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"Unified State Examination. Geography. Common Mistakes. Measures to overcome them. Performer: Yarikova Irina Georgievna teacher of geography, Reutov, 2015 Table of contents Introduction Main body Conclusion List...»

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USE. Geography. Typical mistakes. Measures

overcoming them.

Artist: Yarikova Irina Georgievna

geography teacher


Main part




Geography is a special area of ​​school education, combining in

itself as a humanitarian and natural direction, economic, natural-scientific and social knowledge. This knowledge is based on an understanding of the spatial organization of nature and society. All this presupposes conscious, high-quality educational work throughout all the years of schooling, from lesson to lesson, if there is a desire to achieve a high result in the exam, since the amount of knowledge, skills and methods of activity tested during the examination work in geography is significant .

The purpose of the unified state exam in geography is an objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have mastered the educational programs of secondary (complete) general education in geography, for their differentiation in terms of the level of training and competitive selection in institutions of secondary and higher vocational education.

The USE in geography is a form of state (final) control and allows you to set the level of development of participants Federal Unified State Examination component of public educational standards basic general, secondary (complete) general education and the mandatory minimum content of secondary (complete) general education.

The exam in geography has been held since 2001. During this time, the exam, of course, had an impact on the methodology of studying geography in Russian schools, which is confirmed by the study of the experience of teachers and methodologists, as well as the analysis teaching aids. So the specifications demo options KIM USE of different years allowed teachers to more clearly see the end result of teaching geography at school, showed guidelines for the depth of formation of specific knowledge and skills of graduates.

The objects of control of the USE in geography are the requirements for the level of training of graduates, provided for by the Federal component of the state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education in geography (basic and profile levels), and a number of requirements of the standard of basic general education, the achievement of which is more important for the success of continuation geographical education.

Main part B examination work 2013, the total number of tasks decreased from 44 to 43, and the maximum primary score for completing all tasks of the work - from 54 to 53. Some changes in the content of the examination paper compared to 2012. Were aimed at a more complete coverage of the requirements of the educational standard.

Part 1 consists of 24 tasks with a choice of one correct answer from four proposed options.

Part 2 contained 13 short answer tasks. It used the following types of tasks: tasks that require you to write the answer in the form of a number or a word; tasks for choosing several correct answers from the proposed list; tasks to establish the correspondence of geographical objects and their characteristics presented in two lists, and tasks to establish the correct sequence.

The examination paper contained tasks of different difficulty levels, including: 28 basic, 9 advanced and 6 tasks of a high level of complexity.

Tasks of the basic level of complexity tested mastery of the most significant content in volume and at a level that provides the ability to navigate in the flow of incoming information (knowledge of geographical nomenclature, basic facts, causal relationships between geographical objects and phenomena), and basic cartographic skills (read geographical maps of various content; to determine the directions, distances and geographical coordinates of objects on the map). To complete tasks of increased and high levels of complexity, it was necessary to possess all the content and range of skills that ensure the successful continuation of geographical education. Basic-level tasks accounted for 56% of the maximum primary score for the performance of all work, tasks for advanced and high levels - 22% each.

180 minutes were allotted for the completion of the examination paper. When completing tasks, examinees could use rulers, protractors and non-programmable calculators. Atlases and other reference materials were not allowed to be used when performing work.

In the 2013 examination paper, most of the tasks (21 tasks) are aimed at testing the “know and understand” block of the requirements of the Federal Component of the State Educational Standard. This knowledge tested both the knowledge of facts and geographical nomenclature, and the understanding of the most important geographical patterns. Achievement of the requirements of the "be able" block was checked by 18 tasks (formation of general intellectual and subject skills). Achievement of the requirements of the block "use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and Everyday life» was checked by 4 tasks.

The examination work included tasks that checked the content of all the main sections of the school geography courses.

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Tasks requiring the reproduction of the material presented in textbooks or showing the position of geographical objects on a map accounted for less than half of all tasks in the examination paper; the rest tested the ability to reason, the ability to apply knowledge to compare and explain geographical objects and phenomena. A significant part of the KIM USE assignments in geography tested the ability to extract, analyze and interpret information presented on maps, graphs, and in statistical tables.

At KIM 2013 a new task of a basic level of complexity (A24) was included, which tests the ability to determine and compare geographic trends in the development of socio-economic processes and phenomena from different sources of information, and a task of an increased level of complexity (B5), which tests the ability to solve problems to determine differences in time in various parts of the country using a map of time zones.

In the KIM 2013, there were no tasks included in the KIM of previous years, which purposefully tested knowledge of the types of administrative and territorial structure and forms of government of individual states, as well as knowledge of the composition of sectoral and regional integration unions.

However, this material is not excluded from the content of the audit.

Appropriate knowledge was required both when completing tasks A15, in which knowledge of the specific features of individual countries of the world was tested, and when completing tasks B10, in which it was required to identify a country by its brief description.

Also, in the exam paper of the Unified State Exam 2013 in geography, there was no task that tested the knowledge of the position on the map of individual subjects of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the importance of this knowledge is obvious. A correct understanding of the geographical location of a subject of the Russian Federation in a number of cases makes it possible to determine the features of its nature, to understand the specifics of the distribution and migration of the population, and the features of the economy.

Appropriate knowledge and understanding were necessary when performing a number of tasks at positions A4-A6 and A17-A20, and it was simply impossible to complete tasks for determining the region of Russia according to its brief description (B11) without this knowledge.

The main elements of the content of section 3 "Population of the world", checked by the tasks of the KIM: the number and reproduction of the population; sex and age composition of the population; ethnogeography; geography of world religions;

migration, types of migrations, geography of international migrations; location and population density; the level and quality of life of the population of the largest countries and regions of the world; analysis of demographic situations.

Work experience shows that the key to good results demonstrated by graduates in the exam is systematic thoughtful work throughout all the years of study, aimed at achieving the requirements of the standards of geographical education.

Preparing students for the Unified State Examination in geography should not be reduced to “training” for various tasks. A graduate, first of all, should not only know certain facts (the area and population of countries, the level of urbanization, GDP per capita of countries, etc.), but be able to apply knowledge in specific situations (for example, knowledge about the typological features of countries, climate-forming factors, about geographical patterns to identify and explain the features of different territories). This cannot be learned in a short time. These results should be purposefully achieved throughout all the years of studying geography at school.

The basis for success in the exam is the systematic, consistent repetition of the main questions of the school geography course, the restoration in memory with the help of atlas maps of ideas about the position on the map of the main geographical objects.

For successful preparation for the exam great importance has a timely identification of existing gaps in knowledge. In order to identify such gaps, it is important to take into account the typical mistakes made by graduates when completing the tasks of the examination paper. It is recommended that when studying a particular topic, draw students' attention to such errors and explain what they are connected with. For such prevention, timely identification of existing gaps in students' knowledge is of great importance.

