Regulatory activities of students. Regulatory Wood

Regulatory skills

The origins of mastering their behavior, its independent regulation so far have been little studied. The importance of their study is not doubtful. Another indicated to the regulatory function of self-consciousness in human behavior, and a number of researchers ,,,,,, the importance of self-consciousness, especially self-esteem, was emphasized, in the formation of morality. However, children's and pedagogical psychology still do not have data concerning the formation moral behavior Junior schoolchildren in combination with the peculiarities of their self-consciousness. In relation to younger schoolchildren, its role in becoming cognitive activity and conditions for the formation of their self-esteem ,.

Regulatory universal learning actions.

Regulatory Actions provide the organization of students in their educational activities. These include

- goaling As a statement task Based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students, and what is still unknown;

P laan - determination of the sequence of intermediate purposes, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

- forecasting - anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation, its time characteristics;

- control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given benchmark in order to detect deviations and differences from the reference;

- correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of the discrepancy of the standard, real action and its product;

- evaluation - Isolation and awareness of students that have already been learned and what is still subject to assimilation, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation.

Volitional self-regulation as an ability to mobilize forces and energy; The ability to the volitional effort is to choose in the situation of the motivational conflict and to overcome obstacles.

Regulationthe subject of its activity implies arbitrariness and will. Arbitration - the ability to act according to the sample and submission of the rules (1989) involves building a way of a situation and image, selection or design of the means or rules and hold this rule in the process of the child's activities, transformation of the rule in the internal rule as the basis of targeted action. Will is considered as higher Form arbitrary behavior, namely an arbitrary effect in the conditions of overcoming obstacles. Will action is distinguished by the fact that it is its own, initiative and at the same time conscious and meaningful effect of the subject. Will in action manifests itself as meaningful initiative.

shares the volitional processes and arbitrariness, relating to the will to personal processesassociated with motivation, and arbitrary to mastering self-regulation, while noting the inseparable unity of the formation of arbitrariness in unity with the formation of a volitional sphere (). Both and arbitrariness are inextricably linked to the development of the motivation sphere. A distinctive feature of arbitrary behavior considered the mismatch and purpose when the subject establishes this ratio. The ability to establish the attitude of the target to the motive arises in the middle before school agewith which the appearance of the first forms of arbitrary action is connected. The development of will and arbitrariness is associated with the formation of a sustainable hierarchy of motifs, which makes the person independent of situational influences (1968). The will and arbitrariness are developing in an inseparable unity: each stage of development of arbitrariness involves the formation of new motives, which not only subordinate to themselves old, but also encourage their behavior with the help of cultural and specified funds (19).

The fundamental characteristic of the will and arbitrariness in humans is awareness or consciousness of behavior, involving mediating or the presence of funds, such means are speech (signs), samples, ways of action, rules (,,). The development of arbitrariness, as the ability to master their behavior, respectively, acts as indirection of its activities (both external and internal). The necessary prerequisite for this is the awareness of its actions. Accordingly, the stages of the development of arbitrariness are determined by 2 criteria: 1) the level of awareness of his behavior; 2) means of organizing behaviors.

Will and arbitrariness have different content and, being interrelated, do not coincide on their manifestations. For example, many actions of a child under rule (instructions), being arbitrary, are not volitional, since their motives are asked for adults and do not come from the child himself.

The development of will and arbitrariness occurs in the process of communicating a child with adults as an intermediary in the attraction of a child to cultural experience and his assimilation. The role of an adult in the formation of will and arbitrariness is different, which must be considered when organizing joint Forms Activities, including training. These differences are as follows:

1. The volitional effort is always initiative, his motivation comes from a child. The goal and the task of arbitrary action can be asked from the outside by adults and only to be taken or not taken by a child.

2. Arbitrary behavior is always mediated, which requires the introduction of adults of certain means of organization of action, which will then consciously be used by the child. The volitional effort can be unrepresented, for example, encouraged by a strong emotional experience.

3. The arbitrariness is formed in the process. learning, educational cooperation aimed at mastering the means of organization of action. Will is formed in joint venture with adults aimed at education Sustainable values \u200b\u200band moral motives. The development of will, thus, is inextricably linked with the value-semantic structure of the child's consciousness, with universal personal actions of the meaning and moral and ethical estimation.

Thus, arbitrariness is conscious, intentional, mediated regulation of action in accordance with the changing conditions of the situation (2006).

The student's rapid regulation of their behavior and activity can be the ability to:

Choose funds to organize your behavior;

Memorize and hold the rule, instruction in time;

Plan, control and perform action according to a given pattern, rule, using norms;

Anticipate intermediate and end results of their actions, as well as possible errors;

Start and finish the action at the right moment;

Inhibit unnecessary reactions.

Arbitrary performance includes the ability to build its own behavior in accordance with the requirements of a specific situation, anticipating intermediate and final results of the action and selecting the relevant necessary funds.

Allocation of universal system regulatory actions Based on a functional and structural analysis of activities. We emphasize that we are talking about any activity, including training.

