Online English tutor. Inna Dmitrievna - Online English Tutor

Number of reviews

The average cost of the lesson

400 rubles. 30 minutes.

Experienced English tutors in Skype in our school conduct lessons from 350 rubles in 45 minutes.

Tutor services of English language According to Skype, they became extremely popular and popular service, as it greatly simplifies the learning process and pass the learning process remotely and to the most convenient time for a person.

Despite the entire spectrum of advantages, not all people who are engaged in learning a foreign language understand how the method of using Skype is useful for them.

What is the advantage of using Skype in learning English?

Among the most significant, you should pay attention to such:

  • Real-time can be studied English remotely;
  • For classes, an innovative technique is used, which allows with minimal time costs to achieve maximum result;
  • Relatively low cost such courses;
  • On the Internet today there is a large number of courses, and there are many English tutoring on Skype, which successfully teach foreign languages;
  • The teacher develops an individual program for each student, which allows the best way Show all his skills. Also, all the requirements and wishes are taken into account;
  • In the course of training, the tutor can adjust its techniques, improve it, depending on the needs of students, their desire to better understand this or that topic.

It should be noted that a large number of people still do not have a complete idea of \u200b\u200bhow English has been organized.

This method is ideal for active Internet users who are familiar to Skype. Otherwise, the truth is better to deal with the improvement of the language in the nearest center.

Remote learning techniques have long been popular in a number european countriesand are an excellent alternative modern approach to gain knowledge. In addition, the moment is also important that you can communicate more with the speakers of the language, as well as correct the time of classes.

What qualifications are the tutors who teach lessons using Skype

English tutors on Skype Our school are competent, professional professionals who have English at the level of free possession. They have tremendous experience in teaching, as well as familiar with many distance techniques. They accumulated a huge experience in the field of teaching for people of different ages who own English on different levels And who requires his learning with a different goal.

It is also important that all teachers have a profile education: linguistic or pedagogical. Among school teachers there are English speakers who also have pedagogical education. These requirements are also very high. They very easily find a common language with their students and most correctly convey the necessary information, correlating their pronunciation if necessary.

What results can be achieved thanks to skype learning?

Practice for many years shows that training in online mode is very effective. With it, it is possible to establish contact between students and teachers with a maximum speed. In addition, classes will be held only at a convenient time for students, which is also an important argument.

Is the spectacular learning of children on Skype English in online mode?

The distance learning of the English language will be useful and exciting for children as well. The creation of remote learning techniques through Skype children on the Internet, methodists are engaged in the Internet, which are perfectly understood in children's psychology. When forming a course of lessons, they take into account the spectrum of characteristics: age, gender, personal preference and so on.

Classes are held in different gaming formsThanks to which they become as interesting as possible, saturated and useful for children. And here it is necessary to allocate an important feature - the children spend on the Internet a huge part of the time. Therefore, this environment is as comfortable and natural as possible.

Children see the teacher on the screen, and not independently find out test tasks online. And the competent tutor makes the acquisition of knowledge even more efficient.

Is there any likelihood that the exercises of remote English language classes will not be effective for a student?

All students offer the first trial occupation, which has a duration of 30 minutes. It is completely free. Already in the first lesson, the student will be able to evaluate all the advantages of this technology. The tutor will also answer all the questions who are worried about his student.

The advantage of online learning is that the tutor can always be adjusted by the selected methodology initially, supplement it with new material and themes. And also change the load, the rate of information that is studied. And it is very important to receive a constant feedback from the student, it will make training more comfortable and high-quality.

The advantages of distance learning should also include the ability to use different forms of classes. It can be a video conferencing, which allows you to work with both one person and with groups.

The maximum learning efficiency is achieved also due to the fact that the student gets the opportunity to work with highly qualified tutors from different parts of the earth hemisphere. The only thing here is necessary to coordinate the time due to the time zone difference.

Eugene - teacher of English and Russian languages

Evaluation - 5.0 out of 5 based on 25 votes

Hello! My name is Eugene.

