (floors), each of which has a strictly defined number of elements (residents).

For all elements, the position in the system is uniquely determined, with the exception of hydrogen. In connection with the structure of the atom and properties similar to those of alkali metals and halogens, hydrogen is simultaneously placed in the 1st and 7th groups of the periodic system.

The first three periods are called small, and the next - large. The 7th period is called still incomplete. If we continue it by analogy with the pattern of filling the elements of the 6th period, then the 7th period will end with a noble gas with the serial number 118.

Two families of chemical elements - lanthanides and actinides in the usual version of the image of the periodic system are taken out of the table (into separate wings). The structure of the outer electronic levels of these elements is similar, so they have similar properties.

In the history of chemistry, there have been many "discoveries" of imaginary elements that were actually mixtures of several very similar lanthanides in properties. So there were chemical elements with names - PRASEODYM (light green twin) and NEODYM (new twin).

Since the discovery of the periodic law, only 63 chemical elements have been known to science. However, D.I. Mendeleev brilliantly predicted the existence of many more undiscovered elements, leaving empty cells (vacant apartments) in the table for them. The scientist's predictions were brilliantly confirmed.

Relatives in the direct and lateral lines are chemical elements within a certain group).

Detective game.

There is a metal fireproof safe in the room. A note hangs on his pen: "Solve the problem and the safe will open."

Task. Get three hydroxides so that the first one is acidic, the second is basic, and the third is amphoteric. Everything you need is in this safe. Reagents stand in a row on the top shelf. It is known that:

1. Salt is in a bag, and zinc is in a jar.

2. The mass of the liquid is 500 g.

3. The mass of the substance in the crystalline state is 200 g, it is next to the flask.

4. To the right of zinc - non-metal, even more to the right - copper sulfate.

5. The mass of the substance in the flask is 300 g, and in the jar it is 2 times less than in the bag.

6. To the right of the solution is metal.

7. Among the reagents are sulfur, potassium hydroxide and water.

8. To the left of the solution is the substance in the bottle, and the second to the right is the powder.

9. The mass of one of the substances is 400 g.

10. The oxide is not in the form of granules.

Define, what are the substances stored in and in what order are they placed on the shelf?

Answer. Based on the condition of the assignment, it can be determined that there were five substances and that there was zinc in the middle of the row on the shelf.

Draw a table and complete it.

Place a little sulfur in a spoon for burning substances, set fire to a spirit lamp and add burning sulfur to a flask with a small amount of water at the bottom. As a result of the hydration of sulfur oxide (4), sulfurous acid (acid hydroxide) was formed in the flask. The base (copper hydroxide) can be obtained by an exchange reaction between a copper sulfate solution prepared from copper sulfate and an alkali solution.

Amphoteric hydroxide (zinc hydroxide) is obtained in two stages. Having prepared a solution of copper sulfate, part of it is spent to obtain copper hydroxide, and zinc granules are added to the second part. Thus, a solution of zinc sulfate and metallic copper in the precipitate were obtained. Now carefully pour the salt solution into a clean test tube and add a few drops of alkali solution. Separate the precipitation of zinc hydroxide by filtration.

Minerals of the Black Magician.

In one of the halls of the exhibition of the Black Magician, the exposition began with samples of rather nondescript limestones. Further there were separate blocks and polished slabs of snow-white, black, red, gray and multi-colored marble.

A special place was given to the shell rock. The monolith, pressed over millions of years from the smallest and larger shells, served as the basis for the interior of the hall. In its niches, on ledges, partitions and stands, hundreds of minerals and mollusk shells of various types and sizes were placed. Mother of pearl, pearls, skeletons coral polyps also consist mainly of this compound.

Even chalk, a soft sedimentary rock made up of the skeletons of microorganisms, has the same composition.

The Black Magician took a piece of chalk from the stand and wrote in large letters on a slab of black marble chemical compound(name it).

Answer: The exposition of the collection was represented by minerals and samples of inorganic and animal origin, consisting mainly of calcium carbonate, the formula of which was written by the Black Magician with chalk on a slab of black marble).

Kaleidoscope of mysteries


Charades These are riddles, the answers to which are solved in parts. For example, two words MOUSE and YAK, connecting with each other, form the whole word ARSENIC

The answer to the next charade consists of the two syllables COP and BIT, encrypted in the first half of the riddle. In general, both words, when combined together, form the word SORBIT - a six-atomic alcohol, a sugar substitute for patients with diabetes mellitus.