Functional analysis Activities are aimed at the estimated, control and executive part of the action (2002) and takes into account:

In an indicative part:

- the presence of orientation (whether the child analyzes the sample obtained by the product relates to the sample);

- orientation nature(cooked - deployed, chaotic - organized);

- fitting step orientation(small - redeplaying - blocks; whether there is anticipation of the future intermediate result and how many steps forward; anticipation of the final result);

-the nature of cooperation(CO-regulation of action in collaboration with adults or independent orientation and planning of action);

in the executive part:

- The degree of arbitrariness -chaotic samples and errors without taking into account and analyze the result and correlation with the conditions of performing actions or arbitrary execution an action in line with the plan;

- the nature of cooperation(closely joint - divided - independent performance);

in the control part:

the degree of arbitrary control (chaotic - in accordance with the control plan; availability of means of control and nature of their use);

character of control (rolled - unfolded, stateing - anticipating);

- the nature of cooperation(Closely joint - divided - independent performance).

Structural analysis activities Allows to select the following components:

- Task acceptance (adequacy, the adoption of the problem as a goal given under certain conditions, the maintenance of the problem and the relation to it);

- execution planregulating a predetermined performance in correlation with certain conditions;

- control and correction(orientation aimed at mapping a plan and a real process, detecting errors and deviations, making appropriate corrections);

- evaluation (a statement of achieving the goal or measure of approaching it and the causes of failure, the ratio of success and failure);

- action measure (joint or divided);

- the pace and rhythm of implementation and individual features.

Listed functional I. structural components Actors are indicators of formation of the overall structure of the regulation of activities.

Another important criterion for the formation of the regulatory structure of activities and the level of its arbitrariness is type of help necessary to a student for successful performance. Table 6.1 presents types of assistance provided, which may be the basis for assessing the formation of regulatory universal actions of the student and the level of arbitrariness (2006).

Tab 6.1. Types of assistance provided. 5 - the lowest level of regulation.

Degree of aid

The conditions under which assistance is provided.

The action is performed insecure

Difficulties arise, stop

The action is wrong

The action is mistakenly re

All task is incorrect

Approval, support

Question "Is it so?"

Question "Why?" with a request to explain the cause of action

Show, demonstrating the correct performance, instruction in a valid plan

Regulatory universal actions are aimed at managing cognitive and converter activities. The choice of optimal learning discipline is determined by the age of the student.

Regulatory universal educational actions.

Regulatory URU includes: goal-making, planning, forecasting, control, correction, assessment and which is very important, volitional self-regulation.

Consider the possibility of forming regulatory URU on the example of solving problems. With all the variety of approaches, you can allocate the following common componentscontributing to the formation of a Wood:

Analysis of the text of the task (semantic, logical, mathematical) is a central component of solving problems (for example, Mathematics 1 cl. Part.14).

Text translation into mathematics language with verbal and non-verbal means (for example, Mathematics 1 cl. Part 1). As a result of the analysis of the problem, the text acts as a combination of certain semantic units. However, the text form of expressions of these values \u200b\u200boften includes information insignificant to solve problems. In order to work only with significant semantic units, the task text is written briefly using conditional symbolism. After the tasks are specifically detected in a brief record, you should move to the analysis of relations and links between these data. To do this, the text is transferred to the language of graphic models, understood as a presentation of the text using non-verbal means - models of various types: drawing, schemes, graphics, tables, symbolic pattern, formulas, equations, etc. Text translation in the model form allows you to detect properties in it and relationships that are often detected while reading the text (for example, mathematics 1 cl. Part 1 p.37-50, etc.)

Establishing relations between data and a matter (for example, mathematics 1 cl. Part.18, 27, 45). Based on the analysis of the condition and issue of the task, the method of solving it is determined (calculated, build, prove), a sequence of specific actions is built. This establishes sufficiency, insufficiency or redundancy of data.

Drawing up a problem solving plan. Based on the identified relationship between the values \u200b\u200bof objects, a sequence of actions is built - a solution plan. Of particular importance is the preparation of a solution plan for complex, composite problems (for example, Mathematics 1 cl. Part. 80 and further).

Implementation of the decision plan (for example, Mathematics 1 cl. Part 2 p.56 (s.1), p. 57 (s.1).

Check and evaluate the solution of the problem. Verification is carried out in terms of the adequacy of a solution plan, a solution method (rationality of the method) leading to the result. One of the options for verifying the correctness of the decision, especially in primary schoolis a way to compile and solve the problem, inverse this. Such tasks and tasks in the textbooks of mathematics UMK "School of Russia" is quite enough.

The general method of solving problems should be a subject of special assimilation with consistent development of each of the components components. Mastering this technique will allow students to independently analyze and solve different types of tasks.

The described generalized method of solving problems in relation to mathematics in its general structure can be moved to any academic subject. In relation to the subjects of the natural cycle, the reception content does not require significant changes - the differences will concern the specific subject Descriptions of the elements of the problem, their structures and methods of the iconic and symbolic representation of relations between them.

It is assumed that resultformation of regulatory universal training actions will be skills:

Understand, take and maintain a learning task,

Set goals to solve educational tasks;

Plan their actions in accordance with the goal and conditions of its implementation;

Consider the rules for planning and find control of the decision method;

Exercise final and step-by-step control on the result;

Distinguish the method and result of action;

Be able to evaluate the correctness of the action on the specified external and formed internal criteria;

Make the necessary adjustments to effect after its completion on the basis of its assessment and accounting of the character of the errors;

Carry out academic actions in a materialized, speech and mental form;

Exercise an action initiative in educational cooperation;

carry out control over the result and in a method of action;

Independently evaluate the correctness of the performance and make the necessary adjustments to execution, both at the end of the action and in the course of its implementation;

Use external and internal speech for goaling, planning and regulating their activities;

In collaboration with the teacher, set new educational tasks;

Thus, goaling, planning, development of methods of action, the development of algorithms, assessing its own activities are the main components of the regulatory URUs that become the base for learning activities.