Welcome to our training courses!

My experience more than 10 years. I have 3 higher education: philological (Russian language and literature), English language and candidate dissertation on philosophy.

I love my work very much, I constantly try to motivate students and creatively approach the teaching process.

The paper uses the latest techniques and teaching aids from the world's leading publishers.

Olga - teacher of English, French and Spanish on Skype

Evaluation -

Hello and welcome to my page!

My name is Olga. I am a teacher of English, French and Spanish on Skype. I am engaged in teaching languages \u200b\u200bonline for more than seven years and believe that this is my vocation. I work with schoolchildren and adults. I will help you prepare for the exam, as well as to international exams, such as IELTS and TOEFL. I work with all levels, from Beginner to Advanced. I will help you learn the language from scratch or understand the grammatical and stylistic intricacies, improve your business English, prepare for the interview.

Natalia Nikolaevna - English Tutor in Skype

Evaluation - 5.0 out of 5 based 6 votes

Dear friends!

I am glad to welcome you on the server online learning!

My name is Natalia, I am a translator and teacher of English.

Elena - English tutor in Skype for children and schoolchildren

Evaluation - 5.0 out of 5 based on 5 votes

Courses: Intense,for children (including English for the school program), spoken, business English, preparation for testsTOEFL \\ IELTS.

My name is Simeonide Elena. I was born in Kyrgyzstan, in the city of Bishkek. In 2013, the Bishkek Humanitarian University graduated in the specialty teacher of English. Two years worked as a teacher of English in school, in high school (from the fifth to the eleventh) and two years in courses and tutor.

Victoria Viktorovna - English teacher on Skype

Evaluation - 5.0 out of 5 based on 12 votes


My name is Victoria, I am a teacher of English with a higher pedagogical education. On my personal experience, I was convinced of how knowledge of English makes life more interesting and multifaceted which opportunities are opening!

Irina Ivanovna - English Tutor in Skype

Evaluation - 5.0 out of 5 based on 11 votes

Greetings to all who are interested in English! My name is Irina. I graduated from Odessa State University and is a graduate teacher with great experience in school, university, in language courses and as a tutor. This gives me the opportunity to easily find a common language with my students. I also have work practices in the USA and Canada, because For several years she worked in the Charitable Foundation "Children of Chernobyl".

Darina - Teacher English and Hebrew on Skype

Evaluation - 5.0 out of 5 based on 32 votes

Hello. My name is Darina, and I work by a professional translator and providing English tutor services remotely, that is, through Skype.

With this language, I began to get acquainted at 4 years old when my parents decided that I was ready for learning. Since half of my family lived in the US for many years, I quickly moved to the practical American English language. Then I decided that my whole life would be connected with this language.

Kristina - English Tutor Skype

Evaluation - 4.8 out of 5 based on 26 votes

Greetings to those who are interested in English, and who wants to study it! My name is Kristina.

I have been engaged in teaching activities for 5 years. In 2011, I defended a diploma in the Saratov Pedagogical Institute, having received a specialty translator of the English language, a teacher of German and English languages. The first workplace was the International Dutch company, which opened his branch in Moscow.

Maya - teacher of English through Skype, Preparation for OGE, EGE

Evaluation - 5.0 out of 5 based on 3 votes

Hello! My name is Maya. I will be glad to help you in learning English by Skype.

In 2012, I graduated from the Ural Federal University, Faculty of Philology, in the specialty Philologist, translator of English. If an opportunity appears, I am pleased to do oral consistent and written translation to free time From work. I also recently received a master's degree in Pedagogy in the Ural State pedagogical University At the Faculty of Foreign Languages. For the past five years, I teach English in the remote school to children with limited features Health. Also engage in tutoring on Skype and in person.

Aksinya - English tutor online

Evaluation - 4.7 out of 5 based on 26 votes

Greetings, my dear students! If you are on my page, then you are interested in English.

My name is Aksinya. I teach English by Skype - one of the most common and interesting languages World. Modern world Filled with developed technologies and business cooperation, so for communication it is necessary to own a universal way to communicate, which became English.

