Designing a modern lesson in accordance with fgos presentation. Designing a modern lesson in the context of the implementation of fgos

What are the requirements for a lesson today?

The goals and content of education, requirements for results are changing, new technical means and technologies of teaching appear, and the lesson, remaining the main didactic unit educational process, must ensure the development of the qualities of the graduate that meet the requirements modern society... The proposed guidelines aimed at providing methodological assistance in the design modern lesson, corresponding to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO, for young teachers.



Presentation at the seminar

for young teachers

Deputy Director for O&M

E.Yu. Knizhnikova

Designing a modern lesson

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the LEO

The federal state educational standard establishes new requirements for the results of the mastery of the basic educational program... The 2004 edition of the State Educational Standard dealt with the formation of general educational skills, skills and methods of action, primarily educational management and educational information. The Federal State Educational Standard of the LEO puts forward requirements for the formation of schoolchildren metasubject results- universal educational actions (personal, cognitive, regulatory and communicative), which should become the basis for mastering key competencies, "which form the basis of the ability to learn."

The requirements of the new standard are not completely new to practicing teachers. And yet, for many teachers, they caused anxiety and lack of confidence in their abilities.

How to design a lesson that would form not only subject, but also metasubject results?

Which of the tasks suggested in the textbook should be selected for the lesson?

What methods and techniques of work will be effective?

What forms of organizing student activities should be used?

And, finally, is it necessary to completely abandon the forms of work with students accepted in the traditional teaching methods?

These are far from all the questions that the teacher who implements the FGOS LEO asks today.

The technological process of preparing a modern lesson is still based on the stages of the lesson known to every teacher:

  • definition of goals and objectives;
  • selection of the content of educational material;
  • selection of teaching methods and techniques;
  • determination of the forms of organization of students' activities;
  • selection of material for homework students;
  • determination of control methods;
  • thinking over the place, time in the lesson to assess the activities of students;
  • selection of questions to summarize the lesson.

However, now the teacher at each stage must be critical of the selection of forms, methods of work, content, ways of organizing student activities, since main feature is to change the nature of the activities of the teacher and students in the classroom.

Thus, the changes in lesson design are that the teacher must plan clearlycontent of pedagogical interaction, i.e. describe your activities and the activities of the student. Moreover, the student's activity is presented in three aspects:

  • cognitive;
  • communicative;
  • regulatory.

Technological map of the lesson, corresponding to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

The main stages of the organization learning activities

Stage goal

Teacher activity

Students' activities




1. Statement learning objectives

Creation problem situation... Committing a new learning task

Organizes immersion in the problem, creates a situation of rupture.

They are trying to solve the problem in a known way. Fix the problem.

Listen to the teacher. Build statements that are understandable for the interlocutor

Accept and save learning goal and the task.

2. Joint research of the problem.

Search for a solution to the educational problem.

Organizes an oral collective analysis of the educational task. Fixes the hypotheses put forward by students, organizes their discussion

Analyze, prove, argue their point of view

Consciously build speech utterances, reflection of their actions

Explore the conditions of the educational problem, discuss subject solutions

3. Simulation

Fixation in the model of essential relations of the object under study.

Organizes educational interactions

study of students (groups) and the following discussion of the compiled models.

Selected links and relations are recorded in graphic models and in letter form.

Perceive learners' responses

Exercise self-control Accept and maintain the learning goal and objective.

4. Constructing a new way of acting.

Building an oriented framework for a new way of acting.

Organizes educational research to highlight the concept.

Conducting collective research, constructing a new way of acting, or forming concepts.

Participate in the discussion of the content of the material

Accept and retain the learning goal and task. Exercise self-control

5. Transition to the stage of solving particular problems.

Primary control for correct

the stage of performing the method of action.

Diagnostic work (at the entrance), evaluates the performance of each operation.

Carry out work on the implementation of individual operations.

Learn to formulate personal opinion and position

Exercise self-control

6. Application general way actions for solving particular problems.

Correction of working out the method.

Organizes correctional work, practical work, independent correctional work.

A new method is used. Working out operations in which mistakes were made.

They build reasoning that is understandable for the interlocutor. Know how to use speech to regulate their actions

Self-test. They work out the whole method. Carry out step-by-step control over the result

7. Control at the stage of the end of the educational topic.


Diagnostic work (at the output):

Organization of differentiated correctional work,

Control-but-evaluating activity.

Perform work, analyze, control and evaluate the result.

Reflecting on your actions

Carry out step-by-step control over the result

What is the lesson design algorithm in terms of the requirements of the new FSES?


  • clearly define and formulate for yourself the topic of the lesson;
  • determine the place of the topic in the training course;
  • define the leading concepts on which it relies this lesson in other words, look at the lesson in retrospect;
  • and, on the contrary, to designate for oneself that part of the educational material that will be used in the future, in other words, to look at the lesson through the prism of the perspective of one's activity.


Determine and clearly formulate for yourself and separately for the students the target setting of the lesson - why is it needed at all?

How is the purpose of the lesson determined in the logic of the system-activity approach to education?

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard the purpose of the lesson is the achievement of personal (acceptance of new values, moral norms), meta-subject (mastering ways of activity, skills of self-organization), subject (acquisition of knowledge and skills in a given subject) results of education.

Lesson Objectives - steps towards the goal: what needs to be done to achieve the result.

Guide words for defining the goals of the lesson.

Traditional ("knowledgeable") approach

Competence approach

Understand the requirements

Teach to formulate goals

Know (form knowledge about ...)

Form a need for knowledge (see problems)

Teach to work with different sources of knowledge

Teach to choose sources of knowledge


Teaches you to systematize


Teach to identify common and special

To teach to perform certain actions (to form skills) when solving a problem

Teaches you how to choose ways to solve a problem


Form the assessment criteria, the ability to independently assess


Modify, regroup, teach to apply


Teach self-control techniques

Analyze (mistakes, student achievements)

Build the ability to self-esteem


1. Plan educational material

2. Pick up study assignments, the purpose of which is:

  • recognition of new material;
  • reproduction;
  • application of knowledge in a new situation;
  • application of knowledge in an unfamiliar situation;
  • creative approach to knowledge.