Cognitive universal learning actions.

The beginning of training at school introduces the child to the new unfamiliar world for him - the world of science, in which there is their language, rules and laws. Often, in the learning process, the teacher introduces the child with the concepts, scientific objects, but does not create conditions for understanding the patterns of their binding. Understanding texts, tasks; The ability to allocate the main thing, to compare, distinguish between and summarize, classify, simulate, carry out elementary analysis, synthesis, interpretation of the text, etc. - Related to cognitive Wood.

Tasks aimed at creating the skill to compare, create and use iconic symbolic tools for creating models, schemes. Interpret drawing (pictures).

Read more Consider the formation issues. cognitive Wood when reading texts.

The reading skill is considered to be the foundation of the entire subsequent education. Full reading is a complex and multifaceted process, which involves the solution of such cognitive and communicative tasks, as an understanding (general, complete and critical), search for specific information, self-control, restoration of a wide context, interpretation, commenting text and MN. Dr.

In the process of reading, such mental techniques as perception, recognition, dumping, understanding, understanding, anticipation (lat is expected, anticipation, prediction of events, pre-composed idea of \u200b\u200banything, etc.), reflection, etc.

In the course of learning, reading students need to be seized by various types and types of reading.

To type of reading include:

Study reading aimed at extracting basic information or allocating the main text content;

Studying reading, aimed at extracting, leaving the full and accurate information, with the subsequent interpretation of the text content;

Expressive reading passing, for example artistic work, in accordance with additional voicing standards of written text.

The types of reading are communicative reading loud and "to ourselves", educational, independent.

Studies on reading psychology show that this type of speech activity is a multi-part intellectual-cognitive process. The content of learning to reflective reading is to master the following complex of skills when reading artistic texts:

The ability to anticipate the content of the object object on the header and with a support for the previous experience;

Ability to understand the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text

Ability to explain;

The ability to predict events based on the content of the text;

Give moral and ethical evaluation of the actions of heroes;

The ability to compare illustrative material with text content;

Ability to reflect your changes emotional state in the process of reading;

The ability to understand the mental state of the characters of the text and the ability to empathize;

The ability to understand the appointment of different types of texts;

Ability to determine the topics of the text;

The ability to set the purpose of reading by sending attention to the information useful at the moment;

The ability to allocate not only the main, but also redundant information;

The ability to compare different points of view and different sources of information on the topic.

It is assumed that the result of the formation of cognitive universal training actions will be skills:

arbitrarily and consciously own the general technique of solving problems;

search necessary information to perform learning tasks;

use iconic and symbolic tools, including models and schemes for solving training tasks;

focus on the variety of ways to solve problems;

learn the basics of the semantic reading of artistic and cognitive texts; be able to identify substantial information from texts of different types;

to be able to analyze objects with the allocation of significant and irrelevant signs

be able to exercise synthesis as a compilation of a whole of parts;

Be able to compare, serialization and classification according to the specified criteria;

Be able to establish causal relationships;

Be able to build arguments in the form of communication of simple judgments about the object, its structure, properties and connections;

be able to establish analogies;

to own a general admission to solve learning tasks.

Advanced search for information using library resources, educational space native region (small homeland);

Create and convert models and schemes for solving problems;

To be able to choose the most effective ways to solve educational tasks, depending on the specific conditions.

Communicative universal learning actions.

From the very first lessons, the child is included in constructive, substantive communication. As it was already said earlier, the teacher forms the ability to answer questions, ask questions, formulate main thought, Dialogue, over time, exercise semantic reading, etc. At the same time, the teacher needs to clearly explain the disciple, what communication is accepted in the family, school, society, and what is unacceptable. The textbooks have tasks for their implementation in pairs and groups, which allows students to use the knowledge gained in practical situations. This contributes gaming situationsThrough heroes (in the outside world are children Nadia and Seryozha, an ant question and wise turtle), heroes of textbooks, meaningful illustrative material, questions and tasks, tasks aimed at the development of communicative Wood, etc.

It is assumed that the result of the formation of communicative universal training actions will be skills:

understand the various positions of other people other than their own and focus on the partner's position in communication;

take into account different opinions and the desire to coordinate various positions in collaboration;

formulate personal opinion and position in oral and writing;

to negotiate and come to a general decision in joint activities, including in the situation of collisions of interest;

build statements understandable for a partner who take into account what he knows and sees, and what is not;

to ask questions;

use speech to regulate your action;

adequately use speech tool for solving various communicative tasks;

build a monologue statement, own a dialogical form of speech;

be able to argue your position and coordinate it with the positions of partners in collaboration when developing general solution in joint activities;

to be able to productively resolve conflicts on the basis of accounting for the interests and positions of all its participants;

quite accurately, consistently and fully transfer the information necessary to the partner;

be able to carry out mutual control and provide in collaboration the necessary mutual assistance;

adequately use speech tools to effectively solve a variety of communicative tasks.

Obviously, the formation of URU largely depends on the pedagogically proper interaction of the teacher and the student, the effectiveness of them communicative activities. This is also expressed in the wording of questions and as accuracy of teacher's comments directed directly to the formation of various types of Wood.

Examples of the formation of communicative, personal, knowledge and regulatory Wood.

