Project on the theme of the world of numbers for preschoolers. Mathematics project"Magic Land Mathematics

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Anzhero - Sudzhensky urban district "Kindergarten No. 28"

Done by Educators:

  • Baronina Yu.A.
  • Turaleva Yu.G.
  • Malchenko V.A.

Mathematics teaches the accuracy of thought, submission to the logic of proof, the concept of strictly substantiated truth, and all this forms a person, perhaps more than music ...
Alexander Danilovich Alexandrov

According to GEF preschool education content educational work should, among other things, ensure the development of primary ideas about the properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world (form, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and effects, etc.). The standard assumes a comprehensive and integrated approach that ensures the development of pupils in all declared complementary areas of development and education of children.

Project relevance

Mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects in the school cycle, so for successful learning the child is already in school kindergarten it is necessary to promote the mathematical development of a preschooler, expand the mathematical horizons, and improve the quality of mathematical preparation for school. This will allow children to more confidently navigate the simplest patterns of the reality around them and actively use mathematical knowledge in everyday life.

Mathematical representations should be mastered by a preschooler consistently, evenly and systematically. To this end, it is necessary to organize educational activities carried out both in the process of organizing various kinds activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading fiction) , and during regime moments; as well as independent activities of children using a variety of gaming tools. Also, the mathematical development of children will be more effective when interacting with the families of children.

Project type: informational and educational

Project type: group

Age: senior pupils preschool age

Participants: educators, pupils and their parents

Objective of the project

Level up mathematical representations in children of older preschool age in the organized and independent activities of children.

Project objectives


  • To expand and systematize the knowledge of children in the FEMP section.
  • teach ways practical activities in the field of mathematics.


  • Develop cognitive processes: perception, memory, logical thinking, attention, imagination, will;
  • Develop children's creativity.


  • to form in children an interest in a variety of intellectual activities.
  • Basic principles of project implementation

Availability (correspondence of the didactic task to the age and individual capabilities of preschoolers);

Repeatability (consolidation and complication of the same game);

Relevance didactic material (actual formulations of mathematical problems, visual aids, etc.) actually helps children to perceive tasks as a game, to feel interested in getting the right result, to strive for the best possible solution;

Collectivity (allows you to rally the children's team into a single group, into a single organism, capable of solving problems more high level than available to one child, and often more complex);

competitiveness (creates in the child or subgroup the desire to complete the task faster and better than competitors, which reduces the time to complete the task on the one hand, and achieve a really acceptable result on the other);

The element of novelty (introduction of new attributes, schemes, samples, the possibility of creativity, changing the rules).

Preparatory stage

  1. Communicating to project participants the importance of this problem
  2. Selection methodological literature for project implementation.
  3. Selection of visual didactic material on FEMP.
  4. Selection of didactic games
  5. Development of GCD abstracts, quizzes.
  6. Creation of a developing environment in the group.
  7. Development of recommendations for preschool teachers
  8. Setting up a parenting area for parents.

main stage

Conversation: "Why do we need math?"

Didactic, board games, puzzle games, games - competitions of mathematical content.

3. ICT: "Logic Mathematics" .

4. Making math manuals "The composition of the number" ; "Inequalities" .

5. Sculpting, drawing numbers, drawing up applications from geometric shapes, coloring coloring pages of mathematical content.

6. Outdoor games for orientation in space, for the repetition of forward and backward counting.

7. Classes on FEMP, mathematical quizzes.

The final stage

  1. Creating a presentation on the results of the project.
  2. Mathematical KVN among 2 kindergartens - an annual city event "Anthill"

Working with parents

  1. Parent survey.
  2. Development of consultations, recommendations.
  3. Recommendations for parents on the use of literature.
  4. Creation of a card index of games in mathematics.
  5. Parent-teacher meeting: "Math is fun!"
  6. Replenishment of the developing environment with games and manuals.