My first syllable is swept with a broom.

The informant considers the second syllable.

In general, I will say, dear friends,

For many patients, instead of sugar, I am.

The first syllable is a well-known preposition.

The second syllable is harder to find:

Part of it will be a number,

Add an I to it.

To know the whole

You need to name the metal.

Answer: sodium. ,

I am a gas, a simple substance,

My two-digit number.

And my first syllable is a deity,

The river is the second syllable.

Answer: radon.

My first syllable means ruin.

My second syllable is tiny.

I am born only in green plants.

Answer - who am I.

Answer: starch.

2) ANAGRAMS - these are riddles, the answers to which are from the same letters. The words GLASS and FLASK, for example, can be an anagram. Having guessed one word in the riddle, you need to rearrange the letters so that you get a new one.

Born in a bright flame,

I am dull and grey.

If the letters are rearranged,

I will become a flexible stem.

Answer: ash - vine.

I am a combustible product,

I live in swamps.

But there is one letter

In a short title.

Her jump is fast -

And everything changed:

I have become an element.

So the miracle happened!

Answer: peat - fluorine.

3) METAGRAMS - these are riddles in which different words are encrypted, consisting of the same number of letters. Having guessed one of the words of the metagram, you need to replace one or more letters in it so that you get a new word according to the meaning of the riddle. For example, the words TIN and WORD can form a metagram.

In the first riddle, the word URAL is conceived; replacing L with H in it, we get the word URAN, in accordance with the meaning of the second part of the metagram.

Ships bypass me;

The pilot knows by heart.

If L is replaced by D,

I'll be metal.

Answer: stranded - copper.

With KA - active metal,

With GE - I am a very light gas.

For you to figure us out

Look at the system again.

Answer: potassium - helium.

4) LOGOGRYPHS - these are riddles that are solved by removing or adding letters or syllables to the encrypted word so that a new word is obtained. For example, the words LOTO and GOLD can form a logotype.

In free form, he kills everyone.

If “linked”, then they add it to food.

But if in a word we cross out L,

We will sing a song together with everyone.

Answer: in this riddle the word CHLORINE is conceived; by crossing out the letter L in it, we get the word XOR, corresponding to the meaning of the second part of the logogriff.

Think carefully

To guess the word

I'm like a lifeline -

Try to name.

If F is attached to me -

I will turn into a non-metal.

Answer: tor - fluorine.

I am metal, you know me.

The power is great in me.

If you add B to me,

I will hide the sky in a snowy haze.

Answer: uranium - storm.


1. A.A. Tyldsep, V.A. Cork We Study Chemistry, ed. "Education". 1999
2. Library "First of September", ed. house "First of September" .2005
"Original Chemical Concepts".
"I'm going to chemistry class."
3. Edited by E.G. Zolotnikov. "The lesson is over. Classes continue, ed. "Enlightenment". 2005

4. Theory and methods of teaching. Higher education. V. S. KUKUSHIN Rostov-on-Don. "Phoenix". 2009.

5. Innovative pedagogical technologies. Active learning. Moscow. "Academy". 2009.

6. Promising school technologies. G. Yu. Ksenzova. Moscow. "Pedagogical Society of Russia". 2001.

7. Non-traditional pedagogical technologies in teaching. S.A. Mukhina, A.A. Solovyov. Rostov-on-Don. "Phoenix". 2004.

The game involves 2 teams of players (grades 8–9). A week before the game, the teams are given the task to choose a captain, come up with a name for their team and emblems for the players, and make plates with the name of the team. 3 days before the game, both teams get acquainted with the rules for solving puzzles, train in solving charades, anagrams, metagrams.

The game requires 2 leaders. The 1st presenter should work with slides, read the conditions of the tasks chosen by the players. The 2nd leader must lead the entire game. In addition, you need 2 people who must demonstrate entertaining experiments and tricks.

As spectators, you can invite everyone from grades 8–9, 11 to the event.

Magic tricks are shown after "Anagram 30" and "Charade 20".

After answering "Puzzle 25" is shown entertaining experience"Fireproof scarf".

After the answer to "Metagrams 50" the entertaining experience "Volcano" is demonstrated.

Objectives: to develop educational and cognitive and information and communication competencies of students, cognitive interest in the subject of chemistry; educate organization, responsibility, ability to work in a group.

