Interesting names for math projects in dhow. Camp project in the kindergarten group "math everywhere, math everywhere"

Project: "Cheerful mathematics in verse." Middle preschool age

Educational project "Fairy-tale mathematics" for children of the middle group.

The duration of the project is 2 months.
Compiled by: Volokovykh. ON.
Organization project activities children will allow for the integration of almost all educational areas, to solve the set goals, and most importantly, to activate and satisfy the cognitive interests of children in the field of mathematics, independent activity, physical activity. As a result of the project activities, the pupils should be more motivated to study mathematical representations, the level of educational - educational activities, which contributes to the development of their creative initiative. As a result of the work done, preschoolers develop interaction and cooperation skills, artistic abilities, dialogical speech, and the manifestation of creative abilities.
The urgency of the problem.
Task preschool education consists not in the maximum acceleration of the child's development, but, first of all, in the creation of conditions for each preschooler for the most complete disclosure of his age-related capabilities and abilities.
At preschool age, the child's cognition process takes place in an emotional and practical way. Every preschooler is a little explorer, discovering with joy and surprise the world... The child strives for vigorous activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away, to promote it further development... Mathematical development plays a huge role in mental education. Mathematics has a unique developmental effect. Its study contributes to the development of memory, speech, imagination, emotions; forms perseverance, patience, creativity of the individual. Math is one of the hardest academic subjects... Teacher potential preschool does not consist in the transfer of certain mathematical knowledge and skills. The formation of elementary mathematical representations is a means mental development child, his cognitive abilities.
For a preschool child, the main path of development is empirical generalization, that is, the generalization of his own sensory experience. For a preschooler, the content should be sensuously perceptible, therefore, when working with preschoolers, it is so important to use entertaining material(poems, knowledge from the history of mathematics, tasks for development logical thinking, a mathematical holiday - entertainment).
Project problem:
The inability of children to apply mathematical knowledge in non-standard situations, set a goal, draw up a work plan, and complete it to the end.
However, the problem of formation and development mathematical skills children - one of the least developed today methodological problems preschool pedagogy. An important place is given to teaching preschoolers the basics of mathematics. Traditionally, the problem of assimilation and accumulation of a stock of mathematical knowledge in preschool pedagogy is associated mainly with the formation of ideas about natural number and operations with it (counting, counting, arithmetic operations and comparison of numbers, measuring scalar values, etc.)
The child in the classroom needs active activity, contributing to an increase in his vitality, satisfying his interests, social needs.
In the classroom in mathematics, poetry, stories about numbers, figures, etc. It is through the use of game mathematics, the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom in mathematics are reflected and developed, interest in the subject is fostered.
Development of interest in the subject of mathematics, based on cognitive activity and curiosity.
- Development of mental abilities in children, such as: analysis, classification, comparison, generalization; the formation of methods of cognition by learning poetry;
- To instill in children an interest in knowledge in mathematics, with the help interesting tasks and games to make fun for the child;
- Promote the development of attention, intelligence, ability to think logically, reason, draw conclusions in children;
Expected Result.
At successful implementation the set goal and objectives, we plan to obtain the following results:
The child shows cognitive activity;
Compares, classifies, reflects the results in speech;
The child has an idea of ​​form, color, size;
The child has formed a desire to overcome difficulties;

Project stages:
First stage Organizational
Creation of a collection of poems on FEMP for secondary children preschool age.
Second stage Practical
Approbation of a collection of poems on FEMP for children of middle preschool age.
Stage Three Effective
Summing up the results of the project. Carrying out open event: " Trip to magic land mathematics "
Appendix to the project.
Problems in verse with mathematical content.
The mouse has two ears.
How many ears do two mice have?

Five puppies were playing football,
One was called home.
He looks out the window, thinks
How many are playing now?

Four ripe pears
It swayed on a twig.
Pavlusha took off two pears,
How many pears are left?

A puppy sits on the porch
Warms his fluffy side.
Another one came running
And sat down next to him.
(How many puppies are there?)

Brought the mother goose
Six children for a walk on the meadow.
All the goslings are like balls.
Three sons, and how many daughters?

Good grandfather to grandson Shura
Gave seven pieces of candy yesterday.
A grandson ate one candy.
How many pieces are left?

A rooster flew to the fence,
I met two more there.
How many roosters are there?
Who has the answer ready?

Gave the hedgehogs a hedgehog
Eight leather boots.
Who will answer from the guys
How many hedgehogs have hedgehogs?

The seagull warmed up the kettle,
I invited nine seagulls.
We all arrived for tea.
How many seagulls, answer!

