Tasks for 6 7 years in Russian. A selection of didactic material "Interesting tasks in the Russian language"

Elena Lebedeva
Entertaining gaming tasks in the Russian language

Entertaining Russian.

1) Gaming tasksaimed at developing spelling standards.

The game "Word Lotto"

Each child receives a card on which 8 is written. word Words. A teacher or a student pulls out a card box and reads words. A child who has such a word on the card, closes his chip. At the end of the game, we reveal the winner, that is, who the first of the children closed the words. Then the teacher gives the task: write off the words, perform a mutual test, raise your assessments to each other.

Cards for play

fun cucumber

dog vegetables

shop Topor.

birch yield

quickly cucumber

milk student

shop teacher

birch car

The game "Smooth landing"

When working out any topic or spelling, this game encourages interest, activating the entire class. Children do not know whom the ball will fly and what word or question will sound. For example, the topic is studied "The spelling of unstressed vowels". The teacher throws the ball and calls the word "Earth". The student catches the ball and calls the test word "Earth". Answered the question correctly can sit in place, the one who did not cope with task, continues to stand and trying to correct the situation.

The game "I work the wizard"

Guys get tasks: turn nouns names in adjectives female Single number.

Table - Dining room

Furniture - furniture

Sofa - Sofa

This game is carried out in pairs. At the end of the game, the results are summed up, the couples are revealed - the winners - wizards who not only correctly formed words, but also wrote them without mistakes.

The game "Who quickly?"

Rearrange the syllables. Write down the words obtained, divide them to syllables.

Download Chaika

Reich Mouse

Spring Spring

Early Nora

Our tire

Pump pine

2) Gaming tasksaimed at the development of orthoepic standards.

The game "Make the text and voice it"

Students are offered a set of words that can represent some difficulties in pronunciation. Words are recorded on the board. A task Pupils - for 2-3 minutes Make a connected text (using these words) and read it, observing orphoepic norms. The teacher can designate experts who should carefully listen to the text and conclude compliance with the pronunciation standards. Example: Dana words - kilometer, driver, centner, nettle, beet, centimeter.

The game "Invite a friend for lunch"

Pupils are offered a list of lunch menu to invite a friend. In the menu, of course, word recorded: Sorrel, cakes with cottage cheese, plum or pear compote, meatballs. Children need to contact your friends by reading them the menu without errors. You can beat the situation of the meeting of friends.

The game "Speaker Competition".

Students need to read the proposed text, paying attention to the selected words. "Supervision group should be created for monitoring and control. It is assumed that it will be formed in the period from the 3rd decade of the current month until the end of the quarter. "

3) Gaming tasksaimed at developing speech.

Graduate 1st Class are very useful such games, since they develop speech, cognitive interest, imagination, motility hands.

The game "We write a fairy tale"

The teacher reads the children a fairy tale or story (to begin with a small, consisting of 4-5 major episodes, then propose to retell the text. It is quite difficult: Almost all children have connected retells. Calm the child and suggest it to record a fairy tale, so that later it could be read. And you can write a fairy tale with the help of pictures. Children draw several squares on a leaflet. Together with the children I remember what was mentioned at the beginning of the fairy tale. For example, about the girl who left the house. In the square paint a girl near the house. Then also draw a continuation of the fairy tale. The teacher helps to share a fairy tale on the semantic parts.

As a result, children sketch in pictures the entire plot and retell a fairy tale in their illustrations.

The game "Let's compose!"

Offer children to write a fairy tale. Determine the topic - come up with fairy tales about bunnies. Then discuss in which role will be a bunny in a fairy tale: He can live in the forest and be friends with the beasts, and maybe a toy that the boy was presented, a bunny can perform in a fairy tale like a panty and, on the contrary, like a brave. Or maybe come up with a fairy tale about how difficult it is to notice a white bunny on the snow? A few minutes later, children tell fairy tales that are discussed and evaluated. High rating gets the most consistent, detailed and original fairy tale.

The game "Magical forest"

Each participant of the game receives a sheet of paper and pencils. An unfinished image is made on the sheet. (see below).

Children need to draw magical forest, and then tell about him interesting story. Then consider drawings, listen to stories and mark the most complete, original.

The game "Complete Word"

Lead calls part of the word (book.) And throws the ball. The child must catch the ball and supplement the word (ha).

In the role of a leading child and adult can speak alternately.

Make up from the proposed set of letters as many words as possible: a, k, s, o, and, m, p, m m, sh, a, n, and, y, g, with

Call words opposite by meaning: Thin - sharp - clean - loud - low - healthy - victory - etc.

The game "Who is bigger?"

Make as much words as possible (nouns) From the letters forming any word.

for example: Photo - Reef, Tir, Mountain, Bargaining, Grotto, Tract, Graph, etc.

Add other letters is prohibited!

You can use other options:

Proposed root word: table, cat, house, etc. It is necessary to find as many derivatives as possible in perhaps a short time. for example: House - House, Domysch, Domok, House, Home, Home, Domny, Home, etc.

4) Gaming tasksaimed at systematizing knowledge about speech parts.

The game Domino (on this topic "Verb")

Each participant of the game receives a card that is divided into two parts. In one part it is written the beginning of the rule or wording of the question, to another continuation of the answer. Children must connect on the principle of dominoes all the cards.

What suffixes have verbs last time before suffix-l-? Hinding verbs is a change in verbs on persons and numbers.

The most commonly the verb is expressed in the offer? Verbs are the present, past and future time?

What is the end of the surveillance glasses? In the sentence, the verb most often happens to be sure.

The game "Zebra" (on this topic « Noun» )

The game can be carried out in groups. Each group gets white and black paper strips. On the white stripes, questions are written on the topic, and on black children it is necessary to record the answers. Alternating strips among themselves, children make up drawing "zebras". That group wins, which is faster and correctly will record answers to questions.

