Geography education at school. Geographic education



the system of training specialists-geographers in universities. How geography was introduced as a discipline in some universities Western Europe already in the Middle Ages, in educational institutions Russia - in the 17th century. (for example, at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy). In the 17th century. the first textbooks on geography appeared, for example, translated into Russian at the beginning of the 18th century. "Geography of General ..." by the Dutch scientist Varenius. Already at the beginning of the 18th century. geography was an independent academic subject at the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences (see), at the St. Petersburg Maritime Academy and was envisaged by M.V. Lomonosov in the draft curriculum of Moscow University (where D.V. By the end of the 18th century. in geography (courses of which were already read in many universities in Western Europe) three directions were clearly outlined - physical geography, economic (more often called at that time statistical) and regional studies. Physical geography was taught at universities in faculties natural sciences, statistics and regional studies - at the faculties of literature (historical and philological).

The formation of geography as a university science in Russia was recognized by the charter of universities in 1804, according to which two departments were established at the faculties of speech: world history, statistics and geography; history, statistics and geography Of the Russian state... However, the training of specialists in geography was not envisaged, training courses geography was "ancillary" in the preparation of historians and philologists.

In the countries of Western Europe, the predominant direction in geography was regional studies, at the end of the 19th century. in Great Britain and France, major summaries on regional studies (H. J. Mackinder, G. Vidal de la Blache) are published, in Germany - on geomorphology (A. Penck), general geography (A. Zupan), comparative geography (K. Ritter) , population geography (F. Ratzel). Significant influence on G.'s development of the lake. v high school provided by the German geographer A. Humboldt. French geographer and sociologist E. Reclus organized in Brussels a special higher education and scientific institution- Geographical Institute. In the United States, unlike in Europe, geography developed in close connection with cartography, especially in the system of the military department.

In 1863, departments of physical geography were created at Russian universities, and in 1884, departments of geography and ethnography. In this regard, a number of geographical disciplines were introduced into the curricula of universities — general physical geography, geography of Russia, geography of the continents, anthropogeography, ethnography, history of geography, and others. played by scientific schools of Moscow universities (D.N. Anuchin, A.A. Borzov, A.S. Barkov, M.A. Bogolepov, A.A. Kruber, B.F. S. Bodnarsky) and Petersburg (A. I. Voeikov, P. I. Brownov, V. P. Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky, L. S. Berg, Yu. M. Shokalsky, etc.). At the Novorossiysk University (Odessa) G. o. led by G. I. Tanfilyev, in Kazan - PI Krotov, in Kharkov - A. N. Krasnov and others. At the beginning of the 20th century. a big role in G.'s improvement of the lake. new textbooks were played at school and tutorials A. S. Barkov, S. G. Grigoriev, A. A. Kruber and S. V. Chefranov; training practice has been introduced into the curricula of geographical specialties of universities, training stations have been created; training of specialists with G. about. for research and pedagogical work was carried out at the physics and mathematics faculties.

The position of the highest G. about. changed dramatically after the Great October revolution... In 1918-25, he worked in Petrograd (a university), under which a research institute of geography was established in 1922, and in 1923 a similar research institute was established at Moscow University. By the end of the 20s. at universities, the curricula and programs of geographical specialties, especially economic geography, have been radically restructured (N. N. Baranskii); compulsory practice of students in expeditions was introduced. In the 30s. independent geographical departments were created, and then geographical and geological-geographical faculties of universities. In subsequent years, the specialization of graduates of geographical faculties deepened, new departments arose. The modern typical structure of geographical faculties at USSR universities includes specialties: physical geography, economic geography, geomorphology, meteorology and climatology, land hydrology, oceanology, and cartography.

In the USSR, geographers are trained by universities and pedagogical institutes in full-time, evening, and correspondence learning systems. The largest centers of G. of the lake. are Moskovsky, Leningradsky, Kiev universities and pedagogical institutes. Some universities have departments of geology and geography and biology. University students in their first years receive broad general geographic training, in senior years they study a cycle of special (profiling) disciplines, work in seminars, undergo special practice (geological, geodetic, complex geographic in research institutes, schools, expeditions, etc.), perform and defend term papers and theses in their chosen specialty, pass state exams in social disciplines. Training of geographers in teacher training institutes built without subdivision into narrow specialties. A significant place is given to the study of pedagogical disciplines (psychology, pedagogy, teaching methods) and pedagogical practice. Many pedagogical institutes train teachers in two profiles: geography and biology (geography-biological, natural-geographical faculties), history and geography, etc. The curricula of all pedagogical institutes also provide for field practice at educational bases, local history and in the form of long-distance excursions ( expeditions). The term of study for geographical specialties is 4-5 years.

In 1970, geography teachers were trained by 33 universities (18.7 thousand students, the annual graduation of about 1.6 thousand specialists) and 77 pedagogical institutes (40 thousand students, the annual graduation is 6.2 thousand specialists, including about 300 with two specialties), admission to geographical faculties (departments, specialties) about 10 thousand people.

A significant place is occupied by special geographical disciplines in the curricula of a number of related specialties in universities that train cartographers, hydrologists, meteorologists, climatologists, land surveyors, agronomists, foresters, economists, transport engineers, etc., as well as in secondary specialized educational institutions (topographic, hydrometeorological, s.-kh., etc.).

In higher educational institutions, as well as in the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and in the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, there is a postgraduate course, which trains scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the geographical sciences.

The training of specialists in geography is carried out in all countries of the world where there are universities and pedagogical institutes. In the socialist countries, G. about. develops in all branches of geography. Major centers G. o. are oldest universities- in Berlin (the capital of the GDR), Leipzig, Warsaw, Krakow, Budapest, and others. In capitalist countries, the nature, direction, and forms of capitalist society. are quite different. For example, in the largest US universities (New York, Chicago, San Francisco, etc.) there is a narrow specialization (geomorphology, meteorology, hydrology, economic geography of industries); in France (Sorbonne and other universities), complex geographic (regional) training of geographers prevails, great importance has a scientific school of geography of population and economy; at the universities of Great Britain (Oxford, Cambridge, London), along with regional studies and economic geography, oceanography occupies a prominent place. Geography teachers in foreign countries ah are mainly graduated from universities (3-4 years of study). Future teachers often combine two profiles (for example, geography and physics, geography and psychology, geography and foreign language). Teaching practice in the learning process takes less place than in the Sov. universities and pedagogical institutes.