Thus, mathematical education as a means of cognitive development of children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State educational standard preschool education is an important direction in the development of the education system.

  • "How we did math!"
  • "Geometric figures!"
  • "The composition of the number!"
  • "Magic Wands!"
  • "We are artists!"
  • "Playhouse!"
  • "Mathematical KVN"

"Thank you for your attention!"

Evgenia Rybina
FEMP project in the senior group "In the world of space and time"

Project type:

information and creative;


medium term.

Area "Knowledge".

Project relevance

Teaching experience shows that in the process of organizing pedagogical influence in kindergarten and in the family, children learn only some of the listed temporal representations and the ability to navigate in time. Temporal concepts of different meanings are often combined (dawn and dusk, etc.).

Most children do not notice differences in the color of the sky at different periods of the day, and cannot establish the sequence of parts of the day.

Often preschoolers do not know the days of the week, they cannot determine their sequence. In memorizing the days of the week, unevenness is observed, days that have a pronounced emotional coloring for a child.

Even older preschoolers have insufficient knowledge of how to measure time (using a calendar, clock). The names of time intervals (minute, hour) remain purely verbal, abstract for children, since they have not yet accumulated life experience activities during these periods of time.

So, the knowledge that children have about time is incomplete, isolated, not interconnected and static. This is due to the fact that episodic classes, in which children are introduced to the signs of parts of the day, memorize the sequence of days of the week, months, do not give them necessary knowledge about time - about its fluidity and irreversibility, about rhythm, tempo and periodicity. The information received by children remains on the surface of consciousness, does not reveal temporal relationships.

Thus, the contradiction that arose, on the one hand, the importance and necessity of the formation of temporal and spatial representations in children, and, on the other hand, the lack of purposeful, systematic work led to the choice of the project topic.

Project object: teaching children of senior preschool age the concepts of space and time.

Project subject: formed spatial and temporal representations of older preschoolers.

Objective of the project: to expand the knowledge and ideas of older preschoolers about the concepts of time and space. To teach how to reflect abstract concepts of time in concrete actions with watch models.

Project objectives:

conduct a cycle of classes and events on the topic;

develop information sheets for parents with recommendations for familiarizing children with the days of the week;


to teach to navigate on the plane and in time;

teach to install spatial relationships between objects;


develop the ability to move in the indicated direction;


to cultivate the ability to work in pairs, groups, independence and discipline.

develop an interest in mathematics.

Project participants: children of senior preschool age, educator, parents.

Necessary materials:

Children's fiction;

Poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings about time;

Clock models of various time intervals;

Didactic games for the development of orientation in time and space.

Expected results:

formation of spatial, temporal representations;

promotion cognitive activity students, interest in further teaching mathematics.

Project activity product: Making a model of the "time machine", a presentation on the implementation of the project.


1. Metlina L. S. Mathematics in kindergarten: A guide for kindergarten teachers.

2. Kolesnikova I. A. Educational design: Proc. allowance for higher textbook establishments.

3. Kolesnikova E. V. Mathematics for children 5-6 years old.

4. Mikhailova Z. A. Entertaining game tasks for preschoolers.

Stages of project implementation

Preparatory stage Main stage Final stage

- setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project;

- selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project (magazines, articles, abstracts, etc.);

- selection of visual and didactic material; fiction, reproductions of paintings; organization of the developing environment in the group. consideration of pictures and conversations on their content;

conducting classes;

holding a final event;

drawing with children on the theme "Clock";

creation and presentation.

– analysis of project results.

Project Implementation Plan

Date Name of the event Aims and objectives Form and content

Preparatory stage

First week Organizational events. 1. Setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project.

1. Selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project (magazines, articles, abstracts, etc.).

2. Selection of visual and didactic material; fiction; didactic games, development of conversations.

main stage

Second week of "In the World of Time"

clarify children's ideas about parts of the day and seasons;

contribute to the accumulation of experience in the study of time;

arouse interest in the study of time;

develop attention, memory, imagination, associative thinking. Conversation on a series of pictures "Parts of the day", "Seasons";

Poems about parts of the day;

Didactic games: "Seasons", "Parts of the day";

Making the design of the "time machine".

"Watch Workshop" to acquaint children with the history of watches;

to expand children's knowledge about the variety of clocks, their structure.

to cultivate respect for people of different professions. Watching the video "Clock";

Examination of illustrations of various types of clocks.

"Days of the week" to introduce and consolidate knowledge about the days of the week with children;

fix the sequence of days of the week in working with numbers;

learn to associate the name of each day with its ordinal number. The name of the days of the week with the specific content of children's activities. Looking at pictures of the days of the week

Memorizing the poem "Days of the week";

Solving logical problems.

"Orientation in space" Consolidation and improvement of the ability to move in the indicated direction, change direction while walking, running;

Strengthening the ability to distinguish between the left and right hand. Outdoor games: "Find a toy", "Where will you go and what will you find?", "Find a treasure"

"Country of Mathematics" teaching children the ability to determine the position of an object in relation to another object;

Teaching children the ability to determine their position among the surrounding objects;

Ability to perform a variety of practical tasks while orienting on a plane. Game exercises: “Housewarming”, “What is where?”;

Looking at pictures showing spatial relationships;

Graphic dictation

The final stage

Third week Preparing a presentation on project activities

Key Concepts

Education is a joint purposeful activity of an adult and a child, during which the development of the personality, its education and upbringing is carried out.

Development - A multi-dimensional process, usually involving a change in state from less satisfactory to more satisfactory. Development is a normative concept; it does not have a single, generally accepted definition.

Education - in a broad sense, the process of socialization of the individual, the formation and development of him as a person throughout his life in the course of his own activity and under the influence of the natural, social and cultural environment.

One of the features of spatial thinking is the use of different systems of orientation in space (visible or imaginary). The most natural system of orientation fixed by all human experience is the body scheme. It underlies practical orientation among objects and phenomena. The child very early begins to orient himself in the real surrounding him, and then in the imaginary space, taking into account the position of his own body. He perceives all objects in space taking into account the vertical position of his own body. This natural position serves as a starting point for creating a variety of spatial images.

Clock - a device for determining the current time of day and measuring the duration of time intervals in units less than one day.

A week is a period of time of seven days; a time interval of seven days and starting on Monday.

Day - a unit of time, approximately equal to the period of rotation of the Earth around its axis. Usually, days mean the astronomical concept of a solar day. In everyday life, a day is often called a day. The day is divided into 24 hours.

Seasons - four periods into which it is conditionally divided annual cycle. Distinguish:

Calendar seasons - in most countries of the world, the division of the year into four seasons, three calendar months each, is accepted. Astronomical seasons, which are counted from the points of the solstice (winter, summer) and equinox (autumn, spring). The change of seasons is determined by the annual period of the planet's revolution around the Sun and the inclination of the Earth's axis of rotation relative to the orbital plane and, to a small extent, the ellipticity of the orbit.

Methodological support of the project

Conversation materials

Educational event "Man and time"

Excellence in Kindergarten Teaching Experience

Project "Journey to the World of Mathematics"

Composition of TG ( creative team): Muzipova S.R. - supervisor,
Troshkina R.R., Rusyaeva E.M., Glukhova E.N., Evseeva E.V.,
Gaifullina O.V., Fadeeva S.V. MBDOU No. 5, Leninogorsk, Republic of Tatarstan


Parents and teachers are always concerned about the question of how to ensure the full development of the child at preschool age, how to properly prepare him for school. One of the indicators of a child's intellectual readiness for schooling- the level of development of mathematical and communicative abilities.

