Non-traditional forms of conducting dhow classes. Non-traditional forms of training

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Modern teaching should take into account both the specificity of modern culture and the specificity of the worldview of a modern child.

Unconventional forms the organization of training is currently used in the practice of preschool institutions most effectively:

  • classes in subgroups (formed taking into account the age characteristics of children),
  • circle work (manual labor, artistic activity).

Classes are enriched with game and fairy tales. The hidden accounting problem enthralls with the concept of the game. Such activities help free up time for the child, which he uses at his own discretion: resting or doing what he is interested in and emotionally significant.

Teachers use in their work various forms of "hobby activities", rich in games and independent creative deeds... This is especially suitable for productive activities: design and modeling, drawing and applique. All this makes classes more interesting, exciting and effective.

Such forms of work with children as occupation - conversation - observation are widely used in practice. Fairytale therapy classes are successful among preschool teachers, since this particular form is special, the interaction "adult - child" is most consistent with the characteristics childhood... This is an opportunity to form moral values ​​for correcting undesirable behavior, a way to form the necessary competencies that contribute to the constructive socialization of a child. The use of didactic story therapy trainings in the format preschool education allows you to quickly and easily acquire the necessary knowledge.

Competition games, KVN, theatrical games, role-playing games, consultations (with another child), mutual learning games (child-child), auctions, games-doubts, games-travels, dialogues, games "Solve the mystery" and others, games -schemes, quiz games.
Classes are enriched with game and fairy tales. The child, carried away by the concept of the game, does not notice the hidden learning task... These activities help free up the child's time, which he can use at his own discretion: to relax or do something that is interesting or emotionally significant to him.

The project method is used today not only in the process of conducting classes on environmental education of children in preschool educational institutions. Its use characterizes the search by educators of new forms of organizing the learning process and conducting classes with children in preschool educational institutions.

The project method is widely used today in work with pupils of different age groups, groups of short-term stay of children in preschool educational institutions. At the same time, according to N.A. Korotkova and a number of other researchers, classes in this case, in contrast to the traditional approach, can be carried out in the form of joint partner activities of an adult with children, where the principle of voluntary inclusion in activities is observed.

This is especially true for classes productive species activities: designing or sculpting, drawing, applique.
Various forms of "activities with passion" are widely used, saturated with games and independent creative activities. All this, of course, makes the lesson more interesting, attractive, more effective.

Such forms as lesson-conversation and lesson-observation are widely used in the practice of organizing and conducting classes. These forms are used in older preschool groups.

During the discussion of reform Russian education all major discussions revolve around complete education. According to I.Ya. Lerner, an important condition for full-fledged training is a variety of organizational forms.

In our opinion, innovation activity teachers on the way to improve the learning process and led at one time to the creation of non-traditional forms of education.

If we are talking about forms, we mean unusual forms of organizing the educational process. The emergence of such forms is justified by the development, improvement of the lesson form. The variability of the form leads to a change in the time, classroom framework. No less interesting can be a fairy tale lesson, a journey lesson, an excursion lesson, and other non-traditional forms.

The innovative activities of teachers towards improving the learning process led to the creation of non-traditional forms of education.
When the teacher seeks to make the lesson emotional, convey educational material to each pupil, relying on involuntary attention, and to activate the children themselves on the creative process, then non-traditional forms arise.

Non-traditional forms of organization of education are currently used in the practice of preschool institutions most effectively:

Classes in subgroups (formed taking into account the age characteristics of children),

Circle work (manual labor, artistry).

Classes are enriched with game and fairy tales. The hidden accounting problem enthralls with the concept of the game. Such activities help free up time for the child, which he uses at his own discretion: resting or doing what he is interested in and emotionally significant.

Teachers use in their work various forms of "hobbies", saturated with games and independent creative activities. This is especially suitable for productive activities: design and modeling, drawing and applique. All this makes classes more interesting, exciting and effective.

Such forms of work with children as occupation - conversation - observation are widely used in practice. Fairytale therapy classes are a success among preschool teachers, since this particular form is a special one, the interaction "adult - child" is most consistent with the characteristics of childhood. This is an opportunity to form moral values ​​for correcting undesirable behavior, a way to form the necessary competencies that contribute to the constructive socialization of a child. The use of didactic story therapy trainings in the format of preschool education allows you to quickly and easily acquire the necessary knowledge.

