Educational route for a child of a preschooler. Individual route of accompaniment of a child with SPR

School target target educational process - The development of a full-fledged, comprehensively educated and harmonious personality is implemented through the implementation and fulfillment of the requirements of GEF. One of the important aspects of achieving this goal is to develop a schoolboy (hereinafter - IOM) and following its provisions.

Changes in the secondary system in last years Focusing on personalization of the activities carried out, which include self-development, both students and teachers. In this regard, curricula revise, directing them towards humanization and personalization of students. Such a movement provides the formation of a person, self-determination and recognition of the intrinsicity of each schoolchildren, and aims to increase the efficiency and functionality of the implemented programs. In turn, individual educational route Provides:

  • organization educational process at the pace and order corresponding to the level of optimal learning load for each child;
  • the formulation of the goals and objectives of training that meet the real requirements and expectations of the schoolchild, which increases the motivation to master the software;
  • modeling the situation of personal responsibility for the result.

Individual educational route - what is it?

In recent years, the school educational system has undergone significant changes, as a result of which the essence of pedagogical practice has changed. If earlier teachers needed an excellent knowledge of the subject and his competent presentation, then in the context of the humanization of the modern school, the ability of teachers in the framework of urgent classes and extracurricular activity to contribute to the establishment of every child as a person, regardless of age, health indicators, individual abilities. In order to ensure the differentiation of the educational process into the theory of pedagogical practice, the concept of it was introduced, which has not yet been reflected at the legislative level, and therefore has several interpretation options.

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Read in the journal "Directory of Deputy Head educational institution»Recommendations for individualization of school learning:

- Designing an individual educational route in the lesson (technological maps and lesson models)
- Samples of the work plan and the individual route that will help develop the ability of students (diagnostic methods)

Conceptually personal path of implementing the personal potential of the student in education. A number of authors identify the concept of an individual student's educational route as a program developed by the student together with the teacher, where a child is given some freedom to choose the form and content of learning. Other authors adhere to the opinions that the route is a kind of class of academic space, which is compiled, taking into account the characteristics of the child. In any case, the purpose of the Personal Plan of the Schoolchildren is established taking into account the requirements of the GEF on the comprehensive development of an individual within the framework of the school program.

To ensure the needs of students, including through the individualization of training, requires the creation of special conditions that these stages of organizational work are preceded:

  1. Study of abilities, interests, intellectual opportunities of students. Data on the basis of which will be designing individual educational route for example, It is possible to obtain during the diagnosis, assessment and control of knowledge, observation, the preparation of statistical tables with forecasting the zone of the nearest development. Each teacher within the framework of this stage is entitled to use that diagnostic method that seems most effective, taking into account the characteristics of the educational situation. To obtain reliable data it is recommended to implement a complex of diagnostic measures.
  2. Selection and. Under this item, it is necessary to understand the creation of special conditions, thanks to which the possibility of choosing methods, forms and teaching methods is available before schoolchildren.

It is important to note that learning students can be carried out immediately in several I, which are carried out in parallel or sequentially. The choice of each route depends on a number of factors - the interests and needs of the child, parent expectations, personnel and material and technical capabilities of the school, available methods Inclusion in the process of learning an additional educational module.

Summing up the foregoing, I want to present another definition of the analyzed concept. So, an individual educational route is Differentiated, specially prepared program, within which the student is a subject of choice, and teachers provide comprehensive assistance in its self-determination and successful self-realization.

The individualization of the school training process stimulates the introduction of special documents designed to provide a personal approach to each student. One of these documents is directly individual educational route of the schoolchildren - is a ready-made program that sends the development of the child on a specific route. The introduction of this document to the work of the general education institution is intended to help educators see the process from the position of schoolchildren, and youth to determine the goals and the direction of their further development.

The project is designed to form a stable position of the subject in the consciousness of the child with the help of teachers. Teachers' support for the implementation of the route will provide a student opportunity for self-determination. According to regulatory installations, individual plans necessarily include six basic objects (mathematics, history, Russian language and literature, physical education, foreign language and OBZh). The rest of the disciplines can be selected by a schoolboy, its parents or teacher, taking into account the plans and abilities of a particular student.

Studying the concept of I. examples of an individual educational route Schoolchildren should keep in mind the wider value of a program that denotes an educational trajectory. This means that to achieve goals, at the same time several directions and plans for the technology specified in the same document must be implemented. pedagogical process. The program is necessary to form a sequence of knowledge to provide knowledge, and includes not only mental development, but also the possibility of disclosing the personal potential of each student.

One of the most important goals of routing training is the creation of favorable conditions for the manifestation of the giftedness and features of the person. It is necessary to understand that due to the peculiarities of health, low motivation, family circumstances and many other factors, not all schoolchildren implemented the education system is easy. For many children, the educational route can be essential when mastering the school program. Samples of the individual educational route of the student proposed in the article will give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe document, its functions and features.

Individual educational route: principles and stages of creation

Designing personal routes for schoolchildren produced in view of their psychological and intellectual features. According to modern concept Education, students can learn new topics, fix or repeat the material passed. Weak, strong, gifted or frequently ill students cannot move along the same trajectories, so for each category of schoolchildren make up different IOM, taking into account also the degree of trainee of the guys. Programs may be short or long, but in any case, they must stimulate the formation of a versatile personality, self-assessment, motivate to self-education and the application of knowledge gained in practice.

Choice individual educational route For a particular child, a teacher should be made, taking into account current indicators of the educational situation. The following elements should be included in the route project:

  1. The generalized characteristic of the child, compiled according to the results of comprehensive diagnostics.
  2. The list of formed knowledge and skills provided for by the educational program.
  3. The area of \u200b\u200bknowledge and competencies provided for in conditions in-depth study subject area (relevant for children with signs of gifting).
  4. List of creative tasks for each training theme of software development.
  5. Indicators of psychological and pedagogical monitoring.
  6. Required correctional events (for schoolchildren with OVD).