The game "We collect a crop" (on this topic "Adjective")

This game can be carried out at the end of the lesson or at the end of the study of this topic. The teacher distributes images of apples, pears, drain, cherries, apricots (you can a few pieces each child, there is a basket on the table. Offers children: "Let's collect harvest. It is necessary to formulate a rule on the topic. "Adjective" And lower the picture in the basket. The wording of the rules should not be repeated. Let's see who is most of all putting fruits and berries in the basket. "

The game "Clean board"

Children really like this game. For her organization, before explaining a new material at different ends of the board, questions are recorded, which can be expressed both in normal shape and scheme. They should be built on the material new topic. Teacher reports that in the course of the explanation of the material students will participate in the game: "Look at the board, it is filled with various issues. Answers to them are contained in my explanation. I will ask from time to time, whether you are ready to answer any question. If you give the correct answer to it, then the question is erased. A task This game is that by the end of the lesson the board turned out to be clean. "

Another variant (When the game is not held for the first time)games may include a small competition: "What a number of students will help to remove more questions from the board?" If some questions remain unanswered, they automatically become for the guys home task.

5) Lexico-phraseological games.

The game "Gather, explain, prove"

The game can be carried out both individually and in teams, groups, in pairs. Children are offered a set of words on paper strips. During a certain time, it is necessary to compile phraseological turnover, explain the meaning, result from life, or a literary work. for example: How, Makar, whistles, on Language, Wind, spinning, in pockets. In the mittens, calved, calves, in the water, did not drive, hero.

The game "Guess-ka!"

The teacher throws the ball a child and calls phraseological turnover. Pupils catch the ball and explain the meaning. One who is not mistaken never wrong.

for example: skin yes bone - thin; Breathing memory - forgetful; On all sails - quickly. Stabbar - discuss; Though the blood out of the nose is necessarily; hand to file - close; How fish in water is confident.

The game "On the contrary"

This game is an analogue of the previous one, only on the contrary. The teacher calls the words to children, and the guys should be replaced by phraseological circulation.

for example: Male - not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. Suddenly - like snow on the head. Closely - no place to fall apple. Dark - even an eye of chosen.

The game "Auction"

In this game, the one who lasts the latter will call the phraseological turnover, in which the names of animals, birds, insects are found.

for example: Buy a cat in a bag, every kulik praises his swamp, Martushkin work, take a bull for the horns, the mosquito of the nose is not pumped.

6) There is another type of games, distinctive feature which are external rules. They are called trainings. These include:

1) board games; (Domino, Lotto);

2) games based on specified algorithm(rebuses, crossword puzzles, characters, puzzles).

Teachers and psychologists proved that the compilation of interactive games themselves contributes not only to the best assimilation educational material, but also development written speech, systematization of knowledge on topics, develops attention, thinking, the ability to allocate the main, develops cognitive activity

In lessons you can offer children a decision of crosswords, compiled as a teacher and children.

On this topic "Noun" 3rd class

On this topic "Pronoun" 3rd class


1 Learn Russian Language Workbook for children 6 7 years

2 Learn Russian Language Workbook for children 6 7 years old Kazan Tatar Book Publishing House 2012

3 UDC: * 00 BBK Rus and32 Authors-compilers: S. M. Gapparova, Ch. R. Gapparova, G. M. Bilalova Reviewer: Z. G. Sharafetdinova, Candidate of Philological Sciences Artist Julia Shtyankina Artist Vlad Semenova and32 Learning Russian Language: Workbook for children 6 7 years old / [Avt.-Sost.: S. M. Gaofarova, Ch. R. Gaffarova, G. M. Bilalova]. Kazan: Tatars. kn. Publishing house, C.: Il. The proposed workbook is an application to the guide for educators "Learning Russian". The notebook is designed for collaboration Adult and baby 6 7 years old. The content of the tasks of the working notebook is compiled in accordance with themes studied in the training of children in Russian. On the practical material lexical topics at the child takes accumulation, enrichment and consolidation vocabulary, Social speech skills are developing, they are sinking thinking operationsThe coordination of the movements of the hand and fingers is developing. UDC: * 00 BBK Rus Tatar Book Publishing House, 2012

4 Dear teachers, teaching children Russian languages! The proposed workbook is part of the educational and methodology with the Kih Kit for the training of children of preschool age Russian language and an attachment to the guide for educators "Learning Russian". The notebook is designed to collaborate adult and child 6 7 years old. The main purpose of the working notebook to help educators in organizing and conducting work on children's teaching Russian language. In the process of working in notebook, children will be able to master various speech skills and skills, learn to transfer them to free speech communication. The tasks proposed in this notebook are based on the principle of gradual complication. Colorful illustrations help keep the child's interest in classes. Along with the main tasks of teaching preschoolers Russian language, in workbook Included educational and gaming tasks directed to the development of small motility, graphic skills, visual perception of children. Tasks for children presented in the working notebook are used as part of the class (3 4 minutes). Dear teachers! Before proceeding with classes, read all the tasks, be sure to read them before you put the task with the child, so it will be easier for you to orient children during the classes. Tasks in the working notebook are grouped by topics and are located in accordance with the sequence of classes. Therefore, performing tasks, do not disturb their sequence. Remember that the performance of the preschooler is small. If the interest of the child to fulfill the task is weakening, interrupt the work and return to it later, in individual work with the child. Do not forget to boot the child during class. Successes to you and your children!

5 kindergarten Task 1 to the lesson 2. Look off the picture. As you can, not counting, find out whether all the children of the Sockeys are enough? Spend lines from the Sockeys to children. Who did not have enough? Give this girl another toy. Tell me, what toy did you give her? four

6 Task 2 to the lesson 5. Coloring clothes of girls so that it is distinguished in color. Give girls names. Tell us about clothes on the sample: "Masha is a yellow t-shirt, and Nastya is green", etc.