Inna Dmitrievna - Online English Tutor

Evaluation -

Age groups: children, teens, adults

Courses that I teach:

1. course under your individual requests

2. General English for beginners from scratch (A1)

3. Initial level (A1-A2)

4. Basic average level (A2-B1)

5. Main average level (B1)

Elena Aleksandrovna - English Tutor for Skype for children 7-18 years

Evaluation - 5.0 out of 5 based on 4 votes

What is waiting for a child, starting training? Only success. Success situation - prerequisite For becoming a positive attitude towards the learning process of anyone who begins to study anything new, and in the future and developing it, learning, in an active creative process. I was convinced that one day, surviving success, the student will again and again strive for him. Therefore, I work for success.

Tatiana - English and French tutor

Evaluation - 4.7 of 5 based on 23 votes

450 rub / 45 min

Spirina Elena Sergeevna

Private tutor

Hello! My name is Elena, I will gladly help you understand, master and love English. I offer you Skype classes. In 2012, I graduated from MGGU. Sholokhov in the specialty teacher of foreign languages, linguist. Since 2008 ...

MGU them. Sholokhov, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Specialty - Lecturer, Linguist. Year of graduation - 2012. Teaching experience since 2008.

400 rubles / 45 min

Cherkashin Tatyana

Private tutor, Barnaul

Quickly speak English, French or Russian? To communicate with the whole world and be successful? Pass exams in languages \u200b\u200band go well? Develop the child yourself and develop? Tighten the knowledge and mark? To me to me.) Training ...

Education - 2 higher with honors: teacher of English, French, philologist and translator (specialist, with honors, Altai State University). Experience in English Teacher in Lyceum No. 101 teacher ...

2000 rubles / 45 min

Berezhnaya Yana Vladimirovna

Native speaker

I am a carrier of English, a professional linguist teacher, and has lived for many years New York. If you decide that the time has come to truly take up the study of English, you want to talk freely, pull it out ...

Education: Finished City University of New York - Master's degree in languages. Successfully passed all three parts of the exam for teachers of English TKT (Teacher "S Knowledge Test), University of Cambridge Esol Examinations.

338 rubles / 45 min

Martynyuk Alexandra Petrovna

Private tutor, Krasnoyarsk

English tutoring for students and schoolchildren who want to pull up the school program and wishing to study more in-depth. The program is selected to each individual

Higher Pedagogical Education, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Experience for more than 12 years

1250 rub / 45 min

Miss Muse.

Native Language, Moscow

Shake-It-Up Sessions with Miss Muse IF You Want to Activate Your Language Skills, to Make Your English Sound Better, to Enrich It Word Words and Useful Structures, to Get Intensive Speaking Practice and To Do It in a Non-Boring Way - ...

Master "S DEGREE IN LINGUISTICS, (Diploma with Honors in The Field of Training Development) Plus University of Life, Good Books and Never-Ending Self-Education. Training Experience: 10 Years, Corporate Education Sector.

1000 rub / 45 min

Dementieva Natalia Vasilyevna

Private tutor

Skype classes daily from 9-00 to 21-00. Children from 11 years old and adults. The level of preparation is any.

Higher Pedagogical Education - Volgograd State Pedagogical Institute (1984-1990), Faculty of Foreign Languages, Cambridge Cambridge Training Teachers of English Celta (Cambridge Esol Level 5 * Certificate in ...

525 rubles / 45 min

Duckina Ksenia Sergeevna

Student, Moscow

I am engaged in English with children since 2014. Helping schoolchildren 1-11 classes tighten the program and deepen the knowledge of the language. I use techniques and textbooks that are used in Russian schools to help the disciple to master the program and homemade ...

Education - 4 Course (Bachelor) Moscow Pedagogical State University, Institute of Foreign Languages, Direction - Pedagogical Education There is experience in school, so there are necessary skills Communication with children. ...