Competition games, KVN, theatrical games, role-playing games, consultations (with another child), games for mutual learning (child-child), auctions, games - doubts, games - travel, dialogues, games "Solve the mystery" and others, games - schemes, games - quizzes.

Non-traditional forms of working with children include: methods of increasing cognitive activity (Professor N.N. Poddyakov, A.N. Klyueva), elementary analysis, comparison, method of modeling and design, questions and repetitions, solving logical problems, experimentation and experiments.

Methods for increasing emotional activity (Professor S.A. Smirnov): game and imaginary situations, inventing fairy tales, stories, poems and so on, games - dramatization, surprise moments, elements of creativity and novelty.

The use of classes in an unconventional form helps to attract all children to the activity, develops speech, promotes the development of the ability to work independently, in a group, relations between children and adults change.

But one should not get carried away with conducting classes in an unconventional form, if they have not found a place among the usual types of classes. If the knowledge of children is tested and enriched or studied new material, then it takes place to apply an unconventional form. The teacher should always think to look for, try new methods and techniques in his work, so that the children are interested and exciting.

Currently, in the practice of preschool institutions, non-traditional forms of organizing education are effectively used: classes in subgroups, which are formed taking into account the age characteristics of children.

They are combined with a mug work: for manual labor, for fine arts.

Classes are enriched with game and fairy tales. The child, carried away by the concept of the game, does not notice the hidden learning task. These activities help to free up time for the child, which he can use in his own way. discretion: to relax or do something that is interesting or emotionally significant to him.

This is especially true for occupations in productive species. activities: designing or sculpting, drawing, applique.

Various shapes are widely used "Activities with passion" full of games and independent creative activities. All this, of course, makes the lesson more interesting, attractive, more effective.

Such forms as lesson - conversation and lesson - observation are widely used in the practice of organizing and conducting lessons.

These forms are used in senior groups of preschool educational institutions. Fairytale therapy classes are popular. Fairytale therapy classes with children are a special, safe form of interaction with a child, which is most consistent with the characteristics of childhood.

This is an opportunity to form moral values, to correct undesirable behavior, a way to form the necessary competencies that contribute to the constructive socialization of the child. The use of didactic fairy tale therapy trainings in the format of preschool education allows children to easily and quickly acquire the necessary knowledge.

In modern didactics of preschool educational institutions, such non-traditional forms are distinguished:

  • Games are competitions.

(Lined up based on the competition between children: who is quicker to name, find, define, notice, etc.)

(Assumes the division of children into 2 subgroups and is carried out as a mathematical or literary quiz) .

  • Theatrical games.

(Microscopes are played that bring cognitive information to children)

  • Role-playing games.

(The teacher enters the role-playing game as an equal partner, suggesting the storyline of the game and thus solving the learning problem).

  • Consulting. (When a child learns by consulting another child)
  • Peer learning games.

(Child- "consultant" teaches other children to compare, classify, generalize).

  • Auctions.

(Held like a board game "Manager")

  • Doubt games (search for truth).

(The research activity of children such as melts - does not melt, flies - does not fly)

  • Travel games.
  • Fairy tales.
  • Dialogues. (Conducted by the type of conversation, but the topic is chosen relevant and interesting).
  • Games like "Experts are conducting the investigation".

(Working with the scheme, orientation according to the scheme with a detective storyline) .

  • Games like "Field of Dreams".

(Held like a game "Field of Dreams" for reading children).

  • Quiz games.

(There are quizzes with answers to questions: What? Where? When?

Cognitive Enhancement Methods

(Prof. N. N. Poddyakov, A. N. Klyueva)

  • Elementary analysis (establishing causal relationships).
  • Comparison.
  • Modeling and design method.
  • Method of questions.
  • Repetition method.
  • Solving logical problems.
  • Experimentation and experimentation.

Methods for increasing emotional activity (Prof. S. A. Smirnov)

  • Play and imaginary situations.
  • Coming up with fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, etc.
  • Dramatization games.
  • Surprise moments.
  • Elements of creativity and novelty.
  • Humor and joke (instructional comics).

Practical task on the example of one of the non-traditional forms: fairy tale - Russian folk tale "Mitten"


Based on all of the above, the following can be done conclusions:

Using classes in a non-traditional way helps to involve all students in the work;

You can organize the verification of any task through mutual control;

An unconventional approach is fraught with great potential for the development of students' speech;

Classes contribute to the development of the ability to work independently;

in the group, the relationship between the children and the teacher changes (we are partners)

The guys are looking forward to such classes with pleasure.