3. Arrange study assignments in accordance with the principle "from simple to difficult".

4. Make three sets of tasks:

  • tasks leading the student to reproduce the material;
  • tasks that contribute to the comprehension of the material by the student;
  • tasks that contribute to the consolidation of the material by the student.


Find out what specific skills in currently it is necessary for students to work. Here it is necessary to clearly understand what are the universal training activities are formed at each stage of the lesson. With the correct organization of the activities of students in the lesson, the following are formed: at the stage of announcing the topic of the lesson - cognitive, general educational, communicative educational actions, at the stage of communicating goals and objectives - regulatory, goal-setting, communicative, etc.

This table allows the teacher to see already during planning at what stage of the lesson what metasubject results are formed.

Formation table of universal educational actions

at every step of the lesson.


to the lesson


modern type


training activities

Announcement of the topic of the lesson

Students themselves formulate (the teacher leads students to understand the topic)

Cognitive general educational, communicative

Communication of goals and objectives

Students themselves formulate, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance

(the teacher leads students to the realization of goals and objectives)

Regulatory goal-setting, communicative


Planning by students of ways to achieve the intended goal

(teacher helps, advises)

Regulatory planning

Practical activities pupils

Students carry out educational activities according to the planned plan (group, individual methods are used)

(teacher advises)

Exercise control

Students exercise control (forms of self-control, mutual control are used)

(teacher advises)

Regulatory control (self-control), communicative


Students formulate difficulties and carry out correction on their own (the teacher advises, advises, helps)

Communicative, regulatory corrections

Assessment of learners

Students assess the performance according to its results (self-assessment, assessment of the results of the activities of friends) (the teacher advises)

Regulatory assessments (self-assessments), communicative

Lesson summary

Reflection is carried out

Regulatory self-regulation, communicative


Students can choose an assignment from those suggested by the teacher, taking into account their individual capabilities

Cognitive, regulatory, communicative


Think over the "highlight" of the lesson. Each lesson should contain something that will cause surprise, amazement, delight of students - in a word, something that they will remember when everyone has forgotten.


Develop a lesson structure. For example, a lesson structure for introducing new material has the following stages:

  • motivational target;
  • procedural;
  • reflective-evaluative.


Determine the method of assessing the results of the lesson and reflection by the students of the course of the lesson and the results of their own activities.

To plan control over the activities of students in the lesson, why think about:

  • what to control;
  • how to control;
  • how to use control results

Asking students to reflect on their activities should help them find answers to a number of questions: “What did we do today? What is it for? What is the main result? What is the increment of knowledge on this topic? How did it happen? What questions have arisen on the topic? etc."


Develop homework focused on the creation of educational products by students that objectify their personal gains as a result of the lesson. At the same time, the same requirements are imposed on the homework as for the assessment tasks during the lesson: it should be complex, provide an opportunity for students of their choice to go to different levels performing the task and presenting the results.


Prepare equipment for the lesson. Make a list of the necessary teaching aids, devices, etc. Think over the type chalkboard so that the whole new material remained on the board as a reference outline.

When designing any lesson aimed at the formation of universal educational actions in students, it is necessary to make the most of the possibilities of the main teaching tool - the textbook. The school textbook was and still remains the main source of knowledge. Almost all tutorials for primary school passed an examination for compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the LEO. This means that the content, the structure, and the system of tasks contain ideas that make it possible to achieve the results required by the standard. Therefore, at the stage of planning a lesson, it is necessary to carefully study what types and types of tasks the authors of the textbook offer,figure out what kind of UUD they are aimed at forming.

The system-activity approach, which is the basis of the standard, presupposes a new type of lessons. Teachers have yet to master the technology for delivering such lessons. Today, a teacher, using the possibilities of a traditional lesson, can also successfully form students' personal and meta-subject results. For this, it is necessary to revise the lesson from the standpoint of the effectiveness of the application of methods, teaching techniques and methods of organizing the educational activities of students in the lesson. It is necessary to find their application along with new pedagogical technologies in a new educational environment.


1. Formation of universal educational actions in basic school: from action to thought. System of tasks / Ed. A.G. Asmolova. - M .: Education, 2011. Series "We work according to new standards."

2. System-activity approach in the development of new generation standards / Asmolov AG - Pedagogy M .: 2009 - №4. - S18-22.

3. Competence approach and problems of its implementation. / Strokova T.A. - M .: School technologies, 2009. - No. 6. - С9-16.

4. Determination of the objectives of the lesson from the perspective of the competence-based approach. / Lebedev OE - M .: School technologies, 2011. - No. 6. - С10-17.

5. Designing a modern lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard: Toolkit/ author: S.V. Fattakhova. - Kazan: IRO RT, 2015 .-- 89 p.

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Modern technologies of projection of the lessons of mathematics in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard Hleskina Victoria Viktorovna teacher of mathematics MOBU secondary school p. Big Kuganak

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* Lesson is the main form of organizing the educational process. The super task of a modern lesson is to become a step in the development of a personality, the formation of its individuality, creative capabilities and moral attitudes.

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* Activity-based approach How to build and conduct a lesson so that the student becomes a subject of learning activity? How to organize the learning process so that the student, as a result of his activities, achieves the desired goals and results?