Equipment: electronic presentation “Kaleidoscope of chemical riddles”, team name plates, emblems for players, object table, heating device, paper with the inscription “Good luck” (the inscription was made the day before with diluted sulfuric acid using a glass rod), crystallizer with water, crystallizer with ethyl alcohol, handkerchief, glass rod, ammonium dichromate (crystals), for tricks: the periodic system of chemical elements, a poster with the signs of the elements Na, O, H. The teams were given to the tables: the periodic system, a printed playing field, sheets of paper for each player, pens.

Presenter 1: Dear friends! We are starting the game "Kaleidoscope of chemical puzzles". Today we have 2 teams in the game. Let's say hello to our players! (Introduction to teams and captains.)

Now let's get acquainted with the rules of the game. We have a playing field. It consists of 5 nominations: “Just riddles”, “Anagrams”, “Puzzles”, “Charades”, “Metagrams”.

Presenter 2: Each nomination is represented by 5 tasks of varying complexity. The difficulty of the task can be judged by its number-code: the larger the number, the harder task and, accordingly, the team will earn more points if they answer correctly. Teams choose a task in turn, naming the nomination and the number-code of the task (the sum of points for the correct answer), for example, “Rebuses 10”. You have 1 minute to complete each task. If the team can answer before this time, then the captain gives a signal and the team answers ahead of schedule. An early answer, if correct, will earn each team member a surprise prize, which players will receive at the end of the game. If the early answer is incorrect, the right to answer the riddle question passes to the opposing team. The teams have paper playing fields on the tables. Please mark in them those tasks that have already been selected so that there are no repetitions.

Which team will be chosen first, we will determine by lottery (Captains participate in the draw).

Host 1: And now let's get acquainted with the nominations. The easiest nominations are “Just riddles” and “Puzzles”. Nominations "Anagrams", "Charades", "Metagrams" are presented by more difficult tasks, but if successful, they will bring the teams an impressive amount of points.

In the nomination “Just riddles” there are 5 simple chemical riddles in a classic form. They deal with chemical elements and simple substances. In the "Puzzles" nomination, players will be offered images that hide the names of chemical elements.

Let us remind you that anagrams are riddles whose answers consist of the same letters. For example, the words flask and glass can form an anagram. Having guessed one word in a riddle, you need to rearrange the letters so that you get a new word. You must include both words in your answer.

Presenter 2: In the nomination "Charades" you will hear riddles, the answers to which are solved in parts. For example, two words MOUSE and YAK, connecting with each other, form the whole word ARSENIC. Metagrams are riddles in which different words are encrypted, consisting of the same number of letters. Having guessed one of the words of the metagram, you need to replace one or more letters in it so that you get a new word according to the meaning of the riddle.

Dear players! Note! If you see a “Smile” emoticon on the question sector, then after completing the task you will be shown a focus. Tasks are marked with a red cloud on the playing field, after which an entertaining experience will be demonstrated to you. And our tenth-graders Ilya Konstantinov and Fedor Samarkin will do it for you (bow to the audience)

Konstantinov: Friends! Yesterday I found in the mailbox of our school an unusual envelope addressed to our teams. It does not have a return address. But the most amazing thing is that there is a blank sheet of paper in the envelope!

Samarkin: Nothing special! It's just a letter written in chemical ink. To read such a letter, it must be heated. Look! (Demonstration of the “Secret Letter” experiment.) The inscription “Good luck” appeared on the sheet. I join with the unknown author of the letter and wish all the players good luck in today's game.

Just Riddles 5

Found application in alloy technology
Like a durable and lightweight metal
And in aircraft
He took an important place. (Aluminum)

Just Riddles 10

Metal in salts is the support of many,
Without him, our feet would not carry us. (Calcium)

Just Riddles 15

He is called lifeless
But life without it is not created. (Nitrogen)

Just Riddles 20

He is not afraid of oxidation,
Plasticity is not surpassed,
In acid without dissolution
He can be.
To make it easier to guess
I will tell you that he
Can only dissolve
In "royal vodka" entirely. (Gold)

Just Riddles 25

He is like a brother to people.
Many thousands of years ago
Illuminating the interior
Their primeval caves,
He was already on fire.
And he was happy to decorate
Ladies and knights attire,
What shone at the court ...
If you decide to be soft,
He will write in a notebook. (Carbon, diamond, graphite, coal)

Anagrams 10

I am a combustible product,
I live in swamps. (Peat)
But there is one letter
In a short title.
Her jump is fast -
And everything changed:
I have become an element.
So the miracle happened! (Fluorine)