General G. about. gives an average comprehensive school... In the USSR, geography as an independent academic subject is systematically studied in grades 5-9 ( initial course physical geography, including information about the topographic plan and geographical map, knowledge about the spheres of the Earth and methods of their study, etc.; physical geography of continents, the USSR, economic geography of the USSR and foreign countries). In some capitalist countries school programs and textbooks on geography have a regional geography direction.

Lit .: Baranskiy N.N., Historical review of geography textbooks (1876-1934), M., 1954; him, Economical geography in middle school. Economic geography in higher education, M., 1957; Geography at Moscow University for 200 years (1755-1955). Ed. K. K. Markov and Yu. G. Saushkina, M., 1955; Butyagin A.S., Saltanov Yu.A., University education in the USSR, M., 1957; Soloviev A.I., The current state and tasks of higher education in geography. Materials for the 4th Congress geographic society USSR, L., 1964; Education in the countries of the world, M., 1967.


Modern education, constantly modernizing itself, sets itself the task of developing a harmoniously developed and highly educated student's personality. The development of science every year contributes to educational programs significant changes that form the knowledge that is fundamental to the individual. In the list of sciences that set the above goals, it should be noted the special influence that geography has directly on the formation of the student's necessary knowledge that allows him to correctly perceive and evaluate the existing scientific picture of the world.

Since the emergence of the science of geography until the middle of the twentieth century, scientists have assessed this discipline as descriptive, while its importance in educational process it was unreasonably underestimated, and the knowledge she gave to the subjects studying it was assessed as general and of no practical value, such as knowledge of the basics of mathematical subjects. The attitude towards this science has radically changed after the Great Patriotic War when her contribution to the victory was duly appreciated and recognized for her enormous practical significance... During this period, in the opinion of the Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Commission for Geological and Geographic Services of the Red Army, Academician A.E. Fersman, geography came to the fore among those sciences that prepared strategic, tactical and operational decisions practically on the battlefields. At the same time, he noticed that “geography is not at all a science about individual facts of the world around us. Geography is the science of connections, of the deepest relationships that exist in nature between individual phenomena and the person working in it. " Since this period, geography has made a great leap forward in its development, powerful educational programs have been created that allow students to study this science gradually, comprehensively immersing in it and absorbing the enormous potential that it represents for those who study it.

Now, in the era of globalization, in the era of a rapidly developing world, the importance of geography in the education of the individual is coming to the fore. It carries many useful functions, the implementation of which allows the subject of the study of this discipline to receive fundamental, comprehensive, significant, relevant knowledge and form a harmoniously developed personality.

Let us highlight the main aspects of the impact of geographic education on the development of a child's personality and briefly characterize each of them:

  1. The general educational aspect is characterized by the provision of the student's personality with the necessary primary knowledge about the world around him, which forms his worldview and allows him to find answers to typical questions in the knowledge of the surrounding reality and to feel the relationship a large number phenomena and processes that directly affect the development of society.
  2. The social aspect is characterized by the fact that geographical education allows the student to join those social processes and phenomena that can be explained from the point of view of this science, and allows the student to perceive himself as an integral part of society, which, in turn, is closely related to nature.
  3. The economic aspect is clearly manifested in the fact that geographical education allows the student to receive the most important economic knowledge related not only to his country, but also to the entire world community, which, of course, gives her powerful guidelines in an objective assessment of the existing and constantly changing reality. This knowledge perfectly describes the dynamics, causes and consequences of certain economic events that directly affect the progressive development of society.
  4. The political aspect - can be characterized by the provision of the student's personality with the necessary knowledge of geopolitics, politics, which, in close connection with economic knowledge allow to adequately and multilaterally assess the processes and phenomena occurring in the world, supplementing the worldview of the individual with specific knowledge of this area.
  5. The patriotic aspect is characterized by endowing the individual with the necessary knowledge about his country, which allows him to respectfully treat those natural, cultural and economic factors that together form the cultural code of a nation and country. It is this aspect that forms in the individual the love for his homeland, the desire to preserve it unique features, introduces her to the enormous diversity that exists within her, creating genuine patriotism.
  6. Spiritual aspect - allows you to invest in the student's personality those values ​​that contribute to the development of her careful attitude to nature, and the desire to protect it and preserve its unique diversity.

Thus, summarizing what has been said, we note that geography is directly related to the provision of competent and adequate answers to modern challenges of a technogenic, socio-economic, political and environmental nature, which sound louder and louder, as V.V. Putin noted at the congress of the Russian Geographical Society : "Geography is one of the fundamental sciences on which the knowledge of the entire surrounding world is based." The main object geographic research the environment appears in all its diversity and complexity of changes as a result of increasing, many times more complicated anthropogenic impact. The importance of geographic education for the formation of a comprehensively developed personality can hardly be overestimated in connection with the above aspects, it remains hopes that in the near future new educational standards will improve educational standards in the field while continuing the strong tradition of geography education in society.

The full text of the material Report: "The role of geographic education in the development of a child's personality at the present stage" see the downloadable file.
The page shows a snippet.

In the process of its expression, geography has the most "mass" manifestation in secondary geographic education, in school geography, where the main actor is a teacher who, on the one hand, is a professional geographer, on the other hand, acts as a conductor (preacher) of mass geographic culture among the youth. Thus, from staging geography education at school to high degree the geographic culture of society and, in general, the fulfillment by geography of its various functions depends.

Assessing the role of geography as an academic subject in modern Russian and Belarusian schools, experts believe that at present it provides the formation of the necessary geographic culture of students as an integral part of the general culture, which is especially important given the cultural and humanistic orientation of the entire reform of the Russian school.