But non-traditional activities are beneficial when they find the right place among the usual types of activities. And only after analyzing all the material on the subject to be passed, it is possible to determine which classes are advisable to conduct in an unconventional form.

Non-traditional activities often take place when checking and generalizing the knowledge of children. But some of them (travel, integrated) I use it when learning new material.

No matter how experienced the teacher is, he always has to look, think, try to make his studies interesting.

I believe that classes in an unconventional form helped me to increase the activity of children in the classroom, to attract their attention, to expand their vocabulary.

The materials contained in the manual correspond to FSES
It is intended for teachers and methodologists of preschool educational institutions, it can be useful for students of pedagogical educational institutions who are starting their professional activities.

The manual examines non-traditional forms of work with children in preschool educational institutions... The attention of teachers is offered information about the types of non-traditional activities, the requirements for them and the assessment criteria, as well as the development of various forms of classes with preschoolers of different age groups.
The materials contained in the manual correspond to the Federal State Educational Standard for the content of preschool education and will allow you to take a fresh look at pedagogical process, will expand the boundaries of manifestation and disclosure of the creative individuality of an adult and a child. The manual is intended to be used creatively.
It is intended for teachers and methodologists of preschool educational institutions, it can be useful for students of pedagogical educational institutions who are starting their professional activities.

Detailed description


Only in the dictionary is the word "victory"

Stands before the word "work".

Christy Lee

There is such a profession - to educate and teach children. The one who chose her, deliberately embarked on a difficult, sometimes almost impassable road. Everyone has a different fate in the profession. Some simply carry out their duties and do not try to discover anything new where, it would seem, everything is open. Others are in an endless search and do not want to repeat the same path over and over again with different groups of children. Probably, both are right, and, perhaps, precisely because there are such different approaches to life, to work, education gradually, without jerks and leaps, moves forward.

As long as education exists as a separate branch and sphere of social life, there are as many pedagogical innovation... No matter how fair the popular wisdom is - "nothing new can be invented in pedagogy, everything has already been done by Jan Amos Comenius" - nevertheless, year after year, cycle after cycle, replacing each other, new ones are born pedagogical ideas, technologies appear, approaches are indicated. It should be understood: the new and the unusual does not arise by itself, but is the result of studying the advanced teaching experience searches and experiments.

Experimental activities today include all structural components of the education system, including preschool educational institutions.

Preschool teachers are looking for ways to create conditions in which there will be new opportunities for the disclosure of the child's abilities, his full development, organize the educational process in such a way that effective interaction between the family and the teaching staff is carried out, the rights of the child are fully realized.

Each teacher chooses his own guidelines and directions in work. Finding your own solutions is difficult, maybe that is why it is so useful, when taking on something new, to see how others work and achieve their goals. “Everything is useful if it is by the way, and not on time,” - V. Shakespeare said through the lips of one of his heroes. I would like to hope that this manual will be very useful for preschool educational institutions who are thinking about the problem: how to make classes with children interesting and effective.

The manual contains materials on non-traditional forms of work with children in preschool educational institutions. The attention of teachers is offered information about the types of non-traditional activities, the requirements for them and the assessment criteria.

The development of a variety of occupations, also contained in the manual, will allow the teacher to see through specific examples what an unconventional occupation is. The manual is intended to be used creatively. Each educator can modify, rebuild the proposed lesson, taking into account their own ideas and characteristics of the children's collective.

To gain experience and find something new, you need to work, look, not be afraid to make a mistake. It is, of course, difficult. But the word "victory" only in the dictionary stands before the word "work", in life, as a rule, everything is quite the opposite.

Good luck and new solutions!