7 Task 3 to occupation 7. Tell me what gnomes are doing. Coloring the colts of Gnome Cam. Call colors. 6.

8 Autumn Task 1 to the lesson 1. Look out the picture. Tell me what you see. Put a cloud with seven rain drops. 7.

9 Task 2 to the lesson 5. Nazis vegetables and fruits, then paint them. Describe with the help of arrows vegetables in a box, fruits in the basket. Tell me that you put in the box that in the basket. eight

10 Task 3 to occupation 10. In the points of the beast. Tell someone who loves, and point the arrows. nine

11 Task 4 to occupation 11. Forest circle first by index finger, then a pencil. Coloring trees and grass in a green color, and a tree in yellow. Calculate how many green trees. 10

12 House and yard Task 1 to the lesson 4. Look off the picture. Tell me what you see. Where (to whom) should these items need to bear? Show the arrow. eleven

13 Task 2 to the lesson 5. Help Tanya and Vane dress. Spend red lines from Tanya to her clothes and blue lines from Vanya to his clothes. Coloring children's clothing. Call colors. Make out proposals for sample: "Tanya has a red jacket", etc. 12

14 Task 3 to occupation 10. Clean the picture. In what hand in Pinocchio calcination, in which hand is a toothbrush? Coloring a towel in the right hand in a red hat in red, and in the left hand in blue. Tell me what hand is what a towel. 13

15 Winter Task 1 To occupation 1. Help Tanya and Vane choose topwear, shoes, hats. Name them, paint. Spend blue arrows from Vani to his clothes, from Tanya to her clothes are red. Tell me what clothes in Tanya, what Vanya has. fourteen

16 Task 2 to the lesson 2. What shoes are needed at different times of the year? Connect arrows. Color the pictures where the seasons are depicted. fifteen

17 Task 3 to the lesson 4. Clean the drawing. What is the difference between these snowmen? Collect pictures. Tell me about every snowman. sixteen

18 Task 4 to occupation 5. Find and circle those items that you need in the winter. Name them and tell the sample: "This is a fur coat. The fur coat is needed in winter ", etc. 17

19 Task 5 to occupation 10. Decoiled New Year's Christmas tree. Bowls, bumps, toys, stars. Tell me what toys you hung on the tree. Call them colors. eighteen

20 Task 6 to occupation 11. Clean the picture. Coloring clothes boys. Tell about the clothes of a boy who goes ahead and drove sledge. What is the clothing from a boy sitting on sledes? What is the boy who goes from behind? nineteen

21 Wild Animals Task 1 to the lesson 1. Look at the pictures. Call animals we have seen today in winter forest. Take them into the forest with the arrow. What animals we have not seen in the winter forest? Find them and circled with a blue pencil. Why didn't we see the Bear and Hedgehog in the forest? twenty

22 Task 2 to the lesson 2. Nazis animals, followed by a person. Wagon their green. Name animals that live in the forest. Circle their blue pencil. 21.

23 Task 3 to occupation 5. Clean the drawing and tell what animals you see. How many houses are here? What figures are drawn on houses? The task of the Cards, which hold animals, and help them find their house. 22.

24 Task 4 to occupation 8. Name animals and tell me where they live. Connect the handground arrow. Let the arrow say: "I live here." 23.

25 Task 5 to occupation 10. Consider the picture, call animals. Coloring giraffes and wood. Say, Mama-Giraffes stands to the right of the tree or on the left. And his cub? 24.

26 city and transport Task 1 to the lesson 1. What car goes to the right, and what left? The circle of pedestrians who go to the right, red pencil, and those who go to the left, blue. 25.

27 Task 2 to the lesson 5. Clean the picture and say what you see. Add picture: Shoot the bus, truck, plane, helicopter. Make proposals for sample: "The bus is driving on the road", etc. 26

28 Task 3 to occupation 10. What is the difference between clowns? Collar collar at the clown in the middle in the green color, at the clown to the left of him in red, at the clown on the right in yellow. Tell me who some collar. 27.

29 Spring Task 1 to occupation 1. Because of the seasons and show pictures depicting them. Under the picture with a winter image of the windshield. Snowflake, spring leaf, summer red flower, autumn yellow leaf. 28.

30 Task 2 to the lesson 7. Look at the pictures. Who do you see? What do children and animals do? Waging pictures where children come correctly. Tell me, in what picture the boy does wrong. Crouch her. 29.

31 Task 3 to occupation 10. Name birds. Connect the line of winter birds with a feeder, and the flight circle is a mug. thirty

32 Soon to school Task 1 to the lesson 5. Clean the picture and say what you see. Choose school supplies, Put the arrow to "put them in a briefcase, and toys on the shelf. Explain your choice. 31.

33 Training edition Authors-compilers: Gaffarova Syabille Mullanurovna Gaffarova Chulpan Rakipovna Bilalova Gulnaz Minnakhmatovna Learn Russian Language Workbook for children 6 7 years old Editor H. G. Faysrakhmanova Art editors M. D. Vaziev, L. R. Vafina, R. H. Khasanin Technical editing And Computer Worst M.I. Danilevskaya Corrector A. R. Shaydullina The original mock is signed in print format / 16. SEL. Pechs. l. 3.36 + incl. 0.10. Circulation Ex. Order GUP "Tatar book publishing" Kazan, ul. Bauman, 19. Tel. / Fax: (843) Our books can be purchased at the following addresses: Kazan, ul. Decembrists, 2. Department of Marketing Tatar Book Publishing. Tel.: (843) Kazan, ul. Bauman, 29/11. Corporate store Tatar book publishing house. Tel.: (843) Branch of OAO Tatmedia Polygraphic-publishing complex "Idek-Press" Kazan, ul. Decembrists, 2.