525 rubles / 45 min

Kovalevskaya Maria Romanovna

Private tutor

Good day! My name is Maria. I am a teacher of English. I graduated from the Pedagogical University, the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band from 3rd Course began teaching. I am teaching since 2012 and has extensive experience in ...

List best teachers, Skype training, prices from 450 rubles per lesson. Trial lesson for free with any teacher within 30 minutes.

Julia Vladimirovna, English Tutor in Skype, Abakan


general basic;

Age groups:

Younger schoolchildren (6-12) years

Senior schoolchildren (12-17) years


Hello! My name is Julia. I love English very much and I want to convey this love to my disciples. Graduate of Khakasssky State University them. Katanova (Faculty of Linguistics and intercultural communication), professional translator. For more than 15 years, she worked as a tutor, a teacher at the LEXIKON foreign language club and in Lingua Franca courses.

I try not only to give the desired value of knowledge, but also lead lessons in an interesting format. I use proven techniques and copyrighted developments. Eliminating gaps within the framework of the school program, I prepare students to successfully pass exams and obtaining international certificates.

Svetlana Vladimirovna - English teacher in Skype with age 20 years


general basic

on the early stage Learning

Age groups of students:

Younger schoolchildren (6-12) years;

High School (12-15) years

Days of classes: Mon, W, Wed, Thu, Fri.

Hello! Svetlana Vladimirovna is welcomed - Teacher English with twentieth years. In my asset - the Diploma of Rostov-on-Don of the State Pedagogical Institute, Spec Faq (teaching the Russian language for foreign students In English), training in the Linguistic Center "Master Inglish", the level of Upper Intermediate, certificate number 01102.

I have given many years to my disciples in secondary schools, I have experience of the translator, a tutor. That is why I can safely say that I will find an approach to any child or adolescence.

Anna - English Tutor online for children and adults


general basic;

specialized (the program is selected based on the needs of the student)

Age groups:

Preschool children

Younger schoolchildren (6-12) years

Senior schoolchildren (12-17) years


Classes time - 7 days a week.

My experience of more than 6 years, I work with both children and adults. In my lessons, I try to find an individual approach to each student, take into account their interests and hobbies, I try to do the lessons a variety of interesting things. I use a non-standard approach to learning, helping to overcome the language barrier. In my work, I also use communicative, audio-visual, audio combital, translation methods.

William John - Classes with a carrier of English by Skype, Tutor from Moscow


general basic;

preparing for the EEG, TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Level Exams and other specialized exams


Higher, doctor of science

Age groups:

Senior schoolchildren (9-18) years


Classes time - 7 days a week.

My Name IS William John, From Newcastle, U.K.

I Graduated with Honours in Both Bachelors and Masters in Comparative Linguistics. I am about to become a pp in comparative linguistics as well.

Audrey - English teacher through Skype Non-Language


general basic;

for tourists;

preparation for exams.

Age groups:

senior schoolchildren (12-17) years



Native Kenya ( official language - English).

Education: MPGU, Russian (2017-2018).

Nairobi University (Kenya), Bachelor (2011); Master (2015).

English tutor from 2010.

Tatyana - online English teacher


general English;


grammar course;

technical English with a bias of physics, engineering, IT;

english for children.

Age groups:

children and adolescents from 7 to 17 years;

adults and students.

In our classes, I have great attention to the use of dialogues. It is in them, as it seems to me, grammatical skills are optimally produced and polished, remembered and activated in vocabulary The student is new and previously studied vocabulary, the perception of someone else's speech on rumor and the ability to spontaneously express their own thoughts in the process of conversation.

Mariet - teacher from the USA, online classes with a native speaker


preparation for OGE (GIA) and EGE

colloquial speech

school program without OGE and EGE

Age groups:

Senior schoolchildren (12-17) years


Time of classes - 7 days a week, morning and evening hours Moscow time.

Mariet, certified teacher, journalist published in Russian and English. The level is close to the native speaker.



General basic;

For tourists;

Preparation K. exams ege OGE;

Business course.