I have three girlfriends
Each has a mug.
How many mugs
At my girlfriends?

Seven geese set off.
The two decided to rest.
How many are there under the clouds?

Count, children, yourself.
A kitten sews slippers for himself,
So that the paws do not freeze in winter,
But can't count:
One, two, three, four, five...

Three fluffy kitties
We sat down on the window.
Then one came running to them.
How many cats have become together?

Well, how many guys are there
Do they ride on the mountain?
Three are sitting in a sleigh
One is waiting.

To the gray heron for a lesson
Seven forty arrived.
And of them only three magpies
Lessons prepared.
How many idlers-forty
Arrived for a lesson?

Six funny cubs
They rush to the forest for raspberries.
But one kid is tired -
He lagged behind his comrades.
Now find the answer
How many bears are ahead?

Misha has one pencil,
Grisha has one pencil.
How many pencils
Both babies?

In the clearing by the oak
The hedgehog saw two fungi.
And further away, near the aspens
He found another one.
Who is ready to answer us,
How many mushrooms did the hedgehog find?

I'm drawing a cat's house:
Three windows, a house with a porch.
There is another window upstairs,
To keep it out of the dark.
Count the windows
In the cat's house.

Under the bushes by the river
May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who managed to count them?

Six crows sat on the roof,
And one flew to them.
Answer quickly, boldly,
How many of them flew in?

The apples in the garden are ripe.
We managed to taste them:
Five ruddy, liquid,
Three sour.
How many are there?

This flower
Four petals.
How many petals
Two of these flowers?

Once to the bunny for lunch
A friend-neighbor rode up.
The hares sat on a stump
And they ate five carrots.
Who counts, guys, dexterous
How many carrots have you eaten?

I baked pancakes
I invited three grandchildren
Three pugnacious badgers.
Well, how many badgers
Are they waiting for supplements and are silent?

You, yes I, yes we are with you. How many of us are there in total? (Two)

Summary of the final lesson in mathematics in middle group"House for a bunny"
Abstract complex occupation aims at personal development child, development of initiative and creativity through play exercises.
Target: Create favorable conditions for the development of children of middle preschool age in different types activities taking into account their age and individual characteristics.
1. Form the skill of expressing quantity through number.
2.Use names correctly geometric shapes.
3. To develop in children the ability to answer and ask questions
1. Develop imagination and creativity.
2. Develop memory and attention.
3. Consolidate knowledge about shape, color, size.
1. To cultivate curiosity and interest in the world around.
2. To cultivate the ability to work independently and collectively.
3. To cultivate a positive attitude towards the world around us.
Equipment: cards with numbers; bunny toy; toy wolf;
Course of the lesson:
Children sit on chairs, the teacher reads to the children the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Hare" and invites the children to think about what could have happened if a wolf had been caught by the fox for the place of the rooster. The teacher listens to the children, they discuss the fairy tale and, together with the children, come to the following ending of the fairy tale:
(Play the scene with soft toys.)
A bunny walks and cries, and a gray wolf meets him.
V: What are you bunny crying about?
The bunny told the wolf what happened to him. The wolf said:
Don't cry, let's go, I'll drive out the forest.
They came to the house, the wolf drove out the fox and settled himself to live in the zayushkin hut. And I strictly told the bunny that I will let you go to your house when you go to the fairy forest and pass all the tests there.
Z: Hello guys, my name is Bunny and I had a misfortune! My house, in which I lived, was so cozy, but it happened that the wolf kicked me out of the house and would not let me back. In order to get me back my house, the wolf sent me into the forest to go through the obstacles on the way. (bunny cried) Guys, I'm so scared to go there alone. Can you help me?
Children: Yes, we will help.
Z: Are you ready to go on such an extraordinary journey? Are you ready to overcome all the difficulties?
Children: Yes, ready !!!
Z: Let's hit the road.
Hare: To get into magical forest you and I must follow the path of numbers, not just pass, but also pronounce them aloud. Children, together with the hare, pronounce the numbers lying on the path.
Approaching the first table:
Task number 1
Guess math riddles. (Riddles on the table)
Children, teacher and bunny go to the clearing (Table with numbers).
Educator: Guys, this is a magical meadow. The numbers went up on it. Find and show the number that represents the number of rabbit tracks.
Children find and show the number 10.
Bunny: Please show me the number 3.
The bunny lists all numbers from 1 to 10 in free order.
Children show numbers.
Educator: Guys! Take a look! We have two paths on the way. How long are they?
Children: One path is long and the other short.
Educator: Right, and along which path will we get to the next clearing faster (a table with assignments for children)?
Children: We will quickly reach the short path.
The teacher spends a physical minute with the children "Little gray bunny sits"
Gray bunny sits
And wiggles his ears.
Like this, like that
He wiggles his ears. Children depict ears on the crown of their heads
Bunny is cold to sit.
It is necessary to warm the paws.
Like this, like that
It is necessary to warm the paws. Children clap their hands
Bunny is cold to stand.
The bunny must jump.
Like this, like that
The bunny must jump. Children bounce in place
Someone scared the bunny.
Bunny "jumped" and ran away ... Children run to their chairs
Educator: We had a little rest and were on our way again.
Next table. A clearing of obstacles.
The game is reversed: “Vice versa”. (Children sit on chairs, the teacher says the words and throws the ball to one of the children. The one who catches the ball should say the opposite word in meaning: back and forth, right and left, up and down, far, close, high low, over-under, further-closer, black-white, good-evil, big-small, funny-sad, long-short, light-dark, sweet-bitter).
Guys, this was the last obstacle, all tasks were completed.
Hare: Guys, thank you very much, you helped me out a lot, and now let's drive the wolf out of my house together with you.
Children: Let's.
The teacher, along with the bunny and the children, go to the house and chase away gray wolf... Children say goodbye to the hare.
The bunny, as a token of gratitude, gives the children a collection of mathematics in verse.