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The ratio of the structural elements of a training session of ZUN standards and classes, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. * ZUN standards Federal State Educational Standards Main types of lessons - lesson learning new - lesson consolidating knowledge - lesson in the integrated application of knowledge - lesson in generalization and systematization of knowledge - lesson in control, correction and assessment of knowledge - lessons in "discovering" new knowledge - lessons in practicing skills and reflection - lessons general methodological orientation - lessons of developmental control

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* ZUN standards FGOS standards Lesson stages - organization of the beginning of the lesson - check of homework - preparation for the main stage of the lesson (ensuring motivation and acceptance by students of the goal of educational and cognitive activities, updating basic knowledge and skills) - assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action - primary test of understanding - consolidation of knowledge and methods of action - generalization and systematization of knowledge - control and self-examination of knowledge - summing up the results of classes - information about homework - motivation (self-determination) for learning activities - actualization and fixing an individual difficulty in a trial action - identifying the place and cause of the difficulty - building a project for getting out of the difficulty - implementing the completed project - primary consolidation with pronunciation during external speech- independent work with self-examination according to the standard, mutual examination - inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition - reflection of educational activity - homework

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The ratio of the structural elements of a training session of ZUN standards and classes, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. * ZUN standards FGOS standards Lesson objectives - didactic - educational - developing - activity - meaningful - educational - educational - the formation of UUD (personal, regulatory, communicative, cognitive)

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* ZUN standards FGOS standards Lesson forms - lesson - lecture - lesson - seminar - general lesson - lesson-excursion - research- lesson - interviews - laboratory, practical work - lesson - conference - lesson - round table- lesson - competitions - combined lesson - test work - test - colloquium - lesson - quiz - lesson - journey - lesson - lecture - lesson - seminar - general lesson - lesson-excursion - research work - lesson - interviews - lesson-project - lesson - conference - lesson - round table - lesson - competition - combined lesson - control lesson - test - colloquium - lesson - quiz - lesson - travel

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The ratio of the structural elements of a training session of ZUN standards and classes, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. * ZUN standards FGOS standards Planned results of the ZUN lesson Know Be able to Understand OUUN UUD Subject Metasubject Personal

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Universal learning activities: Personal universal learning activities include life, personal, professional self-determination. Regulatory actions include actions that ensure the organization of educational activities: Planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result. Goal-setting is like setting an educational task based on correlating what is already known and assimilated by students and what is still unknown. Drawing up a plan and sequence of actions. Forecasting is the anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation, its time characteristics. Control - in the form of merging the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard. Correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard and the actual action and its product. *

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Universal learning actions: Evaluation - highlighting and awareness by students of what has already been mastered and what is still subject to assimilation, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation. Finally, the elements volitional self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy, volitional effort - to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict, to overcome obstacles. In cognitive universal action allocate general educational actions, including symbolic and symbolic; logical and actions of posing and solving problems. Communicative universal actions provide social competence and consideration of the position of other people, a communication partner or activity, the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in collective discussion problems, integrate into a peer group, and productively interact and collaborate with peers and adults. *

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* Steps of the lesson Traditional lesson Lesson of a modern type Universal educational actions Announcement of the topic of the lesson The teacher informs the students Formulate the students themselves (the teacher leads the students to the awareness of the topic) Cognitive, general educational, communicative Communication of goals and objectives The teacher formulates and informs the students what they should learn Students themselves formulate, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance (the teacher leads students to the realization of goals and objectives) Regulatory, goal-setting, communicative

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* Stages of the lesson Traditional lesson Modern lesson Universal learning activities Planning The teacher tells the students what work they have to do in order to achieve the goal Planning for the students how to achieve the set goal (the teacher helps, advises) Regulatory, planning Practical activities of the students Under the guidance of the teacher, the students perform a number of practical tasks (more often the frontal method of organizing activities is used) Students carry out educational activities according to the planned plan (group, individual methods are used), the teacher consults Cognitive, regulatory, communicative

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* Stages of a lesson Traditional lesson A lesson of a modern type Universal educational actions Implementation of control The teacher monitors the implementation of practical work by students Students exercise control (forms of self-control, mutual control are used), the teacher consults Regulatory, control (self-control), communicative Implementation of correction Teacher in the course of execution and on the results of the work performed by the students carry out the correction Students formulate difficulties and carry out the correction on their own, the teacher advises, advises, helps Communicative, regulatory, corrections

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* Stages of the lesson Traditional lesson Modern-type lesson Universal educational actions Assessment of students The teacher evaluates the work of students in the lesson Students assess activities based on its results (self-assessment, assessment of the performance of friends), the teacher consults Regulatory, assessments (self-assessment), communicative Lesson outcome The teacher finds out students have what they have memorized Reflection is carried out Regulatory, self-regulation, communicative Homework The teacher announces and comments (more often - one task for everyone) Students can choose a task from the ones proposed by the teacher, taking into account individual capabilities Cognitive, regulatory, communicative

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Technological map of the lesson Technological map of the lesson is a generalized graphic expression of the lesson scenario, the basis for its design, means of presenting individual working methods. A lesson project is a lesson plan presented by the teacher with possible adjustments (initially the variability of the lesson). Its use will allow you to build a lesson taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and save the teacher's efforts in designing each of the stages of the lesson structure. *

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The technological map of the lesson includes: The main stages of the organization of educational activities The purpose of the stage The activities of the teacher The activities of the students Formed UUD *

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Algorithm for designing a lesson: Second. Determine and clearly formulate for yourself and separately for the students the target setting of the lesson - why is it needed at all? The purpose of the lesson Personal result Metasubject result Subject result Lesson objectives *

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Third. 1. To plan the educational material 2. To select educational tasks, the purpose of which is: recognition of new material; reproduction; application of knowledge in a new situation; application of knowledge in an unfamiliar situation; creative approach to knowledge. 3. Arrange study assignments in accordance with the principle "from simple to difficult". 4. Make three sets of tasks: tasks leading the student to reproduce the material; tasks that contribute to the comprehension of the material by the student; tasks that contribute to the consolidation of the material by the student. *

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Algorithm for designing a lesson: Fourth. Find out what specific skills students need to work on at the moment. *

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Lesson design algorithm: Fifth. Think over the "highlight" of the lesson. Each lesson should contain something that will surprise, amaze, delight students - in a word, something that they will remember when everyone has forgotten. Sixth. Develop a lesson structure. *