An analysis of the answers to the tasks of the third part of the examination paper shows that typical mistakes made by graduates with a generally good level of preparation are associated with the inability to clearly, geographically correctly express their thoughts. This is largely due to the fact that in geography lessons, students have few opportunities to practice this communication skill both orally and in writing. It is necessary to purposefully form this skill starting from the 6th grade geography course (when organizing independent work of students, it is recommended to use questions that require relatively small written answers, and be sure to analyze them in the lesson). High school students should also offer small written works(including creative ones), organizing their peer review by students. Many poorly prepared graduates err when explaining the peculiarities of the age structure of the population of countries, as they compare absolute values ​​instead of percentages. When determining the rate of natural population growth, they divide the value of the birth rate by the value of the death rate, etc. training tasks, designed to practice the relevant skills, but they are apparently not enough. In this regard, for students who have not mastered these simple skills, it is advisable to provide additional exercises. In this case, maps, diagrams and statistical tables used in published USE assignments Common to all groups of graduates are errors associated with the inability to determine what information is necessary and sufficient to solve a particular problem. Teaching practice is dominated by tasks that indicate to students which data in the atlas or statistical source should be found, compared, analyzed, etc. As a result, when meeting at the exam with tasks that include redundant (like any real source of geographical knowledge) information, the examinees try to use all the information that they can extract from the map or statistical table given in the condition of the map to solve a particular problem. Appropriate training of students is required to develop the skills needed to solve such problems. When creating the tasks necessary for this, the teacher is also recommended to use the published materials of the exam. For example, from a table characterizing the demographic situation of countries, remove the row with data on the mortality rate and give the task (for weak students) to determine what data is needed to determine the natural increase in the population, or (for strong students), deleting the drain with data characterizing the average life expectancy, to determine what additional data are required to explain differences in the age structure of the countries' populations.

C2 tasks can be based on different content. So, in task C2, it may be necessary to explain the features of the demographic situation.

Typical errors in the performance of such tasks are mainly associated with a misunderstanding of the interdependencies between the birth rate of the population, the age structure and mortality, life expectancy and the age structure of the population. Many graduates try to explain the relatively high mortality in developed countries environmental issues. In addition, tasks were difficult, where it was required to apply knowledge of the signs of the main stages of the demographic transition to predict possible socio-economic problems associated with the demographic situation in a particular country. Graduates have insufficiently formed ideas about the distribution of the world's population. Knowledge of differences in the level of urbanization of developing countries is poorly assimilated. Many graduates are mistaken in believing that all developed countries have negative population growth.


The table presents statistical data characterizing the population of Cambodia and the Republic of Korea. Using the data in the table, explain why in Cambodia the proportion of people over 65 in the age structure of the population is lower than in the Republic of Korea. Give two reasons. If you enter more than two reasons, only the two listed first will be evaluated.

Demographic indicators of Cambodia and the Republic of Korea in 2011

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The answer includes the following reasons:

1) Cambodia has more births OR more children;

2) Life expectancy is lower in Cambodia

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An example of a typical incorrect answer:

In Cambodia, the proportion of people over 65 years of age in the age structure of the population is less than in the Republic of Korea because: The Republic of Korea has a population of 49 million. people, which is higher than in Cambodia - 14.7 million people, which means that the Republic of Korea is more developed than Cambodia.

Mortality in Cambodia is 8%, which is higher than in Korea - 5%.

In this case, the graduate mistakenly believes that the proportion of older people in the total population is influenced by the death rate, and not by the average life expectancy.

Maksakovskii "Economic and social geography of the world". When preparing for the exam, attention should be paid to the graduates' knowledge of factual material, understanding of general trends and patterns in the development of the natural movement of the population, migration processes, the national and religious composition of the population of the world and Russia. One of the key issues of the section is the characterization of the natural movement of the population. The teacher needs to pay attention to the fact that humanity is growing and developing in the process of continuous generational change, the regime of which is primarily determined by the ratio of births and deaths of people. The birth rate is also influenced by purely demographic processes - the composition of the population by sex, age, marital status. However, socio-economic factors, national and cultural traditions of peoples, religion, the level of literacy and well-being of people, the social status of women, the nature of settlement, and climatic features have a decisive influence. Childbearing is affected by wars, economic crises, unemployment.

The mortality rate is determined primarily by the degree of well-being of people and the development public health, the availability of medical care, the nature of food and housing conditions, the state of environment. The overall mortality rates are strongly influenced by the age composition of the population, since the mortality rate of people of different ages is very different - it is increased among infants under 1 year old and among people over 60 years old. Global mortality rates are affected by the fact that more than 1 billion people on Earth live in poverty, most of whom are malnourished or starving. More than 10 million people in the second half of the XX century. died in "local wars" that are being waged almost continuously throughout the planet. The general state of health and viability of the population most adequately characterize the mortality rates for people of different ages and the value of life expectancy.

At present, the world population continues to grow rapidly, growing annually by more than 75-78 million people, although since the 70s. The main trends in the development of the demographic situation in the world are reduced to a slowdown in the birth rate, which outstrips the decline in the death rate and leads to an increase in life expectancy and a reduction in the growth rate of the world population. However, this "demographic transition" is refracted differently in economically developed and developing countries. The first group of countries is currently characterized by the so-called modern or rational type of population reproduction with a low birth rate and an average mortality rate (a high proportion of older people affects), which ensures a simple or narrowed reproduction of generations. In some of these states, for example, in Germany, where the death rate and birth rate are approximately equal, there is a natural depopulation. Even worse is the current demographic situation in Russia, where the political and economic crisis of the mid-90s. contributed to a decline in the birth rate and an increase in mortality and led to a natural decline in the population in 1992-1998. more than 3.5 million people.

Over 90% of the total population growth on Earth falls on developing countries, where high birth and death rates remain with a short life expectancy (an archaic type of reproduction). These are the figures for Afghanistan and Ethiopia. In some developing countries, such as Mexico, the mortality rate has declined significantly in recent years, mainly due to medical advances in the fight against infectious diseases. This is the so-called transitional type of population reproduction. These countries continue to have high population growth rates in the future due to the high proportion of young people.

Thus, when studying the topic, students are brought to the main conclusion that demographic problems for countries different types and different levels of socio-economic development are not the same. The situation requires each country to develop and implement its own demographic policy that would meet the interests of society and help improve people's lives. More than 20 countries of the world, primarily in Europe, are pursuing a policy aimed at increasing the birth rate, in about 85 countries - at reducing it, in other countries, population growth is practically not regulated.

Population migrations as a mass spatial mobility of the population (both resettlement and "pendulum" connections) are international in nature and are the result of the internationalization of life on the planet, the collapse of multinational states, the growing mobility of capital and the deepening of the territorial division of labor, the improvement of the transport and communications system. main reason Migration is economic, but people move for family reasons, for study, and retirement are also of great importance. Waves of migration cause wars and other political events. Migration is the second main factor that generates noticeable changes in the distribution of people both within countries and between them and regions of the world.