Evgeniya Rybina
FEMP project in the senior group "In the world of space and time"

Project type:

informational and creative;



Area "Cognition".

Relevance of the project

The experience of teaching shows that in the process of organizing pedagogical influence in kindergarten and in the family, children acquire only a few of the listed temporal notions and skills to orient themselves in time. Temporal concepts of different meanings are often combined (dawn and dusk, etc.).

Most children do not notice the differences in the color of the sky at different times of the day, and cannot establish the sequence of the parts of the day.

Often preschoolers do not know the days of the week, they cannot determine their sequence. In memorizing the days of the week, unevenness is observed, days with a pronounced emotional coloring for the child.

Even older preschoolers lack knowledge of how to measure time (using a calendar, clock). The names of time intervals (minute, hour) remain purely verbal, abstract for children, since they have not yet been accumulated life experience activities during these lengths of time.

So, the knowledge of time available to children is incomplete, single, not interconnected and static. This is due to the fact that episodic classes, in which children are introduced to the signs of parts of the day, memorize the sequence of days of the week, months, do not give them necessary knowledge about time - about its fluidity and irreversibility, about rhythm, pace and periodicity. Information received by children remains on the surface of consciousness, does not reveal temporary relationships.

Thus, the contradiction that arose, on the one hand, the importance and need for the formation of temporal and spatial representations in children, and on the other hand, the lack of purposeful, systematic work led to the choice of the project topic.

Project object: teaching older preschool children the concepts of space and time.

Subject project: formed spatial and temporal representations of older preschoolers.

Objective of the project: to expand the knowledge and ideas of older preschoolers about the concepts of time and space. To teach to reflect abstract concepts of time in concrete actions with watch models.

Project objectives:

conduct a cycle of classes and events on the topic;

develop information sheets for parents with recommendations to familiarize children with the days of the week;


teach to navigate on a plane and in time;

teach to install spatial relationship between subjects;


develop the ability to move in the indicated direction;


to develop the ability to work in pairs, groups, independence and discipline.

foster a cognitive interest in mathematics.

Project participants: senior preschool children, educator, parents.

Necessary materials:

Children's fiction;

Poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings about time;

Clock models of various time periods;

Didactic games on the development of orientation in time and space.

Estimated results:

the formation of spatial, temporal representations;

increasing the cognitive activity of students, interest in further teaching mathematics.

Project activity product: Making a model of a "time machine", a presentation on the implementation of the project.


1. Metlina LS Mathematics in kindergarten: A guide for kindergarten teachers.

2. Kolesnikova I.A. Pedagogical design: Textbook. manual for higher. study. institutions.

3. Kolesnikova EV Mathematics for children 5-6 years old.

4. Mikhailova ZA entertaining game tasks for preschoolers.

Stages of project implementation

Preparatory stage Main stage The final stage

- setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project;

- selection methodological literature for the implementation of the project (magazines, articles, abstracts, etc.);

- selection of visual and didactic material; fiction, reproductions of paintings; organization of the developmental environment in the group. consideration of paintings and conversations on their content;

conducting classes;

carrying out the final event;

drawing with children on the theme "Clock";

creation and presentation.

- analysis of project results.