Introduction 3

Educator's pedagogical creativity 5

Non-traditional forms of education 9

Developing non-traditional activities 14

We meet New Year 14

Visiting the number 5 18

Watching the Stars 20

Where are we going? twenty

We read together: the fairy tale by Charles Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood" 22

A Letter from a Kind Storyteller: Courtesy Lesson 24

In the studio of beginners 27

Traveling with Mickey Mouse 29

Meeting in the land of fairy tales 31

We read together: the poem by S. Cherny "Who?" 34

Falling leaves 36

We read together: M. Gorky "Vorobishko" 38

Working together with the Clean Fly 41

In the village "Skazkino" 43

Riding the River of Mysteries 47

Etiquette Lessons 50

Travel on North Pole 57

Theaters and museums in Moscow 60

Erudite Contest 66

If you want to be healthy 71

Six-legged babies 79

Properties and characteristics 86

Circus show 90

"To bite a tooth" 93

Appendices 97

Appendix 1. Materials for lessons with children preschool age 97

Appendix 2. From play to school (exercises aimed at preparing the hand for writing) 114

Appendix 3. Exercises for working with conflict children 117

Appendix 4. Exercises for working with withdrawn and shy children 122

Literature 125

Authors: Timofeeva N.V.
Code: 891
Pages: 127
ISBN: 978-5-7057-2889-3
Series: Methodical work in the preschool educational institution
Height: 195mm
Width: 140mm
Thickness: 5mm
The weight: 91g


The essence of the concept of non-traditional learning in preschool children in the formation of elementary mathematical representations

N.G. Belous, R.L. Berezina, L.N. Vakhrusheva, E.P. Gumennikova, T.I. Erofeeva, Z.A. Mikhailova, E.V. Solov'eva et al. Noted that the success of teaching mathematics is due to the presence of interest in it, since the assimilation of knowledge depends on how much the child is interested in the activity. As you know, emotions are driving force, which can activate or inhibit the process of cognition.

Since the mid-70s. in the Patriotic school, a dangerous tendency was revealed to reduce the interest of schoolchildren in classes. The teachers tried to stop the alienation of students from cognitive work in various ways. To the aggravation of the problem, mass practice reacted with so-called non-standard activities, with the main goal of arousing and maintaining children's interest in the educational process.

An unconventional activity is an impromptu learning activity that has an unconventional (undefined) structure.

The views of teachers on non-standard classes differ: some see them as the progress of pedagogical thought, the right step towards the democratization of preschool educational institutions, while others, on the contrary, consider such classes a dangerous violation pedagogical principles, the forced retreat of teachers under the pressure of disinterested preschoolers who do not want and do not know how to work seriously.

So, the effectiveness of the educational process largely depends on the teacher's ability to properly organize the lesson and correctly choose one or another form of its conduct.

The development of the child in the classroom occurs in different ways. It all depends on what exactly is meant by development.

If we bear in mind that development is an increase in knowledge, skills and abilities to perform certain actions (add, subtract, analyze, generalize and develop memory, imagination, etc.) - such development is provided precisely by traditional occupations. It can go fast or slow.

If you prefer the quick option, then you need to turn to the non-traditional organization of the lesson.

Unconventional activities in preschool still occupy a significant place. This is due to the age characteristics of older preschoolers, the game basis of these lessons, the originality of their conduct.

When conducting open classes this form is always advantageous, because it presents not only game moments, the original presentation of the material, the employment of pupils not only in preparing lessons, but also in conducting the lessons themselves through various forms of collective and group work.

Assignments that children receive on unconventional pursuits help them live in an atmosphere of creative search.

Can be unconventional Organizing time, and the course of the lesson, and physical minutes. It depends on the professionalism and creative talent of the teacher.

Signs of an unconventional activity:

  • It carries the elements of the new, the outer frames and venues change.
  • Extra-curricular material is used, collective activities are organized in combination with individual ones.
  • People of different professions are involved in organizing classes.
  • Emotional lift of students through the decoration of the room, blackboard, music, use of video.
  • Organization and implementation of creative tasks.
  • Obligatory self-examination during preparation for the lesson, in the lesson and after it.
  • Compulsory planning of the lesson in advance.
  • Clearly define 3 didactic tasks.
  • Pupils' creativity should be aimed at their development.

Each teacher has the right to choose those pedagogical technologies that are comfortable for him and correspond to the individual characteristics of preschoolers:

c) innovative (researchers, experimenters)

d) traditional (do as I do)

e) use non-traditional lessons.

Analysis pedagogical literature made it possible to identify several dozen types of non-standard activities. Their names give some idea of ​​the goals, objectives, methods of conducting such classes. Let's list the most common types of non-standard activities:

1. "Immersion" classes

2. Classes - competitions

3. Classes like KVN

4.Theatrical classes

5. Classes with group forms of work

6. Classes of creativity

7. Classes - contests

8. Lessons - generalizations

9. Activities - fantasies

10. Activities - games

11. Classes - concerts

12. Lessons - dialogues

13. Lessons "The investigation is conducted by experts"

14. Integrated classes

15. Lessons - excursions

16. Classes - games "Field of Miracles".

Teachers are constantly looking for ways to revitalize the lesson, trying to diversify the forms of explanation and feedback.