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Lesson design algorithm: Seventh. Determine the method of assessing the results of the lesson and reflection by the students of the course of the lesson and the results of their own activities. Eighth. Develop a homework assignment focused on student creation of educational products. Ninth. Prepare equipment for the lesson. *

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New learning technologies Personality-oriented learning technology differentiated learning technology of project activities development of critical thinking game technologies ICT health-saving technologies *

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The use of ICT tools in the classroom allows you to: enhance motivation, increase interest and expand the cognitive needs of students; provide individualization of training, create the prerequisites for the transition to personal oriented learning; increase the interactivity of learning, develop a dialogical character educational process; to enhance the visibility in teaching, to increase the level of visualization of the studied material; expand the range of educational tasks used in training; include in cognitive activity an arsenal of new methods based on the use of ICT tools; create opportunities to use new sources educational information(information and reference systems, electronic encyclopedias, file archives, Internet resources, etc.); increase the efficiency of monitoring learning outcomes, create databases educational achievements students; immerse students in a virtual environment with the ability to simulate educational and professional situations that initiate the manifestation of readiness to solve emerging problems. *

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Recommendations for conducting a modern lesson: the teacher's use of various forms and methods of organizing the work of students, allowing to reveal the content of their subject experience regarding the proposed topic; creating an atmosphere of interest for each student in the work of the class; encouraging students to use a variety of ways to complete assignments in the lesson without fear of making mistakes, getting the wrong answer; encouraging the student's desire to offer his own way of working (solving the problem), to analyze during the lesson the different ways offered by the children, to select and analyze the most rational ones, to mark and support the original ones; the use of tasks that allow the student to choose the type, type and form of material (verbal, graphic, conditionally symbolic); the creation of pedagogical situations of communication, allowing each student, regardless of his readiness for the lesson, to show initiative, independence, selectivity in the way of work; *

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Recommendations for conducting a modern lesson: discussion with the children at the end of the lesson not only about what “we have learned” (what we have mastered), but also what they liked (did not like) and why; what I would like to do again, and what to do differently; when questioning in the lesson (when setting marks), analyze not only the correctness (incorrectness) of the answer, but also its independence, originality, the student's desire to seek and find various ways of completing assignments; when assigning to home, it is necessary to name not only the content and scope of the assignment, but also to give detailed recommendations for a rational organization educational work that provides homework. *

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List of recommended literature Asmolov AG System-activity approach in the development of new generation standards / Pedagogy M .: 2009 - №4. - S18-22. Asmolov A.G. Formation of universal educational actions in basic school: from action to thought. System of tasks / Ed. A.G. Asmolova. M .: Education, 2011. “We work according to new standards” series. Volkov B.S. Psychology of the lesson, its preparation, conduct and analysis. Textbook. - M., Center for Pedagogical Education, 2011. Lebedev O.E. Determination of the objectives of the lesson from the perspective of a competence-based approach. - M .: School technologies, 2011. - No. 6. - С10-17. Potashnik M.M. Requirements for a modern lesson. Methodical manual. - M .: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2011. Khutorskoy A.V. How to develop a creative lesson. [Electronic resource]. Version 1.0. - M .: Center distance education"Eidos", 2003. - System requirements: Pentium - 100 MHz, RAM 16 Mb, Windows 95/98 / NT / 2000 / Me / XP, Internet Explorer 5.0, MS Word 2000. - Access mode: http: // www.; e-mail: [email protected] Lesson preparation technology in modern information environment: a guide for teachers educational institutions... / E.V. Chernobay. - M .: "Education" 2012. - 56 p. - (We work according to new standards). *

Designing a modern lesson

in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LEO


A.S. Makarenko

New social needs, reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard, determine the goals of education as general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such a key competence of education as "teaching to learn" in order to

    be in demand in a highly competitive and high-tech world;

    be able to integrate into a rapidly developing society.

Features of a modern lesson, what are they?

    The modern lesson is student-centered lesson.

The fundamental difference between the new standards is that the goal is not substantive, but personal result. What is important, first of all, is the personality of the child himself and the changes occurring to her in the learning process, and not the amount of knowledge accumulated during schooling.

2) The modern lesson is activity lesson. The methodological basis of the new generation standards is the system-activity approach, the purpose of which is to develop the student's personality on the basis of mastering universal methods of activity. The activity approach is based on the Eastern wisdom: “I hear - I forget, I see - I remember, I do - I assimilate”. The standard spelled out the types of activities that a younger student must master. It is activity, and not just a collection of certain knowledge, that is defined by the Standard as the main value of training.

3) The modern lesson is competence lesson, that is, the focus will no longer be on the student's knowledge, but on his ability to apply this knowledge in practice (his competence).

When designing a modern lesson, it is important to remember the methodological principles of its organization.

Methodological principles of organizing a lesson

    The principle of goal setting.

    The principle of motivation.

    Design principle.

    The principle of teacher involvement in jointly distributed learning activities.

    The principle of transferring the evaluation function to students.

There are 5 conditions for the implementation of the activity approach:

1. The presence of a cognitive motive and a specific educational goal in children. The process of assimilation begins not with the presentation of a sample, ready-made information to the student, but the creation of a situation that would cause a need in children, a desire to learn this information, to learn how to use it. In each lesson, such a motive is realized in the educational goal - the understanding of what exactly needs to be learned, mastered.

2. Performing actions to acquire missing knowledge. The essence of the second condition for the implementation of the activity approach is well disclosed by G.A. Zuckerman: "Even if there is no way to lead children to discover something new, there is always the opportunity to create a situation of search." The named condition is closely related to the first, it seems to continue it. There is a need for new information - steps are being taken to acquire it.

3. Revealing and mastering by students of the method of action, allowing to consciously apply the acquired knowledge. The process of assimilating knowledge is always the performance of certain cognitive actions by students. With an activity-based approach to learning, the main efforts of the teacher should be aimed at helping children not in memorizing individual information, rules, but in mastering a method of action that is common for many cases. The right course of action will lead to the right result.

4. Formation in schoolchildren of the ability to control and evaluate their actions both after their completion and on the way.