Project implementation plan

Date Name of the event Goals and objectives Form and content

Preparatory stage

First week Organizational activities. 1. Setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project.

1. Selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project (magazines, articles, abstracts, etc.).

2. Selection of visual and didactic material; fiction; didactic games, development of conversations.

The main stage

Second week "In the world of time"

clarify children's ideas about parts of the day and seasons;

promote the accumulation of experience in the study of time;

arouse interest in the study of time;

develop attention, memory, imagination, associative thinking. Conversation on a series of pictures "Parts of the day", "Seasons";

Poems about parts of the day;

Didactic games: "Seasons", "Parts of the day";

Manufacturing of a "time machine" construction.

"Watch Workshop" to acquaint children with the history of watches;

to expand children's knowledge about the variety of watches, their structure.

foster respect for people of different professions. Watching the video "Clock";

Examining illustrations different types hours.

"Days of the week" to acquaint and consolidate with children the knowledge about the days of the week;

fix the sequence of days of the week in working with numbers;

to learn to associate the name of each day with its serial number. The name of the days of the week with the specific content of the activities of the children. Examination of pictures depicting the days of the week;

Memorizing the poem "Days of the Week";

Solution logical tasks.

"Orientation in space" Consolidation and improvement of the ability to move in the indicated direction, change direction while walking, running;

Consolidation of the ability to distinguish between left and right hand. Outdoor games: "Find a toy", "Where will you go and what will you find?", "Find a treasure"

"Country of Mathematics" teaching children the ability to determine the position of an object in relation to another subject;

Teaching children the ability to determine their position among the surrounding objects;

Ability to perform various practical tasks when orienting on a plane. Play exercises: "Housewarming", "What's standing where?";

Consideration of pictures showing spatial relationships;

Graphic dictation

The final stage

Third week Preparation of a presentation on project activities

Key concepts

Education is a joint purposeful activity of an adult and a child, during which the development of a personality, its education and upbringing is carried out.

Development - A multidimensional process, usually involving a change in condition from less satisfactory to more satisfactory. Development is a normative concept; it does not have a single generally accepted definition.

Education - in a broad sense, the process of socialization of an individual, his formation and development as a person throughout his life in the course of his own activity and under the influence of the natural, social and cultural environment.

One of the features of spatial thinking is the use of different systems of orientation in space (visible or imaginary). The most natural orientation system, fixed by all human experience, is the body scheme. It lies at the heart of practical orientation among objects and phenomena. The child very early begins to navigate in the surrounding real and then imaginary space, taking into account the position of his own body. He perceives all objects in space, taking into account the vertical position of his own body. This natural position serves as a starting point for creating a variety of spatial images.

Clock is a device for determining the current time of day and measuring the duration of time intervals in units less than one day.

Week - a time period of seven days; a time interval of seven days and starting on Monday.

Day is a unit of time, approximately equal to the period of the Earth's revolution around its axis. Usually, days mean the astronomical concept of a solar day. In everyday life, a day is often called a day. The day is divided into 24 hours.

Seasons - four periods, which are conditionally divided annual cycle... Distinguish:

Calendar seasons - in most countries of the world, it is customary to divide the year into four seasons, with three calendar months each. Astronomical seasons, which are measured from the points of solstice (winter, summer) and equinox (autumn, spring). The change of seasons is determined by the annual period of the planet's revolution around the Sun and the inclination of the Earth's axis of rotation relative to the orbital plane and, to a small extent, by the ellipticity of the orbit.

Methodological support of the project

Materials for conducting interviews

Educational event "Man and Time"

