Where to apply to the perpetuation of the memory of the victims. "At seven nyands a child without a eye": a certificate of the state of military memorial work on the perpetuation of the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland

For almost 4 years, the Government and the Ministry of Defense of Russia have not settled the procedure for the resource support of the measures taken to perpetuate the memory of those who died when defending the Fatherland. IA REX publishes a certificate "On the state of military-memorial work on the perpetuation of the memory of the Defenders of the Fatherland" prepared by the staff of state specialists.

Publishes a certificate "On the state of military-memorial work on the perpetuation of the memory of the Defender of the Fatherland", prepared by the team of state specialists.

President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, speaking on June 27, 2012 in the Council of the Federation of PF, stressed that "people who gave their lives for the interests of the Motherland should not be forgotten." This is the position of the head of state. Earlier, it has already been reflected in the decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin "Questions of perpetuating the memory of those killed in the protection of the Fatherland" of January 22, 2006 No. 37 and in those changes that were listed in the Law of the Russian Federation "On the perpetuations of the memory of the victims in the defense of the Fatherland" of January 14, 1993 No. 4292-1. What actually gave a new impetus to the work on perpetuating the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland in the Russian Federation.

Thus, the legal basis for the implementation of the principle "no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!" In our country, there are two main norms - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "Issues of perpetuating the memory of the victims in the defense of the Fatherland" of January 22, 2006 No. 37 (hereinafter referred to as Decree) and the Law of the Russian Federation "On the perpetuation of the memory of the victims in the defense of the Fatherland" of January 14, 1993 . № 4292-1 (as amended by federal laws of 22.08.2004 No. 122-FZ, from 03.11.2006 No. 179-FZ, of July 23, 2008 No. 160-FZ, from 07/18/2011 No. 213-FZ) (hereinafter - Law).

In accordance with the law of perpetuation, the memory of the Defenders of the Fatherland is subject to:

- those who died during hostilities, when performing other combat missions or when performing official duties on the defense of the Fatherland;

- those who died in the fulfillment of military duty in the territories of other states;

- those who died from the Russian Academy of Sciences, contusions, injuries or diseases obtained in the protection of the fatherland, regardless of the onset of the indicated consequences, as well as missing during hostilities, when performing other combat missions or when performing official duties;

- The dead, who died in captivity, in which they were due to the established combat situation, but did not lose their honor and dignity that did not change their homeland.

A tribute to the memory should also be rewarded to foreign citizens who died when defending the Russian Federation. In addition, the memory of associations, compounds and institutions, distinguished by the protection of the Fatherland, and are perpetuated by the hostilities included in the Russian history as symbols of heroism, courage and perseverance of the peoples of our Fatherland.

The law defines the main forms of this work:

- preservation and improvement of military burials, installation of tombstones, monuments, stele, obeliskov, other memorial structures and objects perpetuating the memory of the dead;

- preservation and arrangement of individual territories historically related to the feats of those who died when defending the Fatherland;

- enhancing the names of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland and other information about them in the book of memory;

- the creation of memorial museums, the organization of exhibitions, the construction of commemorative places of commemorative signs;

- Publications in funds mass media materials about those killed in the defense of the Fatherland, the creation of works of art and literature on their feats;

- assignment of the names and names of those killed in the defense of the fatherland by settlements, streets and squares, physico-geographical objects, enterprises, institutions, including educational, organizations, military units, ships and courts;

- establishment of memorable dates and All-Russian Day Memory.

The law establishes that by decision of the authorities state power and management, public associations can also be carried out by other measures to perpetuate the memory of the victims when defending the Fatherland.

The law defines state authorities responsible for carrying out work on the perpetuation of the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland: the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with the military authorities, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Foreign Ministry, the CVR of the Russian Federation, as well as the federal executive body in the field of media (currently - Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation) and the federal executive authority in the field of culture and art (currently - the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation).

Guidelines for the perpetuation of the memory of the victims in the protection of the Fatherland and its coordination, the law entrusted to the authorized federal executive body. Decree V.V. Putin This feature is assigned to the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

The authority is clearly defined by the authority of the authorized federal executive body, the aforementioned executive bodies and local governments.

In order to correctly assess the situation today in the field of military-memorial work on the perpetuation of the memory of the Defenders of the Fatherland, it was necessary to carry out a small comparative analysis The aforementioned regulations and also documents directly regulating the activities of the seven departments - the Ministry of Defense, the FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Foreign Ministry, CVR, Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Culture of Russia. Already the first results were pushed to sad thought - "In seven nannies child without eyes":

I.. The process of implementing the functional problems of perpetuating the memory of those killed in the protection of the fatherland, enshrined by law and decree on the aforementioned subjects of law, at the interdepartmental level is coordinated by extremely weakly, actually deprived of centralized control of execution. Control functionenshrined by law for the authorized federal authority of the executive authority, i.e. For the Ministry of Defense of Russia - in accordance with the Decree, in the Regulations on the Ministry (currently approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 2012 No. 979) not reflected.


- For almost 4 years from the date of publication, the procedure for organizing the implementation by the authorized federal authority, the powers assigned to him was not defined, and the legal act regulating this activity was not issued.

- The legal framework and the procedure for the activities of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, as an authorized body, its relationship with other federal executive bodies and local governments, including in terms of resource support activities, were not initially determined, which was not negatively affected by the subsequent results of military-memorial work . At the same time, the lack of a regulated order of activity of the Ministry of Defense of Russia as an authorized federal executive body significantly impeded the decision of the financial and material and technical support of measures to perpetuate the memory of the victims in the defense of the Fatherland and the implementation of control over the use of funds allocated for these purposes from the budgets of various levels, as well as Other arrivals and donations.

- powers to monitor the execution of this law even directly in the Ministry of Defense of Russia, including the economic and financial and economic activities of subordinate organizations involved in the conduct of military memorial work, was organized and was carried out only before the reorganization of the Military Memorial Center for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation In the Office of the Ministry of Defense of Russia (on the perpetuation of the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland). Approved by the head of the rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on February 17, 2009. The tasks of the Office of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the control functions were excluded.

- did not contribute to the intensification of measures to perpetuate the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland, the insufficient settlement of the legal relations between the Ministry of Defense of Russia, as an authorized federal executive body, and local government bodies and other participants in the process, especially in terms of the implementation of intergovernmental agreements defined by the Government Decree of October 23, 1995 № 1026 "On the Organization authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation to implement intergovernmental agreements on military burials", and the procedure for registration of rights to land passed under military burials.

- The procedure for interdepartmental interaction, including in terms of the implementation of the powers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the Ministry of Defense of Russia on the organization of accounting and passporting of available military-memorial objects, was not regulated.

II.. Functional objectives recorded in the law, not found a clear reflection in the documents regulating the activities of the aforementioned state bodies on the ministries and departments, direct-actions, special federal laws. The absence in the above-mentioned provisions and laws of the tasks prescribed by law and departments led, on the one hand, to visible parallelism in the work of departments According to the perpetuation of the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland ("everyone is engaged in all"), and partial fallout from the sphere of their activities of a number of tasks supplied by law, on the other hand:


- Coordination of activities to ensure search work as a whole should be carried out by the Ministry of Defense of Russia (Article 11 of the Law), including the authorized federal executive authority. However, as practice has shown, due order and interaction in this work between the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the public search associations, government bodies and local governments in legal, organizational and practical terms are not identified and not established, which is significantly reflected in the effectiveness of the conducted search events.

Thus, the directive documents of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the General Staff of the Russian Federation on the military authorities (in accordance with Article 11 of the Law) were assigned functions to provide the necessary practical help search formations in the organization and conduct of search engines on the ground and in military archives; in the survey of localities where martialctions, In order to identify the uniform remains of the dead defenders of the Fatherland, as well as the organization of the supply of search groups and the supply of their fuel-lubricant materials (for a fee basis). At the same time, the procedure and conditions of the implementation of the functions assigned to the military management bodies for the provision of practical assistance in conducting search engines, the disposal of the remains of the dead, landscaping of military burials, nutrition and ensure their fuel and lubricant materials are not defined.

- Order of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the Concept of the Federal Target Program" Conservation and Reconstruction of Military Memorial Objects in 2011-2015 "of July 28, 2011 No. 1317-p of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, determined as a state customer of this FDP, is instructed to ensure the development of the project , Forecast value of 2500 million rubles, and make it in the prescribed manner into the Government of the Russian Federation.

As a result of the problems arising from the Ministry of Defense of Russia in the preparation of the project, it was not included in the List of programs to be financed from the federal budget in 2010 and the planned period of 2011 and 2012. The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia with a letter of October 2, 2009 No. 16586-00 / D17 reported that in the process of consideration of the draft concept of this FTP, a number of violations and disadvantages were revealed. The proposed program for implementation since 2011 was not included in the FDP list offered to finance from the federal budget, and only after eliminating the noted deficiencies can be considered in the prescribed manner in the preparation of the draft federal law on the Federal budget for 2011 and for the plan period 2012 and 2013.

In addition, the analysis of the FTP project showed that it discloses a complex of mutual resources and timing of events, which are internally industry and affect all the subjects of the system of perpetuating the memory of the victims in the defense of the Fatherland, which contributes to a unified federal policy in this area. Based on this, the responsibility for the implementation of program activities, targeted and effective use Budget funds were invited to entrust to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia and the Russian Foreign Ministry in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1995 No. 594 "On the implementation of the Federal Law" On the Supplies of Products for Federal State Operations ". However, by the decision of the 26th meetings of the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory" of December 26, 2007 (paragraph 13), the formation of a draft federal target program designed until 2015, recommended by the Ministry of Defense of Russia. At the same time, the Project of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation on approval of the Concept was envisaged that the development of the Program project should be carried out by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia is entrusted with the authority to establish information about missing during hostilities, armed conflicts and when performing military debt on the territory of foreign countries, as well as on the organization of accounting and passporting military burials in the territories of foreign countries.

In the central office of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the database of accounting and certification of military burials on information for 2010 was absent due to the fact that the authority on the organization of centralized accounting and certification of military burials of the victims in the defense of the Fatherland, including burials located in the territories of other states , assigned to the Ministry of Defense of Russia. The information obtained from the foreign funds of the Russian Foreign Ministry was sent to the Ministry of Defense of Russia to carry out centralized accounting and passporting of military graves available abroad. At the same time, the procedure for the interaction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the Ministry of Defense of Russia in terms of the implementation of the powers assigned to them on the organization of accounting and certification of military-memorial objects was not regulated. There was also no approved form of credentials for certification of military graves.