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Petrova Anna Sergeevna, teacher-speech therapist, Madoum Murmansk 151; Pshuk Elena Nikolaevna, Educator, Madoum Murmansk 151 Using the Gamor Complex "Kovrographer Larchchik" V.V. Excoccobovich during formation

N. V. Nishchev Methodical set of the program "Childhood" Workbook for the development of speech and communicative abilities of children of senior preschool age (from 5 to 6 years) St. Petersburg Childhood-press

N. V. Nishchev Notebook for training Literacy of preschool children 1 St. Petersburg Childhood Press 2018 BBC 74.102 N 71 Nishcheva N.N. 71 Notebook for learning the diploma of preschool children 1. SPb.

Publisher AST Moscow UDC 373: 51 BBK 22.1Y71 U34 Tutorial For primary education O.V. Piezoova, E.A. Ophhodova Fast learning account Responsible editor V. Macagonenko Technical editor

Corresponds to Gos E. A. Ulva creative tasks of seasons Autumn notebook for classes with children 5 6 years old Moscow Vako UDC 373 BBK 74.1 U51 Edition admitted to use in the educational process on

Methodical set of the program "Childhood" N. V. Nishchev Workbook for the development of speech and communicative abilities of children of primary preschool age (from 3 to 4 years) St. Petersburg Childhood-press

O. A. IVASHOVA E. E. Ostain I study Calculate Numbers 1 20. Tabile Addition and subtraction Workbook on mathematics of school class school Moscow Kirill and Methodius LLC 2007 UDC 373.167.1: 51 BBC 74.262 and

Handbook for teachers of pre-school education institutions M o z s r b "Vynynova" 2 0 1 8 UDC 373.21 BBK 74.100.5 P32 series was founded in 2018 and in t o p s: Teacher-defectologist of the highest qualification category

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October September Month, number Theme of the week 4 gifts of autumn (09/19-23.09) 5 autumn. Wild animals of our forests. (26.09-30.09) 1 meter. Body parts. (03.10 07.10) ODO Cognitive development (the world)

E. A. Ulva Mathematics Notebook for classes with children 5 7 years old Moscow "Vakosha" 2019 UDC 373 BBK 74.102 U51 Thank staff of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Pre-school Education of the Moscow Institute

The post that had to write for a long time ago: how to teach Russian children who come to learn from scratch in preschool age. With adults, everything is clear: there is a technique of rock, there are textbooks of rocks, there are tests. And what to do with small children who should learn Russian from scratch in format foreign language? We have no clear, understandable, painted in the steps of the methods. Tutorials, actually, too.

We have an hour per week + homework, at best, the child who, on the way to the class, learned to greet. I will tell you about how I see a solution to this problem, and below the ladies commentary of Catherine Protasova and a very useful quote from its technique.

RKK for kids?

What can we take from the RCA, the techniques, which in classical form for preschoolers does not fit at all?

1. Basic teaching principles.

For example, the information that the teacher must necessarily give a speech model at the beginning of the task or game. Not just "Now we will play in the store", and speech models: what a child says, which says adult. When our school appears in the school, not familiar with the method of rock, about speech models have to be reminding permanently, check their presence at each lesson. We show the task and how it is necessary to perform it, try to say what the child must say.

The reason for the lack of progress number 1: Lack of speech models from the teacher.

2.grammatical, speech formulas

In fact, the language is not from words, but from the formula. For example, "I want to buy" is a formula. We change the last word in the formula: I want to buy an apple, I want to buy milk, I want to buy fish, strawberries, yogurt, cheese ... and we have many offers. The language is a constructor, change in the formula one word - a new statement appears, add a particle "not" - a new statement appears. In terms of lesson and the program, we first prescribe which speech formulas give children, and only then - vocabulary. Formulas, phrases are more important than words. It makes no sense to teach the words outside the formula, it makes no sense to teach words outside the context.

The reason for the lack of progress number 2: We teach words, not formula. Children often come to us who know many words by themes: animals, fruits, vegetables, house, clothing. But they can not even speak the most simple proposals.

3. Open with grammar filing

Grammar? Preschoolers? Kids? "Otzhdeni", what grammar. We have two problems with attitude to grammar: Under grammar often understand spelling (from the word "competently"?), Under grammar often understand the theory ("the accusative case answers questions" Who ", in the female family, the end is changed by "The exceptions are nouns with a soft sign at the end"). At the same time, the grammar is just the structure of the language, his skeleton, without which we again will remain a rag of the words "on topics".

If you are not familiar with the method of rock, you can simply open the textbook of the RCA for adults or, for example, the Table of Contents of Nina Vlaus RCO textbook for children. Look, in what order the authors give padege. This choice is unuschaued, it is determined by the frequency of consumption of cases in speech. At the same time, the authors do not take all the values \u200b\u200bof the case, and choose the most necessary ones on the elementary level.

For example, in the proposed case, these are:

Location: in the bag, on the sofa;

Transport: go, sailing, fly on something, etc.

Is it possible to avoid all this grammar, studying case?

You can, if you put a child on Wednesday. For example, if you have a Russian-speaking kindergarten. Do we say to the child that
learn the proposed case? No, of course, the child just plays, performs tasks, learns to speak within the framework of the study of individual speech formulas.

The reason for the lack of progress number 3. There can be a lot of reasons, in fact. Cases need to automate in speech. So that the child, saying somehow "I want to buy Moloka," heard himself and realized that something was wrong, "they don't say that", you need to think. May not be enough for this automation. Just "understand the topic" - not enough. Just say right several times right - not enough.