According to N. Padkov, the design is recommended not only to take into account the zone, but also the horizons of the nearest development, providing, as neither paradoxically, movement to difficult to achievable goals. This is necessary to prevent artificial limiters. The maximum efficiency from the implementation of the program can be achieved if at the stage of its development to the process attract the student together with parents. Conducting joint classes (communication, reading, games, and so on.) Allows you to clarify the individual characteristics of the student and understand the expectations of parents from educational events.

Experts recommend also to develop and for guys with limited features. Such documents should take into account the features of students and be aimed at improving corrective learning. Following the special route contributes to the effective socialization of children with HSA.

In this way, individual educational routes for GEF Designed to solve the following tasks:

  1. Allow to create favorable conditions for general development, including through satisfaction of needs and additional education.
  2. Provide the conditions for the development of the main meta-certificate competence - the ability to learn with the supply of goals and objectives, the organization of the educational process, the identification of difficulties and their overcoming.
  3. Help to restore the missing knowledge to lagging students.
  4. Contribute to the formation of motivation and learning activities In weakly speaking children.
  5. Supports gifted guys with character characteristics expressed in hyperactivity, increased emotionality, comprehension difficulties.
  6. Help to obtain education for children with health problems by developing an individual student schoolchildren with OVD.
  7. They provide an opportunity for students who are ahead of development, to gain knowledge corresponding to their abilities.

As for the design directly, it is not possible to develop a unified trajectory for all students, since the learning process is in constant movement, and each schoolboy requires an individual approach. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that the elements of the route can and should be reduced by adjustment. At the same time, the provision of a wide range of possibilities and assistance in choosing its direction is the main tasks of the teacher. Despite the collective development of the route (including with the involvement of parents), the choice of direction should remain for the child.

We present to your attention the development algorithm individual educational routewhich can be gradually implemented in the context of modern educational practice:

  1. Definition of grounds for choosing an individual educational route (definition by carrying out the psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of the level of achievement, meta-delta and personal results, educational needs, motivation for learning, health status, etc.).
  2. The conceptual substantiation of the choice of an individual educational route (at a joint meeting of the representative of the administration, teachers, students and their parents are determined educational goalsThe educational results are planned to be achieved according to the results of the development of them at various stages and in general, the main activities and possible problems).
  3. Designing learning and their parents of an individual educational route using an electronic designer (refinement of individual educational purposes and tasks, concretization of planned results, the choice of a level on which each subject will be studied, selection of programs extracurricular activities, social practices, elective courses, etc., the choice of the form of summing up the development of the educational route).
  4. Design of teachers and psychologist diagnostic methods To carry out the current and final diagnosis of mastering awareness, including self-assessment cards of students.
  5. Meet the interview of the representative of the administration, class teacher, training and parents to clarify the structure and content of an individual educational route, planning collaboration on its implementation.
  6. Development of a route list of implementing an individual educational route (electronically).

As practice shows, the implementation is possible only in special educational conditionsproviding for the openness of the learning outcomes, providing schoolchildren to choosing the level of complexity of software material, combining forms of training work only on the basis of the principle of feasibility. An individual educational route requires the provision of differential pedagogical assistance to each of the schoolchildren, the construction of interaction in such a way that training is invariably remained independent activities, as well as ensuring comfortable psychological conditions for all children without exception.

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Clarify what school academic performance And that it affects it, effectively identifies the causes of school failure, learn how to use technologies to work with poor learning, with gifted and highlyotic children will help program training will help

Individual educational route according to GEF

A distinctive feature of it, which in fact personify new training technologies with maximum differentiation and individualization rates, is the multi-term work in the direction. This is manifested in a wide selection of directions for the implementation of routes: meaningful (variable curricula and educational programs that determine the individual educational route), activity (special pedagogical technologies) and procedural (directly organization). In this case, the most important components individual educational routes The following components are:

  1. The target aspect determines the exact goals that formulate the requirements of GEF, the needs and motivation of the student.
  2. The meaningful component provides the rationale for the constructed route, explains the systematization of the contents of objects and communication between cycles, subjects, themes in the curriculum.
  3. The technological element establishes methods, training technologies and special methods for the implementation of intended educational and training events.
  4. The diagnostic component determines the system selected to control the level of knowledge gained.
  5. The organizational and pedagogical aspect expresses the paths that will result in achieving the goal.
  6. The result element indicates the scheduled results.

An explanatory note to the individual school student's educational route is a document in which it is given. full description Compiled by the trajectory of development. The document includes points on the features of development, student capabilities, planned results, performance criteria, features of the educational process and methods for monitoring its functioning. In the very teacher, the teacher usually offers a set of tasks of varying degrees of complexity and theme for research or creative work. I would like to note that the fact of the development of the project of the route as a factor of individualization of training is significant, but not particularly effective if there are no special organizational and pedagogical conditions at school, namely:

  1. The need to comply with the basic principles providing effective use Individual educational routes of the training routes to achieve them planned educational results (mandatory observance of the interests of the schoolchildren, the personal active position of the student, the interaction and consistency of the actions of all participants in educational relations, continuous and guaranteed psychological and pedagogical support of the implementation by the realization, reliance to achieve the planned educational results of students).
  2. Systematically design of various species individual educational routes according to GEFor combinations them (for students experiencing difficulties in the development of educational programs educational subjects, children with APV, gifted schoolchildren).
  3. The local documentation provides for the possibility of making changes to the organization of the educational process that allow students to use both structural units of mandatory units of software content, electrical courses, senior programs, participation in student scientific society, as well as remote educational and social practices.
  4. Exercises the didactic support of students in the process of implementing an individual route based on continuous monitoring educational achievements.
  5. At school, with the participation of the school administration, opportunities are created for active use by educators of modern educational technologies and educational practices, including through the creation of a system of psychological and methodological support in the process of solving specific educational and professional difficulties of participants in educational relations.
  6. Continuous development is underway educational space Schools, first of all, an informational and educational environment, and social partnerships, both to popularize objective knowledge through the activities of an educational, educational and scientific and methodological nature, and to implement integrative educational practices.

Subject to the compliance with the presented requirements for creating favorable conditions for implementation, it can be relying to the consistent implementation and approval of a system of management and organizational-pedagogical conditions for the design and implementation of individual educational achievements of students, taking into account the need to implement subject concepts that can be adapted to the conditions of a particular educational institution . Accumulating ready examples of individual educational routes according to GEF, teachers will be able to work out simple algorithms for their design, contributing to the increase in the effectiveness of educational activities in general.