Project type: cognitive and creative.
Problem: "What shape is the object?"
The purpose of the project: to acquaint with the basic forms of the surrounding objects, to consolidate the knowledge of geometric shapes.
Project implementation period: during the academic week.
Project participants: educator, children of the older group, parents.
Hypothesis: using the methods and techniques of working on the project, you can achieve not only high level assimilation of program material, but also to teach children to see the shapes of surrounding objects, comparing them with a geometric pattern.
1. To deepen the knowledge of children about geometric shapes and their distinctive properties.
2. Learn to analyze the shape of objects and individual parts, to find objects of the same and different shapes in the immediate environment.
3. To develop the ability to distinguish between models of similar shapes.
4. Develop an idea of ​​how to make another from one form.
5. Foster curiosity, interest in folklore.
The intended result:
1. The development of mathematical knowledge by children in the field of the form of objects.
2. Acquisition of constructive abilities, the ability to transform some mathematical objects to others.
3. Ability to listen and understand an adult, to act according to a model in various types of educational activities.
The result (product) of the project activity:
4. Creating a collection of riddles and poems, decorating it with children's drawings.
5. Project presentation: entertainment "Travel to the city of geometric shapes"
Project stages:
1. Preparatory.
2. Organization of work on the project.
3. Practical activities.
4. Summing up (presentation).
Project implementation scheme:
1. Working with children.
Directly educational activities.
Topic: "Counting within 9, the formation of the number 9, geometric shapes, orientation in space."
Program content: learn to count within 9, show the formation of the number 9 based on a comparison of two groups of objects, expressed by adjacent numbers 8 and 9; to consolidate ideas about geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle), to develop the ability to see and find objects in the surrounding environment that have the shape of familiar geometric shapes; continue to determine your location among the surrounding objects.
Visual activity.
Drawing "Fairy Houses".
Program tasks: to teach children to create the image of a fairy-tale house, conveying the shape of familiar geometric shapes in the drawing; to consolidate the ability to draw with different materials, choosing them as you wish.
Theme: "Fairy Bird"
Program tasks: to consolidate the ability of children to cut out parts of an object of different geometric shapes and make an image out of them; teach to betray the image of a fabulous bird, decorate individual parts and details of the image; reinforce the ability to cut symmetrical parts from paper folded in half.
Modeling from plasticine.
Topic: "Vegetables and fruits for the store".
Program tasks: to consolidate the ability of children to transfer the shape of various vegetables and fruits in modeling; learn to match their shape with geometric shapes find similarities.
Familiarization with fiction.
Topic: Children retelling Slovak folk tale"Visiting the sun" by models for deputies.
Program tasks: to teach to retell a fairy tale on their own according to models to deputies, to betray the characters of the heroes with intonation, to tell a fairy tale in faces (changing the voice, intonation).
Memorizing poems "Learning the shapes of objects" Kozhevnikov A. Yu. And solving riddles about geometric shapes.
Independent play activity. Gienesh logic blocks, "Fold the pattern" cubes, Columbus egg, Pythagorean puzzle, Vietnamese game, Voskobovich's squares, solving logic problems to find missing figures, d / game "Changeling" (transformation of one figure into another), d / games "Forms" , "Find a similar figure", "Color and shape" (correlating the shapes of objects with a geometric figure), "Pick a key", "Put the figures in their places", etc. Coloring pictures, consisting of geometric shapes.
2. Collaboration with parents.
Selection of poems and riddles about geometric shapes for the collection and the creation of illustrations together with children. Preparation of equipment for the entertainment "In the city of geometric shapes".
The hypothesis was confirmed. Children learned to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns, to find them in their surroundings.

Marina Alykova
Project for mathematical development in the senior group of compensatory orientation "Entertaining mathematics around"

Explanatory note:


The cognitive activity of preschoolers is the activity manifested in the process of cognition. It is expressed in the interested acceptance of information by children, in the desire to clarify, deepen their knowledge, in the independent search for answers to questions of interest, in the manifestation of elements of creativity, in the ability to master the method of cognition and apply it to another material... Cognitive activity is an indispensable prerequisite for the formation of mental qualities of a person, his independence and initiative. With the right pedagogical organization activities of pupils and systematic and purposeful educational activities cognitive activity can and should become a stable personality trait of a preschooler and has a strong influence on him development.

The problem solved when implementation: V older group of compensatory orientation brought up 15 children: 10 boys and 5 girls. At the OOD for the formation mathematical representations, many children had no interest in mathematics, there were difficulties with thinking, attention.

To raise the level mathematical development, activity of children, develop their interest in mathematics, decided to use entertaining material: riddles, poems, didactic games, entertaining questions, joke tasks, math tales, Proverbs and sayings, finger gymnastics, labyrinths, logical endings, mathematical KVNs.

Contingent of participants: pupils senior group of compensatory orientation; educators; parents of pupils.

Target: create conditions for preschoolers to learn mathematical representations, developing strong interest, ensure a successful development abilities and thinking of children.


Develop interest in mathematics in older children preschool age, emotional responsiveness through games with mathematical content.

Formation of basic mathematical representations, speech skills. Expand and systematize the knowledge of children in the FMP section.

Actively influence the comprehensive child development, consolidation of existing knowledge.

Enhance mental activity (the ability to compare, generalize,

classify, analyze).

Develop attention, perception, memory and logical thinking, imagination, will, creativity of children.

To generate interest in a variety of intellectual activities.

Cultivate self-confidence mathematical ability, ability to work in a team.