III. Budgeting work on the execution by ministries and departments of tasks assigned to the law is difficult indifference of these functions In the provisions and laws regulating the main activity of ministries and departments and the decisive directions and the volumes of their financing from the federal budget.


- In accordance with the law, local governments fulfill the tasks of content in the order and improvement of military burials, memorial structures and objects perpetuating the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland, which are located in their territories, as well as work on the implementation of intergovernmental agreements for the care of foreign servicemen 'burials On the territory of the Russian Federation. The measures taken by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government agencies in the order, the improvement and preservation of memorial structures and objects perpetuating the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland were insufficient.

- The Ministry of Defense of Russia for a number of years since the issue of the declaration was not resolved in a legal relation to the procedure for conducting financing and issuing licenses for search engines to identify unreasonable military burials of the Defenders of the Fatherland land plotsprovided for construction (in the territories where fighting).

- 2007-2010 The funds of the federal budget for the implementation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the authority to ensure public order during search work, the implementation of the admission of small arms detected during the search work, accounting for the dead military personnel internal troops, individuals and the superior composition of the internal affairs bodies; participation in establishing information about missing.

- due to the non-marketing of financing issues 2007-2010. The activities of the Russian parts of mixed intergovernmental commissions on ensuring the implementation of agreements on military burials, as well as the interdepartmental commission on prisoners of war, internized and missing, and the Russian part of the joint Russian-American commission on prisoners of war and missing the Russian-American Commission for Prisoners of war and missing are not provided.

- In 2007-2009 Due to the lack of budget allocations for the costs of the content of military burials in the territories of military garrisons were not fully implemented in the full bonds of the garrisons in the content of military burials in the territories of military garrisons of 13 closed administrative and territorial entities in 7 subjects of the Russian Federation (Primorsky and Kamchatka Territory, Kirov, Murmanskaya, Penza, Saratov, Orenburg region). Of the 38 military burials in their territories, only 16 burials were in a satisfactory condition (42%), in unsatisfactory - 11 burials (29%). Need in moneyah on the reconstruction of burials was about 30.0 million rubles.

- the imposition of powers on the maintenance and improvement of military-memorial objects on local governments, which are often subsidized and, accordingly, cannot seek the required amounts of financial costs for these purposes leads to uneven loads on their budgets.

So, some of them (especially from among those in the territories of which the fighting was not conducted) at all they do not carry any financial costs for these purposes, others due to the significant number of military-memorial objects in their territories have limited opportunities to find cash on their content and security. As a result, it is not fully effective and the implementation of powers assigned to local governments, which negatively affects the qualitative state of military burials and military memorial objects.

All the above can be supported by the conclusions made by the Collegium of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation on January 22, 2010. According to the results of the consideration of the report on the results of "thematic verification of the effectiveness of the federal budget funds, the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local budgets for the conduct of military memorial work in the Russian Federation" conducted by Applying the Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Defense and Safety of June 3, 2009 No. 3.5-31 / 826.

In particular, the activities of the Office of the Ministry of Defense of Russia on the perpetuations of the memory of the victims of the Fatherland, Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB of Russia, the Government of Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow Region for the period 2007-2008 were verified. and first half of 2009

According to the results of the inspection, among other things, it was noted:

1. Duringfor almost 4 years, the Government and Ministry of Defense of Russia have not settled the procedure for resource provision of feasible measures to perpetuate the memory of those who died when defending the Fatherland.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2006 No. 37, the Government of the Russian Federation was instructed to decide in the prescribed manner financial and other issues related to the implementation of this decree and bring their regulatory legal acts in line with this decree.

However, only after 1.5 years, the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2007 was adopted. No. 802 "On measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2006 No. 37", which only partially regulated financial support for the functions assigned to the Commissioner Federal Authority (for the implementation of the work on the perpetuation of the memory of the victims in the protection of the Fatherland and its coordination, including to ensure the coordination of search work), at the expense of the funds provided for for the Ministry of Defense of Russia in the federal budget for the next fiscal year.

At the same time, the legal framework for solving issues of formation and use of both the federal budget issues necessary for the perpetuation of the memory of those who died during the protection of the Fatherland and the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local budgets, as well as voluntary contributions and donations of legal entities and individuals were practically.

The lack of a clearly developed procedure for the financial and material and technical support of measures to perpetuate the memory of the victims in the defense of the Fatherland was one of the main causes of serious miscalculations and shortcomings in the organization of military-memorial work, especially in terms of the content and preservation of military burials, as well as their accounting.

At the same time, the largest problems here were tested by local governments, which are most of the subsidy and non-sufficient funds for these purposes.

2. The Government of the Russian Federation did not fulfill the order contained in the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2006 No. 37 and concerning the introduction of the necessary changes to the Law of the Russian Federation "On the perpetuation of the memory of the victims in the defense of the Fatherland", especially in Article 11, which had the assumed that the Ministry of Defense of Russia would not Defined by an authorized federal executive authority on the perpetuation of the memory of those killed in the protection of the Fatherland. Given that the Ministry of Defense of Russia in one person leads the activities of perpetuating the memory of the victims when defending the Fatherland and performs its own orders, the need to make changes is obvious.

The legendary Russian commander A.V. Suvorov belongs to the words: "The war is not completed until the last dead soldier is buried."

The law, introducing the concept of search work, regulates the process of its maintenance, determines its participants. Thus, the law establishes that search engine work is carried out in order to identify unknown military graves and uncomfortable remains, establishing the names of the dead or the names of missing. It is organized and maintained by authorized public associations with the participation of military administration bodies in the fields, bodies of the municipal government and with the participation of the powers of all the state authorities listed in the law.

In order to combine a search engine in August 1991, a search association was established, decorated as an independent legal organization. After the collapse of the USSR, a public search organization "Union of search detachments" was formed in the Russian Federation, from July 2003 - the Union of Search Details Foundation, which includes 5 interregional, 50 republican, regional and regional search associations, and only more than 600 search groups The total number of over 40 thousand people.

Conducting partitioning activities by local self-government bodies and search engines in the territories where combat operations were conducted, as well as the organization of the burial ceremonies of the died warriors and the reception of firearms and ammunition found during the search work, are carried out with the assistance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, MUVD and ATCs on the subjects RF.

Due to the weak coordination of the actions of the participants in the process by the authorized federal executive body, crushing between interested budget financing authorities, with the established installation on the attraction of extrabudgetary - private and charitable - sources of financing, the work of search groups has acquired a robotable nature and is often conducted on the naked search engine enthusiasm at Help local organs Authorities and military commissariats. In accordance with the law sources financial support Measures to perpetuate the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland are funds of the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, as well as voluntary contributions and donations of legal entities and individuals. Considering the multi-state and multistage of the existing system for the financing of military-memorial measures, it is not possible to determine the total costs of these goals within the audit.

The reflection of the situation in the field of military-memorial work will be incomplete without considering another entity for perpetuating the memory of the Defenders of the Fatherland, the truth, not covered by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "Issues of perpetuating the memory of the victims in the protection of the Fatherland" and the Law of the Russian Federation "On the perpetuation of the memory of the victims Defense of the Fatherland. "

To develop and implement programs and plans to solve problems of military-historical, memorial and cultural and educational nature, to support and consolidate the movements of war veterans, veterans military service and law enforcement agencies The Government of the Russian Federation was established by the Russian State Military Historical and Cultural Center under the Government of the Russian Federation (Rosvoen Center, the Charter approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 14, 1997 No. 317).

Rosvoen Center is intended to interact with the federal executive authorities, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, scientific and educational institutions, enterprises, trade union, veteran, other public and religious organizations, creative unions, cooperates with foreign and international organizations in order to solve the following tasks:

- development and implementation with the participation of federal executive bodies, executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, veteran and trade union organizations, scientific and educational institutions, public and religious associations of events aimed at solving the problems of military-patriotic education of young people and increase the country's defense capability in pursuance of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the perpetuations of the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland", federal laws "On Veterans", "On the Days of Military Glory (victory days) Russia, "" On the perpetuation of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 ";

- ensuring military-memorial activities, cultural and educational, creative, scientific and educational and publishing, propaganda and lighting in the media of materials revealing the heroic history and combat traditions russian army and fleet;

- promoting the development of mutually beneficial cultural and scientific ties with foreign countries, with veterans organizations on military history issues, problems of veterans and military-patriotic education of young people;

- Association of efforts and coordination of the activities of federal executive bodies, executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, enterprises, trade union, veteran, other public and religious organizations, creative unions and citizens to solve the problems of veterans, the implementation of measures to create conditions that ensure their socio-economic and moral well-being; Organizational and technical support of the activities of the Russian Organizing Committee for the preparation and implementation of measures in connection with commemorative events of the Military History of the Fatherland and for Veterans on issues relating to the implementation of plans and programs of Rosvoen Center.

The director of Rosvoen Center is appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation. Financing activities are carried out at the expense of budget allocations, as well as voluntary contributions, deposits and donations from domestic and foreign legal entities and individuals, as well as foreign investments and grants.

The activities of the Rosoroventer on the implementation of measures related to the implementation of intergovernmental agreements of a memorial nature are carried out in accordance with the "state-owned federal state budget institution under the Government of the Russian Federation (ROSVENENTR) for 2012 and the planning period of 2013 and 2014, taking into account the distribution of the limit volumes of budget allocations of the federal budget for Rosvoen Center (a letter of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2011 No. South-1-972) in the amount of: For 2012 fiscal year - 41462 thousand rubles, 1st year of the planned period of 2013 - 41560.1 thousand rubles, 2nd year of the planned period - 41858.8 thousand rubles.

In December 1991, the Ministry of Defense of Russia and Italy established the Association of International Military Memorial Cooperation "Military Memorials". Since 2000, according to the mutual agreement of the parties, the founders of the Military Memorials Association are the Ministry of Defense of Russia and Rosvoenter. Later, the all-Russian meeting of the Association was also included social organization Veterans of War and Military Service and the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, emergency situations and elimination of consequences natural Disasters (Russian Emergency Situations Ministry).

The main activity of the Association is the implementation of practical measures to implement intergovernmental agreements on military burials, which have to date with Hungary, Italy, Germany, Mongolia, Poland, Slovakia, Finland, Czech Republic, Japan, Romania and Latvia. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2010 No. 1615-R The Association of International Military Memorial Cooperation "Military Memorials" is named the only performer of work to ensure the safety and content of foreign military burials (including newly equipped) on the territory of the Russian Federation provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation with foreign states.