1. Communicative Wood form when:

the student learns to answer questions;

the student learns to ask questions;

the student learns to conduct a dialogue;

the student learns to retell the plot;

pupils teach to listen - before that, the teacher usually says: "We listen carefully."

2. Personal Wood form when:

The teacher asks questions that contribute to the creation of motivation, i.e., the question is directed directly on the formation of interest, curious student. For example: "How would you do ..."; "What would you do...";

The teacher contributes to the emergence of personal, emotional relations Students to the topic studied. Usually questions contribute to: "As you feel."; "How do you like.".

3. Cognitive Wood form when:

The teacher says: "Think"; "Perform a task"; "Analyze"; "Make a conclusion ...".

4. Regulatory URUs are formed when:

The teacher teaches specific methods of action: planning, to put a goal, use the algorithm for solving any task, evaluate, etc.

When working with the UMC "School of Russia", when studying almost all, it is possible to form all universal learning actions at the same time.

V. Programs of individual items, courses

5.1. General provisions

Primary school - self-made, fundamentally new stage In the life of the child: the systematic training begins in educational institutionThe scope of its interaction with the outside world is expanding, social status changes and the need for self-expression increases.

Education in elementary school is the base, the foundation of all subsequent training. First of all, it concerns the formation of universal training actions (Wood), providing the ability to learn. Today, primary education is intended to solve its main task - to lay the foundation for the formation of the child's training activities, including a system of educational and informative motives, the ability to take, maintain, implement training goals, plan, monitor and evaluate learning actions and their result.

A feature of the content of modern primary education It is not only an answer to the question that the student should know (remember reproduction), but also the formation of universal training actions in personal, communicative, educational, regulatory spheres that ensure the ability to organize independent learning activities. It is also necessary to distribute general educational skills and skills to form the ICT competence of students.

In addition, the definition in the content programs of those knowledge, skills and methods of activity that are competent, i.e. Formed by the means of each study subject, makes it possible to combine the efforts of all learning items to solve the general learning tasks, approach the implementation of the "ideal" education goals. At the same time, such an approach will prevent the narrowness in the selection of education, ensure integration in the study of different parties to the surrounding world.

The level of formation of URU fully depends on the methods of organizing educational activities and cooperation, cognitive, creative, artistic and aesthetic and communicative activities of schoolchildren. This determined the need to allocate in exemplary programs not only the content of knowledge, but also the content of activities, which includes specific URU, ensuring the creative application of knowledge to solve life tasks, the initial self-education skills. It is this aspect of exemplary programs that gives the basis for the approval of the humanistic, personal-oriented oriented process of the formation of junior schoolchildren.

An important condition for the development of children's curiosity, the needs of independent knowledge of the surrounding world, cognitive activity and initiative in elementary school is the creation of a developing educational environmentIntroducing the active forms of knowledge: observation, experiments, training dialogue, etc. Younger schoolboy should be created for the development of reflection - the ability to realize and evaluate their thoughts and actions as it were from the part, relate the result of the activity with the goal, to determine their knowledge and ignorance and others. Ability to reflection - the most important quality determining social role The child is like a student, schoolchildren, the focus on self-development.

The initial level of education contributes to the socio-personal development of the child. In the learning process, a fairly conscious system of ideas about the world around the world, about social and interpersonal relations, moral and ethical standards is formed. There are changes in the self-esteem of the child. Staying quite optimistic and high, it becomes more objective and self-critical.

5.2. The main content of training items on the initial stage general Education

5.2.1. Russian language

Types of speech activity

Hearing.Awareness of the purpose and situations of oral communication. Adequate perception sound speech. Understanding on the hearing of the information contained in the text preventing the text, the definition of the main thought of the text, the transfer of its content on issues.

Speaking.Select language tools in accordance with the objectives and conditions of communication to effectively solve the communicative task. Practical mastering dialogic form of speech. Mastering the skills to start, support, finish the conversation, draw attention, etc. Practical mastering by oral monologue statements in accordance with the educational task (description, narration, reasoning). Mastering speech etiquette in situations of educational and domestic communication (greeting, farewell, apology, gratitude, requesting). Compliance orphoepic norms and proper intonation.

C.caution.Understanding educational text. Selective reading in order to find the required material. Finding information specified in the text explicitly. Formulation of simple conclusions based on the information contained in the text. Interpretation and generalization of the information contained in the text. Analysis and assessment of the content, language features and text structure.

Letter.Letter of letters, badges, syllables, words, proposals in the literacy learning system. Mastering a legible, careful letter taking into account the hygienic requirements for this kind academic work. Covering, letter under dictation in accordance with the rules studied. Written statement of the content of the listened and read text (detailed, selective). The creation of small ones (essays) for interesting children subjects (based on impressions, literary works, plot paintings, series of paintings, viewing a fragment of the video and so on).

Lumen learning

Phonetics.Sounds of speech. Awareness of unity sound Makeup Words and its meanings. Set the number and sequence of sounds in the word. Mapping words that differ in one or more sounds.

Distribution of vowels and consonant sounds, vowel shock and unstressed, consonant solid and soft, ringing and deaf.

Sign as a minimum sponge unit. Decision words on syllables. Determination of the place of accent.

Graphics.Distribution of sound and letters: letter as a sign of sound. Mastering the positional way to designate sounds letters. The letters are vowels as an indicator of solidness-softness of consonant sounds. Function letters e, E, Yu, I. Soft sign as an indicator of the softness of the preceding consonant sound.

Acquaintance with the Russian alphabet as a sequence of letters.