Implementation period project -1 month, August 2016

Stages the project

Stage 1 - preparatory

1. Study of literature on the topic "Quantity and count", « Maths... Logics"

"Formation mathematical performances for children of 7 years old ", authors: Falkovich T.A.,

Magazine "Child in kindergarten" No. 3 2005. - 72-76p.

Magazine "Child in kindergarten" No. 5 2005. - 62-64p.

Selection computer games.

2. Together with parents, replenish with games "Centre entertaining Math» .

3. Collection of games and manuals for mathematics"Learning to count and count", "I remember numbers", « Math rungs»

4. Designing an information stand for parents.

Stage 2 - Implementation the project

1. Play activities

Didactic games:

"Make a number", "There are many examples - \ one answer", "Missing numbers", "Shifters".

2. Board games:

Knowledge Cubes, "What is what".

3. Subject-didactic games with mathematical content:

"Shop"- exercise in counting and counting objects and conditional

designations within 10;

"The circus"- to consolidate knowledge about the account; "Zoo"- creating a practical need for comparing adjacent numbers within 10, establishing communication and relationships between them.

4. Creation jointly by all participants the project multifunctional didactic manual "Written bag"- the pupils, together with their parents at home, came up with how to fill the miracle box and each child contributed to the creation of a new one toys: someone brought the necessary material, and someone came up with tasks and games.

As a result, the guys suggested filling the toy with a set of buttons of different shapes (round, square, oval in different sizes, as well as large buttons with a different number of holes (2, 4) - you can determine the shape, size, etc. by touch. Also, the children offered different ribbons of different widths, lengths, different colors and textures. In the course of replenishing an unusual box, the guys came up with interesting tasks:

1) spread the strips along the length (from the shortest to the longest,

2) find 2, 3 strips of the same length,

3) spread out in width (from the narrowest to the widest,

5) how many times a conditional measurement will fit in the tape,

6) what conditional measure can be used to divide the tapes into 2, 3, 4 equal parts,

7) make a conditional measurement equal to 2, 3, 4 parts of the tape,

8) lay out the pattern inside the wide ribbon,

9) match the ends of the pieces from a single tape to recreate it.

5. Computer games for the development of mathematical abilities in individual work.

6. Didactic, finger, outdoor games mathematical content:

"Find a square", "Identical houses". "Mosaic", "Blocks of Gienesh", "Let's count, let's play", "Walk around the city", "More less", "Card file of games on development of color perception» , "Shape and color", "Geometric Lotto", "Draw a triangle with a thread", "Help the cat get to the mouse", "Help the mouse", "Geometric paths", "Pick up the mittens", "Catch a fish", "Television", "Tie a string to the balls".

Outdoor games with movement, mathematical logos.

Memorizing poetry: S. Marshak "Merry count", memorizing counting rhymes, poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, finger games to fix the account.

ICT amusement games: "Logical maths» , "Didactic games for mathematics» , "Find 10 differences" and etc.

And entertaining questions, joke tasks, math tales, proverbs and sayings, labyrinths, logical endings, mathematical KVNs.

7. Games and tasks with Dienesh logic blocks and Kewisner's sticks.

These games help development cognitive abilities in children, the formation of interest in activities with numbers, geometric shapes, quantities, solution specific tasks individual work with children, improvement mathematical representations... During educational process I carried out a clear and consistent work on the formation of playing skills. As a result, children often show independence in their choice of games based on their evolving needs, interests. In the course of the game, they engage in complex intellectual work. Children play individually or with other children, small subgroup... From mastering the rules and playing actions in the form given in the game, children move on to inventing new versions of games, the manifestation of creativity.

Stage 3 - Presentation the project

Entertainment« Mathematical tournament»

Replenishment of the multifunctional manual for mathematics"Written bag" proposed children materials(pebbles, beads, strings, ribbons).

Generalization project materials.

Working with parents:

Release of sliding folders "Funny numbers", "Geometric figures", individual conversations, workshop « Mathematics around us»

Expected Result:

Project provides an opportunity to show in practice knowledge, imagination, creativity, to form in children a strong interest in mathematical activity... Consolidate knowledge about mathematical concepts, using which in different activities, the child can create something new.

By showing initiative, interest in games, children learn to set a goal, choose the means to achieve it, evaluate the consequences, make decisions, learn to think logically.

Parents' awareness of the importance of the formation of elementary mathematical representations in children with OHP using entertaining material.


Statement of the positive dynamics of the manifestation of interest in mathematics, design skills in children.

Improving the operations of logical thinking (analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison, generalization, abstraction).

Increasing pedagogical literacy and parental interest in the formation mathematical representations in children.