Of course, no one is demanding the abolition of the traditional occupation as the main form of education and upbringing of children. It is about using in different types educational and educational activities of non-standard, original techniques that activate all preschool children, increase interest in classes, and at the same time ensure the speed of memorization, understanding and assimilation of educational material, taking into account, of course, the age and abilities of preschoolers.

Many creatively working teachers began to use unusual types of classes, new structures of classes, which are fundamentally different from the so-called standard lessons of the classical model.

You need to carefully prepare for such activities: give preliminary assignments, prepare visual aids, maps, didactic material... The course of classes is provided for, taking into account the level and characteristics of both the group as a whole and individual preschoolers, the nature and abilities of children who have received a specific task, the sequence of operations.

I will give specific examples. For example, a lesson-excursion.

In our time, when the connections between different countries and peoples, acquaintance with Russian national culture becomes essential element learning process. Pupils should be able to conduct an excursion, tell about the originality of Russian culture, etc. the principle of the dialogue of cultures involves the use of cultural material about home country that allows you to develop the culture of representing your home country.

Teachers, aware of the stimulating power, seek to develop cognitive needs in preschoolers through non-traditional lesson delivery.

Lessons-excursions have a huge educational impact on children .. During the execution of joint tasks, preschoolers learn to cooperate with each other.

Classes-excursions are classified according to two criteria: according to the volume of content (one-theme, multi-theme) and according to its place in the structure of the study of the section (introductory, current, final).

Video tutorial

The use of the video also helps the development of various aspects of the mental activity of pupils, and, first of all, attention and memory. During the viewing, an atmosphere of joint cognitive activity arises. Under these conditions, even an inattentive child becomes attentive. In order to understand the content of the film, preschoolers need to make some effort. So, involuntary attention turns into voluntary, its intensity affects the memorization process. The use of various channels of information flow (auditory, visual, motor perception) has a positive effect on the strength of imprinting educational material.

Thus, psychological characteristics the impact of educational videos on preschool children contributes to the intensification of the educational process and creates favorable conditions for the formation communicative competence preschoolers.

Practice shows that Video lesson is one of the types of non-traditional occupation.

This type of work activates the thinking and speech activity of students, develops their interest in literature, serves to better assimilate the material being studied, and also deepens the knowledge of the material, since this is the process of memorization. Along with the formation of an active vocabulary of preschoolers, a so-called passive-potential vocabulary is being formed. And it is important that preschoolers get satisfaction from this type of work.

Lesson - concert

A very interesting and fruitful form of conducting classes is a lesson - a concert. This form of activity expands and develops the communication abilities of preschoolers, allowing them to participate in different situations intercultural communication.

Integrated lesson

V modern conditions training in a preschool educational institution is becoming more and more urgent for the formulation and solution of important general didactic, pedagogical and methodological tasks aiming to expand the general educational horizons of pupils, to instill in them the desire to master knowledge wider than compulsory programs. One of the ways to solve these problems is to integrate academic disciplines in the process of teaching the subject. Interdisciplinary integration makes it possible to systematize and generalize the knowledge of preschool children in related academic subjects.

Research shows that raising the educational level of learning through interdisciplinary integration enhances its upbringing functions. This is especially noticeable in the field of humanitarian subjects. In addition, the sciences of the humanities cycle pose a subject for conversation, a reason for communication.

Fiction plays an important role in the aesthetic development of preschool children. Texts works of art are the most important means of introducing preschoolers to culture. Knowledge about outstanding representatives of culture, about specific works of art is acquired in the process of reading.

The main goals of integrating the subject with the humanities are: improving communicative and cognitive skills aimed at systematizing and deepening knowledge, and sharing this knowledge in conditions verbal communication; further development and improving the aesthetic taste of preschoolers.

Lessons - competitions

The purpose of the lesson is to consolidate the ability to solve problems of different types. Teams and juries are formed in advance. The jury selects problems, prepares equipment for setting experimental problems and material for short messages on this topic. The lesson begins with one such message (made by a member of the jury); then - warm-up (teams solve qualitative problems; experience is demonstrated - you need to explain it); further - a competition of captains (solving experimental problems); at this time, another story is listened to. Then - a competition of teams: an independent, "temporarily" solution of computational problems. The lesson ends with summing up and announcing the winning team.