Rosvoen Center together with the Association "Military Memorials" conducts the most important work on the perpetuation of the memory of the Defenders of the Fatherland, not being with the subjects of the Decisions of the President of Russia "Questions of the perpetration of the memory of the victims in the defense of the Fatherland" and the Law of the Russian Federation "On the perpetuation of the memory of the victims during the protection of the Fatherland". What makes additional difficulties in coordinating the activities of seven departments and regional authorities, because The functional objectives of the Russian and the Military Memorials Association are duplicated. And the authorized task of Rosvoenter Center for the coordination of the activities of the federal executive bodies, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in fact, contradicts the provisions of the Decree and the Law, imposing these tasks on the Russian Defense Ministry.

All of the above may indicate one: the activities of state departments and municipal authorities for perpetuating the memory of the Defenders of the Fatherland currently is practically not coordinated, the process at the Performing Level is not monitored, balanced in matters of financing this most important state project is completely absent.

It seems necessary to create in the interests of clear coordination of actions for military-memorial work, aimed at perpetuating the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland, a special working and consulting body with the proposed name "Rosmomorial".

  • Section I. General provisions (Art. 1 - 2)
  • Section II. Burial killed in the defense of the Fatherland (Art. 3 - 7)
  • Section III. Search work (Article 8 - 9)
  • Section IV. State authorities and local governments working on the perpetuation of the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland and their powers (Article 10 - 11)
  • Section V. Financial and material and technical support of measures to perpetuate the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland. Responsibility for violation of this Law (Art. 12 - 13)

Law of the Russian Federation of January 14, 1993 N 4292-1
"On the perpetuation of the memory of those killed when defending the fatherland"

With changes and additions from:

August 22, 2004, November 3, 2006, July 23, 2008, July 18, 2011, April 5, 2013, July 3, 2016, December 5, 2017, July 19, 2018

Respectful attitude to the memory of those killed in the protection of the Fatherland or his interests is the sacred duty of all citizens.

The president

Moscow, House of Soviets of Russia

The memoriality of the dead and missing during military operations is subject to the memory of other combat missions or when performing official duties on the defense of the Fatherland who died in the fulfillment of military duty in the territories of other states, as well as those who died from wounds, contusions, injury or diseases obtained When defending the Fatherland. The memory of the dead and the dead in captivity is perpetuated, in which they were due to the established combat situation, but not lost their honor and dignity that did not change their homeland. Tribute to the memory of the memory and to foreign citizens who died in the protection of Russia.

In addition, the memory of associations, compounds and institutions, distinguished by the protection of the Fatherland, and are perpetuated by the places of hostilities that have entered the history as symbols of heroism, courage and the persistence of the peoples of our Fatherland.

Forms of perpetuation of the memory of the victims in the defense of the Fatherland were enshrined: the preservation and improvement of military burials and individual territories historically related to the decelerations of the dead, the installation of memorial structures, the creation of memorial museums, the organization of exhibitions, relevant publications in the media, establishing memorable dates, the names of the silence and other information About them in the memory of the memory, assigning the names and names of the fallen settlements, streets and squares, physico-geographical objects, enterprises, institutions, etc.

An independent section of the law is devoted to the burials of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland. The order of burial (reburial) is determined, issues of state accounting, content and improvement of military burials, ensure their safety and recovery are considered.

In order to identify unknown military burials and uncomfortable remains, the establishment of the names of the fallen or the names of the missing behavior is carried out. It is organized on the basis of local programs and is conducted by public associations authorized to carry out such work by state authorities and management. Searching for work in places where military actions were conducted, as well as the opening of military burials in order of amateur initiative prohibited. The procedure for maintaining such work is enshrined.

The management bodies that work on the perpetuation of the memory of the victims in the defense of the Fatherland are determined, and their powers. The issues of financial and logistical support of measures to perpetuate memory, as well as responsibility for violation of the law are considered.

Law of the Russian Federation of January 14, 1993 N 4292-1 "On the perpetuation of the memory of the victims in the defense of the Fatherland"

South Eastern Department of the Ministry of Education

and science of the Samara region

District stage All-Russian competition methodical manuals (methodological materials) for the best organization of work on patriotic education of students

"Rasting patriots of Russia"


"Methods of organization and conduct of search work, work on perpetuating the memory of the dead defenders of the Fatherland"

"Work on the perpetuation of the memory of the dead fellow villagers.

Memory book "

Zhaksilikova Natalia Nikolaevna,

teacher of history,

State budgetary

general Education

Samara region Basic

comprehensive school

pos. Ilyichevsky

municipal Area Alekseevsky

Samara region



Introduction Explanatory note……………………………3

Main part ......................................................... 7

List of references used .............................. 22

Appendix ............................................................ .24

Explanatory note

According to the Russian Committee of Veterans War, more than half a million soldiers and officers of the Great Patriotic War still considered missing. To establish the names and fate of these soldiers, to restore social justice to the forgotten defenders of the Motherland, and in fact, to take care of the social security of members of the family members - the duty of the state. This state task is solved by young people - members: search detachments, local lore circles and just teenagers who are not indifferent to the fate of a soldier and their small homeland.

The most important goal of modern domestic education and one of the priorities of society and the state is education, socio-pedagogical support for the formation and development of highly moral, responsible, creative, initiative, competent citizen of Russia.

In the nomination "Methods of organizing and conducting a search work, work on perpetuating the memory of the dead defenders of the Fatherland" I imagine the work on the topic "Methods of work on perpetuating the memory of the dead fellow villagers. Book of memory. "

Relevance. June 22, 1941 is one of the most tragic dates in the history of our people. It was on this day that the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people began against fascist Germany. In the Alekseevsky district of the Kuibyshev region, active mobilization was carried out in the first days of the war - from June 23 to July 6, 1941. A total of 3557 people left for the front, more than two thousand were not returned from the battlefields. In each village, the village has families who touched this war. People with love and respect keep letters from the front, the personal belongings of the dead on the fronts and the dead after the war.

Many years have passed since the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic

war. During this time, several generations of Russians were born and grew. They do not know about the war almost nothing. In the family, you can all less often to hear conversations about those terrible years in the history of our country. In most cases, parents simply do not know what to tell. The age of veterans who fought on the front exceeds 80 years. They are becoming more and less. There is a threat of loss historical memory About the great feat of our Motherland, about people who came to the victory ...

Application area : general Education of any type.

teachers primary classes, class teachers, teachers

organizers and teachers of additional education. Activity

pedagogues in this direction has positive capabilities:

    for society as a whole - education historical

competent, active, citizens who can adequately respond to changes and ready-to-conflict solutions to problems, attracting veteran and creative organizations to work with young people, fully use their experience and spiritual potential in order to preserve and continue glorious combat traditions;

multiple work of all state authorities, local governments and public formations in this field;

    for educational institutions - for teachers: mastering

teachers of new technologies, forms of work;

    for students: the formation of a sense of patriotism and

civil liability.

Age groups : Students 1-9 classes.

Forms of sale :

Meetings with the veterans of the Great Patriotic War;

Honoring rear workers and labor veterans;

Conversations; Cool clocks, quiz;

Visit to local history, historical museums;

Visiting obeliskov, monuments the victims of the warriors;

Evaluation Travel, Didactic Games;

Cement contests;

Contests of drawings and posters, patriotic songs;

Looking for building and songs;

Watching chronically documentary and artistic films dedicated to the historical pages and events of the Great Patriotic War;

Computer presentations;

Literary and musical compositions;

Thematic exhibitions devoted to memorable events of the history of the Great Patriotic War;

Registration of albums, folders, stands, exposures;

Volunteer work (assisting veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in combat operations in hot spots, labor veterans, disabled)

Implementation methods: convictions, impacts, promotion,


Objectives :

In sphere personal Development Training: Education of the sense of personal responsibility for the Fatherland before the past, real and future generations.

In public relations: the development of a sense of patriotism, responsibility for another person;

In the field of state relations: the formation of motivation to active and responsible participation in public life.


- keep the memory of the main events and historical pages of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945;

Pupils have a feeling of deep patriotism, faith in people, willingness to stand up on the protection of the world, protect their homeland;

Enrich students' knowledge about the heroic past fellow countrymen, their people, countries;

Collect information about the heroic past fellow countrymen, create a memory book.

For the implementation of work on perpetuating the memory of one-bedroom, there is the followingmaterial and technical base :


Equipment for the demonstration of multimedia presentations (projector, laptop, interactive board - Cabinet Classes);

Color printer, scanner (home);

School and rural libraries.

Planned results

Selected forms and methods of work on perpetuating the memory of the fallen patience, In my opinion, help achieve the following results:

Schoolchildren will get acquainted with the history of the feat soviet soldier in the Great Patriotic War;

The formation of a valid attitude towards history, feelings of pride for their fellow villagers, for their homeland;

Skill set questions, seek help, formulate your difficulty;

Recording, fixation of information about countrymen, including with ICT;

Work on the Internet on the search for the necessary information.

Main part

For several years I was the head of the Mug "Young Regional", at this time I teach a story and I am class teacher Grade 7. In patriotic education of students in the lessons of history and local history, I use different forms and methods of work, in which I possess the author's "edge of the native" program.

On the cool clock We raise questions about civil, patriotic, legal education of youth, the problems of the country, city, family, the younger generation. A lot of events dedicated to commemorative events are held at school. Russian history. For several years, I spend the "Memory Watch", the day of the sorrow in the day stay camp, the system has reviews and shipments, contests of patriotic song, etc. Every year, Obeliskov hosts rallies, dedicated Day Victory with the participation of veterans of the Second World War, residents of settlements. Traditional became thematic weeks and stocks "they need our help", "a bouquet veteran", "my gift to the veteran", "Veteran lives nearby." Every year, Obeliskov has rallies dedicated to the Victory Day with the participation of Veterans of the Second World War, labor veterans, residents of settlements, representatives of labor collectives. But from all the events held, the most powerful emotional color And educational power carry events related to the events of the Great Patriotic War, conflicts in Afghanistan. Great importance Play meetings with eyewitnesses of those events. But in our villages Ilyichevsky, Leningradsky, the village Kalashinovka did not live alive by any participant in the fighting in the Great Patriotic War. But they live next to us veterans, which during the war years was 10-11 years old, they can tell teenagers about labor weekdays in the difficult war years.