In internal migrations, people are sent mainly from rural areas to the largest urban agglomerations - the centers of settlement systems. This process is especially characteristic of developing countries and backward regions, where hidden unemployment and open poverty are high in rural settlements, and therefore people are moving to cities. In developed highly urbanized countries, the exchange of people between urban and rural settlements is becoming more balanced. In some large countries (Brazil, Indonesia), migration continues, associated with the development of vast and still sparsely populated territories. So, population migration is the leading cause of the most important changes that have occurred in the settlement of people on Earth over the past centuries.

Internal migration refers to the movement of the population from the countryside to the city, which in many countries is the source of their growth (it is often called the "great migration of the peoples of the 20th century"). Territorial redistribution of the population also occurs between large and small cities. Both of these types of migration are widely represented in the world and in our country. External migrations are divided into emigration - the departure of citizens from their country to another for permanent residence or a more or less long period, and immigration - the entry of citizens into another country for permanent residence or a more or less long period.

The intercontinental migrations that prevailed in the past have decreased today, but the flows of intracontinental migrations have noticeably increased. At the same time, the so-called labor migration has become especially widespread. It manifested itself especially in Europe, which, from a center of emigration that had existed for several centuries, turned into a center of attraction for labor from the countries of the Mediterranean and Asia. Important centers of labor immigration are the United States and the oil-producing countries of the Middle East. Specificity modern geography international migration generated by the collapse of the USSR and Yugoslavia. The main directions of these migrations are Western Europe, Israel, USA. Other leaders in the reception of emigrants are Germany, France, Canada, Australia. But the largest number emigrants are supplied by the developing countries of Asia.

The ratio of urban to rural population has changed significantly throughout human history. Large differences were also observed between individual regions of the world. Today, despite the fact that about half of the world's population lives in rural areas, the distribution of the population is increasingly determined by the geography of cities. Cities play a leading role in the economic, political and cultural life of the people.

The level of urbanization is, as a rule, the highest in industrial and post-industrial countries, and the lowest in backward agrarian countries. However, there is no direct relationship between these indicators. For example, in some areas and countries with unfavorable conditions for agricultural production (northern or arid zones), a high percentage of the urban population is observed even with weak industrial development (Iceland, Jordan). It should also be borne in mind that at present the urban population is growing mainly due to people employed in the non-productive sector.

At the end of the XX century. Urbanization rates are high in the developing countries of Asia and Latin America, but they are especially rapid in Africa. In some countries, for example, in the UK (due to the outflow of city dwellers to rural suburbs), in Tajikistan, Turkmenistan (due to a very high natural increase in the rural population), the proportion of city dwellers has been declining in the last decade. In general, the trend towards convergence of the levels of urbanization of regions and countries is increasing in the world. In many countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America, the population is concentrated in a few large cities that have grown by the sea, in areas rich in natural resources. Their growth is a consequence of colonialism in its direct or hidden form. The development of cities in the interior regions of such countries was hampered by the weak development of market relations. When studying these issues, students should know the largest agglomerations of the world and be able to show them on the map.


The USE in geography has always been an elective exam, so it is not possible to say that the conclusions based on its results can be extended to the entire population of graduates of the country. However, the analysis of the objective measurement data on the formation of geographical knowledge and skills of a sufficiently large number of graduates from many regions of Russia allows us to draw some reliable conclusions about the state of school geographical education.

An analysis of the results of the examination papers and a comparison of the examinees in terms of the degree of success in mastering various knowledge and skills made it possible to identify typical mistakes made by graduates in the exam, and reasonably identify the most difficult topics and skills to master. Based on this analysis, recommendations for improving the educational process are reflected in the annual methodical letters and in articles published in specialized journals. These recommendations made it possible to make the necessary adjustments to their work: they aimed teachers at developing the skills to apply knowledge, use it to explain the essence of specific geographical processes and phenomena, the characteristics of their distribution, and showed specific ways to prevent typical shortcomings in the geographical training of graduates.

Over the years of the exam, the indicators of success in completing tasks that check the formation of skills to determine geographical coordinates, directions, compare resource availability, demographic indicators have become significantly higher. different countries, use geographical knowledge and skills to identify and explain the geographical aspects of various current events and situations. In particular, USE results show that graduates recent years they are able to extract information from the proposed drawing, table, chart (in the early years of the exam, many examinees experienced difficulties in completing such tasks).

The dynamics of changes in the results of the exam allows us to conclude that positive influence USE on the quality of school geographical education.


Gerasimova T.P., Dushina I.V. On a new approach to the methods of teaching geography // Geography at school. – Dushina I.V., Customs E.A., Pyatunin V.B. Methods and technology of teaching geography at school: textbook / I. V. Dushina et al. - M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2002.

Shamova T.I., Belova S.N., Ilyina I.V. Modern means of evaluating learning outcomes at school: a textbook. / T.I. Shamova and others - M .:

Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2007.

Finarov D.P. Methods of teaching geography at school: textbook / D.P.

Finarov. – M.: AST: Astrel, GUARDIAN, 2007.

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By geography

according to the text of the education department of the administration

the city of Georgievsk in the 8th grade

03/12/2013 in the MBOU secondary school of the city of Georgievsk, a control work in geography was carried out in the 8th grade according to the text of the education department.

The control work was compiled on the basis of the basic and mandatory level of knowledge, corresponded to the program material, consisted of two options, each of which contained 20 tasks taken from the collection for preparing for the exam in the subject in a new form.

Tasks on the topics of the section "Nature of Russia" included tests with a choice of one answer, several of the proposed ones, to establish the correspondence of geographical objects, as well as in the form of a detailed answer and the formulation of the causes of certain geographical phenomena.

The summary table of the analysis of the test for the schools of the city is as follows:

MBOU secondary school No.

Total students

Did the job

Received the mark "5"

% progress

% knowledge quality

It can be seen from the data in the table that the students of the 8th grade of the city's schools coped with the control work in geography as a whole. A large number of students (125 out of 650) were absent from control work due to illness, including “strong” ones, which did not allow us to identify more accurate results.

The level of training was 99%. It turned out to be the lowest in secondary school No. 7 (95%), teacher, 2 unsatisfactory grades. Students of MBOU secondary school No. 1 and 3 (i) also received deuces. With 100% progress, the work was performed by students of gymnasium No. 2, MBOU secondary school No. 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 29.

The overall percentage of the quality of knowledge in the schools of the city is 60%. In secondary school No. 1 () and 2 (), students showed better results, and the quality of knowledge here is 79 and 81%, respectively. The smallest number of fives and fours according to the results of work are eighth graders of MBOU secondary schools No. 3 and 9 (40 and 47%), teachers and Kiseleva L. M. At the level of average% quality of MBOU secondary schools No. 6, 7 and 29.

In most schools, the results were higher than in the second quarter by 2-14%, except for gymnasium No. 2, secondary school No. 3 and 5 (lower by 8, 10 and 24%).