The value of non-traditional activities in the formation of the personality of preschoolers

The importance of the above classes in the general educational process is due, first of all, to the fact that educational activity itself, directed in its traditional understanding of the assimilation by a collective of preschool children in general, the requirements of the main preschool curriculum, is not duly associated with creative activity, can, paradoxically, lead to inhibition of the intellectual development of children. Getting used to performing standard tasks aimed at consolidating basic skills, which have a single solution and, as a rule, the only predetermined way to achieve it based on some algorithm, children practically do not have the opportunity to act independently, effectively use and develop their own intellectual potential. On the other hand, the solution of only typical problems impoverishes the personality of the child, since in this case the high self-esteem of preschoolers and the assessment of their abilities by teachers depends mainly on diligence and diligence, and does not take into account the manifestation of a number of individual intellectual qualities, such as invention, ingenuity , the ability to creative search, logical analysis and synthesis.

Thus, one of the main motives for using developmental exercises is to increase the creative and search activity of children, which is equally important for students whose development corresponds to the age norm or is ahead of it (for the latter, the framework of the standard program is simply cramped), and for schoolchildren, requiring special correctional work, since their developmental lag and, as a consequence, reduced academic performance in most cases are associated precisely with insufficient development of basic mental functions.

The purpose of training is not only to accumulate the amount of knowledge, abilities and skills, but also to prepare the preschooler as a subject of his educational activities... But the tasks remain unchanged for many decades: this is all the same upbringing and personal development, the main means of solving which continues to be cognitive activity... A significant role in the formation of the cognitive activity of preschoolers is assigned to the so-called non-traditional forms of employment. Development process modern education requires the use of various models of classes and methods of active developmental learning. Non-traditional forms of classes help in the formation of basic concepts in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, adapt the material to the age characteristics of preschoolers, apply the knowledge they have gained in life, develop intelligence, erudition, and broaden their horizons. Today, a preschool educational institution should form people with a new type of thinking, proactive, creative individuals, courageous in making decisions, competent .. This is due to the formation of a new style of pedagogical thinking of a teacher, focused on the effective solution of educational and educational problems.

Non-traditional forms of lesson are based on the understanding of preschoolers as a subject educational process, are aimed at the development of the personality of preschoolers, their creative potential and motivational-value sphere. In this regard, the educational material is selected in accordance with the criteria of problematicity, alternativeness, criticality, the possibility of integrating knowledge from various scientific disciplines... FEMP has a great variety and is very difficult to systematize, but it can still be grouped according to the following positions: occupation - play, occupation - educational discussion, occupation - research.

They are based on the criterion of the leading activity of the subjects of the educational process. The nature of the activity of preschoolers themselves in non-traditional activities (play, evaluative-discussion, reflective) presupposes: the use of “direct access methods”; stimulating interest and motivation of pupils.

This is achieved through joint, creative work educators and preschool children in the areas of goal-setting, planning, analysis (reflection) and evaluation of results learning activities... The teacher becomes the coordinator in this activity. Its task is to stimulate the development of the creative potential of preschoolers. Non-traditional forms of training make it possible to implement a qualitative approach to assessing results. In this regard, an obligatory stage in their organization is analysis, due to which there is a translation of external learning outcomes into the internal plan of the individual, i.e., internalization. The principles underlying the concept of non-traditional forms of employment (subject - subject position in the teacher - child system, interactivity, development creative personality) contribute to the development of the very personality of preschoolers.

The use of non-traditional forms of employment, in particular, playing games, excursions, is a powerful stimulus in learning, it is a diverse and strong motivation. Through such activities, cognitive interest is aroused much more actively and faster, partly because a person, by nature, likes to play, another reason is that there are much more motives in play than in ordinary learning activities. F.I. Fradkina, exploring the motives of preschoolers' participation in games, notes that some adolescents participate in games in order to realize their abilities and potentialities that cannot be found in other types of educational activities, others - to get high marks, and still others - to show themselves in front of the team, the fourth solve their communication problems, etc.