May not be enough graduality, arrogant studies.

May not have enough games to practice, but maybe not enough games to use the studied in your own statement in his speech. May miss the interval repetition of the previously studied.

Cases in this paragraph for example. There are a lot of other topics: genus, the number, coordination of nouns and adjectives, etc., but the general approach remains the same.

Or maybe not RKK?

Maybe not RCI, just not instead of RCI, and with it. You can take benefits for monolingvous children with speech impairment and developmental delay. These are grammatical and lexical notebooks of Kosinova, materials for the development of a coherent speech of children with ONR Arbecova, etc. You can partially take general collaborating materials for kids.

But I have never seen an effective program for non-laws in Russian children, built only on materials for monolingvs without additions and processing. It's all about the difference of goals. Each manual solves its tasks, and the authors of speech therapy benefits for monolingvs tasks are completely different than those of teachers and parents who want the child to learn to speak Russian.

You can peep ideas in English materials for kids. There are many ideas there, I myself signed for dozens of blogs of teachers of American kindergartens and teachers of English as the second native. But the procedure for the introduction of grammar in Russian is still different. They are rather about the design of the task, the filing of the material, game options.

The reason for the lack of progress number 4. "Patchwork blanket" from a variety of benefits, which helps to spend time lesson, but does not solve specific tasks. There are many printouts and cards, but there is no single system. If there are no systems in the program, then the systemic learning of the language will not work either.

Or maybe just play?

You can conduct an experiment. Go to the teacher's community and ask how to teach Russian to the kids who teach it from scratch. Ready to argue, one of the first comments will be: "Which lessons? Which programm? Kids learn in the game, just play. To the store, in the zoo, in the doll, in the lotto. I liked this lotto about the dishes: link. And you can also sing songs and drive dance. "

If you spend a few hours with a child daily, then just communication and just a game and will be developing and educational environments. Download lotto about dishes, remember songs, take a toy cashier and start playing. If you have an hour a week, then "just games" you will simply kill a lot of time without achieving anything.

Therefore, we return to the system approach: What grammar do you work out which formulas can bring out of it, what vocabulary you will need in the process, what games can be invented by the development of vocabulary and formulas. There are games, they are at the end of the chain. And they work on a specific task. And they perform it! We connect songs as a warm-up at the beginning of the lesson, dance as a break, lotto as an interval repetition of the previous topic (and do not forget to repeat not only vocabulary, and the vocabulary inside the sentence inside the formula). See, everything was useful, there was a place inside the system.

The reason for the lack of progress number 5. Well, you understand, probably. Games are not embedded in the program. And in this case, you can play 5 years, and the child will not own the most elementary Russian. And not because ...

"We have only an hour a week"

I write about it very often and continue to write, because an hour a week also makes sense if you have a flexible program, systems approach, specific tasks To each lesson and tasks with games that these tasks decide. If you see the rhythms of students and sustain them. If you see the potential, the ability to step over to a new, more complex stage, and use this opportunity. If you are trying to deal with why it does not work, and do not explain everything in an hour a week. If you are ready for a problem student to temporarily take on individual trainingThis also often helps catch up with a group. If you and parents understand that we are moving away with small steps, and otherwise it cannot be with such a volume of work and such short classes. But you are moving.

About homework

And last: what to do with the homework. Here is my option. If the child has Russian-speaking family members, they will help repeat those traveled in the lesson, will help to make a couple of workers. If there are no Russian-speaking in the family, there are songs, kid developing videos on Utyube or specially recorded short videos for homework. And so until the child learn to read. As soon as I learned, we have the opportunity to give assignments for independent execution. Putting, connect the word and picture, workers sheets with elementary tasks and familiar child with vocabulary. The child matures, Russian progresses, homework is complicated.

O.Yu. Cabinet,
School number 3, Borisoglebsk

Gaming tasks in Russian lessons

It has long been known that knowledge learned without interest, not painted by his own positive attitude, emotions, do not become useful - this is a dead cargo. The use of game moments in the lessons of the Russian language and literature awakens interest in the subject, makes it fascinating, beloved and necessary. Than more interesting to the childThe stronger his knowledge.
Prepare and carry out non-standard lessons - the business is troublesome, but this form deserves attention, if the teacher is creatively coming to his work.


Exercise 1 . What sounds are more important - vowels or consonants - to understand speech? Take output. Try reading these words..


Oh-A (cow)
-O-a- (school)
-Oh-A (girlfriend)
-O-and-a (capital)

Task 2.. Choose pair words that differ only on the deafness / walle of one of the two consonants. Who quickly?

1st option

bark, shine, live, house, sorry, pass, dew, couples, booze, daughter.

2nd option

goat, spike, prank, count, your, drink, evil, rod, tower, guest.

Task 3. Pick words that differ only with the soft / hardness of consonants. The teacher calls a solid, and students are soft.

Mal - ..., nose - ..., current - ..., onions - ..., soap - ..., Lys - ..., WHO - ..., was - ... ..., dust - ..., angle - ....

Task 4.. Distribute words in three columns so:

1. Letters\u003e Sounds;
2. Letters< звуков;
3. Letters \u003d sounds.

Yula, sewing, coal, her, nightingales, line, staircase, excited, story, stump, bridge, family.

Task 5.. From the names of which letters you can cook food?

to ka;
sh - Sha.

What two letters make up a whole epoch?

r - ER I. but.

Task 6. Phonetic relay.

Each child receives a card with a task. On the board table with card numbers. Each, solving its task, makes the number of the correct answer to the desired graph. Wins the row that first finishes work and has no mistakes.

Task 7.. Collect bouquet.

1st option

Collect flowers in a bouquet, in the title of which only solid sounds are found.

2nd option

Collect flowers in a bouquet, in the title of which there are at least one soft sound.