Among subjects, causing increased difficulties in assimilation, mathematics occupies an elevated place. This is revealed already at preschool age, but is especially clearly observed in the process of learning in primary school. The abstract nature of the mathematical material that needs to be analyzed, generalized, drawing certain conclusions, insufficient possession of mathematical memory create special difficulties in mastering mathematics. Content educational material in individual sections of the program for many children turns out to be unbearable, and the slow pace of progress does not allow them to fully assimilate the program in a timely manner.

Mathematics for children is the most important in terms of memory development, and further perception of mathematical information. For a more effective introduction of mathematics into the mind of a child, its study should begin, of course, in kindergarten. And do not be afraid of serious geometric shapes and other things. At this age, the child's brain captures everything to the smallest detail, and if sometimes the baby does not understand everything, it's not scary, anyway, some part educational process is laid in his memory, the brain begins to get used to new data. Gradually, after repetitions, the child will easily distinguish between geometric shapes, learn to add and subtract.

It is very important in this regard to have the right approach, to deal with the child only in game form, the method of games and tips, otherwise strict classes will quickly become a boring pastime for the baby, and he will not want to return to this anymore.

Mathematics is a powerful factor in the intellectual development of the child, the formation of his cognitive and creativity. It is also known that the success of teaching mathematics in elementary school depends on the effectiveness of the mathematical development of a child in preschool age.

Why is it so difficult for many children to do mathematics, not only in elementary school, but even now, in preparation for learning activities? Let's try to answer this question and show why generally accepted approaches to the mathematical preparation of a preschool child often do not bring the desired positive results. In modern training programs, great importance is attached to the logical component. Development logical thinking the child implies the formation of logical methods of mental activity, as well as the ability to understand and trace the cause-and-effect relationships of phenomena and the ability to build the simplest conclusions based on a cause-and-effect relationship. So that the child does not experience difficulties literally from the first lessons and does not have to learn from scratch, already now, in the preschool period, it is necessary to prepare the child accordingly.

Many parents believe that the main thing when preparing for school is to introduce the child to numbers and teach him to write, count, add and subtract. (in fact, this usually translates into an attempt to memorize the results of addition and subtraction within 10). However, when teaching mathematics from the textbooks of modern developing systems (system of L. V. Zankov, system of V. V. Davydov, system "Harmony", "School 2100", etc.) these skills help out the child for a very short time in mathematics lessons. The stock of memorized knowledge ends very quickly (in a month or two), and unformed own ability to think productively (that is, independently perform the above mental actions on mathematical content) very quickly leads to the appearance of "problems with mathematics". The relevance of this issue prompted the idea to create a project to master children of senior preschool age - the ability to think logically, analyze, develop memory, attention and, most importantly, correctly express their thoughts aloud.

Project type - on the activity dominating in the project: educational and methodical.

Objective of the project - to create conditions for the assimilation of mathematical concepts by preschoolers, to ensure the successful development of the abilities and thinking of children.


  1. Organize propaedeutic work to prepare children for the study of mathematics.
  2. Actively influence the comprehensive development of children:
    • Enrich with new ideas and concepts;
    • consolidate knowledge;
    • activate mental activity (the ability to compare, generalize, classify, analyze).
  3. To develop a system of classes, including a variety of games and exercises aimed at developing mathematical concepts, developing the abilities and thinking of children.

During the implementation of this project "Journey into the world of mathematics" it is important to purposefully promote:

  • raising to new level visual-figurative thinking of preschoolers;
  • improving the ability to visual perception various forms;
  • the formation of the ability to navigate in space, in time;
  • bringing to automatism counting skills within the first ten.

Practical significance The project is defined in three aspects:

  1. One of the indicators of preparing a child for schooling is revealed.
  2. The systematized material on the development of mathematical concepts, memory, thinking, imagination, fine motor skills hands with access to the development of children's creative abilities.
  3. Development system proposed game exercises and situations that teachers could use in individual work with children or circle work.