C.caution.Forming a sludge reading skill (orientation on a letter denoting vowel sound). Smooth sludge reading and reading with whole words with a speed corresponding to an individual child's tempo. Conscious reading words, phrases, proposals and short texts. Reading with intonation and pauses according to punctuation marks. The development of awareness and expressiveness of reading on the material of small texts and poems.

Acquaintance with orthoepic reading (when moving to reading as many words). Specographic reading (progress) as a self-control means when writing under dictation and in writing off.

Letter.The assimilation of hygienic requirements when writing. Development of shallow motility fingers and freedom of hand movement. The development of the ability to focus on the space of the sheet in the notebook and on the class space.

Mastering the design of written capital (capital) and lowercase letters. Letter of letters, letters, syllables, words, proposals in compliance with hygienic standards. Mastering a broken, neat letter. A letter to the dictation of words and proposals, whose writing does not disperse with their pronunciation. The assimilation of the receptions and the sequence of properly writing text.

Understanding the function of nebuctal graphics: a gap between words, a transfer sign.

Word and offer.Perception of the word as an object of study, material for analysis. Observation of the word value.

Distribution of the word and suggestions. Work with a proposal: Word allocation, change of their order.

Spelling.Acquaintance with spelling rules and their application:

· Separate writing words;

· The designation of vowels after hissing ( cha - sHA , chu - schu , libery - shi );

· Capital (title) letter at the beginning of a sentence, in own names;

· Transferring words by syllables without a coherence;

· Ploban signs at the end of the offer.

Speech development.Understanding the read text with independent reading loud and when listening to it. Drawing up small stories of a narrative nature in a series of plot pictures, materials of their own games, classes, observations.

Systematic course

Phonetics and Orphoepium.Discernment of vowels and consonant sounds. Finding in the word of shock and unstressed vowels. Distribution of soft and hard consonants, determination of pairs and unpaired hardness-softness of consonant sounds. Distribution of ringing and deaf sounds, the definition of paired and unpaired voyage-deafness of consonant sounds. Determination of high-quality sound characteristics: vowel - consonant; vowel shock - unstressed; consonant solid - soft, pair - unpalaring; The consonant ringing is deaf, the pair is unpaid. Decision words on syllables. Accent, pronunciation of sounds and combinations of sounds in accordance with the norms of modern Russian literary language. Phonetic analysis the words.

Graphics.Distribution of sounds and letters. Designation on the letter of hardness and softness of consonant sounds. Use on the letter of dividing kommersant and b .

Establishing the ratio of the sound and letter composition of the word in the words type table, horse; in words with yooted vowels e. , e. , yu , i ; in words with non-promotable consonants.

Krivenko Isless Nikolaevna,
English teacher GBOU Lyceum 488
Vyborg district of St. Petersburg

"The Great Purpose of Education is not knowledge, but actions."

Herbert Spencer

The Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education Determinesagen's o task modern education system: the formation of a set of "universal training actions", providing a "ability to learn", the ability of the personality to self-development and self-cultivation, through conscious and active assigning new social experience, and not only the development of specific objective knowledge and skills in individual disciplines.

Among the main types of uudselect four blocks:

1) Personal;

2) Regulative (also includesself-regulation);

3) cognitive;

4) communicative.

Regulatory Wood

For successful existence in modern society A person must have regulatory actions, i.e. To be able to put a specific goal, plan your life, predict possible situations. In school students teach to solve complex mathematical examples and tasks, but do not help in mastering ways to overcome life problems. The ability to learn is necessary for each person. This is the key to its normal adaptation in society, as well as professional growth.

The main tasks of regulatory URU is the organization of students of their educational activities.

TO regulatory Woodrelate:

goaling as a formulation of a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students, and what is still unknown;

p laan - determination of the sequence of intermediate purposes, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

forecasting - anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation, its time characteristics;

control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given benchmark in order to detect deviations and differences from the reference;

correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of the discrepancy of the standard, real action and its product;

evaluation - Isolation and awareness of students that have already been learned and what is still subject to assimilation, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation.

volitional self-regulation as an ability to mobilize forces and energy;

The formation of regulatory URU in the lesson of the English language is facilitated by the following actions of the monitoring of students: receptions of self-test and mutual tests. Students are offered texts for checks containing different kinds Errors (graphic, spelling, grammatical, etc.). And to solve this task, you can draw up the rules for checking the text that determine the actions algorithm.

In the process of work, the child learns to independently determine the purpose of its activities, plan it, to move on its own on the specified plan, evaluate and adjust the result. IN modern education Many UMK in English have already ready-made texts of work for self-test, which allows each child to determine its pros and cons of the material that has passed.

In addition, it is allocated actually application technologyaimed at developing the evaluation independence of students at the expense of a change in the traditional estimation system.

Technology project activities It can also serve as a means of forming and developing regulatory Wood. The focus of projects on the original end result in a limited time creates prerequisites and conditions for achieving regulatory MetaPrequent Results:

Determining the goals of activity, drawing up an action plan to achieve the result of a creative nature;

Work according to the plan compiled with a comparison of the resulting result with the initial intent;

Understanding the causes of emerging difficulties and search for ways to exit the situation.

ICT also contribute to the formation of regulatory Wood.It provides:

Assessment of conditions, algorithms and results of actions performed in information environment;

Using the results of action posted in the information environment for evaluating and correction of the action performed.

Goaling - setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students, and what is still unknown
- planning - determination of the sequence of intermediate purposes, taking into account the final result; Drawing up a plan and sequence of actions.