Age groups:

Younger schoolchildren (6-12) years

Senior schoolchildren (12-17) years

Students (17-22) years


Hello! My name is alexander. I Am 45. I Have Been A Private Tutor for 22 Years Now and Into Languages \u200b\u200bAll My Life. I Have Worked AS An Interpreter for Both Organizations and Individuals.

Valeria - online English teacher


general basic

Age groups:

Younger schoolchildren (6-12) years

Classes time - 7 days a week.

I am 22 years old. I am a student of the fifth course of the Minsk State Linguistic University. My specialization is modern foreign languages, the Faculty of English.

Movses - online tutor for children and adults

Courses taught:

general (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading, conversational),

Higher education

Age groups: All age groups.

Language levels: A1 -B1

Available time: weekdays and weekends.

I use various teaching methods (audio, video, games) I give homework. After their execution, with students necessarily analyze them. The training program is selecting on the basis of abilities, skills, level knowledge and language proficiency. I think it is important to take into account the purpose of the student in the selection of learning.

In achieving success in education I give a great place for punctuality, execution, purposefulness, as well as the power of will.

I am sure that we will overcome all the difficulties together and achieve your task.

Competent selection of the English language training program in Skype

English tutor in Skype is the person from whom the lion's share of success depends. You can tell how much you like to talk about a comfortable setting and convenient graphics, the advantages of modern switching and the diligence of the student. But it is the teacher who must:

  • unmistakably determine a basic level of knowledge;
  • use modern learning techniques, including its own developments;
  • pick up effective video and audio materials;
  • integrate your ward, strengthen confidence in it;
  • establish a trusting relationship (especially important when working with children).

How to choose for yourself a tutor?

Thanks to several simple tips, you can easily choose for yourself the most suitable tutor:

  • Qualification. Each English teacher through Skype should be a professional and a highly qualified specialist. There is an erroneous opinion that at the initial stage of studying a foreign language, you can contact the tutor, which has no extensive knowledge and works predominantly with newcomers. Such teachers are usually even if they are native speakers, cannot provide good learning.
  • Education. Choosing teachers need to be first familiar with his brief biography. It will be a big advantage if the teacher has completed special advanced training courses or participated in various international projects. It is worth prompted to present the relevant documents about his education (diplomas, certificates, certificates). The advantage will be awarded for victory in profile contests;
  • Work experience. It is worth to give the advantage of the candidate who passed the internship by abroad or worked in prestigious educational institutions With a good reputation.
  • If the teacher is selected for the child, then it must have the appropriate experience with children.
  • It is worth paying attention to whether the free remote trial occupation in a foreign language in Skype is provided. If so, it characterizes him as a high-class specialist who is confident in his abilities and knows English well.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the speech manner, diction, sociability. A teacher who conducts an online lesson should have to place, in class it should be comfortable, especially if the language learning happens on Skype.

What do you need to do on a trial lesson?

On the first, trial, lesson, it is necessary to ask the maximum number of questions - due to the participants of the educational process, psychological communication is rapidly formed. The teacher in the process of such communication will be able to assess the training and draw up a training program, and the student will be able to appreciate whether he can do this person.

He must also know for what purposes do you want to explore English by Skype (for work, general development, exam preparation, travel, communicating with colleagues or other reasons), based on this information, the tutor will be able to choose the optimal program for Skype training and painfully Schedule.

Hello. My name is Maria Anatolyevna - teacher of English and French. Even at the Institute, I understood how fascinating foreign languages, how exactly the language reflects the nature and traditions of people. Probably, that is why I decided not to stop in two languages \u200b\u200band learned italian language, I was practicing in Italy, and in the future it became also to work with him. Traffic experience for about 8 years both in traditional courses and skype. But I try not only to teach, but also develop in other areas where foreign languages \u200b\u200bcan be applied.

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Irina - online tutor of Spanish, English, Portuguese

Hello! My name is Irina, I teach Spanish, English and portuguese Through Skype. Education: higher philological. University of Friendship of Peoples P.Lumumbi 1981 - 1987. Moscow. Faculty of Philology. I have experience pedagogical activity 30 years. I work like children school ageSo with adults, teach all levels from zero to advanced in all three foreign languages.