Analysis of errors showed that some students did not master the studied material well enough. It was difficult for them to define terms and concepts. Not everyone also knows the map, so they could not answer the relevant questions of the tests, made mistakes when establishing a correspondence between natural areas and the soils, tree species, and fauna in them; when orienting on a scale of heights and depths; when giving a characteristic of the Russian climate.

The students experienced difficulties in answering questions on the topics: "Climate", "Relief", "Soils", "Natural areas". Some did not proceed to the question with a detailed answer.

To eliminate the gaps, geography teachers need to correct the knowledge of students on the topics covered.

To teach students to solve tasks of the GIA and the Unified State Examination;

Continue the formation of the ability to work with a geographical map;

Pay more attention to the study of the basic terms and concepts of the course;

Strengthen the practical activities of students, use diagrams, tables, graphs, diagrams, dictionaries, electronic manuals, etc. in the lessons.


common mistakes

and student difficulties

when mastering the content

initial course physical geography.


Fateeva Elena Mikhailovna

MBOU secondary school No. 2 p. Dobrinka

Sixth grade students show great interest in physical geography. There are many reasons for this: constant communication with nature and a natural interest in it, and the availability of various information about geographical objects and phenomena, about the features of nature in different parts of the Earth, about its researchers from radio and television programs, popular science films, literature, hiking trips, etc. Thanks to this, the geographic horizons of students are quite wide. But spontaneously accumulating extracurricular geographical knowledge remains at the level of facts, vivid visual images (representations). Children have a natural need to understand and explain them.Experience shows that sixth-graders show interest and readiness to master the system of knowledge in this course not only at the level of perception of facts, but also at the level of general ideas and elementary concepts, understanding elementary cause-and-effect relationships.This is facilitated by the fact that, as a rule, children's worldly ideas of memory are quite strong and full. They reproduce with great detail in the story pictures of the nature of those places where they had to visit. For example, a view of the sea and mountains of the coast, a description of the river, forests in the middle lane, which were seen on vacation in the summer. All this creates the conditions for inclusion in studying proccess everyday cognitive experience of children in the study of new material. In turn, this encourages them to further rethink the surrounding life, leads to a conscious vision of reality.In respect of psychological characteristics students should be told that the assimilation of ideas is favored by their well-developed powers of observation and the ability to subordinate perception to a specific learning task. But for greater efficiency in preventing typical mistakes of students, it is necessary to purposefully form techniques academic work, a clear explanation of the teacher: for what purpose, what and how to observe, in what sequence and in what ways, what and how to fix, and at the same time correct their actions in the course of the task.

The prevention of typical mistakes of students in geography also largely depends on the development of their spatial representations, which are also necessary for the assimilation of representations-images of geographical objects and phenomena. Students, starting to study geography, usually make mistakes in the visual assessment of distances on the ground, the height of objects, in determining their shape, the steepness of slopes.

At the beginning of the study of geography, students are characterized by concrete-figurative and formal-logical thinking, therefore, in order to prevent typical mistakes, the teacher needs to purposefully use visual material. If the learning process is carried out without relying on visual aids, without analysis and generalization, without abstraction, without comparison, then in the minds of students there is no basis for logical thinking and, accordingly, erroneous judgments arise.

When studying the initial course of physical geography, students master the largest stock in comparison with other courses of physical geography geographical terms. Without special work of the teacher on the development of students' speech and their answers, logical errors are made, the selection of terms and concepts is not always accurate. They can, for example, say: "The air temperature is heating up", "The wind is formed from the movement of air." Often, in their descriptions of objects, there is no division of signs of essential and non-essential.

Students of this age are characterized by a great "attachment" to the text of the textbook, that is, the desire to retell it verbatim. From the point of view of the task of developing students' speech, its correctness, logic, completeness and sequence of presentation of the material, the teacher needs special attention to work on the word, to teaching children to logically build an explanation, prove their point of view, make descriptions, state the contents of the textbook in their own words and etc. At the same time, one must constantly remember that the speech of students is highly dependent on how much theyconsciously mastered the content of concepts, methods of their application.

Completeness and correctness, awareness of knowledge are achieved only under the condition of a combination of various sources of knowledge and active mental and practical activity of schoolchildren.All sources of knowledge fulfill their function only if they are combined with the word of the teacher and the text of the textbook. The optimal combination of words and visualization, as well as the practical activities of students in studying the course, is one of the main methods for preventing typical mistakes and difficulties.Excessive enthusiasm for only the oral presentation of knowledge or only visual material does not ensure its high-quality assimilation and, accordingly, does notwarns of errors.

With the best organization of the perception of new content by students, there is no guarantee that they have acquired high-quality knowledge, and in the future they will not have difficulty using or reproducing it. New knowledge is better understood and more firmly absorbed by children if the teacher includes "feedback" in the educational process, that is, checks their understanding and gives tasks for application, consolidation in various types of students' activities. Schoolchildren should work and develop not only visual and verbal-logical memory (in the process of mastering ideas and concepts), but also motor (motor) for mastering the methods of work.

In order to prevent errors and difficulties of students, inAll concepts that are formed during the study of the initial course of physical geography can be assimilated only if they are united with ideas. The content of the course requires the assimilation of memory representations (visual image, mental picture of an object, phenomenon); on their basis, representations of the imagination should be formed. A geography teacher is required to work purposefully to develop the children's spatial ideas about the mutual placement of objects (on the sides of the horizon), about distances, heights, steepness. This must be started by doing practical work on the ground with a compass, tape measure, level. When perceiving the dimensions of specific objects (for example, the height of a river bank, the steepness of a hillside), students should have a "standard" in their memory that will help to visually assess the dimensions of other objects. The representations obtained on the ground should be used later in the lessons when working with pictures, maps, so that when mastering concepts in the minds of students, the images of objects and phenomena used to isolate essential and varying features are more specific.

In the VI grade, the formation of temporal representations also begins. In some cases, the lack of temporal representations among the children excludes the memorization of some especially important dates as a fact. For example, in the first lessons of geography, it should be said that the word "geography" was found in the writings of a Greek scientist more than 3 thousand years ago. The calculation method also justifies itself, for example, how many years ago F. Magellan's first circumnavigation of the world was completed.

When organizing the process of forming concepts, the teacher needs to provide for their optimal scientific level for a given course, which depends not only on the complexity of the concept, but also on the continuity in its development during further study of the geography of continents and oceans. The following methods of preventing errors and difficulties can be outlined:

First, the external properties of the object are considered and through sensations are clarified;

Then internal connections (substantial and varying) are revealed;

And, finally, the reasons for these connections are revealed.

It is necessary to systematically use voluminous manuals, and in particular the globe. Without it, correct ideas about the spheres of the Earth, about the reasons for the change of seasons, as well as cartographic representations of many objects without distortion (for example, about islands, a river basin) cannot be formed.

The most important and difficult topics of the initial course of physical geography, according to scientists - methodologists, are the topics:
1. Scale. Different types of scale. How to determine distances, lengths (including curvilinear objects) and areas using a scale on a map and on a terrain plan.
2. Azimuth. Determination of directions according to the plan.
3. Orientation on the ground. Site plan drawing.
4. Reading the plan of the area.
5. Horizontals (isohypses). Constructing horizontal lines on the plan.
6. Graticule. Geographic coordinates (parallels and meridians). Determination of coordinates of objects on the map and by known coordinates, determination of objects.