Expected result:

  • use of gaming ICT tasks in the work;
  • creation of mathematical corners in each group;
  • expansion of mathematical knowledge, skills and ideas with the help of multimedia;
  • external products: development of educational and didactic set of multimedia objects.


  1. Mikhailova Z. A., Ioffe E. N. Mathematics from three to seven: educational Toolkit for kindergarten teachers. - St. Petersburg. : Detstvo-press, 2003
  2. "Mathematics is interesting" - workbook.
  3. Educational and didactic set "Game mathematics".
  4. Mikhailova Z. A. Game situations for preschool children, a methodological guide for teachers
  5. Sanitary rules and regulations. - M.: "Publishing house PRIOR", 2001. - 464 p.
  6. Gorvits Yu. M. Why do we need computers in preschool institutions? 60

Sources of information:

  1. detskiy-sad. com
  2. nsportal. en
  3. 50ds. en
  4. doshkolnik. en

Implemented activities.

GCD and OD

Working with parents

Logic tasks mathematical content in poetry

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of combined type No. 38 of the city of Kuznetsk

Project "Rainbow of Behavior"

In the senior group

Educators: Vasilyeva A.K.

Ruzlyaeva E.V.

Kuznetsk 2016

Project name: "Rainbow of Behavior"

Brief description of the project:This project is a work on the creation of a new norm (rule-making), which is based on real situations emerging in the lives of children in kindergarten. Usually these are typical, repetitive conflict situations. The project is aimed at acquiring preschool children necessary skills behavior - children become more attentive to each other, begin to be guided not so much by their own motives as by established norms.

Objective of the project: creation of an educational environment that ensures the activation of the social and intellectual interests of children, the formation of social and moral qualities in a child in kindergarten and at home. Mastering by children the norms of behavior, the ability to design their behavior based on the analysis of reality and keeping this rule.

Project type: practice oriented.

Characteristics of the project by duration: short term

1. Introduction

Intensive update, modernization of all components educational process raised the bar for professional requirements for teachers. Today, a teacher-innovator, a teacher-researcher is in demand in preschool institutions, so we are teachers-practitioners involved in active search and innovation activities.

In pedagogy, creative search involves search activity, the creation of a new pedagogical experience. We believe that the project method is one of the new activities that is used in the educational process of kindergartens.

The project method is based on the development of cognitive skills of children, teachers, parents, their ability to navigate in information space, to organize the process of cognition, which must end with a real result. This result can be seen, comprehended, applied in real life, practical life. In our practice, we decided to use: normative project activities.

V modern society new, ever higher demands are made on a person, including on a child - on the level of his development. Most people do not need to prove that a successful child is a well-rounded child who knows how to behave in a peer group, in public places.

Preschool children can analyze the proposed situation from three different positions: normative-stabilizing, meaning-forming and transformative. Behind these three positions lies a certain understanding of the structure cognitive abilities. The organization of project activities is impossible without taking into account these positions at each stage of its implementation.

Thus the relevance this project is due to:

The problems of regulating the behavior of children in kindergarten are very acute. An analysis of the state of our pupils showed that conflict situations often occur in the group, which are characterized by a clash of children's initiatives, in which each child insists on his own variant of behavior.

The formation of friendly relations between children at preschool age largely depends on what kind of work is being done in kindergarten in this direction. To form the ability to evaluate their own actions and the actions of others.

Education in children of such qualities as sympathy, responsiveness, the ability to evaluate their own actions and the actions of others.

Objective of the project: the formation of social and moral qualities in a child in kindergarten and at home, children's awareness of their behavior and the formation of the ability to correct mistakes.

Tasks for children:

  • To develop in children intellectual development, cognitive, speech abilities, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of the child.
  • To form in the child an emotional-aesthetic and careful attitude towards peers, relatives.
  • Teaching children to see the undesirable consequences of unacceptable behavior

Tasks for parents:

  • create favorable conditions in the family for the development of the personality of the child,
  • take into account the experience of children acquired in kindergarten,
  • respect originality child, set realistic goals for yourself and the child.