It is noted that all five courses of geography of the main educational institutions Russian Federation: an initial course in geography (grade 6), continents, oceans, peoples and countries (grade 7), geography of Russia: nature (grade 8), geography of Russia: population and economy (grade 9) and economic and social geography of the world (grade 10) and all four courses of educational institutions of Belarus: an initial course in geography (grades 6-7), geography of continents and countries (grades 8-9), geography of Belarus (grade 10), general geography (grade 11) - give an idea of ​​the geographical picture of the world, they form geographical thinking, introduce them to the basic methods of geography and its language, and also actively participate in the formation of the political, economic, ecological culture of students, in the upbringing of a young person as a patriot of the Motherland and an internationalist.

At the same time, it should be noted that in modern Russia and in Belarus, school geography is not among the priority subjects, and attempts to somehow “infringe” on it are made quite often.

Among urgent problems modern school geography is distinguished by the following:

Improving the content of the subject by better showing the main cross-cutting directions of geographical science, its scientific methods and approaches, as well as strengthening the role of integrated regional studies in secondary and general geography at the senior level of the school;

Creation of a school geography textbook that meets the increased requirements for a new generation textbook regarding its model, structure, content and form of presentation;

Raising the methodological level of school geography is the intensification of the entire process of teaching geography, which presupposes an orientation towards mastering the fundamental foundations of the subject and methods of acquiring new knowledge, computerization of the educational one.

The system of educational geography should be built on the basis of three basic principles: 1) methodology; 2) traditions; 3) experience. In this case, one should proceed from the multidimensionality of geography, associated with its location at the junction of the natural and social sciences, from its complexity and territoriality at the same time. This applies both to theory and to the method and result of geography.

The first plan - multidimensionality - comes from the classic object of geography - the unity of nature, economy and population. The second plan - complexity - presupposes a conjugate consideration of the complex structure of objects, their multicomponent and diversified nature in physical and socio-economic geography. The third plan - territoriality - is one of the most important axioms of geography - the study of territorial (spatial) systems at the global, regional and local levels.

From the point of view of the theory of knowledge, all three planes have four levels of study and presentation: 1) descriptive; 2) empirical generalization; 3) theoretical generalization; 4) constructive.

Versatility scientific geography also determines the content of school geography. Thus, the selection mechanism scientific material, based on the methodology of geography, assumes the acquaintance of students with a variety of GIS, component-wise, industry-specific and territorial groupings of phenomena on the earth's surface, with some formalized theories and models (at least at the level of classical constructions of the standard theories) and, finally, the solution of various problems and tasks as close as possible to reality.

The structure of school geography should be determined by didactic requirements that are universal for the process of cognition, which can be summarized as follows:

Cyclic learning, making the spiral phenomenon a reality cognitive process within the framework of the laws of dialectics;

Repetition in move learning historical development knowledge, which corresponds to the category of the unity of the historical and logical. In this respect, the system of geographical disciplines should correspond to the development of knowledge from ordinary knowledge through systematic undivided and analytical knowledge to systemic-synthetic knowledge;

The course of cognition from close to distant and return to the beginning in a form enriched by the process of cognition. Geographical education provides ideal opportunities for the transition from the study of their land through the whole world - again to their own land, that is, "near and far" here acquires, in contrast to others academic disciplines, literal meaning.

The most important requirement for improving school geography is the methodologization of this academic subject in the spirit of the above principles.

Geography (of all secondary school courses) should be considered in accordance with the methodological idea of ​​the center of geographical science: there is a certain territory with its material content - a place; each place has its own component and sectoral features that make up the potential of the territory; the presence of a potential difference leads to spatial relations... Full information about the place has a description; characterization of features gives an image of the place; all spatial connections tend to smooth out the features, which is why there is a movement of matter, energy, values ​​between places: the movement of rock masses, heat and moisture, information, transportation of materials and people, transmission of electricity, pumping of capital, etc.

The system of school geography, created taking into account three foundations - methodology, tradition and experience, is designed to "reconcile", at least at this stage, theorization with regionalization, general geography with regional studies, fulfill its general educational function and satisfy, if not individual, then perhaps group interests of the transition period in the development of the country.

4. Prospects for the development of geographical science

In conclusion, let us turn to the possible prospects, forecasting the development of geographical science in the first decades of the XXI century.

Almost a quarter of a century ago, considering the prospects of geography, famous Russian geographers wrote about the growth of the constructive, transformative role of science:

“... the new role of geography is now not so much in the further knowledge of the world around us, but in its purposeful transformation in the interests of all mankind. Having defined its role and place in the elaboration of this grandiose task, having chosen the most correct ways to solve it, our old science will provide itself with a "second youth";

“The prospects of geography largely depend on whether geographers can boldly and effectively theoretically comprehend the global and territorial manifestations of the relationship between natural and socio-economic processes. Will they be able to make available to society not only the entire arsenal of facts and empirical patterns identified by a multitude of existing and emerging geographical sciences, but also help the process of “geographicization” of all sciences by combining an abundant number of facts into a coherent theory? Will they be able today to understand the laws of the development of their science in order to control its actions? Will they be able to quickly use the objectively developing integration impulses in geography? "

As you can see, many difficult questions have been posed that remain relevant in our time. The need for further development integration processes in geography. Predicting, at least in general terms, the development of our science, it should be emphasized that in the coming "century of synthesis" in scientific knowledge in general, synthesis in geography is absolutely necessary. Therefore, the first forecast is the strengthening of those branches of geography, those of its directions that will be in the most to a greater extent to combine the study of various natural and socio-economic phenomena in the way that life unites them in reality and will unite them.

Will the modern system of geographical sciences continue to exist in unchanged several decades from now? In any case, it will lose its current "rigidity", categorical division into parts. The system of geographical sciences will become much more flexible, its individual parts will "overlap", merge, completely new "fields of integration" will arise, areas of combination of different geographical sciences, as well as "fields of integration" between geographical and adjacent to them (and then non-adjacent) sciences.