5. Inclusion of training content in the context of solving significant life problems.

Priority goal school education becomes the development of the student's ability to set educational goals, design ways to implement them, monitor and evaluate their achievements. The student acts according to the principle "I am learning" and not according to the principle "I am taught."

To increase the effectiveness of ways to activate the teaching of schoolchildren, to ensure their business and speech interaction, it became necessary to rethink typical scheme training session.

Activity-oriented lessons on goal-setting can be divided into 4 groups.

Lesson types

    a lesson in the discovery of new knowledge;

    reflection lesson;

    a lesson in building a knowledge system;

    lesson in developmental control.

Objectives of the lessons of the selected types:

    Lesson of "discovery" of new knowledge.

Activity goal: the formation of skills for the implementation of new ways of action.

    Reflection lesson.

Activity goal: the formation of students' abilities to identify the causes of difficulties and correction own actions.

    A lesson in the systematization of knowledge (general methodological orientation).

Activity goal: the formation of students' abilities for structuring and systematizing the studied subject content and abilities for learning activities.

    Developmental control lesson.

Activity goal: the formation of students' abilities to carry out the control function.

Lesson steps

    Motivation (self-determination) for learning activities.

    Updating knowledge and fixing an individual difficulty in trial action.

    Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty.

    Building a project for getting out of a difficulty.

    Implementation of the completed project.

    Primary reinforcement with pronunciation in external speech.

    Independent work with self-test against the standard.

    Knowledge inclusion and repetition.

    Reflection of educational activities.

Teacher today is free to choose the structure of the lesson, if only it contributes to the high effectiveness of teaching, upbringing, development and does not interfere creative work teacher. The structure of the lesson also changes as a result of the use of new learning technologies in the classroom:

    student-centered learning technology

    differentiated learning

    technology of project activities

    development of critical thinking

    gaming technology

    information and communication technology

    health-saving technologies.

They say about a modern lesson: this is a lesson in which there are as few teachers and as many students as possible.

With the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard, the activities of the teacher changed: the teacher was reoriented from an informant to a consultant, researcher, coordinator, expert, leader.

Instead of a synopsis, the teacher prepares a scenario plan, which gives him greater freedom and determines the sequential activities of students, pays attention to the formation of not only subject, but also personal, metasubject results. The wording of tasks for students has changed: analyze, prove, create a diagram, research, evaluate. Increasingly, when planning a lesson, group and paired forms of organizing students' activities prevail over frontal ones. Teachers give lessons in tandem with psychologists and speech therapists, teachers of other disciplines. The number of mutual visits to lessons for the purpose of their further analysis has increased. Creating a portfolio of students is the best way to organize cumulative assessment.

The changes also affected the activities of students who are actively involved in the educational process. . The student's position: activity, the presence of a motive for self-improvement, the presence of interest in activities. Independent work in the lesson is given more time than before, and its nature has become research, creative, productive. Students complete tasks and learn to formulate educational tasks, knowing the purpose of their activities. At the same time, the teacher forms the students' skills of self-control and self-esteem. The range of educational materials has been significantly expanded.

As the result of diagnostic work shows, schoolchildren are not afraid to perform non-standard tasks, they can apply their knowledge when solving practice-oriented tasks. The ability to choose tasks, ways of solving, the ability to freely express their thoughts, to prove their point of view reduced the level of anxiety in children during their implementation, increased the motivation for learning. The adaptation period for first-graders has been reduced to 1 month.

The child wants to learn….

When it turns out

When nothing threatens

When interested

We will strive for this and remember that every child comes into this world not to be taught, but to be happy.

Equally important is the teacher's attitude towards the quality of the lesson. The effectiveness of the designed lesson largely depends on how the teacher will tune in to this lesson, how he will be able to "get in shape", how clearly he will think over his pedagogical behavior.

The system-activity approach in education is not a combination of educational technologies, methods, techniques. This is a kind of philosophy of the formation of a new school, which gives the teacher the opportunity to create, seek, become in collaboration with students, a master of his craft, work for high results, form an ECD - thus preparing students for continuing education and for life in constantly changing conditions.

It's hard to teach children today

"The cow gives milk."

The XXI century is the century of discoveries,

A century of innovation, novelty,

But it depends on the teacher

What kind of children should be.

We wish you children in your class

Shone with smiles and love

I wish you health and creative success

In the age of innovation, novelty


1. Federal state educational standard of primary general education... - M .: Education, 2010.

2. Mironov A.V. How to build a lesson in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.

3. Dusavitskiy A.K., Kondratyuk E.M., Tolmacheva I.N., Shilkunova Z.I. Lesson in Developmental Learning: A Teacher's Book. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2008.

4. Matveeva E.I., Patrikeyeva I.E. An Activity-Based Approach to Primary School Learning: A Lesson literary reading(from work experience) // Series “New educational standards". - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2011.

5. Peterson L.G., Kubysheva M.A., Kudryashova T.G. Requirement for drawing up a lesson plan for the didactic system of the activity method. - Moscow, 2006

4. Magazine "Primary school plus Before and after" - No. 9, 2012:

IA Kokotkina "Technology of building a lesson on an activity-based basis as a means of developing UUD".

5. Designing lessons of an activity orientation in the educational process of primary school. Collection of materials. (compiled by O. V. Petrov, T. P. Savushkina; ed. by M. I. Solodkova; GOU DPO CHIPPKRO. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing house of IIUMC "Education", 2011.