In 2009 - 10 uch. G. at the meeting, the "Young Regional" circle was decided to collect information about our countrymen - participants in the Great Patriotic War and capture this information in the form of their own book, whose name "Book of Memory. Live and remember ... ".

In 1994, the Samara Book of Memory was published and there, most of the list of soldiers - these are missing, we had to withdraw the entire array in their introductory lists to work on them. Specialized publications on missing we have no.

In search work everything is passed through their own hands and souls. This is where there is a study and savings on the grains of domestic history - this is real, effective patriotism, in contrast to pseudo-patriotic speeches from various tribunes. Each preserved search engines fate of the fallen warrior complements the domestic history, makes the visible last era through the study of its concrete facts and details.

We started my work on finding data on countrymen with the study of the materials of the "Book of Memory" of the Samara Region Alekseevsky district, published in 1994, T.7. Chosen the surnames of countrymen who fell on the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War, compared them with a list on obeliski to the dead soldiers in the village Kalashinovka, P. Leningradsky and p. Ilyichevsky. As a result of the comparison, it was revealed that there are surnames soldiers from P. Iilichevsky, not published in the "Book of Memory" - this is Bochkarev N.I., Lobin A.G., as well as Koval Sergey Ivanovich from P. Leningradsky. We also found that there are warriors, taken into account in the memory book, but not listed on Obelisk: Natives S. Grisimovka Zarechin Mikhail Gerasimovich, Tubalov Petr Ivanovich.

From the book of memory it is known that Yurin Yakov Ilyich died in 1941 and was buried in D. Yablovo, the Tula region. On the Internet, we found information that he was reburied in the fraternal grave in the village of Zaoksky Tula region. Reflecting the fact that Yurin Ya.I. It is listed in the lists of killed on the monuments in P. Iilichevsky and S.Kalashinovka.

In the Samara Book of the memory of Zhdanov, Pavel Elizarovich is like the died in 1942, only two lines. But we received documents in which there is the following information: On July 13, 1942, the soldier received through a fragmentation wound. In terms of gravity, he died on August 11, 1942 in the 2nd clinical hospital. Pavel Elizarovich was buried in Moscow at the Preobrazhensky cemetery in a fraternal grave, a plot number 48, grave No. 55. Now we have documentary evidence of our countryman.

"Cherepkov Pavel Sergeevich, born in 1926 Ordinary. He died in 1945 "- just one line written in the memory book. But on the site "Feat People" we found the following information: "Called to the army in October 1944, served on the 3 Ukrainian front ...

In the offensive battles on April 9-10, 1945, the brave personally acted personally, overcoming a two-kilometer water barrier, brought the cartridges to the machine gun, ensured the uninterrupted root of fire on the enemy. Personally, by participating in the attack of the enemy, the first broke into his location and grenades destroyed the manual enemy machine gun. In this battle com. The shards was killed. For personal courage and courage in battle .... Cerepes worthy of rewarding the Order of the Patriotic WarII. Degree posthumously "

We read the following mischievous record: "Harin Peter Romanovich 1919., Private. He died in 1943. " We would never have learned what our countryman was, as relatives from the village have long left, and where we do not know them. And from a premium sheet of March 22, 1942, we learn about Peter Romanovich, that he was an excellent, disciplined soldier. "Working as a tractor driver on the evacuation of combat vehicles, in a short period, despite the strengths of frost, snowstorm, he moved 8 T-60 tanks and T-34 to the loading station, making marches from 60 to 100 km. His tractor is always ready for the performance of combat missions ... Destinations of government awards Medal "Over the courage".

In P. Ilyichevsky lives grandson Paramonova Pavel Nikonorovich, who remembers that the grandfather had awards, and for what, and by whom he served during the war is unknown. We found premium sheets in which we read: "Paramonov P.N., Senior Sergeant, Riding Battery 76 mm Gun 392 rifle regiment 73 Rugower Novosybkovskaya Order of Lenin Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division. At the front since December 1941. He had two injured - in 1942 and 19444. Awarded the medal "For military merit" dated December 17, 1943 and the Order of the Red Star of May 25, 1945

During the Patriotic War of Tov. Paramones accurately and gently performed all combat commands. In the period offensive fighting in the winter and in the spring of 1945, he was often in combat order, fulfilling the commissioning of part documents and conducting combat conversations with fighters as a lower agitator. In the fights under the strong fire of the opponent with his soldier's word and a call for the heroic struggle inspired fighters. On March 24, 1945, the east of the village of Geornsberg, walking with the fighters in the offensive, Tov. Paramonov destroyed several german soldiers... "Relatives were glad we found information, now there is something to tell the great-grandfather about the heroic ancestor.

We have updated information about some participants in the Great Patriotic War. Kurova Aleksey Nikitovich, a native of S. Telshnikovo in P. Iilichevsky knows and remember not only the older generation, but also young people. Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, labor was a frequent guest at solemn events at school. He told little about himself, about military pore. It is known that it was called up to the front was in 1943, he had the title of Sergeant, was the commander of the Rowing Department 26 of the Rifle Division, 312 regiment. Fought on the second Baltic front. Awarded the Order GloryIII degrees, the medal "for the courage" and others. For us, local historians, is of great importance to the archive document - award leaf of Sergeant Kurova A.N. from June 2, 1944. In it, we read: "... he is a participant in battleflays on March 26-27, 1944. When forceing R.Velikaya and in the breakthrough of the opponent's defense. At the head of his department, he participated in the reflection of the counterattack of the enemy on March 31, 1944. An example of personal courage and courage he was fascinated by the fighters on combat feats. In a grenade battle and fire from the machine, he destroyed 3-Hitlerians in this battle. Destinative of government awards of the Order of GloryIII degree. " There is also an order of awarding dated June 22, 1944. The medal "For the courage": "... a fearless junior commander manifested himself in repeated offensive battles with German invaders. Being in defense, he first discovered accounting on the extermination of German invaders. We destroyed a German soldier with a taught shot of a rifle. "

In paragraph. Ilyichevsky lives the younger brother of Katysheva Nikolai Mikhailovich, during the war of war, it was 11 years old. Grigory Mikhailovich remembers the story of Brother, that he was awarded medals "for courage" and "for military merit" and no more details. Now we can say with confidence, which merit was awarded by the government awards Nikolai Mikhailovich. Katyshev N.M. 1922., Efreitor, reconnaissance of the management of 433 fighter anti-tank division 318 Rifle Novorossiysk Division. He had two light wounds - in September 1943 and in May 1944. "Being a scout during the year in the division of 10 firepoints on the front edge of the enemy. In the period of battles for Novorossiysk, performing at the same time the responsibilities of a connected and telephonist, three times under the strong artillery fire of the enemy eliminated the impulses ... September 18, 1943, delivering combat orders under strong enemy's fire. Katyshev was wounded ... ". Also it became known that Nikolai Mikhailovich took part in the battles for Sevastopol, where he showed his best qualities. According to his tips, 4 firepoints of the enemy were destroyed. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren can be proud of their great-grandfather.

We believe that we are assembled a big and important material about our countrymen, participants in the Great Patriotic War. All information is systematized and decorated in the "Memory Book. Live and remember ... ", in which there are materials about veterans: photos, copies of certificates, military ticket, book of redarmeys. Presented photocopies of medals and orders of participants in the war, archival documents - premium sheets, orders about awarding.

We also created a small stand - an exposure that has three sections: "They defended their homeland," "Battle for Leningrad", "Children - Front".

The exposition gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroic work and combat paths of our countrymen during the war years. We, the younger generation, never have to forget about how good you got a happy and cloudless childhood. We must live and remember the people who gave us peace on earth.

In the future, we plan to create a museum of localism, where the material we collected about countrywood participants in the Great Patriotic War will be presented.

Theoretical and practical significance of the study is that As a result of the work done, found, systematized and summarized data on 65 of our countrymen, participants in the Great Patriotic War. We work on the preparation of books of memory of the soldiers of the three settlements: paragraph. Ilyichevsky, P. Leningradsky, S.Kalashinovka. Our material can use both students and teachers in their work, as well as on cooling hours and communal events.

Our study has not yet completed, we continue to collect information, and will complement our memory books.

The memory of the people is his story. It is she who combines all of us. Man without memory - nothing. The people without history are unthinkable. Genuine patriotism is based on a deep understanding of the past, for in the past we draw the experience necessary for the creation of the future. Exactly national history Browsing in man such a necessary sense of patriotism and national pride. A real citizen - Patriot should know the history of his homeland. We need knowledge of the past in order to extract lessons from it and correctly build your present.Patriotism becomes the most important motive socio - meaningful activities A young man and in the next years of his self-realization - throughout life.

"I ask for those who will survive this time:

do not forget! Do not forget any good nor evil.

Patiently collect evidence of those

who fell for themselves and for you.

Comes the day when the present will become the past

When will talk about a great time

And nameless heroes that have worked out history.

I would like everyone to know

that there was no wonderful heroes,

that there were people who had their name, their appearance,

their aspirations and hopes and therefore flour

the most imperceptible of them were no less

than the flour of what the name will go down in history.

Let these people always be close to you

as friends, like relatives, like you yourself. "

Julius Fucchik "Report with a loop on the neck"

for teachers engaged in work perpetuating memory

fallen defenders of the Fatherland

1. Acceptance of the application.

To start the search you need from relatives to get as much information about the missing soldier. You can prepare a questionnaire - an application that includes several main fields: surname, name, patronymic, year and place of birth, year and place of call, born troops, position, title, part number, field mail, fate, known to relatives. At the same time, information about the number of part and field mail be sure to confirm with copies of the preserved letters and documents. Such an application confirmation is necessary, because The data reported by the relatives often requested viewing large number Affairs in the archive and did not give results.

2. Making to the database.

All applications are assigned the incoming number, and they are recorded in the database. Today, almost every teacher owns ICT, so it will not be a great difficulty to create an electronic database, it will avoid the repetition of working with the fate of military personnel.

3. Search workpopulation survey method .

In connection with the existing inaccuracies and the absence of records in the All-Russian Book of Memory of records about the place of the death and burial of the Defenders of the Fatherland, replenishment and clarification of a single computer bank of the died (missing), a target event is held on the residential (consumer survey). Students are involved in the framework of the history of history native region. By polling, it is established:

FULL NAME. Participant of the Great Patriotic War;

Returned from the front, died or disappeared;

A separate point is specified whether the name of the participant of the Great Patriotic War is listed in the All-Russian Memory Book;

The biography is specified, information about combat awards.