At the school level, the implementation of the implementation of the implementation of a differential approach in educational activities, which fully corresponds to the current statehood of policies, creating conditions for the successful introduction and implementation of subject concepts, improving the quality of education and effectiveness of the management of OU, expanding the productive social partnership, the implementation of social order .

For participants in the educational process, the organization of training based on individual educational routes is more benefits:

  1. For students: the achievement of planned educational results, ensuring the positive dynamics of academic work, the active inclusion in the process of planning and evaluating its own educational activity, an increase in motivation for school learning.
  2. For parents: Ensuring opportunities for the joint design of a child, intensifying cooperation with representatives of the school as part of the passage by IOM, increasing the satisfaction with the organization and the results of educational activities.
  3. For teachers: creating conditions for the introduction of new educational technologies and educational practices, increasing the analytical culture of personnel composition, ensuring cooperation between all participants in the educational relations needed to solve educational tasks, the development of tools for diagnosing and evaluating the achievement of learning planned development results by IOM.

Ready Individual Educational Route for Junior Schoolchildren

According to research, from 20 to 60% of children by the time of admission to school do not have a sufficient level of preparation for upcoming training. This determines the problems of first-graders associated with the difficulties of mastering the main disciplines. Children studying in junior grades are very different in the ability, the rate of mastering material, self-motive and health status. That is why differentiation in organizing training is important to introduce a student in school from the first days of stay.

Individual educational route The child of younger school age should be understood as a project of educational activities of a child, reflecting his individual features, needs, interests aimed at achieving key competencies of school age in order to promote the most complete realization of the child's development available to the child. The goal for the student of the child of younger school age is the maximum realization of the development potential in which:

  1. Compensation of the child's difficulties (difficulties associated with social adaptation and difficulties in training), full-fledged development.
  2. Preparation for the new social development situation.
  3. Development of abilities and opportunities, the implementation of creative potential.
The dominance of a task in developing routes determines their focus (typology):
  • the route of the correctional type is aimed at providing correctional-pedagogical support to junior schoolchildren with the features of development (including limited health capabilities);
  • the route of the adaptive type - aims to use the education potential for preparing a child to a new social development situation (for example, adaptation to the main school conditions) through the definition of risk factors and / or deadaption;
  • the route is a creative type - aims to develop and implement features and capabilities, abilities and creative potential of preschoolers.

Generalized scheme individual educational routethe younger student includes the following sections:

  1. General information about child, family.
  2. The results of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis, which are reflected in the form of a social portrait of a schoolboy. This section recommends reflecting such parameters as the prevailing interests, child needs, preferred activities, attitude to creativity, properties and personalities caused by neurodynamic characteristics, cognitive style features, problems in development, preferred partners and forms of work, etc.
  3. The content of it, which consists of an invariant and variable part. The invariant part consists of two blocks ("educational activities", "interaction with family"), the variative part changes depending on the type of route.

At the initial design stage, the teacher analyzes the initial data: it makes an assessment of the individual characteristics and capabilities of the child, its individual educational achievements through comprehensive diagnostics, constitutes a resource card of the educational space of the child (developing environment in school, family, etc.). Further defines targets and tasks with it, chooses the type of route required for a particular child, studies the parent's educational request, predicts the pace and the result of the route. At the next stage, the development of techniques for sale is carried out: the teacher determines the content of education (the choice of species, forms, methods of work, means and methods of activity), unplaced the peculiarities of working with parents and specialists of OU, develops criteria and means of assessing the results obtained (child achievements), options Presentations of activities. Ultimately, the teacher thinks over and selects the necessary logistical equipment for the implementation of the implementation process. sample individual educational route And it is documented.

When developing and for kids, the following psychological and pedagogical principles are used:

  1. A comprehensive examination includes the study of the degree of intellectual, creative, mental, physiological development.
  2. The duration of study means that the personality survey should not be one-time, but to continue for a long time.
  3. Taking into account the potential opportunities and abilities of the student.

It is drawn up in such a way that it is being implemented both in the independent activities of children and joint activities with an educator, without violating the normal regime of the day and without changing the educational programs being implemented. Designing individual educational routes of the younger student, teachers fulfill the requirements of the standard, the introduction of which should be fully completed in 2021. For small participants in the educational process can be developed different kinds Routes - long-term or short-term, monopide or multiplinary. As part of implementation individual educational route according to GEF The teacher conducts planned activities that may include:

  1. The organization of the consultation of the teacher-psychologist to clarify the peculiarities of the development of kids.
  2. Questioning of parents of schoolchildren.
  3. Watching students with fixation of results.
  4. Control and analysis of works performed by students.
  5. Analysis of the journal of studies of schoolchildren.

Terms of sale in primary school are subject-subject (partnership) interaction of participants in the pedagogical process (teacher, child, parents), as well as providing variability educational serviceswhich guarantees the ability to choose activities and those educational situations, interaction partners, etc.

Most authors determine the concept of the student educational route of the schoolchild as the path of the child's development to acquire knowledge, understanding and skills with the help of teachers who help in self-determination, motivation and achieve goals. The earlier start this process, the faster the first results will be obtained. The design of it, in our opinion, attaches "the integrity" of educational activities with the child, helping the teacher:

  1. Strupping and systematizing the process of education of the child in certain educational areas.
  2. Focus on the moments that are prioritized to educate a child at a certain period of time, based on understanding its capabilities.
  3. Attract additional resources, share responsibility for the quality of learning and education of a child with several specialists and parents.
  4. See the dynamics of the child's development, evaluate the effectiveness of its own activities.
  5. Make the educational process "transparent" for parents and administration.

Presented design technology individual educational route For a child of younger school age, it can serve as a means of implementing the principle of differentiation of education in practice, comprehensively affecting all subjects of the educational process: contributing to the formation of key competencies in preschoolers, increasing the inclusion of parents into the child's education process and facilitating the professional competence of teachers. Separately, it should be noted that the program developed taking into account the personal data of students contributes to the achievement of the main goal of GEF - the comprehensive development of the individual. To help educators, the article proposes detailed explanations of the appointment, examples of individual educational routes of schoolchildren and recommendations for their compilation. This information will greatly facilitate the understanding of the tasks related to the development of IOM in school.