In an interesting article on the geography of the future, A.D. Armand raises the question of possible ways of development of geography in the era of informatization. In his opinion, the emerging trends make it possible to predict a radical transformation of geographical knowledge in the near future. The question arises: will geography survive in an environment overwhelmed with information? Professional geography will become even more professional, but will it continue as a school one? general education discipline, hardly anyone can predict. In the near future, one can foresee the transformation of some areas of geography into consumer goods. The ability to quickly collect a wide variety of information should generate a series of electronic atlases that display in real time the placement of not only traffic jams (which is already being practiced), but also indicators such as air pollution, water in rivers, lakes and seas, crime rate, political tension , exchange rates, market prices, deforestation and reforestation, drug and alcohol production and other information. The geography of current risks of natural, man-made, human, space origin, risks for people, agriculture, transport, and monetary investments is becoming relevant. Geography becomes the geography of fast-flowing processes and, thus, one of the levers in the processes of management and self-organization, social evolution.

Perhaps our descendants will witness the emergence of information geography, which deals with the description of the availability of various media to the population, the geographical division of labor between different media and professional information, the information sensitivity of the population, the provision of educational institutions, etc.

The geography of the future will increasingly be forced to deal not so much with real space as with various virtual spaces. In this case, cartographers will have to transform the usual geographical map in the most unexpected way, so that the areas, distances, angles, colors and symbols on this map correspond not to geographical, but to some mental reality.

Contrary to expectations, our science, oversaturated with numerical information, has not become more accurate than before. Automatic collection of information from space and ground-based means not only did not help to find formulas for general quantitative laws, but, rather, on the contrary, showed a variety of subtle continuously changing dependencies that govern nature and society.

The example with weather forecasts is instructive in this respect. The advent of powerful computer systems processing vast amounts of digital data has not revolutionized prediction accuracy. The justification for short-term forecasts has stalled at 80-85% and does not promise progress. In the transition to long-term climate forecasts, not only the magnitude of changes, but also the trend itself, the sign of future shifts are the subject of discussion.

The development of the system of geographical sciences in the future will be influenced by the following processes:

1) "biologization" of all geography;

2) "humanization", including strong "economization";

3) "mathematization", which, in particular, will enter geography through the strengthening and qualitative modification of cartometric work;

4) "chemicalization" of geography, that is, deep penetration into the essence of migration processes chemical elements in the environment, in the chemistry of its pollution, in the achievement of future technology that will change the cycle of substances in nature;

5) automation of the collection of geographic information and its processing, especially information about our planet, coming from orbiting satellites and spacecraft;

6) transition from scientific analysis to solving the problem of managing territorial systems studied by the geographical sciences;

7) deep introduction of cartometric methods into science and practice, their widespread use, especially for its territorial organization, for managing complex processes.

Such “biologized” “fields of integration” as, for example, the already existing (but, unfortunately, not yet developed in our country) bioclimatology, will grow rapidly. It can be assumed that geogenetics will be created, the first ideas in the field of which were expressed by N.I. Vavilov. The connections of the geographical sciences can also be varied. On the verge of ecology and economic geography, for example, the American scientist W. Isard created mathematical ecological and economic regional models.

The humanization of geography is inevitable. This is one of the natural and progressive processes. It is difficult to enumerate possible "fields of integration", such as economic climatology, economic hydrology, economic erosion, etc. Obviously, the formulation of economic problems in different spheres of geographical sciences will take place in other forms, but it is absolutely necessary, and none of these sciences will not be able to evade such an objective necessity.

Young specialists will have to carry out those integration processes that are said to be promising in their lives. And in this regard, together with Yu.G. The Saushkins would like to wish them several qualities that are important for a geographer:

1. Great general scientific philosophical culture. The geographer cannot remain in the realm of empiricism, he cannot be a "dork". The humanization of geography as a whole makes especially great demands in this respect.

2. Combinations of interest in their specialty with an interest in general geographic theoretical achievements and, in particular, in theoretical geography.

3. Combining knowledge in the field of domestic science, which must be studied especially deeply, with knowledge in the field of world science. A good command of at least one of the foreign languages ​​is extremely important for a geographer.

4. Courage in the formulation and solution of scientific and practical questions, one might say even stronger - audacity in this regard, quick thought. Unfortunately, we are too slow and therefore lagging behind in solving the most important problems.

5. Continuous work in improving what N.N. Baransky called "geographical thinking" - the combination of historical analysis with spatial. The geographer creates a picture of a dynamic, evolving map. Such a multidimensional perception of the map is very difficult, but a professional geographer must, as a result of constant work, overcome the difficulties of geographical thinking.

6. Mastering modern accurate research methods, including mathematical methods, modeling geographic phenomena and processes, relying in research on effective technologies based on the development and implementation of various kinds of geoinformation systems, including integrated ones, synthesizing methods of working out traditional geographic information systems and materials remote aerospace surveys.

7. Be a good, disciplined, observant field researcher. New research methods, including remote sensing, not only do not exclude field research, but make them even more important.

8. Combining the ability of field research with the skill of an experimenter and, further, with the ability of a designer. A geographer is a constructor environment guiding its development. He is the organizer of the territorial life of society.

9. Constant communication with practice, with real life in all its complexity. There is a figurative expression "to fall to the ground." For the geographer, it becomes literal, since in the phenomena occurring on the earth's surface, he draws the necessary material, builds his generalizations on it, draws conclusions.

"A geographer does not have to be a walking encyclopedia, but he must develop an encyclopedic curiosity" - in these words of an outstanding French geographer, the first woman to become a professor - worldwide renowned university- Sorbonne, Jacqueline God-Garnier concluded a great deal. There is a kind of professional geographic view on the world... “Geography,” writes God-Garnier, “for me means something more than just a profession: it’s more a way of understanding the world. The geographer evaluates his environment in a very peculiar way: for example, a vast mountainous region awakens in him not only the enjoyment of aesthetic value, but also interest in the structure that forms it and the phases of evolution. Urban slums inspire not only compassion and horror, but also challenge the historical and social roots of such miserable living conditions. The geographer does not just look and observe - he automatically seeks to understand what he sees. Direct field experience the study of lands and people - an integral element of the profession of a geographer - allows him to understand the life of other people and more scrupulously evaluate his own life ... inspiring him. "

5. International cooperation in the field of geography

In the 70s of the XX century. SOUTH. Saushkin wrote that the isolation of national scientific schools from world science brings great harm and retards their development. This was said when the main trend in the analysis of the theory and methodology of geography was, rather, not a comparison, but the opposition of Soviet geography to bourgeois geography, that is, practically the entire rest of world geographical science.