The received information is rechecked in TsAMO, in the editors of the WCP at the place of residence and the death of the serviceman and is made to a single computer bank of the database of the decessed defenders of the Fatherland.

4. Check by Memory books .

If possible, all applications are checked by the books of the memory of the area from which the soldier was called upon. Such a check allows you to establish additional information about it, and if it is immortalized.

5. Check by The combined database of Memorial.

Literally a year ago there was a unique project on the Internet, thanks to which the search for military personnel simplified and accelerated. Coming out on the Internet on the link www.obd-memorial.ru, you can establish, as it is in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense Wanted. To successfully search in this database, it is necessary to keep in mind the following:

This project is under refinement, so it is periodically updated, and the information is incomplete there. Those. It happens that once a person calling, you can not find it, but after a while he appears there.

Visit the name, name and patronymic is very careful. If there is a variant of another reading the desired surname, then it is necessary to try it, because Documents during the Great Patriotic War were mainly filled with hearing and by hand, and this allows you to record and read differently.

When you find the right person, you need to print two sheets. The first features are indicated on the computer name and other data, as well as the Foundation, inventory, the case from which information is taken. On the second sheet, the scan of the document is directly located where the soldier is mentioned. One person may have several documents. It is necessary to print everything.

It should be borne in mind that in our big country There were many namesakes. Therefore, it is better to check as more than as possible: a year of birth, the place, the names of relatives and their address.

Especially carefully required to refer to information from the military registration and enlistment offices. As a rule, this information includes only the surname, name and patronymic, sometimes another year of birth. It does not always happen enough to identify the desired person.

6. In 2011, another wonderful project appeared on the Internet - a publicly available electronic bank of documents"The feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation presents a unique information resource. open accessFilmed by all documents available in military archives on the progress and results of major combat operations, exploits and awards of all soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

The main objectives of the project are the perpetuation of the memory of all the heroes of victory, regardless of the title, the scale of the feat, the status of the award, the military-patriotic education of young people on the example of the military exploits of fathers, as well as the creation of a factual basis for countering attempts to falsify the history of war.

Creating the most complete electronic bank of documents by key period modern history civilization has no analogues by volume, historical and social significance, and is eternal monument Great feat of the people.

How to work with the site: step-by-step instruction

It should be noted that this site is constantly updated. If March 13, 2013 on Alekseevsky RVK, Kuibyshev region. It was 8 pages, on March 22 - already 81. I think many will find their names of their families or their countrymen on the site.

The database of Soviet prisoners of war contains information on the Soviet prisoners of war of the Second World War, who were either in prisoners of war camps or in working battalions, which were mainly located in the Reich territory. If you are lucky, you can not only find brief information About a wanted person, but also an individual card with records: about the translation from one camp in other, diseases, the death of a soldier, as well as the photo on the document (however, it is rare, but there are).

I will give a specific example: in the Book of Memory of the Samara Region Alekseevsky district Sichikkin Pavel Egorovich sets how the victim in 1942 we found information that he was captured in May 1942 in Crimea and was in the camp in Baden until 1944 G. Further fate While unknown, now we write a request to Germany in order to issue us a certificate on our soldier.

7. Analysis of the collected information.

If the database indicates the burial site of the serviceman in Tsamo and the military registration and enlistment office, then it can be said that the search is completed, it remains to inform relatives. But it happens rarely. There is an option that only time and place of death is indicated. Then such applications are postponed in order to make a request to the draft board. These two options belong to the small number of successful finds when the wording is "died."

A completely different situation when the documents are "disappeared". If you manage to find the exact time and place of the disappearance in the database documents, then you can find information about the combat actions of the part on the specified day. Due to the lack of a clearly developed law on the procedure for perpetuating the memory of the soldiers to write to the military registration and enlistment office of the terrain, where a person disappeared, practically does not make sense. Also establish an approximate district of the death of military personnel is possible if the number of the part in which it served is known. The search for most applications ends in the archive of information that their relative disappeared at about such a time. Search for any information about a person, not knowing the rooms of the military unit, is almost impossible.

8. Work in archives.Search work in archives is the first place to study the original sources of archival documents in order to obtain information for organizing field work, irrevocable losses, processing information received during search engines. The main venue research work is the central archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Podolsk) with the Foundation for the Storage of Parts and Divisions from June 2, 1941 to today, the Russian State Military Archive (RGVA), the Archive of Military Medical Documents of the Military Medical Museum of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Petersburg.

9. The perpetuation of the memory of the dead and missing servicemen.

When setting the exact place of the death of the fighter, it is necessary to send to the military registration and enlistment office of the area or region in which the soldier died in a request about whether it is in them, and also write that if not in place, then ask to perpetuate. Be sure to make copies of documents, from which it can be seen from where you have taken that the fighter died in a particular area. Usually, the military registration and enlistment offices are responding to such letters within a month or two. They inform where a soldier is buried specifically. If they do not have such a fighter, then on the basis of your documents sent by your documents perpetuate him and report it to you.

10. Answer to relatives.

All the collected information must be collected together, make a response to relatives, attach answers from the archive and data from the Internet. If you are interesting information On the fate of the serviceman, the results of your work can be awarded at the solemn events.

Allow important requirements for this process:

working with relatives or close people of the found warrior, it is necessary to rely only on the documents certified by the archive and in no case add "sequestine" in relation to the events of those years

If possible, relatives to report personally, after preparing their morally, since most of them are older people, for whom even good news can become a serious blow to health.

Wishes to teachers engaged in the search engine: it must be borne in mind that in the end the research has its pros and cons:

First, it is the joy of information found about the deceased or battle way of a soldier;

Secondly, it is necessary to warn pupils from the inevitable in many cases of disappointment associated with numerous inaccuracies and errors available in military documents and texts of registered articles in the volumes of memory books.

Heads need to weigh all "for" and "against" before involving their guys in this mass event. Deciding for participation in it, it is necessary to honestly tell children about the difficulties and possible failures. It is necessary to teach adolescents by ways to respond to "drying" and search for adequate ways to solve the tasks.

Summing up, I would like to note that the younger generation is needed courageous, thoughtful teachers and senior comrades who are able to raise volitional, responsible and convinced patriots.

List of used literature


    Book of memory. T. 7. Samara region. Samara: 1994 - 320 p.

    TsAMO, F. 33, OP. 686196, units. Storage 5324.

    TsAMO, F. 33, OP. 682524, units. Storage 480.

    TsAMO, F. 33, OP. 686044, units. Storage 2729.

    TsAMO, F. 33, OP. 690155, units. Storage 180.

    TsAMO, F. 33, OP. 686044, units. Storage 2738.

Collections of documents

    Government program " Patriotic education Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2010-2015. "

    Law of the Russian Federation of January 14, 1993 "On the perpetuation of the memory of those who died when defending the Fatherland" (as amended Federal laws of 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ, from 03.11.2006 N 179-FZ, of 07.23.2008 N 160-FZ, from 07/18/2011 N 213-FZ).

    "The concept of the spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia."


1. Agapova I.A., M.A. Davydov. We are patriots! M.: Vako,

2006. - 368 p.

2. Museum and School / Sost. E.A. Pavlychenko. M.: Enlightenment,

1985. - 192 p.

3. Tourist-local lore circles in school / ed. V.V. Titova. M.:

Enlightenment, 1988. - 157 p.

4. Hramkov L.V. Samara region in the fate of Russia. Samara: Publishing

"University of Samara", 2006. - 371 p.

Internet resources Yohovenko L. V. deputy Director for OIA. 2011.

This work was written to the competition "Grow patriots of Russia." It provides information on the search work of the members of the Mug "Young Local", given guidelines Teachers working on perpetuating the memory of the sections of the Great Patriotic War.



GBOU OOSH pos. Ilyichevsky

"Work on the perpetuation of the memory of the dead fellow villagers.

Memory book "

Zhaksilikova Natalia Nikolaevna,

Teacher of history,

State budgetary

General Education

Samara region Basic

Comprehensive school

Pos. Ilyichevsky

Municipal district Alekseevsky

Samara region


Introduction Explanatory note ................................. 3

Main part ......................................................... 7

List of references used .............................. 22

Appendix ............................................................ .24

Explanatory note

According to the Russian Committee of Veterans War, more than half a million soldiers and officers of the Great Patriotic War are still considered missing. To establish the names and fate of these soldiers, to restore social justice to the forgotten defenders of the Motherland, and in fact, to take care of the social security of members of the family members - the duty of the state. This state task is solved by young people - members: search detachments, local lore circles and just teenagers who are not indifferent to the fate of a soldier and their small homeland.

The most important goal of modern domestic education and one of the priorities of society and the state is education, socio-pedagogical support for the formation and development of highly moral, responsible, creative, initiative, competent citizen of Russia.

In the nomination "Methods of organizing and conducting a search work, work on perpetuating the memory of the dead defenders of the Fatherland" I imagine the work on the topic "Methods of work on perpetuating the memory of the dead fellow villagers. Book of memory. "

Relevance. June 22, 1941 is one of the most tragic dates in the history of our people. It was on this day that the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against fascist Germany began. In the Alekseevsky district of the Kuibyshev region, active mobilization was carried out in the first days of the war - from June 23 to July 6, 1941. A total of 3557 people left for the front, more than two thousand were not returned from the battlefields. In each village, the village has families who touched this war. People with love and respect keep letters from the front, the personal belongings of the dead on the fronts and the dead after the war.

Many years have passed since the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic

war. During this time, several generations of Russians were born and grew. They do not know about the war almost nothing. In the family, you can all less often to hear conversations about those terrible years in the history of our country. In most cases, parents simply do not know what to tell. The age of veterans who fought on the front exceeds 80 years. They are becoming more and less. There is a threat of the loss of historical memory about the great feat of our Motherland, about people who came to the victory ...

Application area: general educational institutions of any type.

primary school teachers, class teachers, teachers

organizers and teachers of additional education.Activity

pedagogues in this direction has positive capabilities:

  • for society as a whole - education historical

competent, active, citizens who can adequately respond to changes and ready-to-conflict solutions to problems, attracting veteran and creative organizations to work with young people, fully use their experience and spiritual potential in order to preserve and continue glorious combat traditions;

  • for the local community - unites and coordinates

multiple work of all state authorities, local governments and public formations in this field;

  • for educational institutions - for teachers: mastering

teachers of new technologies, forms of work;

  • for students: the formation of a sense of patriotism and

civil liability.

Age groups: Students 1-9 classes.