Internet sources:


Slide 1

Slide 2

Key questions: The difference between a modern lesson and a traditional one 2. The structure of the lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard 3. Typology of the modern lesson

Slide 3

Lesson requirements Traditional lesson Modern-style lesson Announcement of the lesson topic The teacher informs the students Formulate the students themselves Communication of goals and objectives The teacher formulates and informs the students what they should learn The students themselves formulate, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance Planning The teacher tells the students what work they have to do, to achieve the goal Planning by students of ways to achieve the intended goal Practical activities of students Under the guidance of the teacher, students perform a number of practical tasks (the frontal method of organizing activities is more often used) Students carry out educational activities according to the planned plan (group, individual methods are used) Monitoring The teacher monitors the implementation of students practical work Students exercise control (forms of self-control, mutual control are applied) Students formulate difficulties and carry out correction on their own Assessment of students The teacher assesses students for work in the lesson Students assess activities based on its results (self-assessment, assessment of the results of the activities of friends) Lesson summary The teacher asks students what they have memorized Reflection is carried out Homework The teacher announces and comments (more often - the task is one for all) Students can choose an assignment from those suggested by the teacher, taking into account individual capabilities

Slide 4

Criteria Traditional lesson Lesson in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard Purpose: Formation of ZUN Personality development Leading type of activity Reproductive, reproducing Research, productive, creative Way of assimilation of material Activity on the model Cognitive activity, reflection Control Control and self-control of assimilation of new material Self-assessment, reflection of the results of activity Goal-setting Defined by the teacher Determined by the student and the teacher by agreement

Slide 5

How the lesson changes: - the lesson becomes personal and developmental; - the lesson becomes competence-oriented; - the lesson becomes meta-subject; - along with the subject-oriented lesson, integrated forms are born (lesson lessons), the line between teaching and upbringing is erased

Slide 6

The structure of the lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard: 1. Motivation (self-determination) for educational activities (organizational stage 1-2 minutes). 2. Actualization of knowledge and fixing an individual difficulty in a trial educational action for 4-5 minutes. 3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty, setting the goal of the activity 4-5 minutes. 4. Building a project for overcoming difficulties (discovering new knowledge) 7-8 minutes. 5. Implementation of the completed project 4-5 minutes. 6. Initial consolidation 4-5 minutes. 7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard (sample) 4-5 minutes. 8. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition for 7-8 minutes. 9. Reflection of educational activities (lesson summary) - 2-3 minutes.

Slide 7

Typology of lessons for the Federal State Educational Standard: Lesson type Types of lessons Lesson of learning new traditional (combined), lecture, excursion, research work, educational and labor workshop. Knowledge consolidation lesson workshop, excursion, laboratory work, interview, consultation. A lesson in the complex application of knowledge, a workshop, laboratory work, seminar, etc. Lesson generalization and systematization of knowledge seminar, conference, round table, etc. Lesson control, assessment and correction of knowledge, test, test, colloquium, review of knowledge, etc.

Slide 8

The main difficulties in preparing a lesson in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard: The stable methodology of conducting a lesson that has developed over previous years. The need to give the student the opportunity to seek information on his own and research it. The need to create learning situations as special structural units of learning activities, as well as to be able to translate learning tasks into a learning situation. The traditional approach to the analysis of the lesson and the desire to adhere to the old approaches to the assessment of teacher performance. Replacement of well-known abstract plans with technological maps of the lesson. Control and evaluation activities.

Slide 9

The implementation of the standard should change the teacher's perception of the lesson: the student is not an object, but a subject of educational activity; a variety of sources of knowledge are used in the lesson; the structure of the lesson is changing; individual and collective activities prevail; priority is given to the student's activities; new criteria for assessing the activities of students are applied.

As part of the system modernization Russian education the goals and content of education changed, new means and technologies of teaching appeared, but the lesson remained the main form of teaching students. What is the novelty of a modern lesson in the context of the introduction of FGOS LLC? In accordance with the new standards, we, teachers, need to strengthen the child's motivation to learn about the world around him, to show him that a lesson is not about obtaining knowledge abstracted from life, but on the contrary, a search useful information and the skills of its application in real life... The fundamental difference modern approach in education is the orientation of standards on the results of mastering basic educational programs. The results are understood not only subject knowledge, but also the ability to apply this knowledge in practice.

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"Designing a modern lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard"

“If we teach children today as we did yesterday,

we will steal tomorrow from them "

John Dewey

Designing a modern lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Zemlyanukhina D.V., Deputy Director for Water Resources Management MBOU "Anninskaya Secondary School with UIOP"

As part of the modernization of the Russian education system, the goals and content of education have changed, new means and technologies of teaching have appeared, but the lesson remains the main form of teaching students. What is the novelty of a modern lesson in the context of the introduction of FGOS LLC? In accordance with the new standards, we, teachers, need to strengthen the child's motivation to learn about the world around him, to show him that a lesson is not about acquiring knowledge abstracted from life, but, on the contrary, is the search for useful information and the skills to apply it in real life. The fundamental difference between the modern approach to education is the orientation of standards to the results of mastering basic educational programs. Results are understood not only subject knowledge, but also the ability to apply this knowledge in practice. (Annex 1).

The most important task of each teacher in the implementation of FSES LLC is to master the technology of designing a training lesson, taking into account the activity approach. It is very important that the teacher supports the student's initiative in the right direction, and ensures the priority of his activities in relation to his own. (Appendix 2).

Modeling a modern lesson, you must adhere to the following rules:

    Specifically determine the topic, goals, type of lesson and its place in the spread of the curriculum.

    Select educational material (determine its content, volume, establish a connection with previously studied, select a system of exercises, additional material for differentiated work).

    Choose the most effective teaching methods and techniques in this class, a variety of activities for students and teachers at all stages of the lesson.

    Determine the forms of control over the educational activities of schoolchildren.

    Think over the optimal pace of the lesson, that is, calculate the time for each of its stages.

    Think over the form of summing up the lesson.

A modern lesson is built on the basis of the use of technical means with the use of both traditional and innovative pedagogical technologies... Using modern technologies, working in modeling technology, students develop the ability to independently acquire new knowledge, collect necessary information, to draw conclusions, inferences, i.e. skills and abilities of independence and self-development are developed.