F.I. - Child Maxim K.

Work forms - additional and individual classes.

The accompanying teacher is an educator.


Filling date: 09/20/2016.

Date of birth: 11/30/2008

DOUkindergarten number ... g b ... Type MBDOU Group average.

Group Type: Miscellaneous.

Stay in this dow 4 months

At what age did: 4 years.

Where did: From the family, from another dow (change of place of residence) on August 15 in the middle group of 2016 "Run".

Assessment of the child's adaptation in the group: a) good; b) satisfactory; c) insufficient; d) bad: satisfactory adaptation: the child has not experienced difficulties in communicating both with adults and with peers, but the emotional state was bad (crying throughout the day, violation of daily sleep). Adaptation was 3 weeks.

The physical condition of the child:

Movement formation: correspond to age, coordination of movements is not well developed, confidence when performing dosage movements, high speed, average level agility; It is difficult when performing movements on verbal instructions.

The fatigue of the child is quite hardy, but not having fun, actively performs tasks over the set time, high fatigue is rarely observed.

Motoriki state:

Leading hand right.

The accuracy of movements: there is a bad coordination of fingers, hand brushes, insufficiently developed small motility (it does not know how to fasten and unbutton the buttons, fasteners, unleash and tie the laces, cut into scissors in a straight line, in a circle);

Work on a sheet of paper: Does not focus on a sheet of paper, the skill is formed to keep a pencil, paint, going beyond the boundaries, does not know how to perform closed figures (circle, square).

Features of the cognitive sphere:

Cognitive interests, curiosity: the child has the optimal level of development of cognitive activity, high curiosity.

Features of attention: hardly concentrates, but quickly switches attention to the tasks proposed by adults; Shows interest in tasks, copes with the support of an adult, in a hurry.

The formation of perception and visual-effective thinking.

- A high interest in any activity, an active position in research activities.

There is high activity; Low: dedication, independence, patience, skill listen and assimilate the information obtained; Does not bring everything started to the end.

Productivity in work and training: with help, modeling, appliqués, drawing can express your impressions of the world around the world, a positive attitude towards it, productive activity Wears creative character. Training shows the average results.

The perception of the magnitude, the form of the color knows and shows the main colors, knows and correctly shows some geometric shapes, correlates objects relative to the magnitude without errors.

There is an accurate and meaningful perception, understanding the main thing in the perceived.

The ability to compare items in order to identify similarities and differences (generalizations builds, relying on minor signs; establishes with difficulty or easy) The child knows how to differentiate objects on the signs only showing, but can not say.

The level of generalizations is permissible: can classify items, does not use summarizing words.

Alone cannot cope with the tasks, asks approvals.

Memory Features:

Predominant memory type (visual, hearing, motor, mixed);

High memorization rate, stable memory;

Remembers, but can not say.

Features of speech.

A good understanding of the speech addressed to him is not only on the household level, but also in organized classes.

- the low activity of speech collaboration with adults, fulfills orders, understands and performs elementary instructions.

Soundlessness is fuzzy, only individual syllables pronounces.

Does not know how to make simple and complex sentences different species, does not call the word sequence in the sentence.

I do not know how to make a story in a storyline, according to a series of pictures, does not analyze the texts at an affordable level; Does not combine descriptive and narrative monologues.

Presence of stuttering: missing.

Elementary mathematical views:

Mechanical recalculation within 5, by display;

Knows and knows how to relate every subsequent number with the subject;

The ability to correlate the specified number of objects with the number of fingers or other items, with a number;

Can be isolated from a variety of specified number of items;

Counting operations: can not solve the tasks for adding, subtraction, does not know how to find how much more, as far as less, due to the lack of speech;

Understands, but does not use concepts in speech: one / many, how much / so much, large / small, equally, more / less, more on / less.

Forgetting a child's ideas about himself and about the nearest environment:

The child has ideas about social groups and communities (family, neighbors, a group cannot tell about themselves, about their family, does not know their place of residence (city, village, street, house).

Temporary representations are sacrificed in time, with the help of an adult determines and fixes and determines the parts of the day, the time of year.

Features of gaming activities.

Actions with toys are not always aimed at the properties and purpose of toys. There is no steady interest in the game and toys. Fuzzy and inaccurate performing game action and rules.

There is a plot in the games, sometimes there is a logical chain of action, it does not follow its role to the end, uses substituent items, game actions are not accompanied by a speech.

Able to obey the game rules.

Features of constructive and visual activities.

The child does not know how to create a drawing, knows how to create a design, the construction of the sample, operates according to the verbal instruction; Care and loves to create a product in collectively.

Focusing in space, the choice of shape and color correspond to the sample.

Able to beat the construction, cannot explain the drawing.

Personality features.

It is always active, open, balanced, benevolent, is easy to contact, the need for communication is high.

The attitude towards himself is, there is a careful attitude towards his health, always neat.

Adequately reacts to the comments, listening, trying to correct the situation, when approved, the praise is experiencing and does not hide positive emotions.

The adequacy of relations to relatives, peers, other people, a sense of attachment, love, good, the tendency to help, protect others, is expressed.

Self-service skills: i know how to use the toiletries yourself, wash, wash your hands, dress independently, strips, extinguish, use a spoon, fork, knows how to clean my belongings and bed. I do not know how to tie and untie the shoelaces.

I assure: Head of Dow.

Individual educational route of a child requiring special attention for 2016-2017 academic year.

For the pupil: Maxim K.

Children's age: 5 years.

Direction of educational work Work forms
Speech development
Development of general motor skills, development of the static and dynamic organization of movements Special exercises without speech accompanying
Development of arbitrary motility fingers Games with fingers, accompanied by verses and fun

Self-massage hands

Development of phonderatic hearing and skills language Analysis and synthesis Work on three-, four- and five sophisticated words With a complex pickling structure (dinosaur, thermometer, intersection, temperature) and the introduction of them in the sentence. Continue to work on the clarity of diction
Development and improvement of the lexico-grammatical side of speech Intensify a dictionary on the basis of systematization and summarizing knowledge about the lexical topics: "trees", "berries", "mushrooms", "birds".