Chicory, Rose, Chamomile, Lilac, Lily of Lily, Astra, Narcissus, Naturery, Rosehip, Bell, Honeysuckle, Buttercup.



Do you know the proverbs?

1. Word - ..., and silence - gold (silver).
2. maybe yes somehow before good ... (bring).
3. Good ... and the cat is nice (word).
4. CASE ..., Fun hour (time).
5. Where is thin, there and ... (breaks).
6. Kopeik ... chooses (ruble).
7. One with a compartment, and ... with a spoon (seven).

Crossword to the lesson on the story of Viktor Astafieva "Vastekino Lake"

1. "There is no Fanta today," Vyutkin Grandfather grumbled ... (Athanasius).
2. Far down fishermen in the lower husband ... and finally stopped (Yenisei).
3. "..., our cormalist, does not love chlipki!" - I remembered the words of the father and grandfather (taiga).
4. "Vasutka recognized in a voice and a funny Ukrainian sponge of the Name of the Bota ... ("Igaret").
5. Surname of the author of the story (Astafiev).
6. He immediately saw a large black bird climbing from the Earth - ... (Gluhahar).
7. I decided to spend the night on the shore ... (lakes).
8. Vozutka raised his head. At the very top of the old slammed spruce saw ... (cedar).

Lotto game

Such games can be used at the final lessons on topics: "Synonyms", "Antonyms", "phraseologisms", "foreign language words", " Single Suggestions" Each pair of students receives one card, which they fill in tokens. Each child, listening to the proposed options, automatically remembers a huge number of synonyms, antonyms, phraseological units that are postponed in the corners of the memory to help at the right time.


Tour lessons, tales lessons

Exercise 1. Class goes on a trip. The teacher leads an interesting story, including in the story of the task.

On our way - the shaky swamp, somewhere you can see the words-bumps, but not everyone can come. Words in which are written b - traps. It is necessary to write out only words-bumps without b . If you allow an error, drown. Be careful.

Yelalash_, hot_, Naotmash_, Bake_, Fucking_, Ostrich_, Navnich_, Lyubshesh_, Tights_, Pahochu_, Lily of the Lily_, Skrch_, arranged, salas_.

Ahead is a dense forest, sising wild beasts and snakes. If you insert aptive consonant correctly, then we will overcome this obstacle.

Ka (s, ss) eet, ba (l, ЛЛ) ANS, MI (S, SS), GA (L, LL) Yerea, PA (S, SS) IVERN, PA (S, SS) Agir, E ( f, ff) ekt, idi (l, ЛЛ) ya, ba (s, ss) Ein, A (P, PP) etit, a (p, pp) of atya, those (p, pp), the (p, PR) A (C, SS) A, KO (P, PR) Esspondant, Ka (P, PR) Icatory.

Task 2.

We at the labyrinth, but will open the way the one who will gather all the rings confused here with the princess.

Write the words with a missed letter about.

Roseski_ki, ch_tsky, prune, mamber, sh_v, sh_lk, ukhazh_r, bump_note, canvas_y, shed, diriz_r, ожg_g hands, even_, Obzh_R, shoulder_, hot_, Хож комник.

Task 3.. The labyrinth will pass one who will correctly fill in the table.

Where but?
1. P_st
2. Violar_Sley
3. R_stock
4. Veda_st

Where E.?
1. SJF
2. Wt_rap
3. Zab_ Lit
4. LED

Where about?
1. Z_ ,.
2. OZ_VI
3. Z_Ranya
4. Z_

Where and?
1. Zap_rap
2. Sti_rap
3. Ump_T.
4. Bl_Sthet

Where about?
1. Popot_vok
2. Freak_vka
3. pl_vets
4. SPL_

Often I spend such blitzos to identify the degree of mastering the material. Such work is performed and checked for 5-7 minutes, and the teacher sees which orfogograms is poorly learned and requires additional work.

Game in the ball

While working on such themes as "the declination of nouns", "Hindering verbs", " Adjective discharges, pronoun "I use the ball in class lesson. I throw someone from the class ball and call the verb, the student catches the ball and calls the lifting or view of this verb. Such a game activates the entire class, awakens interest, makes even those who are used to sit at the backs of comrades, because children do not know whom the ball will fly and what a verb will say a teacher.

Task 4.. Third wheel.

Find a word that does not match a specific rule, part of speech, meaning, form, etc.

Lemon, pocket, straw;
hot, mighty, crying;
wet, wet, dry;
Refrigerate, typing, hide.

Vocabulary relay

Are held only after repeated work on word words. This is a kind of vocabulary dictation. Children write hard words into their workbook. In addition, each child writes three words to a common card, passing it on a row. Children try not to make mistakes not to let their comrades, because The assessment for the card is set to the whole row.


Exercise 1. Encryptors Competition, or Restorers Competition.

Make the phrase with the words proposed so that the meaning of the words began to be understood.

TO butmpania ... - To aboutmpania
Subscriber - subscription,
crush butnome - wreck e.ny
Salad - shown.

Task 2. . Restore page Intelligent dictionary. Write the terms correctly, relying on the explanatory article.

1. ... - Steel framework of reinforced concrete structures (Armature).
2. ... shows that railway path free (semaphore).
3. ... - Internal telephone institution (switch).

Task 3.. Determine the value of word data. In the case of difficulties, you can refer to the reference material, which is on an additional board.

Argument -
Attribute -
absolute -
relevant -
hypothesis -

reference: argument, proof; Sign, belonging, scientific assumption; important for this point; unconditional, not dependent on anything.

Hosting in the form of the game

Competition Grammelev

The guys are divided into teams of 5 people. The game involves simultaneously two commands that should answer 10 questions. The answer is given 1 minute. If the commands do not cope with the task, the audience responds and get an incentive token. Such tests are held after completing work on some big topic: "Noun", "Tempecility", "verb", "Numbers", "pronoun", etc.