World scientific progress constantly proves that no matter what area of ​​knowledge we take, progress is possible only on the basis of close interaction and mutual enrichment of national scientific schools, active and effective cooperation of scientists different countries... The necessary prerequisites for the formation of such cooperation in world geographical science began to take shape in the last decades of the 19th - early 20th centuries, which was associated with the growth of the social prestige of geography.

Among these prerequisites, stand out:

1) an increase in the number of professional geographers and the establishment of departments of geography in a number of universities (in Germany, France, Russia, etc.);

2) the formation of university geographical schools, of which the most famous at that time were: the anthropogeographic school of F. Ratzel (Leipzig University, since 1866), the geomorphological school of A. Penck (University of Vienna, since 1888), the school of human geography by P. Vidal de la Blache (Sorbonne, since 1897);

3) expanding the promotion of geographical knowledge, increasing the number of geographical journals, etc .;

4) the creation of international groups of scientists conducting research on certain scientific problems.

The global significance of geography gave rise to the idea of ​​international cooperation of scientists "on an ongoing basis", which was realized in the convocation of international geographical congresses (IGC).

The first International Geographical Congress was held in Antwerp in 1871. In total, during 1871-2012. there were 32 such congresses, and they contributed to the exchange of experience and ideas, the results of important research, the development of scientific and educational geography and its social functions.

The experience of the IGC led, in turn, to the idea of ​​creating the International Geographical Union (IGU), which was formed in 1922. Its first members were France, Belgium, Great Britain, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Japan, and soon Poland joined. In 1956, the USSR joined the IGU, and since 1992 Russia has become its successor, which plays an active role in the IGU, in its governing bodies, in the activities of commissions and working groups.

The International Geographical Union consists of three components: the General Assembly of the delegates of the member states of the International Geographical Union, which meets every four years and whose decisions are fundamental to the activities of the Union; The Executive Committee consisting of the President, eight Vice-Presidents and the Secretary General; Commissions and working groups that carry out and coordinate the current work of geographers from different countries in all major areas of geography. The working languages ​​of the IGU are English and French.

Currently, the IGU includes 87 countries. The objectives of the IGU:

1. Promote the study of geographic problems;

2. Initiate and coordinate geographic research requiring international cooperation, promote their broad scientific discussion and publication of their results;

3. To ensure the participation of geographers in the work of international organizations;

4. To promote the improvement of collection and dissemination of geographic data and documentation both within the IGU member countries and between them;

5. To promote the holding of International Geographic Congresses, Regional Conferences and Specialized Symposia, the subject of which is consistent with the objectives of the Union;

6. To take part in any other form of international cooperation with the aim of promoting geographical research and the application of its results in practice;

7. Promote international standardization and unification of methods, nomenclature and symbology used in geography

The main directions and problems of the development of world geographical science to one degree or another were reflected in the programs of the IYC, which from the very first congresses were continuously becoming more complex and expanding. At the second MGK, only sections of mathematical geography, hydrography, physical geography (which was then interpreted very broadly - from geology to zoology), historical geography, economic geography and "didactics" (that is, educational geography) operated. A number of years later, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the 6th, 7th and 8th CIMs already stood out with a certain strengthening of scientific problems, the proportion of theoretical reports increased, specialized commissions from scientists from different countries were developed, which were engaged in relevant research and practical programs. During this period, increased attention to the development of geographical education, to the methodology of teaching geography.

In the second half of the XX century. Some new general features have become characteristic of the IGC: the structure and topics of the congresses are becoming more diverse, especially with regard to social geography and geoecology. Among the participants of the IGC there are more and more practitioners who understand the role of geography and use the results and possibilities of geographical research. Particularly noteworthy is the XXIII MGK (1976), since it was first held in the USSR in the country, in Moscow. This congress was characterized by a breadth of problems, a large number of delegates (more than 3200 from 57 countries), a high theoretical level and excellent organization. His program (unlike a number of previous IYCs) was much more aimed at summing up the results of the development of geographical science in modern world... She contributed to the combination of highly specialized interests with the allocation of integration areas and the main constructive tasks of geographical research.

Considering the importance of such world forums of geographers from different countries, let us dwell in somewhat more detail on the content of the work and ideas of the last two international geographical congresses. XXVIII MGK took place on August 4-9, 1996 in The Hague. Much attention at the Hague Congress was paid to major regional problems, and this indicates that regionalism retains its pivotal role in the system of geographical sciences.

It is no coincidence that the Congress held in the Netherlands was held under the motto “Land, Sea and Human Activity”. The outstanding importance of coastal regions in the territorial structure of the world economy and in general in the life of mankind predetermines the increasing role of geographical science in the study and preservation of natural and natural-economic systems in the contact zone of land and the World Ocean, in the sustainable development of this zone.

The Hague Congress demonstrated the important role of geography in the discussion and decision global problems humanity. He showed the active humanization of geography and the need to integrate natural, economic and environmental problems.

The next, XXIX IGC took place in 2000 in Seoul. Its motto “Living in Diversity” implies the establishment of harmonious relations between different ethnic groups, cultural traditions, between the past and the future, developed and less developed countries, and finally, between man and nature. The concept of "diversity" in the era of globalization can form the core of geography that can connect the society of scientists with the whole world. The commitment to global homogenization is being replaced by ideas about the importance and diversity of the surrounding nature and peoples.