Tasks for teachers:

  • develop social and professional competence and personal potential.

Project participants:

  1. Teachers: group educators, teacher assistants.
  2. Children of the senior group.
  3. Parents and other family members.

Expected result in the process of interaction between the teacher - children - parents in the implementation of the project:


  • acquire knowledge about the consequences of undesirable behavior in a given situation;
  • show kindness, care, respect for others;
  • the speech activity of children increases in different types activities, the ability to analyze their actions and the actions of others;


  • enrichment of parental experience with methods of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family;
  • increasing the pedagogical competence of parents.

Teachers: designing forces the teacher to be in the space of possibilities, which changes the worldview and does not allow the use of standard, patterned actions, requires creative, personal growth.

3. Main body

1. Preparatory stage

Definition by the teacher of the topic, goals and objectives, the content of the project, predicting the result. At this stage of work, I had to solve the following tasks:

  • to study the attitude of the parent community to the proposed activities within the framework of the project (questionnaires) and the possibilities of the families of pupils to support the educational process;
  • to coordinate the actions of teachers and parents on the formation of social and moral qualities in children in kindergarten and at home;
  • develop basic teaching materials and prepare the necessary teaching aids.

2. The main stage of the project implementation:

Purpose of the main stage:social and moral education of preschoolers based on conversations on moral topics, reading and subsequent analysis works of art, discussion and playback problem situation, viewing and discussion of fragments of cartoons, artistic creativity.

  1. The content of the activities of parents:
  • Selection of photographs for the "Rainbow of Behavior" stand.
  • Participation in the design of the stand in the group.
  • Joint with the teacher, child and parents analysis of behavior for the day.
  • Participation in the design of the photo exhibition "Our favorite kindergarten."


- Questionnaire for parents

Annex 1

Section 1 "Me and my family" (conversations, games, game situations, discussion and playing the problem situation) Annex 2

The development of the ability to give a moral assessment of one's actions, the ability for emotional empathy.

Section 2 “Learning to sympathize and empathize with friends” (games, game situations, discussion and playing a problem situation)

Annex 3

Expansion and deepening of children's ideas about a benevolent attitude towards people around him.

Section 3

"Every behavior has its own color."

Design of the photo exhibition "Our favorite kindergarten"

Appendix 4

Create "signs" together with the children, in a certain color scheme, teach children to analyze their actions and the actions of their peers. Choosing a photo together with parents for the "Rainbow of Behavior" stand.

3. The final stage.

Analyzing the work done, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • the theme of the developed project was chosen taking into account the age characteristics of children of senior preschool age and the amount of information that they can perceive, which made it possible to significantly reduce conflict between children;
  • This project contributed not only to the improvement psychological climate, but also greatly facilitated the work of the teacher;
  • the speech activity of children has increased, which has a positive effect on the independent play activity of children, children include various toys in the plot of the game and try to carry out role-playing dialogue;
  • we think we have achieved good results interaction teacher-parents, parents accepted Active participation in project implementation.
  • At the initial stage of the project, a survey of parents was conducted.

Future perspective:

Develop the perspective of the Behavior Rainbow project in preparatory group, create a "Book of Rules" with conditional color or other designations.

The problems of morality, moral culture, moral education are put forward in one of the first places, as the basis, first of all, of the moral education of preschool children, the education of a new personality focused on moral universal values.

We believe that the task of a modern teacher is to educate in children the independence of decisions made, purposefulness in actions and deeds, the development in them of the ability for self-education and self-regulation of relations.

Annex 1

Questionnaire for parents

Dear parents!

We invite you to answer a few questions that will help us plan our work on social - moral education our children. Underline the answers to the survey questions.

Do you know what determines the psychological mood of the child for the whole day?

What question do you ask your child when he returns from kindergarten?