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Julia Aleksandrovna - English Tutor online

Hello, my name is Julia Aleksandrovna. Since childhood, he was interested in studying foreign languages, English successfully studied at school, independently - Spanish and finnish Languages. In 2006, he entered the Kaluga State Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Philology, where he continued to study English, as well as methods of his teaching. At the end of the university received a specialty teacher of Russian, literature and English.

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Ksenia - the tutor of the English, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Romanian

Good day! My name is Xenia. I am a professional teacher of English and Spanish through Skype. Work experience for about 10 years (of them - 5 years on Skype). Disciplines: English / Spanish - all levels, Italian - initial and middle levels, Polish and Romanian - for beginners Education: UGSI them. Ya.Kupaly (Grodno, Belarus), specialty - translator of English and Spanish. In 2008, I received a diploma with honors of the Faulette of foreign languages \u200b\u200bin the specialty translator of English and Spanish.

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Anna Vladimirovna - English tutor for children by Skype

Good day! My name is Anna and I am your English tutor on Skype! LET IS ANN AND IM 24. I WAS Born and Grew Up in Donetsk in the East of Ukraine. In Fact, Because of My Mum, My Pathway to Knowledge of English Began Deep In My Childhood in An Unconscious Age. I don't Remember My First English Lessons, Because The Began in the Kindergarten, But I Still Remember The Teacher Who Run These Lessons.

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Anna Sergeevna - online English tutor

Hello! My name is Anna Sergeyevna - the retender of the English language in Skype. I began to learn English for another 7 years with a tutor, because at school in the first class there was no such subject. In the spring of 2017, I passed the Cambridge Exam for the FCE certificate. Now I continue to study in the magistracy after successful delivery entrance exams Already at the Faculty of Linguistics on 2nd Course. Recently, I began to learn more turkish languagebecause He attracted my attention from the point of view of morphology. I did not miss the chance to try myself as an employee of the 2018 World Cup Training Directorate.

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Elena Vyacheslavovna - Lecturer in French, English online

My name is Elena Vyacheslavovna - a teacher of English and French. Currently, I work as a teacher of foreign languages. In 2008, he graduated from MGOU (former mop. N.K. Brupskaya), Faculty of linguistics and intercultural communication, linguist, English teacher and french. I started working at the second year of the university (in 2004) as a private teacher. I have experience for almost 12 years.

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Angelica Valerevna - English tutor for schoolchildren and adults online

Hello! My name is Angelica Valerievna - teacher of English with experience for more than 20 years. I received my first job experience as a student, passing at the fifth year of the university, a semi-annual practice in high School (Complete teacher rate). Further at the end of the university was the experience of the English teacher in the gymnasium, and later on commercial courses. An individual approach to each student, a student.

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Maria Mikhailovna - Skype English tutor

Hello, my name is Maria Mikhailovna - I am a teacher of English online. He graduated from KSU and professional preparation courses in the specialty "English: Linguistics and Intercultural Communications." I am engaged in teaching English for more than 10 years. Worked in language school Britain, as well as in many language centers. There is a significant experience of private tutoring. I work with schoolchildren, as well as all interested English languages. I have experience in preparation for the exam, OGE in English.

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Anastasia - German and English tutor online

My name is Anastasia, I am a tutor of foreign languages \u200b\u200bon Skype (German, English). Still in school I had an interest and love for languages. Pretty much role was played by my school teacher, built educational process Thus, that I always had a desire and desire to move on. IN school years I quite often took part in scientific conferences and regional Olympiads.

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Anna Yurevna - online English tutor for children

Hello, my name is Anna Yurevna. Successfully passed the following international exams: FCE and CAE. I have higher education The specialty "international relations", within which a strong level of English as a working tool was formed. main feature my classes - the maximum approach to learning English through the interests / hobby of a person, as well as the development of skills adorning daily life - The ability to understand foreign news, communicate with carriers and understanding of songs in English.