In August 2004, in Glasgow, one of the oldest cities in the United Kingdom, the regular, 30th Congress, organized by the International Geographical Union (IGU), took place. His motto is "One Earth - Many Worlds". At the meeting of world geographers in August 2004 in Glasgow, more than 2,000 delegates from no less than 100 countries of the world were registered. Actually, the delegates and speakers of the Congress were not represented by countries, but scientific centers, academies, universities, institutes and laboratories. Before the presentation of the speakers, it was not indicated the country from which they came, but to which scientific community (it does not matter, large or small), they belonged. This is a sign of the internalization of science.

About 40 delegates from Russia and the CIS countries arrived: from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg University, Institute of Geography RAS, Siberian and Far Eastern branches of RAS, scientific educational centers Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia.

In accordance with the permanent commissions and study groups of the International Geographical Union, 32 thematic sections have been formed. Among them: "Dynamics of Economic Space", "Climate Change", "Coastal Systems", "Geoinformatics", " Natural disasters and risks ”,“ Geography of health and the environment ”,“ Land degradation and desertification ”,“ Modeling of geographical systems ”,“ Sustainability of systems ”, etc.

Great attention was paid at the world forum of geographers. geopolitical topics. Many reports dealt with the problems of disputed borders between states, as well as political and economic changes in countries of all continents. Particular attention was paid to the prospects for sustainable development of the countries of the world, and the preservation of diversity in the context of globalization.

It was noted at the Congress that recently there has been a noticeable process of humanization of geography. In it, new directions emerge, which are reflected in the reports at the congress: the geography of tourism, leisure, culture, art ... Ethical geography was the topic of the plenary lecture by Liz Benoli from the Institute of Geography, located in Edinburgh. The study of the diverse relationships in the world as a source of sustainability and the formation of ethical norms in the relationship between man and nature is the main task of this new direction in geography.

Great interest has been shown in topics related to the regularities of the global climate, the diversity of regional climates, weather contrasts caused by warming on Earth in recent decades, and the forecast of future climatic changes.

The Congress emphasized that degradation of lands suitable for economic activity: The processes of karst formation, destruction of soil cover and desertification are developing intensively.

Due to the fact that for 2005-2014. The UN has outlined a "decade of education for sustainable development", the Congress paid special attention to the problems of school and higher geographic and environmental education of the population.

The work of the Congress, despite some shortcomings in the organization, has been very fruitful. She showed that, having entered the third millennium, world geography took worthy place among other sciences, exploring not only natural, but also globally changing economic, political, social, cultural processes on Earth. Modern geography contributes to the preservation of natural and cultural diversity on Earth in the context of globalization, as the basis for sustainable development.

From 12 to 15 August 2008 in the capital of Tunisia - Tunisia - the XXXI International Geographical Congress took place. The Congress was attended by 1205 people from 75 countries. His program was very extensive. main topic Congress sounded like this: "Let's build our territories together." In turn, it was divided into 8 main subtopics: Territory as an object of geography; Strategic approaches to the territory; Geography as an applied science; Globalization and Territories; New technologies and territories; Territory and environment, spatial planning and sustainable development; Territories: contact or rupture zones; Reconstruction of the territory in geography.

The Russian delegation in Tunisia consisted of about 20 people from the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), Moscow and St. Petersburg Universities, the Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vladivostok), the Institute of Water and Environmental Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Khabarovsk) and other organizations.

Within the framework of numerous sessions, sessions, sections, more than 800 reports were made on a variety of topics - from paleogeography and global climate change to territorial sustainable development, tourism and education in geography. Naturally, it was impossible to listen to all the speeches, so the forum participants worked in accordance with their preferences. The reports presented at the special session dedicated to the International Year of Planet Earth aroused increased interest. These are the speeches of prof. Yukio Khimiyama (Japan) - on the assessment of global environmental problems and the contribution of geography to their solution; prof. Hanil ( South Africa) - about conflicts of nature management, etc.

There were also interesting reports on the evolution of geographical knowledge. So, prof. T. Vilzinski (Poland) emphasized the need for further development of such a direction of geography as the history of geographical knowledge, not only over the past centuries, but also modern geographical research in a rapidly changing world.

It is regrettable that in the reports devoted to the history of the development of geographical knowledge, the major achievements of Russian scientists from the CIS and Russia are almost not reflected. For example, the report of British geographers on the development of regional studies does not even mention the well-known developments of scientists from the CIS and Russia on TPK, economic zoning, geosystem concepts.

Almost all Russian participants in the Congress made their reports, which were generally met with interest. Much attention was drawn to the speeches devoted to the history of geographical research in the field of regional development; modeling the dynamics of spatial systems; environmental and economic analysis; regional problems of sustainable development; mapping; land use, etc.

The Congress showed that there is a sufficient field in geography for the activities of scientists from many countries. The International Geographical Union is functioning successfully. The point of view about the exhaustion of geography as a science (“everyone has discovered long ago”) can be confidently considered unfounded. The study of geographical structures and systems, the study of the processes of their natural and anthropogenic dynamics are the most important fundamental tasks of modern geographical science.

The 32nd International Geographic Congress was held in Cologne, Germany, from 26 to 30 August 2012. More than 2,400 geographers from 80 countries took part in its work. The high attendance at the Congress, combined with an innovative program, provided an excellent opportunity to meet and exchange views and ideas.

An unusually large delegation at the Congress was also from Russia - about 90 people. It includes scientists-geographers from Moscow State University numbering more than 30 people, including only young scientists - up to 35 years old - 11 people.

Justifying the slogan of the Congress "Closer to the Earth", the Congress was held on the territory of the University of Cologne, which is not only the oldest, but also the most advanced scientific institution in Germany. During the work of the Congress, many sections worked in various areas of geography. Sections on geography education, globalization processes, sustainable development, rational nature management, socio-economic problems, landscape studies.

Of particular note is the youth section, where young specialists, including students, could present their scientific reports. As in previous conferences, the delegation of Finland, consisting mainly of students from Finnish universities, stood out in this section. The young guys had the opportunity to present interesting scientific reports, but what is, probably, the most important thing, they got used to "big science", to the ability to discuss on an equal footing with venerable scientists. And these contacts took place not only in the classrooms of the University, but also during friendly cocktails and numerous scientific excursions in Germany and neighboring countries.