Work on complex words, unchangeable words, antonym words.

Improve the skills of drawing up and using proposals.

Development of spatio-temporal representations Secure the concept of the days of the year and the days of the week
Formation of generalized ideas about object properties (color, shape, quantity) Improve the skill of recognition and transformation of geometric shapes
Hearing and memory development Work on the development of auditory attention
Artistic and aesthetic development
Formation of proper transmission of melodies in songs with musical accompaniment Work on the execution of songs with a complex rhythm, a wide range; Over light sound.

Autumn Muses. Yu Zabootova, sl. V. Andreva;

"The mushrooms" music. and cl. I.V. Smaller;

"Everything is excellent" music. B. Savelyev, cl. A. Khaita

D / and "SPIAY NAME OF FRIENDS" (improvisation) "Bird and chicks", "Whose house?", "Where are my kids?" "Steps", "Find the desired bell", "three piglets", "loudly - quietly", "loud and quiet calls."

Development of musical, rhythmic expressive movements in dance exercises, games Exercises for the development of skills:

Different steps;

Independent exercise with objects;

Holding posture, hands;

"Horticultural step" R.N.M. "And I am in the meadow";

"Fractional step" R.N.M. "Ah, you, Songy"

"Exercises with leaves, umbrellas" E. Tilicaeva.

Coordination-moving games - Embossing, returning, cooling, pronouncing in the rhythm "Barashnyki", "I sat on the rug", "Zimushka".

Plastic gamingintonation -executive participation of hands, corps, head slopes when reconstructing the pulse of the musical work, its pace, rhythm: if the music is loud - the speed of movements is large, if the music subsides - the small amplitude of movements appears. "Brave Rider", "March of Wooden Soldiers", "Droplets", "Mice".

Development of skills to recognize works, call 2-3 authors, favorite books, express their content Creating a developing environment. Design of book exhibitions on the following topics: "I love this book!", "Books - Jubilees", "Writers - Yubilers", "The most fabulous writer", "My favorite book!", "Books are different necessary, all kinds of books are important."

"Hands work - the heart of joy" - the manufacture of applications, modeling "on the pages of favorite works";

repair of "sick" books in the book corner of the "Provence Hospital".

board games "Gather and Guess", "Fort the mistake", puzzles "Russian folk tales",

The use of theatrical activity in the work to assimilate the content of works.

Development of abilities expressively read poems the speech game "Hold the main thing in the sentence"; "Invent rhymes" and others.

Articulation exercises

Development of skills to create individual and collective drawings, decorative compositions; Use various materials Exercises for drawing objects of various shapes, printing printing; Decoration of items with a simple pattern (strip from points), using drawing with a finger.

Didactic games "What happened wrong?", "Decorate the shawl", "Find the same".

Series of classes

"Edible Kingdom"

(phytodesign in appliqué technique)

Drawing carpets on the wall; Palace on the floor; beautiful napkins on the table, applying the right to choose the technique of incarnations;

Attraction to the creation of decorations for display theater.

Development of skills to sculpt different subjects Using modeling in the mode of mode; Attracting items from plasticine, test for general games "Store", "Pharmacy", "Cafe", "animal feed".

Creating gifts using plasticography.

Therapy pattern for the theater display.

Cognitive development
Development of the ability to close spaces with the way of planing of plane figures; Ability to understand adult, think, find your own solutions.



Exercises for the assimilation of spatial concepts"Right-left", "closer-on", "ahead-back": "Where, what is it?", "Where have you hid?", "Where the toy hid," find the same picture "and others.

Work with the illustration "Rocket" (other items). Designing a rocket for choosing.

Model from the "designer" a given rocket, then come up with my models.

The game "Build the same".

Designing under the terms "Fences".

Games and Exercises for Discernment and Proper Cancellation of the main colors (red, blue, yellow, green) and geometric shapes (square, triangle, circle, rectangle): "Color lotto", "Out of dolls", "shopping in the store", " Make a bouquet "," Find a pair. "

Work on the template. Modeling. D / and "tangram". Drawing up a square from a set of geometric shapes. D / and on collecting a simple figure from finished parts - parts; on modification - transformation of the figure; On the separation of the specified figure on the component parts.

Recreation of figures in sample contours

Didactic game - Task. "How many squares?"

Socio-communicative development
Promote the development and education of the desire to comply with the elementary rules in everyday life, on the street, on the roads, in public places Situational conversations during the day about the elementary rules of conduct.

Theater activity: playing situations.

Solving problem situations.

Development of the ability to negotiate with partners what you will play who will be in the game; obey the rules of the game. Conversations about the attitude of a person to their profession, home duties on pictures displaying people's relationships. Questions: Who is depicted? What makes mom? Mom loves her son? How did you find out?

Didactic Games, Plot-Didactic Games ("Toys Store", "Table Store", etc. "), imitation games, Etude games.

Conversations at the stage of the design of the game (about the plot, roles, action, game attributes). Questions: What do you want to play? Who will be? What will you do? How will you help each other? What do you need to play?

The inclusion in the plot of the game of extreme situations (accident, fire) requiring the manifestation of moral features.

Interacting children to self-esteem in the game (what was your dad?)

Promotion to work, tasks for execution of orders.

D / and TRIC-TRAK, wallpaper - printed doedactic games for disclosure of labor processes.

Theatrical activity on the development of emotional response to the experiences of fairy tales characters, cartoons, performances.

The main goal of modern pre-school education is the development and education of the future schoolboy with all available pedagogical resources. However, the learning program of kids is focused on a child with average abilities, and therefore, to work with children who have deviations from the norms of development or, on the contrary, leading their peers, it is necessary to adjust the recommended education strategies. This explains the relevance of the development of a separate plan for the development of a specific child-preschooler, which was called an individual educational route (IOM) according to GEF.