Forms of sale:

Meetings with the veterans of the Great Patriotic War;

Honoring rear workers and labor veterans;

Conversations; Cool clocks, quiz;

Visit to local history, historical museums;

Visiting obeliskov, monuments to the victims of the warriors;

Evaluation Travel, Didactic Games;

Cement contests;

Contests of drawings and posters, patriotic songs;

Looking for building and songs;

Watching chronically documentary and artistic films dedicated to the historical pages and events of the Great Patriotic War;

Computer presentations;

Literary and musical compositions;

Thematic exhibitions devoted to memorable events of the history of the Great Patriotic War;

Registration of albums, folders, stands, exposures;

Volunteer work (assisting veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in combat operations in hot spots, labor veterans, disabled)

Implementation methods:convictions, impacts, promotion,



In the field of personal development of students: the upbringing of the sense of personal responsibility for the Fatherland before the past, real and future generations.

In public relations: the development of a sense of patriotism, responsibility for another person;

In the field of state relations: the formation of motivation to active and responsible participation in public life.


Pupils have a feeling of deep patriotism, faith in people, willingness to stand up on the protection of the world, protect their homeland;

Enrich students' knowledge about the heroic past fellow countrymen, their people, countries;

Collect information about the heroic past fellow countrymen, create a memory book.

For the implementation of work on perpetuating the memory of one-bedroom, there is the followingmaterial and technical base:

Study office;

Equipment for the demonstration of multimedia presentations (projector, laptop, interactive board - Cabinet Classes);

Color printer, scanner (home);

School and rural libraries.

Planned results

The selected forms and methods of work on perpetuating the memory of the fallen patience, in my opinion, will help to achieve the following results:

Schoolchildren will get acquainted with the history of the Soviet soldier's feathers in the Great Patriotic War;

The formation of a valid attitude towards history, feelings of pride for their fellow villagers, for their homeland;

The ability to put questions, seek help, formulate your difficulty;

Recording, fixation of information about countrymen, including with ICT;

Work on the Internet on the search for the necessary information.

Main part

For several years I was the head of the Mug "Young Locrad", at this time I teach a story and I am a class teacher of grade 7. In patriotic education of students in the lessons of history and local history, I use different forms and methods of work, in which I possess the author's "edge of the native" program.

On Classrooms, we raise questions about civil, patriotic, legal education of young people, the problems of the country, city, family, the younger generation. A lot of events dedicated to commemorative events of Russian history are held at school. For several years, I spend the "Memory Watch", the day of the sorrow in the day stay camp, the system has reviews and shipments, contests of patriotic song, etc. Every year, Obelisk has rallies dedicated to the Victory Day with the participation of Veterans of the Second World War, residents of settlements. Traditional became thematic weeks and stocks "they need our help", "a bouquet veteran", "my gift to the veteran", "Veteran lives nearby." Every year, Obeliskov has rallies dedicated to the Victory Day with the participation of Veterans of the Second World War, labor veterans, residents of settlements, representatives of labor collectives. But from all the events held, the most powerful emotional color and educational force carrying events related to the events of the Great Patriotic War, conflicts in Afghanistan. Most importantly play meetings with eyewitnesses of those events. But in our villages Ilyichevsky, Leningradsky, the village Kalashinovka did not live alive by any participant in the fighting in the Great Patriotic War. But they live next to us veterans, which during the war years was 10-11 years old, they can tell teenagers about labor weekdays in the difficult war years.

In 2009 - 10 uch. G. At the meeting, the "Young Regional" circle was decided to collect information about our countrymen - participants in the Great Patriotic War and capture this information in the form of their own book, whose name is "Book of Memory. Live and remember ... ".

In 1994, the Samara Book of Memory was published and there, most of the list of soldiers - these are missing, we had to withdraw the entire array in their introductory lists to work on them. Specialized publications on missing we have no.

In search work everything is passed through their own hands and souls. This is where there is a study and savings on the grains of domestic history - this is real, effective patriotism, in contrast to pseudo-patriotic speeches from various tribunes. Each preserved search engines fate of the fallen warrior complements the domestic history, makes the visible last era through the study of its concretefacts and details.

We started my work on finding data on countrymen with the study of the materials of the "Book of Memory" of the Samara Region Alekseevsky district, published in 1994, T.7. Chosen the surnames of countrymen who fell on the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War, compared them with a list on obeliski to the dead soldiers in the village Kalashinovka, P. Leningradsky and p. Ilyichevsky. As a result of the comparison, it was revealed that there are surnames soldiers from P. Iilichevsky, not published in the "Book of Memory" - this is Bochkarev N.I., Lobin A.G., as well as Koval Sergey Ivanovich from P. Leningradsky. We also found that there are warriors, taken into account in the memory book, but not listed on Obelisk: Natives S. Grisimovka Zarechin Mikhail Gerasimovich, Tubalov Petr Ivanovich.

From the book of memory it is known that Yurin Yakov Ilyich died in 1941 and was buried in D. Yablovo, the Tula region. On the Internet, we found information that he was reburied in the fraternal grave in the village of Zaoksky Tula region. Reflecting the fact that Yurin Ya.I. It is listed in the lists of killed on the monuments in P. Iilichevsky and S.Kalashinovka.

In the Samara Book of the memory of Zhdanov, Pavel Elizarovich is like the died in 1942, only two lines. But we received documents in which there is the following information: On July 13, 1942, the soldier received through a fragmentation wound. In terms of gravity, he died on August 11, 1942 in the 2nd clinical hospital. Pavel Elizarovich was buried in Moscow at the Preobrazhensky cemetery in a fraternal grave, a plot number 48, grave No. 55. Now we have documentary evidence of our countryman.

"Cherepkov Pavel Sergeevich, born in 1926 Ordinary. He died in 1945 "- just one line written in the memory book. But on the site"The feat of people's" We found the following information: "Called to the army in October 1944, served on the 3 Ukrainian front ...

In the offensive battles on April 9-10, 1945, the brave personally acted personally, overcoming a two-kilometer water barrier, brought the cartridges to the machine gun, ensured the uninterrupted root of fire on the enemy. Personally, by participating in the attack of the enemy, the first broke into his location and grenades destroyed the manual enemy machine gun. In this battle com. The shards was killed. For personal courage and courage in battle .... Cerepes worthy of awarding the Order of the Patriotic War II degree posthumously "

We read the following mischievous record: "Harin Peter Romanovich 1919., Private. He died in 1943. " We would never have learned what our countryman was, as relatives from the village have long left, and where we do not know them. And from a premium sheet of March 22, 1942, we learn about Peter Romanovich, that he was an excellent, disciplined soldier. "Working as a tractor driver on the evacuation of combat vehicles, in a short period, despite the strengths of frost, snowstorm, he moved 8 T-60 tanks and T-34 to the loading station, making marches from 60 to 100 km. His tractor is always ready for the performance of combat missions ... Destinations of government awards Medal "Over the courage".

In P. Ilyichevsky lives grandson Paramonova Pavel Nikonorovich, who remembers that the grandfather had awards, and for what, and by whom he served during the war is unknown. We found premium sheets, in which we read: "Paramonov PN, a senior sergeant, the riding battery of 76-millimeter guns 392 of the rifle shelf 73 of the rifle of the Novosybkovskaya Order of Lenin of the Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division. At the front since December 1941. He had two injured - in 1942 and 19444. Awarded the medal "For military merit" dated December 17, 1943 and the Order of the Red Star of May 25, 1945

During the Patriotic War of Tov. Paramones accurately and gently performed all combat commands. In the period offensive fighting in the winter and in the spring of 1945, he was often in combat order, fulfilling the commissioning of part documents and conducting combat conversations with fighters as a lower agitator. In the fights under the strong fire of the opponent with his soldier's word and a call for the heroic struggle inspired fighters. On March 24, 1945, the east of the village of Geornsberg, walking with the fighters in the offensive, Tov. Paramonov destroyed several German soldiers ... "The relatives were glad we found the information we found, now there is something to tell the great-grandfather about the heroic ancestor.

We have updated information about some participants in the Great Patriotic War. Kurova Aleksey Nikitovich, a native of S. Telshnikovo in P. Iilichevsky knows and remember not only the older generation, but also young people. Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, labor was a frequent guest at solemn events at school. He told little about himself, about military pore. It is known that it was called up to the front was in 1943, he had the title of Sergeant, was the commander of the Rowing Department 26 of the Rifle Division, 312 regiment. Fought on the second Baltic front. He was awarded the Order of Glory III degrees, the medal "for the courage" and others. For us, local historians, is of great importance to the archive document - award leaf of Sergeant Kurova A.N. from June 2, 1944. In it, we read: "... he is a participant in battleflays on March 26-27, 1944. When forceing R.Velikaya and in the breakthrough of the opponent's defense. At the head of his department, he participated in the reflection of the counterattack of the enemy on March 31, 1944. An example of personal courage and courage he was fascinated by the fighters on combat feats. In a grenade battle and fire from the machine, he destroyed 3-Hitlerians in this battle. Destino the government award of the Order of Glory III degree. " There is also an order of awarding dated June 22, 1944. The medal "For the courage": "... a fearless junior commander manifested himself in repeated offensive battles with German invaders. Being in defense, he first discovered accounting on the extermination of German invaders. We destroyed a German soldier with a taught shot of a rifle. "

In paragraph. Ilyichevsky lives the younger brother of Katysheva Nikolai Mikhailovich,during the war of war, it was 11 years old. Grigory Mikhailovich remembers the story of Brother, that he was awarded medals "for courage" and "for military merit" and no more details. Now we can say with confidence, which merit was awarded by the government awards Nikolai Mikhailovich. Katyshev N.M. 1922., Efreitor, reconnaissance of the management of 433 fighter anti-tank division 318 Rifle Novorossiysk Division. He had two light wounds - in September 1943 and in May 1944. "Being a scout during the year in the division of 10 firepoints on the front edge of the enemy. In the period of battles for Novorossiysk, performing at the same time the responsibilities of a connected and telephonist, three times under the strong artillery fire of the enemy eliminated the impulses ... September 18, 1943, delivering combat orders under strong enemy's fire. Katyshev was wounded ... ". Also it became known that Nikolai Mikhailovich took part in the battles for Sevastopol, where he showed his best qualities. According to his tips, 4 firepoints of the enemy were destroyed. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren can be proud of their great-grandfather.