During the work of the Congress, organizational issues were also resolved. Throughout the history of the IGU, Soviet and Russian scientists have never been elected to the post of president of the IGU. And at this Congress, for the first time, the head of the laboratory of geopolitical studies of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kolosov, was elected president of the IGU.

International cooperation of geographers is developing in various forms, including their participation in the implementation of international research projects (programs), in the work of various commissions and working groups of the IGU. So, back in 1965-1974. work began on the International Hydrological Decade initiated by UNESCO (with the active role of the relevant IGU commission). Since the 70s, the UNESCO nature protection program "Man and the Biosphere" has been in existence, in which geographers are also attracted. Since 1977, within the framework of the UN, the program “Combating desertification through integrated development” has been operating with significant participation of geographers, including Russian ones. In 1986, the international geosphere-biosphere program "Global Changes" was created, and very soon it was realized that this program, in its essence, is demoecological and its logical conclusion should be the study of human reaction to changes in the natural environment.

As an example of one of the new international cooperation projects for geographers, let us note the draft map "State of the World Environment" put forward by scientists from Russia, Germany and South Africa, the work on the creation of which will be most useful when scientists from different countries combine efforts.

Cooperation of geographers from different countries is carried out within the framework of governmental and non-governmental programs under the auspices of UNEP (United Nations Environment Program), other UN agencies related to nature conservation and environmental management, through the exchange of students, graduate students, scientists and teachers. Bilateral cooperation of geographers of our country and other countries is also of great importance.

UMK line of V.P. Dronov. Geography (Windrose) (5-9)

UMK line of V.P. Dronov. Geography (Windrose) (10-11) (base)


Modern Geography Education at School: Questions and Answers

The First September Publishing House held a webinar dedicated to the future of geography education in Russia. Its participants were Viktor Dronov, Doctor of Geography, Academician of the Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education, the author of textbooks on geography of the Russian Textbook Corporation, a researcher at the Center for Social and Humanitarian Education of the Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education, head of the Federal Commission of Developers KIM Unified State Exam in Geography Vadim Barabanov and Head of the Department of Economic and Social Geography named after Academician V.P. Maksakovsky ”Moscow State Pedagogical University Alexander Lobzhanidze.

This year, during a speech at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Geographical Society, President Vladimir Putin called for the return of geography lessons to all grades of middle and high school. Verification work in geography among students in grades 10 or 11. In expert circles, more and more often they began to discuss the issues of geographic education of schoolchildren.

Ways to Improve the Quality of Geography Education

Today, among the relevant solutions is to increase the number of hours in the subject in grades 5-6. Viktor Pavlovich Dronov, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Academician of the Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education, the author of textbooks on geography of the DROFA-VENTANA joint publishing group, which is part of the Russian Textbook corporation, notes: one should not expect an increase in hours in geography, including, because there is nowhere to take this watch. The content of the subject is difficult to squeeze into formal and time frames. The solution to the problem can be considered additional forms of acquiring knowledge, namely, entering the so-called "green school".

“There is a system that the whole world is now moving towards: only the most important things are taught in the lessons, and the rest of the knowledge is given through many other activities in various formats. The number of hours in this case is always strictly limited, ”says Viktor Dronov.

Implementation of the system-activity approach

It is important that the student is successful in the activity and passionate about the subject. It is noted that today teaching aids have become quite important. However, in modern geography it is necessary to use and geographic information system(GIS), without which the very existence of geography at this stage is impossible. Do not forget that one of the main functions of geography is to apply the acquired skills in life.

Role electronic forms textbooks in geography education

Educators and experts in the field of geography education agree: the electronic forms of textbooks have quite a lot of potential. However, this format of the material should be methodically selected. Experts note that the use of electronic educational resources (EER) in the classroom and teaching useful technologies will help teachers make the lesson more active, effective and interesting.

Ecology as an independent subject

According to teachers, in world practice, environmental education is implemented as a metasubject, since it is difficult to separate it from biology, geography, chemistry and life safety. The main purpose of geography is to teach the relationship between man and the environment. Experts note that ecology is possible only as component general geographic culture - students will learn in the classroom about the interaction of society and nature, about possible approaches to improving the ecological state of the environment as a result of human economic activity.

The essence of the concept of geography education

Now we are at the stage when the paths of development of school geography are being formed, the concept of geographic education has already been developed and is being approved. The first attempts to define a strategy for the development of geographic education were 17-18 years ago, when the Concept school education designed for 12 years. Since much has changed, the forms of presentation of educational material require rethinking. The concept is devoted to how geography will develop in the new conditions.

The tasks for the contour maps have been revised taking into account the updated content of the atlas. The systematic use of contour maps in the lesson and when doing homework contributes to a more solid assimilation of educational material, forms both a holistic perception of a specific territory and the ability to highlight its specific features. The publication was reviewed by the Commission of the Russian Geographical Society on Geographical and Environmental Education. The content of the contour maps was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Contour maps are a versatile product and can be used as part of any educational toolkit.