Forecasting is anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation, its time characteristics.

Control is the draining of the method of action and its result with a given benchmark in order to detect deviations and differences from the reference.

Correction is the introduction of necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of the discrepancy between the standard, real action and its product.

Evaluation is the allocation and awareness of students that has already been learned and what is still subject to assimilation, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation.

Vollage self-regulation - the ability to mobilize forces and energy; to the volitional effort

Formation criteria for student regulation of their activities

may be the ability:

memorize and hold the rule, instruction in time;

plan, monitor and perform action on a given pattern,

rule, using norms;

start and end the conversation at the right moment.

To form a regulatory Wood, the teacher assists in the form of:

approval, support; Notes "Try again", "Perform further";

show, demonstrating the correct operation, instruction in the effective plan.

The main thing for the teacher is to remember that all students are stars, small and large, close and distant, but equally beautiful. Each asterisk chooses its flight trajectory. Each asterisk dreams to shine.


1. Federal State Educational Standard of the initial

general education (1-4 cl.)

http: //minobrushuki.rf.documents

2. E.N. Solovov Workshop K. basic course Foreign learning techniques

languages. M Education 2006.

E.A. Starodubtseva,

primary school teacher.

MBOU Cadet School named

Hero of the Russian Federation S.A. Solhennikova,

Volzhsky, Volgograd region

Regulatory universal learning actions.

Levels of control.

"The Great Purpose of Education -
this is not knowledge, but actions. "
Herbert Spencer

Changes occurring in society cannot not affect modern person. Such changes include the development of science and technology, the emergence of new information technologiestransforming people's lives. Modern man It is necessary to be mobile, since throughout professional activity it has to be repeatedly reappeared, mastering new knowledge, professions. Consequently, it is worth talking about significance continuing educationwhich becomes reality and necessity.

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 06, 2009, the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education was commissioned from January 1, 2010.

On September 1, 2011, first-graders began to learn in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State educational Standard primary general education.

The need to optimize primary education is recognized by society as actual task Then, when there is a significant gap between the new system of requirements for the results of education and real results educational program.

In this regard, new GEF, Along with the mastering of subject skills, it provides for the formation of universal training actions in the learning process, providing schoolchildren to learn, the ability to self-improvement and self-development.

Analysis of new optimization trends educational process At school, it allows you to talk about the change in the general paradigm of education, which is reflected in the transition:

From determining the purpose of learning how to master knowledge, skills, skills to determine the purpose of learning how to study;

From the "sterility" of the system of scientific concepts that make up the content of the educational subject, to the environmental paradigm, including the content of training in the context of solving life problems;

From the elementalism of the student's learning activities to the strategy of its purposeful organization;

From the orientation to the educational and subject matter of school subjects to understand the educational process as a semantic (process of sense formation and senseport);

From the individual form of learning knowledge to recognize the leading role of educational cooperation.

Priority goal school Education Student becomes the ability to independently put educational goals, design ways to implement them, control and evaluate their achievements. The student himself must become an "architect and builder" of the educational process.

The achievement of this goal is possible due to the formation of a system of universal educational actions.

So, what do universal learning activities give? In a wide meaning, the term "universal training actions" means the ability to learn, i.e. The ability of a subject to self-development and self-improvement by conscious and active assigning new social experience. In a narrower value, this term can be determined as a set of ways of student's action, providing independent assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of skills, including the organization of this process.

Universal academic actions can be grouped into four main blocks:

1) personal;

2) regulatory;

3) cognitive, including logical, cognitive and iconic symbolic;

4) communicative actions.

Consider in more detail regulatory (including self-regulation actions) actions. Scientists and psychologists revealed that successfully studying schoolchildren Have more high level self-organization than unsuccessful. The most significant impact on the success of learning has the degree of formation regulatory educational actions such as goaling, planning, self-control, volitional efforts.

Goaling As a formulation of a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students, and what is still unknown. The first type of goal-setting is the formulation of private tasks for the assimilation of ready-made knowledge and actions (understand remember, replace). The second type is the adoption and then independent formulation of new training tasks (analysis of conditions, the choice of the appropriate method of action, control and evaluation of its implementation).

Planning - determination of the sequence of intermediate purposes, taking into account the final result; Drawing up a plan and sequence of actions.

Forecasting - anticipation of the result and level of assimilation, its temporary characteristics.

Function control in training activities - is the detection of deviations from the reference sample and making the appropriate adjustments.

Correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan, and the method of action in the event of the discrepancy between the standard, real action and its product.

Evaluation - Isolation and awareness of students that have already been learned and what is still subject to assimilation, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation. Performing the functions of the function - delivered communication and reinforcement (promotion).

The ubiquitous assessment form are the total indicators of the completeness and depths of the development school program, expressed in the ballacho on a five-point scale. Feedback to the help of such indicators is extremely non-informative, both for the teacher and for the student. The vagueness and often the arbitrariness of the marking criteria, an incomprehensible student, a little contributes to the formation and development of self-esteem.

Evaluation and self-assessment in training activities should perform the following functions :

    inform the student about the execution of the program;

    stimulate teaching (focus more on the fact that students know than what they do not know; note the slightest promotion; orient the student for success; promote the development of positive self-esteem).