The essence of the concept of IOM

It is interesting. Galileo Galilee said: "We can not teach a person anything. We can only help him open it in yourself. "

An individual educational route is a program for creating an educational space for a specific child, which is compiled with the help of children's psychologists, defectologists, educators and methodologists on a particular educational stage (in kindergarten it is junior group, average and eldest). In other words, it also implies the selection of activities that will solve certain difficulties in training or, on the contrary, to expand or deepen the knowledge, the degree of mastering the skill. For example, when identifying suggestions to mathematics, it may include additional classes on the subject, or with difficulties in communicating with peers, you can connect as often as possible to group gamesStarting from work in a pair and gradually increasing the number of participants. At the same time, not only the age of the child is taken into account (which is characteristic of the general educational strategy of preschool institution), but also the ability of the baby, which can be ahead or inhibited in comparison with generally accepted standards. Thus, it is compensation for difficulties in learning, taking into account the personal potential of a child, which allows you to show its intellectual, emotional-volitional, activity and moral and spiritual features. Despite the fact that a specific "recipe" of the compilation of an individual strategy, the principles, goals and objectives are negotiated in such documents as

  • Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";
  • GEF to.

Goals and objectives

The main goal is to create suitable conditions in the institution engaged in pre-school education, for successful self-realization in the medium of peers and the surrounding adults, a separate child, its social and personal growth, that is, for the growth of authority and increase the luggage of knowledge, skills and skills.

The tasks of personal educational strategy are as follows:

  • formation of the objective environment for social Development Baby (that is, providing the necessary material and technical base for classes, for example, if the child is passionate about the game in chess, then in the game room, together with the "standard" toys there may be a chessboard specifically for it);
  • organizing a unified system for the interaction of all units of the administration, as well as cooperation with parents aimed at the social and personal growth of the child;
  • improving the dialogue with a child based on mutual respect and confidence;
  • the creation of all conditions to educate the positive attitude of the baby to themselves and others, as well as for the development of the communicative competence of a child;
  • the formation of a positive attitude towards his personality, as well as the education of the realization of rights and freedoms relating to the actual age of concepts (the choice of friends, toys, the right to personal belongings, and most importantly - the right to personal opinion).

The above tasks determine the factors defining them:

  • state order;
  • requests and needs of adult family members, in particular, parents;
  • personal abilities and level of potential of a particular child;
  • material and technical equipment, as well as pedagogical personnel of the institution of pre-school education.

These factors are important at all levels of interaction: the state determines the overall strategy and the direction of the development of education (for example, the education of patriotism, spirituality), provides kindergartens with the necessary materials, parents nominate requirements for children's preparedness, kids implement and expand their capabilities, and the circle is closed again - The state - it "gets" the individuals who become worthy of citizens of their country who care about its prosperity.

All these aspects of the creation of them practically repeat the overall strategy of preschool education, but with the difference that now individualization, that is, the orientation for the education of a unique personality is carried out not only in a specially designated watch for certain occupations or in certain activities, but passes " Red thread "through the entire educational process.

For whom and why is it created

Individual education strategy is created for children

  • lagging in the assimilation of the pre-school institution;
  • with mental disabilities, for children with disabilities;
  • with advanced mental development.

In general, it is developed for

  • training motility (and small, and large);
  • formation of skills of hygienic, moral and cultural, communicative and social properties;
  • the activity of the child's potential affecting the manipulative (folding lotto, cards, etc.), sensory-perceptive (definition of geometric shapes in form, material texture on tactile sensations, etc.), the objective and practical (the use of a children's set for sandbox not only for its intended purpose, but also to care for houseplants) and the game development area;
  • development of speech abilities (performing various tasks, the baby must comment on its actions);
  • formation of the right ideas about the world surrounding us;
  • understanding the essence of the concepts of space and time.

As a rule, it is drawn up for the school year, but in some cases (for example, if the kid did not cope with the problem or if it comes to a gifted child) the strategy can be used by the entire period of training, only methods and techniques of work are needed to correct: so that they correspond to age Baby.

Who makes up and leads

The educator is developing, but - which is of particular importance - it does it only together with a methodologist and a psychologist, as well as taking into account the recommendations and comments

  • parents kid;
  • speech therapist.

Fill the card teacher, psychologist (some aspects of socio-communicative development) and speech therapist (a number of points in speech development). The distinction of observation and work aspects is individually due to the qualifications of pre-school workers. This is especially true of kindergartens, where the educator also performs and the function of the speech therapist. That is, in practice, a folder with it is created, including the psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of the baby, the plan for implementing the strategy, the list of expected results, as well as a table or characteristic with the details of the fulfillment of each goal. With the frequency set by the administration of the institution (based on the purposes specific IOM), Parents get acquainted with the progress of their tasks, after which they express their wishes, ask questions regarding the specific field of education. In the future, it is assumed that every kid produced from kindergarten will present its "dossier" to the teacher primary classes, which, continuing the initial education line, will formulate the following goals, the tasks of them and engage in their implementation already at the stage of teaching the child in school.