  • What have you been fed today?
  • What was interesting about preschool?
  • What have you done today?
  • How did you behave today in kindergarten?

What do you know about how to respond to a child's aggressive behavior in kindergarten?

  • I read a lot about it, I know a lot.
  • I don't know much about it.
  • I do not know anything.

Do you know what needs to be done to correct the child's behavior in kindergarten and at home?

  • Yes I know.
  • I know, but I would like to know more.
  • I do not know anything.

Do you need advice on how to improve your child's behavior at home and in kindergarten and provide him with reasonable assistance?

  • Yes, it is necessary.
  • No.

Do you think that aggressive intonations are an integral part of educational process in family?

  • Yes, this is the only way to influence the child.
  • Yes, but I avoid it.
  • No, this is incorrect.

Annex 2

Section 1 "Me and my family"

Class. Why do we offend people close to us?

Objectives: 1. To teach children to distinguish between the concepts of "good" and "evil".

  1. Encourage compassion and empathy for family and friends.
  2. To form awareness of the moral side of actions.

Lesson progress

At the beginning of the lesson, the game character Masha, the doll, leads a conversation with the children, what good deeds did they do for their parents? The answers of the children are listened to and the educator sets the brightest, humane actions of the children as an example, verbally praises.

Children are invited to listen to a poem by E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence."

What did the child do? Why?

Children are invited to take turns to complete the sentence "When I see a tired mom (dad), then ..."

Drawing on the theme "My family"allows diagnosing the nature of family relationships and the position of the child in the family.

Homework:Take care of your parents, and in the morning tell the teacher what good deeds you have done at home.

Playing a problem situation

“In the evening, my mother came to pick up Lesha from the kindergarten. The boy was used to the fact that his father always did this, with whom they, without hurrying, could still take a walk in the park. In the presence of a teacher and peers, Lesha began to act up, demand that his father come for him.

Did the boy do the right thing?

How did mother feel in this situation?

Who do you feel sorry for in this situation?

What would you do in the place of the boy?

Role gymnastics:using facial expressions and pantomime to show:

  • the boy is naughty;
  • the boy is angry;
  • mother comforts her son;
  • mother is upset;
  • boy and mother rejoice.

Exercise "Finish the sentence."“Dad got angry because I…”, “When I see that dad is upset, then…”.

Annex 3

Section 2 "Learning to sympathize and empathize with friends"

Class. A friend in trouble will not leave

Objectives: 1. To expand and deepen children's ideas about a benevolent attitude towards people around them.

  1. To reveal the importance of moral support to comrades, which can be expressed in sympathy.
  2. To form a value attitude of the child to himself and to the people around him.

Lesson progress

The teacher offers to watch the cartoon "Dimka and Timka" and sing a song with the cartoon characters: "A true friend":

A strong friendship won't break

Will not fall apart from rain and blizzards.

A friend in trouble will not leave

Do not ask too much -

That's what real means

True friend.

We fight and make up

"Do not spill water!" - joke all around.

At noon or at midnight

A friend will come to the rescue -

That's what real means

True friend.

At the end of the song, the teacher notes: “How good it is to have true and reliable friends!”. But one proverb says: "Friendship is different, but at least leave the other." During the discussion of the proverb, the teacher draws the children's attention to the moral implication of the proverb.


  1. Alyabyeva E.A. Moral and ethical conversations with preschoolers. - M .: TC Sphere, 2003.
  2. Boguslavskaya N.E., Kupina N.A. Cheerful etiquette (development of the child's communication skills). - Yekaterinburg: "LITUR", 2000.
  3. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Project activity preschoolers. Handbook for teachers of preschool institutions. - M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2010.
  4. Semenaka S.I. We learn to sympathize, to empathize. Correction - developing classes for children 5-8 years old. – M.: ARKTI, 2005.
  5. Shipitsina L.M., Zashchirinskaya O.V., Voronova A.P., Nilova T.A. ABC of communication. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 2002.
  6. Yakovleva N.G. Psychological help preschooler. - St. Petersburg: Valerie SPD, 2006.