Children love such games, because the correct answer is supported and the prize. He gets the last, who gave the correct answer.

1. Name all the morphological signs of the word carrot.
2. Name words starting with a syllable boo .
3. Name all the category of pronoun.


The class must answer the questions proposed by the teacher, but all the answers must begin to begin a certain letter, for example, c. .

- Where was it?
- What are gasoline transported?
- What did I discharge from the book?
- What string tool know?
- What dish you like?

Entertaining games

Release Par

Come up with 5 words starting with a syllable par .

couple - - - -
Couple - - - -
Couple - - - -
Couple - - - -
Couple - - - -

(Greenhouse, Parter, Password, Party, Guy.)

Tasks for a child 6-7 years old, aimed at express preparations for school: study of a soft sign, types of lines and angles, development of thinking and an oral account, development of speech and attention.

Training reading. Acquaintance with "b"

purpose: Formation of reading skill, acquaintance with a new letter.

Material: work leaf. Card with b. Cards with words - dust and dust, they say and mole.

In Russian there is a sign that means the softness of the consonant - a soft sign. Soft sign is not a sound.

The teacher shows a card with a soft sign.

- Soft sign is a special sign. Soft sign is just a digital signal and a tongue - say the sound otherwise.
- B almost always softens like a pillow.

The teacher shows cards with the words:

  • dust - fervor,
  • like - mole.
  • Children rub the letter with their finger along the contour, "remember the letter."

    - What letter is written on working sheets upstairs on the left? (B).
    - Write a finger in the air.
    - Dorisite patterns in the letter b.
    - Circle and add yourself b.
    - What does it look like?

    Training reading. Soft sign

    purpose: Formation of knowledge of the letter of the letter.

    Material: work leaf. Plasticine.

    Let's tend a soft sign from plasticine.

    Now listen to the poem about the soft sign:

    Read the poem yourself. Learn him at home by heart.

    Training reading. Words with "b"

    purpose: Formation of reading skill.

    Material: work leaf.

    Read words. Stress in the words.

    Dictation. suggestions

    purpose: Formation of writing skills, development of coding ability.

    Material: work leaf.

    Write a proposal under dictation:

    In the park rose a poplar.

    Put the emphasis in words.

    What is at the end of the sentence? Circle the point in the circle.

    Mathematics. Work with laces. Repetition of all types of lines and corners

    purpose: Fastening the concepts "closed", "unlocked", "straight", "curve" lines. Repetition of all types of angles (straight, sharp, stupid). Repeating days of the week. Fixing graphic images numbers.

    Materials: Each child - beads, lace with a nodule at one end. Three lace. Ball.

    The teacher throws the ball to children, asking questions and giving tasks:

    - Calculate from 1 to 5.
    - Calculate from 4 to 8.
    - Calculate from 7 to 3.
    - Name the neighbors of the number 5.
    - Name the neighbors numbers 8.
    - What are the lines? (Straight, curves, closed, unlocked).
    - What is a segment? (This is a piece of line, part of the line).
    - What angles come? (Sharp, straight, stupid).
    - How many days in the same week? (Seven). Right! Now we will drive beads on a thread, like days for a week, and to pronounce every day of the week in order.

    The teacher distributes shoelaces (with a node at one end) and beads and offers, putting on the lace beads, to repeat it the days of the week in order:

    - Monday (Children Choir repeat "Monday", putting on the lace the first bead).
    - Tuesday (put on the second bead, the chorus repeating the second day of the week).
    - Wednesday ... etc.
    - Well done! Samodelkin sent each of you three lace and wrote tasks. I will read, and you - perform:

    1. Turn the first lace into a straight line (put on the tables of the lace in the form of a straight line), turn the second lace to the curve an unlucky line (clas), and the third lace is a closed line into the curve. (Put.) Adult checks who did not cope - draws answers to the board, reminding what is closed and open lines.

    2. Second task: Turn the first lace into a sharp angle, the second - in a straight angle, and the third is in a stupid angle. (Children perform. Then the adult draws on the board - children check themselves).

    3. There is a first lace with an oval, the second is in a triangle, the third is in a circle.

    4. Last task: Moving the first lace in the figure "1", the second - in the figure "6", and the third - in the figure "3". What letter looks like a number "3"?

    Development of thinking. Game "What is superfluous?"

    Goal: Development logical thinking, systematization of ideas about the environment, the development of the ability to group items on a common basis.

    Materials: Ball.

    Children get up in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to each child in turn, calling 4 words. The task of the child is to call an unnecessary word and explain your choice.

    Word group:

  • Cloud, sun, star, flower. (Flower, since it is not in the sky).
  • Bus, trolleybus, refrigerator, car. (Refrigerator is not transport).
  • Rose, tulip, birch, violet.
  • Cucumber, yogurt, carrots, tomato.
  • Cat, dog, tiger, cow.
  • Shoes, socks, boots, boots.
  • Ski, sledge, rollers, skates.
  • March, April, May, September.
  • Grasshopper, nightingale, fly, spider.
  • Rope, ribbon, snake, lace.
  • Circle, Ball, Triangle, Square
  • Doll, pan, saucepan, halter, etc.
  • Mathematics. Verbal counting

    purpose: Account within 10.

    Materials: Each child-maker with numbers.

    Listen, how many times I slam your hands, and raise the card with a number, big for two. (The teacher claps in your hands 5 times, children must raise the card with the number "7").

    Listen, how many times I fed up, and lift the card with a number less than two units. (The teacher is holding 7 times, children raise a card with a number "5"). You can ask someone from the guys to comment on your answer, if necessary, helping him. The child says: "You slammed 7 times in your hands, and a number that is less than seven to two units, it is five").