A new type of methodological product that ensures high-quality teaching of academic subjects at school and the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of OOO is the technological map of the lesson. Its use allows you to organize an effective educational process, to ensure the implementation of subject, metasubject and personal skills (universal educational actions) of students. The technological map of the lesson is a method of graphical design of the lesson, a table that allows you to structure the lesson according to the parameters selected by the teacher. Such parameters can be the stages of the lesson, its goals, the content of the educational material, methods and techniques for organizing the educational activities of students, the activities of the teacher and the activities of the students. Also, the technological map will help the school administration to provide the necessary methodological assistance to the teacher, monitor the implementation of the program and the achievement of planned results. (Appendices 3, 4, 5, 6).

So what is the modern lesson for us? This is a lesson-cognition, discovery, activity, contradiction, development, a step to knowledge, self-knowledge, self-realization ... The times when teachers were forced to adhere to strict and unambiguous requirements for organizing a lesson are over. The time for "ready-made" lessons is gradually disappearing. The participants in the educational process in the lesson are still the teacher and the student. And no matter how much they talk about the equality of their positions, the teacher, as he was, and remains the main actor in any lesson: he sets the tone for the lesson, creates a working atmosphere, instills interest and the desire to learn. Therefore, a modern lesson should be projected by a teacher - a Personality, from whom children will learn with pleasure.

Annex 1

The difference between a modern lesson and a traditional one

Lesson requirements

Traditional lesson

Modern type lesson

Announcement of the topic of the lesson

Teacher informs students

Students themselves formulate (the teacher leads students to understand the topic)

Communication of goals and objectives

The teacher formulates and communicates to the students what to learn

Students themselves formulate, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance

(the teacher leads students to the realization of goals and objectives)


The teacher tells the students what work they must do in order to achieve the goal

Planning by students of ways to achieve the intended goal

(teacher helps, advises)

Practical activity of students

Under the guidance of a teacher, students perform a number of practical tasks (the frontal method of organizing activities is more often used)

Students carry out educational activities according to the planned plan (group, individual methods are used)

(teacher advises)

Exercise control

The teacher monitors the implementation of practical work by students

Students exercise control (forms of self-control, mutual control are used)

(teacher advises)


The teacher, in the course of performing and following the results of the work performed by the students, carries out correction

Students formulate difficulties and correct themselves

(the teacher advises, advises, helps)

Assessment of learners

The teacher evaluates students for work in the lesson

Students assess the performance according to its results (self-assessment, assessment of the results of the activities of comrades)

(teacher advises)

Lesson summary

The teacher asks the students what they have memorized

Reflection is carried out


The teacher announces and comments (more often - the task is one for everyone)

Students can choose an assignment from those suggested by the teacher, taking into account their individual capabilities

Appendix 2

Characteristics of changes in the activities of a teacher working according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Subject of change

Traditional teacher activities

Activities of a teacher working according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Lesson preparation

The teacher uses a rigidly structured lesson outline

The teacher uses a scenario lesson plan that gives him the freedom to choose the forms, methods and techniques of teaching

In preparation for the lesson, the teacher uses the textbook and methodological recommendations

In preparing for the lesson, the teacher uses the textbook and methodological recommendations, Internet resources, materials of colleagues. Shares notes with colleagues

The main stages of the lesson

Explanation and consolidation of educational material. A large number of time is spent by the teacher

Independent activity of students (more than half of the time of the lesson)

The main goal of the teacher in the lesson

Have time to complete everything that is planned

Organize children's activities:

Search and processing of information;

Generalization of modes of action;

Statement of the educational problem, etc.

Formulation of tasks for students (determination of children's activities)

Wording: decide, write off, compare, find, write down, complete, etc.

Statements: analyze, prove (explain), compare, symbolize, create a diagram or model, continue, generalize (draw a conclusion), choose a solution or solution, investigate, evaluate, change, invent, etc.

Lesson form

Predominantly frontal

Mostly group and / or individual

Non-standard teaching of lessons

The teacher leads the lesson in a parallel class, the lesson is led by two teachers (together with computer science teachers, psychologists and speech therapists), the lesson is held with the support of a tutor or in the presence of the students' parents

Interaction with students' parents

Occurs in the form of lectures, parents are not included in the educational process

Awareness of students' parents. They have the opportunity to participate in the educational process. Communication between the teacher and the parents of schoolchildren can be carried out using the Internet

Educational environment

Created by the teacher. Exhibitions of students' works

Created by students (children make educational material, give presentations). Zoning classes, halls

Learning outcomes

Subject results

Not only subject results, but also personal, metasubject

No student portfolio

Portfolio creation

Main grade - teacher grade

A guide to the student's self-esteem, the formation of adequate self-esteem

Positive marks of students on the basis of the results are important control works

Taking into account the dynamics of the learning outcomes of children in relation to themselves. Assessment of intermediate learning outcomes

Appendix 3

Technological map of the lesson, corresponding to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

The main stages of organizing educational activities

Stage goal

Teacher activity

Students' activities




1. Statement of educational tasks

Creation of a problematic situation. Committing a new learning task

Organizes immersion in the problem, creates a situation of rupture.

They are trying to solve the problem in a known way. Fix the problem.

Listen to the teacher. Build statements that are understandable for the interlocutor

Accept and retain the learning goal and task.

2. Joint research of the problem.

Search for a solution to the educational problem.

Organizes an oral collective analysis of the educational task. Fixes the hypotheses put forward by students, organizes their discussion.

Analyze, prove, argue their point of view

Consciously build speech utterances, reflection of their actions

Explore the conditions of the educational problem, discuss subject solutions

3. Simulation

Fixation in the model of the essential relations of the object under study.

Organizes educational interaction of students (groups) and the following discussion of the compiled models.

Selected links and relations are recorded in graphic models and in letter form.

Perceive learners' responses

Carry out self-control. Accept and retain the learning goal and task.

4. Constructing a new way of acting.

Building an oriented framework for a new way of acting.

Organizes educational research to highlight the concept.

Conducting collective research, constructing a new way of acting, or forming concepts.

Participate in the discussion of the content of the material

Accept and retain the learning goal and task. Exercise self-control

5. Transition to the stage of solving particular problems.

Primary control over the correctness of the implementation of the method of action.