"Math is everywhere, math is everywhere"

Project passport.

Topic: "The use of gaming techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical representations in children of senior preschool age."

Project type:

According to the activities dominating in the project: cognitive, creative, playful.

Project duration: long-term (2013-2014 academic year)

Project base - MBDOU d / s No. 2 of Taganrog.

Members: children of the senior group, parents, specialists of MBDOU kindergarten No. 2 in Taganrog.

The urgency of the problem.V modern world technical progress is developing at a very fast pace, we are surrounded from all sides by computers, numbers and algorithms, almost any job requires knowledge of computer technology from a person, and more and more deeply,Therefore, in our time, mathematics is in demand like never before.

Mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects in the school cycle, therefore, in order to successfully teach a child at school already in kindergarten, it is necessary to promote the mathematical development of a preschooler, expand their mathematical horizons, and improve the quality of mathematical preparation for school. This will allow children to more confidently navigate the simplest patterns of the reality around them and actively use mathematical knowledge in everyday life.

Mathematical representations should be mastered by a preschooler consistently, evenly and systematically. To this end, it is necessary to organize educational activities carried out both in the process of organizing various types of activities (game, communication, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading fiction), and during regime moments; as well as independent activities of children using a variety of gaming tools. Also, the mathematical development of children will be more effective when interacting with the families of children.

Target: Raising the level of mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age in the organized and independent activities of children.

Project tasks.

Learning tasks:

Develop the ability to correlate the number (within 10) with the number of objects.

To consolidate the ability to recognize and name geometric shapes.

To consolidate the ability to determine the position of an object not only in relation to oneself, but also to another object.

Improve the ability to name parts of the day, the sequence of days in the week.

To improve the ability to single out sets of objects or figures that have common property, highlight and express in speech signs of similarities and differences between individual objects and aggregates.

Development tasks:

Develop ingenuity visual memory, imagination, ability to compare and analyze. To contribute to the formation of thought processes, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.Develop a sense of collectivism, create an emotional mood for children.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate independence, the ability to understand learning task and do it yourself..

Expected result:

Raising the level of mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age.

Activation of thinking, memory, attention, imagination. To form the skills of collective creativity, mutual assistance, cooperation.

Activating parents' interest in using math games and exercise.

Stage 1 - preparatory (September, October).

1. Selection of methodological, fiction, illustrative material on this topic.

2. Creation of a developing environment in the group

3. Reporting to the project participants the importance of this problem.

4. Selection of material for productive activities.

5. Drawing up long-term planning of various types of activities for FEMP.

6. Development of GCD abstracts, quizzes.

7. Choice of diagnostic tools.

Stage 11 - the main, practical (November - April).

Program section

Forms and methods of work

Game activity

The use of didactic, verbal, board, plot, finger games of mathematical content.

Speech development and reading fiction

Reading mathematical fairy tales, Russian folk tales with counting elements, memorizing counting rhymes, poems, nursery rhymes, finger games to consolidate the count.

productive activity

Making a mathematical frieze, making an album "Merry Account", modeling and decorating numbers and geometric shapes, making applications from geometric shapes, drawing numbers, coloring coloring pages.

Physical development

Outdoor games for orientation in space, for the repetition of forward and backward counting.

cognitive activity

Open classes, mathematical quizzes.

Theatrical activities

Mathematical theater, finger theater.

Working with parents

Questioning of parents, home toy library, exhibition of works made by parents, publication of a wall newspaper, consultations for parents, production of didactic games.

Stage III - final (May, June)

  1. Using diagnostics, to identify the level of elementary mathematical concepts in children of the older group.
  2. Creating a presentation on the results of the project.
  3. Development guidelines for educators.

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