    Well done! Now listen, how many times I knock the handle on the table, and raise the number more than 1 unit. (Knocks the handle on the table 9 times, children raise the number "10").

    To ask you to spend ... Listen, how many times I will call the bell, and show a number less than three units. (Rings in the bell 9 times, the children show a card with a number "6").

    Tasks can be simpler: Listen to cotton and show the number equal to their quantity or large / smaller on 1 unit.

    Mathematics. Acquaintance with the concept of "cylinder"

    purpose: Account within 10. Acquaintance with the concept of "cylinder".

    Materials Each child: cards with numbers. On each table: Rubber River or a heavy item, a set of not sharpened pencils. For a teacher: Cylindrical items: sausage, pencils, jars, adhesive pencil, etc.

    Teacher puts on the table.

    - Guys, what is common to all these items? (All these items have a similar form).

    If children find it difficult to answer, you can ask leading questions:

    - Maybe items are made of the same material? Maybe they are the same color? Size? Forms? When children answer the question, an adult will summarize:
    - This form is called a cylinder, and the items of such a form are cylindrical. The word "cylinder" in ancient Greek meant a roller, which can be rolled out on the ground.

    The teacher distributes cylinders to children and offers to ride them on the table or on the floor. Children are convinced that cylinders ride.

    - In the old days, when there were no cars and lifting cranes, people with the help of cylinders moved heavy items. That's the grandfather with a woman when they pulled out a repkah, they realized that they would not be submitted to her at home.
    - Need cylinders! Said the grandfather.
    - Where will we find them? - Surprised grandmother.
    - Quick several trees, take their trunks - and we will have cylinders!

    So they did. Served several trees, cleared them from branches, and turned out to be cylinders. Imagine that pencils are purified trees trunks. (Children get a set of non-sharpened round pencils ("tree trunks") and rubber rubber rakes (or other "heavy" items). Think how you can move repka or any other with cylinders. heavy load from one end of the table to another?

    Children express their suggestions, an adult helps come to the idea that the repka is put on top of pencils, pencils roll, moving a heavy item. Children try to do it in practice.

    Mathematics. Examples

    purpose: Development of thinking operations.

    Material: work leaf.

    Insert the missed signs so that the examples are correct.

    Development of attention Colls

    purpose: Development of attention properties.

    Materials: work leaf, pencils.

    Find all cups in the picture.

    How many cups did you find?

    Speech development. Options for the ending fairy tale

    purpose: Development of thinking, speech, fantasy.

    Materials: not.

    The teacher asks someone from the children to tell the tale "Road chicken".

    - Guys, do you feel sorry for you that the mouse broke the golden egg and disappeared the Baba and grandfather? (Yes).
    - Or maybe it could be different? The testicle could not break up, what do you think? (Could). Let's come up with this fairy tale, the other end - where the egg did not break. How could this happen?
    (Options for answers.) The teacher encourages children to fantasize leading issues. If children are silent, an adult itself begins to fantasize out loud, connecting the guys to the discussion:

    Fairy Tale continuation options:

    1. "... The mouse fled, the tail waved, the egg fell, but did not break, because he had a durable shell and it fell on a straw. Grandfather and Baba understood that this egg was not beating, went to the jurisdly and said: Take , chicken, your testicle back - we can not do anything with him. " The chicken took her golden egg and brought chicken out of it - not simple, but gold! The chicken grew not by day, but by the clock, and soon became a golden cock, which could perform desires ... "

    2. - How else could this fairy tale end? "... The mouse fled, the tail waved, the egg fell and crashed ... Then the chicken demolished them another golden egg. They took his old men, smashed, grandma kneading the dough and baked a bun. And they sold the golden shells and baked a grandmother a fur coat, and grandfather Hat for winter. " Etc.

    Then - Summing up:

    - Guys, what ending did you like the most - the one that was either one of those that we came up with? Why?

    Development of thinking. What is superfluous?

    purpose: Development of mental analysis of synthesis analysis, generalization

    1. Wolf, Fox, Bear, Rabbit.

    2. Lynx, boar, hare, elk.

    3. Panther, Bars, Tiger, Bear.

    4. Lion, buffalo, giraffe, donkey.

    5. Wolf, hedgehog, eagle, fox.

    Preparation of your hand to the letter. Copying by cells. Dog

    purpose: Development of graph-motor functions.

    Material: work leaf.

    Copy the dog through the cells.

    Drawing with paints. Bear

    purpose: Development graphic functions. Development of creative thinking, imagination, development of modeling, consolidation of ideas about geometric Figures (Circle, oval, semicircle). Development of the ability to work with paints in the technique of "Printing".

    Materials: paper sheet, brown gobye paint, brush, glass with water, napkin, pencil, ready-made sample.

    - Let's draw a bear using only circles, ovals and semicircles in drawing.
    - What should be drawn from the bear? (Head, torso, paws). Right, and how many paws have a bear? (Four paws).
    - Thank you. So, I draw on the board, and you draw on the leaves.
    - First you need to draw a large vertical oval. It turned out torso a bear.
    - Then you need to prick on top of the circle. Circle is his head.
    - then draw 4 ovala, which will be the paws of the bear.
    - Now we will deal with your head. Top of the circle, draw two semicircles - turned out ... (ears!)
    - Inside the circle, we draw a horizontal oval - a muffin of a bear. Over the oval - three mugs: the nose and the eyes of the Bears. And in the oval itself, we draw a semicircle - it turned out the mouth of the Kosolapoy.

    Then Dorisuham claws on the paws and take brown paint.

    - To portray the bear's wool, you need to put the paint with twists.
    - Drawing of a bear ready!

    The teacher sets the homework to children.

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