Center decorated entertaining mathematics.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution No. 79 "Sadko"

Short-term project in the senior group

on the topic: "Center for Entertaining Mathematics"


teacher Trefilova E.V.

Surgut, 2016

"The subject of mathematics is so serious that it is useful not to miss an opportunity, to make it a little entertaining."
B. Pascal

Type of - practice-oriented.

The look is creative.

Terms of implementation:September - November 2016

Project participants:educator, parents, children.

Relevance of work:

FGOS DO establishes requirements for the developing subject-spatial environment, as one of the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program preschool education(hereinafter the Program)

The innovativeness of the approach to the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment of the child's development is determined by the relevance of the integration of not only educational areas defined by the Federal State Educational Standard, but alsothe need to organize centers of activity based on the principles of development and integration.

For implementation educational area"Cognitive development", through the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts in preschool groups are organizedcenters of entertaining mathematics.

Maths - This is a powerful factor in the intellectual development of a child, the formation of his cognitive and creative abilities. It is also known that the success of teaching mathematics in primary school depends on the effectiveness of the mathematical development of a child in preschool age.

Teaching preschoolers the basics of mathematicspursues the main goal:raise children as people who know how to think, navigate well in everything that surrounds them, correctly assess different situations they face in life, make independent decisions.

Teaching mathematics to preschool children is unthinkable without the use of entertaining games, tasks, and entertainment. Where the role of uncomplicated entertaining material- to intensify mental activity; to captivate and entertain children; expand, deepen, mathematical concepts; to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills; to exercise them in their application in other types of activity, in a new environment.

It is through games, as the main activity of children, that the learning process becomes more interesting and entertaining, and therefore successful.

Objective of the project: create conditions for cognitive development children of senior preschool age, by transforming the "Center for Entertaining Mathematics" in the developing subject-spatial environment of the group.


  • analyze normatively - methodological requirements to the organization of the RPPS, to the content of the center of entertaining mathematics at the preschool educational institution;
  • pick up games and play material for the center of entertaining mathematics, based on the principles of the availability of games for children at the moment, taking into account their age characteristics;
  • to familiarize parents with active subject-transformative activities in the interior of the group with their own hands;
  • participate in a review competition for the best methodological support of the "Center for Entertaining Mathematics", at the level of preschool educational institutions.

Expected results:

  • increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of the teacher in the formation of the RPSS, the design of the center of entertaining mathematics and the use of its contents;
  • the presence in the center of such games and play material, the development of which by children is possible for different levels, taking into account their age characteristics;
  • a positive attitude of parents to the issues of transforming the center of entertaining mathematics, with their own hands in a group;
  • win the review competition for the best methodological support of the "Center for Entertaining Mathematics" (regulations on the competition dated August 28, 2015), at the preschool educational level and present the results to the pedagogical community.

Description of the work done

Preparatory stage

In the group for the center of entertaining mathematics, it was necessary to takespecial place, equipped with games, manuals, ensuring free access of children to the materials located there. Thus, children are given the opportunity to independently choose the game they are interested in, aids of mathematical content and play individually or together with other children, a small subgroup. It is in the course of the game, which arises at the initiative of the child himself, that he becomes involved in complex intellectual work.

  • Project development decidedstart by questioning parents(Appendix # 1) in order to analyze how much parents have information about entertaining mathematical material and what kind of advice they would like to receive, information on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children.
  • After processing the questionnaires, there was carried out parent living roomon the topic: "The value of entertaining mathematics in preschool age." Target: increasing the activity and interest of parents in the development of mathematical abilities in children; involving parents in creating a center for entertaining mathematics in a group, the main idea of ​​which wasmake a math game for each family with their own hands.

For each family, the teacher has selected such a mathematical game that they could do with their own hands at home together with their children.

  • There were also prepared booklets for parents "Mathematics is important, mathematics is needed" (Appendix # 2) Parents actively responded, shared ideas, found original solutions, expressed what contribution they could make to the design of the math center, and a joint creative work which gave everyone a lot of pleasure.