7. How the Moon affects the movement of ocean waters.
8. The principle of operation of the barometer and hygrometer.
9. Water vapor in the atmosphere. Air saturated and not saturated with water vapour. Absolute and relative humidity.
10. Distribution of sunlight and heat on Earth.

Yes, n Without knowing the maps well, it is impossible to know the subject satisfactorily. And in order to be able to navigate along it, quickly find different objects on the map, you need to train your visual (visual) memory. One of the methods for preventing difficulties in mastering geographical nomenclature and developing the ability to navigate on a map can be the following technique:

On a blank sheet of paper, from memory, draw the outline of the territory viewed on the map. Then mark the most important objects inside the contour: capitals of countries, large cities, important highways, large rivers and lakes, significant mountains and plains, mineral deposits, that is, all the objects that you can remember for this territory.

When studying the "Plan and Map" section, it is also important to motivate students, to show the great role of cartographic knowledge in the life of a modern person as the basis for orientation in geographic space.Here it is important that students learn the specifics of the terrain plan in comparison with its other images (drawing, aerial photograph). Simultaneously with knowledge, students should develop the appropriate skills: to use conventional signs, on the basis of the analysis of conventional signs, read a plan and draw up a description of the area, determine directions, determine mutual arrangement objects, calculate distances. Another technique can serve as the "Reception of associations." For instance,

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest structure created by marine life;

The Strait of Magellan is the most dangerous strait for navigation;

Greenland is a pirate prison;

Chad - a lake in the sands;

Rio de Janeiro is the city of carnivals.

For students as a creative homework I propose to choose associations for the geographical objects indicated in the text of the paragraph. I call some associations to students during the lesson as an example. Modern features obtaining information quite easily allow students to establish such associations.

No less difficult for students to master is knowledge about the ways of depicting relief on maps: elevation marks, contour lines, layered coloring, a scale of heights and depths. Here it is important to consolidate the students' correct perception of the conventionality of color in the image of the main landforms. The method of comparing the methods of depicting the relief in a picture, topographic and small-scale geographical maps contributes to a deeper understanding of the issues under study and prevents further difficulties.

The prevention of typical mistakes and difficulties is also facilitated by teaching students the formation of cause-and-effect relationships. For instance,

Make the correct chain of the proposed links:

1. Air rises.

2. High air temperature.

3. Cloud formation and precipitation.

4. Air cooling.

Answer: 2 - 1 - 4 - 3.

1. Movement of the mantle.

2. Formation of Baikal.

3. Vertical movements of the earth's crust.

4. Graben formation.

Answer: 1 - 3 - 4 - 2.

The following techniques also contribute to the formation of solid knowledge and, accordingly, the prevention of typical mistakes and difficulties:

2. Special education rational methods of memorization and their conscious application (grouping, drawing up a plan, highlighting a semantic accent).

3. A clear delimitation of the mandatory minimum of knowledge from secondary material.

4. Overlaying information on visually presented supports - symbols, conventional signs that reflect not only individual elements this knowledge, but also the relationship between them.

5. Multiple return to the material by way of updating.

8.1% of the total number of USE participants in geography. These graduates did not demonstrate the achievement of any of the requirements of the FC GOS, tested at the Unified State Examination in Geography. The knowledge of such USE participants is fragmentary, has no system, and is often based on ordinary ideas. To remove such students from the “risk group”, various types of activities can be used, however, given the lack of time, it is advisable to focus on those that will help when performing many tasks included in CIM at once.
As noted above, reference materials are included in the CMM (contour maps - political peace and the federal structure of Russia with the states and subjects of the Russian Federation shown on them). These maps are not only necessary when completing task 1 of the KIM, but can also help in completing a number of other tasks of the examination work: tasks for identifying a country (region of Russia) by a brief description, for comparing the population density of individual countries or regions of our country, and other tasks , for the correct answer to which it is necessary to present the position on the map of the countries (regions of Russia) indicated in the condition.
Knowledge of the geographical nomenclature, the position on the map of geographical objects is necessary when performing not only those tasks of the examination work that directly check it, but also for many other tasks. For the least prepared students, one can recommend signing on the contour map selectively (the most significant and often checked in the USE) the geographical objects marked on it by the teacher (islands and peninsulas, landforms of continents, parts
oceans, rivers and lakes).
CMM options include from 5 to 7 tasks to establish the correct sequence. These are tasks for comparing the length of the day at three parallels on one or another day of the year, comparing the climate (average air temperatures, precipitation) of individual territories, comparing the level and quality of life of the population of various countries, the age structure of their population. When performing these tasks,
15% to 30% of the exam participants indicate the reverse sequence of the correct one, which may indicate not only a misunderstanding of the patterns tested in these tasks, but also a misunderstanding of the text of the task, the geographical terminology used in it.
So, for example, in the next task, it was only required to read the data shown on the map.

Using the map, compare the average air temperatures in January at the points indicated by
on the map with the numbers 1, 2, 3. Arrange these points in order of increasing temperature
air tours.
Average air temperature in January 2007 (in °С)

The entry in the answer of a sequence of numbers that is the reverse of the correct one indicates a misunderstanding of what “increase in air temperature” means in relation to negative temperatures, that the temperature of -25 ° C is higher, and not lower than -35 ° C.
As practice shows, a significant part of students have insufficiently formed functional literacy, and without purposeful reflection, it is difficult for them to understand what they are asked about in the assignment. When preparing to perform tasks to establish the correct sequence with weak students, it is recommended to analyze WHAT and HOW is checked in a particular task. It can be done different ways. Let's show it on the example of the following task.
At meteorological stations 1, 2 and 3, located on the slope of the mountain, there were simultaneously
atmospheric pressure measurements were taken. Locate these weather stations
in ascending order of barometric pressure (lowest to highest)
weather station
Height above sea level, m
1 1250 2
870 3
W write the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.