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Irina Sergeevna - English, Spanish, French Online

My name is Irina Sergeevna and I teach English, French and Spanish on Skype. I have Higher pedagogical education - Faculty of foreign languages \u200b\u200bof VGPU, I specialized in the American version of the English language. After his end, I worked a little at school, but, having received an invitation to work at the university, I switched to teach Volgograd State Technical University. There I successfully worked at the Department of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b12 years, teaching English future economists, informatics, machine builders, physicists, etc.

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Tatyana Nikolaevna - a tutor in elementary school, English for children

My name Tatiana Nikolaevna, I am a tutor in mathematics on Skype 1-4 classes (7-10 years old), I work with children of younger school, as well preschool age (5-6 years). I also teach English for children on Skype (1-4 classes). I will be happy to help prepare your child to enter the school on the subjects of mathematics and English in the online format.

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Tatyana Mikhailovna - English Tutor through Skype

I welcome you and wish you everyone to learn to speak English just as you communicate native language. And I will help you! My name is Tatiana Mikhailovna, I am 45 years old, I am a remote English tutor in Skype. Finished Barnaul State Pedagogical University (BSPU). He studied at the faculties of history and foreign languages. I teach English for 5 years in the private language school of the city of Barnaul in the Altai Territory. I am engaged in schoolchildren of grades 1-11, students and adults.

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Elena Valentinovna - English and German Tutor in Skype

My name is Elena Valentinovna. I am a teacher of English and German Skype. Specializing in secondary program, I assist in preparing for exam fire, eliminate gaps in knowledge. The overall experience of language teaching is 25 years old, from them in schools for 15 years. Taught both in ordinary schools and in the gymnasium with in-depth study foreign languages. There is experience in teaching in Severodvinsky State Pedagogical University for the subject "German. Practice of oral speech. "

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How to choose to choose English courses on Skype?

The new concept appeared relatively recently. english Tutor Skype" Such a service quickly entered the source, it became more and more sought after. Fairness it is worth noting that this is still modern technique The unfamiliar to many people seeking to master foreign languages: people are not too oriented in its advantages that provide the opportunity in real time to study the language remotely.
A significant part of potential students does not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow English class on Skype can be organized.

Most of those who applied to our school "" students learned about the existence of such a distance learning methodology from the Internet, and it is completely natural. To the one who uses the worldwide web is extremely rare and, perhaps, does not know about the existence of Skype itself, this technique will indeed useless, but the only way to study a foreign language will remain to turn to the nearest language center. In civilized countries, remote learning techniques have long been used, which have become a powerful alternative to classical acquisition. Insufficient awareness of our population leaves another wide field for progress in this direction.

About tutoring

Skype running online English Tutoring Our school is competent highly qualified professional teachersI have accumulated a huge experience in the field of teaching. All of them have a significant experience of remote language learning. All teachers necessarily have a profile pedagogical or linguistic education.
In our school, the speakers of the English language on Skype, which also passed hard selection. They teach English in their homeland, and with pleasure work with russian students, so perfectly own all learning techniques.
As practice has shown, English learning with Skype or similar programs is very effective. With it, you can quickly establish a full contact between the teacher and the student.

Child learning

For kids remote English language May be not only useful, but also interesting. After all, they are developing competent methods, which are perfectly understood in children's psychology. Such classes taking into account the age of the student are carried out in various gaming forms, due to which they become obstacious, cognitive and easily absorbed. Modern children spend a lot of time at a computer, finding different hobbies there. In a number of these hobbies and you can make classes with English teacher through Skype. The child will be much more interesting and easier to learn the language, seeing teachers on the screen, how to find test tasks and special programs on educational sites, more designed for an adult audience. Guided by the screening hand of the tutor on Skype English classes will become more fruitful and saturated.