What includes

Main streamGoals and objectivesMethods and means
Sensory education C.: Development of tactile, muscle skills through the actions of perception and thinking.
Z.:develop small motor; thinking, spectacular perception
M.:exercises, game.
FROM.:table printing games, lotto, domino, puzzles, mosaic, lacing, bushings, instructions in the corner of nature, research activities (with paper, natural material), plasticine, clay, sand.
Environmental education C.:expanding ideas about the surrounding nature.
Z.: *learn to establish causal relationships between seasonal changes In nature and human actions in nature,
* Expand the ideas about plants and animals native region, Russia, planet Earth,
* To form an ecological culture, the need to protect natural resources.
M.:exercises, game, experiences, question, conversation, search engines.
FROM.:didactic games, lotto, domino, puzzles, instructions in the corner of nature, research activities (with water, ice, natural material - coal, stone, resin, sand, crushed stone).
Development of the main types of movements C.:development of overall motility, coordination.
Z.: *develop physical qualities - fast, dexterity, manifestation of endurance and strength, * improve the equilibrium.
* raise the organization.
M.:exercises, massage, physical attacks, game.
FROM. -sports shells: gymnastic benches, kegli, gymnastic sticks, balls, rope, ringtacks, etc.
Moral education C.:promotion to generally accepted standards and rules of behavior.
Z.:learn the ability to manage your behavior
M.:exercises, game.
FROM.:reading fiction, Dramatic artistic works, illustrations, slides.
Speech development C.:speech development.
Z.: *expand the supply of words denoting the names of objects, actions, signs,
* learning to use in speech synonyms, antonyms,
* Improve the ability to use different parts of speech exactly in meaning,
* Forming the ability to distinguish between rumor and in pronunciation all the sounds of the native language,
* Improve the phonderatic hearing, determine the sound of the sound in the word.
* Learning to coordinate nouns with numerical, nouns with adjectives, pronoun with nouns and adjectives,
* teach to form single-handed words
* educate the culture of speech communication,
* Exercise in the preparation of proposals,
* Learning to divide words to syllables.
M.:didactic exercises, game, conversation.
FROM.:design Games, Didactic Games, Tests, Cutting Alphabet, Games - Schemes, Casses, Side Pictures.
Socio-communicative development C.:enrichment of children's consciousness with new content - understanding of concepts - time, sign, symbol.
Z.: *fix use skills polite words.
* bring up the culture of behavior at the table, in communicating with peers and adults, in public places.
* Rail optimistic qualities.
* Formation of self-service skills.
* Fastening knowledge about traffic rules
M.:exercises, game, question.
FROM.:design Games, Didactic Games, Tests, Games - Schemes, Side Pictures, Training Metal Materials on traffic rules.

Stages of developing an individual educational route of the preschooler according to GEF

The development of an individual strategy occurs in stages.

  • Stage of observation. The objectives of this stage is to identify children who have difficulty, as a result, the observer fills the table.
  • Stage of diagnostics. This stage is carried out with a children's psychologist. Tests are performed with the child, allowing to identify the causes of certain difficulties. The result of the work becomes a table.
  • Stage design. The purpose of this stage is the actual development of it on the basis of the identified difficulties and reasons for their occurrence. The result is the ready scheme of the route.
  • Stage of implementation. Via different methods It is performed by it. Among the universal ways to achieve the goal, for example, with difficulties in the socialization of the child, you can allocate such:
Conversations, games, discussion of read books, problematic issues (for example, in medium group - What is good, and what is bad).Acquaintance with various manifestations of emotions that form moral assessments (for example, anger on a wolf, eating a red hat helps to form a negative attitude towards living actions)
Games, trainings for the development of the sphere of behavior.Development of communication skills, stress removal, reducing aggressiveness in behavior, negative, etc.
Art therapy (stupid, fairy tale therapy, kuklotherapy)Creative implementation, upbringing aesthetic taste
Receptions of psychohymnastics for relaxationMuscle relaxation, emotional positive attitude, etc.
  • Stage of diagnostics. Evaluation of the results of work on the AI. The main criterion - the problem remains or it was possible to eliminate it. In case there is no progress, it is developed new IOMIf progress is planned, you can continue or modify the existing one.


Individual routes, as already noted, do not have a set design scheme, can be in the form of a table or in the form of text - it all depends on the difficulty, on the solution of which the development is directed. Consider two options for compiling.

Example №1

Difficulties: inattentive and scattered, experiences difficulties in solving logical tasks, mathematical tasks.

It is difficult to solve logical tasks, mathematical tasks.

A week
Mode MomentsDirectly educational activitiesIndependent activitiesInteraction with parents
3 weeks
Work with a multimedia presentation "Count the contour"Game "Tangram"
4 weeksstroll
"Draw in the snow geometric lock"
Tell your friends about your drawing
1 Week
Didactic game "What has changed?" Memo "Games for the development of logical thinking"
2 weeksDuty in the corner of nature
Watering plants focusing on the description of the flower.
Multimedia game "Association"
3 weeks Working with perfocarticles
"Composition of the number"
Teach Comrade
Work with a card.
Game to visit us.
4 weeksDuring the morning reception, the execution of tasks on the dispensing sheetsMultimedia presentation "Merry Account"Check the work of the comrade.

The results of the route: Rose level of development of attention, concentration and switching. The child copes with mathematical tasks, logical tasks.

Example number 2.

Baby Age: 4 years 2 months

Gender: Male

Problem: Weak Computing Skills

Purpose of the individual route: Development and fixation of computing skills within the first dozen

Task: Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Periodicity of classes: 2 times a week

Duration: 20 minutes

Exercises in classes:

  1. "Figures got lost" to put the numbers in order to learn to call numbers in order

2. "What has changed? What figure did not? " Call the subsequent and previous digit of a natural row to spend the game "Name of a neighbor"

3. "Cheerful train" attach, attach trailers with numbers to the train. Rass examples by adding numbers 1.

  1. Put the machines in the garage Solution of examples By sending a unit to learn to call the following and previous digit
  2. "Postman" to disseminate letters - examples of houses (solution of examples by adding and subtracting numbers 1 and 2) to hold the game "Bring a letter to grandmother, brother"
  3. "Paradnitsy" of each "paratrooper" - to land on your example. Home games at the expense of items that surround the child.
  4. Help Snecessing Solve Examples Solution of examples of the first dozen using Perfocarts to solve examples using fabulous heroes: Khryushi, Stepashki, Cheburashka, etc.
  5. We will help the hedgehog to collect mushrooms. Fixing computing skills within the first dozen. Solution of examples at home.

Individual lesson structure:

  1. Organizational moment: a minute of joy.
  2. Surprise moment: the arrival of a fabulous character.
  3. Main work: Help, Guess, tell me

Work at the magnetic board;

Exercises with dispensing material;

Work in the notebook.

    Outcome: a minute of communication, which I liked what caused difficulties, and was difficult.


As a result of the systematic and systematic work with a child having weak computing skills, by the end of a year cycle of classes: computational skills will be enshrined; Increases cognitive interest in mathematics; The mental activity of the child is activated, it will freely perform computational exercises within the first ten. These achievements will help further overcome the problems of the mathematical development of the preschooler.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian languages, love for children and an objective view of modernity - the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strong qualities: responsibility, the desire to learn new and self-improvement.