We believe that we are assembled a big and important material about our countrymen, participants in the Great Patriotic War. All information is systematized and decorated in the "Memory Book. Live and remember ... ", in which there are materials about veterans: photos, copies of certificates, military ticket, book of redarmeys. Presented photocopies of medals and orders of participants in the war, archival documents - premium sheets, orders about awarding.

We also created a small stand - an exposure that has three sections: "They defended their homeland," "Battle for Leningrad", "Children - Front".

The exposition gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroic work and combat paths of our countrymen during the war years. We, the younger generation, never have to forget about how good you got a happy and cloudless childhood. We must live and remember the people who gave us peace on earth.

In the future, we plan to create a museum of localism, where the material we collected about countrywood participants in the Great Patriotic War will be presented.

The theoretical and practical significance of the study is that as a result of the work done, found,systematized and summarized data on 65 of our countrymen, participants in the Great Patriotic War. We work on the preparation of books of memory of the soldiers of the three settlements: paragraph. Ilyichevsky, P. Leningradsky, S.Kalashinovka. Our material can use both students and teachers in their work, as well as on cooling hours and communal events.

Our study has not yet completed, we continue to collect information, and will complement our memory books.

The memory of the people is his story. It is she who combines all of us. Man without memory - nothing. The people without history are unthinkable. Genuine patriotism is based on a deep understanding of the past, for in the past we draw the experience necessary for the creation of the future. It was the domestic history that brings up such a necessary sense of patriotism and national pride in man. A real citizen - Patriot should know the history of his homeland. We need knowledge of the past in order to extract lessons from it and correctly build your present. Patriotism becomes the most important motive of socio-significant activities of a young man and in the next years of his self-realization - throughout life.

"I ask for those who will survive this time:

do not forget! Do not forget any good nor evil.

Patiently collect evidence of those

who fell for themselves and for you.

Comes the day when the present will become the past

When will talk about a great time

And nameless heroes that have worked out history.

I would like everyone to know

that there was no wonderful heroes,

that there were people who had their name, their appearance,

their aspirations and hopes and therefore flour

the most imperceptible of them were no less

than the flour of what the name will go down in history.

Let these people always be close to you

as friends, like relatives, like you yourself. "

Julius Fucchik "Report with a loop on the neck"

For teachers engaged in work perpetuating memory

Fallen defenders of the Fatherland

1. Acceptance of the application.

To start the search you need from relatives to get as much information about the missing soldier. You can prepare a questionnaire - an application that includes several main fields: surname, name, patronymic, year and place of birth, year and place of call, born troops, position, title, part number, field mail, fate, known to relatives. At the same time, information about the number of part and field mail be sure to confirm with copies of the preserved letters and documents. Such an application confirmation is necessary, because The data reported by the relatives often demanded browsing a large number of cases in the archive and did not give results.

2. Making to the database.

All applications are assigned the incoming number, and they are recorded in the database. Today, almost every teacher owns ICT, so it will not be a great difficulty to create an electronic database, it will avoid the repetition of working with the fate of military personnel.

3. Search workpopulation survey method.

In connection with the existing inaccuracies and the absence of records in the All-Russian Book of Memory of records about the place of the death and burial of the Defenders of the Fatherland, replenishment and clarification of a single computer bank of the died (missing), a target event is held on the residential (consumer survey). Students are involved in the framework of programs to study the history of the native land. By polling, it is established:

FULL NAME. Participant of the Great Patriotic War;

Returned from the front, died or disappeared;

A separate point is specified whether the name of the participant of the Great Patriotic War is listed in the All-Russian Memory Book;

The biography is specified, information about combat awards.

The received information is rechecked in TsAMO, in the editors of the WCP at the place of residence and the death of the serviceman and is made to a single computer bank of the database of the decessed defenders of the Fatherland.

4. Check for memory books.

If possible, all applications are checked by the books of the memory of the area from which the soldier was called upon. Such a check allows you to establish additional information about it, and if it is immortalized.

5. Check by The combined database of Memorial.

Literally a year ago there was a unique project on the Internet, thanks to which the search for military personnel simplified and accelerated. Coming out on the Internet on the link www.obd-memorial.ru, you can establish, as it is in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense Wanted. To successfully search in this database, it is necessary to keep in mind the following:

This project is under refinement, so it is periodically updated, and the information is incomplete there. Those. It happens that once a person calling, you can not find it, but after a while he appears there.

Visit the name, name and patronymic is very careful. If there is a variant of another reading the desired surname, then it is necessary to try it, because Documents during the Great Patriotic War were mainly filled with hearing and by hand, and this allows you to record and read differently.

When you find the right person, you need to print two sheets. The first features are indicated on the computer name and other data, as well as the Foundation, inventory, the case from which information is taken. On the second sheet, the scan of the document is directly located where the soldier is mentioned. One person may have several documents. It is necessary to print everything.

It should be borne in mind that there were many namesakes in our big country. Therefore, it is better to check as more than as possible: a year of birth, the place, the names of relatives and their address.

Especially carefully required to refer to information from the military registration and enlistment offices. As a rule, this information includes only the surname, name and patronymic, sometimes another year of birth. It does not always happen enough to identify the desired person.

6. In 2011, another wonderful project appeared on the Internet - a publicly available electronic bank of documents"The feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation presents a unique information resource of open access, filled with all documents available in military archives on the progress and results of basic combat operations, exploits and awards of all soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

The main objectives of the project are the perpetuation of the memory of all the heroes of victory, regardless of the title, the scale of the feat, the status of the award, the military-patriotic education of young people on the example of the military exploits of fathers, as well as the creation of a factual basis for countering attempts to falsify the history of war.

The creation of the most complete electronic bank of documents for the key period of the modern history of civilization has no analogues in terms of the volume, historical and social significance, and is an eternal monument to the great feat of the people.

How to work with the site: Step by step instructions

It should be noted that this site is constantly updated. If March 13, 2013 on Alekseevsky RVK, Kuibyshev region. It was 8 pages, on March 22 - already 81. I think many will find their names of their families or their countrymen on the site.

7. I want to recommend another site where you can find information about Soviet prisoners of war - thisDocumentation Center (CD) - Research InstitutionAssociate the Saxon Memorials in memory of victims of political terror , Dresden.

The database of Soviet prisoners of war contains information on the Soviet prisoners of war of the Second World War, who were either in prisoners of war camps or in working battalions, which were mainly located in the Reich territory. If you are lucky, you can find not only a brief information about a wanted person, but also an individual card with records: about transferring from one camp in other, diseases, the death of a soldier, as well as the photo on the document (though, it is rare, but there are).

I will give a specific example: in the Book of Memory of the Samara Region Alekseevsky district Sichikkin Pavel Egorovich sets how the victim in 1942 we found information that he was captured in May 1942 in Crimea and was in the camp in Baden until 1944 G. Further fate is still unknown, now I write a request to Germany in order to issue us a certificate on our soldier.

7. Analysis of the collected information.

If the database indicates the burial site of the serviceman in Tsamo and the military registration and enlistment office, then it can be said that the search is completed, it remains to inform relatives. But it happens rarely. There is an option that only time and place of death is indicated. Then such applications are postponed in order to make a request to the draft board. These two options belong to the small number of successful finds when the wording is "died."

A completely different situation when the documents are "disappeared". If you manage to find the exact time and place of the disappearance in the database documents, then you can find information about the combat actions of the part on the specified day. Due to the lack of a clearly developed law on the procedure for perpetuating the memory of the soldiers to write to the military registration and enlistment office of the terrain, where a person disappeared, practically does not make sense. Also establish an approximate district of the death of military personnel is possible if the number of the part in which it served is known. The search for most applications ends in the archive of information that their relative disappeared at about such a time. Search for any information about a person, not knowing the rooms of the military unit, is almost impossible.

8. Work in archives. Search work in archives is the first place to study the original sources of archival documents in order to obtain information for organizing field work, irrevocable losses, processing information received during search engines. The main place of research is the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Podolsk) with the Storage Foundation of Parts and Divisions from June 2, 1941 to today, the Russian State Military Archive (RGVA), the Archive of Military Medical Documents of the Military Medical Museum of MO RF St. Petersburg.

9. The perpetuation of the memory of the dead and missing servicemen.

When setting the exact place of the death of the fighter, it is necessary to send to the military registration and enlistment office of the area or region in which the soldier died in a request about whether it is in them, and also write that if not in place, then ask to perpetuate. Be sure to make copies of documents, from which it can be seen from where you have taken that the fighter died in a particular area. Usually, the military registration and enlistment offices are responding to such letters within a month or two. They inform where a soldier is buried specifically. If they do not have such a fighter, then on the basis of your documents sent by your documents perpetuate him and report it to you.

10. Answer to relatives.

All the collected information must be collected together, make a response to relatives, attach answers from the archive and data from the Internet. If you are interested in the fate of the serviceman, the results of your work can be awarded at the solemn events.

Allow important requirements for this process:

- working with relatives or close people of the warrior found, it is necessary to rely only on the documents certified by the archive and in no case add "sequestine" in relation to the events of those years

If possible, relatives to report personally, after preparing their morally, since most of them are older people, for whom even good news can become a serious blow to health.

Wishes to teachers engaged in the search engine: it must be borne in mind that in the end the research has its pros and cons:

First, it is the joy of information found about the deceased or battle way of a soldier;

Secondly, it is necessary to warn pupils from the inevitable in many cases of disappointment associated with numerous inaccuracies and errors available in military documents and texts of registered articles in the volumes of memory books.

Heads need to weigh all "for" and "against" before involving their guys in this mass event. Deciding for participation in it, it is necessary to honestly tell children about the difficulties and possible failures. It is necessary to teach adolescents by ways to respond to "drying" and search for adequate ways to solve the tasks.

Summing up, I would like to note that the younger generation is needed courageous, thoughtful teachers and senior comrades who are able to raise volitional, responsible and convinced patriots.

List of used literature


  1. Book of memory. T. 7. Samara region. Samara: 1994 - 320 p.
  2. TsAMO, F. 33, OP. 686196, units. Storage 5324.
  3. TsAMO, F. 33, OP. 682524, units. Storage 480.
  4. TsAMO, F. 33, OP. 686044, units. Storage 2729.
  5. TsAMO, F. 33, OP. 690155, units. Storage 180.
  6. TsAMO, F. 33, OP. 686044, units. Storage 2738.

Collections of documents

  1. The State Program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2010-2015".
  2. Law of the Russian Federation of January 14, 1993 "On the perpetuation of the memory of those who died when defending the Fatherland" (as amended Federal laws of 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ, from 03.11.2006 N 179-FZ, of 07.23.2008 N 160-FZ, from 07/18/2011 N 213-FZ).
  3. "The concept of the spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia."