We offer everyone master english online, try to do it with tutors working on Skype. At the same time, the first trial occupation of a duration about half an hour will be completely free for a potential student. The first lesson can demonstrate the advantages of this learning technology. Future disciples may ask questions regarding training programs and teaching techniques. At the trial occupation, a person will be able to make sure whether the distance learning is suitable for him, whether this system will make it a sufficient level of language knowledge.

Advantages of distance learning

  • One of the advantages of this method of learning is that the teacher develops an individual language learning program, having the opportunity to take into account the wishes of each trainee and its ability. A tutor can adjust the selected method in the learning process, supplement it, changing the load and the rate of supply of the material being studied. Only the balance of all mentioned factors justifies the expectations assigned to this technique will lead to rapid and qualitative results.
  • Remote English language can also be carried out in the form of video conferencing, using video links, which opens up the possibility of working with groups. The disadvantage of group training is the need to ensure that the learning time is distributed equally for each student, and not devoted to the most lagging member participants. That is, with group training, the time paid to one student is inevitably declining.
  • When teaching English by Skype, the tutor has the ability to use new techniques Education that makes the most efficient language training.
  • When choosing distance learning, the client gets the opportunity to work with first-class tutors from any corner of the world. The distances here have no meaning, the problem can only be in different time zones.
  • If the trips of the trained trip is very dense, one trip is replaced by another, he will still be able to conduct classes with his time-removed tutor at any convenient time, just a good access to the Internet, and so now there is almost everywhere.

english tutor, German language and 1 more subject


Hello! My name is Anastasia Anatolyevna. I am a teacher of English with top profile education (IFSU, 2012, a diploma with honors). Since 2006, he regularly passed pedagogical practice In the schools of the city of Moscow. From 2007 to the present, continuously engaged in tutoring. From 2012 to 2014, he worked in a secondary school with a gymnasium parallel, teaching English in all parallels from 2 to 11 classes. At the moment I work almost with all age groups (from 7 years and older). Since 2014, I have been an officially registered tutor - an individual entrepreneur. Preference giving teenagers preparing for final exams and entering universities, as well as adults interested in preparing for international exams and learning a foreign language for work or travel. In 2013, my personal website on the Internet began working, where I place detailed and relevant information about myself and classes, guidelines and recommendations to parents and disciples. In 2017, I received international qualifications to Cambridge Celta, which gives the right to teach English worldwide. Currently, I actively work on copyright online courses for my students, the purpose of which will be supplemented by full-time classes and enable students to independently work out the material studied at a convenient time for them, as well as implement combination training (combination e-learning from full-time learning). Also, I regularly pass courses to advance the qualifications of English teachers, participating in seminars and webinars organized by leading universities in Russia and the world. The main topics of courses are academic written speech, international exams (FCE, CAE, IELTS) and preparation for them, the teaching methodology of English, combined training. Also regularly expanding his knowledge, studying the history of the English language and the United Kingdom. Since 2016, I studied German; In the future, I plan to work as a teacher german language. We regularly attend the countries of Europe and communicate with native speakers. Next you can get acquainted with detailed information About classes. Cocking with me, you can work on a school program or ahead of it, prepare for graduation and international exams, study the language for work and travel. You choose a convenient format of classes (you have at home or remotely on Skype), which will allow you to spend time on the road and do in a comfortable setting for you. You get an individual work plan with your wishes, needs and deadlines and trained in the textbooks of leading European publications. In the classes, the skills of oral and written speech are equally practiced; Special attention is paid to the skills of speaking and listening. Also will be eliminated gaps in knowledge, linked the language barrier. To each occupation I am developing an individual work plan based on the age and personal features of each studying. Students are given the opportunity to undergo the online courses designed by me to secure and repetition of the material studied. Each student is fixed fixed time. Classes are held from Monday to Saturday throughout the year. Flexible schedule is possible only in the first half of the day, sometimes at vacation time. On vacation you can do in your own schedule, do more or relax. In the case of regular cancellations, I reserve the right to interrupt classes due to the ineffectiveness of such training. Home tasks must be performed regularly in full (for all questions regarding the fulfillment of homework with me, you can and need to communicate between classes). Thank you for paying your time!

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