By the time of the child's arrival, the following indicators of the formation of regulatory universal training actions can be allocated:

The ability to perform the sample and the specified rule;

The ability to keep the specified goal;

The ability to see the specified error and correct it by instructing an adult;

The ability to control their activities on the result;

The ability to adequately understand the assessment of adult and peers.

For the successful formation of regulatory actions, it is necessary to change the approach to the teaching methodology of items. First, revise the structure and forms of the construction of the lesson. Secondly, change the planning of the study of the topic, section, a course with a support for the activity method of training, you need to teach students to learn, i.e. Himself to "extract" knowledge.

Estimation of the level of control formation in elementary school students complies with the basic provisions of the concept of P.Ya. Halperin, according to which the ideal abbreviated automated form of control is the process of attention.

Consider levels of control.

Forming indicators

Additional diagnostic signs

    No control

The student does not control the training actions, does not notice the mistakes

The student can not detect and correct the error even at the request of the teacher, it is uncritical refers to the corrected errors in their works and does not notice the mistakes of other students

    Control at the level of involuntary attention

Control is random involuntary character, noticing the error, the student cannot justify its actions.

Acting unconsciously, predicts the correct direction of action, the mistakes made correctly correctly, in the unfamiliar actions of the error admits more often than in familiar

    Potential control at the level of arbitrary attention

The student is aware of the rule of control, but it is difficult to simultaneously perform learning actions and control them; corrects and explains errors

In the process of solving the problem, the control is difficult, after deciding a student can find and fix errors, in many times repeated actions, errors do not allow

    Current control at the level of arbitrary understanding

When performing an action, the student is focused on the rule of control and successfully uses it in the process of solving problems, almost no mistake

Errors corrects independently, controls the process of solving the problem by other students, when solving a new task, cannot adjust the rule of control with new conditions.

    Potential reflexive control

Solving a new task, the student applies an old inadequate way, with the help of a teacher, it detects it and tries to make adjustments.

The tasks corresponding to the learned method performs unmistakably. Without the help of the teacher, the discrepancy between the learned method of action cannot detect

    Actual reflexive control

Independently detects errors caused by non-compliance with the learned method of action and conditions of the problem, and makes adjustments

Controls the compliance of the actions performed by the method, when changing conditions, makes adjustments to the action method before

The criteria for formation of a student of arbitrary regulation of their behavior and activity are the following skills:

    choose funds to organize your behavior;

    remember and hold the rule, instruction in time;

    plan, monitor and perform actions for a given sample and rule;

    anticipate the results of their actions and possible errors;

    start performing actions and finish it at the required time time;

    inhibit reactions that are not related to the target.

Consider briefly on several examples, how can I form regulatory universal learning activities in children of younger school age.

Exercise 1.

Los lives forest. He eats grass and branches. He needs and salt. Boys go hang and salt but stump. Loss come to lick salt. It will be stiff and strong.

Indicate the number of errors: _____

Check yourself on the sample.


Elk lives in the forest. He eats grass and branches. He needs and salt. Boys go to the forest and put salt but stump. Loss will come to lick salt. They will be strong and strong.

Task 2.


Compare your task condition with data:

It was 5 yab. It was 5 yab.

Ate - 3 yab. Ate -? I would.

Left - ? I would. It remains 2 yab.

What is the condition of the task you consider correct? Explain your choice.

Task 3.


Share the task of actions and make a complex expression on it. Masha and Misha accounted for such expressions:

Which of them is right? How did everyone reason?

Task 4.

Russian language

We work on your oral scientific speech. Prepare an oral story on the topic "What's new I learned about the verb this year." Make up and write a story plan. Pick up examples to each point of the plan.

Task 5.


Connect the lines to spread with those stands that can work out of it.

Check the task of Appendix No. 4.

The application of these features of the organization of the educational process will contribute to the effective formation of regulatory universal educational actions, their properties and qualities, which in general will determine the effectiveness of the educational process, in particular the learning of knowledge, the formation of skills, the image of the world and the main types of students' competences.

1. The best method of organizing school students - joint planning, discussion and evaluation independent work.

2. Delegate the student of the action of self-organization while maintaining the function of the formulation of the general academic goal and assistance in case of need.

3. Training goaling, move from private tasks assimilation of ready-made knowledge and action to independent formulationpupils new educational tasks (analysis of conditions, choosing the appropriate method of action, control and evaluation of its implementation).

4. When organizing control, determine its criteria, monitor the time of its execution, the automation of the actions of students, their focus on the result or method of action.

5. Remember that correctionaction It is aimed at changing the content and sequence of cognitive operations in response to changed conditions of action and to regulate the action in time.

6. In the formation action estimates accomes to achieve a student.


    Asmolov A.G. How to design universal learning activities in elementary school. From the action to thought: manual for teacher / A.G. Asmolov. - 3rd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011

    Galperin P.Ya. Training methods I. mental development baby /

P.Ya. Halperin. - M., 1985.

    Kravtsova E.E. Psychological problems Characteristics of children to school / E.E. Kravtsov. - M., 1991

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 373 of 06.10.2009 "On approval and introduction

the federal state educational standard of the initial

    Aristova T.V., Boyko E.N., Karpeieva I.V. et al. Formation of universal educational actions by means of training items in elementary school: educational and methodical manual. - Omsk: Boudpo "IROOO", 2012.

Today, society and the state makes all new requirements for learning outcomes in school. In the first generation standards, the purpose of education was directly the transfer of knowledge from the teacher to students. And the result showing the results of the training was marked by mastering the system of knowledge, skills, skills. In the standard of second generation, the concept of "zuna" is no longer used. The purpose of learning is changing. Now schools must produce people not only to the set of certain knowledge and skills, but also able to get them independently. It is understood that graduates must have certain universal learning activities (Wood).