It is recommended to sequentially ask students to answer questions related to the task.
1. What is given in the task? (The number of the weather station and the altitude of each above sea level.)
2. The relationship between what characteristics needs to be established to solve the task?
(Relationship between the altitude of a weather station and atmospheric pressure.)
3. Which of the following barometric pressure readings is the lowest and which is the highest?
4. What is the pattern of atmospheric pressure depending on the height above sea level? (Atmospheric pressure decreases as altitude increases.)
5. How to reformulate this pattern for solving this problem, where altitudes are given and it is required to correlate atmospheric pressure with altitude? (The lower the altitude, the higher the atmospheric pressure.)
6. Which weather station is located at the highest altitude? Does this mean that the atmospheric pressure will be the lowest there?
7. Which weather station is located at the lowest altitude? Does this mean that the atmospheric pressure will be greatest there?
8. After answering these questions, ask students to write down weather stations in order of increasing barometric pressure.
On knowledge and understanding of the typological characteristics of countries with different levels of socio-economic development, a number of tasks of the KIM USE in geography are based. However, an analysis of the answers of the exam participants shows that the cause of errors is not only ignorance of the characteristics of the population and economy of developed and developing countries tested at the USE, but also elementary ignorance of some countries and the associated inability to attribute them to one group or another. Weak students simply do not know, for example, a country like Nepal, they confuse Hungary with Venezuela,
Liberia with Latvia, and Libya with Lithuania. To eliminate this problem in their preparation, we can recommend them to carry out work on the classification by groups of countries indicated in the appendix of the textbook, and to consolidate - give tasks on dividing the list of countries into two groups. If there is time, it is desirable to supplement this work by drawing these countries on a contour map.
The most numerous (51.4%) group of participants It has satisfactory
level of training. This group of examinees demonstrates the achievement of many of the tested requirements of the FC GOS. They know and understand the basic terms and concepts of economic and social geography, they know the facts and nomenclature, the typological characteristics of the countries of the modern world, the relief features of the continents and Russia , about the placement of geographical objects and phenomena. They have the necessary basic skills - they are able to use cartographic and statistical sources to search and extract information (they are able to read geographical maps of various contents, determine geographical coordinates and distances on the map, and determine differences in time).
At the same time, the knowledge of the graduates of this group is not complete and does not have a system. A characteristic shortcoming of their training is their poor knowledge of the conceptual apparatus of physical geography and insufficient understanding of geographic phenomena and processes in the geospheres, which is clearly seen from the results of their assignment 4.
These results indicate that many of the graduates who came to the exam do not have a complete and correct understanding of the studied geographical processes and phenomena. They learn one or two of several signs, which does not allow them to understand the essence of the processes being studied and, therefore, to recognize them and correctly describe them. This limited perception may make it difficult for test takers to successfully further their geographic studies.

Theoretical knowledge about spatial, cause-and-effect relationships between geographical objects and phenomena was mastered by graduates of this group much worse than factual knowledge, which is very noticeable in the example of the topic
"Earth as a planet" (task 6). Understanding the geographic implications of the shape, size, and movements of the Earth is fundamental to understanding all geographic patterns. The lack of understanding of the geographical consequences of the annual motion of the Earth with its tilted axis by more than half of this group of participants in the exam is evidenced by the fact that they cannot apply knowledge about the position
Suns above the horizon at different parallels throughout the year to compare the length of daylight hours, the height of the Sun above the horizon. The reasons for the errors are that some of them have incorrect ideas about the direct relationship between the height of the Sun above the horizon and the length of the day at different latitudes.
(associated with a misunderstanding of the geographical essence of the concepts of "tropic", "arctic circle").
Difficulties in completing these tasks are due to the fact that students do not understand which of the studied patterns they should apply to solve this problem, which indicates a shallow assimilation of this knowledge even at the reproductive level.
Significant shortcomings in the preparation of this group of graduates in the economic and social geography of the world include the lack of skills: to find and analyze the information necessary to study geographical objects and phenomena, assess the availability of territories with human resources; assess the resource availability of individual countries and regions of the world; determine and compare development trends of socio-economic objects, processes and phenomena from different sources of information.
It is possible to significantly improve the level of training of graduates of this group in economic and social geography by helping them systematize their knowledge about the typological characteristics of the population of groups of countries distinguished within the groups of developed and developing countries. It can be recommended to students, using statistical data, to independently compare birth rates and natural population growth in the developed countries of Africa, on the one hand, and Latin America, on the other. One of the disadvantages of preparing graduates from this group is the inability to compare and interpret geographical information, therefore, in addition to general conclusions based on the results of the comparison, it is also recommended to invite students to explain the differences identified.
When studying the course "Economic and social geography of the world", it is necessary to carry out the practical work provided for by the program to determine the resource availability of any country with different types natural resources. Using the example of the United States, Canada or China, students can be asked to calculate the resource availability indicator for water, forest and land resources, oil and coal. Be sure to analyze the results of the work with an individual analysis of errors.
Less than 50% of this group of graduates coped with tasks in which it was required, on the basis of statistical data characterizing the dynamics of indicators of socio-economic development of individual regions of Russia as a percentage of the previous year, to determine in which regions there was an increase in production volumes in the considered the period specified in the task. Obviously, a significant part of the students do not understand that any value of the indicator more than 100% means an increase in volumes compared to the previous year, and vice versa, any value of the indicator less than 100% means a decrease in production volumes.
It can be assumed that one of the factors that reduces the results of this group of graduates is insufficient mathematical preparation.
You can compensate for this shortcoming by reminding them of the procedure for calculating indicators

13 as a percentage and in ppm (it is advisable to practice this when studying the regional section: for calculating the shares of individual countries in the production and supply of various types of industrial and agricultural products to the world market).
The activities described above will contribute to the achievement by students with satisfactory preparation at once of several requirements, the possession of which is demonstrated by students with a good level of preparation.
Graduates with a good level training amounted to 32.6% of the participants in the exam in 2016. They demonstrate the achievement of almost all the requirements of educational standards. Their preparation is characterized by a good knowledge of factual material, the presence of detailed spatial representations that reflect the geographical differences in nature, population, the economy of the world and Russia (they know and understand the geographical features of the climate of the continents and Russia, the sectoral structure of the world economy, the location of the main industries of the world and the sectors of the Russian economy ). These graduates have formed a system of theoretical knowledge (concepts, regularities, understanding of the geographical consequences of the Earth's movements, geographical phenomena and processes in the geospheres; zonality and zonality); they are able to apply their knowledge of analyzing demographic situations, solving typical tasks to explain the characteristics of nature, population, and the economy of individual territories. At the same time, having all the necessary knowledge, these students are not always able to apply them or cannot find out what regularity should be taken into account when solving problems. specific task a new type for them. For example, an analysis of the results of completing tasks for line 30 showed that this group of graduates successfully copes with typical tasks for determining areas of the terrain where there is a danger of developing water erosion of soils, determining the relative position according to climatograms that reflect the characteristics of their climate. At the same time, less than half of this group of participants successfully cope with relatively non-standard tasks to identify and justify differences in the amount of total solar radiation at different times of the year at points located at different latitudes. Students generally learn the dependence of the amount of solar radiation on latitude, but do not take into account the factors of changing the length of the day by season, air transparency, since this requires the use of knowledge related to another topic. You can also update this knowledge in the course “Economic and social geography of the world” (when studying new modern trends in the development of the world's electric power industry, analyze approaches to choosing sites for the construction of new large solar power plants).
In general, an important reserve for improving the level of training of this group of graduates is the development of their skills to integrate existing knowledge with new information, to use them to solve problems in new, non-standard situations.
Graduates with an excellent level of training(high scorers) (14.9%) demonstrate mastery of all the requirements of the FC GOS.
Based on the analysis of the results of the exam, the identified shortcomings in the preparation of graduates, some measures can be proposed to improve the teaching of geography at school.
The identified shortcomings in the preparation of graduates can probably be associated with various factors, to a large extent this is the lack of time to study geography in the basic curriculum, overloading both students and teachers.
The results of school geographic education are also negatively affected by the low interest of students in the subject and low motivation to study it, which are associated with a violation of the principle of linking school geographic education with life, excessive academic and factual content of the subject, and the continuing reproductive orientation of the educational process.