A rich personal potential is definitely available for each child. If his disclosure is hampered by such factors as inability or reluctance to learn; Lack of interest in learning or uncertainty in their forces, real help can be it. An individual route will give a support to the stimuli-significant for the child, focusing on his domestic strength.

In this section, we collected useful teachers for you about the organization of successful promotion. little man in their trajectory of development; Effective ways to neutralize the reasons preventing the disclosure of its potential.

All about how to light in children's eyes an inquisitive light.

Contained in sections:

Publications 1-10 of 339 are shown.
All sections | Individual educational route of the child. IOM

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Library of images "Maam-Pictures"

Individual educational route for the speech development of the pupil 2018-2019 academic year Individual educational route Pupils DOU 2018-2019 School year Full name Pupil _ Group № 2 Date of birth 27.12.2011 Age 6 years. Date of the preparation of the route list September 2018 Educators: Slate N.N. Lopatina E.A. Results...

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The individual route based on the problem was the educator of the GDDOU Krasnogvardeisky District Kindergarten No. 15 of the city of St. Petersburg Problem: The boy is a age of 6 years, has difficulties with the memorization of the 1st week: an exercise for relaxation "Soft clouds", theory and technique ...

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Irina Sotzkova
Development of an individual educational route of the preschooler

Dear colleagues, presented to your attention material individual educational preschooler route.

In practice, the learning process and education is mainly focused on the average level of child development, therefore, not every pupil can fully realize its potential opportunities. This puts before educators, speakers, psychologists preschool educational Institutions The task of creating optimal conditions for the realization of the potential possibilities of each pupil. One of the solutions in this situation is the preparation and implementation (hereinafter - IOM).

This is a personal way to implement the personal potential of the child. (pupil) in education and training.

The main purpose of compilation individual educational route(IOM):

This is the creation in kindergarten conditions contributing to positive socialization in kindergarten preschool children, their socio-personal development.

Tasks for social - personal Development child:

Create a favorable subject and developing environment for the social development of the child;

Organize a unified system of work of the administration, pedagogical staff, medical personnel, DOU and parents on the socio-personal development of the child;

Improving teacher communication style with kid: stick to the psychologically correct style of communication, seek respect and confidence of the pupil;

Create conditions for the development of a positive attitude of a child to themselves, other people around the world, the communicative and social competence of children;

To form a sense of self-esteem in a child (the right to have their own opinion, choose friends, toys, activities, have personal things, at its own discretion to use personal time)

Individually, the educational route is determined:

state order;

needs and requests of parents;

individual functional capabilities and level of development of pupils;

the possibilities of DOU;

Individual educational routes are developed:

For children who do not assimilate the main secondary program preschool education;

For children, with disabilities, children with disabilities.

For children with high intellectual development.

Individual educational route Includes basic directions:

Development of common and shallow motility;

Development of cultural and hygienic and communicative social skills;

The formation of a child's activity (manipulative, sensory-perceptual, subject-practical, gaming, productive) to which includes - modeling, appliqués, drawing) and other types of productive activities.

Development of speech (the formation of a sensual basis of speech, sensing mechanism, speech functions);

Formation of the ideas about the surrounding (subject matter and social relationship);

Formation of ideas about space, time

Methods used in work:

Conversations, games, classes, reading fiction, etudes aimed at acquaintance with various emotions and feelings, with "Magic" means of understanding;

Games, exercises and trainings that contribute to the development of emotional and behavioral spheres (the development of communication skills and improving relationships with others, withdrawing fears and improving self-confidence, reducing aggression and weakening of negative emotions)

Classes, Games and Development Exercises mental processes, (memory, attention, perception, thinking, imagination) ;

ART-therapy techniques (Kuklotherapy, Isotherapy, Fairy Tale Therapy);

Relaxation psychohymnastic exercises (relaxation of the muscles of the face, neck, body, hands, legs, etc.)

For development of an individual route We rely on the following principles:

Principle of support for the teachability of the child,

The principle of correlating the level of actual development and the zone of the nearest development.

Principle of respect for the interests of the child. Otherwise, he calls him "on the side of the child." Those caregivers should objectively relate to the child and his problems! Be always on the side of the child!

The principle of close cooperation and coherence of the work of the team of specialists, during the study of the level of child's development (phenomena, situations);

The principle of continuity when the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem.

The principle of refusal to averaged normalization. The implementation of this principle involves avoiding a direct appraisal approach in the diagnostic survey of the child's development level.

Principle of support for a children's subculture. Each child enriching himself traditions, standards and methods developed by the children's community, there is a full-fledged childish experience.

Based on the analysis of the literature studied, several stages of design were allocated. individual educational route

1. Stage of observation.

2. Diagnostic stage.

3. Design stage.

4. Stage of implementation

5. Stage of final diagnosis.

Let us dwell on each stage.

The first stage of observation.

Purpose of stage: Remove the group preschool childrenTesting difficulties: Personal, Regulatory, Cognitive, Communicative, Psychomotor or Complex. According to the observation results, the table is filled "Detection of groups preschoolers for difficulties»

Diagnostic stage. At this stage, a number of diagnostics are carried out in conjunction with a teacher psychologist. The purpose of this stage is to identify the causes of the child's difficulties. According to the observation results, the table is filled "Difficulty identified preschoolers and their causes»

Fi identified difficulties cause result (at the end of the maintenance)

3. Design stage. purpose stage: Building individual educational routes for preschoolers, based on the identified difficulties and established reasons for these difficulties.

4. Stage of implementation individual educational routes In the process of life preschool children.

Individual educational route It can be implemented in all activities, at any time, it all depends on the desire of a child, from its choice, self-determination.! Given that the leading type of activity of the child preschooler - Pedagogue game in implementation individual routes Helps pedagogical reception "mailbox"in which children find a letter addressed to a specific child with the symbols of the task.

At the 5th stage, the final diagnosis is carried out.

Purpose of stage: Remove the results of action route(The difficulty has been preserved or preserved.

Estimated result:

Development of social competence;

Development of communicative skills;

Anxiety correction, self-esteem (Approaching adequate);

Development of self-fiction;

Correction of the child's socio-personal problems.

Thus wayThanks to the lineing individual educational The trajectories of the development of children, we provide our pupils equal starting opportunities when entering school.

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