The concept of universal training actions

Universal learning actions - This is a combination of methods of various actions that contribute to the active self-development of the student, helping independently mastering new knowledge, the development of social experience, the formation of social identity. What is Wood on Gos, speaking simple words? These are actions helping to "teach a person to learn." Under the versatility are understood:

Universal learning actions perform the following functions:

  • Create conditions for the comprehensive development of the person on the basis of readiness for continuing education.
  • Contribute to the successful formation of skills, competencies, learning knowledge in various subject areas.
  • Provide the experience of the student to carry out their own activities of the teachings, goaling, control and evaluation of the process and learning outcomes.

Universal learning actions include the following types:

  • personal
  • regulatory
  • cognitive
  • communicative

Personal Universal Training Actions

Personal Wood - These are actions that ensure the determination of the value-semantic orientation of students. They also contribute to the definition of a person of their place and role in society and the establishment of prosperous interpersonal relationship.

In training activities, there are several types of action:

  • self-determination in different fields: professional, personal;
  • sense formation: awareness of the meaning and motive of learning, the relationship between them;
  • Moral estimation of the digestible material, the ability to make a personal moral choice based on social values.

To form personal Wood, it is proposed to use the following methodological techniques and tasks:

  • Group projects. Students together choose interesting and actual topic, distribute roles inside the group. Everyone contributes to the implementation of the project.
  • Portfolio maintenance. The diary of individual achievements contributes to creating a situation of success, thereby increasing self-esteem and establish self-confidence. The portfolio pushes to the desire for self-improvement, the formation of the positive characteristics of the personality.
  • Attraction of local history material on training I. extracurricular activities
  • Creative tasks

Characteristics of regulatory universal training actions

Regulatory universal learning activities are actions that provide the organization and correction of educational activities. This group includes:

  • Goaling: determining the purpose and educational task;
  • Planning: establishing a sequence of actions in accordance with the established goal and accounting for the intended result;
  • Forecasting: the ability to assume the result and its characteristics;
  • Correction: the ability to make changes to the plan in case of non-compliance with the standard;
  • Evaluation: definition and awareness of the learned and still subject to assimilation; evaluation of the learned;
  • Self-regulation: the ability to overcome the obstacles and conflicts;

For the formation of regulatory uud, several methodological techniques are proposed. First of all, the student must establish and understand the purpose of studying any topic. Without this, it is impossible to successfully master the material. To form classes, students at the beginning of the lesson can be offered such a table:

The last column can be filled at the end of the lesson, then it should be changed its name: "What new and interesting I learned in class?" Possible variations and in accordance with the lesson. For example, at the beginning of the lesson of history on the topic "Religion of the Ancient Greeks" may be working with such a table:

To form a wood planning, it is advisable to use the following techniques:

  • Planning
  • Discussion of a decision planning plan
  • Working with a personally changed (deformed teacher) plan, its adjustment

Characteristics of cognitive universal training actions

Cognitive Uud. - These are generally educational actions that include:

  • Independent formulation of cognitive goal
  • Search and structuring the necessary information using various means
  • Semantic reading
  • Modeling

In a number of cognitive URU allocate a group logical universal action. It:

  • Creating hypotheses and their verification
  • Establishment of causal relationships
  • Determination of logical reasoning
  • Classifications, comparisons

The development of informative Wood contributes to such adhesives and methods: tasks to find compliance, the compilation of the cluster, the logical chain, the development of test questions and answers to them, work with historical documents.

Communicative universal learning actions

Communicative Woods refer to the actions that provide social competence that contribute to obtaining the skills to construct a dialogue; Allowing to integrate into a social environment. These include:

  • Search for a safe exit from conflicts
  • Ability to correctly formulate questions
  • The ability to fully and accurately express your thoughts
  • Control and correction of partner behavior in the group

For the development of communicative uud, it is proposed to use such receptions:

  • Drawing up clarifying issues or questions to the speaker
  • Statement of judgment
  • Speech with reports or reports in front of the audience
  • Continuation and development of the judgment of a classmate

I like the reception to the children, which is called "hot chair". It is suitable for fixing the material passed. Two people come to the board. One of them sits on a chair, called "hot", face to class. He should not see the board. The second study writes on a blackboard any term or date. The class must explain to the sitting value, and in turn, to name the very concept.

Such a simple reception as a story on the illustration, also helps to develop communicative Wood. When it is drawn up, the study enjoys a visual support, causing passive vocabulary. In addition, the illustrations are able to revive the story itself, the interest of children, induce to the study of the material.

A prominent place among the funds forming Communicative Wood occupies a learning discussion. So call the exchange of views on a certain problem. The discussion contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge, the development of the ability to defend its opinion. There are many forms: forum, "court", debate, symposium, " round table", Brainstorming, technique" Aquarium "," Meeting of the Expert Group ".

Wood formation criteria

To determine the degree of formation, the Wood is used by such basic criteria:

  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Compliance of the results of the development of Wood requirements prescribed in advance
  • Awareness, completeness and intelligence of action
  • Criticity of action

Having contributed to the formation and development of UUD, the teacher helps students become active figures of the educational process. Mastering universal learning actions, the student will not be lost in a continuous flow of information, will acquire a very important skill - "Ability to learn."

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