During the period of a gradual transition to work on new exemplary basic educational programs, these problems need to be gradually addressed.
In order to prevent shortcomings in the preparation of schoolchildren, to increase the consistency of their knowledge, it is of great importance to timely identify existing gaps in the basic training of students. The study of many issues of courses in the geography of Russia and the world should be based on knowledge of the general physical and geographical patterns studied earlier. Therefore, when planning the educational process, it is recommended to provide, before starting the study of each new section of the school geography course, time for diagnosing aspects of training that are pivotal in the study of certain issues. Of particular importance is the early school year starting diagnostics, aimed at checking the formation of general educational information and communication and other skills, skills, types of cognitive activity. Such work can and should be planned and carried out jointly with other teachers of the natural sciences and social sciences and the humanities. Useful in compiling relevant diagnostic work there can be both tasks from various collections intended for thematic control, and collections of tasks for assessing meta-subject learning outcomes.
The uncertain possession of geographical terminology noted above among a significant part of graduates, incomplete knowledge of the signs of geographical processes and phenomena lead to a distorted perception of these processes, hinder the successful progress of students along the educational trajectory and prevent the formation of a scientific picture of the world.
Increasing the efficiency of the educational process will be facilitated by an increased emphasis on the formation of key geographical concepts in all students (this is the foundation for achieving many requirements of educational standards).
The full formation of geographical concepts is characterized by the ability to apply them in solving problems, use them to express one's thoughts
(and not to reproduce the texts of the textbook). To ensure such a level of mastery of concepts, it is advisable, even with a shortage of time, to work out all the signs, characteristic features of the geographical phenomenon (process) under consideration. The concept must be assimilated in its entirety, otherwise students will have a distorted picture of reality. It is advisable to use small texts of different genres - scientific, informational, journalistic - to recognize the objects under study. It is necessary to teach schoolchildren to be critical of information, analyzing who, how and why describes the phenomenon in this way: are all the signs of the phenomenon indicated; why the author did not describe all the signs; for what purpose the author described this phenomenon; if not all signs are indicated, does this mean that this phenomenon does not have other signs, can it be attributed to the concepts being studied, etc. (a teacher of the Russian language can help here, since texts of different genres are studied on this subject). When organizing the current and thematic control of knowledge, conducting "geographical dictations", it is recommended not to be limited to checking students' knowledge of the definition of concepts, but to offer tasks that require their application.
It is obvious that the need to include new types of activities in the educational process in conditions of time pressure requires methodological solutions that will ensure that the majority of students achieve the requirements of educational standards without significant additional time costs, and such methodological solutions that will allow finding time reserves in the curriculum. First of all, it is recommended to allocate the time necessary for the inclusion of new types of activities in the educational process by reducing the time allotted for the reproductive activities of students, including the retelling of the studied material.
Achieving the planned learning outcomes in the Russian geography course is of particular importance. As noted above, a significant lack of training

15 graduates is the failure to achieve the standard requirement to know and understand the characteristics of the nature of the population and the economy of large geographical regions of Russia, and the reason for this shortcoming is ignorance of the composition of the territory of the country's geographical regions, the lack of spatial representations of their borders and position on the map.
It is obvious that the simple memorization of the composition of the territories of districts, which is widespread in the practice of teaching, and drawing their boundaries on a contour map, do not achieve the desired result. The formation of this knowledge is possible only if it is used in practice, when this knowledge for students from the category of goals goes into the category of means of solution learning task(activity). To implement this technique, it is recommended, when studying each of the geographical regions, to provide for independent work of students with thematic maps of Russia
(rather than individual areas) to compile brief characteristics of the nature and population of geographical areas. In the process of performing such tasks, students will repeatedly update their knowledge about the composition of the territory, regions, their boundaries, as a result of which they should form solid spatial ideas about their position on the map. An increase in the degree of formation of such ideas will be facilitated by independent work students with thematic maps of the atlas to compare and explain the differences natural conditions individual regions when developing knowledge about the patterns of changes in natural conditions on the territory of the country, comparing the characteristics of the population and the economic specialization of the regions.
Work on the prevention of common mistakes can significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching. This work does not require much additional time: in most cases, when studying the relevant topic, it is enough to draw the attention of students to such errors and explain what they are connected with.
Typical are errors associated with a misunderstanding of the patterns of change in average air temperatures in a temperate climate. climate zone Eurasia and in Russia winter time.
Let's take an example of a task.
Rank the following cities in ascending order of average
temperature of the coldest month, starting with the city with the lowest temperature.
1) Krasnoyarsk
2) Kostroma
3) Murmansk
Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.
When performing this task, a typical mistake is to specify
Murmansk as the city with the lowest winter air temperatures. What
Murmansk is the northernmost of the cities indicated in the assignment, graduates know. An incorrect answer testifies to the ordinary idea: "the further north, the colder." To prevent such errors, it is important to update the patterns studied in grades 7–8 when studying the regional section of the Russian geography course. It is known that when studying large geographic regions of Russia, the main attention is often paid to their population and economy, and the climate, for example, is considered quite cursorily. When studying each of the regions, it is recommended to record in the table data on the climate features of one of the regions (administrative centers of the regions) that are part of the geographical regions. At the end of the course, students can be asked to draw a conclusion about which of the patterns they have studied is confirmed by the collected data.