In non-traditional activities, mental processes preschoolers: attention, memorization, interest, perception, thinking. Currently, scientists have found out the difference in the functional purpose of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere specializes in verbal - symbolic functions, and the right - in spatially synthetic functions. So, for example, with the active work of the right hemisphere, high level associations, abstract thinking, generalization of concepts, and with functional leadership of the left hemisphere, stereotyped motor operations are facilitated, and associations become specific, with a low level of generalization of concepts. Here is what I.I. Makariev: “Figurative memory, the ability to preserve long time impressions from what he saw - this is also the right hemisphere, and also to navigate in space: to remember the situation in his apartment, the location of districts and streets in the city. It is the right hemisphere of the brain that reminds us where this or that thing lies, how to use various devices and devices ”.

In the study of the creative process, two can be distinguished. different types: analytical, rational - left hemispheric; intuitive, with the dominance of intuition - right hemisphere.

According to I.I. Makarieva: “the school overestimates the left-brain speech thinking to the detriment of the right-brain one”. Non-traditional forms of study are emotional in nature and therefore are able to revive even the most dry information and make it vivid and memorable. In such classes, it is possible to involve everyone in active work; these classes oppose passive listening or reading. In the process of learning, an intellectually passive child is able to perform such a volume of work that is completely inaccessible to him in a normal learning situation. In particular, in the scientific - pedagogical research the term "emotional accelerator" of learning even appeared about the game.

Of no small importance when using non-traditional forms of education is the participation of parents in educational process .

Experience convinces us that the cognitive activity and interest of children increase significantly if parents are involved in organizing the educational activities of students.

The importance of teaching preschool children is understood by many parents, so it becomes quite natural to involve them in educational affairs and problems of the child. The participation of parents in solving the problems of teaching preschoolers allows adults to become like-minded people, allies, to develop common approaches to teaching and raising a child.

Let us name some of the ways of interaction between teachers and parents in solving educational problems:

joint study of the characteristics and abilities of children;

identification of the child's problems in learning and the search for ways to solve them by involving other teachers and the preschooler himself;

drawing up a child development program (for the future, for example, preparing for admission to the appropriate educational institution; development of a specific quality, for example, independence, etc.);

acquaintance of teachers with curricula, educational standards, the requirements that apply to preschool children, the coordination of these requirements;

studying the order of parents for educational services in preschool educational institutions, the introduction of special circles, sections;

joint discussion of regime moments in the organization of the educational process.

It is important for the teacher to organize joint activities of the parents of the children. For this purpose, you can use the implementation of family assignments when: studying a topic or in preparation for a specific lesson. The results are presented by children and parents at one of the final events when studying the relevant topic.

Based on the results of studying a topic, it is advisable to organize family contests that involve performing creative homework, impromptu competitions for family teams in class, organizing exhibitions of the results of family creativity.

The teacher can conduct creative reports, public reviews of knowledge with the involvement of parents, who can also participate in the preparation (making gifts, surprises for children, selection of vital important issues for children on this topic, parents' speeches) and conducting these events (assessment and discussion of the results of children's activities, presentation of awards, work in the jury).

In practice, are used different ways involving parents in organizing training sessions:

Preparation teaching materials to the lesson;

Speech at a lesson by parents of specialists on the problem under study;

Organization of excursions to the company by parents, etc.

Children may be offered homework assignments related to obtaining information from their parents and grandparents.

In practice, such a form as holding open classes for parents has become widespread. Their purpose may be different: to show the ways of teaching preschoolers that it is advisable for parents to know when helping children in learning; to draw the attention of parents to the child, his problems; show the achievements of children, reveal their best sides, interest parents in the affairs of the child. Depending on the dominant goal, the structure of the lesson is chosen, but in any case, the teacher thinks out how to show the best side of the children, especially to pay attention to those whose parents are present at the lesson.

It is necessary to stimulate and promote the participation of parents in the educational activities of children. In this regard, it is advisable to evaluate the results of joint creativity, present them at exhibitions, and encourage them with letters of gratitude from parents and children.

A significant part of parents are aware of the importance, the need for interaction with preschool teachers. At the same time, their real participation in the teaching and upbringing of the child depends significantly on professional and personality traits the teacher himself, from his desire and desire to interact with parents, from the specific purposeful actions of the teacher to attract parents to the organization of the educational process.

This problem has remained relevant for many years. Experience has been accumulated, many articles and books have been written by both Russian and foreign teachers. This greatly helps teachers in understanding the goals and objectives, in a more rational and clear planning of plans, in the search for new methods and techniques for organizing the educational process.

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