Diagnostic work(on input), evaluates the execution of each operation.

Carry out work on the implementation of individual operations.

Learn to formulate their own opinion and position

Exercise self-control

6. Application of a general method of action for solving particular problems.

Correction of working out the method.

Organizes correctional work, practical work, independent correctional work.

A new method is used. Working out operations in which mistakes were made.

They build reasoning that is understandable for the interlocutor. Know how to use speech to regulate their actions

Self-test. They work out the whole method. Carry out step-by-step control over the result

7. Control at the stage of the end of the educational topic.


Diagnostic work (at the output):

Organization of differentiated correctional work,

Control and evaluation activity.

Perform work, analyze, control and evaluate the result.

Reflecting on your actions

Carry out step-by-step control over the result

Appendix 4


The proposed map of the lesson analysis according to the Federal State Educational Standard is intended for teachers who carry out introspection teaching activities, independent experts, as well as for conducting intra-school control of the assessment of the quality of the classes.

The didactic criteria listed in the table presented to your attention are unified and suitable for assessing the effectiveness of lessons in subjects of a different cycle.

The last column contains explanations on the examination, which are approximate for the study of the content and organizational-methodological content of the lesson.

The lesson analysis card contains point assessment criteria, guided by which it is possible to arrive at quantitative indicators of the effectiveness of the lesson.

The assessment criteria were developed taking into account the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education, prescribed in the Federal State Educational Standard: personal, metasubject (regulatory, cognitive, communicative) and subject.

The table indicates the conditions successful implementation requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard:

    competent organizational and methodological support;

    features of work on the formation of universal educational actions;

    organization of current, intermediate and final types of control;

    possible forms of interpersonal communicative interaction in the student-teacher-class system and the cognitive activity of students;

    the use of material and technical support.

FGOS lesson analysis card


Possible points


Explanations on the examination

Organizational and methodological support

Goal setting

Conscious motivation ratio children to cognitive activity in the lesson and didactic goals of the educator

Compliance of the content with the project of the technological map

Disclosure lesson topics, compliance with the goal as the end result of the set educational tasks, logical correspondence of the stages of the lesson prescribed in technological map, meaningful content

Children's interest level

throughout the lesson (motivation)

Ability to organize the differentiated work of each student in the class according to an individual route - 100%

(high level - 5 points);

Visual cognitive activity of 50% of class students ( average level - 3 points);

Local episodic involvement of students in the educational process ( low level- 0 points).

Technology used


Partially adaptive technology, implying individual route learning


Learning technology based on the generalization of program material into thematic blocks (modules) according to common content (identification) characteristics

Problem search engine

Learning technology in the inductive-deductive mode "question-answer"


Teaching technology, which is based on the formation of a verbal-logical type of thinking and work with information

Technology designed around gaming as a leading

Design technology

Technology of a high level of abstraction at the metasubject level, which is based on a high level of independence and awareness of the mental activity of students

Traditional lesson

Compliance traditional(explanatory-reproductive) approaches in teaching

Traditional lesson

with elements ...

Combination traditional approaches with elements of active learning

Formation of UUD


(readiness and ability for self-development and personal self-determination of oneself in society; the presence of value-semantic attitudes, general rules of the student's position as an active participant in the educational process, the results of which are necessary for life success)

Assessment of significant social and interpersonal installations, formed by the teacher in the lesson and reflecting the significance educational activities in the context of citizenship:

no installations- 0 points;

availability of installations- 3 points;

installation lesson within the framework of the personal social significance of the educational process and citizenship interpersonal relationships


("Meta" - standing "BEYOND" the specificity of the subject, expanding the consciousness of the cognitive activity of UUD, realizing the principle of human conformity)

a) regulatory

The teacher's use of self-regulation algorithms and guiding mechanisms that bring order to the process of forming the UUD:

lack of clear regulations of the teacher's activity - 0;

well-designed strategies teacher's activities - 3;

adaptability didactic approaches to the situational features of the lesson - 5.

b) cognitive

The teacher's ability to combine elements of empirical and theoretical aspects practice-oriented work:

low metasubject level(no multidisciplinary connections) - 0 points;

average level- local implementation of the meta-subject - 3 points;

high level meta-subject abstractions -

c) communicative

(making it common, connecting through communication UUD)

Formation of the ability to organize communicative interaction in the learning environment: cooperation, co-creation in a group, paired with a peer, in individual interaction with a teacher; the ability to build a monologue on the topic of the lesson and related topics based on their own reasoning.

The predominance of one's own "I" in the work at the lesson, inability to hear and listen - 0 points;

Effectively built interpersonal communication in the classroom- 5 points.


Evaluated scientific character and accessibility competence and terminological arsenal of the teacher.

Possession of key concepts and subject terms at the level of their practical implementation, in the process of speaking, commenting, using in non-standard conditions for setting tasks, in the process of creative interaction.

Intermediate and final control of performance results

Intermediate control

Control was carried out at certain stages at the discretion of the teacher

Step-by-step control and timely adjustment

Continuous feedback,

carried out through

"Man-machine" dialogue in the form of adaptive learning activities

Local control

Traditional form that does not cover all students

Final control

Traditional form required to exercise control

Form of cognitive activity


(by sample)

Organized the traditional form of work on the topic of the lesson

Search problem

(on leading questions of the teacher)

Problem-search activity has been organized. Lesson in inductive-deductive form

"Question answer"


(independent search)

Organized independent activity of students to solve a problematic issue


Organized by project activities,

"Insight lesson", welcomed

creative solutions

Communicative interaction in the lesson

"I'am a teacher"

The leading role of the teacher in the lesson


Organized group work

Organized pair work


Organized problem-search activity with the support of the teacher in the form of "question-answer"


Innovative adaptive learning

Material and technical support


Textbooks, test books, flashcards, handouts, chalk, blackboard

Electronic board, projector, video, audio, etc.

(software-pedagogical teaching aids)

Individual computer support


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