Typical mistakes of participants in the exam on the topic "Population of Russia" are due to the false idea that in the Asian part of the country the population density is very low everywhere. The reasons for the formation of such ideas may be related to the fact that when studying the geographical regions of the Asian part of the country, attention is drawn to the fact that the value of the indicator medium density The population in these areas is below the national average. When studying all geographic regions, it is recommended to single out for each of them the regions included in them with the maximum and minimum population density. This will contribute to the formation of ideas that in the European part of the country there are regions with low (below the national average) population density (Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions, the Republics of Karelia, Komi and Kalmykia), as well as that beyond the Urals there are fairly densely populated regions.
In order to prevent such errors associated with a misunderstanding of the features of the components natural areas Russia, it is recommended to compare natural areas according to certain parameters (the amount of humus in the soil, soil fertility, degree of moisture). When studying the moisture coefficient in grade 8, consolidation can be carried out using the example of natural areas of the world (a new situation for this skill).
When studying the geography of the population and agriculture, it is advisable to update knowledge about the features of the components of natural zones, considering their influence on the specialization of agriculture.
The most significant drawback of preparing graduates for the course "Economic and Social Geography of the World" is insufficient knowledge and understanding of the geographical specifics of the largest countries in the world, the characteristics of their natural resource potential, population, economy and culture. As noted above, the reason for this shortcoming lies both in the lack of formation of regional knowledge, which should have been obtained when studying the introductory branch section of the course, and in the inability of graduates to connect the knowledge about individual countries obtained in the study of the general part of the course "Economic and social geography of the world ”, with the knowledge gained in the study of the regional part of this course.
Some modern teaching kits in geography before each topic have a special heading “Remember”, which includes questions and tasks aimed at repeating and updating previously studied material, restoring the skills and abilities necessary for studying the topic, but regardless of the presence of such a heading and its content it is recommended that before studying any country, give a task to repeat (find information in the industry section or in the statistical appendix of the textbook) about the forms of government and state structure of this country, about the types of products for the production of which this country is among the world leaders, about the membership of this country in international integration organizations.
When studying country studies material, especially in high school, it can be recommended to use the technology of the “flipped educational process” that has recently become widespread. This technology, instead of traditional homework, involves advanced independent study students at home learning material in the teaching materials, compiling the characteristics of countries according to a standard plan, followed by the development of this material in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher in the process of comparing countries, conducting practical work based on the content studied.
Among the typical mistakes made by graduates when completing assignments on the topic "World Economy", one can distinguish errors in assignments in which it was required to establish a correspondence between countries and diagrams reflecting the distribution of their economically active population by sectors of the economy. The success of these tasks depends on knowledge of the typological characteristics of countries with different levels development of the economy and economic features of the largest countries in the world.

Typical errors are associated with the erroneous idea that in some economically developed countries with high level development of agriculture, the share of agriculture in GDP and in the structure of employment is large. It is important to form the correct idea that in all economically developed countries the main place in the structure of the economy belongs to the non-productive sphere.
(service sector), and in the most backward, poorest countries of the world - agriculture.
To this end, it is recommended that when studying the regional section of the geography course 10–
11 classes, considering individual countries, focus on the features of their sectoral structure of the economy, invite students to analyze statistical data characterizing the structure of GDP and the structure of employment, and draw appropriate conclusions.
A very significant shortcoming in the preparation of graduates is the poor command of linguistic means - the lack of formation of the ability to clearly, logically and accurately express one's point of view, use adequate linguistic means, correct geographical terminology. This skill is closely connected with the ability of geographical analysis of textual information, with the skills of semantic reading of texts, the formation of which is provided for by the meta-subject results of mastering the main educational programs of the Federal State Educational Standard.
The reason for the lack of formation of this skill is the predominance of the practice of organizing the educational process in geography based on reading texts of geographical content (except for textbooks, with their specific language, which children try to reproduce in their answers). It is necessary to encourage the formulation of their thoughts (orally or in writing). But although this skill is not assessed in modern KIM USE in geography, in the foreseeable future, the corresponding assessment criteria should be added to the criteria for assessing answers to tasks with detailed answers.
Already now it is important to start including tasks for working with texts of geographical content in the educational process. These tasks should gradually become more complex: from tasks for searching and identifying information presented in an explicit form, formulating direct conclusions based on the facts available in the text, to tasks for analyzing, interpreting and summarizing information, formulating logical conclusions based on the content - reading the text, as well as tasks aimed at developing the ability to use information from the text to solve various problems with the involvement of previously obtained geographical knowledge.
When selecting texts for use in educational process one should be guided by two main criteria: firstly, in order for the content of the text to stimulate students to think, use their geographical knowledge to solve cognitive and practice-oriented tasks, it must have either personal or social significance; secondly, the content of the text should allow one to formulate geographical questions that arise in a particular situation: “where?”, “why exactly here?”, “why is it this way, and not otherwise?” and etc.
No changes are planned in KIM USE in geography in 2017 compared to KIM 2016. Only the assessment system will be changed individual tasks: the maximum score for tasks 3, 11, 14, 15 will be increased from 1 to 2 points, and maximum score for completing tasks 9, 12, 13, 19 will be reduced from 2 to 1 points.

The main characteristics of the examination work of the Unified State Examination in 2016
by geography
Reliability analysis exam options geography confirms that the quality of the developed
CMM meets the requirements for standardized tests educational achievements. Average reliability (Cronbach's alpha)
KIM in geography - 0.92.

Tested requirements (skills)
score for

Expert opinion. Analysis of the main mistakes made during passing the OGE in geography in 2017.

OGE in geography in grade 9.

Being an expert at the OGE in geography in 2017, I can note that in the examination paper in geography there are 30 tasks: 17 - basic level, 10 - advanced, 3 - high. Of these, 27 require a short answer and only 3 - a well-founded, detailed one.

What are the main mistakes people who take this exam make?

The most common error that occurs is an incomplete answer. From excitement or fear of not having time to complete the work, graduates read only the beginning of the task or everything, but “diagonally”, grasp its essence (as it seems to them) and begin to answer without reading it to the end. And it turns out that they ask about one thing, and the answer is completely different.

Such inattention is typical for schoolchildren and during the period of regular education during the year. Therefore, it is necessary to teach the child to fully read the tasks, to comprehend them, not rushing to ask himself: what information is given, what can I extract from it, what specific questions are posed and how many of them. And every one needs to be answered. In the task, every word is significant - there are no superfluous ones that do not carry any information important for its solution. A correctly read and understood task is already half of its successful completion. It's a shame when a knowledgeable student gets low scores due to inattention.

If it is required to give two arguments confirming the answer, then so many should be written. It is not necessary anymore, since only two will be counted, which are the answer. Therefore, it is not worthwhile to waste time, which is not so much allocated for the exam - 120 minutes.

The tasks also check the ability to draw logical conclusions between the features of natural conditions and the development of human life in these places. For example, why does the natural resource base allow for a pulp and paper mill in one place, and a geothermal power plant in another?

It is especially difficult for ninth-graders to determine standard time, read maps and correctly draw up conclusions.

It is very useful to practice more often in determining your location on the map, to try to draw up a plan of the area, to give geographical characteristics various territories. It is necessary to achieve a full understanding of how the distance and directions on the map are determined.

It is not easy for ninth-graders to indicate the geographical coordinates of objects or find a geographical point on the map using them. It is impossible to master this knowledge, skills and abilities in a day or two. It requires constant training under the guidance of experienced teachers who are well aware of the peculiarities of passing this exam.

It is necessary to achieve knowledge and understanding of geographical terms, as well as their free appropriate application in the performance of tasks. If one asks why in one place of the globe there are severe floods, while in another - unusually hot weather and, as a result, forest fires, then one should not simply explain these phenomena by the fact that there are heavy rains, but here - drought. For such explanations, it is not necessary to study a geography course at all, and even for so many years, it is enough to have everyday logic. It is expected that schoolchildren will operate with such concepts as "belt", "movement of air masses", "shift of atmospheric pressure" and then a conclusion will follow.

The geography exam is very difficult, you need to prepare for it thoroughly and start in advance. But hard-working ninth-graders will certainly succeed and get high scores.

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