Anagrams 20

Born in a bright flame
I am dull and grey. (Ash)
If the letters are rearranged,
I will become a flexible stem. (Vine)

Anagrams 30

I am the rarest gas on Earth. (Radon)
Radium and lead are close to me.
But rearrange the letters for me,
And I am a story maker. (People)

Anagrams 40

The letters are on the table in front of us.
Let's arrange them so that they become words.
Here is the first word - one figure,
In total, it has four corners. (Rhombus)
And they managed to collect the second word,
It had to be found in halogens. (Bromine)

Anagrams 50

What a miracle - an anagram!
Four words - a whole series!
One makes us laugh the whole program. (Clown)
The second will split everything. (Cleaver)
The third climbs out of his skin:
He tries to reject everyone. (Slope)
And the fourth one can immediately
Measure the current and decorate. (Pendant)

My first syllable means ruin. (collapse)
My second syllable is tiny. (Mal)
I am born only in green plants.
Think who am I? (Starch)

My first syllable is a big wagon. (WHO)
Moral strength is my second syllable. (Spirit)
Generally, essential role doing,
Though invisible, I am always with you. (Air)

My basis is dry grass, (Hay)
Both ends are consonants. (K, n)
In general, I am a gas, dear friends.
And who I am, I think, is clear to you. (Xenon)

My first syllable is a preposition, (of)
The second syllable is a message. (News)
To be able to call me
Remember connection. (Lime)

Metagrams 10

Ships bypass me;
The pilot knows by heart. (stranded)
If L is replaced by D,
I'll be metal. (Copper)

Metagrams 20

I am a mountainous region on our planet,
My riches are known everywhere. (Ural)
But if you replace L with N,
Look for me among the actinides. (Uranus)

Metagrams 30

Two chemical elements
In the metagram, I asked you:
C X - metal element, (Chromium)
Well, with B - I'm already non-metal. (Bromine)

Metagrams 40

Mendeleev was the first to predict me
The French scientist gave the name. (Gallium)
If you replace the first letter in it,
You can quickly change my place in the system. (Thallium)

Metagrams 50

C M - unit; (Moth)
C B - I'm in the hospital; (Pain)
C P - I'm on stage; (Role)
And ss is on the table. (Salt)
Who are we? Tell me!

Host: (After anagram 30 ) Dear friends! Now before your eyes Konstantinov Ilya and Samarkin Fedor ( come out) will conduct a session of thought transmission at a distance through the word.

Konstantinov: To conduct a session, one person from the audience is needed, preferably a good verbal reckoner. Does anybody want?

(Acquaintance with an eighth grader, Samarkin is blindfolded)

Konstantinov to an eighth grader: Think of some chemical element and silently show it with a pointer in the table.

Konstantinov to Fedor: Fedor!

(Approaching Samarkin, waving his arms over his head). Concentrate your thoughts on receiving the telepathic signal.

Konstantinov to the eighth grader: find the serial number of the element in the table, but do not say the numbers out loud.


multiply it by two


add 5 to product


Multiply the resulting amount by 5


Now say out loud 2 times the final result

(Unleashes Samarkin's eyes, Samarkin approaches the table)

Samarkin: an element was conceived ... (names the element and shows it in the table) To determine the intended element, it discards the last digit from the number named by the viewer, and then subtracts 2 from the remaining number. Having calculated the serial number, finds the desired element in the table and shows it to the audience with a pointer

Presenter 1. (After charades 20) A poster with signs of chemical elements is placed on the board: H, Na, O.

Konstantinov: Dear friends! Now you will see that the telepathic signal can be transmitted not only through the word, but also through the warmth of the hand. (blinds Samarkin's eyes).

Is there anyone who wants to test Fedor's telepathic abilities?

(Meet the audience)

Go to the poster and silently show any of the three chemical elements with a pointer. (Unties the eyes of Samarkin)

Samarkin : touches various signs on the poster with his hands, as if he is trying to feel something, and at this time he is attentively listening to Konstantinov. Focus code: ABOUT - what element? Na- Well, what was the idea? H - now guess!

Konstantinov: (says the code for Samarkin depending on the situation)

O - what element

Na - well, what was the intention?

N - guess now!

Samarkin: ( Identifies the intended element by code. She holds her hand on it longer and calls it out loud.)

Heat comes from this element… Was conceived… ( Names an element)

The final. Winner's reward ceremony.

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