Century, in educational institutions of Russia - in 17. (for example, at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy). In the 17th century. the first textbooks on geography appeared, for example, translated into Russian at the beginning of the 18th century. "General geography?" Dutch scientist Varenius. Already at the beginning of the 18th century. geography was an independent academic subject at the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences, at the St. Petersburg Maritime Academy and was envisaged. V. Lomonosov in the draft curriculum of Moscow University (where he read it. V. Savich since the opening of the university). By the end of the 18th century. in geography (courses of which were already read in many universities in Western Europe) three directions were clearly outlined - physical geography, economic (more often called at that time statistical) and regional studies. Physical geography was taught at universities in the faculties of natural sciences, statistics and regional studies - in the faculties of literature (history and philology). The formation of geography as a university science in Russia was recognized by the charter of universities in 1804, according to which two departments were established at the faculties of speech: world history, statistics and geography; history, statistics and geography of the Russian state. However, the training of specialists-geographers was not envisaged, educational courses in geography were "auxiliary" in the preparation of historians and philologists. In the countries of Western Europe, the predominant direction in geography was regional studies, at the end of the 19th century. in Great Britain and France, major summaries on regional studies are published (H. J. Mackinder,. Vidal de la Blache), in Germany - on geomorphology (A. Penck), general geography (A. Zupan), comparative geography (K. Ritter), population geography (F. Ratzel). Significant influence on G.'s development. in high school provided a German geographer. Humboldt. French geographer and sociologist. Reclus was organized in Brussels by a special higher educational and scientific institution - geographical. In the United States, unlike in Europe, geography developed in close connection with cartography, especially in the system of the military department. In 1863, departments of physical geography were created at Russian universities, and in 1884, departments of geography and ethnography. In this regard, a number of geographical disciplines were introduced into the curricula of universities — general physical geography, geography of Russia, geography of the continents, anthropogeography, ethnography, history of geography, and others. played by the scientific schools of the universities of Moscow (D. Anuchin, A.A. Borzov, A. Barkov, M. A. Bogolepov, A. A. Kruber,. ... Dobrynin, S. G. Grigoriev, M. S. Bodnarsky) and Petersburg (A. Voeikov, I. Brownov, V. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, S. Berg, M. Shokalsky, etc.) ... At the Novorossiysk University (Odessa) G. o. led by G. I. Tanfilyev, in Kazan - PI Krotov, in Kharkov - A. N. Krasnov and others. At the beginning of the 20th century. a big role in G.'s improvement of the lake. the school played new textbooks and teaching aids by AS Barkov, SG Grigoriev, AA Kruber and SV Chefranov; training practice has been introduced into the curricula of geographical specialties of universities, training stations have been created; training of specialists with G. about. for research and pedagogical work was carried out at the physics and mathematics faculties. The position of the highest G. about. changed dramatically after the Great October Revolution. In 1918-25, the Geographical Institute (higher educational institution) worked in Petrograd, at which a research institute of geography was established in 1922, and in 1923 a similar research institute was established at Moscow University. By the end of the 20s. at universities, the curricula and programs of geographical specialties, especially economic geography, have been radically restructured (N. N. Baranskii); compulsory practice of students in expeditions was introduced. In the 30s. independent geographical departments were created, and then geographical and geological-geographical faculties of universities. In subsequent years, the specialization of graduates of geographical faculties deepened, new departments arose. The modern typical structure of geographical faculties at universities in the USSR includes specialties: physical geography, economic geography, geomorphology, meteorology and climatology, land hydrology, oceanology, and cartography. In the USSR, geographers are trained by universities and pedagogical institutes in full-time, evening, and correspondence learning systems. The largest centers of G. of the lake. are Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev universities and pedagogical institutes. Some universities have departments of geology and geography and biology. University students in their first years receive broad general geographic training, in senior years they study a cycle of special (profiling) disciplines, work in seminars, undergo special practice (geological, geodetic, complex geographic in research institutes, schools, expeditions, etc.), perform and defend term papers and theses in their chosen specialty, pass state exams in social disciplines. The training of geographers in pedagogical institutes is built without subdivision into narrow specialties. A significant place is given to the study of pedagogical disciplines (psychology, pedagogy, teaching methods) and pedagogical practice. Many pedagogical institutes train teachers in two profiles: geography and biology (geography-biological, natural-geographical faculties), history and geography, etc. The curricula of all pedagogical institutes also provide for field practice at educational bases, local history and in the form of long-distance excursions ( expeditions). The term of study for geographical specialties is 4-5 years. In 1970, geography teachers were trained by 33 universities (18.7 thousand students, the annual graduation of about 1.6 thousand specialists) and 77 pedagogical institutes (40 thousand students, the annual graduation is 6.2 thousand specialists, including about 300 with two specialties), admission to geographical faculties (departments, specialties) about 10 thousand people. A significant place is occupied by special geographical disciplines in the curricula of a number of related specialties in universities that train cartographers, hydrologists, meteorologists, climatologists, land surveyors, agronomists, foresters, economists, transport engineers, etc., as well as in secondary specialized educational institutions (topographic, hydrometeorological, s.-kh., etc.). Higher educational institutions, as well as the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, have postgraduate studies, which train scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the geographical sciences. The training of specialists in geography is carried out in all countries of the world where there are universities and pedagogical institutes. In the socialist countries, G. about. develops in all branches of geography. Large centers of G. of the lake. are the oldest universities - in Berlin (the capital of the GDR), Leipzig, Warsaw, Krakow, Budapest, and others. In capitalist countries, the nature, direction, and forms of state education. are quite different. For example, in the largest US universities (New York, Chicago, San Francisco, etc.) there is a narrow specialization (geomorphology, meteorology, hydrology, economic geography of industries); in France (Sorbonne and other universities), complex geographic (regional) training of geographers prevails, psychology, geography and a foreign language are of great importance. Pedagogical practice in the learning process takes less place than in the Sov. universities and pedagogical institutes. General G. about. gives a secondary school. In the USSR, geography as an independent academic subject is systematically studied in grades 5-9 (an initial course in physical geography, including information about the topographic plan and a geographical map, knowledge about the spheres of the Earth and methods of their study, etc.; physical geography of the continents, the USSR, economic geography of the USSR and foreign countries). In some capitalist countries, school curricula and textbooks on geography have a regional geography direction. Lit .: Baranskiy N.N., Historical review of geography textbooks (1876-1934), M., 1954; his, Economic Geography in High School. Economic geography in higher education, M., 1957; Geography at Moscow University for 200 years (1755-1955). Ed. ... K. Markov and Yu. G. Saushkina, M., 1955; Butyagin A.S., Saltanov Yu.A., University education in the USSR, M., 1957; Soloviev A.I., The current state and tasks of higher education in geography. Materials for the 4th Congress of the Geographical Society of the USSR, L., 1964; Education in the countries of the world, M., 1967. A.I.Soloviev.

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