Active stage

During the implementation of the project, together with the parents, the following activities were carried out:

  • freed up the space needed for the center of entertaining mathematics (removed unnecessary furniture, shelves);
  • made a small redecoration of the wall, after dismantling the furniture (pasted over with wallpaper, painted in bright yellow);
  • picked up the necessary, new furniture for the math center (a long table along the wall, for the mathematical activities of children; chairs; transparent plexiglass shelves to create volume on the wall; a small cabinet with a door);
  • decorated the wall with a bright, voluminous composition (a giraffe with balloons pasted over with numbers from 1 to 10);
  • filled the center of entertaining mathematics with the following material:

Filling with math material

Visual demonstration material

  • sets of numbers;
  • demo material "Play and Count";
  • pictures by seasons and parts of the day;


  • sets of geometric shapes of different sizes, different colors;
  • sets of numbers and pictures with objects;
  • small toys and objects - nesting dolls, mushrooms, fish, etc.;
  • counting sticks;

Entertaining mathematical material (file cabinets)

  • card index of mathematical riddles and proverbs;
  • sayings and counting rhymes, joke tasks;
  • puzzles and labyrinths;
  • tasks for quick wits;
  • outdoor games, games to find similarities and differences, entertaining examples;
  • fairy tales about numbers, numbers and other mathematical concepts;
  • card index of mathematical tricks "Matemagia";

Didactic games of a mathematical nature(according to the main subsections: "Number and count", "Size", "Shape", "Orientation in space", "Time" + various mathematical lotto, dominoes, etc.).

  • a set of inserts on the principle of matryoshka;
  • mosaic;
  • three-dimensional puzzle game on combinatorics from cubes, made up of 2 parts of different configurations and colors;
  • frames and inserts;
  • themed dominoes with color and shadow images;
  • a constructor of elements with logical inserts on the topics "Form", "Account", "Location";
  • board-printed games of a mathematical nature (in directions - size, shape, counting, orientation in space, etc.);
  • games with numbers, coins;
  • calendar, calendar model;
  • checkers, chess;

Intellectual, logic and math games

  • Nikitin's cubes;
  • Frames - Montessori inserts;
  • Geokont;
  • math tablet;
  • Gyenesh blocks;
  • Kuisener sticks;
  • games by Voskobovich.

As well as math games made by parents with their own hands

  • the name of the math center was placed on the wall (the children of the group invented the "Academy of Mathematics" themselves);
  • took care of what the mathematical material will be stored in so that it looks aesthetically pleasing, does not torn, does not wrinkle, and can be used for a long time (handbags, boxes, jars, envelopes, file folders, stands).

Evaluation (final) stage

  • While implementing the project, the teacher actively interacted with the parents of the pupils, using the information and communication form of work. In the created Internet group "Suns-104" in "Contact", where they regularly communicate with parents, various issues were discussed regarding the transformation of the "Center for Entertaining Mathematics", photo reports were posted on the work done, and the result of the whole event was the presentation of gratitude to all project participants.
  • The teacher accepted participation in the all-Russian action"I love math" by posting on the site social networks: "Vkontakte" photo, created by the "Center for Entertaining Mathematics", accompanied by a short text.
  • On December 18, 2015, a review was held - the contest of the best methodological support Center for Entertaining Mathematics at level 8 international competition and after summing up the results of the competition jury, createdmath center,took a 1st degree diploma.

And, as a result of the work done, it was noted that:

  • the parents developed an interest in the life of the kindergarten, they also became more active and interested in the development of mathematical abilities in children;
  • children have an increased interest in elementary mathematical activities;
  • children have a need to take their own free time not only entertaining, but also requiring mental stress, intellectual effort games;
  • in children, there is a desire to manifest independence, the development of cognitive motives, which provides elements of self-organization in play and other types of activity;
  • children can independently choose a game for themselves, an activity according to their interests, act purposefully with the material, unite in a game with their peers.

Later, during the year, as the children master the games, their types should be diversified, more complex games with new entertaining material should be introduced.

Transforming the center of entertaining mathematics, the teacher and parents got a lot of pleasure from joint creative activities.

"Academy of Mathematics"


"Nature forms its laws in the language of mathematics" - these words belong to G. Galileo.

Indeed, changes, processes occurring in the world of visible objects and phenomena, proceed in the same way for whole groups, classes, objects.

Acquaintance with mathematics gives the first intuitive feeling that the world is not chaos, but rather a kind of subtle architecture that has a canon of its creation, and a person is able to touch this canon.

Many prominent psychologists and teachers (P. Ya. knowledge and skills, consciously master the skills of counting and measuring. For this purpose, various forms are thought out. educational work with children, that is, training is carried out not only during direct educational activities, but also during other types of educational work(in the game, in the process of developing labor skills, etc.). It is the game, in the process of teaching mathematics to preschoolers, that is directly included in the lesson, being a means of mastering new knowledge, clarifying, consolidating the material.

Playing in the centers of entertaining mathematics, children, in independent activities, practice skills, consolidate existing knowledge,discover new things in the field of mathematics.


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