1. Agapova I.A., M.A. Davydov. We are patriots! M.: Vako,

2006. - 368 p.

2. Museum and School / Sost. E.A. Pavlychenko. M.: Enlightenment,

1985. - 192 p.

3. Tourist-local lore circles in school / ed. V.V. Titova. M.:

Enlightenment, 1988. - 157 p.

4. Hramkov L.V. Samara region in the fate of Russia. Samara: Publishing

"University of Samara", 2006. - 371 p.

Internet resources

  1. The general list is buried in the territory of the Tula region.
  2. Joint Database of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation WWW. OBD-MEMORIAL.RU.
  3. Public Electronic Bank of Documents "Feat People in the Great Patriotic War"http://www.podvig-naroda.ru/
  4. Site "The Great Patriotic War. 1941-1945 "


  1. Methods of organizing and conducting lessons of courage. Compiler:

Yohovenko L. V. Deputy Director for OIA. 2011.



For schoolchildren

1. What was caused by your interest in search work, that is, what was

increased impulse?

2. What supports interest in search work now?

3. What directions of search activity did you manage to try?

4. What would you like to master - specifically: what theoretical knowledge and practical skills?

5. What difficulties and interference occur in work?

6. What is especially important for you in search work?

7. What is the attitude of the family and friends to your participation in search work?

8. Are you interested in the fate of your relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War?

9 . Do you think you need to work on perpetuating the memory of countrymen?

10. Are you ready to become a mentor for start-up search engines?

Useful background

The consolidated list of archives of the Russian Federation and the former USSR:

Archives of civil subordination.

1. Committee on Archives under the Government of the Russian Federation - 103132, Moscow, ul. Ilyinka 12.

2. Russian State Military Archive (former TsGASA) 125212, Moscow, ul. Admiral Makarova 29.

3. Russian State Military Historical Archive (former CGVIA) - 107864, Moscow, ul. 2nd Baumanskaya 3.

4. Russian State Archive of the Navy (former CGA Navy) 191065, St. Petersburg, ul. Halturina 36 (now renamed).

5. Central repository of historical documentary collections (former Central State Archive of the October Revolution) -119817, Moscow, ul. Large Pirogovskaya 17.

6. Russian State Archive of Economics (former Cagrah) - 119817, Moscow, ul. Large Pirogovskaya 17.

7. Russian State Storage Center and Studying Documents newest Story (Former party archive of the Institute of Marx-Engels-Lenin) -103821, Moscow, ul. Pushkinskaya 15.

8. Central State Archive public movements Moscow (former Parutharkhiv Moscow Patorganization) - 109544, Moscow, ul. International 10.

9. Central State Special Archive (TSSO) - 125212, Moscow, ul. Vyborg 3.

10. The Storage Center of Modern Documentation (former Archive of the CPSU Central Committee) - 103132, Moscow, ul. Ilyinka 12.

11. Central Archive of Film Documents - 143000, Moscow Region, Krasnogorsk, ul. River 1.

12. Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts - 119817, Moscow, ul. Large Pirogovskaya 17.

13. The Storage Center of Youth Organizations (former Archives of the Central Committee of the VLKSM) -101000, Moscow, Per. Big Cherkasy 5.

14. Archive of the Department of Air Transportation ( civil Aviation) - 125826, Leningradsky 37 pr.

15. Central Archive of the Ministry of Railways of the message - 107174, Moscow, ul. Footage 15.

16. Russian state library (Former Lenin Library) - Military Department - 101000, Moscow, Novoarbatsky Prospect, 3.

17. Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation - 113093, Moscow, ul. Large Serpukhovaya 15.

Archives of military and other subordination

1. Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense (TsAMO) - 142117, Moscow Region, Podolsk, ul. Kirov, 74.

2. Central Naval Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - 188350, Leningrad Region, Gatchina, Krasnoarmeysky Per. 2.

3. Central Archive of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - 107150, Moscow, ul. Pushkinskaya 15.

4. Archive of military medical documents of the Military Medical Museum of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - 191180, St. Petersburg, Lazaretny Pen. 2.

5. Archive of rocket troops of strategic destination - 103160, Moscow, K-160.

6. Archive of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - Archive of V / h 61379, 103160, Moscow, K-160.

7. Registration department and archival funds of the Federal Service for the Counterintelligence of the Russian Federation - 101000, Moscow, Lubyanskaya Square 2.

8. Central Museum of Armed Forces - 125157, Moscow, ul. Soviet army 2.

9. Military Scientific Library of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - 103160, Moscow, ul. Kropotkinskaya 19.

10. Institute Military history - 117330, Moscow, University Avenue, 14.

11. Archive of border troops - 143413, Moscow region, Pushkino.

12. Archive of the Leningrad Military District - 191000, St. Petersburg.

13. Archive of the former Belarusian Military District - 220003, Minsk-3.

14. Archive of the former Kiev Military District - 252010, Kiev.

15. Archive of the Moscow Military District - 113035, Moscow, ul. Osipenko 53.

16. Archive of the Volga-Ural Military District - 443010, Samara-10.

17. Archive of the Far Eastern Military District - 680038, Khabarovsk-38.

18. Archive of the Moscow Military District Air Defense - P / O Nemchinovka, Odintsovsky Rh. Moscow region.

19. Archive of Forces Far East - 670040, Ulan-Ude, V / h 75418.

20. Archive of the Baltic Fleet - 236006, Kaliningrad (Regional).

Search organizations of the regions of the Russian Federation:

Bryansk Regional Association of Search Detgories "Patriot"


Site Voronezh search engines


Military Patriotic Club "Memory" Voronezh


Ikrut Regional Youth Public Organization "Tribute Memory"


Search detachment "Patriot" pos. Youth Naro-Fominsky district Moscow region


Search Association "Kurgan" Nizhny Novgorod


Search detachment "Bear" Smolensk


Tver Regional Public Organization "Scientific Historical Military Patriotic Center" Fell "


Search detachment "Prometheus" Tomsk


Regional Public Organization "Tula Regional Youth Search Center" Seeker "

http: // www.iskateltula.ru

Search organizations in Moscow:

Search detachment "Height" Moscow


Military search detachment "Dozor" Moscow


Group of Military Archeology "Seeker" Moscow


Search detachment "We must live!" Moscow


International Association of Public Search Associations "Folk Memory of Defenders of the Fatherland" G. Moscow


Search detachment "North-West" Moscow


Regional Public Organization Military Patriotic Search Association "CAPITAL" Moscow


Regional youth public organization "Search Association Association" Triction "Moscow


Search organizations in St. Petersburg:

Search detachment "IM. 73-SEVERAL MARKOVER BRIGHADE" Saint Petersburg


Search student detachment "Ingria" St. Petersburg


Search group "Karelian Val" St. Petersburg


Search detachment "Patriot" St. Petersburg


Regional Search Center Saint Petersburg


Database of the victims and missing IPTS OO RT "Fatherland"

http://www.ipc.antat.ru/index.asp / a more complete database of the died and missing warriors (compared to the one that is on the site /

Book of memory of the Smolensk region


Database of persons who were in German captivity in Norway\u003dvisbase&filnamn\u003dkrgfang1&spraak\u003de&metanr\u003d2510

The valuable Norwegian resource in the English-language version of our warriors in German captivity in Norway during the Great Patriotic War, only more than 85,000 people. To view the list you need to click the "Next" button.

Book of memory of the Tver region


The site of the Tver Military Historical Internet Center, which includes an array of regional memory book

Book of memory of the Sverdlovsk region


Book of memory of the Chelyabinsk region


Book of memory of the Volgograd region


Book of memory of the Kaluga region.


Memory Book of the Republic of Karelia


Book of memory. Officer Camp Hammelburg



E-mail: [Email Protected]

Below are given approximate letter text

Head of Office

When defending the Fatherland

Ivanov Stepan Petrovich
G. Ivanovo,
ul. Summer, d. 99, square. 99.
Tel.: 8 999-999-99-99
__ January 201__

Yours faithfully,

The above option is written for perpetuating the warrior who died abroad ...
To immortalize the warrior within Russia, you need to write requests to the Railoencomat and the administration of the area at the place of its primary disposal or reburial.

Click to reveal ...

If you have found information about the burial of your deceased when defending the Fatherland of a relative, but it was established that his memory was not immortalized (his surname is not at the memorial plates of military burial), you have the right to contact state bodies With a request for immortalization.
In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the responsibilities for perpetuating the memory of the victims of the warriors were assigned to
Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
(on the perpetuation of the memory of those killed when the Defense of the Fatherland)

Address 119160, Moscow, Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Alley, house 12 A
Duty: +7 926 293-12-93; +7 926 239-07-55
Military Memorial Department: +7 926 293-12-92
Department of International Activities: +7 926 293-56-53
Special Department: +7 926 293-12-73
E-mail: [Email Protected]

Below are given approximate letter text which can be sent to the control address to accelerate the perpetuation process.
In the application to the letter, it is advisable to specify a list of documents (attach copies of documents) confirming the facts of the death of a warrior when defending the Fatherland and its burial (documents from TsAMO, notifications from the part and certificate of military registration and enlistment offices, references to obd-memorial.ru, printouts (scans) of the list pages From the OBD Memorial, memory books, etc.).

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Head of Office
on the perpetuation of the memory of the victims
When defending the Fatherland

Ivanov Stepan Petrovich
G. Ivanovo,
ul. Summer, d. 99, square. 99.
Tel.: 8 999-999-99-99
__ January 201__

My grandfather, senior sergeant of the 622th SP 124th SD Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, during the East Prussian operation was killed on February 13, 1945, originally buried in the village of Althof East Prussia.
IN post-war years reburied in the fraternal grave on the street. Central Village of the Kornovo Bagration District of the Kaliningrad region.
According to me, Ivanova Ivan Ivanovich is currently not perpetuated.
In accordance with Art. 11 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 1993 No. 4292-1 "On the perpetuation of the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2006 No. 37 "Questions of perpetration of the memory of the victims when defending the Fatherland", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation From 11/26/2007 No. 802 "On measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2006 No. 37" Questions of perpetration of the memory of the victims in the defense of the Fatherland "I ask to perpetuate the name Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich on the fraternal grave on the street. Central Village of the Kornovo Bagration District of the Kaliningrad region.
Yours faithfully,
_____________________ Ivanov Stepan Petrovich.

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